VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#807: Moon God Festival, goddess heart movement

The crisis or is the turning point, Le Yuan in stupor in an unusual condition. After sneak attacking Jiutian Xuannu goes well, he like expectation such successfully departs under the function of Soul Returning Immortal Dream, but so guarantees the life completely not to have the price. 危机或者说是契机,尚在昏迷中的乐渊处在一种奇特的状态之中。在偷袭九天玄女得手之后,他如预料般的那样在回魂仙梦的作用下成功离去,不过这般保下性命可不是全然没有代价的。 Jiutian Xuannu last move[ Heavenly Fire Burns Cities] might is good, in addition that unique Monster Purifying Sacred Fire regarding the Le Yuan injury addition, made this move is innumerable monster class nemesis, even if were the monster evolution body demon is still not high to this move of resistivity. 九天玄女的最后一招[天火焚城]威力不俗,加上那特有的净妖圣火对于乐渊的伤害加成,令这一招更是无数妖类的克星,纵然是妖的进化体魔对这一招的抵抗力依然不高。 But the Le Yuan strength under Jiutian Xuannu, shoulders the attack of Monster Purifying Sacred Fire nowadays completely, injury non- ordinary person that this withstands can imagine. In order to lives, Le Yuan after was hit by Monster Purifying Sacred Fire does not have first to shake the powder it, but is the choice fits out by the appearance that Sacred Fire hits. 乐渊本身实力本就在九天玄女之下,现如今又完完全全扛下了净妖圣火的攻击,这承受到的伤害非常人所能想象。为了能够活下来,乐渊在被净妖圣火击中后没有第一时间将其震散,而是选择装成被圣火击中的样子。 But can live also only to say that in the so fatal attack by luck is the products of many coincidences. First in backlash of Fire Barrier made[ survival of the fittest] the transformation of enhancement and in Fire Spirit Bead Fire Element regarding the resistance that hurt strengthens enormously, later anti- under then had the opportunity of living in the Fire Spirit Bead auxiliary fire. 而之所以能够在这般致命的攻击中侥幸活下来也只能说是诸多巧合的产物。先是在火之屏障的反噬令[适者生存]增强和火灵珠的改造中对于火系伤害的抗性极大地增强,随后在火灵珠的辅助火抗之下这才有了活下来的一丝机会。 But even if difficulty-relief Monster Purifying Sacred Fire caused the damage that is inconceivable to the body of Le Yuan, what is worse was this Monster Purifying Sacred Fire already invades his within the body, if were not Monster Purifying Sacred Fire already becomes the anhydrous source, but Le Yuan own Strength was not weak, then this little Monster Purifying Sacred Fire then wanted his life sufficiently. 而纵然脱困净妖圣火还是对乐渊的身体造成了难以想象的伤害,更加糟糕的是这净妖圣火已经入侵到了他的体内,如果不是净妖圣火已经成为了无水之源,而乐渊自身的力量又不弱,那么这一点点的净妖圣火便足以要了他的命。 Nowadays, Le Yuan wants to live to only have two roads to choose. First discharges outside the body this within the body surplus Monster Purifying Sacred Fire, such Le Yuan then can recover at the shortest time, such words will back up by the severely wounded Le Yuan strength inevitably, although not many, but also troubles. 现如今,乐渊想要活下来只有两条路可以选择。第一将这体内剩余的净妖圣火排出体外,这样乐渊的身体便能以最短的时间进行恢复,不过这样的话被重伤的乐渊实力不可避免地会有所倒退,虽然不多但也麻烦。 Article 2 the road on adventure many, that is the choice changes to own Strength within the body surplus Monster Purifying Sacred Fire, conducts to refine the absorption. The body that then is not only damaged can be repaired, even the strength can on First Layer, what is most essential is if really can its absorption, and other resistances of a series of Fire Element injury naturally also considerably increase regarding Monster Purifying Sacred Fire in the future, even achieves the effect that the fire exempts to a certain extent. 第二条路就冒险得多,那就是选择将体内剩余的净妖圣火化作自己的力量,对其进行炼化吸收。那么不但受损的身体能够得到修复,连实力都能够更上一层,最关键的是若是真的能够将其吸收,未来对于净妖圣火等一系列火系伤害的抗性自然也将大大增加,甚至一定程度上达到火免的效果。 The choice of Le Yuan is also naturally partial in second, but this road only shortcoming is time-consuming many, before absorbs Monster Purifying Sacred Fire completely. By body surface skin that the Monster Purifying Sacred Fire wound arrives, particularly the wound on face cannot be healed. Le Yuan Devil Undying Body must to absorb Monster Purifying Sacred Fire full power is affecting, therefore is equal to Le Yuan to act a disfiguring one's face person several-month long is as for several years time. 乐渊的选择自然也是偏向于第二条,但是这一条路唯一的缺点便是耗时不少,并且在将净妖圣火完全吸收以前。被净妖圣火伤到的身体表层的皮肤,尤其是脸上的伤并不能痊愈。乐渊魔人不死身要全力为吸收净妖圣火而作用着,因此等同于乐渊要扮演一个毁容的人长达数月乃至于数年的时间。 Truly speaking, when Le Yuan sobers from the lethargic sleep, his already arrives at this new time to surpass for half a month, but in this period Nüwa clan young girl Xiao Xuan to take care of him was also takes great pains. 说实在的,当乐渊从昏睡中清醒过来的时候,他已经来到这个新的时代超过半个月了,而期间女娲族少女小萱为了照顾他也算是煞费苦心。 Although Xiao Xuan excels at Water Immortal Technique, when compared with Le Yuan within the body that Monster Purifying Sacred Fire Strength is unable the comparison, that little Water Spirit Power to enter Le Yuan within the body futile attempt. Saw under the Le Yuan severe wound, her already soon gives up, even prepares and Saintess Aunt lays cards on the table, requested that Saintess Aunt examines. 小萱虽然擅长水系仙术,但是比起乐渊体内那净妖圣火力量根本无法比较,那一点点的水灵之力进入乐渊体内之时杯水车薪。原本看到乐渊重伤之下,她都已经快要放弃,甚至准备和圣姑摊牌,请求圣姑来查看一下。 However after the half a month, Le Yuan unexpectedly marvelously in the injury has not seen in the situation of turning for the better to regain consciousness, and entire portrait besides the flesh wound is the bystander walks generally freely. 但是在半月之后,乐渊竟然奇迹般地在伤势未见转好的情况下苏醒,并且除了外伤之外整个人像是没事人一般行走自如。 Perhaps to repay a debt of gratitude, without the help of young girl Xiao Xuan, Le Yuan also really may come across what accident/surprise in the barren hill high mountains, or is because present young girl Xiao Xuan takes to Le Yuan a wee bit familiarities, Le Yuan remained, becomes her protector existence. 或是为了报恩,没有少女小萱的帮忙,乐渊还真有可能在荒山峻岭之中遇到什么意外,又或者是因为眼前的少女小萱带给乐渊一丁点的熟悉感,乐渊留了下来,成为了她的守护者般的存在。 At first also thinks young girl Xiao Xuan is one understands the Immortal Technique ordinary girl merely initially, but with the contact, the opposite party that Nüwa clan descendant's status its was also known similarly. But the Xiao Xuan real name had not been mentioned, as if all knew that her person called her for Xiao Xuan. 起初还以为少女小萱仅仅是一个初懂仙术的普通女孩,但是随着接触,对方那女娲族后裔的身份同样也被其知晓。而小萱的真名一直没有被人提起,似乎所有认识她的人都称呼她为“小萱”。 Perhaps Xiao Xuan merely 15 years old, she should call it 65 years old. At the beginning of Xiao Xuan is born, she then by her mother temporary seal 50 years of time, until her mother after her father buried together next, she can such as the normal young girl generally grow up. 小萱仅仅15岁,或许她应该称之为65岁。早在小萱诞生之初,她便被她的母亲暂时封印了50年时光,直到她的母亲随着她父亲一起葬下后,她才能够如正常少女一般长大。 But according to the Le Yuan foreign understanding, now this time from Qionghua falls from the sky the entire 66 years, although Qionghua Sect not, therefore completely vanishes, but also reconstructs under the leadership of Murong Ziying, but actually was also separated from Kunlun Mountain, goes to the overseas to reconstruct Qionghua. 而根据乐渊对外的了解,现在这个时代距离琼华陨落过去了整整六十六年的时间,虽然琼华派并没有因此完全消失,还在慕容紫英的领导之下重建起来,但是却也脱离了昆仑山,前往海外重建琼华 Perhaps is the relations that because disfigures one's face, Le Yuan has not gone to anyone in sword Yun Tianhe, Liu Mengli or Han Lingsha, obtained some of their news from the hearsay merely. 或许是由于毁容的关系,乐渊并没有去剑云天河柳梦璃或是韩菱纱中的任何一人,仅仅是从传闻之中得到了些许他们的消息。 Achievement Immortal God of their four under the help of Le Yuan, it can be said that in recent centuries most outstanding four people, even was called the Qionghua four immortals by the world, has the hearsay four people to have one, this Qionghua Sect reputation has not worn down with falling from the sky of Qionghua Sect, on the contrary obviously prosperous. 他们四个在乐渊的帮助之下成就仙神,可以说是近百年来最杰出的四个人,甚至被世人称之为琼华四仙,更有传闻四人同出一门,这琼华派的名声并未随着琼华派的陨落而消磨,相反更显昌隆。 But young girl Xiao Xuan also in grows bit by bit, besides cultivation magic arts that deriving the Nüwa clan passes from generation to generation, has Saintess Aunt this old seniors who looked after Nüwa clan 1000 year teach needs her to study with the technique of gu with all one's heart. 而少女小萱也在一点一滴之中成长,除了得自女娲族世代相传的修炼法术之外,更有圣姑这个照看了女娲千年的老前辈传授的用蛊之术需要她尽心学习。 But Le Yuan can achieve only has to make her happy, although does not know that this Soul Returning Immortal Dream leads him to the reason of this time. However Le Yuan believes that own every passes through one time, will affect the development to this world. 乐渊能够做到的唯有令她开心,虽然不知道这回魂仙梦将他带到这个时代的原因。但是乐渊相信,自己的每一次穿越,都将影响到这个世界的发展。 Previous Quest, Le Yuan is counted that first enters, altogether conducted crossing over of 6 Soul Returning Immortal Dream. Each crossing over regarding Qionghua Sect, or is time protagonist one group of launches. 上一个任务,乐渊算上初次进入的那一回,总共进行了六次回魂仙梦的穿越。每一次的穿越都是围绕着琼华派,或者说是主角一行人而展开的。 But this time, enters to the 50 years later world, appears before this named Xiao Xuan the body of Nüwa clan young girl, Le Yuan believes that she is that key Quest that in the Le Yuan heart guessed, but had no person to shout that pitifully her complete name, but Le Yuan also can only be the guess, is unable to make the affirmative reply. 而这一次,进入到50年后的世界,出现在这个名为小萱女娲族少女的身前,乐渊相信她就是乐渊心中猜测的那个关键任务,不过可惜没有任何一个人喊出她的完整名字,而乐渊也只能是猜测,无法做出肯定的回答。 But in Xiao Xuan over six months time, body of Le Yuan, although changes for the better gradually, but on the right face has 2/3 places is still the disfiguring one's face condition after ignition, although Le Yuan lets grow long the hair intentionally the right face blocking, but will cause the unnecessary accident/surprise. 而在小萱的身边半年多的时间,乐渊的身体虽然渐渐好转,但是右脸上还是有着三分之二的地方依然是灼烧后的毁容状态,虽然乐渊故意留长头发将右脸遮挡,不过还是会引起不必要的意外。 „Does Elder Brother A'Le, you know?” Also was a day of practicing end, Xiao Xuan still slightly jumped was arriving at southeast in the state mid-hill, here was her natural paradise, tomorrow evening, the entire state may become very lively, that was annual Moon God Festival, the entire state will hang up all kinds of decorative lanterns, then on the street will have the object who many young men and women looked to admire, was really unusual was lively......” 阿乐哥,你知道吗?”又是一天的修行结束,小萱依然小跳着来到了蛮州东南面的山腹中,在这里是她天然的乐园,“明天晚上,整个蛮州可就变得非常热闹的哦,那是一年一度的月神祭,整个蛮州都会挂上各种各样的花灯,然后街上也会有许多年轻男女寻找心仪的对象,真是的非常热闹呢……” Xiao Xuan said on the face to show the exciting smile, but knew very well Le Yuan of Nüwa clan characteristics not to think this can be what good deed. The Nüwa clan cannot be easily moved, they not with emotions are eternal life undying God Race, once the dark embryo bead knot produces the child, not only not old undying vanishes, will reduce including the life span rapidly...... 小萱说着脸上不由露出了兴奋的笑容,不过熟知女娲族特性的乐渊可不觉得这会是什么好事。女娲族不能轻易动情,不动情的她们便是永生不死神族,而一旦暗胎珠结产生孩子,不但不老不死就此消失,连寿命都会急速减少…… Can say the Nüwa clan, although generation unreasoning passion, but actually also because of sentiment, but finally, died of for generations a character sentiments also many. 可以说女娲族虽然世代痴情,但是却也因情而终,世世代代死在情之一字上的也不少。 Le Yuan at the same time is teasing small green snake, as a result of the reason of Le Yuan Monster King aura, regarding this type, although the having mystical powers wisdom has not but turned into monster spirit beast to have the absolute control strength, although this small green snake receives raising of Xiao Xuan, but now is on the contrary more intimate regarding Le Yuan, but Le Yuan is not parsimonious, has the time then to use Spiritual Qi to train to it, now it may compared with six months powerful too many. 一边的乐渊逗弄着小青蛇,由于乐渊妖王气息的缘故,对于这种虽有灵智但并未化成妖形的灵兽有着绝对的控制力,这条小青蛇虽然受到小萱的畜养,但是现在反倒是对于乐渊更加亲近一些,而乐渊也不吝啬,一有时间便对它用灵气调教,现在它可比半年前强大得太多了。 Listens to Xiao Xuan to voice the feeling at the same time, intent that in the look often flashes through moves, how Le Yuan can not know the matter that in her heart thinks. However some words have to say several, immediately Le Yuan reminded: Xiao Xuan, you forgot your Saintess Aunt Grandma to say? She has forbidden you to go to such celebration, I remember that you have raised many times with me, she is not common severe!” 听着小萱一边发出感慨,眼神中不时闪过的意动,乐渊怎么会不知道她心中所想的事情。不过有些话不得不说几遍,随即乐渊提醒道:“小萱,你忘了你那圣姑婆婆说过的吗?她可是一直禁止你去这样的庆典哦,我记得你可是和我提过许多次,她可不是一般的严厉哦!” Saintess Aunt, is the generation considers special human of Nüwa clan, to lay aside Xiao Xuan this generation of Nüwa clan descendant falling to the enemy snares of love can not die a natural death again, therefore is transmitting to Xiao Xuan since childhood the idea of banning the sentiment of men and women, what a pity the personality of Nüwa clan is not good to change. 圣姑,也就是世代照顾女娲族的特殊人类,为了放置小萱这一代的女娲族后裔再度沦陷情网不得善终,因此从小就对小萱传输着禁断男女之情的理念,可惜女娲族的性情不是那么好改变的。 Although was taught far away from the sentiment of men and women since childhood, but how lives in the society possibly not to like hating the rival in love. But Xiao Xuan that just 15 years old mental began to be interested in the opposite sex also started gradually to have the rare interest in the sentiment of men and women. 虽然从小被教导远离男女之情,但是生活在人世间怎么可能不爱恨情仇。而刚刚15岁心智情窦初开的小萱也开始逐渐对男女之情有了超乎寻常的兴趣。 Why is not starting to this Nüwa clan descendants as for Le Yuan, do not crack a joke. The tragedy of Nüwa clan really considers is so good to resist? In addition the Le Yuan present condition cannot determine . Moreover the physique of Nüwa clan, once good the matter of men and women, then almost selection of percentage, then according to the Le Yuan attitude, will also make own daughter, granddaughter and great-granddaughter rank continues to endure the pain of this fate again? 至于乐渊为什么不对着这个女娲族后裔下手,别开玩笑了。女娲族的悲剧真当是那么好对抗的吗?乐渊现在的状态尚且未能确定,而且女娲族的体质一旦行了男女之事,那么几乎百分比的中标,那么按照乐渊的态度,难道还会令自己的女儿、孙女、重孙女辈分的再继续忍受这宿命之苦? Such a thinks, once Le Yuan is involved in the matter of Nüwa clan, basically do not want to obtain peacefully. 这么一想,乐渊一旦卷入女娲族的事情,基本上就别想得到安宁。 Presses one side is making the hope shape Xiao Xuan, Le Yuan taps the head somewhat to say reluctantly: Good, good...... the Saintess Aunt that side I conceal the truth for you, but we must make a few rules for all concerned, do not fall into the snares of love ten million/countless and casually, you were too young, do not fall deeply!” 按着一旁作祈求状的小萱,乐渊一拍脑袋有些无奈地说道:“好吧,好吧……圣姑那边我替你瞒过去,不过我们也要约法三章,千万、千万别随便掉入情网,你真的还太年轻了,别陷得太深!” Good, thank you, Elder Brother A'Le!” “好耶,谢谢你了,阿乐哥!” Xiao Xuan is excited jumps and jumps, live image big kid. However Xiao Xuan of merely 15 years of worldly wisdom looks like in Le Yuan indeed is also a child, compared with seeming like a feeling of younger sister, regarding the familiarity of Xiao Xuan having, Le Yuan has not been together actually came from where. 小萱兴奋得又蹦又跳,活像个大孩子。不过仅仅15年人情世故的小萱乐渊看来的确也就是个孩子,比较像是一个妹妹的感觉,对于从小萱身上产生的熟悉感,乐渊至今没有相处究竟源自何方。 One day later, the entire state that is changes greatly. Was found in the bamboo house in entire cities already to be decorated with lanterns and colored streamers at this time, was covered by the fiery red color. Also the slightly quiet barbarian state, gushed out countless people ordinary in Moon God Festival this celestial phenomenon baseless, from dawn to dusk in this state city is a person. 一天之后,整个蛮州那是大变样。原本遍布整个城镇的竹楼此时已经张灯结彩,被火红的颜色所覆盖。原本还略显清静的蛮州,在月神祭这一天像是凭空涌出了无数人一般,从早到晚这蛮州城内全都是人。 Pedestrians from all parties, some even to catch up with this rite catches up especially from the distant place. Although the state does not reveal in the Central Plain reputation, but this Moon God Festival may attract the arrivals of many talented men and beautiful women. 来自各方的行人,有的甚至为了赶上这一趟祭典特地从远方赶来。蛮州虽然在中原名头不显,但是这月神祭可着实吸引了不少才子佳人的到来。 But Le Yuan does not have to arrive on this Moon God Festival to play very early in the morning, but to complete to comply with the Xiao Xuan matter, magic arts created a soil texture clay figurine, later transfiguration spell changed to the Xiao Xuan appearance it together, replaced Xiao Xuan to remain. 乐渊却没有一早来到这月神祭典上玩耍,而是为了完成答应小萱的事情,一法术创造出了一个土质泥人,随后一道变形术将它化作了小萱的外貌,代替小萱留下来。 Can be seen through as for this magic arts? This point Le Yuan has the basic self-confidence, so long as that Saintess Aunt does not find fault catches Xiao Xuan not to put, then this will be is discovered absolutely. 至于这法术会不会被看穿?这一点乐渊还是有着基本的自信心的,只要那圣姑不是找茬似的逮着小萱不放,那么这是绝对不会被发现的。 „, This damn fire also was really the entanglement continuous, just used a little Strength to counter-attack......” “咳咳,这该死的火还真是纠缠不休,刚刚动用了这么一点力量就想要反扑了……” Le Yuan feels own chest position, there temperature obviously was high incessantly ten degrees, after he just made the substitute person, within the body already was depressed month of Monster Purifying Sacred Fire that does not have the sound has the fluctuation unexpectedly again. 乐渊摸着自己的胸口位置,那里的温度明显高了不止十度,就在他刚刚制造好替身后,体内原本已经被压下一个多月没动静的净妖圣火竟然再一次产生波动。 Comforts in the lower part Strength of rebellion, Le Yuan walks toward the state liveliest street, to guarantee in a character Xiao Xuan no longer sentiments makes a mistake, when his Elder Brother may have bustled about, but Le Yuan also has fun, Elder Brother role really somewhat is to him new...... 安抚下体内暴动的力量,乐渊向着蛮州最繁华的街道走去,为了保证小萱不再情之一字上犯错误,他这个当哥哥的可有得忙乎了,不过乐渊也乐在其中,哥哥这个角色对于他而言还真有些新鲜…… ... ...
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