VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#808: The sentiment tribulation peeps, beginning plot reveals

When the night falls, entire Moon God Festival enters the subject, the entire state was covered by the red light, various types of colorful decorative lanterns the state will become sacred place of lover, but the person of Le Yuan this strolling in this environment appears is somewhat incompatible alone. 当夜幕降临,整个月神祭才算是进入到正题,整个蛮州都被红光所笼罩,各种五颜六色的花灯将蛮州变为了情侣的圣地,而在这种环境中乐渊这个独自漫步之人显得有些格格不入。 „, But also is really not familiar in this environment, or is because no one accompanies......” “咳咳,还真是不习惯在这种环境里面,又或者是因为没有人陪伴……” Then sees one group of talking and laughing merrily young men and women on the street once for a while, this scene regarding Le Yuan of come all alone without doubt is a stimulation. The small problem that what a pity on the body has like the exposition to Huang Rong also or is not Reika, in addition the particularity of this world made he is unable to summon came from Inner World Huang Rong or Reika. 在街道上时不时便见到一堆谈笑风生的年轻男女,这种景象对于形单影只的乐渊而言无疑是一种刺激。可惜身体上出现的小问题并不像暴露给黄蓉亦或者是玲花,再加上这个世界的特殊性令他根本无法召唤来自于里世界的的黄蓉或是玲花 While Le Yuan detected when own is away from Xiao Xuan she hundred meters distance, the atmosphere that fireworks that sudden flee the sky this Moon God Festival advanced, in the entire state city various main street and small alley by the person of dragon dance lion dance are occupied all, one by one very lively. 正当乐渊察觉到自己距离小萱她不过百米的距离时,突然一道道窜上天空的焰火将这月神祭的气氛推到了,整个蛮州城里面各条大街小巷无不被舞龙舞狮的人占据着,人挤人的好不热闹。 In such environment, no method do not want to find a person. But Le Yuan is actually because early morning already remembered Xiao Xuan different that in the aura of average person, this can lock her in the boundless huge crowd completely. 在这样的环境里面,没有一点手段根本别想要找到一个人。而乐渊却是由于一早已经记下了小萱那迥异于普通人的气息,这才能够在茫茫人海中完全锁定住她。 However when Le Yuan from the Xiao Xuan more than 20 meters, discovered that she has not participated in the celebration of Moon God Festival, just the opposite is talking with a man about 25. 不过当乐渊距离小萱不过20多米的时候,发现她并未参与到月神祭的庆典活动中,恰恰相反正与一个年纪在25岁左右的男子交谈着。 Looks from afar, Le Yuan sized up that male facial features. Actually sees that person, although seemingly seems like a student frailly, but in the foreheads has the heroic spirit that a share of student does not have, this has the fatal attraction regarding the girl. 远远望去,乐渊将那名男子面容打量了一遍。却见那人虽然看似文弱像是一名书生,但是眉宇之间有一股书生所不具备的英气,这对于女孩而言有着致命的吸引力。 But his facial features are uncommon, although cannot say seems like Pan An, but can become the handsome and intelligent four characters absolutely. Even if looks from afar, Le Yuan from reading the lip language can still his hear almost, the literary talent not to listen loosely temporarily, but how the deeds of some fantastic story anecdote and famed scenery actually saw that does not seem like only average person to say clear. 而他面容不凡,虽不能说貌似潘安,但是绝对当得上一表人才四个字。而且即使远远望去,乐渊从读唇语中也能将他的所述听得七七八八,文采风流暂时没有听出,但是一些奇闻轶事、名山大川的事迹却怎么看都不像是区区一个普通人能够讲的清楚的。 Whole body not cultivation base, but made Le Yuan not feel the mortal. Is this point has not only been able to make Le Yuan look askance, makes him feel that what truly is troublesome, separates small for quite a while merely is less, Le Yuan saw one from the Xiao Xuan eye unexpectedly regarding the affection of that man. 全身没有一点修为,但是却令乐渊觉得不似凡人。光是这一点还无法令乐渊侧目,真正让他感到麻烦的是,仅仅分离小半天不到,乐渊竟然从小萱眼中看出了一丝对于那名男子的情意。 The affection, this is not ordinary can be born. But this appears on cultivating many years of Xiao Xuan is seems inconceivable, although does not know that actually this is how a matter, but the Le Yuan instinct detects in this as if to have the fishy. 情意,这可不是普普通通就能诞生的。而这出现在修炼多年的小萱身上更是显得不可思议,虽然不知道这究竟是怎么一回事,但是乐渊本能地察觉到这里面似乎有着蹊跷。 When Le Yuan close to Xiao Xuan, hears her to just like the bell generally clear laughter just in time. 乐渊靠近小萱的时候,正巧听到她那犹如银铃一般清脆的笑声。 Hee hee...... Big Brother Gu, do you really have been to so many places? Too was really fierce, I have not gone out to the present the state! The vast sea, cannot see the end bamboo forest, the different person different thing, really want to look with own eyes......” “嘻嘻……顾大哥,你真的到过这么多地方吗?真是太厉害了,我到现在还没有出去过蛮州呢!一望无际的大海,望不见尽头的竹林,不一样的人不一样的物,真想要亲眼看一看啊……” In twittering Xiao Xuan simply has not noticed Le Yuan is arriving, until the small green snake of winding after Xiao Xuan wrist/skill feels the Le Yuan aura has shivered then to respond. 正在呢喃的小萱根本没有注意到乐渊的到了,直到缠绕在小萱手腕上的小青蛇感受到乐渊的气息后有所颤抖这才反应过来。 „, Elder Brother A'Le, you came finally, but this Big Brother Gu has travelled for pleasure the person in famed scenery, he has many many personal experiences......” “啊,阿乐哥,你终于来了,这位顾大哥可是来游历过名山大川的人,他有着好多好多的亲身经历呢……” After seeing Le Yuan, Xiao Xuan 32 steps arrived at side Le Yuan, both hands entrain the arm of Le Yuan to draw him to that life man surnamed Gu side. 在见到乐渊之后,小萱三两步来到了乐渊身旁,双手拽着乐渊的手臂拉着他到那命姓顾的男子身旁。 Le Yuan looks the Gu man who at present still smiles, both hands holds the fist in the other hand to greet: „Below surnamed Le, hasn't a single-character personal name deep pool character, consulted your given name?” 乐渊看着眼前依然微笑的顾姓男子,双手抱拳打招呼道:“在下姓乐,单名一个渊字,还未请教兄台的名号?” Actually sees opposite Gu man to hold the fist in the other hand to return a courtesy, bows to say slightly: „Below Gu Liufang, the middle Sichuan person, listened to the friend to mention this state Moon God Festival few days ago, comes this one to see especially, feels like old friends at the first meeting with Miss Xuan'er fortunately, is really the good fortunes of Gu three living......” 却见对面的顾姓男子抱拳回礼,微微鞠躬道:“在下顾留芳,蜀中人士,前些日子听朋友说起这蛮州月神祭,特来此一见,有幸和萱儿姑娘一见如故,真乃顾某三生之幸……” Middle Sichuan, but also called Gu Liufang? Heard this place, Le Yuan then sweeps on the man again quietly at present swept, discovered indeed after did not have little cultivation base, this stops the glance for the time being. 蜀中,还叫顾留芳?听到这个地方,乐渊便再度悄悄地在眼前男子身上扫了又扫,发现的确是没有一点点的修为之后,这才暂且停下扫视。 Not for other, although the Zi Xuan Three Lives Love first lover name is not clear, but Le Yuan after hearing this then almost recognized is Gu Liufang. However this did not approve Gu Liufang on behalf of Le Yuan, although does not have least bit cultivation base, but some Le Yuan actually dislike present Gu Liufang. 不为别的的,虽然紫萱三世之恋的第一世爱人名字并不清楚,但是乐渊在听到此名之后便几乎认定了就是顾留芳。但是这不代表乐渊就认同了顾留芳,虽然没有半点修为,但是乐渊却有些厌恶眼前的顾留芳 This is not envy that because the younger sister was skidded, but is one type is not between in the sentiment, purely is the dislike in intuition. Although without slight cultivation base in body, but on him always thought that has Strength appear and disappear from time to time to relate this anything outward, perhaps this Strength is he can with the reason that Xiao Xuan gets along well. 这绝不是由于妹子被人撬走的嫉妒,而是一种并非介乎于感情,纯粹是直觉上的厌恶。虽然没有丝毫的修为在身,但是他身上总觉得有一股时隐时现的力量在向外联系这什么,这股力量或许就是他能与小萱谈得来的原因。 Although as a result of the Le Yuan involvement reason, caused Xiao Xuan and might as well favor Gu Liufang a moment ago like that on the Gu Liufang inexplicable Strength feeling of but along with Le Yuan feeling, always thought that at present this Gu Liufang is not sees was so simple. 虽然由于乐渊的介入缘故,使得小萱并不如刚才那般看好顾留芳,但是伴随着乐渊感受到的顾留芳身上的莫名力量感觉,总觉得这个顾留芳绝不是眼前所见的那么简单。 Moon God Festival 6 p.m. to midnight just finished, more splendid late at night just started. 月神祭的前半夜才刚刚结束,更加精彩的后半夜才刚刚开始。 Looked seems to be attracting Xiao Xuan attention Gu Liufang unintentionally, Le Yuan is making noise to break his rhythm. 望着似乎有意无意吸引着小萱注意的顾留芳,乐渊不由出声打断了他的节奏。 I look at Brother Gu the year of near thirty years old, in the family/home under the wife and concubines already birth Qilin, the family property has, this can in the sceneries, not be possible the brothers to guess that to one's heart's content can be right?” “我看顾兄已近三十而立之年,想必家中妻妾已经诞下麟儿,家业有成,这才能纵情于山水之间,不可兄弟猜测可对?” Le Yuan this saying said a point exaggeratingly, Gu Liufang, although in fact only had 25 years old high and low, but was much longer adds on does not know whether was a day of new situation young, only had 20 -year-old over appearances, simply did not have Le Yuan to say like that old. 乐渊这话说得夸张了一点,顾留芳虽然实际上只有25岁上下,但是长得年轻加上也不知是否是天生面幼,只有20岁出头的样子,根本没有乐渊说得那般老。 However the matter, Le Yuan has not spoken incorrectly, that is already 25-year-old Gu Liufang already gets married and begins a career early. This is normal regarding the man of this time, but Gu Liufang is not poverty-stricken families, was arranged the early marriage is not the rare event by the elder. 不过有一件事情,乐渊并没有说错,那就是已经25岁的顾留芳已经成家立业。这对于这个时代的男子来说非常正常,而顾留芳也并非穷苦人家,被长辈安排早婚也并不是什么稀罕事。 Sees Le Yuan to ask this question, although Gu Liufang astonished, but has not concealed, actually sees him hehe to say with a smile: Brother Le said well, I have gotten married for ten years, my wife gives birth to one seven years ago for me, a few years ago also the birth next female, my family generation commerce, had the family property thinly, this can make among my to one's heart's content sceneries......” 见到乐渊问出此问题,顾留芳虽然惊愕但是也并未隐瞒,却见他呵呵一笑道:“乐兄所说不错,我已成婚十年,吾妻于七年前为我产下一子,前些年又诞下一女,我家世代从商,薄有家产,这才能令我纵情山水之间……” As Gu Liufang said truthfully, dissipated much the Le Yuan disparity to that not well-known Strength that dissipated from him, but that Strength influence the look under Xiao Xuan also became the pure brightness, looked in the eye of Gu Liufang affection already hardly to exist. 随着顾留芳如实所说,乐渊差距到从他身上逸散的那种不知名的力量消散了不少,而那股力量影响下的小萱的眼神也变得清明了些,望着顾留芳的眼中情意已经几乎不存在了。 But on a distant place state city unavoidable mountain, five blue clothing, wears the brown kerchief, wears the middle-aged man of brown colored goods boots to look at the lively incomparable barbarian state city is being a face worries. 而在远处蛮州城难免的一座高山上,五个蓝色服饰,戴棕色头巾,着棕色布靴的中年男子望着繁华无比的蛮州城却是一脸着急。 And stout man's was saying to his side man: Senior Brother Qing Wei, this Three Lives Red Thread as if there is trend of break, our that future disciples will seem like the destiny to suffer the twists and turns......” 其中一名身材矮胖的男子对着他身旁的一男子道:“清微师兄,这三生红线似乎有断裂的趋势,我们的那未来弟子似乎命运出现了波折……” Yeah, since we also wait for anything like this, has not helped quickly! According to the divination, this person after three worldly affairs tribulations, is my Mount Shu Sect is most likely to be immortal in recent centuries the disciple, the possibility of becoming an immortal in me and other above the people, what like this good disciple also to wait for?” “哎,既然这样我们还等什么,还不赶快去帮忙!根据占卜,这人历经三世情劫,是我蜀山派近百年来最有可能得道成仙的弟子,成仙的可能性远在我等五人之上,这样的好弟子还等什么?” Junior Brother Canggu this word is bad, the technique of witch divination can only judge that the action is how best, does not point to the goal, the disciple of our future also has the enormous possibility and chance, is not a fate. I and others also can only completely the human affairs listen to the destiny, reconciles the marriage affinity forcefully, is really not the matter that I and other cultivator should handle.” 苍古师弟此言差矣,巫卜之术只能判断如何行动最佳,并非直指目的,我们未来的这名弟子也只是有着极大的可能性和机缘,并非定数。我等也只能尽人事听天命而已,强行撮合姻缘,实在不是我等修行之人应该做的事情。” „Before......, believes that what divination is your Heyang, now said cannot begin is also you, then we should should do?” “诶……之前相信占卜的是你和阳,现在说不能动手的也是你,那么我们该如何是好?” One crowd of person future Mount Shu Sect Five Elders, Qing Wei, Canggu, Jing Ming, You Xuan and Heyang. But by that strange Strength source named Three Lives Red Thread strange treasure that Le Yuan feels, can having marriage affinity red string the relation of between two people strengthens, before this had, meets shortly after Xiao Xuan not to gather the common sense to Gu Liufang that the favorable impression. 一群人正是未来的蜀山派五老,清微苍古净明幽玄和阳。而被乐渊感受到的那股奇异力量的源头正是名为三生红线的奇异宝物,能够将拥有姻缘红线的两人之间的联系加强,这才有了之前见面没多久的小萱顾留芳那不合常理的好感。 Actually sees one crowd of person arguments, finally is done to decide by the Senior Brother Qing Wei decision. 却见一群人争论来争论去,最后由师兄清微拍板做下决定。 You Xuan, I and others counted you most to pass the incantation technique and talisman record, this uses Demon God you, although browses not deeply, if in this time use , helping me and other disciple helping hand, but is good?” 幽玄,我等之中数你最通咒术、符录,这役使鬼神你虽涉猎不深,但是若在此时用处,助我等弟子一臂之力,可好?” This incantation technique and talisman record are the important components in Mount Shu Sect cultivation system. Practicing of entire Mount Shu including practicing martial art, Qi Refining, maintaining mental tranquility three parts, but practices martial art is the method of practice eliminating monsters and subduing demons, although Mount Shu Sect is well-known by controlling sword technique, but then has the innumerable mixed factions in the Mount Shu Sect predecessor, this talisman record and incantation technique also cannot be underestimated in Mount Shu Sect. 这咒术、符录乃是蜀山派修炼系统中的重要组成部分。整个蜀山的修行包括习武、练气、养神三个部分,而习武乃是练习除妖伏魔之法,虽然蜀山派乃是以御剑术闻名,但是早在蜀山派的前身中便有着无数杂派,这符录、咒术在蜀山派中也不容小觑。 The incantation technique can feel to pass Heavenly Emperor, to use Demon God, but talisman record also has to summon the god he ghost, the effect of eliminating monsters and suppressing demons. 咒术可以感通天帝、役使鬼神,而符录同样有着召神劾鬼,降妖镇魔之功效。 By You Xuan nowadays skill, obligation Demon God has the strength of C level high-rank fully, rarely has its rival in the entire state, but Xiao Xuan the strength is good, because has not undergone what tribulation, under had not been stimulated a strength to be not enough with it to resist. 幽玄现如今的功力,驱使的鬼神足有c级上位之力,在整个蛮州鲜有它的敌手,而小萱虽然实力不错,但是由于尚未经历什么磨难,未受刺激之下一身实力根本不足以与之对抗。 When Le Yuan and the others prepared to separate, the sudden whole body is burning the scarlet flame, the fiendish features looked Demon God of sinister aspect to appear in the face of three people, saw only that Demon God to lift the hand, the azure flame then closed off the Le Yuan three people of ways in an instant completely. 乐渊等人准备分开之际,突然一个浑身燃着赤红火焰,青面獠牙面露凶相的鬼神出现在了三人面前,只见那鬼神一抬手,青色的火焰霎那间便将乐渊三人的去路完全封锁。 Three people of this time facial colors are also various, Le Yuan is boldness because of one's skill I am afraid the color completely ; Xiao Xuan installs calmly, lacks confidence facing fierce Demon God ; Is all supporting depending on the one breath as for Gu Liufang, this monster is not his mortal can resist. 三人此时的面色也是各不相同,乐渊是艺高人胆大完全吾害怕之色;小萱则是强装镇定,面对凶恶的鬼神信心不足;至于顾留芳则是全凭一口气撑着,这种怪物可不是他一介凡人可以对抗的。 „...... “啊啊啊……哈 Actually sees that Demon God right hand to lift fiercely, the orange red flame pounded together instantaneously to reassurance of Le Yuan, high of that temperature, including felt clear in three people ten meters away. 却见那鬼神右手猛地抬起,一道橙红色的火焰瞬间砸向了乐渊的放心,那温度之高,连在十米之外的三人都感受得一清二楚。 However Le Yuan does not have the meaning of slight dodging, the attack of this Demon God revealed that was too easy to look, even if Le Yuan did not dodge does not hide, could not injure him slightly. 但是乐渊却没有丝毫的闪躲之意,这鬼神的攻击显露太好找了,就算乐渊不闪不躲,也根本伤不到他丝毫。 But Xiao Xuan does not think, immediately before one step arrives at the Le Yuan body, both hands press firmly between the fingers to detect, Ice Spell detects make together, immediately iced the wall to keep off on the progress of flame together. 小萱可不这么想,当即一步来到乐渊身前,双手捏住发觉,一道冰咒发觉打出,顿时一道冰墙挡在了火焰的前进道路上。 Miss Xuan'er careful 萱儿姑娘小心 Simply does not have Strength Gu Liufang only to be able in the distant place to look, the ability that begins to help continually does not have. 根本没有力量顾留芳只能在远处看着,连动手帮忙的能力都没有。 But that Demon God actually moved the flash such as the ghost to flutter generally the Xiao Xuan left side in this moment, Ghost Qi already that on lifted up high both hands condensed made it have Strength of entity. 而那鬼神在这一刻却是动了一瞬间如鬼魂一般飘到了小萱的左侧,高举的双手上凝聚的鬼气已经令它有了实体的力量 “啊 In calling out in alarm of Xiao Xuan, Le Yuan entire hugs her, rebounds from a Demon God hammer all of a sudden. Perhaps Xiao Xuan could not detect, but Le Yuan can actually detect that this Demon God and some of distant place ravine exists to have the relation. 小萱的惊呼之中,乐渊将她整个抱起,一下子从鬼神的一锤之中跳开。或许小萱察觉不到,但是乐渊却能够察觉到这鬼神与远处山间的某个存在有着联系。 Plays tricks, really has the issue......” “装神弄鬼,果然有问题……” Although does not know that is who is higher than so the petty action on this Moon God Festival, but Le Yuan knows that this is comes to Xuan'er, looks still in threatening Demon God, a Le Yuan foot such as the battle axe chops at present without delay. 虽然不知道是谁在这月神祭上高出这般小动作,但是乐渊知道这是冲着萱儿来的,看着眼前还在张牙舞爪的鬼神,乐渊二话不说一脚如战斧劈下。 Immediately on the foot brings the Ice Spell cold air changes to the ice sculpture entire Demon God, completely frozen. 顿时脚上带着的冰咒寒气将整个鬼神化作冰雕,完全冰封了起来。 ... ...
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