VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#806: The day falling thing, does not sprout the younger sister also really to sorry

Miao Border since the ancient times then controls by White Miao and Black Miao these two clan troops, but of Nüwa worship three sovereigns two clan troops, although has the same belief, because each other reason for several hundred years of concept the dispute is unceasing, only has to unite when a time together, that in a Nüwa clan clansman comes. 苗疆自古以来便是被白苗黑苗这两族人马所掌控,而敬拜三皇之一女娲的两族人马虽然有着同一个信仰,但是由于彼此观念的原因数百年来纷争不断,唯有在一种时候才能团结到一起,那就是在女娲一族族人现身之际。 The Nüwa clan is person and the god hybrid, was of Nüwa antiquity three sacred criteria was censured after the descendant who the world was born, was the Demi-God half person, concerned the bloodlines noble degree even tall passed/lived in the eye of Black and White Miao their Miao King. 女娲族是人与神混血,是上古三神之一的女娲被贬于人间后诞生的后代,属于半神半人,论及血脉高贵程度甚至在黑白苗的眼中高过了他们的苗王 What a pity the Nüwa clan and reveals in world, when their generation only in Human World has the disaster will appear. Therefore, the contradiction between this Black and White Miao Clan is also hard to compromise for a long time, but also not all Miao people hope the battle, is far away from the Miao Clan core cities for a long time not by troubled of War, here is a state. 可惜女娲族并非常显于世,她们世代只在人界发生大难之时才会出现。因此,这黑白苗族之间的矛盾也是难以调和长久,但是也并非所有的苗人都希望争斗,在远离苗族核心的一处城镇长久以来不受战争的纷扰,这里就是蛮州。 The state is located in the Sichuan , Yunnan common border, is cities that rare Han, Miao lives together with different nationalities, White Miao Clan and Black Miao Clan and being not infrequent that here seeks a livelihood, because lives together with different nationalities with the Han Chinese, contradictions between after two clans are under the Han Chinese culture shock, on the contrary became short much. 蛮州位于川、滇交界,是一处难得的汉、苗杂居的城镇,在这里讨生活的白苗族黑苗族并不在少数,但是由于与汉族杂居,两族之间的矛盾反倒是受到汉族文化冲击后变得少了不少。 Since Zhenguan of Tang 4 had set at the state, state here is the strategic place in Sichuan , Yunnan common border, connects the hub of southwest key communication line. However because the state peripheral topography elixir, the peak on top of peak, the entire city is located in the hills, forms stern fort cities. 自唐贞观四年置蛮州以来,蛮州这里就是川、滇交界的重镇,也是连接西南交通要道的枢纽。不过由于蛮州周边地势仙药,层峦叠嶂,整个城市位于群山之中,形成一个森严的要塞型城镇。 Only to a smooth outlet, is actually Grass Sea that ordinary person is unable to pass. Although named Grass Sea, however here has another name Insect Sea in the state person's name on the contrary. 唯一面向外界的一处平坦出路,却是常人根本无法通过的草海。虽然名为草海,但是在蛮州人的称呼中这里反倒是有另一个名字虫海 Entire Grass Sea was occupied by the innumerable poisonous insect monster beast, although cannot say everywhere the poisonous insect, but regarding person of road general peddler without doubt is the road to Hades, even cultivator will still evade this road to walk generally. Only has in Jianghu to refine the poisonous person, or is the person who in Miao Clan raises the gu meets adventure to enter Grass Sea. 整个草海被无数的毒虫妖兽占据,虽然不能说遍地毒虫,但是对于一般的行商之人这条路无疑是黄泉路,就算是修行之人一般也会避着这条路走。唯有江湖中炼毒的人士,或者是苗族中养蛊的人才会冒险进入草海 But no one knows, in this in the barbarian state by hills dangerous situation package is actually Nüwa clan of shelter. Before several generations, each generation of clansmen of Nüwa clan then lead their children to grow in the state, shoulders since until them again saves the responsibility of common people, this leaves the place that this has grown up since childhood. 而谁也不知道,在这被群山险境包裹之中的蛮州却是女娲一族的隐居之所。从数代之前,女娲族的每一代族人便带着她们的孩子在蛮州成长,直到他们再一次担负起拯救苍生的职责,这才离开这个从小一直长大的地方。 But to this generation, because had not been harassed by any trivial matters, a clansman of Nüwa clan rare raised the child, but with child's Spiritual Power of growth whole body by own child absorption, was been finally difficult to escape the result of death. 而到了这一代,由于未被任何的琐事所扰,女娲一族的族人难得的养大了孩子,不过随着孩子的成长全身的灵力被自己的孩子吸收,最终还是难逃死亡的结局。 After this new generation Nüwa clan successor loner, she has then been taken care of Saintess Aunt of Nüwa clan clansman to look after by 1000 year, fosters to grow up her, while teaches various Nüwa clan successor knowledge of new generation, to cultivate. 而当这新一代女娲族传人孤家寡人之后,她便一直被千年来照顾着女娲族族人的圣姑照看了起来,一边将她抚养长大,一边传授着新一代的女娲族传人各种知识、进行修炼。 On this day mountain deep place southeast state, as a result of picking medicine, but is tired perspiration Nüwa clan young girls not to evade, will be laid aside by this herbal medicine basket after one side, then removes a clothing, arrived in a limpid puddle to play with water heartily. 这一日在蛮州东南面的大山深处,由于采药而累得一身汗女娲族少女也是毫不避讳,在将被这的草药篓放置在一旁后,便褪去自己一身的衣物,来到一个清澈的水潭中尽情戏水了起来。 As for whether will look at up the light by the bystander, this matter already was looked after her Saintess Aunt to talk over early does not know that many time things, how the young girl may forget. Although age 14-15 years old, but cultivation base is ordinary person 30-40 years is actually not able to achieve. 至于是否会被外人看光光,这种事情早已经被照顾她的圣姑念叨了不知道多少次的事情,少女怎么可能会忘记了。虽然年纪不过14、5岁,但是一身修为却是常人没个30-40年根本无法达到的。 Before she removes oneself clothing, together barrier then already of Water Spirit Power constitution this puddle encircling, ordinary person let alone rushed, can perhaps discover that barrier is an issue. 早在她褪去自己衣物之前,一道水灵之力构成的结界便已经将这个水潭给围了起来,常人别说闯进来,恐怕能不能发现结界都是个问题。 Can cross barrier under young girl arrange/cloth as for some really people? This matter also cannot baffle her, small green snake that is spitting the red snake wick is alerting near the puddle. 至于真有人能够神不知鬼不觉地越过少女布下的结界?这种事情同样难不倒她,一只吐着红色蛇信子的小青蛇正在水潭边上戒备着。 The Nüwa clan generation life in the Miao Border region, did not say that the gu technique excels compared with Miao people generally, drives the snake, to raise the snake continually the technique far ultra average person. The Nüwa clan as Nüwa descendant inborn has the control regarding these little creature, easy then can subdue oneself to use it. 女娲族世代生活在苗疆区域,不说蛊术比起一般苗人更加擅长,连驱蛇、养蛇的技术都远超普通人。身为女娲后裔的女娲族天生对于这些小生灵有着掌控力,轻而易举便能将其收服己用。 But the small green snake of young girl do not look, only then less than one foot length, the head does not seem like triangle head of poisonous snake similarly, but an ability, even if cultivates Mount Shu Elder level so, was nipped one is also the dizzy three seconds of falling to the ground fates. 而少女的这条小青蛇别看只有一尺不到的长度,脑袋同样不像是毒蛇的三角头,但是一身能力纵然是修炼到蜀山长老这般的水平,被咬上一口也是头昏眼花三秒倒地的下场。 This small green snake other ability does not have, but really must, make ability under the Heavens of dizzy person also really few to compare favorably with it among the hemp. 这小青蛇别的能力没有,但是真要论麻倒、弄晕人的能力天下间还真没几个比得上它的。 „...... Hee hee, is quite comfortable!” “啦啦啦……嘻嘻,好舒服啊!” The young girls are laughing and playing are playing with water in the puddle, technique of the governing water did not say unique under the Heavens, but uses actually to appear in this small puddle uses a talented person in an insignificant position, is not pond water changes to the peacock, before long, that peacock changed to nearby small green snake appearance again. 少女嬉笑着在水潭中戏水,一手御水之术不说独步天下,但是用在这小小水潭却显得大材小用,不是潭水化作孔雀,过不了多久,那孔雀又再次化作了一旁的小青蛇的模样。 The young girls are grown up by the Saintess Aunt care, although cannot say that the sumptuous lifestyle freely has however lived now, because as the descendant of Nüwa clan, during the high-pressured learn/study, is will then need when the future world will bravely step forward. 少女由圣姑照料长大,虽不能说锦衣玉食但是一直无忧无虑地生活到现在,但是由于身为女娲族的后裔,一直处在高压学习之中,为的便是在将来人间需要之时挺身而出。 But as the descendant of Nüwa clan, young girl, although unusual good fortune pain in this life, but actually also accepts with pleasure, only has, when this type living alone revealed that young girl's heart, puts down the strong incomparable camouflage heartily. 而作为女娲族的后裔,少女虽然在这种生活中非常幸苦,但是却也欣然接受,唯有在这种独处的时候才显露出少女之心,尽情地放下坚强无比的伪装。 The young girls that peak round hair bun plate in the back of the head, the long hair grip scarlet dispersing of two bread twist pigtails, immediately is different to hang loose in ordinary person scarlet hair, another piece of pond water was cast light upon scarlet. 少女将自己那一头高发圆髻盘于后脑,长发扎成两股麻花辫的赤红散开,顿时迥异于常人赤发披散开来,另一片潭水都被照映得赤红。 Although this hair color was also regarded as the evildoer/monstrous talent by ordinary person, but scarlet hair regarding the Nüwa clan means the performance of Innate Spiritual Power full. After the common Nüwa clan was born, is the black hair, only has, when the bloodlines awaken, when Spiritual Power increases will become scarlet hair. But looks like the young girl so already scarlet hair a situation when young, without doubt was proving she inherits Spiritual Power that over over three generations Nüwa clan passed from generation to generation, this can then have the strength of scale so in the age. 这发色虽然亦被常人视作妖孽,但是对于女娲族而言赤发意味着天生灵力充盈的表现。一般的女娲族出生后乃是黑发,唯有当血脉觉醒,灵力大增之时才会成为赤发。而像少女这般在年少之时已经一头赤发的情况,无疑证明着她继承了超过三代以上女娲族世代相传的灵力,这才能在如此年纪便拥有这般规模的实力。 Nüwa clan Strength inherits very specially, if no accident/surprise , then after mother remaining daughters, as growing up of child, inherits into child's within the body Spiritual Power of parent body unceasingly automatically, this inherits from generation to generation, is close to three sovereign Nüwa till descendant's level. Only if there is accident/surprise, this type inherits is broken, the inheritance of Spiritual Power will start to continue new round accumulation from zero. 女娲力量继承非常特殊,若无意外则在母亲剩下女儿后随着孩子的长大,不断将母体的灵力自动传承入孩子的体内,就这样一代又一代地传承,直到后裔的水平接近三皇女娲为止。除非出现意外,这种传承被打破,灵力的传承才会从零开始继续新一轮的累计。 Both hands of young girl hold limpid pond water to fall in oneself shoulder, saw only that pond water to delimit the shoulder of young girl to cross purple snake mark on her arm. 少女的双手捧着清澈的潭水倾倒在自己的肩头,只见那潭水划过少女的肩头越过了她手臂上的紫色蛇纹 Perhaps is the young girl from the relations of simple life in Miao Border area, although on the arm has the trace of snake however not to have the slight dislike, on the contrary made her have the bewitching aesthetic sense of alternative by beauty snake mark of young girl on the contrary. 或许是少女自小生活苗疆地区的关系,虽然手臂上有着蛇的纹路但是却没有丝毫的厌恶,相反以少女的姿色这蛇纹反倒令她有着另类的妖异美感。 When the young girl plays with water plays enjoys oneself to the full, suddenly the young girl sensation to own top of the head presented the Fire Spirit Power of confusion and rebellion, Water Spirit Power that this and young girl first grasps is completely different, is flooding the unprecedented chaotic feeling. 正当少女戏水玩得尽兴之时,突然少女感知到自己的头顶出现了混乱、暴动的火灵之力,这和少女最先掌握的水灵之力完全不同,充斥着前所未有的混乱感。 Has not waited for the young girl to make any response, that Fire Spirit Power aggregate fell completely in the puddle from the top of the head directly. 没等少女做出任何的反应,那火灵之力的聚集体直接从头顶直直地落尽了水潭之中。 This is the loud sound that the upper air falls in the water to have, is good is not small because of this puddle, after that unknown thing falls, falls on the young girl body first five meters away place just in time, the huge impact caused an enough 2-3 meters spray, making the young girl seem very distressed. 这是高空落水发出的巨响,好在这水潭也不算小,那未知之物落下后正巧落在少女身前五米远的地方,巨大的冲击引起了足足2-3米的浪花,让少女显得好不狼狈。 just that was the crazy wolf that a young girl governing water technique will splash blocked, however as a result of taking place suddenly, the scarlet long hair splashing dispersed by the water, after the wave diverged the young girl wants to fix the eyes on at present looked, a resounding scream spread, Qing'er!” “唔刚刚那是”少女一手御水术将溅起的狂狼挡住,但是由于事出突然,赤红长发还是被水给溅得散开,当浪散去之后少女想眼前定睛一看,一声高亢至极的尖叫传出,“啊青儿!” As young girl the calls out in alarm, named Qing'er small green snake the body body disc seems like the spring immediately generally fiercely from puddle nearby suddenly/violently to launch, in the young girl toward puddle shot. 随着少女的的这一声惊呼,名为青儿的小青蛇顿时身体盘起来像是弹簧一般猛地从水潭边上暴射而出,向着水潭中的少女弹了过来。 In Kungfu of a blink, that small green snake then already like the wrist/skill common plate in the wrist/skill of young girl, a fine incomparable bracelet, a head turns toward the front to search probably simultaneously unceasingly, the snake wick finds out unceasingly seems like preparing momentarily. 在一眨眼的功夫中,那小青蛇便已经如同手腕一般盘于少女的手腕上,像是一条精致无比的手链,同时一颗脑袋不断向着前方探着,蛇信子不断探出像是在随时备战。 Sees only in the puddle of young girl not far away, a face exists toward below human form is drifting in the puddle, although the young girl cannot see clearly the appearance of this person however can also be able to see from his figure and appearance is a man. 只见少女不远处的水潭里,一个脸朝下的人形存在正飘浮在水潭中,虽然少女看不清此人的面貌但是从他的身形和打扮中还能看得出是一个男人。 Even if the young girl in Miao Border deeply by its influence, is not with the Central Plain female generally is lady, but Miao woman does not mean that can look at to a strange man own pure body self-possessedly. 就算少女在苗疆深受其影响,并不是和中原女子一般是大家闺秀,但是苗女也不意味着能够坦然自若地将自己的清白之躯给一个陌生男子看。 The earliest possible time after young girl scream, Ice Spell hit together, but also knows the making a move weight in the young girl well, Ice Spell to not kill the enemy, only for can block at present the action of man. 少女尖叫后的第一时间,一道冰咒打了出去,不过好在少女还知道出手轻重,冰咒一出并不为杀敌,只为能够封锁眼前男子的行动。 However who knows to be able easily adult male frozen Ice Spell, falls does not have the slight function when the male body in puddle at present. Water Spiritual Power just touched is his body, next second then by the opposite party within the body infinite internal heat evaporation. 但是谁知能够轻而易举将一个成年男子冰封的冰咒,落在眼前水潭中的男子身上时却没有丝毫的作用。水灵力刚刚一触即他的身体,下一秒便被对方体内无穷的内火蒸发。 This...... very powerful Fire Spirit, his is......” “这……好强的火灵,他这是……” The young girls see with own eyes oneself Immortal Technique failure, later felt male that scalding hot in breath, is afraid immediately, will be very afraid this cultivation base immeasurably deep man to stick out suddenly to her to make anything at present. 少女眼见自己的仙术失败,随后又感觉到男子那灼热的内息,顿时心生恐惧,深怕眼前这个修为深不可测的男人会暴起对她做出个什么事来。 However guarded against a while, the young girl then had doubts. At present pours the person in puddle completely does not have the sound, probably was thorough generally. 但是防备了一会儿,少女便更加疑惑了。眼前倒在水潭里的人全然没有动静,像是彻底死了一般。 Qing'er, probes, actually has a look at him is where sacred?” 青儿,去试探一下,看看他究竟是何方神圣?” Sees only young girl's to say to right hand wrist/skill in small green snake gently, trains until now small green snake regarding this since childhood, but she incomparable trust. 只见少女对着自己右手手腕上的小青蛇轻轻说道,对于这条从小培养至今的小青蛇,她可是无比的信任。 However this never defies small green snake that she has ordered, at this time actually for the first time hesitated for the first time, sees only small green snake to sway the head to halt, as if that pours existence in puddle is the great antiquity beast of prey is ordinary, has the absolute threatening nature. 但是这条从未违抗过她命令的小青蛇,此时却是破天荒地第一次迟疑了,只见小青蛇晃荡着脑袋就是止步不前,似乎那个倒在水潭里的存在是洪荒猛兽一般,对着它有着绝对的威胁性。 Qing'er, you......” 青儿,你……” Is looking at this, even the young girl still had doubts. Theoretically by young girl Nüwa clan the strength of governing spirit, this small green snake will not have the resistance, the man who only if opposite that seemingly faints can have the order of higher level to young girl training small green snake devotedly. 望着这一幕,就算是少女也不由疑惑了。理论上以少女女娲族的御灵之力,这小青蛇绝不会产生抵抗,除非对面那看似昏倒的男子能够对少女悉心培养的小青蛇产生更高一层的命令。 Makes me look, actually your is the person is the monster!” “就让我来瞧一瞧,你这究竟是人是妖!” The young girls twine in one's body Water Spirit Power, immediately on her stark naked body in winding the clothes of First Layer water, although is not enough to cover the whole body, but becomes own body through the ability of running water fuzzy, can the avoidable body of alternative be seen by the bystander. 少女将水灵之力缠绕于己身,顿时她赤条条的身体上缠绕上了一层水之衣,虽然不足以遮挡住全身,但是通过流水的能力将自己的身体变得模糊,也能另类的避免身体被外人见到。 When young girl slowly, this life pours the man in puddle still does not have the slight response, later the young girl built with the hand on the shoulder of man...... 当少女慢慢靠近之后,这命倒在水潭中的男子依然没有丝毫的反应,随后少女用手搭在了男子的肩膀上…… Good to burn 好烫 This is the young girl's first response, the male body has a scalding hot feeling, the temperature the temperature of lofty ultra human body. 这就是少女的第一反应,男子身上有着一种灼热感,温度之高远超人体的温度。 Not too few women's Water Spirit packages both hands, later entire turns inside out the man. 不过少女用水灵包裹双手,随后将男子整个翻了过来。 He was very once handsome, but injures now well heavily...... 他曾经很英俊,但是现在伤得好重…… By male half of even/including Le Yuan that the young girl turns inside out, but the other half seems like by the raging fire is fired generally, until now covers by the blister and deeply worried skin, without trace that the least bit restores. 被少女翻过来的男子一半的连正是乐渊,而另一半则像是被烈火灼烧过一般,至今被水泡和焦灼的皮肤覆盖,没有半点恢复的痕迹。 Saintess Aunt Grandma has said that saves others a life victory to make the seven-story pagoda, although you rush to the place of this Miss bathing by mistake, who makes the this Miss feelings good! Remember, you owe a Xiao Xuan life!” 圣姑婆婆说过,救人一命胜造七级浮屠,虽然你误闯本姑娘沐浴之地,但是谁让本姑娘心肠好呢!记住咯,你欠小萱一条命!” Was saying the young girl drags to come ashore Le Yuan little, later placed in neighbor a cave. As for bringing Le Yuan is descending the mountain to treat this matter, was only has a look at the Le Yuan physique young girl to give up, she on descended the mountain already to be very exhausting, brought Le Yuan unable to achieve again. Le Yuan is good has not known badly, might as well place with its this in the cave that this nobody will ask. 说着少女将乐渊一点点拖上了岸,随后安置在了附近了一个山洞之中。至于带着乐渊下山治疗这种事情,光是看看乐渊的体格少女就放弃了,她独自一人上下山已经很累人了,再带着乐渊根本做不到。况且乐渊是好是坏还不知,与其这样不如安放在这无人问津的山洞内。 ... ...
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