WT :: Volume #8

#725: The fire of destruction

Help! Who saves us!” “救命!谁来救救我们!” The Witch Tower plague area hears the shouting praying for rescue sound that shouted oneself hoarse intermittently. However, under billowing thick smoke that everywhere fills, weeping and wailing of these civilians appear so feel weak. Throws into vast ocean like a pebble, even cannot arouse ripples. 女巫之塔瘟疫区传来了阵阵声嘶力竭的呼喊求救声。但是,在漫天弥漫的滚滚浓烟下,这些平民的哭喊显得如此乏力。就像一颗小石子丢进汪洋大海,甚至激不起一丝涟漪。 Everywhere is the muddy air, is spitting the construction of large flame everywhere, the house crossbeam of burn just like the withered old person who died, the horizontal waist break, the body also burns the flame that flaming is not extinguishing. 到处都是浑浊的空气,到处都是吐着火舌的建筑,烧焦的房屋横梁犹如断气的枯槁老人,横腰断裂,身上还燃着熊熊不灭的火焰。 Some civilians try to break through, but, as if a night entire city ignited the fire, strikes the eye the institute and place, is the thick smoke and sparks/Mars, lets exit|to speak that the person could not find to escape. 一些平民试图突围出去,但是,似乎一夜间整座城市都燃起了大火,触目所及之处,皆是浓烟与火星,让人找不到逃生的出口。 They hear the fire brigades and some city guards indistinctly are helping beat out a fire, but the relativity fire intensity, their strengths were too insignificant. 他们隐隐约约听到消防队和一些城市卫兵在帮忙扑火,但是相对比火势,他们的力量实在太微不足道了。 Although the desperate civilians hear the fire brigade to put off the state indistinctly, but the thick smoke makes them unable to see clearly the position of opposite party. The fire intensity spreads in the midnight, but many people...... these people who awaken from the sleep did not have the good luck in the sleep, because they soon discovered, the thick smoke that the fire causes almost makes them suffocate. 绝望的平民虽然隐隐约约听到消防队在扑灭火情,但是浓烟让他们根本看不清对方的位置。火势在半夜蔓延开来,而许多人还在睡梦中……那些从睡梦中惊醒的人们也没有太好的运气,因为他们很快发现,火灾引起的浓烟几乎让他们窒息。 Many people when the fire intensity just spread was suffocated in the thick smoke, the opportunity of continually escaping does not have. Some intelligent points people, are covering the mouth and nose with the wet towel, escaped reluctantly. 许多人在火势刚蔓延的时候就被熏死在浓烟中,连逃亡的机会都没有。还有一些聪明点的人,用湿毛巾捂着口鼻,勉强逃了出来。 However, facing fire that almost ignites simultaneously, people on street no use is scurrying about, causes to step on scared, the tragic death is not infrequent in others civilians. 然而,面对几乎同时燃起的大火,人们在街道上无助的乱窜着,恐慌引起踩踏,惨死在他人脚下的平民不在少数。 But the confusion that the fire causes continues these. The fierce spread of fire intensity, even the underground mouse will also compel. The innumerable mouse group runs out from the house dark corner, brings the similarly blazing flame, scurries about on the street rolls randomly. 而大火引起的混乱远不止这些。火势的凶猛蔓延,甚至将地下的老鼠也逼了出来。数不清的鼠群从房屋黑暗的角落里冲出,带着同样炽热的火焰,在街上乱窜乱滚。 The sound resounds crowded, is ordinary just like the mighty mouse devil's lair. 吱吱喳喳的响声密集响起,宛如巨鼠魔窟一般。 The mouse group and crowd step on mutually, often some people were tripped, fall into the dense and numerous mouse mighty currents. The mouse that however at this time, these run away crazily apparently did not have the desire and impulsion of feed. They trample mutually, just like human, relies on the instinct of seeking livehood to escape randomly. 鼠群和人群互相踩踏,不时有人被绊倒,陷入密密麻麻的老鼠洪流之中。但是此时,这些疯狂逃窜的老鼠显然没有了进食的欲望和冲动。它们互相践踏,和人类一样,凭借着求生的本能在乱逃。 The fire of flaming combustion burnt one whole evening, by daytime time, has the two block to be burnt down thoroughly, but the fire intensity has not actually been controlled. 熊熊燃烧的大火烧了一整晚,到了白天的时候,已经有两个街区被彻底焚毁,而火势却没有得到控制。 The flame just like one to wind to occupy Dragon in Erengrad city, the place visited, the roaring flame raises. The thick black smoke almost camouflaged the entire sky. 火焰犹如一条蜿蜒盘踞在厄仑格拉德城上的巨龙,所过之处,烈焰升起。浓密的黑烟几乎将整个天空都遮蔽住了。 Quick, the fire then spread the Urskoy river bank. 很快,大火便蔓延到了乌斯科河河畔。 Almost all strengths of attack assembled here, including volunteered to join the fire fighting the civilians. North bank, warehouses are linked to each other, has extended the wharf. 几乎所有的消防力量都调集到了这里,包括一些志愿加入灭火的平民。北岸,一座座仓库连在一起,一直延伸到码头。 Past in the lively inner harbor area actually just like an incomparably giant magazine at this moment, in more than ten large-scale warehouses is storing up a lot of petroleums, coals, lumber and alcohol, flax and other flammabile and explosive, once were lit by the open fire, the consequence was dreadful. 昔日里繁华的内港区此刻却犹如一座无比巨大的火药库,十几座大型仓库里储存着大量石油、煤炭、木材以及酒精、亚麻等易燃易爆品,一旦被明火点燃,后果不堪设想。 Fire brigade along river bank arrangement strength, the office of large quantities of fireman peace civil relay ** fetches water the frontline from the river course. However the fire intensity was too fierce. The autumn blows the north wind to be the same like the supporter of combustion in the winter, gets bigger and bigger the fire intensity. North bank of Urskoy is similar to the city wall that the paper sticks together at this moment, one barrel breaks...... 消防队沿着河岸布置力量,大批消防队员和平民用接力的办**番从河道里取水到前线。但是火势实在太凶猛了。秋冬季刮得北风就像助燃剂一般,将火势越刮越大。乌斯科河北岸此刻就如同一道纸糊的城墙,一桶就破…… Really, when the fire spreads to the warehouse surrounding, everyone has to give up. Gu self escapes to go. 果然,当大火蔓延到仓库外围时,所有人都不得不放弃了。顾自逃命而去。 They are struggling, vowed solemnly must the fire intensity fire brigade of blockade outside warehousing wharf, escape at this moment for four points five powder. They are clearer than these civilians, once the warehousing area were lit is what consequence...... 他们挣扎着,原先信誓旦旦要将火势阻击在仓储码头外的消防队,此刻逃得四分五散。他们比那些平民更清楚,一旦仓储区被点燃是什么后果…… Bang...... 轰隆…… A loud sound, awakens from exhausted Rod. 一声巨响,将罗德从疲惫中惊醒。 Arrives in the balcony, is looking at the Erengrad old town central river bank warehousing area, Rod cannot help but heavy sighing. 走到阳台上,望着厄仑格拉德老城区中央的河岸仓储区,罗德不由得沉重的叹了一口气。 Sees only connects the inland river wharf area of Gulf area, since giant mushroom cloud is leaping from the ground, the surrounding area in several kilometers, was almost razed to the ground. With the scorched earth described everywhere is not overrated. 只见连接海湾区的内河码头区,一个巨大的蘑菇云正从地面腾起,方圆数公里内,几乎都被夷为平地。用遍地焦土来形容也毫不为过。 The intermittent grating explosive sound connection resounds, the ground seemed to be exploded a big hole. The innumerable dust and crushed stones fly randomly, the billowing black smoke raises from blown up warehouse ruins slowly. 阵阵刺耳的爆炸声连接响起,地面似乎都被炸出了一个大坑。无数尘土和碎石乱飞,滚滚黑烟从一座座被炸毁的仓库废墟上缓缓升起。 Rod does not know that had many innocent person dead there, but is certain, the killed mouse definitely even were much more than person...... hides in underground Skaven also meets a casualty big piece. 罗德不知道有多少无辜的人死在了那里,但是可以肯定,被炸死的老鼠肯定比人多得多……甚至于藏于地下的鼠人也会死伤一大片。 Returns to the room, Rod weak lying down to return to the seat, again to oneself but actually one glass of white wines. Then continues to close the eye, goes off diligently again. Murky, ignorant, perhaps only then this, oneself can pass this terrifying but long several days of time. 回到房间,罗德虚弱的躺回座椅,再给自己倒一杯白葡萄酒。然后继续闭上眼睛,努力再次睡去。昏昏沉沉,浑浑噩噩,或许只有这样,自己才能度过这恐怖而漫长的几天时间。 Yes, the fire at least must burn for three days to finish. By the current fire intensity, only then Urskoy can isolate the fire, but entire north bank, will be committed to flames. That is also the plague infects the most serious place. In several large-scale blocks, 2/3 people infected the plague, lives on dishonorably, mostly received the infection of Evil God to fortunately survive...... 是的,大火至少还要烧三天才能结束。以目前的火势来看,只有乌斯科河可以隔绝大火,而整个北岸,将被付之一炬。那也是瘟疫感染最严重的地方。几个大型街区里,三分之二的人感染了瘟疫,其中苟活的,大多还是受到了邪神的感染才得以幸存…… The wind , to continue whistling to blow, seems chanting in a low voice of Death God, sang the elegy that the life fell from the sky above Erengrad. 风,继续呼呼的刮着,好似死神的低吟,在厄仑格拉德上方唱起了生命陨落的挽歌。 Only then Rod and Alvis know, spreading like wildfire, the spring breeze blows the fresh truth. After destruction -type fire, the survival city is the absolute safety. The fire will burn down all sources of infection, but government, does not need to undertake the reliefs of these blocks again, guard duty. 只有罗德阿尔维斯知道,野火烧不尽,春风吹又生的道理。毁灭式的火灾过后,幸存的城区将是绝对安全的。大火将烧掉一切感染源,而政府,也不必再承担这些街区的救济,防疫任务。 Makes the flame purify this evil all like Witch Hunter famous saying . 就像猎巫人的一句名言让火焰来净化这邪恶的一切。 Lowers the head in the ponder, Rod as if saw these in the fire the pain in the innocent people who struggles. On them is burning the hell roaring flame, life brutal swallowing. The flame burning through clothes, light like the fat the body generally. Then was burnt in the painful yawp while still alive. 低头沉思中,罗德仿佛看到了那些在大火中痛苦挣扎的无辜平民。他们身上燃着地狱般的烈焰,将生命无情的吞噬。火焰烧穿衣服,将皮肉如同油脂一般点燃。然后在痛苦的叫喊声中活活被烧死。 The ear of Rod presented innumerable Undead wails...... a eye of as if void both hatred to stare at oneself. What means however also has? In order to save this city, to recall Kislev , can only like this. Always some people must sacrifice. Rod clenches teeth, no longer ponders these things. Since becoming this Kingdom imperator, the time and time again crisis is placed in front of oneself. As if dark, oneself must accept this and that test......, moreover does not have the face, choosing was the same, must lose different...... 罗德的耳边出现了无数亡灵的哀嚎……仿佛虚空中一双双仇恨的眼睛正盯着自己。但是又有什么办法呢?为了挽救这座城市,为了挽回基斯里夫,也只能这样了。总有人要牺牲。罗德咬了咬牙,不再去思考那些事情。在成为这个王国的最高统治者以来,一次次的危机摆在自己面前。似乎冥冥之中,自己要接受这样那样的考验……而且毫无情面,选择了一样,必然要失去另一样…… Finally, the fire burnt for three days and three nights, such that just like Rod forecasts, flows through Urskoy of city to become the final barrier, stopped the fire intensity north bank of the rivers. But the entire north bank civilian areas were almost burnt down none...... 终于,大火烧了整整三天三夜,正如罗德所预测的那样,流经城市的乌斯科河成为了最后的屏障,将火势阻挡在了河流北岸。而整个北岸的平民区则几乎被一把火烧得精光…… The burnt down city accounted for 1/4 of entire city! Post-fire, walks on everywhere land in confusion, people saw some terrifying actually pleasantly surprised scene see only in the scorched land, dense and numerous is lying down the corpses of innumerable mouse. Some of them press together, even piled a hill. Was burnt mostly changes beyond all recognition, the body was burnt burns black, few parts are also retaining some tender meat...... 被烧毁的城区足足占了整座城市的四分之一!大火过后,走在遍地狼藉的土地上,人们看到了恐怖却有些惊喜的一幕只见被烧焦的大地上,密密麻麻的躺着无数老鼠的尸体。它们有的挤在一起,甚至堆成了一座小山。大多数被烧得面目全非,皮肉被烧黑烤焦,少部分还保留着一些嫩肉…… People still discovered some strange life bodies in the corpse pile. That is some whisker of slow creeping motion on the deceased person body, the similarly scorched trace, has not actually died thoroughly, but also is maintaining a weak vitality. 人们还在尸堆里发现了一些怪异的生命体。那是一些在死人尸体上缓慢蠕动的触须,同样是被烧焦的痕迹,却没有死透,还保持着一丝微弱的生命力。 This reminded the patrol soldiers of the strange corpse human in black Monastery, is growing flesh lump variation human of several eyes, with dragging a rotten oval lifeform of place mucilage. Panic-stricken , the angry soldier holds up the flare, pressing ruthlessly in these also on strange whisker of creeping motion. Seemed is venting yesterday's fear. 这让巡逻士兵们想起了黑色修道院里的怪尸人类,长着几只眼睛的肉块变异人类,和拖着一地粘液的腐烂卵形生物。惊恐之下,愤怒的士兵举起火把,狠狠的摁在那些还在蠕动的怪异触须上面。好似在发泄着昨日的恐惧。 Burnt down majority is the shantytown, the slum. The flea nest was burnt down completely, Witch Tower, Witch trail Area two was burnt down most. The fire intensity in Gangtie Avenue block was contained, only burnt down the street 1/4 constructions. The concrete casualties population is being counted.” “被烧毁的大部分是棚户区,贫民窟。跳蚤窝被完全焚毁,女巫之塔,女巫小径两个被焚毁大半。钢铁大街街区的火势被遏制,只烧毁了街道四分之一的建筑。具体伤亡人口正在统计中。” In the scene of fire, Alvis holds the thick notebook to step onto. 火场里,阿尔维斯捧着厚厚的笔记本走上来说到。
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