WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#812: Buddha spirit, Jiang Jueshi 【Fourth, asked monthly ticket】

The news that the Pangu severe wound escapes travels in Chaos rapidly, but Chaos is too big, the news passes on is not quick. 盘古重伤而逃的消息在混沌内迅速传开,不过混沌太大,消息传得不算很快。 Highest Beginning Demon God has the plans very much, when spreads this matter mentioned Darkness Forbidden Lord intentionally, claimed, if did not have Darkness Forbidden Lord, they must defeat without doubt. 太初魔神很有心机,传扬此事时故意提及黑暗禁主,声称若无黑暗禁主,他们必败无疑。 Although is the fact, but also draws again Darkness Forbidden Lord, even holds high, Pangu also knew existence of Darkness Forbidden Lord. 虽然是事实,但也将黑暗禁主再次拉出来,甚至捧高,盘古也知晓了黑暗禁主的存在。 Heavenly Court. 天庭 Evil Heavenly Emperor knew the matter that Pangu defeats is several hundred years later. 邪天帝得知盘古战败的事情已然是数百年后。 Darkness Forbidden Lord, came out, even Pangu can the incantation result in the severe wound, was extremely powerful.” 黑暗禁主,又出来了吗,连盘古都可以咒得重伤,太过强大了。” Evil Heavenly Emperor says with emotion, the tone is thought-provoking. 邪天帝感慨道,语气耐人寻味。 Three Great Divine General in the palace, Dark Heavenly General open the mouth saying: Your majesty, Pangu estimated that can rest some time, the expansion plan of Heavenly Court must continue?” 大神将就在殿上,黑天将开口道:“陛下,盘古估计要歇一段时间,天庭的扩张计划还要继续吗?” Because of Pangu and Chaos Demon God war, Evil Heavenly Emperor was worried that celestial troops and generals when carrying out task was injured accidentally, therefore withdraws troops to rest up. 盘古混沌魔神的大战,邪天帝担心天兵天将在执行任务时被误伤,所以收兵养息。 Evil Heavenly Emperor said: „It is not anxious, the situation is unclear, has a look again, if Pangu will be then vivid tomorrow? Existence of Chaos Demon God is we cannot guess.” 邪天帝道:“不急,局势不明,再看看,万一盘古明日便生龙活虎呢?混沌魔神的存在是吾等不能揣测的。” He follows to sigh. 他跟着叹息一声。 He once had two Chaos Demon God. 他曾经有两位混沌魔神 Often thinks, he is full of the regret. 每每想起来,他心里都充满遗憾。 Heavenly Court does not expand, mainly does not have that two Chaos Demon God. 天庭之所以不扩张,主要是没有那两位混沌魔神 Two Divine General strengths that now supports were inferior that beforehand Han Tuo and Yi Tian, they work also insufficiently with every effort and thorough. 现在扶持起来的两位神将实力不如之前的韩拓遗天也就罢了,他们做事也不够尽力与彻底。 It is not all Immortal God supports Evil Heavenly Emperor to continue to expand. 不是所有仙神都支持邪天帝继续扩张。 Many Immortal God think that first consolidates well to have the influence most important. 更多的仙神认为先巩固好已有势力最重要。 The Dark Heavenly General silent moment, said: „Can your majesty know Buddha?” 黑天将沉默片刻,道:“陛下可知佛界?” Evil Heavenly Emperor said: Naturally knows, lord of Tuo'er Buddha Martial Nephew.” 邪天帝道:“当然知晓,佛界之主还是拓儿师侄呢。” Buddha was born recently a natural talent outstanding Buddha spirit, birth less than 20 ten thousand years then proving Dao succeeds, although there is a Buddha to advocate the kindness of enlightened, but its natural talent is without a doubt, this Buddha spirit inborn militant, is endures to compare the Chaos Demon God Chaos life.” “佛界最近诞生一位天资卓绝的佛灵,诞生不到二十万载便证道成功,虽有佛主醍醐灌顶之恩德在,但其天资毋庸置疑,此佛灵天生好战,是堪比混沌魔神混沌生灵。” Dark Heavenly General said in a soft voice where he can not know Evil Heavenly Emperor and relations of Buddha, really know mention this matter. 黑天将轻声说道,他哪能不知邪天帝与佛界的关系,真是知晓才提及此事。 Evil Heavenly Emperor understood, thinking. 邪天帝懂了,不由思索。 Really has like that fiercely?” “真有那般厉害?” Really has, Great Dao Spiritual God Divine Robed Daoist has seen personally, but also grants the heavy treasure.” “真有,就连大道神灵神袍道人都亲自去看望过,还赐予重宝。” We must have a look.” “那朕得去看看。” Evil Heavenly Emperor narrows the eye saying that Dark Heavenly General no longer spoke, another two Divine General have not spoken, but also followed to lower the head slightly. 邪天帝眯眼说道,黑天将不再说话,另外两名神将没有吭声,但也跟着微微低头。 ...... …… 20,000 years pass by. 两万年过去。 Han Jue approaches 180 to long live. 韩绝逼近一百八十万岁。 After Pangu severe wound, truly stopped, cannot see him at least in the friend circle. 盘古重伤后确实消停了,至少在朋友圈里看不到他。 On this day, Han Jue opens eyes. 这一日,韩绝睁眼。 Mainly was Chu Shiren held the dream to him a short time ago, but has not displayed Inviting Spirit Art, it is estimated that was not the urgent matter. 主要是楚世人前不久给他托梦,但又没有施展请神术,估计不是急事。 Han Jue holds the dream to give Chu Shiren. 韩绝托梦给楚世人 In dreamland. 梦境之中。 Chu Shiren opens eyes, sees is Han Jue, immediately sets out to salute. 楚世人睁眼,看到是韩绝,立即起身行礼。 What matter?” Han Jue asked. “何事?”韩绝问道。 Chu Shiren said the reason of matter. 楚世人将事情的缘由说出来。 Originally Buddha was born a Heaven's Chosen, but the natural disposition is militant, Evil Heavenly Emperor comes just in time, wants to train this Heaven's Chosen, Chu Shiren somewhat hesitates, reason that has not rejected directly , because Evil Heavenly Emperor trains very much Han Tuo is truly good. 原来佛界诞生了一位天骄,但生性好战,正巧邪天帝前来,想要培养这位天骄,楚世人有些犹豫,之所以没有直接拒绝,是因为邪天帝韩拓培养得确实很好。 Ancestral Master, can Evil Heavenly Emperor trust?” Chu Shiren asked. 师祖,邪天帝能信任吗?”楚世人问道。 Han Jue said: You, if raises me, he guarantees, that then can believe that is the key you are willing to deliver?” 韩绝道:“你若是提我,他作出保证,那便可以信,关键是你舍得送出去吗?” The Chu Shiren forced smile said: Not hating is not good, this boy was too restless, compares notes with Buddha disciple, the time the person severe wound , to continue to keep, perhaps is not the good deed, I truly do not know how should correct his character.” 楚世人苦笑道:“舍不得也不行,这小子太闹腾了,跟佛界弟子切磋,次次将人重伤,继续留着,恐怕不是好事,我也确实不知该如何纠正他的性格。” Following Evil Heavenly Emperor is also good, only then experiences has been able to put down.” “跟着邪天帝也好,只有经历过才能放下。” Han Jue asked curiously: Why Buddha can be born so Heaven's Chosen?” 韩绝好奇问道:“佛界为何能诞生如此天骄?” Chu Shiren said: After all is the world that Great Dao evolves, has infinite Good Fortune, Chaos is the world that three thousand Great Dao knitting become, in the future will appear compared with Chaos Demon God also wants powerful existence, I thought that also has the possibility.” 楚世人道:“毕竟是大道演化的天地,拥有无穷造化,混沌便是三千大道编织而成的世界,日后出现比混沌魔神还要强大的存在,我觉得也是有可能的。” Han Jue thinks of Heavenly Dao. 韩绝不由想到天道 Why doesn't Heavenly Dao have so shocking Heaven's Chosen? 天道为何没有如此惊艳的天骄? Although the Heavenly Dao Heaven's Chosen are many, but cannot enter the Han Jue discernment. 天道的天骄虽多,但都入不得韩绝的法眼。 Possibly Heavenly Dao was not Great Dao, the limit of Good Fortune misses. 可能天道并非大道,造化之极限还是差了点。 Chatted some little time, the dreamland just now ended. 聊了好一会儿,梦境方才结束。 Regarding this matter, Han Jue has not placed at heart. 对于此事,韩绝也没有放在心里。 Not more than half in the future, Evil Heavenly Emperor holds the dream to Han Jue, in the dream to Han Jue thanks, and ensure trains the great ability Buddha spirit, in the future will return Buddha. 不过半日后,邪天帝韩绝托梦,梦中对着韩绝一阵感谢,并保证将佛灵培养成大才,日后会放回佛界。 He helps Buddha nurture Heaven's Chosen, Buddha Heaven's Chosen helps him open up territory to expand the earth, the win-win matter, he did not expect that must make spirit work for him forever. 他帮佛界育天骄,佛界天骄帮他开疆扩土,双赢之事,他并不奢望要让佛灵永远为他效力。 But he believes that as Heavenly Court is getting stronger and stronger, sooner or later will truly have belongs to the Heavenly Court Buddha to appear spirit. 但他相信一点,随着天庭越来越强,迟早会有真正属于天庭的佛灵出现。 After the dreamland ended, Han Jue looks at the vision to Heavenly Dao. 梦境结束后,韩绝将目光看向天道 He wants to look for unparalleled Heaven's Chosen in Heavenly Dao. 他想在天道内找找有没有盖世天骄。 The class/flow of Senior Xiazhi (Summer Soltice Senior), orders food. 夏至尊之流,有点菜。 At least if also Qin Ling such existence. 最起码也要是秦灵这样的存在。 Searched for some little time, Han Jue also really found one. 搜寻了好一会儿,韩绝还真找到一位。 Also is born in Heavenly Dao race, was born for 300 years, as before is Immortal Emperor. 也是诞生于天道种族之中,出生三百载,依旧是仙帝 300 years of achievement Immortal Emperor, was too exaggerating! 三百载成就仙帝,太夸张了! Although the present Heavenly Dao spiritual energy far exceeded the past, but 300 years old of achieving Immortal Emperor was also unprecedented. 虽然如今的天道灵气远超从前,但三百岁证得仙帝也算是前所未有。 Han Jue 300 years old how many realm? 韩绝三百岁才多少境界 He counted on the fingers, discovered this child really has the origin. 他掐指一算,发现此子确实有来历。 This child named Jiang Jueshi, is the Human Cult disciple Jiang Dugu elder brother, is different has been growing from Jiang Dugu, when Jiang Jueshi achievement Divine Realm then dies in a sitting posture, in the future will cultivate Divine Realm then to continue dead in a sitting posture each first, first meets first, each first natural talent is growing, now already had 100,000 th, body of already Samsara passed several Grand Tribulation. 此子名为姜绝世,乃人教弟子姜独孤的兄长,不同于姜独孤一直在成长,姜绝世成就神境时便坐化,往后每一世修炼到神境便继续坐化,一世接一世,每一世天资都在增长,如今已经有十万世,轮回之身已经度过数个量劫 Extinguishes Dao God not to destroy completely his soul continually. 连灭道神通都没有灭掉他的魂魄。 Because achieves Divine Realm dead in a sitting posture, enabling Jiang Jueshi not to crop up, Jiang Dugu also thinks that the elder brother has fallen from the sky. 因为达到神境就坐化,使得姜绝世一直没有冒头,姜独孤也以为兄长早已陨落。 This, Jiang Jueshi as if there is trend of soaring. 这一世,姜绝世似乎有一飞冲天的趋势。 Does not know whether his life must die in a sitting posture. 不知他此生是否还要坐化。 Moreover, Sages had not as if detected that his existence, he was too low-key, Destiny is very light, nearly no, if not Han Jue such Great Dao Sage intends to search for Heaven's Chosen, but also really may not discover him. 另外,圣人们似乎也没有察觉到他的存在,他太低调了,气运无比淡薄,近乎没有,若非韩绝这样的大道圣人有意搜寻天骄,还真不一定能发现他。 The Han Jue heart has the anticipation, then closes the eye , to continue to cultivate. 韩绝心有期待,便闭上眼睛,继续修炼。 Ten thousand years later, he opens the eye. 万年后,他睁开眼睛。 He looks again to Jiang Jueshi. 他再次看向姜绝世 In ten thousand years, this boy already reincarnation twice. 万年里,这厮已经转世两次。 Both th has not revealed the fame, the cultivation, dies in a sitting posture quietly quietly, as if Heavenly Dao does not have his existence from the start. 两世都没有显露名气,悄悄修炼,悄悄坐化,仿佛天道压根没有他的存在。 Han Jue is thoroughly careful to him. 韩绝对他彻底上心。 Why does he so do? 他为何这般做? Unceasing does reincarnation, promote aptitude? 不断转世,提升资质 His present aptitude already is high enough, why hasn't stopped? 他如今的资质已经够高,为何还不停下? Han Jue decides creation doppelganger, when Jiang Jueshi reincarnation, then makes doppelganger go to accept the disciple again. 韩绝决定创造一具分身,待姜绝世再次转世,便让分身前去收徒。 After 4000, Jiang Jueshi dies in a sitting posture in a mountain valley, the soul enters Netherworld, even King Yama has not detected his soul implication fearful aptitude, him, when the mortal sends, he again reincarnation. 四千年后,姜绝世在一处山谷坐化,魂入阴间,连阎王都没有察觉到他魂魄蕴含的可怕资质,把他当凡人打发,他再次神不知鬼不觉的转世 This, he is born in a village, the parents are in good health, brothers and sisters. 这一世,他降生于一处村庄内,父母健在,还有兄弟姐妹。 Jiang Jueshi has experienced various birth circumstances, has the imperial family, has the family/home of misery, has greatly richly the greatly expensive/noble family/home, even there is a demon outlet, but he always in quiet getting rid cause and effect, finds a place to cultivate alone. 姜绝世经历过各种出生境遇,有皇室,有苦难之家,有大富大贵之家,甚至有邪魔外道,但他总是在悄无声息的摆脱因果,独自找一个地方修炼。
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