VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#805: Qionghua falls from the sky, Heavenly Fire extinguishes the demon

Packed off the Yun Tianhe four people, Le Yuan faced Jiutian Xuannu also really somewhat to feel timid alone. After all the Jiutian Xuannu strength exceeded him absolutely, this had nothing cannot acknowledge, compared with Jiutian Xuannu that several tens of thousands of years of cultivation base, Le Yuan this trivial was about hundred years of cultivation base is really hard to resist. 送走了云天河四人,乐渊独自面对九天玄女还真有些发怵。毕竟九天玄女的实力绝对超越了他,这没有什么不能承认了,比起九天玄女那数万年的修为,乐渊这区区不过百年的修为实在是难以抵挡。 However is good because of Le Yuan present most important Quest does not kill Jiutian Xuannu, when Le Yuan sent off Yun Tianhe and the others, his first ring Quest already announced completes. When that second ring Quest has not opened, that conducts the countdown that the space and time shuttles back and forth then to open again, the time that merely half double-hour is not, Le Yuan then can go to the unknown time point again. 不过好在乐渊现在的首要任务也并不是干掉九天玄女,在乐渊送走了云天河等人的时候,他的第一环任务已经宣告完成。而在那第二环任务还未开启之时,那进行时空穿梭的倒计时便再度开启,仅仅半个时辰都不到的时间,乐渊便能够再度前往未知的时间点。 When the time comes this can Jiutian Xuannu also pursue Le Yuan to go inadequately? All Le Yuan only need dragging character secret art to display the limit one now then, endured these half the time of double-hour, then is well with everything. 到时候这九天玄女还能够追着乐渊前往不成?所有乐渊现在只需要将一个“拖”字诀发挥到极限即可,挨过了这半个时辰的时间,那么万事大吉。 Is looking at not far away surface, if Jiutian Xuannu of cold frost, Le Yuan is sizing up Qionghua Sect in all around one frost and snow, made noise to say the sentence: How makes me first warm up? Such big Qionghua Sect falls on the ground pounds some people, does not have to drop your God World prestige, I helped you process, what kind of?” 望着不远处面若寒霜的九天玄女,乐渊打量着四周一片霜雪之中的琼华派,不由出声说了句:“让我先热个身怎么样?这么大的一块琼华派落在地上砸到些人,不也有堕你们神界的威信,我帮你处理了,怎么样?” Silent, is silent. Jiutian Xuannu as if not plan the connection, situation that but does not plan to begin from the opposite party that tacitly consented to the proposition of Le Yuan. 沉默,还是沉默。九天玄女似乎并不打算接口,但是从对方那并不打算动手的情况来看,算是默许了乐渊的提议。 Is maintaining Devil Form Le Yuan body one revolution instantaneously, appears, in floated beside spatial Qionghua Sect several hundred meters away place, but not far away the form of place Jiutian Xuannu follows closely the appearance quickly, the speed is not under Le Yuan. 瞬间保持着魔人形态乐渊身子一转,出现在了浮空的琼华派之外数百米远的地方,而不远处的地方九天玄女的身影紧随着出现,速度之快不在乐渊之下。 to solve it one time, presently “呼一次性解决了它,现 Under Devil Form, Le Yuan summoned Devil phantom again, then has nine city similar hundred meters giants to cover it with his present Devil Form completely. When Le Yuan summoned Devil phantom, the vision has not left from Jiutian Xuannu at the same time. 魔人形态下,乐渊再度呼唤出了魔人虚影,这下和他现在魔人形态有着九城相似性的百米巨人将其完全笼罩。当乐渊召唤出魔人虚影的时候,目光也没从一边的九天玄女身上离开。 When sees Jiutian Xuannu is still that indifferent appearance, in the heart still knows perhaps in the memory of opposite party, Le Yuan these move already were given the understanding of probably be not the least bit off by her early, does not absolutely need to cover up. 当见到九天玄女依然是那副淡然的样子时,心中依然知晓恐怕在对方的记忆里面,乐渊的这几个招数早已经被她给了解得丝毫不差,根本就没有必要遮遮掩掩的。 The Qionghua Sect of float in midair, compared thousand people of towns by the size absolutely slightly many, wanted to float the spatial construction such a to write off completely, did not make Kunlun Mountain the common people under Boxian Town receive a wee bit injuries, is abutting in the original works Yun Tianhe such struck is insufficient. 漂浮在半空中的琼华派,论大小绝对比一个千人镇子小不了多少,想要将这么一个浮空建筑完全抹杀,不使得昆仑山下的播仙镇的百姓受到丁点的伤害,紧靠着原著中云天河那样的一击是不够的。 Even if Sun Shooting Divine Bow adds on the Yun Tianhe Mourning Heaven Piercing Sun type, Qionghua Sect that although can crushing crashes, but still created just like the meteor shower innumerable meteorites, could not do well must dying many people. 纵然射日神弓加上云天河恸天贯日式,虽然能够以及击碎坠落的琼华派,但是依然造成了犹如流星雨般的无数陨石,搞不好就要死很多人。 But under Le Yuan looked put one's foot down Boxian Town, then knows that perhaps wanted entire to cancel Qionghua Sect was unable to keep the hand, wanted enough intention to be able not to have the accident. 乐渊瞄了一下脚底下的播仙镇,便知道想要将琼华派整个抹去恐怕还不能有所留手,要足够的用心才能够无闪失。 Ka “咔 Le Yuan draws out Space Blade of Devil phantom waist instantaneously, traversed huge black spatial chasm of half clear sky to appear under Le Yuan the blade together. 乐渊魔人虚影腰间的空间之刃瞬间拔出,一道横断半个晴空的巨大黑色空间断层出现在了乐渊的这一刀之下。 spatial chasm divides into two entire Qionghua, in Qionghua Sect therefore breaks crashes, from black spatial chasm presented the powerful suction that is inconceivable, Qionghua Sect that immediately also crashed downward twisted instantaneously sent in that spatial chasm. 空间断层将整个琼华一分为二,就在琼华派因此而断裂坠落之际,从黑色空间断层中出现了难以想象的强大吸力,顿时原本还向下坠落的琼华派瞬间扭曲被送入了那空间断层内。 Absorbs the Qionghua Sect fragment along with spatial chasm completely, Le Yuan control Devil phantom is inserting in Space Blade the scabbard of waist. Turns over to the sheath along with Space Blade, cuts huge black spatial chasm of most clear sky gradually to return to normal. 伴随着空间断层琼华派碎片完全吸收,乐渊控制魔人虚影空间之刃重新插回了腰间的刀鞘内。伴随着空间之刃归鞘,划破大半个晴空的巨大黑色空间断层逐渐平复。 You, changed, but former you were horrendous, but never human own same clan, you to do that for the woman?” “你,变了许多,从前的你可是杀人如麻,可从未将人类自己的同族,难道说你这么做又是为了女人?” When Le Yuan will spend magic power Devil phantom takes back, at the same time in the Jiutian Xuannu mouth actually spreads let Le Yuan quite surprised a few words. Kills people such as flax this matter, Le Yuan always not negative, after all walks to obtain nowadays strength he was killed the countless person, 正当乐渊将费魔力魔人虚影收回之时,一边九天玄女的口中却传出了让乐渊都颇为惊讶的一句话。杀人如麻这种事情,乐渊从来都不否定,毕竟一路走来为了获得现如今的实力他算是杀了不计其数的人, However really wants him to slaughter innocents with no reason at all, that without doubt is the impossible matter. However immediately Le Yuan associates to oneself present status Monster King, this Monster King naturally was rules the person of monster and beast, the camp of standing then naturally was not human that side, such being the case will take up the butcher knife passably but actually. 但是真要他无缘无故地滥杀无辜,那无疑是不可能的事情。但是随即乐渊联想到了自己如今的身份妖王,这妖王自然是统治妖与兽的人,站的阵营便自然不是人类那一方,既然如此会对人拿起屠刀倒也说得过去。 However Le Yuan actually noticed Jiutian Xuannu some phrase at this time „”, this said looked like Le Yuan once to have an overswing crown anger in Jiutian Xuannu in the past for passing of young person, but who can this person be? 不过乐渊此时却注意到了九天玄女的某个字眼“又”,这岂不是说在九天玄女看来乐渊在从前曾经有过冲冠一怒为红颜的过往,但这个人又会是谁呢? That Xuannu, you said that I am incomplete, what appearance then in my complete situation is? Compared with you?” “那个玄女,你说我不完整,那么我完整的情况下又是什么模样?比你强吗?” Although now this is in the protracted time, but Le Yuan is very actually curious, actually Le Yuan in Jiutian Xuannu heart is what person, can actually ten thousand years also be have a vivid memory in her heart. 虽然现在这是在拖延时间,但是乐渊其实还真的很好奇,在九天玄女心中的乐渊究竟是一个什么样的人,竟然能够在她心中过了万年还能记忆犹新。 Despicable, shameless, evil, lascivious and extremely arrogant......” “卑鄙、无耻、邪恶、好色、狂妄……” Derogatory terms put out from the Jiutian Xuannu mouth, the goddess appearance that such and she displays is really difference between heaven and earth. If Jiutian Xuannu nowadays appearance were seen surprisedly certainly by the God World person incomparable, Jiutian Xuannu takes God World three big Xuannu, when is powerful, is the model of entire God World impressive and dignified manner, so rails like the present is really rare. 一个个贬义词从九天玄女的口中吐出,那样子和她表现出的神女模样真的是天差地别。若是九天玄女现如今的样子被神界的人看到一定会惊讶无比的,九天玄女作为神界三大玄女,位高权重之余,也是整个神界威仪的典范,像如今这般谩骂实属罕见。 „......, although has the so inferior moral character, but by the strength, can indeed become to excel by far under the Heavens, when three sovereigns go into seclusion is great expert, ten thousand years ago I am less also......” “……虽然有着如此低劣的品格,但是论实力,的确当得上冠绝天下,在三皇隐退之际乃是一等一的高手,万年前的吾不及也……” Although scolded before big, but Le Yuan from the Jiutian Xuannu mouth can actually hear admiration to a Monster King strength finally faintly. Moreover has a look at her appraisal, first-rate expert outside three sovereign Fuxi, Shennong and Nüwa, how this saw that is in the pyramid top person. 虽然之前数落了一大顿,但是最后从九天玄女口中乐渊竟然隐隐听得出一丝对妖王实力的敬佩。而且看看她的评价,三皇伏羲神农女娲之外的一流高手,这怎么看都是处于金字塔顶尖的人了。 Le Yuan looked at rest of the time, discovered, although delayed very long time, however can the rest of the time achieve fragrance as before( 10 minutes) time, this time are without doubt dangerous regarding Le Yuan, shoulder also to two say. 乐渊瞄了一下剩下的时间,发现虽然拖了很长的时间,但是剩下的时间依旧达到一枝香(十分钟)的时间,这个时间对于乐渊而言无疑是危险的,能不能扛过去还得两说。 What's wrong? Do you also want to continue to tow? Useless, although my world of mortals has the time limit, but a day in heaven, a year on earth, I have enough time to kill you in the world of mortals, nowadays who can save you!” “如何?你还想要继续拖下去吗?没用的,虽然我下界有着时间限制,但是天上一日地下一年,我在下界还有着充足的时间杀你,现如今有谁能够救你!” Could not rescue, that helped oneself! Looks to incur!” “救不了,那就自救!看招!” Le Yuan after detecting from Jiutian Xuannu that intense killing intent, then knows that could not tow again, immediately Spiritual Power surged, put forth just like World Extinguishing Tornado Wind Immortal Technique. Airborne flutters the astral wind that immediately thousands incomparably withers, this innumerable say/way winds in the upper heavens encircle Jiutian Xuannu, exhibit together of sure-kill. 乐渊在察觉到来自九天玄女那强烈的杀意之后,便知道再也拖不下去了,随即灵力激荡,宛如灭世龙卷风系仙术使出。空中顿时飘出成千上百道无比肃杀的罡风,这无数道罡风将九天玄女团团围住,摆出一道绝杀之阵。 Astral wind startled day? The track ear, does not have reduction “罡风惊天?小道耳,无相化法 Does not have the reduction, even if this move in Five Spirits Immortal Technique is also extremely special, did not mean that grasped Water Immortal Technique then to comprehend this move. This move can protect the body by Water Spirit Power, can any air/Qi of Five Spirits withering for oneself also fine. 无相化法,这一招纵然是在五灵仙术之中也是极为特殊的,并不是说掌握了水系仙术便能领悟到这一招。这一招能够以水灵之力护体,可以任何五灵肃杀之气为己还精。 In other words, once grasped this move, in some sense on achievement the body of Immortal Technique immunity. If the difference of both sides strong and weak is really big, then does not have the reduction is also not without a peer. 换句话说,一旦掌握了这一招,某种意义上就成就了仙术免疫之体。但是若是双方强弱之差甚大,那么无相化法也并非不可匹敌。 However the issue is, Le Yuan grasps uncommonly regarding the Wind System immortal law, but grasps Jiutian Xuannu that Five Spirits promoted and constrained mutually rotates to change to think with already that without doubt is to overestimate oneself, share that only then asks for trouble. 但是问题在于,乐渊对人对于风系仙法掌握不凡,但是和已经掌握了五灵相生相克之间轮转变化的九天玄女想必,那无疑是鲁班门前弄大斧,只有自讨苦吃的份。 The Le Yuan astral wind is not only unable to break through the defense of Jiutian Xuannu, even also becomes her boost, the next second freezes to death the snowstorm of person to arrive to the body of Le Yuan sufficiently instantaneously. 乐渊的罡风非但无法突破九天玄女的防御,甚至还成为了她的助力,下一秒足以冻死人的暴风雪在瞬间降临到乐渊的身上。 Under that thermal shock, the body of Le Yuan has almost not even frozen thoroughly. This type[ wind snow ice day] was returning a courtesy of Jiutian Xuannu, big of might even exceeded Le Yuan with the aid of Water Spirit Bead addition that move. 那温度骤降之下,连乐渊的身体都差点没有彻底冻起来。这一式[风雪冰天]算是九天玄女的回礼,威力之大甚至超越了乐渊借助水灵珠加成那一招。 Was almost captured the consciousness instantaneously Le Yuan, immediately blows up the scalding hot air/Qi in within the body, is transformed the powerful fire Spiritual Power instantaneous broken body that by Fire Spirit Bead, will cover in First Layer snow and ice melts completely. 差点被瞬间夺取意识的乐渊,顿时鼓起体内的灼热之气,由火灵珠改造出的强大灵力瞬间破体而出,将笼罩在身上的一层冰雪完全融化。 The cloud from the dragon wind from the tiger, was just ice-breaking, but Le Yuan then received the dragon tiger converging attack. That Jiutian Xuannu can change to the visible life invisible Five Spirits unexpectedly . Moreover the strength is not weak, suddenly Le Yuan is unable unexpectedly defeating of jointly two giant beasts. 云从龙风从虎,刚刚破冰而出的乐渊便受到了龙虎夹击。那九天玄女竟然能将无形的五灵化作有形的生灵,而且实力不弱,一时间乐渊竟然无法将两只巨兽的联手击破。 What a pity although present dragon tiger spirit beast terrifying, but made Le Yuan actually in another side Jiutian Xuannu that truly paid attention to guard. Le Yuan has not forgotten that Five Spirits that Jiutian Xuannu uses empty, changes to Five Spirits Power does not have the thing not broken nihility to destroy the enemy. 可惜眼前的龙虎灵兽虽然恐怖,但是真正令乐渊留心防备的却是在另一边的九天玄女乐渊至今没有忘记九天玄女使用出的那一手五灵化虚,将五灵之力化作无物不破的虚无摧毁敌人。 That attack, even if Le Yuan is not willing to accept. 那种攻击,纵然乐渊也不愿意接受。 The time, is the time. Until Le Yuan also has almost five minutes at this time, five minutes 300 seconds, this said that was long says the short time actually really awfully. 时间,还是时间。直至此时乐渊还有差不多五分钟的时间,五分钟300秒,这说长不长说短不短的时间却真的要命。 Buzz “嗡 While Le Yuan somewhat absent-minded time, Jiutian Xuannu that hidden did not send began finally, the flash only felt Five Spirits Qi that the opposite party dissipates, domain Strength releases from the body of Jiutian Xuannu, next second of Le Yuan only felt Five Spirits Qi between own side Heaven and Earth was changing to the enemy instantaneously. 正当乐渊有些恍惚的时候,一直隐而不发的九天玄女终于动手了,一瞬间只感觉对方逸散的五灵之气,一股领域力量九天玄女的身上释放而出,下一秒乐渊只觉得自己身旁天地间的五灵之气在瞬间化作了敌人。 This move, is not simple. 这一招,不简单。 Le Yuan sees this driving merely, is killing of Jiutian Xuannu incurs on understand this surely. But is unable Le Yuan that continues to retain to erupt magic power instantaneously, the summon, but the Devil phantom flash will jointly attack a Le Yuan dragon tiger pair of spirit to strike to fly. 乐渊仅仅是看到这个驾驶,就明白这定是九天玄女的杀招。而无法在继续有所保留的乐渊瞬间爆发魔力,召唤而出的魔人虚影一瞬间将合击乐渊的龙虎双灵击飞。 Monster King, you had Demon Sword in the past in the hand, I could not win you, however ten thousand years have crossed, meet my move, Heavenly Fire Burns Cities!” 妖王,当年你有魔剑在手,我胜不了你,但是万年已过,接我这一招吧,天火焚城!” With Jiutian Xuannu the move, Le Yuan only thought that all around Five Spirits Power is actually changing that he is unable to understand instantaneously. The surroundings as a result by the reason of Kunlun Mountain, the Five Spirits Power distribution average, however in changed to fire Spiritual Power in various just flash original Spiritual Power very instantaneously completely. 伴随着九天玄女的这一招,乐渊只觉得四周五灵之力竟然在瞬间发生了他根本无法理解的转变。周围由于地靠昆仑山的缘故,五灵之力分布原本十分平均,但是在刚刚的一瞬间原本的各种灵力在瞬间全部化作了火灵力 But in instantaneous Le Yuan understand, this is Jiutian Xuannu domain Strength, with so with no trace, making Le Yuan not detect that actually she how transforms this piece of Five Spirits Power. 而在瞬间乐渊明白了,这就是九天玄女的领域力量,用得是如此的不着痕迹,让乐渊根本就没有察觉到她究竟是如何转换这一片的五灵之力 Heavenly Fire Burns Cities, changed to enliven fire Spiritual Power of limit all Five Spirits Qi, changed to it by Jiutian Xuannu again can burn completely Monster Purifying Sacred Fire of nine quiet crowd of demons. Theoretically, this Monster Purifying Sacred Fire might, even if Chonglou is also hard to resist, but Chonglou compared with a Jiutian Xuannu stronger demon, own Dao of Space also unique under the Heavens, even if there is a domain fetter of Jiutian Xuannu, cannot surround him. 天火焚城,将所有的五灵之气化作活跃到了极限的火灵力,再由九天玄女将其化作能够焚尽九幽群魔的净妖圣火。从理论上,这净妖圣火的威力就算是重楼亦难以抵抗,但是重楼本身就是比起九天玄女更强的魔,自身的空间之道亦独步天下,就算有九天玄女的领域束缚,也困不住他。 Nowadays Le Yuan, is suspended in midair on Dao of Space only, oneself strength is not also able to exceed Jiutian Xuannu, therefore is unable to flee from the Heavenly Fire Burns Cities attack region. 唯独现如今的乐渊,在空间之道上不上不下,自身实力亦无法超越九天玄女,因此根本无法逃离天火焚城的攻击区域。 Leaves, must then find the domain internal heat Spiritual Power most weakness far away from fire Spiritual Power richest place Le Yuan instantaneously, that is the place that Jiutian Xuannu fights. 离开,必须远离火灵力最为浓郁的地方乐渊瞬间便找到了领域内火灵力最薄弱之处,那便是九天玄女所战的地方。 Clash/To In the innumerable milky white flame Le Yuan before the package, Le Yuan then charged into Jiutian Xuannu, what a pity the Monster Purifying Sacred Fire speed was above the imagination of Le Yuan. Also without, when Le Yuan leaves, then already the Le Yuan ignition. 在无数乳白色的火焰将乐渊按包裹之前,乐渊便冲向了九天玄女,可惜净妖圣火的速度超乎了乐渊的想象。还没等到乐渊离开,便已经乐渊引燃。 “呃啊 In the Le Yuan mouth sent out just like wild animal angry roaring, damage that this net monster life ignition in the body of Le Yuan caused compared with common flame eye. 乐渊的口中发出了犹如野兽般的怒吼,这净妖生活灼烧在乐渊的身上造成的伤害远比一般的火焰更加眼中。 Looks Le Yuan that is roaring unceasingly, in eye of Jiutian Xuannu no yo slight pitying, similarly does not have a point self-satisfied color, probably a pure machinery generally to the order that the Le Yuan execution is writing off. 望着不断怒吼的乐渊,九天玄女的眼中没哟丝毫的怜悯,同样也没有一点的得意之色,像是个单纯的机械一般对着乐渊执行抹杀的命令。 Le Yuan gradually entire was wrapped by Monster Purifying Sacred Fire, Le Yuan changed to a giant flame group immediately. It looks like in Jiutian Xuannu, Le Yuan under this condition, even if has not died now, dying to him will still be sooner or later matter. 渐渐的乐渊整个都被净妖圣火包裹住了,乐渊顿时化作了一个巨大的火焰团。在九天玄女看来,这种状态下的乐渊,就算现在没死,死亡对他也是早晚的事情。 That group of white flame burnt for a long time, when fragrant time soon, the mutation appeared. 那一团白色火焰燃烧了许久,当一枝香的时间快要到的时候,异变出现了。 Bang “嘭 Sees only the white hot group that Monster Purifying Sacred Fire forms to blast out fiercely, Jiutian Xuannu is surprised, explodes to shoot from the hot group in the Jiutian Xuannu surprised instantaneous Le Yuan form suddenly. 只见净妖圣火形成的白色火团猛地炸开,就连九天玄女都为之一惊,就在九天玄女惊讶的瞬间乐渊的身影突然从火团之中爆射而出。 Le Yuan nowadays condition, but is bad, already was fired from top to bottom wonderfully black incomparable, black hard armor already burned black piece, internal already was invaded by the burning, this was Le Yuan only received this injury with Fire Spirit Bead as the resistance, otherwise has died in the sea of fire. 乐渊现如今状态可是差得很,浑身上下已经被灼烧得奇黑无比,身上的黑色硬甲已经焦黑一片,内部已经被火毒入侵,这还是乐渊火灵珠作为抵御才只受了这点伤害,不然早就死在火海之中了。 Jiutian Xuannu only thought that the present Le Yuan figure flashes, realized fiercely Le Yuan used Space Force her, only felt own chest front that proud place hurts fiercely, probably was stressed ruthlessly, later near the ear then hears the Le Yuan wild laughter. 九天玄女只觉得眼前的乐渊身形一闪,猛地意识到乐渊动用了空间之力的她,只觉得自己胸前那傲人之处猛地一疼,像是被人狠狠抓了一下,随后耳边便传来乐渊的猖狂笑声。 Ha haha...... this is only the interest, Jiutian Xuannu, another day I must have the generous reward!” “哈哈哈……这只是利息而已,九天玄女,他日我必有厚报!” In the Jiutian Xuannu eye, sees only Le Yuan body already to go pale, even if wanted to hold Le Yuan still already impossible. The time that Le Yuan comes to grasps very well, just in time before the countdown cuts off one second. 九天玄女眼中,只见乐渊的身子已经淡去,就算想要抓住乐渊已经不可能了。乐渊现身的时机抓得很好,正巧是在倒计时截止前的一秒。 But looks form that Le Yuan is vanishing, Jiutian Xuannu is in an uncontrollable rage, ten thousand years ago her disastrous defeat in the hand of Monster King, by the shame, is what a pity wanted to take revenge is not actually able nowadays in the same fashion to check, looked at already to lose Kunlun Mountain of Le Yuan trail thoroughly, Jiutian Xuannu vanishes in the Kunlun Mountains skylight. 而望着乐渊消失的身影,九天玄女怒不可遏,万年前她惨败于妖王之手,现如今又以同样的方式被辱,可惜想要复仇却无从查起,望着已经彻底失去乐渊踪迹的昆仑山,九天玄女消失在了昆仑天光中。 ... ...
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