VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#803: Xuannu is born, Qionghua danger

Although Le Yuan has been urging Yun Tianhe one group of defeat Xuan Xiao, but has not actually thought since his heart from the beginning Yun Tianhe this side can win. Le Yuan can be said as grows from an average person of F level to step by step almost stands nowadays in half A Level of everyone peak, among the power gaps regarding this ranks can say that is clearer than anybody. 虽然乐渊一直催促着云天河一行人击败玄霄,但是其实打从一开始他心中就没有想过云天河这一方能够赢的。乐渊可以说是一步步从一个f级的普通人成长到现如今几乎站在所有人顶端的半步a级,对于这各等级之间的实力差距可以说比任何人都要清楚。 the F level wants to defeat the E level, so long as a spear/gun, even holds a blade to reverse the victory and defeat, the disparities between these two ranks are not big. When person who when the E level wants to defeat the D level, that need may not only be a blade spear/gun can solve, only if the E level has to be at variance with the energy of ordinary person, otherwise gives you advantage also to be unlikely hard to change even if wins the potential. f级想要打败e级,只要一把枪,甚至捅一刀都能够逆转胜负,这两个级别之间的差距并不大。而当e级想要战胜d级的人时,那需要的可不仅仅是一把刀一把枪就能够解决的,除非e级本身就有异于常人之能,不然纵然给你优势恐怕也难以化作胜势。 But to Yun Tianhe and Xuan Xiao their these two ranks time, side Yun Tianhe four people almost enter the B level initially, only Yun Tianhe and Liu Mengli as a result of congealing ice secret art and Candle Dragon Breath, another, because the Holy Spirit Pearl nourishing foundation may in a position war deeply with the B level, although strength good , but Xuan Xiao and Su Yao one compared with that is huge difference. 而到了云天河玄霄他们这两个级别的时候,一方云天河四人几乎都是初入b级,唯独云天河柳梦璃一个由于凝冰诀和烛龙之息,另一个由于圣灵珠的滋养根基深厚可与b级中位一战,实力虽然不错但是与玄霄夙瑶一比那就是天壤之别。 Xuan Xiao and Su Yao, is a B level high-rank added on a B level the position, this grade of strength world is invincible. Nowadays must add on the Spiritual Qi purple crystal stone that unearths from Huanming World, made the skill of these two is not dozens years of cultivation base may compare. Compared with cultivating the thousands of years immortal monster had no time to let. 玄霄夙瑶,原本就是一个b级上位加上一个b级中位,这等实力人间无敌。现如今还要加上从幻瞑界挖掘来的灵气紫晶石,令这两人的功力远不是数十年的修为可比的。比起修炼了千百年的仙妖不遑多让。 If not Xuan Xiao keeps the hand everywhere, perhaps the Yun Tianhe three people can insist that merely ten moves will then suffer a defeat and flee, but now both sides fought more than hundred moves, even Xuan Xiao under was injured the right arm by Yun Tianhe incautiously, as his within the body flame ices two revolutions of Qi Energy, this wound then already changes for the better in a flash. 如果不是玄霄处处留手,恐怕云天河三人仅仅能坚持不过十招便会败亡,而现在双方战了不下百招,连玄霄都在一不小心之下被云天河伤了右臂,不过随着他体内炎冰两种气劲的运转,这点伤转瞬间便已经好转。 Snort! Now I only save a success strength, other must be used to maintain Qionghua not to fall, but so depends on Tianhe they to defeat my as before impossible even if! Le Yuan, really must prevent my ascend, you are out personally!” “哼!如今我只存一成功力,其他须用于维持琼华不坠,不过纵然如此靠天河他们想要击败我依旧不可能乐渊,真要阻止我飞升,你亲自下场吧!” In the eye of Xuan Xiao filled fought intent, compared with Yun Tianhe their crowd of aptitude good junior fights, Xuan Xiao is willing with the strength experienced Le Yuan above them compared with previous. 玄霄的眼中充满了战意,比起和云天河他们这一群资质不错的小辈战斗,玄霄更愿意和无论是实力还是经验都远在他们之上的乐渊比上一场。 Has joined Qionghua Sect since Le Yuan, his strength then excels by far all Qionghua disciples. Even if most shocking talent Xuan Xiao also has to admire. After Le Yuan exposed the Monster King status, in Xuan Xiao heart admires already to vanish, but later today 19 years he must with this fight scrubbing past all failure! 乐渊加入琼华派以来,他的实力便冠绝所有琼华弟子。就算是最惊才艳艳玄霄亦不得不拜服。但是当乐渊暴露了妖王的身份后,玄霄心中的拜服已经消失,而在19年后的今天他要用这一战洗刷以往的所有失败! Looks at complexion pale Yun Tianhe and the others, in the Le Yuan heart that has been hanging the big stone puts down finally. In original storyline, Yun Tianhe and the others had not been regarded as Qionghua Sect remnant to suppress East Sea by Jiutian Xuannu together, to a great extent with their final prevents ascend to have the inalienable relation, Le Yuan pushes finally, was blocked the excuse that Jiutian Xuannu found fault, now only needs to wait for Jiutian Xuannu regarding the view of his Monster King. 看着面色惨白的云天河等人,乐渊心中那一直悬着的大石头总算放下了。原本的剧情中,云天河等人之所以没有被九天玄女当作是琼华派余孽一起镇压东海,很大程度上和他们最后的阻止飞升有着不可分割的联系,乐渊这么最后一推,算是把九天玄女找茬的借口堵上了,现在只需要等待九天玄女对于他这个妖王的看法了。 Monster King, this status imagines anybody is more complex. Yun Tianhe also or is Xuan Xiao, even it is Monster Race Liu Mengli thinks what merely this Monster King represents is King of Myriad Monsters, can affect Dream Tapir Clan also only to be such. 妖王,这身份远比任何人想象的都要复杂。无论是云天河亦或者是玄霄,甚至连本身就是妖族柳梦璃都仅仅以为这妖王代表的是万妖之王而已,能够影响梦貘一族也就只能是那样。 However Le Yuan from the Chan You mouth, oneself this Monster King status will actually understand thoroughly. Monster King, but is different from Chan You such King of Dream Tapir, or later generation by the Heaven Monster king of Mount Shu seal, either is in Mount Shu Liao Ri such Monster Race. Chan You or the Heaven Monster king's rule has the localization and race, Monster Race that often can lead merely is a ethnic group. 但是乐渊却从婵幽的口中,将自己这个妖王的身份了解到得更加彻底。妖王,可不同于婵幽这样的梦貘之王,亦或者后世被蜀山封印的天妖王,或者是里蜀山燎日这样的妖族。无论是婵幽还是天妖王的统治都是有地域性、种族性的,往往能够领导的妖族仅仅是一个族群而已。 But like pure Monster King this name, Chan You or the Heaven Monster king, or is Liao Ri courage large Monster Race, from beginning to end has not said. Monster King starting from the antiquity era, then was only a clansman's name, or tens of thousands of years, this name only matched a person to have. 而像单纯的妖王这个称呼,无论是婵幽还是天妖王,亦或者是燎日这样胆子颇大的妖族,从始至终都没有自称过。妖王从上古纪元开始,便只属于一族人的称呼,或者说成千上万年,这个称呼都只配一个人拥有。 Existence of Monster King, early already along with Monster Race inheritance imprint in their bloodlines, therefore small and weak scholartree monster, alienates oneself the tapir monster in Huanming World, detected that in that moment that Le Yuan presents Le Yuan true status, this is a Monster King big ability. What monster, so long as is the monster, the monster immortal that the monster beast or already that ascend just opened the spirit wisdom becomes an immortal, will come from the bloodlines regarding submitting to of Monster King produces affects. 妖王的存在,早已经伴随着妖族的传承烙印在他们的血脉之中,因此无论是弱小的槐妖,还是自绝于幻瞑界中的貘妖,都在乐渊出现的那一刻察觉到了乐渊的真正身份,这就是妖王的一大能力。无论是何种妖怪,只要是妖,无论是刚刚开启灵智的妖兽还是已经飞升成仙的妖仙,都会被来自于血脉中对于妖王的臣服而产生影响。 Monster King, he is of a Shennong Ancient Era three sovereigns descendant, has among Heaven and Earth the noblest three sovereign bloodlines, even if this point God Race advocates Fuxi already and Shennong is hostile, a mark that is also unable to erase. 妖王,他是上古时代三皇之一神农的后裔,有着天地间最高贵的三皇血脉,这一点纵然神族之主伏羲已经神农敌对,也是无法抹去的一点印记。 But along with the antiquity three clan wars, Monster King status already that Le Yuan has now did not have in the past power and influence. Present Monster Race in Beast Race compared with former three clan, did not disperse in various Six Worlds places, the influence was suppressed unceasingly shrank far more than ten times. 而伴随着上古三族大战,乐渊现在拥有的妖王身份已经没有了往昔的威势。现在的妖族可不比从前三族中的兽族,分散于六界各处,势力更是在被不断打压中缩水了何止十倍。 Xuan Xiao Strength is very indeed strong, the body strength and the cold ice ice vigor in that share of extremely strong Yang flame, which is to sweep away under the Heavens extreme Strength. If Xuan Xiao can such as Yun Tianhe as well as Han Lingsha combines own two Strength like that then does not cross the Kunlun Mountains skylight even if today, he wants to become an immortal also is just the issue of time. 玄霄力量的确很强,无论是身体内的那股极强的阳炎之力和寒冰冰劲,哪一股都是横扫天下的极端力量。若是玄霄能够如云天河以及韩菱纱那般将自身的两股力量合二为一,那么纵然今日不越过昆仑天光,他想要成仙也只不过是时间的问题。 What a pity, Xuan Xiao his already did not have this time. Reaches the last act along with the fight of Xuan Xiao and Le Yuan, Le Yuan feels powerful Strength that not far away Kunlun Mountains skylight another end that not minced, as a result of isolation Xuan Xiao of Kunlun Mountains skylight their sensation, however the Le Yuan space sensation actually fed back at will immediately. 可惜,玄霄已经没有这个时间了。伴随着玄霄乐渊的战斗进入尾声,乐渊感受到了不远处昆仑天光另一端那毫不掩饰的强大力量,随意由于昆仑天光的隔绝玄霄他们感知不到,但是乐渊的空间感知却在第一时间反馈到了。 Grave brings feeling of keeping aloof aura already to another end of Kunlun Mountains skylight dignifiedly, may break open the Kunlun Mountains skylight to arrive at the world anytime. 一股庄重威严带着高高在上之感的气息已经到了昆仑天光的另一端,随时都有可能破开昆仑天光降临人间。 Ding “叮 Le Yuan that has walked randomly, waved to hit Xuan Xiao that divided, then raised the head saying: Sufficed, Xuan Xiao! You are the province province strength, decided that you have the god of Qionghua Sect destiny, but must come!” 一直游走的乐渊,一挥手将一件劈来的玄霄打了回去,然后抬起头道:“够了,玄霄!你还是省省力气吧,决定你还有琼华派命运的神,可就要来了!” Actually does not need Le Yuan to continue rubbish, transmitted that overwhelming boundless aura that from the Kunlun Mountains skylight, already makes most people lose the heart of resistance. Regains consciousness the Qionghua disciple who catches up with, Su Yao raised the head the yellow clothes female who at this moment looked at that just to present. 其实也根本无需乐渊继续废话,从昆仑天光上传来的那一股浩然无际的气息,已经令绝大多数人失去了抵抗之心。无论是苏醒赶来的琼华弟子,还是夙瑶此刻都怔怔地抬起头望着那刚刚出现的黄衣女子。 Xuannu has the life, notifies everybody ten thousand spirits!” 玄女有命,普告万灵!” Almost is everyone is surprised, sees only in the midair the golden light to lower together slowly, in the light shadow, slowly is imaginary a female. So long as the appearance of female is the Qionghua Sect partner will not forget, in Worship the Jiutian Xuannu statue with the faction has over 80% similarities, compared with the statue, the present female facial features manner has the unusual brightness to fluctuate, brings several points of grace compared with the statue that it artisan will engrave. 几乎是所有人都是一诧,只见半空中一道金光徐徐降下,光影之中,缓缓幻出一个女子。那女子的面貌只要是琼华派的偶决不会忘记,和派中供奉九天玄女雕像有着八成以上的相似性,比起雕像,眼前的女子五官神态带有宝光浮动,比之匠人所镌刻的雕像更带几分雍容。 One group of Qionghua disciples, Su Yao are looking at the present females not to doubt him, the worshipping on bended knees lower part of the body, Su Yao that is crying tears of joy to say particularly: „The Jiutian Xuannu empress...... is really you, finally and...... Qionghua Sect has climbed to the Kunlun Mountains skylight place finally, a Qionghua Sect many years of long-cherished wish, finally in my hand achieves!” 一群琼华弟子,连带着夙瑶望着眼前的女子都是不疑有他,纷纷跪拜下身来,尤其是夙瑶那更是喜极而泣道:“九天玄女娘娘……真的是您,终于、终于……琼华派已升至昆仑天光处,琼华派多年夙愿,终于我手中达成!” gua chirp!” Jiutian Xuannu stared Su Yao one, immediately made strength already not weak Su Yao not have the heart of resistance again, can only listen obediently. “呱噪!”九天玄女瞪了夙瑶一眼,登时令原本实力已经不弱的夙瑶再也没有了反抗之心,只能乖乖地听着。 This is Heavenly Emperor harnesses Jiutian Xuannu, is ordered to hand down the God World decree!” “本座乃是天帝驾下九天玄女,奉命相传神界旨意!” And beside one group of Qionghua Sect disciples also some holds the hope besides Su Yao, Yun Tianhe and the others or Xuan Xiao detected time what Jiutian Xuannu these came to bring will not be a good intention, average person ascend, Kungfu where God World will come will issue what decree. 除了夙瑶和一群琼华派弟子之外还有保有希冀,无论是云天河等人还是玄霄都察觉到了九天玄女这一次前来带的绝不是好意,一般人飞升,神界哪来的功夫会下达什么旨意。 Heavenly Emperor has the life, Qionghua Sect goes against heaven's will the conduct, violates the dreadful sin, making it be burnt down by Heavenly Fire, falling from the sky land. In the faction the disciple infiltrates in the East Sea vortex, imprisons 1000 year!” Also looks to the Tianhe three people, in the voice is slightly affable, raises the sound said: But the heaven has care for all living things, Murong Ziying, Yun Tianhe, Han Lingsha and Liu Mengli, although is the Qionghua disciple, in the heart actually saves pure brightness the charitable disposition, therefore may exempt this tribulation.” 天帝有命,琼华派逆天行事,犯下滔天罪孽,令其受天火焚烧,陨落大地。派中弟子打入东海漩涡之中,囚禁千年!”又望向天河三人,语音中稍稍舒缓,扬声道:“但上天有好生之德,慕容紫英云天河韩菱纱柳梦璃虽为琼华弟子,心中却存清明善念,故可免去此劫。” This decree just read out, all Qionghua Sect on the scene people immediately in an uproar. The original rising immortal has not waited, on the contrary was the punishment of God World, moreover was the so serious penalty. The 1000 year captivity, this may dying was more uncomfortable. The Qionghua Sect disciple dies even, Soul is still not able to go to Ghost World, but must continue to be suppressed, till full 1000 year, the East Sea vortex is not good, every night suffers the blade to shear the pain of arrow thorn, this compels sufficiently insanely ordinary person. 这一旨意刚刚宣读完毕,在场的所有琼华派的人顿时哗然。原本的升仙没有等到,反倒是神界的责罚来了,而且还是如此严重的惩罚。千年囚禁,这可比死了还要难受。琼华派弟子就算是死,灵魂依然无法前往鬼界,而是要继续被镇压,直到满一千年为止,东海漩涡可不是什么善地,夜夜遭受刀割箭刺之苦,这足以将一个正常人逼疯。 Su Yao listened to the whole body not to live to shiver, when startled pain, in the heart brings the countless apprehensiveness. The effort of their Qionghua Sect all previous generations, really and Le Yuan said already entered the wrong road like that early, but actually did they make the mistake where? 夙瑶听了浑身不住颤抖,惊痛之余,心中更是带着数不尽的惶惑。难道他们琼华派历代的努力,真的和乐渊所说的那般早已经进入了歧途,可是他们究竟做错了哪里? But another side Xuan Xiao may not have that good temperament, wields the sleeves, the complexion becomes exceptionally fearful, angrily rebukes saying: Absurd! The life of what Heavenly Emperor! My Qionghua Sect has flown to the Kunlun Mountains skylight, ascend is close at hand, why must others come give orders on behalf of heaven!” 而另一边的玄霄可就没有那么好的脾气了,一挥衣袖,脸色变得异常可怕,怒斥道:“岂有此理!什么天帝之命!我琼华派已飞至昆仑天光,飞升近在眼前,何须别人来代天授命!” Jiutian Xuannu is actually very indifferent at this time, has not had the sentiment of difference because of the Xuan Xiao disrespecting attitude. The clear and resonant voice said: Xuan Xiao, all causes and effects, all by spontaneity. Actually Qionghua Sect these years made anything, you were clear. God World firmly is also only give orders on behalf of heaven, maintains the rule between Heaven and Earth, for the purpose of maintaining the Heavenly Dao does not fall. Pangu teaches, Six Worlds, all things all have the affinity vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered! When the mortal supine view heaven, not bright livelihood diving breaths and four change, among nether worlds, myriad things already following cause, Hengda for ‚the Heavenly Dao. The Six Worlds life, admits no exceptions whatsoever. You went against heaven's will the line, how could also to have condemn?” 九天玄女此时倒是淡然得很,一点也没有因为玄霄的不敬态度而有所异样的感情。朗声说道:“玄霄,一切因果,皆由自生。琼华派这些年究竟做了什么,你们自己清楚。神界确也只是代天授命,维系天地间的规则,旨在维系天道不坠。盘古有训,纵横六界,诸事皆有缘法!凡人仰观苍天,无明日月潜息、四时更替,幽冥之间,万物已循因缘,恒大者则为‘天道’。六界生灵,概莫能外。尔等逆天而行,又岂能无谴?” Plants good because of the good results, plants the bad cause to result in the evil consequence. Xuan Xiao, you, even if for a lifetime, actually also can only make the bad cause that former generation Qionghua Sect plants take root diligently to germinate, now Qionghua Sect Worship Jiutian Xuannu at present, you asks her well, actually she founds the Qionghua Sect goal is anything!” “种善因得善果,种恶因得恶果。玄霄,你纵然努力一辈子,却也只能令上代琼华派种下的恶因生根发芽而已,现在琼华派供奉九天玄女就在眼前,你好好问问她,她创建琼华派的目的究竟是什么!” Su Yao also raised the head at this time suddenly, called out unwillingly high: Empress! Our generation is actually the intention delusion, hopes for that by the strength of mortal, cultivates Immortal Dao. However even if this has the mistake, but my Sect thousands of years comes, has received killing monsters and eliminating demons, to aid the responsibility in world, made these not to have the merit? I and others also obey the instruction that you leave behind......” 夙瑶这时候也忽然抬起头来,不甘地高叫道:“娘娘!我辈却是心怀妄想,希冀以凡人之力,修得仙道。但是这纵然有错,但是我派千百年来,一直秉承着斩妖除魔、护佑世间之责,难道做了这些还是毫无功德吗?我等也只是遵照您留下的指示……” Actually saw Jiutian Xuannu to stare Le Yuan one, in the look brought to fondly remember, hatred, is also unwilling angrily, finally to the Su Yao bright sound said: Venerates my decree? Absurd, although I leave behind the Confucian orthodoxy in the world, but request so-called killing monsters and eliminating demons, has not supported world, but made them seek for somebody's trail for me, actually does not think that Qionghua Sect twisted my decree, thought oneself clever. May know the good and evil behavior, this does not have division of Human World and Monster World, monster not for wicked, why kills it! You and others, for a oneself read corruptly, slaughtered Huanming World, with demon what strange/different! Desires Immortal Dao, first to cultivate/repair humanity, the unclear right and wrong, how is the immortal!” 却见九天玄女瞪了乐渊一眼,眼神中带着怀念、仇恨、愤怒还有不甘,最后对着夙瑶朗声道:“尊崇我的旨意?荒谬至极,我虽在人间留下道统,但是并未要求所谓的斩妖除魔、匡扶世间,只是令他们替我寻找到某个人的踪迹,却不想琼华派歪曲我的旨意,自作聪明。可知善恶行止,本无人界妖界之分,妖不为恶,为何杀之!你等为了一己贪念,屠戮幻瞑界,又与邪魔何异!欲求仙道、先修人道,不明是非,何以为仙!” Hateful! The my Sect long-cherished wish, how allows your to overrule at will! Rolls Heavenly Court to me!” “可恶!我派夙愿,岂容你一人随意否决!给我滚回天庭!” The Xuan Xiao right arm wields fiercely, the red light comes together air-splitting, cuts unexpectedly to Jiutian Xuannu that in the air appears, his sword is indicating makes war simply to God World. 玄霄右臂猛挥,一道红光破空而来,竟向空中浮现的九天玄女斩去,他这一剑简直是在预示着向神界开战。 ... ...
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