WT :: Volume #8

#721: Quibbling

The jade water container valley, the cold wind just like the dagger, has blown the cheeks of Boris. That because of severely cold, but the cheeks of some frostbite are rough and hard, as if adapted to north severely cold White Wolf, is surviving in the natural resistance tenaciously. 冰壶谷,寒风犹如匕首,刮过鲍里斯的脸颊。那张因为严寒而有些冻伤的脸颊粗糙而坚硬,仿佛适应了北地严寒的白狼,在与自然的对抗中顽强的生存着。 Since arrives at the tribe for the second time , Boris adapted to the custom of tribe gradually, on the attire also tends to the assimilation, the black robe of night watchman took off, changed the light quality skin Jiahe cotton-padded jacket of tribe soldier. Head belt/bring the thick fur hat, the waist is also hanging one bottle of highly concentrated Vodka for a long time. 自从第二次来到部落以后,鲍里斯渐渐的适应了部落的风俗,装束上面也趋于同化,守夜人的黑袍脱下,换上了部落战士的轻质皮甲和棉衣。头上带着厚实的皮帽,腰间还长期挂着一瓶高浓度伏特加。 Wall guards the regiment not to the soldiers drink, but here different, pre-battle, everyone will drink several greatly, to alleviate coldly, puts behind the fear. 长城戍卫军团不许士兵们喝酒,但是这里不同,战斗前,每个人都会大饮几口,以缓解寒冷,忘却恐惧。 For this duty, big Chief also gave Boris to match a fast horse remnant shadow specially. This is in the tribe one of the quickest warhorses, endurance and speed best besides Lya that white horse. Present Boris seems like already and common tribe cavalries is not different. 为了这次任务,大酋长还专门给鲍里斯配了一匹快马残影。这是部落中最快的战马之一,也是除了莉莉娅那匹白马以外耐力和速度最好的一匹。眼前的鲍里斯看上去已经和一般的部落骑兵没什么两样。 The war is about to begin, he does not have a fear. In fact, in his 33-year life years, repeatedly facing life and death test, except for young beyond that slightly fear, in following years, regarding death, Boris then not truly frightened. He does not want dead, sometimes merely because of also anticipation and hate. 大战在即,他没有一丝恐惧。事实上,在他长达33年的人生岁月中,多次面对生死考验,除了年轻时那略微恐惧之外,接下来的岁月中,对于死亡,鲍里斯便没有真正恐惧过。他不想死,有时候仅仅是因为还有一丝期待与怨恨。 The anticipation one day can return to the native land , to continue the predestined affinity with Dannis again. Hates the Kislev person, including his father, forgets him thoroughly in this world edge. He must prove anything, even if showed that his Boris is not the twirp. 期待有一天能重返故土,与丹尼斯再续前缘。怨恨基斯里夫的人,包括他的父亲,将他彻底遗忘在这世界边缘。他要证明点什么,哪怕证明他鲍里斯绝非无用之人。 The fight must start immediately. Large quantities of Beastman were introduced the canyon, just like the billowing mighty current, passes from the narrow tall and slender canyon. Scouts reports every several minutes back and forth one time, everyone is in a high state of combat alertness, the last war that prepares to greet this decision tribe life and death. 战斗马上就要开始了。大批野兽人被引入峡谷,犹如滚滚洪流,从狭窄细长的峡谷中通过。斥候每隔几分钟就来回汇报一次,所有人都枕戈待旦,准备迎接这决定部落生死的最后一战。 Boris.” 鲍里斯。” Lya walked suddenly, she is oneself must carry out this task. Even from the beginning big Chief is the opposition, but stubborn Lya's insistence. Lya speaking of , if this campaign defeats again, the tribe the destruction, then, oneself and everyone cannot run away the destroyed destiny. Under the insistence, big Chief can only the helpless agreement. He knows the oneself daughter said right, defeats again, the tribe did not have. Then oneself and daughter may also draw back roadless. 莉莉娅突然走了过来,她是自己要来执行这次任务的。即便一开始大酋长是反对的,但是拗不过莉莉娅的坚持。莉莉娅说到若是这次战役再败,部落将覆灭,那么,自己和所有人都逃不了被毁灭的命运。坚决要求下,大酋长只能无奈的同意。他知道自己女儿说的没错,再败,部落就没了。那么自己和女儿也就无路可退了。 Lya looks like a silent spirit to appear side Boris, in her hand grasps the long bow, the waist is hanging the dagger and short sword, an appearance of elite female hunter. 莉莉娅像一个无声的幽灵出现在鲍里斯身边,她手里握着长弓,腰间挂着匕首和短刀,一副精英女猎手的样子。 Un?” “嗯?” Boris has turned the head, calm looks at this tribe big Chief daughter. What a pity she does not have Elder Brother younger brother anything, otherwise, this situation, really should not the woman enter the stage. Boris is thinking. 鲍里斯转过头去,一脸平静的看着这个部落大酋长的女儿。可惜她没有哥哥弟弟什么的,否则,这种场合,真不该女人出场。鲍里斯想着。 Has a matter I to ask you, you must reply truthfully.” “有件事我想问你,你要如实回答。” Lya raised the head, is staring at Boris. This strange vision makes Boris some not adapt, but he tranquil moving forward to meet somebody 莉莉娅抬头,凝视着鲍里斯。这种奇异的目光让鲍里斯有些不适应,但是他还是平静的迎了上去 You asked that best a bit faster, we must meet the enemy immediately.” “你问吧,最好快点,我们马上就要迎敌了。” „Is Carlos, you kills?” “卡洛斯,是不是你杀的?” Lya said, the Boris cannot help but heart sinks. How does this woman know? At that time in the battlefield was chaotic, from the oneself recent tribe soldier also more than ten meters away, in addition the wind and snow and Beastman chaotic form impediment, the wizard can see had anything specifically. Difficult to be inadequate Lya is only the guess? 莉莉娅说完,鲍里斯不由得心头一沉。这个女人是怎么知道的?当时战场上混乱不堪,距离自己最近的部落战士也有十几米远,加上风雪和野兽人混乱的身影阻隔,鬼才能看到具体发生了什么。难不成莉莉娅只是猜测? Boris knows that oneself cannot hesitate, therefore said quickly 鲍里斯知道自己不能犹豫,于是很快接话到 How possibly? How I possibly kill the oneself ally, he is Captain!” “怎么可能?我怎么可能杀害自己的战友,他可是队长!” Speaking of Boris righteousness expression. Should say that is quibbles and lies. However, this quibbling and lie have not actually left slightly the trace on his face. 鲍里斯义正言辞的说到。应该说是狡辩和说谎。然而,这种狡辩和谎言却没有在他脸上留下丝毫痕迹。 You deceived others, but you could not deceive me absolutely.” “你骗得了其他人,但是你绝对骗不了我。” Lya spoke in a low voice. Around them does not have others, the recent tribe soldiers await orders in behind, from having good one. 莉莉娅低声说到。他们周围没有其他人,最近的部落战士都在后面待命,距离有好一段。 Carlos's personality I found, he absolutely is not a coveting life and fearing death person, in the meantime, he is also a qualified soldier, person of firm performance order!” “卡洛斯的性格我还是了解的,他绝对不会是一个贪生怕死之人,同时,他也是一个合格的军人,会坚决执行命令的人!” Lya continues to speak. 莉莉娅继续说到。 Order retreats! The transmitting orders officer has gotten down!” “命令就是撤退!传令官已经下来了!” Return that Boris is without turning a hair. 鲍里斯面不改色的回到。 My father sent out the cryer, but he died on the way!” “我父亲是派出了传令员,但是他死在途中了!” Lya pressed for an answer. 莉莉娅逼问到。 Boris had not replied. 鲍里斯没有回答。 You can say after you receive the order, the transmitting orders officer died. However, judged by the general knowledge, in that situation, the transmitting orders officer is unable to break through, runs up to the infantry regiment to transmit the order.” “你可以说你们是接到命令后,传令官才死的。但是,以常识判断,那种情况下,传令官根本无法突围,跑到步兵团里传达命令。” Lya is saying, the complexion is getting more and more ugly. As if the silence of Boris tacitly approved generally. 莉莉娅说着,脸色越来越难看。仿佛鲍里斯的沉默就是默认了一般。 My father has also guessed correctly. Just, what he guessed, Carlos was killed by Beastman, but you, chose to lead everyone to break through in the despair to retreat. He believes on Carlos face that to hit hard is Beastman does!” “我父亲也已经猜到了。只不过,他猜测的是,卡洛斯是被野兽人杀死的,而你,在绝望中选择带领大家突围撤退。他相信卡洛斯脸上那一重击是野兽人干的!” Lya somewhat excited speaking. 莉莉娅有些激动的说到。 Naturally is Beastman does! That is the wound that the blunt instrument hits hard leaves behind.” “当然是野兽人干的!那是钝器重击留下的伤口。” Boris is saying as before calmly. On the face does not have a expression, seemed telling that facts that everyone knows are the same. 鲍里斯依旧平静的说着。脸上不带一丝表情,仿佛就是在诉说一件众所周知的事实一样。 However, the Lya's complexion even more was ugly. 然而,莉莉娅的脸色却越发难看了。 Takes an oath by your god, you have not lied!” “以你的神起誓,你没有说谎!” Interrogation that Lya resents, immediately cold sound to 莉莉娅愤恨的质问,随即又冷声到 Ok, you will not acknowledge. You have not believed that your belief is your oneself, to survive, can resort to all means.” “算了,你不会承认的。你没有信仰,你的信仰就是你自己,为了生存,可以不择手段。” The Lya's complexion is ugly, from all sorts of responses of Boris, she has verified the guess of oneself. 莉莉娅的脸色难看至极,从鲍里斯的种种反应,她已经印证了自己的猜测。 Survival is the first demands of all lives! Living, all were hopeful, died, anything did not have. I acknowledged, I killed Carlos. Because he refuses to retreat, the battlefield situation is fast changing, the life and death only in a flash, delay for one minute, the hope that the soldiers survive are few point. Not only my for me, hope and opportunity that also in the tribe, strives to go on living.” “生存是所有生命的第一需求!活着,一切才有希望,死了,就什么都没了。我承认,我杀了卡洛斯。因为他拒绝撤退,战场形势瞬息万变,生与死只在弹指间,延误一分钟,战士们生存下来的希望就少一分。我那不仅是在为我,也是在部落,争取活下去的希望和机会。” How you called me, murderer, executioner, domestic animal and wild animal......, but, the facts you must acknowledge, was because of me at that time such decision, recalled the tribe. This world is brutal, I think that the life understands this truth in area north of the Great Wall you compared with us.” “你怎么叫我都可以,凶手、刽子手、畜生、野兽……但是,有一个事实你不能不承认,正是因为我当时那样的决定,才挽回了部落。这个世界是残酷的,我以为生活在塞外的你们比我们更懂得这个道理。” Boris coldly speaks. The life and death decisive battle nears, can fortunately survive in the following fight, but also wanted two to say. Since were seen through, Boris then no longer conceals anything. He knows that this woman will not hold the matter, if can, hold , her father, but tribe Leader, she compared with anybody has the right to speak. 鲍里斯冷冷说到。生死决战在即,能不能在接下来的战斗中幸存,还要两说。既然被看穿,鲍里斯便不再隐瞒什么。他知道这个女人不会把事情捅出去,若会,早就捅出去了,要知道,她父亲可是部落首领,她比其他任何人更有话语权。 Lya shot a look at a side such as cold-blooded animal general Boris, no longer spoke. Not far away, the Beastman angry shouting sound was getting more and more near, the under foot, the frozen lake surface seems the Daemon giant blue color pupil, is gazing at all lifeform of invading one's territory, the desire is swallowing them thoroughly...... 莉莉娅瞥了一眼身旁如冷血动物一般的鲍里斯,不再吭声。不远处,野兽人愤怒的嘶吼声越来越近了,脚下,冰封的湖面好似恶魔巨大的蓝色瞳孔,正注视着来犯的一切生物,欲将他们彻底吞噬……
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