WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#811: Great strength of Pangu, Han Jue hot blooded 【Third, asked monthly ticket】

Han Jue takes Book of Misfortune, starts hesitant. 韩绝拿着厄运书,开始犹豫。 What appearance can become the Pangu incantation? 要将盘古咒成什么模样? It is not good, the words that kills by curse directly, the Chaos Unknown goal has not achieved, will definitely plan again. 不行,直接咒死的话,混沌无识目的没有达成,肯定会再算计。 Why to wait for Pangu and Demon God does, Han Jue cursed again, achieves the mutually wounded aspect, won the growth time for oneself. 何必等盘古魔神们干起来,韩绝再诅咒,达成两败俱伤的局面,为自己争取发育时间。 Han Jue does not need to end this disaster directly, can elongate the disaster. 韩绝没有必要直接终结此次劫难,可以将劫难拉长。 That waits again, when they hit. 那就再等等,等他们打起来。 Han Jue receives Book of Misfortune, closes eyes to continue to cultivate. 韩绝收好厄运书,闭目继续修炼。 ...... …… The news that Pangu resurrects spreads to Heavenly Dao, with the propaganda of Destiny Sect, all living things also knows this matter. 盘古复活的消息传入天道内,随着气运教派们的宣传,众生也知晓此事。 Divine Might Heavenly Sage unexpectedly is Chaos Demon God, but Pangu must kill Divine Might Heavenly Sage. 神威天圣竟是混沌魔神,而盘古要来杀神威天圣 Some people support Divine Might Heavenly Sage, some people support Pangu. 有人支持神威天圣,有人支持盘古 But generally speaking, supports the Divine Might Heavenly Sage life more. 但总体来说,支持神威天圣的生灵更多。 Pangu regarding all living things, long ago, its fairytale also was very extremely brief, reviews Divine Might Heavenly Sage, was familiar. 盘古对于众生而言,太过久远,其神话故事也很简短,反观神威天圣,耳熟能详。 Places the Han Jue previous generation, is similar to Human Race to know one to create the world god to cope with the Guan Yin, most people will support the latter. 放在韩绝前世,就如同人族知晓一位创世神要对付观世音菩萨,绝大多数人会支持后者。 Divine Might Heavenly Sage truly also saves Heavenly Dao repeatedly, and has not left behind the stain in the world. 神威天圣确实也屡次拯救天道,而且在人间没有留下过污点。 He is also most mystical Sage, only knows the seclusion cultivation. 他也是最神秘的圣人,只知闭关修炼。 At that moment Heavenly Dao is the internal disorder and foreign invasion, outside has the Pangu attack, in has the resentment of peace rule backlog. 当下的天道算是内忧外患,外有盘古来袭,内有和平规则积压的怨气。 Immeasurable Tribulation must get windy. 无量大劫又要起风。 Qin Ling already gathers the generations of many almighty, is the Buddhism enemies, or to this way of the world discontented cultivator. 秦灵身边已经聚集起诸多大能之辈,都是佛门的仇家,或者对这世道不满的修行者 They broke through and other Qin Ling. 他们都在等秦灵突破。 When achievement Quasi-Sage, that is will make war to Buddhism. 一旦成就准圣,那将是对佛门开战之时。 Buddhism also knows this matter, but has no alternative, cannot aim at Qin Ling by the fabricated charge again, Qin Ling already was suppressed ten ten thousand years, take action, is violates the peace again the principle of righteousness. 佛门也知晓此事,但无可奈何,总不能以莫须有的罪名再次针对秦灵,秦灵已经被镇压十万载,再出手,就是违背和平的大义。 The years continue to pass. 岁月继续流逝。 One passes year after year. 一年年过去。 On this day. 这一日。 Han Jue opens eyes suddenly. 韩绝忽然睁眼。 His seclusion in 9700 32 years. 闭关了九千七百年三十二年。 He puts out Book of Misfortune, through doppelganger, he has known Demon God already to run upon Pangu. 他拿出厄运书,通过分身,他已知晓魔神已经撞上盘古 Dozens Chaos Demon God anger fight Pangu, the space disintegration, makes war layer upon layer makes primitively void, Han Jue doppelganger is delimiting the water, not only he, other Demon God also many are so, is mainly resisted Pangu by Highest Beginning Demon God. 数十位混沌魔神怒战盘古,层层空间崩碎,一开战就打出原始虚空,韩绝分身正在划水,不只是他,其他魔神也多是如此,主要是由太初魔神对抗盘古 Highest Beginning Demon God is truly powerful, front is in the upper hand steadily, meets Pangu how, the Pangu war is stronger, the trend of strengthen is unreasonable. 太初魔神确实强大,前面稳占上风,奈何遇到盘古,盘古越战越强,变强的趋势根本不合理。 Hits like this again, sooner or later Pangu can turn defeat into victory. 再这样打下去,迟早盘古能反败为胜。 Han Jue starts to curse. 韩绝开始诅咒。 Rushes spiritual power to flood into Book of Misfortune, he follows to relax. 澎湃法力涌入厄运书内,他跟着松了一口气。 Can curse! 能诅咒! It seems like Pangu does not have Cause and Effect Bead! 看来盘古没有因果珠 With the involvement of Han Jue, Pangu was truly affected, is unable to end the fight in the half day. 随着韩绝的介入,盘古确实受到影响,无法在半日内结束战斗。 After five days, Pangu already starts to press all Demon God to hit, Highest Beginning Demon God is the severe wound, said that the soul was pared half, although can cultivation, but requires the time. 五日之后,盘古已经开始压着所有魔神打,太初魔神已是重伤,道魂被削去一半,虽然能修炼回来,但需要时间。 Han Jue life-span starts to explode falls. 韩绝寿命开始爆降。 He cursed, while observed taking advantage of the eye of doppelganger. 他一边诅咒,一边借着分身的眼睛观战。 Pangu did not have Opening Heavens Axe, in the hand were many a blade, this blade is an bone blade, the blade is spacious, is huger than his body, at first sight, but also thinks that is another Opening Heavens Axe. 盘古没了开天斧,手里却多了一把刀,这把刀乃是一把骨刀,刀刃宽大,比他身躯还要庞大,乍一看,还以为是另一把开天斧 Pangu not abstruse divine ability or spell, all depending on open greatly gather greatly, as well as tyrannical mortal body. 盘古没有深奥的神通或者法术,全凭大开大合,以及强横的肉身。 Without defense, attacks, unscrupulous! 没有防御,就是进攻,肆无忌惮! As Han Jue starts to curse Pangu with life-span, the Pangu whole body starts to overflow continuously black air/Qi, making his speed of attack slow down. 随着韩绝开始用寿命诅咒盘古,盘古周身开始溢出一缕缕黑气,使得他的战斗速度减缓。 This makes Demon God see, the morale rises sharply. 这一幕让魔神们看到,士气大涨。 Couldn't Pangu soon shoulder? 盘古也快要扛不住了? Highest Beginning Demon God notices the black air/Qi of Pangu whole body, the facial expression big quake. 太初魔神注意到盘古周身的黑气,神情大震。 That is...... 那是…… Darkness Forbidden Lord! 黑暗禁主 The Highest Beginning Demon God surprise, why can Darkness Forbidden Lord help him? 太初魔神诧异,黑暗禁主为何要帮他? Is it possible that does Pangu also threaten Darkness Forbidden Lord? 莫非盘古也威胁到黑暗禁主 Also right, once Pangu is powerful, sweeps away Chaos, how Darkness Forbidden Lord to realize the own ambition? 也对,盘古一旦强大起来,横扫混沌,黑暗禁主如何实现自己的野心? From the performance of Darkness Forbidden Lord, this boy definitely has the stratagem Fig. Chaos big ambition! 黑暗禁主的表现来看,这厮绝对有谋图混沌的大野心! Wants, Highest Beginning Demon God take action, prepares to kill Pangu again together. 想罢,太初魔神再次出手,准备一同击毙盘古 Another side, Han Jue life-span starts to drop. 另一边,韩绝寿命开始下降。 With his take action, Pangu starts to come under attack. 随着他的出手,盘古开始挨打。 Pangu, you are truly powerful, alone war so many Chaos Demon God, even existence of Great Dao Supreme, unexpectedly is not your opponent, you are so strong, truly must confer a title upon.” 盘古,你确实强大,独战这么多混沌魔神,甚至还有大道至上的存在,竟不是你的对手,你这么强,确实要封号。” Han Jue thinks silently. 韩绝默默想到。 From Pangu steamroll Highest Beginning Demon God, Han Jue is very possible is not his opponent. 盘古碾压太初魔神来看,韩绝很可能不是其对手。 Happen, lets the Pangu severe wound, stops years, to Han Jue growth time. 正好,让盘古重伤,消停一段岁月,给韩绝发育时间。 When Han Jue life-span buckled for nearly 5,000 trillion years, Highest Beginning Demon God severe wound Pangu, the Pangu both arms are reduced to ashes, still the imposing manner was fierce. 韩绝寿命扣了近五千万亿年时,太初魔神重伤盘古,盘古双臂化为灰烬,仍气势凶猛。 However Pangu is not Ominous Beast, fought a while, determined after oneself are unable to win, he can only retreat. 不过盘古并非凶兽,又战了一会儿,确定自己无法获胜后,他只能撤退。 Other Demon God follow up a victory with hot pursuit , in the Han Jue mail presents Pangu one after another by the severely wounded news. 其他魔神乘胜追击,紧接着,韩绝的邮件里接连出现盘古被重伤的消息。 Finally mysterious almighty take action rescues Pangu. 最终神秘大能出手救走盘古 A Demon God side wins! 魔神一方获胜! The Highest Beginning Demon God anger howls, the sound penetrates layer upon layer the space, shaking the old and illuminating the new. 太初魔神怒啸一声,声音穿透层层空间,震古烁今 ...... …… Han Jue puts down Book of Misfortune, the deep sigh one breath. 韩绝放下厄运书,长叹一口气。 Good Pangu! 好一个盘古 Although Pangu losses, escaped, but he thought that Pangu has not lost. 虽然盘古了,逃了,但他觉得盘古没有输。 His hot blooded was activated by Pangu. 他的热血被盘古激活。 The life must with Pangu games, naturally not be now! 此生一定要与盘古一场,当然不是现在! Backs on Chaos Unknown Pangu in the one-to-one situation, is not possible to defeat. 背靠混沌无识盘古在一对一的情况下,是不可能败的。 On the other hand, how long Pangu is born, can suppress Great Dao Supreme...... 话又说回来,盘古才诞生多久,就能镇压大道至上…… Really do some people have the strong peerless strength since birth? 真的有人生来就具备强大绝伦的实力? The Han Jue vision looks to next door Dao Monastery, across the lower abdomen of Xing Hongxuan, sees the own son. 韩绝的目光看向隔壁道观,穿过邢红璇的小腹,看到自己的儿子。 Vitality already of this boy endures compared with Sage, when he is born, whether to compare favorably with Pangu? 这小子的气血已经堪比圣人,等他降生,可否比得上盘古 This thought. 这个念头一出。 The births of some Han Jue suddenly anticipation sons. 韩绝突然有些期待儿子的出生。 Does to Chaos only to tolerate next Primordial Chaos Demon God. 奈何混沌只能容下一名鸿蒙魔神 Only if Han Jue jumps out of the Primordial Chaos Demon God status. 除非韩绝跳出鸿蒙魔神的身份。 Primordial Chaos can Demon God also reach a higher situation? 鸿蒙魔神还能走到更高的地步? Han Jue thought that has the possibility. 韩绝觉得有可能。 Previous Primordial Chaos Demon God because of the appearance of Chaos, Primordial Chaos was replaced by Chaos, just now falls from the sky. 上一位鸿蒙魔神混沌的出现,鸿蒙混沌取代,方才陨落。 But why doesn't he prevent Chaos? 可他为何不阻止混沌 Is Chaos stronger than him? 难道混沌比他还强? Isn't Chaos Unknown? 不会就是混沌无识吧? Is insufficient, Chaos Unknown also Dao Creator cultivation base. 不至于,混沌无识也才创造道者修为 Han Jue suspected that the creation control is on Primordial Chaos Demon God, he is possibly pursuing a higher strength, failed, to the Chaos opportunity is not missed. 韩绝怀疑创造主宰便是上一位鸿蒙魔神,他可能在追求更高的力量,失败了,才给混沌可趁之机。 Nowadays Chaos strongest also Dao Creator. 现如今的混沌最强也才创造道者 Wait? 等等? Beside Chaos? 混沌之外? I want to know that beside Chaos has to exceed existence of Dao Creator?” “我想知道混沌之外有没有超越创造道者的存在?” Needs to deduct 1,000 trillion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除一千万亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Does not have 【没有】 Han Jue relaxes. 韩绝松了一口气。 He inquired again: „Does strongest outside Chaos exist strongly?” 他再次询问:“混沌之外的最强存在有多强?” Beside Chaos is Void Domain, cannot have exists exactly spirit, but if has one type is not he life of cognition? 混沌之外是空白领域,不能有活灵存在,但若是有一种并非他所认知的生灵呢? Like ominous evil spirits! 就像不祥邪祟! Great Dao Supreme, was imprisoned by Void Domain, without vitality and freedom 大道至上,被空白领域禁锢,没有生机与自由】 Han Jue relaxes thoroughly. 韩绝彻底放松。 Chaos already is limitless, if beside Chaos also has a more vast space or stronger existence, that Han Jue must start to question a strongest saying! 混沌已经无边无际,若是混沌之外还有更辽阔的空间或者更强的存在,那韩绝就要开始质疑有没有最强一说!
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