VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#801: Qionghua ascend, finally a war

9 ar | chan 2 uy 6 has the function regarding Xuan Xiao persuasion nature impossible, although did not have the Han Lingsha body reason, making Yun Tianhe turn into enemies with Xuan Xiao directly, but idea early already of two people with Xuan Xiao ice-breaking, but had the difference. 9ar|劖2uy6对于玄霄的劝说自然不可能产生作用,虽然没有了韩菱纱的身体原因,令云天河直接与玄霄反目成仇,但是两个人的理念早已经随着玄霄的破冰而出而产生了分歧。 A side takes becoming an immortal as own lifelong goal, the other side only wants happily the mountain forest life. Between these two the exchange is simply irrelevant, finally naturally by parting on bad terms to come to an end. 一方以成仙为自己的人生目标,另一方则只想愉快地过山林生活。这两人之间的交流简直牛头不对马嘴,最后自然是以不欢而散告终。 As Xuan Xiao has the Qionghua Sect disciple total to retreat, withdraws Huanming World already that the double sword fettered momentarily to leave. But according to the idea of Le Yuan, Liu Mengli, in following Qionghua Sect falls from the sky and may not participate, might as well treat in Huanming World assists his mother to manage Huanming World. 随着玄霄带着琼华派弟子全数撤退,撤去了双剑束缚的幻瞑界已经随时可以离开。而根据乐渊的想法,柳梦璃在接下来的琼华派陨落中并不一定要参加,不如待在幻瞑界内协助其母管理幻瞑界 After who knows this goes to one, Liu Mengli unexpectedly hand in hand Han Lingsha together left Huanming World. This Chan You body has not been injured, is not naturally looking for the successor to protect Huanming World anxiously, according to the view of Liu Mengli, Chan You orders her to follow closely in Le Yuan about serves his Monster King. 谁知这一去一回之后,柳梦璃竟然携手韩菱纱一起离开了幻瞑界。这婵幽身体并未受伤,自然也不急着寻找继承人守护幻瞑界,根据柳梦璃的说法,婵幽命令她紧随在乐渊左右侍奉他这个妖王 But during along with shipping back of purple crystal stone, entire Qionghua Sect fell into enclosed to close up again. Except that Murong Ziying walks randomly in the major disciples, took away almost beside about hundred Qionghua disciples, the remaining over 150 Qionghua disciples follow closely the Xuan Xiao body side, as to borrow strength of together ascend double sword. 而伴随着紫晶石的运回,整个琼华派再一次陷入了封闭式的全体闭关之中。除了慕容紫英游走在各大弟子之中,带走了差不多近百名的琼华弟子之外,剩下的超过一百五十名琼华弟子紧随玄霄身侧,似乎想要借双剑之力一起飞升 Under Kunlun Mountain Boxian Town, because accumulation already of massive Qionghua Sect disciple delimited a domain to take the temporary reside places of Qionghua Sect surplus disciple alone. As a result of the Le Yuan reason, around Boxian Town no longer is the yellow sand everywhere, this Boxian Town welcomed the new period of expansion, naturally does not need to be worried about the room insufficient issue. 昆仑山底下的播仙镇,由于大量琼华派弟子的聚集已经单独划出一块地盘作为了琼华派剩余弟子的暂居地。由于乐渊的缘故,播仙镇周围不再是黄沙满地,这播仙镇迎来了新的发展期,自然不用担心屋子不够的问题。 Has the summons of Murong Ziying, overwhelming majorities regarding the Qionghua Sect dejected disciple do not have but finally therefore rushes to thing respectively, unites as if prepares to establish a new immortal cultivation school in the Murong Ziying subordinate. 有着慕容紫英的号召,绝大多数对于琼华派心灰意冷的弟子总算是没有因此而各奔东西,团结在慕容紫英的麾下似乎准备建立一个新的修仙门派。 Lies down Le Yuan under grape trellis, looks up Kunlun Mountain of distant place. Left from Huanming World is about three days, Le Yuan then feels Spiritual Qi of Qionghua Sect original locale became especially rich, seemed like, as Wangshu and stimulation of Xihe two sword Strength, Qionghua Sect already is unable to continue to cover surging of Spiritual Qi again. 躺在葡萄架下的乐渊,抬起头望着远处的昆仑山。距离幻瞑界离开不过三天,乐渊便感受到了琼华派原来所在处的灵气变得格外浓郁,看起来随着望舒羲和两柄剑力量的激发,琼华派已经无法再继续掩盖灵气的激荡。 Master's Junior Brother, disciples already comforted, what now don't we make? Thinks so that Sect Master and Martial Uncle Xuan Xiao they do continue to repeat an error?” 师叔,弟子们已经安抚下来了,现在我们不做点什么吗?难道就这么看着掌门玄霄师伯他们继续一错再错下去?” Murong Ziying at this time that is a face exhausted, seem to comfort many disciples he also truly was the working with the heart labor force. However regarding Murong Ziying, now what he cares is also treats the situations of surplus fellow apprentices in Qionghua Sect. 慕容紫英此时那是一脸地疲惫,看起来为了安抚众多弟子他也确实是劳心劳力了。不过对于慕容紫英而言,他现在更关心的是还待在琼华派中剩余的师兄弟们的情况。 Will of the people difficult medicine...... this is their choices, but even the wrong road is it after all still a road not? If Xuan Xiao they really have that ability, this road not necessarily walks does not pass, all looked that the heaven( Jiutian Xuannu) gives is not powerful!” “人心难医……这是他们自己的选择,不过就算是歧途它终归也是一条路不是吗?如果玄霄他们真的有那个能力,这条路未必走不通,一切就看老天(九天玄女)给不给力了!” Is lying down Le Yuan replied slowly, Liu Mengli and Han Lingsha of not far away two people are laughing and playing, two people who seemingly took off the whole body pressure completely had not been disturbed oneself nature by the Qionghua Sect matter. 躺着的乐渊慢悠悠地回答道,不远处的柳梦璃韩菱纱两人嬉笑着,看起来卸去全身压力的两人全然没有被琼华派的事情打扰到自己的性质。 In this moment, Kunlun Mountain direction spread suddenly sound that just like earth movement mountain Ming, the land shivers unceasingly, river water unceasingly tumbling ebullition, even the sky becomes in this moment dusky. 就在这一刻,昆仑山方向突然传出了犹如地动山鸣的声音,大地不断颤抖,河水不断翻滚沸腾,甚至连天空在这一刻都变得灰蒙蒙的。 Le Yuan set out from the grape trellis in this time instantaneously, looks to the direction of Kunlun Mountain. But with great difficulty Murong Ziying of coming to a stop body side Le Yuan, as also the Le Yuan vision looks. 乐渊在此时瞬间从葡萄架下起身,望向了昆仑山的方向。而在乐渊身旁好不容易站稳身子的慕容紫英,也随着乐渊的目光望去。 Sees only stop that thunders along with the land, in distant place Kunlun Mountain various peaks has a mountain peak to be separated from Kunlun Mountain to flutter toward the sky, that mountain peak is the place that Qionghua Sect is. The mountain peak is more floating is higher, finally went beyond the Murong Ziying range of vision, only had additional Byakugan ability of on Le Yuan with the aid of relieving seal Reincarnation Round Dance strengthens the vision to see clearly all. 只见伴随着大地轰鸣的停止,远处昆仑山诸峰之中有一座山峰脱离了昆仑山向着天空中飘去,那座山峰便是琼华派所在的地方。山峰越飘越高,最后超出了慕容紫英的视力范围,唯有乐渊借助解除封印的转生轮舞上的附加的白眼能力加强了视力才将一切看得清楚。 Qionghua Sect has not conducted ascend one time, nowadays rises 3000 zhang (3.33 m) place that mountain peak merely, although lofty, but may have many distances from the Kunlun Mountains skylight. 琼华派并没有一次性进行飞升,现如今仅仅是将那座山峰升到了3000丈的地方,虽然高远,但是距离昆仑天光可还有着不少的距离。 „Was Martial Uncle, Sect Master their already action?” 师伯,难道是掌门他们已经行动了?” Murong Ziying looks at already to vanish in field of vision Qionghua Sect, inquired intensely. 慕容紫英望着已经消失在视野的琼华派,不由紧张地询问道。 But toward Han Lingsha and Liu Mengli that Le Yuan closes up, even was just shaken Yun Tianhe that awakes from the room one and arrived at side Le Yuan. 而向着乐渊这边靠拢的韩菱纱柳梦璃,甚至刚刚从屋内被震醒的云天河一并来到了乐渊身旁。 Also no, Xuan Xiao he is not the person who does not know the depth. Qionghua Sect ascend is surely safe, present Qionghua Sect was separated from Kunlun Mountain merely, Xuan Xiao must adapt to Strength of Sword Qi column, otherwise perhaps when going to the Kunlun Mountains skylight will fall short.” “还没有,玄霄他可不是一个不知深浅的人。琼华派飞升必定要稳妥,现在的琼华派仅仅是脱离了昆仑山而已,想必玄霄也要适应剑气柱的力量,不然恐怕在前往昆仑天光时会功亏一篑。” Heard Le Yuan saying that Qionghua Sect did not have true ascend, Murong Ziying or Yun Tianhe relax temporarily. Basically keeps Boxian Town already one not to believe that this Qionghua Sect ascend is the method of Righteous Path, can succeed also two saying that most is worried is this ascend whether will encounter the unexpected calamity. 听到乐渊琼华派还没有真正飞升,无论是慕容紫英还是云天河都暂时松了一口气。基本上留在播仙镇已经没有一个相信这琼华派飞升正道之法,能不能成功还两说,最担心的就是这种飞升是否会遭到横祸。 Ziying, you lead the hanger-on disciple first to comfort the Boxian Town common people, making them not indulge in flights of fancy, today's matter will not affect their life, do not let the person with high aspirations cause trouble!” 紫英,你带着门下弟子先安抚住播仙镇的百姓,让他们别胡思乱想,今天的事情并不会影响到他们的生活,别让有心人闹起事来!” The Murong Ziying nod name is, leads the disciple to go to the town/subdues to comfort the chaotic townspeople hastily. 慕容紫英点头称是,连忙带着弟子前往镇上安抚起混乱的镇民。 After three days, when Le Yuan and Yun Tianhe four people of groups arrive at Qionghua Sect that several days had not seen, present made one group of people lose one's voice temporarily. 三日之后,当乐渊云天河四人组来到了几日未见的琼华派的时候,眼前的一幕却令一群人暂时失声了。 When Qionghua Sect ascend the land that causes thunders to make the Kunlun Mountain surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) have a tremors, is as good as seven magnitude of earthquake with the relative vibration regarding Qionghua Sect a time. 琼华派飞升时引起的大地轰鸣令昆仑山方圆百里都有所震感,与之相对的这种震动对于琼华派而言不亚于一次七级大地震。 Since Qionghua Sect 1000 year many have constructed one and damages, is covering in Qionghua Sect surrounding barrier vanishes. Qionghua Sect barrier supposes according to Kunlun Mountain Earth Vein Strength, because the Qionghua Sect whole was separated from Qionghua Sect, is not naturally able completely to vanish with the aid of barrier of strength of Earth Vein. 琼华派千年以来的诸多建筑一并损坏,连带着笼罩在琼华派周围的结界都消失了。琼华派结界是根据昆仑山地脉力量设下的,由于琼华派整体脱离了琼华派,自然无法借助地脉之力的结界完全消失。 What is more serious, by Earth Vein being moistened the Qionghua Sect like spring all year round, it can be said that wonderland. However lost Earth Vein Strength, the air/Qi of earth deities no longer nourished Qionghua Sect, caused to fly Qionghua Sect thermal shock in upper air, became a day of death to cover the world in wind and snow certainly. 更加严重的是,由地脉滋润的琼华派四季如春,可以说是人间仙境。但是失去了地脉力量,地灵之气不再滋养琼华派,使得飞在高空的琼华派温度骤降,成为一处终日笼罩于风雪中的人间绝地。 Day here Qionghua Sect? Hiss quick was freezing cold, can the average person also be able to bear?” “天啊这里还是琼华派吗?嘶都快滴水成冰了,一般人还能受得了吗?” Han Lingsha looks is becoming Qionghua Sect that the breakage cannot withstand to exude one to call out in alarm, later looks at this bitter cold deathly stillness Ice City to search the trail of survivor unceasingly. If Han Lingsha is not quite strong, in addition has the protecting body of Candle Dragon Breath, perhaps already has hit to tremble in this world of ice and snow. 韩菱纱望着变得破损不堪的琼华派发出一声惊呼,随后又望着这酷寒的死寂冰城不断搜索着幸存者的踪迹。如果韩菱纱不是实力不错,加上有烛龙之息的护体,恐怕在这种冰天雪地之中早就已经直打寒颤了。 But Le Yuan one line of which cultivation base are not profound incomparable, even they could feel that here the temperature also did lower not the normal, which ordinary disciple can endure? 乐渊一行人哪一个修为不是高深无比,连他们都感觉得到此处的温度低得不正常,普通弟子哪还能忍受得了? According to the estimate of Le Yuan, this Qionghua Sect temperature is highest also only then 3 and 40 degrees appearances below zero. If cultivation base achieved the C level above Qionghua disciple to be good, but if this cultivation base did not even have, did not need one day in this environment, perhaps froze to death in the evening while still alive. 按照乐渊的估计,这琼华派的气温最高也只有零下三、40度的样子。如果修为达到了c级以上的琼华弟子还好,但是如果连这个修为都没有,那么在这种环境里面无需一天,恐怕一个晚上就得活活冻死。 What person?! Dares to intrude!” “什么人?!胆敢闯入!” In Le Yuan and the others look at the attack aftermath Qionghua Sect, presents the man who several wear Qionghua Sect disciples took from the wind and snow. 就在乐渊等人看着满目苍夷琼华派时,从风雪之中出现了几个穿着琼华派弟子服的男子。 Is you! Xu Liang, did you also remain? Xu Xian, Xu Ji, Xu Yu, you cannot look at this Qionghua Sect at all are not ascension phenomenon, leaves early!” “是你!虚凉,你也留了下来吗?还有虚闲、虚吉、虚宇,你们难道看不出来这琼华派根本不是飞升之象,还是早早离开吧!” Looks at past one crowd of same side, when Qionghua Sect ends up is so out could not have seen clearly the present situation, Murong Ziying cannot bear the loud summon say. 看着昔日的一群同门,在琼华派落得如此下场的时候还看不清现况,慕容紫英忍不住大声呼唤道。 Be quiet! Murong Ziying you very know that I and others had the pair of sword Spiritual Qi support, flies to the Kunlun Mountains skylight to be just round the corner, now this appearance temporary, once goes to Immortal World, after can extreme sorrow turns to joy, first break surely, stands. Your this rebel actually leads many disciples to leave, now comes my Qionghua Sect is what truth?” “住嘴!慕容紫英你好不知道哩,我等有双剑灵气支撑,飞往昆仑天光指日可待,现在这幅模样不过是暂时的,一旦前往仙界,必定能够否极泰来、先破后立。你这叛徒竟然带着诸多门人离开,现在又来我琼华派是何道理?” Xu Liang points in the Murong Ziying eye to bring bad, former time Murong Ziying was in entire Qionghua Sect the most outstanding disciple, talent that even the Xu Liang cultivation cannot pursue until death. Now Murong Ziying colludes with evil spirit, to wallow in degeneration, but he wants ascension in broad daylight to become an immortal, how could Xu Liang makes Murong Ziying also mix a foot. 虚凉指着慕容紫英眼中带着不善,从前的时候慕容紫英就是整个琼华派中最优秀的弟子,就算虚凉修炼至死也追赶不上的天才。现在慕容紫英“勾结妖魔”、自甘堕落,而他则要白日飞升成仙,虚凉岂能让慕容紫英也来搀和一脚。 ascend? Becoming an immortal? After good extreme sorrow turns to joy, first to break, stands! It seems like not only Martial Uncle Xuan Xiao and Sect Master fall into error, even you also overstated do not know to mistakenly......” 飞升?成仙?好一个否极泰来、先破后立!看来不仅仅玄霄师伯掌门误入歧途,连你们也走火入魔不知对错了……” Looked at the past same side to turn into this appearance, even if Murong Ziying has not cared the hostility of opposite party, however his heart was still the inexplicable heart pain. One of Kunlun Mountains eight schools well turned into nowadays appearance, simply unimaginable. 望着昔日的同门变成这幅模样,就算慕容紫英没有将对方的敌意放在心上,但是他的心也是莫名的心痛。好好的一个昆仑八派之一变成了现如今的模样,简直不可想象。 “啪 A Le Yuan finger/refers springs, immediately not far away also draws a sword opposite direction Xu Liang and the others only to feel that at present one black, the body lost the consciousness immediately, not only the sword on hand fell off, even they also turning toward cannot help but behind but actually. 乐渊一指弹出,顿时不远处还拔剑相向的虚凉等人只感觉眼前一黑,身体顿时失去了意识,不但手上的剑脱落了,连他们自己也不由自主的向着身后倒了下去。 Master's Junior Brother, you......” 师叔,你……” Murong Ziying is very afraid under Le Yuan the extreme methods, has turned around to look at Le Yuan to want hastily to inquire. 慕容紫英深怕乐渊下死手,连忙转过身望着乐渊想要询问。 Actually sees Le Yuan to shake the right hand saying: Urges to go faster, you think that I can lower oneself to the same level with a Wuming (Nameless) junior? However was knocked down by me, by their in breath frozen undying, we may not have this free time to continue with them to pester, I observe Rolling Cloud Stage Spiritual Qi to surge, it seems like Xuan Xiao they controlled Qionghua to fly again toward the Kunlun Mountains skylight, we must pick up the speed!” 却见乐渊晃着右手道:“去去去,你以为我会和一个无名小辈一般见识吗?不过是被我打晕了而已,以他们的内息冻不死的,我们可没有这个闲工夫继续和他们纠缠,我观卷云台灵气激荡,看来玄霄他们再次操控琼华向着昆仑天光飞去了,我们要加快速度!” One group of person hears word, no longer pay attention to the Qionghua disciple who these block the way to hurry to toward Rolling Cloud Stage immediately. But the Qionghua disciple who blocks the way all the way is not infrequent, does not know whether is Xuan Xiao their order, but these disciples are many in the C level level, cannot block Le Yuan and the others. 一群人闻言,顿时不再理会这些拦路的琼华弟子向着卷云台赶去。而一路上拦路的琼华弟子不在少数,也不知是否是玄霄他们的命令,不过这些弟子多在c级水平,根本拦不住乐渊等人。 On the contrary Xuan Xiao they activate wait/etc. are taken to Le Yuan and the others by the Qionghua Sect protection beast enlightened beast, Li Zhu, Lu Wu, Ying Zhao that the little small trouble, but this flock of protection beasts also take to Murong Ziying them slightly to test at most. 相反被玄霄他们激活的琼华派守护兽开明兽、离朱、陆吾、英招等带给了乐渊等人一点点的小麻烦,不过这群守护兽也顶多带给慕容紫英他们一点小考验而已。 The Qionghua Sect protection beast hands down from the Jiutian Xuannu hand inherits, has received providing for of Qionghua Sect generation Sect Master, has waited for as the Qionghua Sect protection barrier now. However this Strength after leaving nourishing of Kunlun Mountain Earth Vein Spiritual Qi, already even was weak Yun Tianhe they not to compare. 琼华派的守护兽相传从九天玄女手中继承,一直受到琼华派世代掌门的供养,作为琼华派的守护屏障一直守候到现在。但是这力量在离开了昆仑山地脉灵气的滋养后,已经弱得连云天河他们都比不上了。 Goes to Rolling Cloud Stage, besides the Qionghua Sect disciple who presents once for a while, Le Yuan and the others even saw, because cultivation base is somewhat low, but died a tragic death in this's Qionghua Sect disciple. Although they regarding seeking the immortal are quite dedicated, because cultivation base is insufficient, froze to death in such environment. 一路前往卷云台,除了时不时出现的琼华派弟子之外,乐渊等人甚至见到了由于修为偏低而惨死在此的琼华派弟子。他们虽然对于求仙颇为执着,但是由于修为不足,在这样的环境中还是被冻死了。 However they are not hapless, compared with Jiutian Xuannu suppresses the East Sea vortex 500 years, now died can also receive the relatively fair treatment at least, the luck good words even direct reincarnation also perhaps. 不过他们并不倒霉,比起被九天玄女镇压东海漩涡500年的时间,现在死去最起码也能受到相对公平的待遇,运气好的话甚至直接投胎了也说不定。 When enters Rolling Cloud Stage, Qionghua Sect already flew to a ground 5000 zhang (3.33 m) place, the temperature to further reduce at this time, if entire Qionghua did not have protecting and sustaining of pair of sword Spiritual Qi, perhaps already broke up completely. 当进入卷云台时,琼华派此时已经飞至了地面5000丈的地方,气温进一步降低,整个琼华如果不是有双剑灵气的护持,恐怕已经完全崩解了。 ... ...
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