WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#813: Always follows

In the wooded mountains, a dozens households of village is situated in this, the man work and women weave cloth, the chicken dog proliferates, kitchen chimney smoke, is just like secluded from the world. 山林之间,一座数十户的村庄坐落于此,男耕女织,鸡犬遍布,炊烟袅袅,俨然与世隔绝。 In the woods, behind the one big stone has a 2 or 3 years old child to sit in meditation the cultivation. 树林里,一块大石头后方有一名两三岁的孩童正在打坐修炼。 His facial features are fine, the small face is ruddy, has the delicateness of girl. 他五官精致,小脸红扑扑的,颇有女孩的秀气。 He is Jiang Jueshi. 他便是姜绝世 He is clever, the false ate the Grandma Meng soup, memory still, therefore was born to start to cultivate, but he hid very well, unmanned discovery. 他偷天换日,假喝孟婆汤,记忆仍在,所以出生起就开始修炼,不过他隐藏得很好,无人发现。 At this time, he heard the sound of footsteps suddenly. 这时,他忽然听见脚步声。 Jiang Jueshi opens eyes immediately, a body paralysis, by the stone, the eye socket is instantaneously ruddy, as if has cried. 姜绝世立即睁眼,身子一瘫,靠在石头上,眼眶瞬间红润,仿佛哭过一场。 form arrives in front of him. 道身影来到他面前。 This is an old taoist priest, is Han Jue doppelganger, figure rickets, but the forehead is somewhat the Han Jue main body charm. 这是一名老道士,正是韩绝分身所化,身形佝偻,但眉宇还是有几分韩绝本尊的神韵。 Han Jue pretends to be surprised, mutters: World has the root bone so unexpectedly!” 韩绝故作惊讶,喃喃道:“世间竟有这般根骨!” He holds Jiang Jueshi, then walks toward the mountain village. 他一把将姜绝世抱起来,然后朝着山村走去。 The Jiang Jueshi mouth is flowing the drool, a pair of small hand grabs thoughtlessly, pure lovable. 姜绝世嘴里流着哈喇子,一双小手乱抓,单纯可爱。 He is very helpless. 他心里则很无奈。 Also meets this cultivator to receive him for the disciple, he after so many Samsara, such situation is not a few, therefore he not flurried, in the future will deal with slowly. 又遇到这种修行者想收他为徒,他历经那么多轮回,这样的情况并非少数,所以他没有慌乱,日后慢慢应付。 Han Jue found the Jiang Jueshi parents , indicating oneself are cultivator, is willing to receive Jiang Jueshi for the disciple, taught in village, his parents went bad excitedly, kneels down to feel grateful Han Jue. 韩绝找到姜绝世的父母,表明自己是修行者,愿收姜绝世为徒,就在村庄里教导,他父母激动坏了,纷纷跪下感激韩绝 This matter causes the stir in the village, the villagers come to watch the fun. 此事在村庄引起轰动,村民们纷纷前来看热闹。 The day was long, Han Jue also then integrates, taught Jiang Jueshi cultivation, what taught was only common cultivation technique, but Jiang Jueshi to deal with, cultivation technique cultivation that also taught according to him. 日子久了,韩绝也便融入其中,教导姜绝世修行,教的只是寻常功法,不过姜绝世为了应付,也是照着他教的功法修炼。 20 years later, Jiang Jueshi of long great accomplishment person said goodbye, the preparation vagrant horizon, Han Jue must follow finally, making him very helpless. 二十年后,长大成人的姜绝世告辞,准备流浪天涯,结果韩绝非要跟着,让他很无奈。 The master and disciple start the parade world. 师徒俩开始游行天下。 ...... …… After 3000 . 三千年后。 Han Jue is silver-haired, treats with Jiang Jueshi in riverside crude Dao Monastery. 韩绝已然白发苍苍,与姜绝世待在河边的一座简陋道观内。 Before 3000 compared with, Han Jue looks like old, aura like the silk, the eye cannot open quickly. 与三千年前相比,韩绝更像苍老,气息如丝,眼睛都快睁不开。 Jiang Jueshi sits in meditation side Han Jue, opens the eye, said in a soft voice: Master, my limit already arrived.” 姜绝世打坐在韩绝身旁,睁开眼睛,轻声道:“师父,我大限已至。” Han Jue does not have the sound, Jiang Jueshi to repeat. 韩绝没有动静,姜绝世不得不重复一遍。 „? The limit...... your aptitude is so high, why does the Immortal Ascension person...... have the limit?” Han Jue trembling asking, said that cannot bear cough cough. “啊?大限……你的资质这么高,早就成仙人……为何还有大限?”韩绝颤颤巍巍的问道,说完忍不住嗽起来。 Jiang Jueshi said: disciple is not clear, perhaps is the destiny is the result, Heaven grants me the natural talent, actually also eliminated my life-span.” 姜绝世道:“徒儿也不明白,或许是天命所致,上苍赐予我天资,却也剥夺了我的寿命。” Han Jue no longer spoke. 韩绝不再说话。 Jiang Jueshi shoots a look at to him, is filled with all sorts of feelings at heart. 姜绝世瞥向他,心里感慨万分。 3000 companion, the stone will still be persuaded even. 三千年的陪伴,就算是石头也会被感化。 This, he most has a deficit is own Master. 这一世,他最亏欠的便是自己的师父 He has not told own Master already achieving Divine Realm, he prepared dead in a sitting posture. 他没有告诉自己的师父自己已经证得神境,他准备坐化了。 Before dying in a sitting posture, he somewhat does not give up suddenly, does not know after oneself fall from the sky, what to do should Master? 坐化前他忽然有些舍不得,不知自己陨落后,师父该怎么办? Master is Spirit Transformation Realm cultivation base, it is estimated that the limit will also draw near. 师父不过是化神境修为,估计大限也快到了。 Jiang Jueshi at heart slightly is guilty, but he has been through repeatedly ten ten thousand Samsara, dao heart is rock-solid. 姜绝世只是心里稍稍愧疚,但他好歹历经十万轮回,道心坚若磐石。 Next life says goodbye, no, without next life.” “来世再见,不,没有来世了。” In the Jiang Jueshi heart so thinks, he has given the close relatives and wife and children are innumerable, once Samsara, meets very much difficultly again. 姜绝世心中这般想到,他割舍过的至亲、妻儿数不胜数,一旦轮回,很难再遇见。 Several hundred Samsara, the opportunity that could meet one time accidentally, but he has not become friends with it. 几百世轮回,或许能有一次偶然遇见的机会,但他都没有与其结交。 cause and effect that cuts off should not again continued from above. 斩断的因果就不该重新续上。 Dozens years later. 数十年后。 Jiang Jueshi reincarnation, arrives at another piece of mortal world quietly. 姜绝世悄然转世,来到另一片凡界 This, he is born in the family/home of riches and honor. 这一世,他诞生于富贵之家。 When three years old, the vault of heaven floating snow, the world is boundless, the white snow covers this city. 三岁时,天穹飘雪,天地苍茫,白雪掩盖这座城池。 Jiang Jueshi is practicing in the courtyard quietly, suddenly hears the servant's who passed by outside chatting the institute matter. 姜绝世正在院子里悄悄修炼,忽然听到路过的下人在聊院外之事。 „Is that old beggar dies lives?” “那老乞丐是死是活?” „It is not clear, but lies down in our mansion entrance, is not the matter.” “不清楚啊,不过躺在我们府邸门口,也不是事。” Patriarch already sent people to look for the doctor.” 家主已经派人去找大夫了。” Jiang Jueshi comes the safe/without matter idly, then goes to watch the fun. 姜绝世闲来无事,便前去看热闹。 Before mansion front door, is gathering one group of servants, on outside street also the common people of many watching the fun, direct. 府邸大门前聚集着一群下人,外面的街道上也有不少看热闹的百姓,指指点点。 Sees Jiang Jueshi to come out, a maidservant holds him hastily, but cannot support him to watch the fun, then hugs him to arrive at the entrance. 看到姜绝世出来,一名丫鬟连忙牵住他,但架不住他想去看热闹,便抱着他来到门口。 Jiang Jueshi looked that to that old beggar who lies down on the ground, a brow suddenly wrinkle. 姜绝世看向那名躺在地上的老乞丐,眉头忽然一皱。 Master?” 师父?” The Jiang Jueshi expression is strange, isn't this on him Master of first? 姜绝世表情古怪,这不是他上一世的师父吗? The weak old beggar opens eyes slowly, vision happen to with him to. 虚弱的老乞丐缓缓睁眼,目光正好与他对上。 The old beggar stares the big eye suddenly, a carp hits very to turn over/to stand up, is startled crowd simultaneously to retrocede. 老乞丐忽然瞪大眼睛,一个鲤鱼打挺翻身而起,惊得人群齐齐后退。 The old beggar is staring at Jiang Jueshi stubbornly, muttered: So does the root bone...... world have the second person unexpectedly? Is it possible that is my disciple reincarnation?” 老乞丐死死的盯着姜绝世,喃喃道:“这般根骨……世间竟有第二人?莫非是我徒儿转世?” This saying hears the young Jiang Jueshi corners of the mouth to pull out. 这话听得年幼的姜绝世嘴角微抽。 Also is really his Master! 还真是他师父 How did this old man find here? 这老头怎么找到这里来的? Dozens can the short years span one? 短短数十年能跨越一界? Jiang Jueshi smelled the flavor of plot suddenly, the vigilance of instinct, such matter is also the first time meets in his 100,000 Samsara. 姜绝世忽然嗅到了阴谋的味道,本能的警惕,这样的事情在他十万次轮回里也是头一次遇见。 ...... …… Long ten thousand years in the past. 悠悠万载过去。 Han Jue opens the eye, he first looks to Heavenly Dao. 韩绝睁开眼睛,他首先看向天道 Jiang Jueshi was also being pestered by his doppelganger, after second meets, Jiang Jueshi guarded very much, afterward discovered Master is the accident of sorts bumps into him, therefore the master and disciple start to wander all over the world. 姜绝世还被他的分身纠缠着,第二世相遇后,姜绝世原本很提防,后来发现师父是机缘巧合才撞见他,于是师徒俩又开始浪迹天涯。 Said wanders all over the world, is actually finds a place to hide the cultivation, secluded from the world, let alone the personal enemy, the friends do not even have. 说是浪迹天涯,其实是找个地方躲起来修炼,与世隔绝,别说仇人,连友人都没有。 Han Jue appreciation Jiang Jueshi even more. 韩绝越发的欣赏姜绝世 This boy, was not firm , like the cultivation machine. 这厮不像人,太坚定了,跟个修行机器一样。 In order to let Jiang Jueshi no longer suspects own doppelganger, Han Jue makes doppelganger pledge: Even if ten thousand th Samsara, I will certainly find my disciple , helping him break the destiny shackles, achieving Immortality.” 为了让姜绝世不再怀疑自己的分身,韩绝分身发誓:“纵然万世轮回,我一定会找到我徒儿,助他打破天命枷锁,证得长生不死。” When Jiang Jueshi just heard these words, feared. 姜绝世刚听到这番话时,怕极了。 Can this old man really pester him? 这老头真要纠缠他? However the old man only then Spirit Transformation cultivation base, how long should unable to live. 不过老头只有化神修为,应该活不了多久。 When his achieving Divine Realm, he dies in a sitting posture again. 待他证得神境,他再次坐化。 At the point of death before, his Master is shaking his hand, the tears: Heavenly Dao is unfair, Heavenly Dao is unfair, why my disciple achievement Immortal must die......” 临死之前,他师父握着他的手,老泪纵横:“天道不公,天道不公啊,为何我徒儿成就仙人还得死……” Jiang Jueshi somewhat is at heart uncomfortable, but closes the eye finally. 姜绝世心里有些难受,但最终还是闭上眼睛。 Dozens years later. 数十年后。 Jiang Jueshi was born in the imperial family, expensive/noble is an imperial prince. 姜绝世出生于皇家,贵为皇子。 He is secretly joyful, right now can't the old man reach? 他暗自欣喜,这下子那老头够不着了吧? However, fifth that year, the deliberation hall welcomed Immortal, was his Master. 然而,五岁那年,朝堂迎来一名仙人,正是他的师父 Different from the previous generation, Han Jue of this is younger, as if 40 years old over, Jiang Jueshi knew that this boy achieving Supreme Unity Dao fruit, life-span rises suddenly unexpectedly, the vigor also greatly promotes. 不同于前世,这一世的韩绝年轻许多,仿佛四十岁出头,姜绝世得知这厮竟然证得太乙道果,寿命暴涨,精气神也大大提升。 This dogshit luck...... 狗屎运…… so be it, Jiang Jueshi was pestered by Han Jue. 就这样,姜绝世又被韩绝纠缠住。 ...... …… The Demonic Path abyss, the hazes fill the air. 魔道深渊,浊雾弥漫。 Han Tuo and Yi Tian are sparring, do not know one's place. 韩拓遗天正在斗法,不分上下。 Lu Yuan Demon Ancestor comes suddenly, opens the mouth saying: I confess your task.” 陆辕魔祖忽然现身,开口道:“吾交代你们一个任务。” Han Tuo and Yi Tian call a halt immediately. 韩拓遗天立即停手。 They arrive around Lu Yuan Demon Ancestor, looks the color of anticipation. 他们来到陆辕魔祖跟前,面露期待之色。 They treat here too for a long time, has wanted to go out! 他们在这里待得太久,早就想出去! They are not the lords of self-torture, they need to fight, breaks through in the fight unceasingly, surpasses the limit unceasingly! 他们本身就不是苦修之主,他们需要战斗,在战斗中不断突破,不断超越极限!
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