VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#804: The enmity of Xuannu, becoming an immortal big broadcast

On Rolling Cloud Stage, put down Wangshu Sword in hand to bow the head to admit mistakes to Jiutian Xuannu as Su Yao already of Wangshu Sword main body, face dead grey seemed like lost resistance Will thoroughly. 卷云台上,作为望舒剑主体的夙瑶已经放下了手中的望舒剑九天玄女俯首认错,一脸死灰色像是彻底失去了反抗的意志 But Su Yao simply did not have anything to be jealous of capable people at this time can jealously the heart, entire Qionghua Sect must all the destruction under her leadership, she be shortly rejoiced at this time on the contrary before Murong Ziying, led several hundred disciples to descend the mountain ahead of time, was Qionghua Sect retained fire of the inheritance. 夙瑶此时也根本没有了什么妒贤嫉能之心,整个琼华派眼看就要在她的领导之下全都覆灭了,这时候她反倒是庆幸慕容紫英之前带着数百名弟子提前下山,为琼华派保留了一点传承之火。 Murong Ziying, I by the life of Qionghua Sect 25 th Sect Master position of instruction this Qionghua Sect Sect Master in you, hope that you can continue to inherit my Qionghua Sect, decides however does not let the my Sect in light of this destruction, can you be willing to accept this heavy responsibility?” 慕容紫英,我以琼华派第二十五任掌门之命将这琼华派掌门之位传授于你,希望你能够将我琼华派继续传承下去,定然不让我派就此覆灭,你可愿意接受此项重任?” After Murong Ziying hear, such as was struck by lightning, he has not thought most to make so the decision completely in this grade of matter good Su Yao. When he looks up to Su Yao, is actually not able to refute to shirk. Sees only Su Yao to look angrily at him, seems forcing, but looks again is discovered what that are more is the plea. 慕容紫英听后如遭雷劈,他完全没想到在这等事好夙瑶最做出如此决定。但是当他抬起头望向夙瑶的时候,却根本无法反驳推卸。只见夙瑶怒视着他,似乎在逼迫,但是再望过去是发现那更多的是恳求。 Sees only the Murong Ziying single knee to kneel down, is replying to Su Yao: Respectfully follows the Sect Master law, disciple Murong Ziying will decide however will not have to drop the name of Qionghua Sect!” 只见慕容紫英单膝跪下,对着夙瑶回答道:“谨遵掌门法令,弟子慕容紫英定然不会有堕琼华派之名!” Su Yao nods, the right hand flung Qionghua Sect generation inheritance Heavenly Bead awarded Murong Ziying. But the one side coughs up blood kneeling place Xuan Xiao to look that on similarly the face of Su Yao has the color of disdaining, in his opinion Su Yao this woman was simply spiritless to the extreme. 夙瑶点点头,右手一甩将琼华派世代传承的天珠授予了慕容紫英。而一旁同样咳血跪地的玄霄看着夙瑶的脸上却带着不屑之色,在他看来夙瑶这女人简直懦弱到了极点。 Before then, Xuan Xiao draws out Xihe Sword and Jiutian Xuannu for the enemy. Except for Le Yuan, few believes that Xuan Xiao has so the idea unexpectedly, dared 1000 year Great God to draw a sword to quarrel to Qionghua Sect Worship. 就在此之前,玄霄拔出羲和剑九天玄女为敌。除了乐渊,几乎没有人相信玄霄竟然生出如此想法,胆敢对着琼华派供奉千年大神拔剑相向。 When Su Yao and the others, the fight actually ended to be above the imagination stunned fast. Let alone between both sides is a fierce struggle between two evenly matched opponents, the earnest fight is not continually. Before a person only depended on a success strength then to hit inextricably involved Xuan Xiao with Yun Tianhe and the others, after putting forth the whole body skill unexpectedly is not Jiutian Xuannu enemy of the gathering. 就在夙瑶等人错愕不已的时候,战斗却结束得超乎想像地快速。双方之间别说是一番龙争虎斗,连正儿八经的战斗都算不上。之前一人仅凭一成功力便与云天河等人打得难解难分的玄霄,在使出全身功力后竟不是九天玄女的一合之敌。 Su Yao or Yun Tianhe, how are Murong Ziying and the others also have not seen clearly Xuan Xiao to defeat, was hit Xuan Xiao who spit blood by a palm is not very clear, only thought that flash just like a mortal, then a blink was then hit spits up blood injured. 无论是夙瑶还是云天河,亦或者是慕容紫英等人都没有看清玄霄是怎么败的,就连被一掌打得吐血的玄霄自己也不是很清楚,只觉得那一瞬间自己恍若凡人,然后一眨眼便被打得呕血受伤了。 Only has Le Yuan, saw a positive result from just two people confrontation. 唯有乐渊,从刚刚两人的交锋之中看出了个名堂。 Just that flash, the Xuan Xiao main attack wielded together scarlet red Sword Qi the immortal sword by Xihe this fiercely, the injury area that a Sword Qi red light less than three zhang (3.33 m) length, can create was limited, but Le Yuan actually understand this Sword Qi passed through the body of any B level character together sufficiently. 刚刚那一瞬间,玄霄主攻以羲和这把仙剑猛地挥出一道赤红色剑气,剑气红光不过三丈不到的长度,能够造成的伤害面积有限,但是乐渊明白这一道剑气足以穿过任何b级人物的身体。 But this together Sword Qi is the Xuan Xiao deceptive attack, Xuan Xiao naturally does not dare to be negligent facing Jiutian Xuannu. After move of Sword Qi, immediately pinches the law secret art, oneself will catch up to gather in Xihe Sword, sword move that a move passes through Heaven and Earth cuts immediately. 而这一道剑气不过是玄霄的佯攻而已,玄霄面对九天玄女自然也不敢大意。一招剑气之后,当即捏出法诀,将自身发力汇聚于羲和剑,一招贯穿天地剑招随即斩出。 Xihe Slash, a very simple name, but has the unusual might. This move was initially sword Yun Tianqing losses homemade sword move of Xuan Xiao seeing Le Yuan Sword Dancing Plain after the idea creation, what walks is a path of sword broken ten thousand law, gathers the air/Qi of Xihe Sword many Yang flame to congeal by oneself unsurpassed cultivation base in a sword, a sword cuts to cut the strength of immortal slaughter god. 羲和斩,非常朴素的一个名字,但是却有着与众不同的威力。这一招是当初玄霄在看到乐渊剑舞坪上剑云天青自创的剑招后产生的想法创造的,走得的是一剑破万法的路子,汇聚羲和剑众多阳炎之气以自身无上修为凝于一剑之中,一剑斩出有斩仙屠神之力。 This move, exceeds the limit that the B level had by the might absolutely, similarly is not the attack that anyone of the world of mortals can send out. Similarly because is not the Qionghua Sect style, will not be restrained by Jiutian Xuannu, coordinates Xihe Sword is ultra Qionghua Sect secret art Supreme Purity Breaking Cloud Sword. 这一招,论威力绝对超过了b级所拥有的极限,同样也绝非凡间的任何一人能够发出的攻击。同样由于不是琼华派的招式,并不会被九天玄女克制,配合羲和剑更是远超琼华派绝学上清破云剑 A sword probe, a sword kills to incur. Facing this even/including two moves of the styles that presses hard on to come, the eye of Le Yuan has stared on the body of Jiutian Xuannu, reduces and solves this move by the idea of Le Yuan is a character is without doubt quick, is quicker than the speed of Xuan Xiao attack, does not need hard anti- avoids Xihe Sword directly to kill the move of long jab Xuan Xiao main body. 一剑试探,一剑杀招。面对这一连两招紧逼而来的招式,乐渊的眼睛一直盯在九天玄女的身上,以乐渊的想法化解这一招无疑就是一个字快,比玄霄攻击的速度更快,无需硬抗直接避开羲和剑的杀招直击玄霄本体。 But Jiutian Xuannu coping style actually different in the Le Yuan approach, she did not hide unexpectedly does not dodge the direct selection the upfront broken move. 九天玄女的应对方式却迥异于乐渊的做法,她竟然不躲不闪直接选择了正面破招。 First is the first type Sword Qi red light, this move of Sword Qi is sharp, has to cut the mountain, to break the power and influence of rivers and streams greatly. However facing such might infinite one move, Jiutian Xuannu lifted oneself that merely in white hands of restraining in long sleeve, later to a that Sword Qi red light point. 首先是第一式剑气红光,这一招剑气锐利无比,大有斩山岳、断江河之威势。但是面对这样威力无穷的一招,九天玄女仅仅是抬起了自己那在收敛于长袖中的玉手,随后对着那剑气红光一点。 All-mighty Sword Qi, unexpectedly close to her hand was disintegrated to become the nihility instantaneously. The bystanders are unable to know how this move of outcome achieves, however in the Le Yuan eye, actually saw, in that flash Five Spirits Qi condenses in the hand of Jiutian Xuannu instantaneously, Five Spirits Qi that promoted and constrained mutually actually seems like the cleverest child in the Jiutian Xuannu hand. 威力无穷的剑气,竟在接近她手的瞬间被瓦解成为了虚无。外人无法得知这一招究竟如何做到的,但是在乐渊眼中,却看到在那一瞬间五灵之气瞬间凝聚于九天玄女的手中,原本相生相克的五灵之气九天玄女手中却像是最乖巧的孩子。 Five Spirits in light of achievement anything, Le Yuan does not know. However through Jiutian Xuannu that Le Yuan had a limited view to know part. Five Spirits Unite may the incarnation swallow all for the boundless chaos, similarly can also take the road of Jiutian Xuannu present, the Five Spirits Unite achievement nihility space. 五灵结合成就什么,乐渊并不知晓。但是通过九天玄女的那一手,乐渊管中窥豹知道了其中的一部分。五灵合一既可化身为无边混沌吞噬一切,同样也能够走九天玄女如今的这一条路,五灵合一成就虚无空间。 Jiutian Xuannu that Five Spirits Unite accomplishes is the solid nihility, does not have Xihe Sword Sword Qi promisingly, cancelled from this world forcefully. 九天玄女的那一手五灵合一造就的便是实实在在的虚无,将羲和剑剑气化有为无,硬生生从这世上抹去了。 If this also can only show that Jiutian Xuannu high is really regarding the Five Spirits Power handling rare, then she is really makes Le Yuan dread Jiutian Xuannu Strength of Xuan Xiao uniform/subdue genuinely. 如果这一手还只能说明九天玄女对于五灵之力的掌控能力之高实属罕见的话,那么接下来她将玄霄制服的那一手就真的是令乐渊打心眼里忌惮九天玄女力量 Facing following move of Xihe Slash, Jiutian Xuannu depends on that hand similarly, went forward to meet slowly unexpectedly appropriately. Defends Xihe Slash sharp Sword Qi by Heaviness of Earth, counter-balances the strength of Xihe Sword burning sun by Nourishing of Water, similarly to attack by Violent of Fire to breaking through Xihe Slash powerful Attack Power...... 面对紧随其后的一招羲和斩,九天玄女同样是靠着那一只手,缓缓上前竟然妥妥当当地接了下来。以土之厚重防御羲和斩的锐利剑气,以水之润物抵消羲和剑炎阳之力,同样以火之暴烈以攻对攻破了羲和斩强大攻击力…… Jiutian Xuannu congeals all these Strength roots, domain Strength that she has, or is her Five Spirits domain Strength. The Xihe Slash broken instance, directs together the Five Spirits beam from the right hand of Jiutian Xuannu, Strength of nihility in this beam contains, by the Xuan Xiao instantaneous within the body Strength imbalance of this attack hit, cultivation base was pared 90%. 九天玄女凝结这一切力量的根源,正是她拥有的领域力量,或者说是她的五灵领域的力量羲和斩被破的瞬间,从九天玄女的右手中一指点出一道五灵射线,这道射线上蕴含的正是虚无的力量,被这道攻击命中的玄霄瞬间体内力量失衡,一身修为被削去了90%。 In Qionghua Sect powerful such as god demon general Xuan Xiao under Jiutian Xuannu strikes defeats, which the remaining Qionghua Sect disciples have to dare to continue to resist stubbornly. Therefore after Xuan Xiao gives, quick everyone all becomes the lamb that treats is common, is waiting for handling of Jiutian Xuannu. 琼华派强大如神魔一般的玄霄都在九天玄女一击之下战败,剩下的琼华派弟子又有哪一个胆敢继续顽抗到底。因此在玄霄授首之后,很快所有人全都成为了待在的羔羊一般,等待着九天玄女的处置。 Jiutian Xuannu wields the sleeves fiercely, immediately Xuan Xiao or Su Yao, or these Qionghua Sect disciples by the red light package, called out in alarm in the sound, later flies in the East Sea direction. 九天玄女猛地一挥衣袖,顿时无论是玄霄还是夙瑶,亦或者那些琼华派弟子一个个都被红光包裹,惊叫声中,随后向着东海方向飞去。 Handled the Qionghua Sect Sir, actually saw Jiutian Xuannu to turn the head to Yun Tianhe and the others, said dignifiedly: Heavenly Fire will soon fall, Yun Tianhe, Murong Ziying, Han Lingsha and Liu Mengli, your four fast depart!” 处置完了琼华派的大人,却见九天玄女转过头对着云天河等人,威严地说道:“天火即将落下,云天河慕容紫英韩菱纱柳梦璃,你们四个速速离去吧!” Yun Tianhe is looking at sent off Xuan Xiao and the others, suddenly remembers anything, raised the head to inquire hastily: Heavenly Fire falls...... that Qionghua also to crash, how should the common people of that at the foot of the mountain, they die?” 云天河望着被送走的玄霄等人,突然想起什么,抬起头连忙询问道:“天火坠下……那琼华也会坠落,那山脚下的百姓又该如何,他们会死吗?” Sufficed, Tianhe, do not ask these, bringing Mengli they to walk quickly! This Qionghua Sect matter I process, here is not the place that you should treat!” “够了,天河,别问这些了,带着梦璃他们赶快走!这琼华派的事情我来处理,这里不是你们应该待的地方!” Suddenly Le Yuan were scolding to Yun Tianhe and the others, the Le Yuan tone made Yun Tianhe stagnate, made Liu Mengli and Han Lingsha feels odd, when Le Yuan this hurried appearance may not seem like ordinary him completely. 突然乐渊对着云天河等人呵斥道,乐渊的语气令云天河一滞,更加令柳梦璃韩菱纱感到奇怪,乐渊这急急忙忙的样子可完全不像是平常时的他。 Big Brother Le, don't you walk with us?” 乐大哥,你难道不和我们一起走吗?” Looks is standing firm in same place Le Yuan, Liu Mengli steps previous step to arrive at the Le Yuan side, who knows Le Yuan is calls out. 望着站定在原地的乐渊,柳梦璃踏上前一步就想走到乐渊的身旁,谁知乐渊又是一声暴喝。 Stops!...... Do not come......” Le Yuan currently to have bitter not being able saying that after Xuan Xiao and the others sent off, Le Yuan then stared at thoroughly by Jiutian Xuannu, this type with having hostility the feeling of internal energy locking does not feel better by the super powerhouse, Le Yuan that is moves now does not dare to move, is very afraid to cause Jiutian Xuannu that to just like the thunderstorm violent pursuit. “停下!别……过来……”乐渊现在可是有苦说不出,就在玄霄等人被送走了以后,乐渊便被九天玄女彻底盯上了,这种被超级强者用带有敌意的气机锁定的感觉可不好受,乐渊现在那是一动不敢动,深怕引得九天玄女那犹如雷暴般的猛烈追击。 But this internal energy locking, when Liu Mengli moves toward side Le Yuan, has the hostility was more intense, Le Yuan even has feeling important matter Yun Tianhe and the others to dare to arrive at the Le Yuan side, causes the Jiutian Xuannu cruel methods surely. 而这种气机锁定,在柳梦璃走向乐渊身边的时候,带着的敌意就更加强烈了,乐渊甚至有种感觉要事云天河等人胆敢走到乐渊的身旁,必定引得九天玄女的狠手。 Haha, why solemn Jiutian Xuannu feels embarrassed them, making them leave here, actually I want to take a look at you to hate me actually!” “哈哈,堂堂九天玄女何必为难他们,让他们离开这里,我倒是想要看看你究竟是多么恨我!” Hates, this character has not spoken incorrectly actually, present Jiutian Xuannu indeed wishes one could a sword to kill Le Yuan, but actually does not want to kill Le Yuan simply. 恨,这个字倒是没有说错,眼前的九天玄女的确是将乐渊恨不得一剑杀死,但是却又不想简简单单将乐渊这么杀了。 Monster King, the heaven makes me be able to arrive at the world fortunately, can meet you just in time. The ten thousand years ago shames, I want your blood to scrub! Lamentable, this time you are incomplete, but was enough!” 妖王,苍天有幸让我能够来到人间,又能正巧遇上你。万年前的耻辱,我要你的鲜血来洗刷!可叹,此时的你并不完整,但是足够了!” The Jiutian Xuannu words made Le Yuan feel immediately what is called unable to say bitterly, the ten thousand years ago things his wizard knows actually now oneself made what, others pay for the mistake that past made, but he actually must pay for some wrong thing that own future does, this also had compared with him injust? 九天玄女的话令乐渊当即就感觉到什么叫做有苦说不出,万年前的事情现在他鬼才知道自己究竟做了什么,别人都是为过去自己犯下的错误买单,而他却要为自己未来做的某件错事买单,这还有比他更冤的吗? Although Liu Mengli and Han Lingsha and the others do not want to let Le Yuan facing Jiutian Xuannu, but their several keep this is the burdens, cannot add on busily. 虽然柳梦璃韩菱纱等人不想就此让乐渊面对九天玄女,但是她们几个留下来这是累赘,根本一点忙也帮不上。 Mengli, you returns to Huanming World, wants to make me die, how possibly! Perhaps however meets again does not know when must wait, I then deliver you again a chance!” 梦璃,你回幻冥界吧,想让我死,怎么可能!不过再见面恐怕不知要等到什么时候了,我便再送你们一场机缘!” Sees only instantaneous Le Yuan Devil Form to appear, the body the front showed the posture of own Devil in Liu Mengli and the others for the first time, only had Jiutian Xuannu to seem like already to know very well this appearance not to have the slight surprised place generally. 只见瞬间乐渊魔人形态出现,身体第一次在柳梦璃等人面前展现出了自己的魔人之姿,唯有九天玄女像是已经熟知了这个模样一般没有丝毫的惊讶之处。 Has “起 Instantaneously, Le Yuan the strength of the world covers entire Qionghua Sect. Immediately Qionghua Sect all in grasping of Le Yuan, Jiutian Xuannu of not far away, body First Layer Five Spirits Power cover only at present, oneself will isolate beyond Le Yuan the strength of the world. This is grasps domain basic Strength, draws support from own domain to shield the domain of enemy. 瞬间,乐渊的世界之力将整个琼华派笼罩。顿时琼华派的一切全都在乐渊的掌握之中,唯独眼前不远处的九天玄女,身上一层五灵之力笼罩,将自己隔离于乐渊的世界之力外。这正是掌握领域者的基本力量,借助自身领域屏蔽敌人的领域。 If Le Yuan wants to draw support from the domain to resist Jiutian Xuannu that to go looking for trouble, the Le Yuan half-finished product wants to resist Jiutian Xuannu that ten thousand years of evening's domain, is no different fights a hopeless battle. 乐渊如果想要借助领域对抗九天玄女那就是自找麻烦,乐渊的半成品想要对抗九天玄女那万年时间晚上的领域,无异于以卵击石。 Le Yuan launches own domain, for is under Qionghua Sect to present foot controls merely. Sees only along with the control of Le Yuan, because Wangshu and Xihe two swords vanish dispersing Spiritual Qi to condense again. 乐渊将自身的领域展开,为的仅仅是对现在脚底下的琼华派进行操控。只见伴随着乐渊的操控,由于望舒羲和两把剑消失而散开的灵气再一次凝聚。 The purple crystal stone that Huanming World moves in may be also left over most, Spiritual Qi that this inside leaves behind piles several immortals not to have the issue forcefully, but Le Yuan wants is to make these Spiritual Qi nonhazardous sends in the Yun Tianhe four people of bodies. 幻瞑界搬来的紫晶石可还剩下大半,这里面留下的灵气硬生生堆出几个仙人还是没问题的,而乐渊要的就是让这些灵气无危险的送入云天河四人的身体内。 the powder!” “喝散!” Entire Qionghua Sect Spiritual Qi was condensed four Spiritual Qi beads by Le Yuan, flutters in Yun Tianhe, Han Lingsha and Spiritual Qi beads before Liu Mengli three person is big, the Spiritual Qi bead before only Murong Ziying body slightly was small a point. 整个琼华派灵气乐渊凝聚成四颗灵气珠,其中飘荡在云天河韩菱纱柳梦璃三人身前的灵气珠偏大,唯独慕容紫英身前的灵气珠稍稍小了一点。 This is not the Le Yuan bias, purely is because Murong Ziying was bad much compared with other three people of physicals. Yun Tianhe and Han Lingsha have the Candle Dragon Breath transformation body, is much bigger regarding the Spiritual Qi absorption tolerance, but Liu Mengli is the body of Dream Tapir, the monster was stronger regarding accommodation of Spiritual Qi in the person, only has body of Murong Ziying as average person, is troublesome. 这可不是乐渊偏心,纯粹是因为慕容紫英比起其他三人体质差了不少。云天河韩菱纱烛龙之息改造身体,对于灵气的吸收忍耐力大得惊人,而柳梦璃更是梦貘之体,妖对于灵气的容纳本就强于人身,唯有慕容紫英身为普通人的身体,最是麻烦。 Four Spiritual Qi beads were infiltrated within the body of four people by Le Yuan instantaneously, even if Strength of this Spiritual Qi bead has not liberated completely, but really must release their four to be supported to explode without exception, Le Yuan infiltrates their within the body the seal not to stop, helping four people restrain this Strength. 四枚灵气珠瞬间被乐渊打入四个人的体内,这灵气珠的力量纵然没有完全解放,但真要释放出来他们四个无一例外都要被撑爆了,乐渊一刻不停将封印打入他们的体内,帮助四人将这股力量约束起来。 According to four people of cultivation base and aptitude, does not need ten years then to be able this Spiritual Qi to absorb completely, thus is immortal. 按照四人的修为、资质,无需十年便能够将这灵气完全吸收,从而得道成仙。 ... ...
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