VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#800: Tacit? Before is the war silent

pitt * c'kl / reveals h63 this 19 years ago does one -man show old-fashioned, has extremely popularity talent disciple in Qionghua Sect, nowadays actually becomes the Qionghua Sect strongest backbone. As a result of scarlet hair color that overstating to have, scalding hot air/Qi that on that dissipates, although spoke a few words merely, bearing and strength not 19 years of ago but displaying can compare. pitt*c'kl/露h63这个19年前古板闷骚,在琼华派中有着极高人气的天才弟子,现如今却成为了琼华派最强的顶梁柱。由于走火入魔而产生的赤红发色,还有那身上是不是逸散出的灼热之气,虽然仅仅是说了一句话,但是所表现出来的气度、实力远不是19年前能够比的。 However change of Xuan Xiao also within the anticipation of Le Yuan, after all 19 years ago his strength just marched into the B level at most, besides controlling the double sword is incapable of participating in a high level fight radically. 不过玄霄的变化还在乐渊的意料之内,毕竟19年前他的实力顶多刚刚步入b级而已,除了操控双剑之外根本无力参与高层次的战斗。 But experience 19 years of frozen, he of self-torture has entered in the B level the position, way that this only aptitude, trains hard earnestly, if not the Xuan Xiao aptitude goes against heaven's will, perhaps is very difficult to compare Taiqing (Grand Purity) cultivation base in a short less than 20 years of time. 而经历19年的冰封,一直苦修的他进入到了b级中位,这种单凭资质、埋头苦练的方式,如果不是玄霄资质逆天,恐怕很难在短短二十年不到的时间拥有比拟太清修为 Even but if he has not satisfied like this, after having assisting of Three Cold Artifacts, the Xuan Xiao not only words burning sun is the boost, but also combines with own congealing ice secret art cold vigor the cold vigor in Three Cold Artifacts, becomes one not to belong to terrifying Strength of strength of burning sun. 可是纵然这样他还是没有满足,在拥有了三寒器的相助之后,玄霄不但话自身炎阳为助力,还将三寒器之中的寒劲与自身的凝冰诀寒劲合二为一,成为了一股不属于炎阳之力的恐怖力量 Xuan Xiao that the strength on plans again already has the B level high-rank strength nowadays, cultivation base is also looks disdainfully in the entire world under the Heavens. Some Immortal God two cultivation surpass ten million years existences, very difficult to discipline this level the strength, the aptitude of this person indeed cannot be underestimated. 实力再上一筹的玄霄现如今已经拥有了b级上位的实力,一身修为在整个人间也算是睥睨天下。就连仙神两界一些修炼超过千万年的存在,也很难将实力磨练到这个水准,此人的资质的确是不容小觑。 If strengthen of Xuan Xiao also in Le Yuan is expected, then nearby Su Yao made Le Yuan is really very surprised. A Su Yao skill, when Le Yuan sees her initially merely is the B level low-rank, this nature 19 years ago in strength that her B level has not even marched into are too more , but also is the level of high-level cannon fodder. 而如果玄霄的变强还在乐渊的预料之中,那么一旁的夙瑶就令乐渊真的是非常吃惊了。夙瑶的一身功力,在乐渊初见她之时仅仅是b级下位,这自然比19年前她那根本连b级都没有步入的实力强上太多,但是也不过是个高级炮灰的水平。 However never expected that does not see several months, she had some already to enter into the B level unexpectedly the position, even also only had the one pace from the B level high-rank , has no time to let compared with the past Daoist Master Taiqing that. 但是没有想到数月不见,她一身有些竟然已经迈入了b级中位,甚至距离b级上位也只有一步之遥,比起当年的太清真人那也是不遑多让。 Should not, does not conform to the common sense. Walks out such at the Su Yao aptitude fundamental impossible short time, the strength rises dramatically to so the situation. Really must say is well-prepared, that is not one's turn Su Yao to be right, Su Yao is always infatuated in the power and influence, in the person with outstanding ability of suppression like Murong Ziying, cultivation base has been able to promote already to be really not easy, progresses by leaps and bounds not to mention like this. 不应该,也根本不符合常理。以夙瑶的资质根本不可能短时间跨过这么一道门槛,实力飙升到如此地步。真要说厚积薄发,那也轮不到夙瑶才对,夙瑶一直以来醉心于权势,一直在打压像慕容紫英这样的英才,修为能够提升已经实属不易,更别提这样突飞猛进。 Wangshu Sword? Le Yuan looks by Su Yao I Wangshu Sword in hand, later cancelled this thought. Wangshu Sword can indeed accelerate the cultivation base growth of holder, but that is effect that on the sword host who was lodged by Wangshu Sword can have, Su Yao is an ordinary physique, basic impossible becomes Extreme Yin Body. 望舒剑乐渊看着被夙瑶我在手中的望舒剑,随后又不由打消了这个念头。望舒剑的确能够加速持有者的修为增长,但是那是在被望舒剑寄宿的剑主身上才能产生的功效,夙瑶就是个普通体质,根本不可能成为至阴之体 However immediately Le Yuan then thinks of a matter again, that is Wangshu Sword regains consciousness again needs Extreme Yin Body inevitably, but this and does progressing by leaps and bounds of Su Yao have the important relation? 不过随即乐渊便又再次想到一件事情,那就是望舒剑的再度苏醒必然需要至阴之体,而这是否又和夙瑶的突飞猛进有着重要的联系呢? Le Yuan decides the vision stubbornly on the body of Su Yao, is searching unceasingly is not right. 乐渊将目光死死地定在夙瑶的身上,不断查找着这其中的不对劲。 But this careful observation, but also really looked at some clue by Le Yuan. In the Wangshu cold air that Su Yao dissipates, Le Yuan felt Han Lingsha some aura unexpectedly, when this aura once was by Wangshu took possession the Wangshu source. 而这一仔细观察,还真被乐渊瞧出了些许端倪。在夙瑶逸散的望舒寒气上,乐渊竟然感受到了韩菱纱的些许气息,这气息是曾经被望舒附体时的望舒本源。 Also does not know that Su Yao used what method, takes out the Wangshu source of Han Lingsha within the body, and integrates own within the body this Strength, making her ordinary body form nearly in the Extreme Yin Body physique, thus activated Wangshu Sword of deep sleep again. 也不知那夙瑶施展了何种手段,将韩菱纱体内的望舒本源取出,并且将这种力量融入到自己体内,使得原本她那普通的身体形成了近乎于至阴之体的体质,从而再度激活了沉睡的望舒剑 Without a doubt, nowadays Su Yao already no longer is the cannon fodder who that sends at will, she also had to participate in the strength in last war, but seemed like Su Yao is not completely accepts well, at least present Su Yu double pupil sheet ice is blue, the endless indifference made her seemingly aloof, this was not the performance of putting on airs, because the reaction of Wangshu Sword made her seven emotions Six Desires almost vanish, was only left over the boundless indifference. 毫无疑问,现如今的夙瑶已经不再是那个随意打发的炮灰,她也拥有了参与到最后一战中的实力,不过看起来夙瑶也不是全然无恙地接受,最起码现在的夙玉双眸一片冰蓝,无尽的冷漠让她看起来拒人于千里之外,这绝不是装模作样的表现,而是由于望舒剑的反作用令她七情六欲几近消失,只剩下无边的冷漠。 In that moment that Xuan Xiao and Su Yao approach, the Huanming World surrounding by thick war intent is covered instantaneously. 玄霄夙瑶来临的那一刻,幻瞑界外围瞬间被浓浓的战意所笼罩。 Sees only the one of the Xuan Xiao eye from a Le Yuan behind numerous tapir monster to sweep, later then also looked again does not look at their one eyes. Even if merely is the time of glance, Xuan Xiao sees clearly opposite one crowd of tapir monsters sufficiently the strength. 只见玄霄眼睛从乐渊身后的一众貘妖身上一扫而过,随后便再也看都不看他们一眼。纵然仅仅是一瞥的时间,也足以玄霄看清楚对面一群貘妖的实力。 Not being worth mentioning, this is nowadays Xuan Xiao regarding the strength appraisals of Huanming World numerous monster. The tapir monster that one crowd of strengths merely and Qionghua Sect Yuan and Ming generation disciple strength compares, adds on protecting of elder rank most Gui Xie, Huanming World these years the strength simply does not have many progress. 不值一提,这就是现如今的玄霄对于幻瞑界众妖的实力评价。一群实力仅仅和琼华派元、明字辈的弟子实力相较的貘妖,最多加上一个长老级别的护将归邪,幻瞑界这些年来的实力也根本没有多少长进。 Although Su Yao is jealous of capable people, Qionghua Sect feeble to so situation, but also is well slow in the strength promotion of monster, therefore low level influence of both sides is almost the same. 夙瑶虽然嫉贤妒能,将琼华派衰弱到如此地步,但好在妖怪的实力提升也是慢得很,因此双方的低层势力相差无几。 Really, does the final fight need to think expert of both sides? 果然,最后的战斗还是要看双方的高手了吗? Although Xuan Xiao thinks that very early in the morning will have this situation, but until faces Le Yuan truly the time, he realized past master Daoist Master Taiqing that powerless feeling. 玄霄虽然一早就想到会出现这种情况,但是直到真正面对乐渊的时候,他才体会到当年师傅太清真人的那种无力感。 Do not look at Xuan Xiao present strength already almost in Immortal God, but must know that the power gap between Immortal God is also very big. Perhaps the weakest immortal does not have the C level, but powerful point Immortal God actually is almost the level above B level. 别看玄霄现在的实力已经几近于仙神,但是要知道仙神之间的实力差距也是很大的。最弱的仙恐怕连c级都没有,而强大一点的仙神却几乎都是b级之上的水准。 Xuan Xiao do not look that does not have the rival in the world, however his strength puts God World to be nothing radically, moreover Xuan Xiao nowadays advancing triumphantly also has the price. Later becomes an immortal to want to further promote, is more difficult than the god. 玄霄别看在人间无可敌手,但是他的这点实力放到神界根本算不了什么,而且玄霄现如今的高歌猛进也不是没有代价的。以后成仙想要进一步提升,那比神更加困难。 The Le Yuan situation is indeed special, the A Level following does not have the rivals. By the particularity of the world domain, has with A Level of non- working order spells, although defeats the multi- victories little also to call it half A Level reluctantly. 乐渊的情况的确特殊,a级以下全无敌手。凭借世界领域的特殊性,和不完整状态的a级也是有得一拼,虽然败多胜少也能勉勉强强称之为半个a级 This strength could not cope with Jiutian Xuannu, but oppressive oppressive Xuan Xiao was feasible. By Xuan Xiao that Le Yuan stares, at this time only feels a body chill. He who winter and summer does not invade only thought that behind one coolly seemed like by the great antiquity beast of prey stares. 这种实力对付不了九天玄女,但是虐一虐玄霄还是可行的。被乐渊盯上的玄霄,此时只觉得身体一阵恶寒。寒暑不侵的他只觉得背后一凉像是被洪荒猛兽盯上了。 Rebel Le Yuan, 19 years ago you then prevent my Qionghua Sect ascend, 19 years later do you also want to prevent again inadequately? Today, the double sword in the hand, deciding lets you......” “叛徒乐渊,19年前你便阻止我琼华派飞升,难道19年后你还想再次阻止不成?今日,双剑在手,定让你……” The Su Yao strength and could not compare the self-torture regarding the Strength sensation by far 19 years of Xuan Xiao. Her that type progresses by leaps and bounds the strength after Wangshu Sword Strength, can only say that has the physical strength not to have the control spatially, the minimum enemy and ourselves strong and weak cannot distinguish continually. 夙瑶的实力和对于力量的感知远远比不上苦修了19年的玄霄。她那种借助望舒剑力量突飞猛进后的实力,只能说空有气力却无掌控,连最起码的敌我强弱都分辨不出来。 Without Su Yao put the aggressive statement, a Xuan Xiao then palm of the hand at the same time wields on her cheeks. 没等夙瑶放狠话,一边的玄霄便一巴掌挥在她的脸颊上。 Does not do gua chirp, even his strength cannot see clearly, are you want on the step the Taiqing (Grand Purity) footsteps? Has not drawn back to me!” “休要呱噪,连他的实力都看不清,你这是想要步上太清的后尘吗?还不给我退下!” Xuan Xiao reproved Su Yao to look like the lord to reprove the servant, that Su Yao did not have the courage of half a point resistance, saw only her to lower the head to retreat said to Xuan Xiao behind mouth. 玄霄训斥起夙瑶就像是主子训斥奴仆,那夙瑶连半分反抗的勇气都没有了,只见她低着头退守到玄霄的身后口中说道。 „...... Is, I knew......” “……是,我知道了……” Saw Xuan Xiao that careful appearance, Le Yuan smiled, smiled very happily. At least the performance of Xuan Xiao is not stupid, this makes Le Yuan want to know when he finally to Jiutian Xuannu will also seem like so sane now? Qionghua Sect Worship Immortal God, becomes the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator of Annihilation Qionghua Sect dream finally, this absolutely is the greatest attack. 看到玄霄那小心谨慎的样子,乐渊笑了,笑得很开心。最起码玄霄的表现并不愚蠢,这让乐渊很想知道他最后对上九天玄女之时还会像如今这般理智吗?琼华派自己供奉仙神,最后成为了破灭琼华派梦想的黑手,这绝对是莫大的打击。 Hey, Xuan Xiao, this you want lift the sect to ascend time, I do not block you, if you slaughter a Huanming World monster, I must kill your Qionghua Sect ten people, this is not requirement, this is the warning, your understand?” “喂,玄霄,这一次你想要举派飞升,我不阻你,但是若你屠戮幻冥界一妖,我必杀你琼华派十人,这不是要求,这是警告,你明白了吗?” Le Yuan remembered that to walk one step, immediately at simultaneously is drawn back one step by one group of Qionghua disciples who the Le Yuan imposing manner compelled immediately backward. 乐渊想起那走了一步,顿时处在被乐渊气势所迫的一群琼华弟子当即齐齐向后退了一步。 Buzz “嗡 Only has not withdrawn then only has Xuan Xiao, sees only him to hold up scarlet Xihe Sword to say to Le Yuan: Relax, I regarding am Taiqing (Grand Purity) revenge simply have no interest, I come this only to be the purple crystal stone, if not stop, no one will slaughter the tapir monster certainly!” 唯一没有退后的便只有玄霄,只见他举起赤红的羲和剑对着乐渊道:“放心,我对于为太清报仇根本没有一点兴趣,我来此只为紫晶石,若不阻拦,绝无一人会对貘妖进行杀戮!” Xuan Xiao or Le Yuan seemed like already to communicate generally, Le Yuan had one crowd of tapir monsters to see a play probably general in one side, looks that one group of Qionghua Sect disciples worked as the work of coolie, is unearthing the purple crystal stone little. Tapir monster this if no Le Yuan suppression, perhaps has been doing to the Qionghua Sect executioner. 无论是玄霄还是乐渊都像是已经沟通好了一般,乐渊带着一群貘妖就在一旁像是看戏一般,看着一群琼华派弟子当起苦力的工作,一点点挖掘着紫晶石。貘妖这一方如果不是有着乐渊镇压的话,恐怕早就对着琼华派的刽子手干起来了。 But another side, closed in the palace saw for 19 years ago that war Yun Tianhe of cause and effect and the others of also to arrive at the Huanming World outer layer in imaginary urgently. Actually sees should the potential such as both sides of water and fire, at this time is actually never in contact with each other probably general, you do your, I look at my. 而另一边,从里幻瞑宫内看见了19年前那一场大战的前因后果的云天河等人也是火急火燎地来到了幻瞑界外层。却看到本应该势如水火的双方,此时却像是老死不相往来一般,你干你的,我看我的。 But Yun Tianhe this boy went forward to say with Xuan Xiao directly, persuaded Xuan Xiao to give up becoming an immortal unceasingly, but Murong Ziying, Han Lingsha and Liu Mengli three people chatted under greeting of Le Yuan. 云天河这小子直接上前和玄霄说了起来,不断劝说着玄霄放弃成仙,而慕容紫英韩菱纱柳梦璃三人却在乐渊的招呼下聊了起来。 Ziying, do nowadays you become an immortal to dao cultivation also rigid? Qionghua Sect wanted lift the sect to ascend, didn't you go?” 紫英,现如今的你对修道成仙还执着吗?琼华派可是要举派飞升了,你难道不去吗?” Murong Ziying that comes out from Huanming World seems very silent, from Huanming World dreamland, Murong Ziying saw too many senseless slaughtering, anything for Justice, but killing monsters and eliminating demons his has not seen. The 19 years ago Qionghua killed tapir monsters merely for oneself one's own selfish interests, for so-called becoming an immortal. 从里幻瞑界出来的慕容紫英显得很沉默,从里幻瞑界的梦境之中,慕容紫英看到了太多无谓的杀戮,什么为了正义斩妖除魔他那是一点也没有看到。19年前的琼华斩杀貘妖仅仅是为了自己一己之私,为了所谓的成仙。 Martial Uncle, all are not right. Qionghua Sect to provide relieft to the common people becomes an immortal, therefore abandons the small righteousness, is the principle of righteousness ; However actually in pursuing this goal forgot the original intention, now first becomes an immortal provide reliefs under the Heavens again, but can Qionghua also remember this original intention when the time comes? I, really do not know......” 师伯,一切都不对。琼华派为了救济苍生而成仙,是故舍小义,为大义;但是却在追求这个目的之中忘记了初衷,现在则是先成仙再救济天下,但是到时候琼华还能记得这个初衷吗?我,真的不知道……” Looks many, Murong Ziying does not know that Qionghua Sect so as actually whether to have a good result, must look to Le Yuan. 看得太多,连慕容紫英都不知道琼华派这般作为究竟能否有个好结果,只得看向了乐渊 How a person does not rescue saves the common people, you think how many since the ancient times the person of becoming an immortal has , do how many have under the Heavens? Are the selfish generations? Really laughable, the immortal and this/Ben are two different world, since already becomes the immortal then to be hard such as the mortal to be the same again, can save the mortal can only be the mortal, Immortal God meddles is not a good deed!” “一人不救何以救苍生,你以为自古以来成仙之人有多少,又有多少心怀天下?他们难道都是自私自利之辈?真是可笑,仙与凡本就是两个不同的世界,既然已经成为仙便再难以如凡人一般,能够拯救凡人的只能是凡人,仙神插手绝不是好事!” Le Yuan makes Murong Ziying go to nowadays Qionghua Sect immediately in secret, restraining is willing to follow his Qionghua disciple to temporarily reside in Boxian Town, this Qionghua Sect extinguished even, so long as the person remains hopefully. 乐渊随即令慕容紫英暗中前往现如今的琼华派中,收敛愿意跟随他的琼华弟子在播仙镇暂住下来,这琼华派就算是灭了,只要人留下来就还有希望。 But Le Yuan also started to inquire Han Lingsha and Liu Mengli at this time two people, since Han Lingsha has joined Qionghua Sect, may once come across what strange matter. The Wangshu source of this Han Lingsha within the body how more than 50% ran up to the body of Su Yao, this important matter really pulled out by Su Yao cleanly, even if Han Lingsha the physique were affected by Candle Dragon Breath, perhaps still wants the life to cut in half. 乐渊这时候也开始询问起韩菱纱柳梦璃两人,自从韩菱纱加入琼华派以来,可曾遇到什么怪事。这韩菱纱体内的望舒本源怎么一半以上跑到了夙瑶的身体内,这要事真被夙瑶抽干净了,韩菱纱就算体质受到烛龙之息的作用,恐怕也要寿元减半。 Heard a Le Yuan such saying, nearby Liu Mengli then said slowly. Actually at that evening of Qionghua Sect restricted area, Liu Mengli then already detects the Han Lingsha different situation. At that time somewhat felt helpless, but with deepening of skill, she detected that oneself remembered some defects. 听到乐渊这么一说,一旁的柳梦璃这才缓缓说道。其实早在琼华派禁地的那一晚,柳梦璃便已经察觉到韩菱纱的异况。只是当时还有些不知所以,但是随着功力的加深,她察觉到了自己记忆中的部分缺失。 Originally in Han Lingsha and Liu Mengli join Qionghua Sect several days before, was Sect Master Su Yao then summoned Han Lingsha, and conducted to pull out from her body to the work of Wangshu source. 原来早在韩菱纱柳梦璃加入琼华派的前几天,身为掌门夙瑶便召见了韩菱纱,并且从她身体里面进行抽离望舒本源的工作。 However Han Lingsha is the Wangshu Sword host, the Wangshu Sword source is unable the total to pull out after all leaves, when pulls out half, Han Lingsha already falls into is on the verge of death in the resistance, to guarantee Wangshu Sword advocates Han Lingsha undying, Su Yao then stopped the movement. 不过韩菱纱毕竟是望舒剑的宿主,望舒剑本源根本无法全数抽离,当抽到一半的时候,韩菱纱已经陷入濒死反抗中,而为了保证望舒剑韩菱纱不死,夙瑶这才停止了动作。 All these memories were all hidden, knows after the Liu Mengli strength reaches the B level, believed firmly that late matter completely. However Han Lingsha nowadays already and Wangshu Sword separate, the influence of that matter naturally is also falling imperceptibly lowly. 这一切的记忆全都被隐藏了起来,知道柳梦璃实力达到b级之后才完全确信了那一晚的事情。不过韩菱纱现如今已经望舒剑分离,那件事情的影响自然也在无形中降到了最低。 ... ...
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