VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#809: The stratagem of Mount Shu, the responsibility of destiny

Le Yuan is not liked observing the well-mannered person without a doubt, but he hates these destruction customs for the person who he looks for trouble, now some people expel Demon God to ask him also to have the trouble of his younger sister Xiao Xuan unexpectedly, this is bringing about own destruction simply. 毫无疑问乐渊本来就不是个喜欢遵守规矩的人,但是他更痛恨那些破坏规矩给他找麻烦的人,现在有人竟然驱逐鬼神来找他还有他妹妹小萱的麻烦,这简直就是在自寻死路。 “咳咳 Although move of gets rid of this Demon God not to exhaust Le Yuan many Strength, but that already and becomes a ghost Monster Purifying Sacred Fire actually grasps each opportunity time, when Le Yuan just used Strength tries to get rid of Le Yuan again. 虽然一招干掉了这鬼神并没有耗去乐渊多少的力量,但是那早就和成了精似的净妖圣火却抓紧每一次的机会,在乐渊刚刚动用力量之际再一次试图将乐渊干掉。 However after was built up by Le Yuan melted some Strength, this Monster Purifying Sacred Fire at most can make Le Yuan cough several times blood, the revolution of Strength is somewhat jerky, but also cannot baffle Le Yuan. 不过在被乐渊炼化了部分力量之后,这净妖圣火顶多能够让乐渊多咳几次血,力量的运转有些生涩罢了,还难不倒乐渊 Returned the ground Xiao Xuan, Le Yuan looks on the back isolated hill, he just looked very clearly, that Demon God lord in that directional steering. 小萱重新放回到地上,乐渊将目光锁定在了背面的孤山上,他刚刚“看”得很清楚,那鬼神的主子就在那个方向操纵着。 Le Yuan has turned the head to Xiao Xuan and Gu Liufang two people said: Brother Gu goes back to rest sooner, today perhaps not peaceful...... also has Xiao Xuan, you return to Saintess Aunt there quickly, remembered do not run casually for these days outward, I solved troublesome quick looked for you!” 乐渊转过头对着小萱顾留芳两人说道:“顾兄还是早些回去休息吧,今天恐怕不太平……还有小萱,你赶快回到圣姑那里,记住这几天别随便往外跑了,我解决了麻烦很快就去找你!” Elder Brother A'Le, your body......” 阿乐哥,你的身体……” Initially Xiao Xuan picked to return to the hole Le Yuan, generally actually learned Medical Expertise her naturally also understand Le Yuan to look like in Saintess Aunt hand/subordinate puts down ordinary person to live to endure patiently the big pain, perhaps also the carrying/sustaining what risk, just that attack made him feel the pain of raging fire committing suicide by fire. 当初正是小萱乐渊捡回到洞中的,在圣姑手下习得一手医术的她自然也明白乐渊能够像平常人一般生活究竟忍耐了多大的痛苦,同时也承载了什么样的风险,恐怕刚刚的那一次攻击又让他感受到了烈火焚身之苦。 Hehe, all right, your elder brother's life may be harder, obedient that everyone thinks goes home!” “嘿嘿,没事的,你哥的命可比所有人想的都要硬,听话回家!” The words just a saying ended, Le Yuan immediately before two people bodies changes to the red light to vanish without the trace together, leaves behind the air/Qi of raging fire on his dissipates only. 话刚一说完,乐渊顿时从两人的身前化作一道红光消失无踪,独独留下他那身上逸散出来的烈火之气。 On the isolated hill dozens li (0.5 km) away, the Qing Wei five people of ages are about 50 years old high and low, a strength is in the eruption rise period, has not touched the bottleneck that future cultivation base will grow, will not naturally have to cultivate that pit father's Immortal Technique, will make future Evil Sword Immortal. 在数十里之外的孤山上,清微五人年纪不过五十岁上下,一身实力正处于爆发增长期,根本还没有触及到未来修为增长的瓶颈,自然也没有去修炼那坑爹的仙术,制造出未来的邪剑仙来。 The person who one crowd of strengths cannot mount the B level, will not really be able to see the least bit in the future the Mount Shu Sect high level elegant demeanor. On the natural talent, by the talent, Murong Ziying before age 20 was also expert in C level, at age 20 had Le Yuan to assist, leapt the B level stage directly, later became an immortal before age 30. 一群实力登不上b级的人,真的看不出半点未来蜀山派高层的风采。论天资,论才情,慕容紫英在20岁之前也就是c级中的高手,20岁之后有乐渊相助,更是直接跃到了b级阶段,之后更在30岁之前成了仙。 Although cannot say that becomes an immortal then the strength to increase, but did not have the limit of life span, the Murong Ziying future achievement will be limitless, did not know many times compared with present Qing Wei and the others. 虽然不能说成仙便实力大增,但是没有了寿命的大限,慕容紫英未来的成就不可限量,比起眼前的清微等人不知道强了多少倍。 After Demon God was extinguished, first obtained the feedback as You Xuan of summoner, after Demon God died backlash accusation against make him immediately body, the whole person looks at the front dull. 鬼神被灭了之后,作为召唤者的幽玄第一时间得到了回馈,鬼神死后的反噬令他当即身子一挺,整个人呆呆地看着前方。 „It is not good, has the person of high skill in this...... “不好,有高人在此……噗 As these words saying, You Xuan spouted an essence and blood. Although this Demon God is You Xuan draws on merely conveniently, but among two people the binder agreement made You Xuan after Demon God died obtained the penalty, although was insufficient to make You Xuan have a fracture, but did not have ten days of half a month this loss Primordial Qi unable to make up. 随着这一句话说出,幽玄喷出一口精血。这鬼神虽然仅仅是幽玄随手招来的,但是两人之间的临时契约还是令幽玄鬼神死后得到了惩罚,虽不至于令幽玄伤筋动骨,但是没有十天半个月这损失的元气是补不回来了。 Person of high skill, is expert that the Nüwa clan hidden, does that generation protect Saintess Aunt of Nüwa clan?” “高人,难道说是女娲族隐藏的高手,那个世代守护女娲族的圣姑?” The book reservation in Mount Shu Sect how, among the record of Nüwa clan is also the far superhumans various factions, almost and inherited the Strength way to study insightfully Nüwa clan the riddle of birth, could be said as the world knowing a deepest influence besides Nüwa clan about the Nüwa clan. 蜀山派中的典藏何其之多,对于女娲族的记述也是远超人间各派,几乎把女娲族的诞生之谜和传承力量方式都研究了通透,除了女娲族自己之外可以说是人间对女娲族了解得最深的一个势力。 After being injured, immediately sits cross-legged You Xuan that sits down therapy to open the eye to shake the head saying: „It is not right, the news that although Demon God passes on are not many, but I can also see that am a man, is not Saintess Aunt, expert that so but where this state comes......” 受伤之后当即盘膝坐下疗伤的幽玄睁开眼睛摇头道:“不对,虽然鬼神传回来的消息不多,但是我也看得出那是一个男子,绝不是圣姑,可是这蛮州哪来的这般高手……” Hot tempered Jing Ming most does not endure patiently, a few words blurted out: Was not some people will also stare at that Nüwa clan descendants, was difficult to be inadequate some people to hit with our same ideas?” 性格暴躁的净明最是忍耐不得,一句话脱口而出道:“不会是还有人盯上了那女娲族后裔吧,难不成有人打着和我们一样的主意?” Junior Brother, cautious word!” “师弟,慎言!” Until now calm incomparable Canggu, stared Jing Ming to say this, later looked is immersing as before and Moon God Festival barbarian state, only thought that this lively cities actually must come at this time fearfully compared with anything. 一直以来沉稳无比的苍古,瞪着净明说了这一句,随后望着依旧沉浸与月神祭的蛮州,只觉得这片繁华的城镇此时却比什么都要来得可怕。 senior brother, I and others, although presented the life of Sect Master to reconcile that Nüwa clan and my Sect in the future Three Lives Love of disciple, is good to make the Nüwa clan and my Sect achievement marriage alliance, thus made the Nüwa clan be my Sect contributes its strength, but it seems like that the situation changed, I and others returned to Mount Shu and teacher reaches an agreement, made the plan again, how?” “师兄,我等虽奉掌门之命撮合那女娲族与我派未来弟子的三世情缘,好令女娲族与我派成就秦晋之好,从而令女娲族为我派贡献其力,但是看来情况有变,我等还是回蜀山与师尊商量好,再作打算,如何?” Canggu has turned around, was so saying to other four people. So long as this rare treasure Three Lives Red Thread completely had not been destroyed, then this Gu Liufang and intense rivalry between Nüwa clan Xiao Xuan will therefore not cut off, although emotions between Gu Liufang and Xiao Xuan seemed like, so long as entered to below first, then this Three Lives Red Thread displayed its Strength surely again. 苍古转过身,对着其他四人这般说道。只要这异宝三生红线没有完全被摧毁,那么这顾留芳女娲小萱之间的恩怨情仇就不会因此而断绝,虽然顾留芳小萱之间的情丝看似断了,但是只要进入到下一世,那么这三生红线必定再次发挥其力量 Really is the rotten idea awfully, Mount Shu has some of your such fellows only? Also is really the wasted their under the Heavens first Great Sect given name!” “真是烂的要命的主意,蜀山净出些你们这样的家伙吗?还真是白瞎了他们那天下第一大派的名号!” The strange sound spreads to the ears of Mount Shu five people of groups in together, immediately turns toward all around to sweep off including injured You Xuan no one in abundance, wants the person who seeks for that speech. 一道陌生的声音传入到蜀山五人组的耳中,登时包括受伤的幽玄在内的无人纷纷向着四周扫去,想要寻找出那说话的人。 Do not look, do one crowd of waste also want to find me? But also is really stupid!” “别找了,一群废物也想找到我?咳咳,还真是愚蠢至极!” Scolded along with this, Le Yuan appeared in the center of Mount Shu five people of groups fiercely. Simultaneously the powerful enthusiasm in body erupts, the impact of powerful made no one be caught off guard, is incapable of under the resistance drawing back the powder in abundance. 伴随着这一声呵斥,乐渊猛地出现在蜀山五人组的中央。同时身体内的强大火劲爆发,强大的冲击令无人措手不及,无力抵抗下纷纷退散。 this is, good powerful Spiritual Power!” “唔这是,好强大灵力!” Qing Wei cultivation base is highest, in draws back in the powder while looks diligently to unmanned center, sees only there not to know when presented a man who wears the bluish white immortal robe. Without he continued to look at the careful male facial features, near the ear then transmits coldly snorted. 清微修为最高在一边退散中一边努力望向无人的中央,只见那里不知何时出现了一个身着青白色仙袍的男子。没等他继续瞧仔细男子面容,耳边便传来一声冷哼 Snort! Said that looks, your Mount Shu complete goal, actually why wants Xiao Xuan and that Gu Liufang reconciles the same place, what you want to do!?” “哼!说说看吧,你们蜀山的全部目的,究竟是为何想要将小萱和那个顾留芳撮合到一起,你们都想要干些什么!?” Le Yuan that aggressive tone, with does not place expression in eye Qing Wei and the others completely, making Qing Wei these five cultivate vital energy the Kungfu also not proficient person to have the angry look. But rashest Jing Ming cannot provide lodging own mouth, makes noise the anger to shout. 乐渊那咄咄逼人的语气,和完全不把清微等人都放在眼中的神色,令清微这五个养气功夫还不到家的人出现了怒色。而其中最为毛躁的净明更是管不住自己的嘴,出声怒喝道。 Sorcerer who where comes, my Mount Shu Sect you can insult can it be that also not cross kotows the apology quickly!” “哪里来的妖人,我蜀山派岂是你能侮辱的,还不跨快叩首道歉!” “啪 With a sound of palm of the hand, only hears on the cheeks of that Jing Ming to present the hand imprint that was red and swelled, simultaneously on the face of Jing Ming becomes scarlet incomparable. 伴随着一巴掌的声音,只听到那净明的脸颊上出现了一个又红又肿的手印,同时净明的脸上变得赤红无比。 The plump, Jing Ming kneels down, raised the head to open own mouth, white flame from his final blowout, Jing Ming is unable to keep sober later again, the whole person fell down. 扑通一声,净明跪倒在地,扬起脑袋张开了自己的嘴巴,一道白色火焰从他的最终喷出,随后净明再也无法保持清醒,整个人倒在了地上。 Junior Brother, Junior Brother Jing Ming......” “师弟,净明师弟……” Several other people shout toward falling to the ground Jing Ming in abundance repeatedly, what a pity was infiltrated Jing Ming already of enthusiasm to cause heavy losses by Le Yuan together does not awake, is unable to hear their shouting. 其他几个人纷纷朝着倒地的净明连声呼喊,可惜被乐渊打入一道火劲的净明已经重创不醒,根本无法听到他们的呼喊。 Thief, suffers to death!” “贼人,受死!” Relates good Heyang with Jing Ming , the short and stout body at this time becomes flexible incomparable, a right hand sword punctured toward Le Yuan. This move, although is unable to display controlling sword technique the boundary of Man and Sword Unite completely, but the might is also highly regarded. 净明关系不错的和阳,原本还矮胖的身子此时变得灵活无比,右手一剑向着乐渊刺了过来。这一招,虽然无法将御剑术人剑合一之境完全发挥,但是威力同样不可小觑。 Clang plop “锵”“扑通 The flash two sounds send out, in Qing Wei and the others in eyes. Sees only originally the thorn to the Le Yuan sword, in broke off instantaneously, held Heyang of sword also to suffer the heavy losses probably, the whole person poured in the ground life and death does not know. 一瞬间两道声音发出,在清微等人的眼中。只见原本刺向乐渊的剑,在瞬间被折断,同时持剑的和阳也像是受到了重创,整个人倒在了地上生死不知。 The remaining three people as Qing Wei of team leader, the temperament also calculate respectively before good Canggu, receives wound You Xuan. Three people jointly under reluctant and one and B level gets several moves, but no one has the confidence to receive one move facing Le Yuan. 剩下的三人分别是作为领队的清微,脾气还算不错的苍古以及之前受到创伤的幽玄。三人联手之下勉勉强强和一和b级打上几招,但是面对乐渊却没有一人有信心接下一招。 Sees only Qing Wei to hold the fist in the other hand to salute to Le Yuan, later is looking at two Junior Brothers of falling to the ground, while said in a soft voice: Does not know senior honored name, with that Nüwa clan descendants is what relations?” 只见清微对着乐渊抱拳施了一礼,随后一边瞄着倒地的两位师弟,一边轻声说道:“不知前辈尊姓大名,与那女娲族后裔是何关系?” Attends to about him, looks to hit!” “顾左右而言他,找打!” Qing Wei hears the Le Yuan sound then the entire god alerts instantaneously, but the next second he cannot send into exile, an leans forward entire portrait pushed over kneels on the ground generally, the poor point was full of admiration. 清微听到乐渊声音的瞬间便全神戒备起来,但是下一秒他还是没能够放逐,一个前倾整个人像是被人按倒一般跪在了地上,差一点点就五体投地了。 But where another side Canggu and You Xuan fate does not have to arrive, similarly fell down by the distressed appearance. 而另一边的苍古幽玄的下场也没有好到哪里,同样以狼狈至极的样子倒在了地上。 Qing Wei only felt oneself consciousness fuzzily, the whole person passed out suddenly later. 清微只觉得自己意识突然模糊,随后整个人就失去了知觉。 But Le Yuan the accent from the Qing Wei mind takes the news that oneself want forcefully, if not Qing Wei takes cultivator Divine Consciousness is quite firm, his cultivation base is not too weak, perhaps Le Yuan just that crude read memory can turn into a fool one generation of Mount Shu Sect Master Qing Wei ahead of time. 乐渊则强行从清微的脑海中调取自己想要的消息,如果不是清微作为修道之人神识比较坚固,他本身的修为也不算太弱,恐怕乐渊刚刚那粗暴的读取记忆就能把一代蜀山掌门清微提前变成一个傻子。 Was read the memory to damage the gentry stupor already forcefully Qing Wei still on the ground, Le Yuan reorganized some news that just obtains unceasingly. 已经被强行读取记忆而损伤绅士昏迷的清微仍在地上,乐渊不断整理着刚刚得到的一些消息。 First, Mount Shu Sect looks for Xiao Xuan is not but at will for it. But is good at the elder of technique of witch divination damaging the news that the life in the situation obtains by Mount Shu internal one extremely, that will be their hangers- on the disciples after three generations will present one possibly with the male disciple of Nüwa clan union, after that disciple , the Nüwa clan can pester with the Mount Shu generation, will thus make the Nüwa clan successors protect Mount Shu with the life. 首先,蜀山派找上小萱并不是随意而为之。而是由蜀山内部一名极为擅长巫卜之术的长老在自损寿元的情况下得到的消息,那是他们门下三代之后的弟子中会出现一个可能与女娲族结合的男弟子,那名弟子之后女娲族会与蜀山世代纠缠,从而令女娲族传人用生命保护蜀山 These words somewhat said absolutely, however in the Le Yuan memory the Nüwa clan is really hard to solve with Mount Shu Sect after Zi Xuan. Zi Xuan is Monster Prison Tower offers sacrifices dead, Lin Qing'er took the female of seal Mount Shu Sect Master Water Demon Beast, but Zhao Ling'er also took the Sect Master granddaughter, sacrificed with the future Sect Master Li Xiaoyao wife, the seal Water Demon Beast that should solve by guard world Mount Shu. 这句话说得有些绝对,但是乐渊的记忆中女娲族从紫萱之后还真就和蜀山派纠缠不清。紫萱锁妖塔献祭而死,林青儿作为蜀山掌门之女封印了水魔兽,而赵灵儿同样作为掌门外孙女,和未来掌门李逍遥的妻子而牺牲,封印了本该由护卫人间的蜀山解决的水魔兽 Next generation Nüwa clan Li Yiru also dies like a dog, because the Mount Shu event died ; Where small does not have to arrive, although has not died the price, but paying is also big...... 下一代女娲李忆如同样不得好死,因为蜀山的事件死去;小蛮也没有好到哪里,虽然没死但是付出的代价同样不小…… Le Yuan has not massacred the present Qing Wei five people of groups, this is not because Le Yuan feared Mount Shu, or is pure is not willing to crush storyline. But is these five person Le Yuan must keep Yin Mount Shu Sect, the Qing Wei five people of groups can be said as really the pit sends everyone, accomplished almost destroyed Mount Shu Sect Evil Sword Immortal. 乐渊没有杀掉眼前的清微五人组,这不是因为乐渊怕了蜀山,或者是纯粹的不愿意粉碎剧情。而是这五个人乐渊要留着阴蜀山派一把,清微五人组可以说是真的的坑派大家,造就了差点毁灭蜀山派邪剑仙 Le Yuan wants to have a look at the appointed time, later did not have Xiao Xuan to strive, how this Mount Shu Sect should again seal Monster Prison Tower. The evil that oneself make, wants to process, when really the Nüwa clan cleans up for Mount Shu Sect? 乐渊到时想要看看,以后没有了小萱出力,这蜀山派该如何重新封印锁妖塔。自己造的孽,就要自己去处理,真当女娲族就是为蜀山派擦屁股的吗? Looks that already injures five people of groups that remains unconscious, Le Yuan vanishes on north isolated hill. 看着已经伤得昏迷不醒的五人组,乐渊消失在北面孤山上。 After he processed Qing Wei and the others, system Quest second ring started 在他处理了清微等人之后,系统任务第二环开始了 Quest second ring: Three goddess, three worldly affairs, the person the ghost spirits, three fresh pain, settle Three Lives Love( countdown 6 hours) 任务第二环:三神女,三世情,人鬼灵,三生苦,了结三世情缘(倒计时六小时) Forces Quest one: Time Chain 强制任务一:时之链 Quest Description: In the past, at the present, in the future, will not maintain Time Chain, accomplished the only perfect result. Maintains the completeness of Time Chain, after succeeding, obtains samsara points * 3, loses the Time Chain thorough collapse, then withdraws from the special pattern automatically. 任务描述:不在过去,不在现在,不在未来,维护时间的锁链,造就唯一的完美结局。维护时之链的完整,成功后获得轮回点数,失时之链彻底崩坏,则自动退出特殊模式。 Has not thought after this time stopped more than half a year, Le Yuan must step into the journey of space and time shuttle unexpectedly again, but something he must before confess. 没想到在这个时代停了了大半年之后,乐渊竟然要再一次踏入时空穿梭之旅,不过有些事情他要在走之前交代了。 ... ...
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