VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#802: The backers discussed that Qionghua suffered a defeat and fled has been doomed

7 qd ; = j л _ z 6 p % o = a _ g)) the ro step and aura routinely hide-out are very good, therefore is visiting Rolling Cloud Stage that moment not to bring to the attention of Xuan Xiao already Su Yao. However his behind Yun Tianhe four people may really the powerful collecting breath ability, the group not visit Rolling Cloud Stage, platform center from Rolling Cloud Stage spread the Su Yao sound. \ R 7qd;=jл_z6p%o=a_g))ro步伐、气息习惯性地隐藏地很好,是故在踏足卷云台的那一刻并没有引起玄霄已经夙瑶的注意。但是他身后的云天河四人可就真的没有那么强大的敛息能力了,一行人还没有踏足卷云台,从卷云台内的一处秘台中传出了夙瑶的声音。\r Who is so bold! Has not told, can't any disciple intrude Rolling Cloud Stage?!” \ R “何人如此大胆!不是吩咐过,任何弟子不可闯入卷云台?!”\r Even if Su Yao now as a result of becomes the Wangshu Sword sword slave's relations, but is restrained Xuan Xiao, but her Qionghua Sect Sect Master dignity may still have many markets in many Qionghua disciples. \ R 夙瑶现在就算由于成为了望舒剑剑奴的关系,而受制于玄霄,但是她那琼华派掌门的威严可依然在诸多琼华弟子中有着不少的市场。\r When she in Xuan Xiao conducts closing up before ascend, reminded many hanger-on disciples to cling to tenaciously Rolling Cloud Stage, who cannot put to allow to enter. Especially Kunlun Mountains eight schools the people of other schools, if left other schools to pick the peach at the final moment, then even if perhaps Su Yao will pull out cheeks. \ R 她在与玄霄进行飞升前的闭关时,曾经提醒过众多门下弟子死守卷云台,绝不能放让何人进入。尤其是昆仑八派中的其他门派的人,若是在最后时刻别其他门派摘了桃子,那么恐怕就算是夙瑶自己都会抽自己一个嘴巴子。\r Several days of no one who before closed up has disturbed, in this ascend final moment, Su Yao and Xuan Xiao felt intrusion of bystander. First does not raise complexion already to become unhappy Xuan Xiao, Su Yao thought that the face does not have up. Her solemn Qionghua Sect Sect Master words, one group of disciples dare to catch a fish by hand, this was saying this Sect Master did teach with an improper method? \ R 之前闭关的几天一直无人打搅,偏偏在这飞升的最后关头,夙瑶玄霄感受到了外人的闯入。先不提脸色已经变得不快的玄霄,就连夙瑶自己都觉得面子无光。她堂堂琼华派掌门的话,一群弟子都敢摸鱼,这岂不是在说她这个掌门教导无方?\r Had the anger, Su Yao to walk from secret Taizhong, merely was the first her complexion becomes ugly many. Did not say other, the present several people are not the characters who she wants to see. \ R 带着怒气,夙瑶从秘台中走了出来,仅仅是第一眼她的脸色变得难看了不少。不说别的,眼前的几个人都不是她想见的人物。\r Le Yuan and Liu Mengli did not say that these two are the already confirmation monster classes, but Yun Tianhe as well as Han Lingsha are already are expelled the Qionghua Sect abandoned disciple by her, but Murong Ziying by the Qionghua Sect talent that she has pushed aside, a short time ago also misled one group of Qionghua Sect disciples to descend the mountain. \ R 乐渊柳梦璃就不说了,这两个都是已经确认的妖类,而云天河以及韩菱纱则更是已经被她逐出琼华派的弃徒,而慕容紫英更是被她一直排挤的琼华派天才,前不久还蛊惑了一群琼华派弟子下山。\r Murong Ziying your big courage, the feeling colludes with the monster class unexpectedly, goes bad my Qionghua Sect great project, did you forget in the past you in front of Zong Lian has sent the pledge?” \ R 慕容紫英你好大的胆子,竟然感勾结妖类,坏我琼华派百年大计,你难道忘了当年你在宗炼面前发过的誓言吗?”\r The pledge, this is Su Yao is used to divert a Murong Ziying big sharp weapon. Initially Murong Ziying studied under Zong Lian time, distributed the pledge to pledge to fight to the death to protect Qionghua Sect, even if met a cruel death a experiment that must persevere. \ R 誓言,这就是夙瑶用来牵制慕容紫英的一大利器。当初慕容紫英师从宗炼的时候,曾经发下过誓言要誓死守护琼华派,纵然粉身碎骨也要坚守的一道实验。\r Actually saw Murong Ziying to hold the fist in the other hand toward Su Yao good after hearing a ritual, later the complexion did not change to reply: Disciple does not dare to forget, but wants to ask Sect Master also to have Martial Uncle Xuan Xiao to give up ascend, robs others Spiritual Qi in order to ascend, this is not the Righteous Path behavior!” \ R 却见慕容紫英在听到后抱拳向着夙瑶行了一礼,随后面色不改地回答道:“弟子不敢忘记,只是想请掌门还有玄霄师叔放弃飞升,抢夺他人灵气以求自己飞升,这绝非正道所为!”\r Has not waited for Su Yao to reply, sees only from her sends out the form of burning hot aura to appear behind together, Xuan Xiao that cultivation base rises suddenly again. With the aid of Strength of this purple crystal stone, Xuan Xiao increased incessantly one time own skill in just several days, but fortunately his present promotion is the skill increases merely, has not changed regarding the cultivation base boundary. \ R 没等夙瑶有所回答,只见从她的身后一道散发着炙热气息的身影出现,正是修为再次暴涨的玄霄。借助这紫晶石的力量,玄霄在短短数天之内将自身的功力增加了不止一倍,不过值得庆幸的是他现在的提升仅仅是功力增加,对于修为境界并未有所改变。\r Ha, Tianhe you really came, how do you want to urge me to give up? Such sleep-talking, mentions today rather spoils the fun. You have a look at the surroundings, our already is close to the Kunlun Mountains skylight, shortly afterward, can Qionghua Sect lift the sect to ascend, how you also remain to accompany Big Brother again how?” \ R “哈哈哈,天河你果然来了,怎么样你还是想要劝我放弃吗?此等梦话,今日说来未免大煞风景。你看看周围,我们已经十分接近昆仑天光,再过不久,琼华派就能举派飞升,怎么样你也留下来陪大哥怎么样?”\r It seems like even if has existence of Le Yuan, sentiment between Yun Tianhe and Xuan Xiao surpassed everyone's estimate thickly, even Yun Tianhe now is the person of Le Yuan this side, Xuan Xiao still has not regarded as the enemy him, wants to drag into oneself this side Yun Tianhe to become an immortal on the contrary together. \ R 看起来纵然有着乐渊的存在,云天河玄霄之间的感情还是浓厚地超过了所有人的预计,就算是云天河现在是乐渊这一方的人,玄霄依然没有将他视为敌人,反倒是想要将云天河拉入自己这一方共同成仙。\r Xuan Xiao, can you succeed I not to know. However I actually know that your present appearance does not have the least bit likely immortal, on the contrary is whole body murderous aura, basic already overstated! Receives the hand!” \ R 玄霄,你能不能成功我不知道。但是我却知道你现在的样子却没有半点像仙,反倒是满身杀气,根本已经走火入魔!还是收手吧!”\r Yun Tianhe is imploring urgently as before, perhaps this swears brotherhood Big Brother in his mind already and family member has not distinguished. \ R 云天河依旧在苦苦哀求,或许这个结拜大哥在他的心中已经和亲人没有区别。\r Facing imploring urgently of Yun Tianhe, the Xuan Xiao complexion changed changed, finally all changed to a sigh, looked at the Yun Tianhe look to say complex: „When past cultivated the double sword and kunai advancement, no one let I gave up...... beginning become, when meridians inversion, no one made me give up...... losing actually Wangshu, day and night by the pain of fire burning, does no one give a thought to my life and death...... you to urge me to give up now? Hehe, you late enough 20 years, Brothers!” \ R 面对云天河的苦苦哀求,玄霄的脸色变了又变,最后全都化作一声叹息,望着云天河的眼神略带复杂地说道:“昔日修炼双剑、苦无进境之时,无人让我放弃……初有所成,经络逆变之时,无人让我放弃……失却望舒、日夜受火焚之苦,无人顾我生死……如今你劝我放弃?呵呵,你晚了足足20年,兄弟!”\r Xuan Xiao the brothers said completely his bitter distress, even if Yun Tianhe this optimistic small bumpkin person, when heard Xuan Xiao these words still to feel his initial pain. \ R 玄霄的这一声兄弟道尽了他的辛酸苦楚,就算是云天河这个乐观的小野人,在听到玄霄的这番话的时候也能感受到他当初的痛苦。\r Quick, Xuan Xiao does not wait for the whole face puzzled small bumpkin person to continue to think the word to persuade, surrendered the vision is Le Yuan of people core, Le Yuan that appearance seemed like to see a play fully, appearance that has not begun. \ R 很快,玄霄也不等满脸纠结的小野人继续想词劝说,将目光投降了一直是众人核心的乐渊,乐渊那副样子十足像是个看戏的,一点也没有动手的样子。\r What's wrong, my good Junior Brother, you to urge me? My brother Tianhe, Qionghua Sect person with outstanding ability Murong Ziying may urge me to give up, do you as King of Monster World, want me to become an immortal? Also or you thought that my method is also wrong?” \ R “怎么,我的好师弟,难道你就不劝劝我?无论是我的兄弟天河,还是琼华派的英才慕容紫英可都是在劝我放弃,你身为妖界之王,难道还想要我成仙吗?亦或者你觉得我的方法也是错的?”\r Said 1000 10,000, in the heart of Xuan Xiao, although Yun Tianhe as well as Murong Ziying two people skills make rapid progress, but wants to prevent him to be impossible, can destroy his ascend only only has Le Yuan. \ R 说一千道一万,在玄霄的心中虽然云天河以及慕容紫英两人的功力进展迅速,但是想要阻止他还是不可能,唯一能够破坏他飞升的只有乐渊。\r Prevents you? Why I must prevent one to ask the person wholeheartedly, you want to bring death, I will also kneel to ask you not to refuse stubbornly, you think that who you are! When really each looks like Yun Tianhe fool so, or is Murong Ziying so willing to offer the lifetime simpleton for Qionghua Sect?” \ R “阻止你?我为何要阻止一个一心求死之人,你想送死,难道我还会跪着求你别死不成,你以为你是谁!真当每一个都像云天河这般的傻子,亦或者慕容紫英这般愿意为了琼华派奉献一生的呆子吗?”\r Le Yuan looks at the Kunlun Mountains skylight that in the sky will soon be approaching, in the eye does not have slight worry. But this calm appearance, made Xuan Xiao feel improper truly. \ R 乐渊望着天空中即将靠近的昆仑天光,眼中没有丝毫的担忧。但正是这幅淡定的模样,才真正令玄霄感到不妥。\r You want to say that I do bring death? Qionghua Sect is ascend failed surely? Laughable, since your we have hundred years efforts been to all waste? The effort since 20 th generation of Sect Master Daoist Master Dao Yin, has been all wrong?!” \ R “你想说我送死?琼华派飞升必定失败?可笑,你难道我们百年以来的努力全都是白费吗?难道从第20代掌门道胤真人以来的努力,全都是错的?!”\r Road already that far more than 20 th generation, before then, Qionghua Sect walks early was then wrong. killing monsters and eliminating demons...... I do not know why initially Jiutian Xuannu will leave behind Qionghua Sect such inheritance, but is not the simple killing monsters and eliminating demons four characters, actually to start from which generation, these four characters made Qionghua Sect take the road of no return......” \ R “何止第20代,早在这之前,琼华派走的路便已经错了。斩妖除魔……我不知道当初九天玄女为何会留下琼华派这样的传承,但是绝不是简单的斩妖除魔四字,究竟从哪一代开始,这四个字就令琼华派走上了不归路……”\r In this world, existence of God, Demon, Immortal, Monster, Human, and Ghost Six Worlds is some balanced. To the whole world, the monster is not evil, the person is not Justice, in it looks like all life repeat in cycles is only a member in samsara. \ R 在这个世界,神魔仙妖人鬼六界的存在是某一种平衡。对于整个世界而言,妖并非邪恶,人也绝不是正义,在它看来一切生灵循环往复都只是轮回中的一份子。\r But human wants to become an immortal must obey the custom, actually the best way at all is not the self-torture, by which of self-torture achievement immortal does not try another method through the ages or the big chance approaching body. The method that can popularize truly is also hugging thigh this move, this is entire immortal sword Six Worlds calmest and steadiest one becoming an immortal way. \ R 而人类想要成仙就必须守规矩,其实最好的办法根本不是苦修,古往今来靠苦修成就仙人的哪一个不是另辟蹊径或是大机缘傍身。真正能够普及的方法还要数抱大腿这一招,这才是整个仙剑六界最安稳的一种成仙方式。\r Looking backer who so-called hugging thigh also often called, so long as above had the person, becoming an immortal was not the matter of unattainable. \ R 所谓抱大腿也就是常称的找靠山,只要上头有人,成仙并非遥不可及的事情。\r At least the god or the demon, regarding Six Worlds all living things are the powerful synonyms, method absolutely incessantly one type that in their hands becomes an immortal. \ R 最起码无论是神还是魔,对于六界众生而言都是强大的代名词,他们手中成仙的方法绝对不止一种。\r Thinks Mount Shu Sect, before counting 1000 year has not clamored Wuming (Nameless), depends on beginning care that the generation obtains God World, this at one fell swoop and God World makes contact with the line, from now on will become world most powerful one school. \ R 想想蜀山派,在数千年前还不是籍籍无名,靠着初代得到神界的眷顾,这才一举和神界搭上线,自此成为了人间最强大的一派。\r Mount Shu Sect henceforward, almost every dozens over a hundred years will then have had the immortal born, the probability of becoming an immortal excels by far entire Human World, this depends was and God World established the relations, was God World runs about to handle matters, God World will also naturally have returned to Mount Shu Sect, making the hindrance that they became an immortal on small many. \ R 蜀山派自此以后,几乎每过几十上百年便会有仙人诞生,成仙的几率冠绝整个人界,这靠的便是和神界搭上了关系,为神界跑腿办事,神界自然也会对蜀山派有所回报,令他们成仙的阻碍小上不少。\r Reviews Qionghua Sect again, sword secret art that in what Jiutian Xuannu dream that Qionghua Sect until now leans on teaches, Heavenly Bead that what Jiutian Xuannu bestows, or Qionghua Sect that just like the school land of wonderland, this is not Qionghua Sect biggest taking advantage. \ R 再反观琼华派,琼华派一直以来倚靠的什么九天玄女梦中传授的剑诀,什么九天玄女赐下的天珠,又或者琼华派那犹如人间仙境的门派大地,这都不是琼华派最大的依仗。\r The outstanding disciple who Qionghua Sect that emerges one after another incessantly also can only say that adds the head, cannot call the Qionghua Sect backer. \ R 就连琼华派那层出不穷的杰出弟子也只能说是添头,根本称不上琼华派的靠山。\r The Qionghua Sect that truly livelihood backer, never comes in Qionghua Sect Jiutian Xuannu. Has existence of this Great God, Qionghua Sect can 1000 year be immortal, has preserved since. \ R 琼华派那真正赖以生存的靠山,正是从未现身于琼华派九天玄女。正是有着这尊大神的存在,琼华派才能千年不朽,一直保存到至今。\r How otherwise the four immortals in moment illusion make the Qionghua Sect disciple go to there trial, how otherwise protects Qionghua Sect several to protect the beast to be able 1000 year not to takeoff to treat in Qionghua Sect, otherwise why Kunlun Mountains eight schools of Qionghua Sect lead the field for the world only praises...... \ R 要不然须臾幻境中的四仙又岂让琼华派的弟子前往那里试炼,要不然守护着琼华派的几只守护兽又怎么会千年不离地待在琼华派内,要不然为什么昆仑八派唯独琼华派独占鳌头为世人所传颂……\r Existence of Jiutian Xuannu, it can be said that has the practical effect. How long what a pity Jiutian Xuannu falls to the ground not to receive Qionghua Sect proper Worship, nowadays stands erect in the Xuannu resembles of Qionghua Sect midpoint gateway is pounded Diffindo directly, this performance is ruining the Qionghua Sect last vitality simply. \ R 九天玄女的存在,可以说是有着切切实实的效果。可惜九天玄女倒地有多久没有受到琼华派正经的供奉,现如今竖立在琼华派正中央门户的玄女像更是直接被砸得四分五裂,这种表现简直就是在葬送琼华派的最后一点生机。\r Is hearing the Le Yuan backer to discuss the later forehead cold sweat to brave as school of Sect Master Su Yao, although the Le Yuan words were straightforward a point, broker a point, but wants to come is not carefully a truth does not have. \ R 作为一派掌门夙瑶在听到乐渊的靠山论之后额头冷汗直冒,虽然乐渊的话是直白了一点,也市侩了一点,但是细细想来也并不是一点道理也没有。\r Who said that Immortal God two really do not have the influence on belong, at least Qionghua Sect gets online Jiutian Xuannu in God World is resounding existence. What a pity Qionghua Sect all previous generations Sect Master has not held this gold/metal thigh, making Qionghua Sect the road of rising immortal rough. \ R 谁说仙神两界真的是没有势力归属的,最起码琼华派的上线九天玄女神界就是响当当的存在。可惜琼华派历代掌门都没有抱上这一条金大腿,使得琼华派的升仙之路坎坷无比。\r Absurd, Jiutian Xuannu takes my Sect Worship, has never made the contribution to the my Sect immortal cultivation incident unexpectedly, but also attempts my Qionghua to continue Worship, is really absurd! my Sect all previous generations killing monsters and eliminating demons, big of can it be that Mount Shu Sect one-party rule merit, what that did Jiutian Xuannu make? She, anything has not made......” \ R “荒谬,九天玄女作为我派供奉,竟然从未对我派修仙一事做出过贡献,还妄图我琼华继续供奉,真是荒谬!我派历代斩妖除魔,功劳之大又岂是蜀山派一家独大,但是那九天玄女又做了些什么?她,什么都没有做……”\r Xuan Xiao, you stop talking! Xuannu empress she, but......” \ R 玄霄,你住口!玄女娘娘她可是……”\r Su Yao hears the Xuan Xiao exit|to speak to insult Jiutian Xuannu, immediately stops to say on the exit|to speak. Regarding Jiutian Xuannu, all previous Sect Master is respects out of the ordinary. Chooses Su Yao to be under the control of others now, this point has not changed as before. \ R 夙瑶听闻玄霄出口侮辱九天玄女,当即就出口制止道。对于九天玄女,历代掌门都是非比寻常地尊重。就选夙瑶现在受制于人,这一点依旧没有丝毫改变。\r Hey, Tianhe!” \ R “喂,天河!”\r Such a was shouted by Le Yuan, Yun Tianhe stares immediately. Turns the head to look at Le Yuan, with the look inquired that his is to make anything. \ R 乐渊这么一喊,云天河顿时一愣。转过头来望着乐渊,用眼神询问他这是想要做什么。\r Tries to defeat Xuan Xiao and Su Yao, perhaps you can save them time one also perhaps, their two defeat now, then can live, if they have not defeated, now most people in Qionghua Sect must live to might as well die, yourself consider......” \ R “试着打败玄霄夙瑶吧,或许你能够救他们一次也说不定,他们两个现在败了,便能活下来,若是他们没败,现在琼华派里的绝大多数人都要生不如死,你自己考量吧……”\r A words saying ended, one side Le Yuan arrived at to sit. \ R 话一说完,乐渊走到一边自己坐了下来。\r But was shaken Yun Tianhe that is in a daze by Le Yuan this saying, has turned the head to look to Murong Ziying. As if was inquiring that actually Le Yuan this saying cracks a joke, really indeed has its matter. \ R 而被乐渊这话震得发愣的云天河,转过头看向了慕容紫英。似乎在询问乐渊这话究竟是开玩笑,还是真的确有其事。\r Murong Ziying draws out own sword, said to nearby Han Lingsha and Liu Mengli: Sorry, this matter must mix you, but this time asked you to help my helping hand, Martial Uncle Le will not play this joke, in any event we must try to try......” \ R 慕容紫英拔出自己的剑,对着一旁的韩菱纱柳梦璃道:“抱歉,这件事要将你们搀和进来,但是这种时刻请你们助我一臂之力,乐师叔不会开这种玩笑,无论如何我们都得试上一试……”\r hears word, Han Lingsha extracted Shuanglong dying thorn, Liu Mengli also put out in Huanming World harp Si quiet/dark of god artisan casting. \ R 闻言,韩菱纱抽出了双龙绝命刺,柳梦璃同样拿出了幻冥界中神匠铸造的箜篌司幽。\r Big Brother, I do not think you dead, therefore...... I must win!” \ R 大哥,我不想你死,所以……我要赢!”\r Yun Tianhe grasps the Tianhe sword, rushes toward Xuan Xiao of not far away. 云天河手握天河剑,向着不远处的玄霄冲了上去。 ... ...
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