WTNRAS :: Volume #9

#820: I am a wave guest of wrong way

Does not suffer to hit hard each time must load, but most of the time is this. m 并不是每次遭受重击都得读档,但大多时候是这样。m Alone breakthrough boundless strange group the place of awfully is: Once were hit hard, was besieged, then definitely was the death, if did not have load ability. 独自突破茫茫怪群的要命之处就是:一旦遭受重击,被围攻,接下来就肯定是死亡如果没有读档能力的话。 Closes right up against this ability Seiji to go forward continually, therefore just by oneself realized that again this strength is actually strong. 靠着这能力晴司才能持续前进,也正因此再一次亲身体会到这力量究竟多么强大。 Even if early has the sober cognition, the own practice experience will have the impact, this impact is not the impact on cognition, but deep layer touches...... Must draw an analogy words, looks like looked that harem manga and builds up harem a difference on feeling actually. 即使早有清醒的认知,亲身实践体会也是会有冲击的,这种冲击不是认知上的冲击,而是更深层的触动……非要打个比方的话,就像是看后宫漫画和实际建起一个后宫的感受上的区别吧。 This analogy is not quite appropriate, comprehends the meaning to be good. 咳,这个比喻不太恰当,领会意思就好。 Seiji realizes this great strength actually, but for all this broke through was still also difficult, the great power has protected his life, but the end point needed him to do utmost approaches slowly. 晴司实际体会到这份强大,但尽管如此突破也仍然是艰难的,强大力量保护了他的生命,可终点还是需要他竭尽全力慢慢靠近。 But as only Bystander Wagokoro, regarding this limit thrilling running cool process already blankly stares. 而身为唯一旁观者和心,对于这极限惊险跑酷过程已经看呆了 Places in the boundless many size spirit monster group, youngster breaks through actually forwards, time and time again...... No, should say that continuously danger strategic place crosses seems like the hopeless situation scene, completely is above her imagination! 身处茫茫多的大小灵怪群中,独自一人的少年硬是突破向前,一次又一次……不,应该说连续不断地险之又险地越过看似绝境的场面,完全超乎她的想象! Does not know that many time she thinks is not good, Seiji actually can surmount, the hopeless situation in her eyes in his opinion seems a level road, but in fact possibly is not this. 不知道多少次她以为不行了,晴司却总是能超越过去,在她眼里的绝境在他看来似乎是一路坦途,但实际上绝不可能是这样。 The hopeless situation is the hopeless situation! 绝境就是绝境! The movement fault so is slightly little, responded that slow slightly such faint trace, will be hit, was surrounded...... But he will not make a mistake, and is maintaining the extremely high keen response!! 动作失误稍微那么一点点,反应迟钝稍微那么一丝丝,就会被击中,被包围……但他就是不会失误,并且一直保持着极高的灵敏反应!! Simply is the art. 简直是艺术。 that's right, the art, Wagokoro thought that Sir group head this performance has achieved may be called the boundary of art, the words that although insists on explaining how she does not understand should express specifically, has this feeling in any case, was shocked this degree. 没错,艺术,和心觉得团长大人这番表现已经达到堪称艺术的境界,虽然硬要说明的话她自己也不懂具体该怎么表达,反正就是有这种感觉,被震撼到了这种程度。 Has the white fog to surge gradually. 渐渐地有白雾涌起。 No, is Seiji penetrates into gradually having the place of white fog filling the air. 不,是晴司渐渐深入到有白雾弥漫之处。 As the mist is even more thick, the field of vision was hindered, but the spirit monster quantity also starts to tail off, therefore the breakthrough difficulty instead is slowly is reducing. 随着雾气越发浓厚,视野受到阻碍,但同时灵怪数量也开始变少,所以突破难度反而是在慢慢降低。 Was near. 已经近了。 Has no need for Wagokoro prompting, Seiji have the feeling. 用不着和心提示,晴司自己就有感觉。 Finally saw a deep red torii. 最终见到了一个深红色鸟居。 The torii is sending out sacred aura, actually also gives the ominous feeling, its before was standing out of respect entire three rows of huge martial demon. 鸟居散发着神圣的气息,却也给人以不祥的感觉,其之前肃立着整整三列庞大武魔 Seiji utilizes White of Disaster without hesitation! Full power breakthrough this final battleline. 晴司毫不犹豫地运用“灾厄之白”!全力突破这最后的阵线。 Has not succeeded. 没有成功。 load comes again. 读档重来。 Absorbs the second time breakthrough after lesson, succeeded! 吸取教训后的第二次突破,成功了! After rushing in the torii, as if falls into the ice-cold deep dark seabed, by enormously pressure. 闯进鸟居之后,仿佛堕入冰冷深沉黑暗的海底,遭受极大的压力。 Seiji clenches teeth to forward, while White of Disaster the effect still, closes right up against the asylum of White Sakura God, withstands the pressure to continue to march forward. 晴司咬牙向前,趁着“灾厄之白”的效果还在,靠着白樱神的庇护,顶住压力持续行进。 Wagokoro as if said anything, but he does not listen clearly. 和心似乎说了什么,但他听不清楚。 Under the heavy pressure of god of disasters, is maintains sober is not very only easy. 在恶神的重压下,光是保持清醒就很不容易了。 Then White of Disaster the effect vanishes, the heavy pressure that increases suddenly makes him have by the squash feeling instantaneously, is very painful. 然后“灾厄之白”的效果消失,陡然增大的重压瞬间让他有被压碎般的感觉,十分痛苦。 But, but can also support! 但还可以,还撑得住! Since pledged whole-heartedly, impossible to flinch in this final moment. 既然已经承诺全力以赴,就不可能在这最后关头退缩。 However dark as if no end. 然而黑暗似乎没有尽头。 When Seiji thought soon is close to limit, within the body surges suddenly warm feeling, gives he continued strength. 就在晴司觉得快要接近极限的时候,体内突然涌动起一股暖意,给了他继续走下去的力气。 Is Yomi (Yellow Springs)...... Shinobu. 黄泉……还有小忍 He is never isolated and cuts off from help. 他从来不是孤立无援。 Wuoooh áo áo áo áo “唔唔哦哦哦哦嗷嗷嗷嗷 Seiji sends out the call, spouts the blood, in almost must be pushed under the dark heavy pressure of fragment, tenacious vanguard...... 晴司发出呐喊,喷出鲜血,在几乎要被挤成碎片的黑暗重压下,顽强前行…… ...... …… The snowflake falls gently, cold weather. 雪花飘落,天寒地冻。 This is not a fine weather, but regarding selling coal for fresh Mitsutaro, this is a fine weather, because the coal can quite sell. 这不是个好天气,但对于卖炭为生的光太郎而言,这又算是个好天气,因为炭会比较好卖。 The father dies young because of the sickness, in he as the eldest son got married the backbone, to gain selects money to let mother and sister-in-law can eat to the full, in this snows, but is not the too big day, he favors sells the coal to the town. 父亲因病早逝,他身为长子成了家里的顶梁柱,为了赚更多点钱让母亲和弟妹能够吃饱,在这下雪但不是太大的日子,他是倾向于到镇上卖炭的。 Looks at color of this day, the snow resembles under the meeting big, do not go.” The mother urged him. “看这天色,雪好像会下大,你还是不要去了吧。”母亲劝他。 All right, this degree is unimportant, does not need to be worried.” Mitsutaro carried to pack the coal basket, said with a smile to mother. “没事,这种程度不要紧的,不必担心。”光太郎背起装满了炭的篓,对母亲微笑道。 Then he left the home, moves toward the cities along the mountain road. 然后他就离开了家,沿着山道走向城镇。 Walked a meeting, sees white front, has the thick fog. 走了一会,见到前方白茫茫的,有浓雾。 Why will have the fog? He feels odd, but has not thought that but hits several points of mind, walks carefully. 为什么会有雾?他感到奇怪,但也没有多想,只是打起几分精神,更小心地行走。 Has not thought in the fog, he noticed that wears the strange clothing, wears the person of strange helmet. 没想到在雾里,他看到一个身穿奇怪服装,戴着奇怪头盔的人。 This odd person falls down, the face nearby has the bloodstain, in the hand is also grasping sharp long blade! 这怪人倒在地上,面部附近有着血迹,手里还握着一把锋利的长刀 Mitsutaro had a scare, the body stiffened. 光太郎吓了一跳,身子都僵住了。 This is...... What person?” “这是……什么人?” Died? But why actually here? 死了吗?为什么会倒在这里? He is very anxious, after watching a that person of meeting, is strong the courage slowly to approach. 他很紧张,看了那人一会后,壮起胆子缓缓走近过去。 Hey...... Also is living?” “喂……还活着吗?” Had not responded. 没有反应。 „After feeding he approaches points again, shouts with a bigger sound. “喂”他再走近一点后,用更大的声音喊道。 Shua! that person was on the rise fiercely, changes Mitsutaro suddenly in the position. 刷!那人猛地抬起头来,陡然转向光太郎所在位置。 Mitsutaro had a scare, is startled screams, backs up two steps to fall on the ground, is very painful. 光太郎又被吓了一跳,惊得叫出声来,倒退两步一屁股摔在地上,很痛。 That person of surface faces him, uses long blade to stand slowly as the support, its blade's edge is glittering a sharp glow. 那人面朝向他,以长刀为支撑缓缓站起来,其刀锋闪烁着一丝利芒。 Mitsutaro then notes, then the long blade tool face is carving the tiny strange writing on, looks like the type unusual, mysterious feeling. 光太郎这才注意到,那把长刀的刀面上刻着细小的奇异文字,看起来有种异样的、玄妙的感觉。 Strange long blade, strange dressing up, this passes the strange person from top to bottom is being anything...... 奇异的长刀,奇异的装扮,这浑身上下都透着怪异的人到底是什么…… Mitsutaro felt that the doubts and fear, instinct wants to run away, but the body suddenly did not move. 光太郎感到疑惑和恐惧,本能地想要逃走,但身体一时间动不了。 Hello.” The temperate greetings resound. “你好。”温和的问候声响起。 Eh? Mitsutaro has gawked. 呃?”光太郎愣了一下。 Then saw that the opposite party raises hand to take down the helmet, reveals a handsome extraordinary face! 然后见到对方举手取下头盔,露出一张英俊非凡的脸庞! Mitsutaro blankly stares. His whole life first time sees such face of handsome, knows that the original male student can handsome become this appearance, is under very big impact all of a sudden. 光太郎看呆了。他这辈子第一次看到这么英俊的脸,知道原来男生可以俊成这个样子,一下子受到很大的冲击。 „, Where is here?” handsome male student Seiji asked. “请问,这里是什么地方?”英俊男生晴司问道。 Had not responded, opposite party blankly looks at him. 没有反应,对方愣愣地看着他 Seiji knit the brows slightly, has duplicated an issue. 晴司微微皱眉,重复了一遍问题。 This...... Here is on the mountain!” Mitsutaro has gotten back one's composure, replies. “这……这里是山上!”光太郎回过神,答道。 On mountain...... What mountain?” “山上……什么山?” Mountain...... Is the mountain.” “山……就是山啊。” I am held responsible this mountain to name.” “我是问这座山叫什么名字。” Name...... I do not know.” Mitsutaro shakes the head. “名字……我不知道。”光太郎摇摇头。 He was born on this mountain, the mountain to him is the mountain, the natural mountain, never knows that has not thought this mountain will have the name. 他出生就在这座山上,对他而言山就是山,理所当然的山,从未知道也从来没想过这座山还会有名字。 This...... That please ask that your name is?” The Seiji watches opposite party, then asked. “这样啊……那请问你的名字是?”晴司看着对方,接着问道。 My name was Mitsutaro.” “我叫光太郎。” Mitsutaro...... Surname?” “光太郎……姓氏呢?” Surname?” “姓氏?” In front surname.” “就是在名面前的姓。” I do not know that is anything, I called Mitsutaro.” “我不知道那是什么,我就叫光太郎。” Without the surname...... Seiji winked eyes. 没有姓氏……晴司眨了眨眼睛 Has been disrespectful, I called Harano.” “失礼了,我叫原野。” Harano?” 原野?” Right, first time meeting, Mr. Mitsutaro, where are you just about to go to?” Saying, Seiji receives long blade, reaches out the opposite party. “对,初次见面,光太郎先生,请问你正要去哪里呢?”说着,晴司收起长刀,向对方伸出手。 I...... Must sell the coal to the town.” Mitsutaro has hesitated, but catches the hand of opposite party, making the opposite party draw oneself. “我……要到镇上去卖炭。”光太郎迟疑了一下,但还是接住对方的手,让对方把自己拉了起来。 In town...... Some many people?” “镇上……有很多人吗?” Naturally.” “当然了。” I also want to go, can travel together with you?” “我也想去,可以跟你同行吗?” Can yes...... However, who you are, Harano-san?” “可以是可以……不过,你是什么人啊,原野先生?” Seiji silent. 晴司沉默了一下。 I am a wave guest of wrong way.” “我是一个迷路的浪客。”
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