WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#814: Divine Dao

What task, does whom?” “什么任务,干谁?” Yi Tian exciting asking, he gets hold of the double fist, the whole body sends out vitality resonating the sound, seems tiger's roar dragon cry. 遗天兴奋的问道,他握紧双拳,浑身发出气血共振的声音,好似虎啸龙吟。 Lu Yuan Demon Ancestor sized up Han Tuo two people of a while, just now opens the mouth saying: Rushes to Divine Dao!” 陆辕魔祖打量了韩拓二人一会儿,方才开口道:“闯神道!” Han Tuo asked curiously: What Divine Dao?” 韩拓好奇问道:“什么神道?” Divine Dao is the path to Great Dao Spiritual God.” 神道乃是通往大道神灵的道路。” „Isn't Great Dao Spiritual God Great Dao?” 大道神灵不是大道所化?” That's true, but must appear differently, this is at the beginning of the change, preparation, millenniums later is punctual.” “确实如此,但总得出现不同,这将是改变伊始,准备吧,千年后准时出发。” The Lu Yuan Demon Ancestor voice falls, then changes into demon qi to dissipate. 陆辕魔祖话音落下,便化为魔气消散。 Yi Tian said with a smile: Ha, we want, when Great Dao Spiritual God? Hearing Great Dao Spiritual God may wield side Chaos!” 遗天笑道:“哈哈哈,我们要当大道神灵了?听说大道神灵可执掌一方混沌!” Han Tuo knits the brows: Perhaps without is so simple, when the time comes is careful.” 韩拓皱眉道:“恐怕没有那么简单,到时候小心点吧。” He has a premonition, Demon Ancestor sends them to go to Divine Dao is not to become Great Dao Spiritual God. 他有种预感,魔祖派遣他们去神道绝非为了成为大道神灵 Demon Ancestor trains them, does not love the talent! 魔祖培养他们,可不是爱才! They are only the board game pieces! 他们只是棋子罢了! ...... …… One passes year after year. 一年年过去。 Han Jue immerses in the seclusion cultivation, unknowingly, past five ten thousand years. 韩绝沉浸于闭关修炼中,不知不觉,又过去五万载。 He opens the eye, shows the smile. 他睁开眼睛,露出笑容。 cultivation base also has progressive! 修为又有进步! From broke through the already past 50 ten thousand years previous time, he was away from Great Dao Primordial Beginning boundary perfection to be getting more and more near. 距离上一次突破已经过去五十万载,他距离大道混元圆满越来越近。 He selects the mail examination. 他点开邮件查看。 Recently in several tens of thousands of years, had not seen the Pangu form, it seems like stopped thoroughly. 最近数万年里,仍未见到盘古的身影,看来是彻底消停了。 Looks situation that the friend encircles, recently did not have the important matter to happen, all well, no mail is worth Han Jue caring. 看朋友圈的情况,最近也没有大事发生,一切安好,没有一条邮件值得韩绝在意。 Han Jue focuses on Jiang Jueshi body. 韩绝将注意力放在姜绝世身上 doppelganger several tens of thousands of years of companion Jiang Jueshi, observes Jiang Jueshi, making Han Jue even more like this. 分身数万年陪伴姜绝世,观察姜绝世,使得韩绝越发喜爱此子。 This suits truly, when the person of his disciple. 这才是真正适合当他弟子的人。 In the disciple of Han Jue hanger-on actually few people coincide with his personality truly, Hei Yuji, Chaos Heavenly Dog and other direct disciple were also rectified by him forcefully. 韩绝门下的弟子中其实没有几人真正与他性格相合,黑狱鸡混沌天狗亲传弟子也只是被他强行矫正罢了。 This child must accept! 此子一定要收下! Except for the character, Jiang Jueshi the law of natural talent growth also makes him be interested very much. 除了性格,姜绝世的天资增长之法也让他很感兴趣。 Even if Great Dao Sage, he could not completely understand, but a little can determine, Jiang Jueshi not extraordinary prominent previous generation. 纵然为大道圣人,他也看不透,但有一点可以确定,姜绝世并没有了不得的显赫前世。 This is the Chaos development, always has the later generation to exceed the worthy people of former times, otherwise Chaos is very difficult to develop. 这便是混沌发展,总有后辈超越先贤,否则混沌很难发展。 Great Dao Sage that if most starts can see how the later generation rises, that is very easy to monopolize this realm, in fact, has not always had cultivator to advance triumphantly, steps into Great Dao. 倘若最开始的大道圣人能看到后人如何崛起,那很容易垄断这个境界,事实上并没有,总有修行者高歌猛进,踏入大道 Such entanglement, it is estimated that was not good, must find the opportunity dead to leave truly.” “一直这样纠缠,估计不行,得找机会真正死别。” Han Jue thinks silently, he can feel Jiang Jueshi to start to conflict doppelganger. 韩绝默默想到,他能感受到姜绝世开始抵触分身 Also normal, first second is good, the world world so, doesn't that monitor? 也正常,一世两世还好,世世如此,那不就是监视? A Immortal World corner/horn. 仙界一角。 Old Han Jue and Jiang Jueshi sit in meditation in the same place. 苍老的韩绝姜绝世打坐在一起。 Jiang Jueshi shot a look around Master one, is at heart puzzled. 姜绝世瞥了旁边的师父一眼,心里纠结。 He achieved Divine Realm, should die in a sitting posture. 他又达到神境了,该坐化了。 But he does not want to pester with Master again, although in the lonely cultivation years some people accompany very well, but his inexplicable anxiety. 但他不想再跟师父纠缠,虽然孤独的修炼岁月里有人陪伴挺好,但他莫名的不安。 He always thought that the Master origin is not simple, possibly is the board game piece of some position. 他总觉得师父来历不简单,可能是某位的棋子。 Han Jue opens eyes suddenly, said in a soft voice: disciple, do you want dead in a sitting posture?” 韩绝忽然睁眼,轻声道:“徒儿,你是不是又要坐化?” Jiang Jueshi is silent. 姜绝世沉默。 Han Jue said spookily: Master could not completely understand that your fate, you as if do not want to get rid, possibly you are having scruples some existence, Master now is also Immortal Emperor, is willing to help your helping hand.” 韩绝幽幽道:“为师看不透你这宿命,你似乎也不想摆脱,可能你在顾忌某种存在吧,为师如今好歹也是仙帝,愿助你一臂之力。” Jiang Jueshi rolled the eyes, said ill-humoredly: How to help?” 姜绝世翻了翻白眼,没好气道:“怎么助?” His Master usually in does not have the conformation, particularly after cultivation base is getting higher and higher, is always far-fetched, likes teasing him. 他这师父平日里就没有正形,尤其是修为越来越高后,总是不靠谱,爱调侃他。 I leave cultivation base , helping you get rid of the fate!” “我舍去一身修为,助你摆脱宿命!” Hehe.” “呵呵。” Jiang Jueshi thought that he is prompted by a sudden impulse. 姜绝世觉得他又是心血来潮。 Han Jue sets out slowly, the steps go upwards, ascends to heaven step by step. 韩绝缓缓起身,朝天踏步而去,步步登天。 I lived long years, has experienced all circumstances of society, Le passed/lived, has cried, the luck, has crossed painstakingly, has gotten angry, has hated, has tired.” “我活了一段漫长的岁月,经历过人世间的一切境遇,乐过,哭过,福过,苦过,怒过,恨过,也厌过。” I know my immortal road already arrived end, fearing difficultly to proceed again, I am willing to abandon my cultivation base and soul , helping my disciple Jiang Jueshi eradicate the life-span shackles, looks at Heavenly Dao to help!” “我知我的仙路已至尽头,恐难再往前走,我愿舍我一身修为与魂魄,助我徒儿姜绝世破除寿命枷锁,望天道成全!” The sound reverberation of Han Jue in the mountains and plains, in an instant, the wind and cloud changes color, heavenly thunder is billowing. 韩绝的声音回荡在山野间,刹那间,风云变色,天雷滚滚。 Jiang Jueshi starts to speak but hesitates. 姜绝世欲言又止。 Destiny where he comes, he dies , because he wants dead. 他哪里来的天命,他之所以死,是因为他想死罢了。 But at present Master, if sacrificed, how could it not be about his intent. 可眼下师父若是牺牲,岂不合他意。 Although Master is very good to him, but already starts to affect his dao cultivation. 虽然师父对他很好,但已经开始影响他的修道 Under his gaze, Han Jue changes into diverges together brilliance, the thunder clouds dispel, the light beam shoots together, absorbed these brilliance. 在他的注视下,韩绝化为一道光辉散去,紧接着雷云排开,一道光柱射下,吸收了这些光辉。 Follows this light beam to fall on Jiang Jueshi body suddenly, the speed is extremely fast, Jiang Jueshi avoids without enough time. 跟着这道光柱忽然落在姜绝世身上,速度极快,姜绝世都来不及躲避。 Jiang Jueshi feels Heavenly Dao Destiny. 姜绝世感受到天道气运 Master has not cracked a joke, really sacrificed itself, wants to help him. 师父没有开玩笑,是真的牺牲了自己,想要成全他。 All happen too quickly, Jiang Jueshi is absent-minded. 一切发生得太快,姜绝世不由恍惚。 Yesterday, they still in discussing any wild creatures on mountain were delicious. 昨日,他们还在商量山上的什么野物好吃。 Never expected that parts forever today. 没想到今日就生离死别。 Jiang Jueshi said with a smile: This old man definitely does me, the next generation can also meet inevitably.” 姜绝世笑道:“这老头肯定是搞我,下辈子必然还能遇见。” He no longer thinks, moved a place, prepares dead in a sitting posture. 他不再多想,挪了一个地方,准备坐化。 Dozens years later. 数十年后。 Ten -year-old Jiang Jueshi sits in the garden entrance, is looking at the crowded street, is silently lost, scared witless. 年仅十岁的姜绝世坐在庭院门口,望着人来人往的街道,默默出神,魂不守舍。 A woman buys the vegetable/dish to come back, sees him to sit in the entrance, said with a smile: Young master, what is also thinking?” 一名妇人买完菜回来,看到他坐在门口,笑道:“少爷,又在想什么呢?” Jiang Jueshi has gotten back one's composure comes, to say with a smile: It‘s nothing, thinks to eat anything tonight.” 姜绝世回过神儿来,笑道:“没什么,想今晚吃什么。” Tonight cooks the fish to eat to you.” “今晚给你烧鱼吃。” Multi- Auntie Xie.” “多谢姨。” After woman in hospital, Jiang Jueshi continues to be in a daze. 妇人入院后,姜绝世继续发呆。 How you have not come.” “你怎么还没有来啊。” ...... …… Time flies. 岁月如梭。 30,000 years pass by. 三万年过去。 The reincarnation, grown Jiang Jueshi steps the road of horizon again alone. 重新投胎,再次成年的姜绝世独自踏上天涯之路。 When he goes out oneself live 20 years of town, saw that under the old tree of not far away has an old man, is holding in the mouth the tobacco pipe, sits cross-legged to sit. 当他走出自己生活二十载的镇子时,看到不远处的老树下有一名老者,正叼着烟斗,盘腿而坐。 The Jiang Jueshi facial expression inspires, cautious walks. 姜绝世神情一振,小心翼翼的走过去。 Is it possible that is he? 莫非是他? Did he come? 他又来了? The old men open an eye to shoot a look at to him, grins to say with a smile: Young master, wants to cultivate, here has the Pangu body refinement secret art, the Divine Might Heavenly Sage invincible big method and Xuandu to refine divine art, which do you want? The price said!” 老者睁开一只眼睛瞥向他,咧嘴笑道:“公子,想修炼吗,我这里有盘古炼体诀、神威天圣无敌大法、玄都神功,你想要哪本?价格好说!” He pulls out notebook rare book from the clothes. 他从衣服里掏出一本本秘籍 Jiang Jueshi gawked staring, is smiling bitterly shaking the head, turns around to depart. 姜绝世愣了愣,苦笑着摇头,转身离去。 The old men criticize one, then receives rare book. 老者暗骂一声,便又将秘籍收好。 Jiang Jueshi moves toward the major road. 姜绝世走向官道。 He muttered: Why...... I will not like him like this obviously very much, even shuts out......” 他喃喃自语:“为何会这样……明明我也不是很喜欢他,甚至嫌弃……” Perhaps is because never has the person to accompany me is so long, regardless of Samsara changes many times, he will spell to go all-out to find me.” “或许是因为从来没有人陪我这么久,无论轮回更替多少次,他都会拼尽全力找到我。” Originally he has not planned me, or using me, he really with me, when disciple, he really loves dearly me.” “原来他并没有算计我,或者利用我,他真的只是拿我当徒儿,他真的心疼我。” The Jiang Jueshi look becomes firm. 姜绝世的眼神变得坚定。 He is not a mortal, will not immerse in moved. 他不是凡人,不会沉浸于伤感之中。 Such being the case! 既然如此! He must link Master that same place to cultivate , he wanted achieving Sage finally on the 1st, even exceeded Sage, so long as he sufficed to be strong, sooner or later can resurrect this Master. 他要连师父那份一起修炼,终有一日,他要证得圣人,甚至超越圣人,只要他够强,迟早能复活这位师父 Waits for that day arrived, when I Master, you when apprentice, I protect you!” “等那一日到来,我当师父,你当徒弟,我来守护你!”
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