WT :: Volume #8

#722: Ice sludge!

The group beast shouts, the flying snow flutters. 群兽嘶吼,飞雪飘扬。 Countless Beastman shout in the mountain valley, seems the mighty current of galloping, is going through from the narrow valley land. Surges, curls up everywhere snow dust. 数不尽的野兽人在山谷中嘶吼,好似奔腾的洪流,正从狭窄的谷地中穿行而过。激荡,卷起漫天雪尘。 Jade water container canyon deep place, when the tribe soldiers who when lay an ambush see the violent anger the beast group, cannot help but heart one tight. Boris stands dead ahead the team, stares the beast group that galloping is coming, in the look fills was firm and resolute and tenacious. That is being unafraid of death generous spirited. 冰壶峡谷深处,当设伏的部落战士们看到暴怒的兽群时,不由得心头一紧。鲍里斯站在队伍正前方,凝视着奔腾而来的兽群,眼神里充满了坚毅与顽强。那是视死如归的慷慨昂扬。 Ice-breaking preparation!” “破冰准备!” When 2/3 Beastman already through canyon, the Lya's heart cannot help but mentioned the throat, she orders loudly. However, was actually stopped by Boris severely 当三分之二的野兽人已经通过峡谷时,莉莉娅的心不由得提到了嗓子眼,她大声命令到。然而,却被鲍里斯严厉制止了 No! In wait/etc.” “不!在等等。” Boris at this moment like the one after another wolf, is ambushing in the dark deep place, the observation, is calculating the prey. 此刻的鲍里斯就像一头头狼,正潜伏在黑暗深处,观察,计算着猎物。 Everyone grips tightly the hand of weapon to shiver, however, Boris exceptionally is calm. His calmness is not because this tactic is perfect, in fact, this is the simplest cheating defeat, the trap tactic. Boris is calm, because of his fearlessness to death. His heart had died, the body dies also to might as well again one time. However, cannot meaningless dying. But now, for the survival of this tribe, braves to fight to the last ditch one time, did not calculate without the significance. 所有人紧握武器的手都在颤抖着,然而,鲍里斯却异常冷静。他的冷静不是因为这个战术有多么完美,事实上,这不过是最简单的诈败,陷阱战术而已。鲍里斯冷静,因为他对死亡的无所畏惧。他的心早就死了,身体再死一次也无妨。但是,不能毫无意义的死去。而现在,为了这个部落的生存,冒死拼一次,也不算毫无意义了。 Stands firm!” “稳住!” Frontline the team, Boris raises the arm, makes a stable army the hand signal. In a flash, he as if returned to the past years, returned to the past that Kislev talent youngster, director mighty force rush enemy in battlefield, high-spirited aristocrat youngster. Yes, at this moment, he as if returned. Just, no longer is the fully-armed, well-trained Kislev regular army, but is one crowd in rags, to live is forced to fight, in tribe youth who in the cold wind trembles. 队伍最前方,鲍里斯扬起手臂,做出一个稳定全军的手势。一瞬间,他仿佛回到了当年,回到当年那个基斯里夫天才少年,在战场上指挥千军万马冲杀敌军,意气风发的贵族少年。是的,这一刻,他仿佛回到了过去。只不过,身后不再是全副武装,训练有素的基斯里夫正规军,而是一群衣衫褴褛,为了活着而被迫战斗,在寒风中瑟瑟发抖的部落青年。 Boris lies, is feeling shivering of ice surface, with steps on the sound that beyond that several hundred meters transmits fiercely. 鲍里斯趴下去,感受着冰面的颤抖,和那数百米外传来的剧烈踩踏声。 Wait, waits again!” “等等,再等等!” Even Beastman leading Unit has been away from oneself to be very near. Even can see that their sturdy bodies are running like crazy, the transpiration of steam that sprinting, in the oronasals is exhaling in the air becomes faint trace white fog. 即便野兽人的先头部队已经距离自己很近了。甚至可以看到他们粗壮的身躯在疯跑着,冲刺着,口鼻间呼出的热气在空气中蒸腾成一丝丝白雾。 Lya gets angry anxiously, but Boris is enduring as before! 莉莉娅急红了眼,但是鲍里斯依旧在忍! Come, the hybrids, are nearer, are nearer!” “来吧,杂种们,近些,再近些!” Fixes the eyes on the Beastman army who is flushing, Boris lowers to oneself in the innermost feelings is roaring. 紧盯着冲来的野兽人大军,鲍里斯在内心对自己低吼着。 Finally, large quantities of Beastman crashed in the frozen lake in groups. 终于,大批野兽人成群结队冲进了冰封的湖泊。 Now! Ice-breaking!” “现在!破冰!” Suddenly, Boris stands up fiercely, lifts the right hand arm of battle axe to wield vigorously. 突然间,鲍里斯猛地站起身来,举着战斧的右手臂大力一挥。 The order transmits layer upon layer, sees only in the frozen lake surface in not far away, shooter Jidd draws the full long bow vigorously, toward the ice lake above sky lasing rocket. 命令层层传达出去,只见不远处的冰封湖面上,大力射手基德拉满长弓,朝冰湖上方的天空激射火箭。 Immediately performance order situated in the mountain valley above tribe ambusher. A person of high giant stone in people skids continually, from summit rumble rolling down. 位于山谷上方的部落伏兵立即执行命令。一人多高的巨石在众人的连番撬动下,自山顶轰隆隆的滚下。 The sound on distant hillside brought to the attention of many Beastman obviously, however, to could have ignored so many in frontline Beastman obviously. The wild animal of their true bloodthirsty, charged into front close emaciated human likely. That is their old enemies, is they have a dream thinks small and weak lifeform that the hand rips. Especially after experiencing bow and arrow harassment that is several days, can the short distance hack to death these irritating small and weak human simply is giving vent to indignation! 远方山坡上的动静显然引起了不少野兽人的注意,然而,冲在最前方的野兽人显然已经顾不得那么多了。它们像真正嗜血的野兽,冲向了面前近在咫尺的瘦弱人类。那是他们的宿敌,是它们做梦都想手撕的弱小生物。尤其是在经历了长达数日的弓箭骚扰之后,能够近距离砍死这些恼人的弱小人类简直是一种泄愤! Bang! 嘭! Boris only thought that at present one black, Minotaur that the front surface to/clashes just like a great wall, person of high Warhammer has the unapproachable great power long jab. 鲍里斯只觉得眼前一黑,迎面冲来的牛头人犹如一堵巨墙,一人多高的战锤带着无可匹敌的强大威力直击而来。 The holding up shield protection of Boris instinct, the body actually goes out in the flash fierce ejection that Warhammer pounds backward. Brought the wild nature brute force, Warhammer to pound a dent the Boris steel shield directly, but the shield following Boris half arm is shivering fiercely, suddenly passed out. 鲍里斯本能的举起盾牌防护,身体却在战锤砸来的一瞬间向后猛的弹射出去。带着野性的蛮力,战锤直接将鲍里斯的钢盾砸出了一个凹痕,而盾牌后面的鲍里斯半只手臂剧烈颤抖着,一时间失去了知觉。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… In the distant place lake surface, heard the intermittent terrifying bursting sound, that is the pure hit, the giant stone on mountain after rolls continually, has the terrifying speed and quality, dashed that just the frozen lake surface. 远处湖面上,传来了阵阵恐怖的爆裂声,那是纯粹的撞击,山上的巨石经过连番滚动,带着恐怖的速度和质量,冲撞那刚刚冰封的湖面。 It seems together the blue gem that splits slowly, when ferocious Beastman also in slaughters the fight with a substantial number of tribe soldiers, the ice lake edge had quietly presented the fissure. 好似一块正在缓缓裂开的蓝色宝石,当穷凶极恶的野兽人还在与为数不少的部落战士厮杀搏斗时,冰湖边缘已经悄然出现了裂痕。 More giant stones were pushed from the summit, facing astonishing amount of Beastman Unit, skids to push down the giant stone far away from the battlefield tribe squad soldier crazily, the tribe soldiers who as if the battlefield central that crowd is abandoning the life fight have nothing to do general with them. In the ambush element soldier eyes, as if only has Beastman, must submerge this crowd of bloodthirsty monster here! Because, only by doing so, they can maintain a livelihood...... 更多的巨石从山顶上被推了下来,面对数量惊人的野兽人部队,远离战场的部落小队士兵疯狂的撬动推下巨石,仿佛战场中央那群正在舍命搏斗的部落战士与他们无关一般。伏击小队士兵眼里,似乎只有野兽人,必须将这群嗜血的怪兽淹没在这里!因为,只有这样,他们才能活命…… Bang! Bang!...... 嘭!嘭!…… The intermittent giant stone crushes the sound of ice layer to transmit from the distant place. 阵阵巨石击碎冰层的声音从远处传来。 The front is slaughtering Beastman of tangled warfare to wallow with human completely in the bloody fight, but gravity that behind that group black brown beast group, many Beastman have realized the issue. Many timid Ungor have even started to retreat. 前方正在与人类厮杀混战的野兽人完全沉迷于血腥的战斗中,而那团黑棕色的兽群后方,已经有不少野兽人意识到问题的严重性。不少胆小的劣角兽甚至已经开始溃逃。 Is towing them!” “拖着它们!” Constrains them!” “拖住它们!” The tribe soldiers in almost all surrounding are crying out at heart. The ice surface is almost splitting at the visible speed. These fissures, seem the spider web to spread rapidly. 几乎所有外围的部落战士都在心里呐喊着。冰面几乎是以肉眼可见的速度在分裂。那些裂痕,好似蛛网般迅速蔓延开来。 Are getting more and more in the team rear Beastman starts not to discover right, flees from the lake surface. However, tribe big Chief brings light cavalry Unit to be ready in full battle array in the shore, Beastman that the bow and arrow and hunts for the lance to shoot at from the lakeshore after escapes in abundance. 越来越多在队伍中后方的野兽人开始发现不对劲,逃离湖面。然而,部落大酋长已经带着轻骑兵部队在岸边严阵以待,弓箭和猎矛从湖岸边纷纷射向正在后逃的野兽人 Some Ungor just came ashore, then encountered hunting and killing and stepping on mobile stronger Ungol cavalry. The horse's hoof is trampling the flesh, dyed the blood red the ice lake edge. 一些劣角兽刚刚上岸,便遭到了机动性更强的乌果尔骑兵的猎杀和踩踏。马蹄践踏着血肉,将冰湖边缘染成了血红色。 Boris holds up the shield, strenuous meeting head-on, he can get rid of ten again with ease, 20 Ungor, but facing monster general Minotaur, the strength of normal human actually seems so weak. Although in speed and on agile, Boris has the absolute advantage. However, he is injured...... that got in the hemp half arm almost not to cause any strength, facing the Minotaur fierce attack, Boris can only move aside time and time again distressedly. 鲍里斯举起盾牌,再次吃力的迎战,他可以轻松干掉十个,二十个劣角兽,但是面对怪兽一般的牛头人,正常人类的力量却显得如此无力。尽管在速度和敏捷上,鲍里斯拥有绝对的优势。但是,他受了伤……那被打麻了的半只手臂几乎使不上任何力气,面对牛头人一次又一次凶猛的打击,鲍里斯只能狼狈躲闪。 Two, three......, in Minotaur loses sane crazy to thrash, Boris saw the ice surface of this wild animal under foot...... 一下,两下,三下……在牛头人失去理智的疯狂捶打中,鲍里斯看到了这头野兽脚下的冰面…… Yes, it is disrupting! 是的,它正在碎裂! However, wild Minotaur has disregarded this huge danger completely , to continue to brandish Warhammer, that small and weak human soldier of pounding one after another to ice surface. 然而,已经狂暴的牛头人根本无视这种巨大危险,继续抡着战锤,一锤一锤的砸向冰面上那个弱小的人类战士。 Finally, a sound of solid ice disruption conveys, Boris and ice surface of Minotaur under foot disrupts suddenly! 终于,一阵坚冰碎裂的声音传来,鲍里斯牛头人脚下的冰面骤然碎裂! The giant ice piece that raises looks like a going up boat, stands slips in the above Minotaur soldier instantaneously in the place, almost no struggling opportunity, body huge Minotaur alas, following the smooth ice piece surface, to slide one to slide into the lake surface directly, splashes one group of ice-cold water splash. 扬起的巨大冰块像一艘上翘的小船,站在上面的牛头人战士瞬间滑倒在地,几乎没有一丝挣扎的机会,身躯庞大的牛头人一声呜呼,顺着光滑的冰块表面,直接呲溜一身滑入湖面,溅起一团冰冷的水花。 When Minotaur sad howl the falling lake, Boris is also standing steadily, does not slide into the lake surface simultaneously. 就在牛头人悲吼着坠湖时,鲍里斯也站立不稳,同时滑入湖面。 The ice-cold lake water soaks the whole body immediately, skin armor and cotton-padded jacket just like the spirit that carries a heavy load at this time, having the evil clutches to be the same, its deep drawing in water in! 冰冷的湖水顿时浸透全身,身上的皮甲和棉衣此时犹如负重的幽灵,带着魔掌一般,将它深深的拖入水中! Sincere cotton-padded jacket that is used in maintaining warmth on the land, actually just like the shackles to be the same in the water, surrounded Boris. He struggles to float the water surface, the breathe air. However another solid ice disrupts, the sharp floating ice just like together the seesaw, raised but actually, more bodies above one crowd of Beastman and human soldier pounded immediately from above! 那在陆地上用于保暖的厚重棉衣,在水中却犹如枷锁一般,困住了鲍里斯。他挣扎着要浮上水面,呼吸空气。但是又一块坚冰碎裂,尖锐的浮冰犹如一块跷跷板,将上面的一群野兽人和人类士兵顿时掀倒,更多的躯体从上面砸了下来! Just must contact the water surface Boris only to think that at present one black, the heavy body of falling in the water pressed him layer on layer/heavily. 刚刚要接触到水面的鲍里斯只觉得眼前一黑,落水的沉重躯体将他重重压了回去。 The ice-cold lake water flows in backward immediately, making Boris almost suffocate...... 冰冷的湖水立即倒灌进来,令鲍里斯几乎窒息…… He is almost dying. The aura of death just like the vine, him was one of them sleepily. The surrounding space seems the boundless darkness to be vast, Death God is waving to him, ice-cold will freeze his body, imprisons his soul forever in this jet black frozen lake bottom! 他几乎就要死了。死亡的气息犹如藤蔓般,将他困在其中。周围的空间好似无边的黑暗浩渺,死神在向他招手,冰冷将冻结他的身体,将他的灵魂永远禁锢在这漆黑的冰封湖底! However, just likes the flash, Boris saw the father, saw the Kislev honor, saw Dannis, saw King of the North...... incomparably wild White Bear is roaring in his within the body, pulls back the reality him forcefully! 然而,恍若一瞬间,鲍里斯又看到了父亲,看到了基斯里夫城的荣光,看到了丹尼斯,看到了北境之王……一头无比狂暴的白熊在他体内咆哮着,将他硬生生拉回现实! Relying on last is sane and sober, Boris turns very quiet, paddles the stiff arm again, simultaneously exhausts to tread water full power, tries to float the water surface. 凭借着最后一丝理智和清醒,鲍里斯屏住呼吸,再次划动僵硬的手臂,同时用尽全力踩水,试图浮上水面。 He succeeded......, when will not soon be able to hold, his head found out the water surface. Weak incomparable Boris lies on together the ice piece, is breathing the air of lake surface pollution crazily greedily. Here, has the Beastman dirty odor smell, has the fishy smell stink of blood. The clean lake water was dyed the blood red. Innumerable Beastman are struggling fleeing, but the lake surface has disrupted obviously the innumerable every large or small ice sludge, the jade water container canyon, just like the Daemon giant dark blue eye socket, is swallowing over a hundred over ten thousand colorful lives. 他成功了……在即将憋不住的时候,他的脑袋探出了水面。虚弱无比的鲍里斯趴在一块冰块上,疯狂贪婪的呼吸着湖面浑浊的空气。这里,有野兽人肮脏的恶臭气味,有鲜血的腥臭味。干净的湖水被染成了血红色。无数野兽人在挣扎着逃离,但是湖面显然已经碎裂成无数大大小小的碎冰,冰壶峡谷,犹如恶魔巨大的深蓝眼窝,吞噬着成百上万鲜活的生命。
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