VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#799: Meets again, shape with stranger

Le Yuan treated entire three days in Huanming World, in this period as Lord Chan You can say that treated as the Huanming World overlord to treat Le Yuan. 乐渊幻瞑界待了整整三天,期间作为一界之主的婵幽可以说将乐渊当作了幻瞑界的太上皇对待。 But knows the female to be better mother, although separated for 19 years, when Liu Mengli steps into Huanming World again Chan You then recognizes it. Without many spoken languages, merely is the exchange between looks, as actually daughter's Liu Mengli then understand own birth mother to have loves her 而知女莫若母,虽然分隔了19年的时间,但是当柳梦璃再一次踏入幻冥界的时候婵幽便一眼将其认出。没有多少言语,仅仅是眼神之间的交流,身为女儿的柳梦璃便明白自己的生母究竟有多么爱她 But 19 years of separation regarding the ordinary mother and daughter without doubt is suffering, but regarding Chan You of tapir monster clan, this merely is a test in long life span, and has the guarantee of Le Yuan this Monster King, she believes firmly very oneself daughter can safe and sound return again. 而19年的分隔对于普通母女而言无疑是一种折磨,但是对于貘妖一族的婵幽而言,这仅仅是漫长寿命中的一点考验而已,而且有着乐渊这个妖王的保证,她十分确信自己的女儿能够安然无恙再一次归来。 In fact, when Liu Mengli returns Huanming World, Chan You is astonished incomparable. 19 years, what can ordinary tapir monster these years make? Perhaps wants to be separated from the beastly nature, entering the cultivation is a difficult matter. However her daughter, depends on for short 19 years, marched into the same domain unexpectedly, even if the skill is unable to pursue has of several hundred years of self-torture, but this showed without doubt Liu Mengli has to exceed her potential. 事实上,当柳梦璃重新回到幻瞑界的时候,婵幽是惊愕无比的。19年,普通貘妖这些年能够做些什么?恐怕想要脱离兽性,进入修炼都是一件难事。但是她的女儿,靠着短短19年的时间,竟然步入了同一个领域,纵然功力无法追赶有数百年苦修的自己,但是这无疑证明柳梦璃有着超越她的潜力。 Returns from Liu Mengli, Chan You then draws her to closely examine these years circumstances. When hears Liu Mengli to be adopted by Liu Shifeng this person of good intention, treats as the biological daughter protects generally, Chan You the ice on face coldly slightly alleviated a point. 柳梦璃归来,婵幽便拉着她追问这些年的境遇。当听到柳梦璃柳世封这一家好心人收养,当作亲生女儿一般呵护的时候,婵幽的脸上的冰寒略微缓解了一点。 Afterward hears Le Yuan to come again, when stays a minute Liu Mengli cultivation base to rise dramatically. Is looking at side delighted Liu Mengli Chan You, saw anything from own daughter's expression spoken language, what a pity continuously in telling own Furuichi Liu Mengli has not noticed that in own mother eyes to regret. 随后又听闻乐渊再次现身,并且住柳梦璃修为飙升之时。望着自己身旁眉飞色舞的柳梦璃婵幽,从自己女儿的表情言语中看出了什么,可惜一直在诉说自己古市柳梦璃并没有注意到自己母亲眼中的那份惋惜。 When Le Yuan falls Huanming World temporarily, Chan You has then ordered own daughter and Huanming World Young Lord to serve in Le Yuan about, to express Huanming World evidently regarding attaching great importance to of Le Yuan this Monster King, what thoughts but in fact saved perhaps only then her own understand. 乐渊暂时落住幻冥界之时,婵幽便一直命令自己的女儿、幻瞑界少主侍候于乐渊左右,看样子是为了表示幻瞑界对于乐渊这个妖王的重视,但是实际上存了什么样的心思恐怕只有她自己明白 Three days later, is listening to Le Yuan of Mengli calming the nerves harp performance to open own eye in Huanming World fiercely, felt to enter palpitation that Huanming World sends out in just him with Fire Spirit Bead that oneself share the same roots at that moment. 三天之后,正在幻瞑界听着梦璃安神箜篌演奏的乐渊猛地张开了自己的眼睛,就在刚刚那一刻他感受到了与自己血脉相连的火灵珠进入幻瞑界发出的悸动。 Mengli, you went to Huanming World entrance, Tianhe they should also already come, in leading them to enter closes the palace imaginary, perhaps had nothing to be intimate with looked one can make them know the truth......” 梦璃,你去幻瞑界入口一趟,天河他们应该也已经来了,带他们进入里幻瞑宫吧,恐怕没有什么比亲自看一遍更能令他们知道真相了……” Le Yuan the bed that becomes from the higher Spiritual Qi amethyst stone carving sits to set out, later the standing up vision looked again to closes the palace that Chan You assumed personal command imaginary. 乐渊从高等灵气紫晶石雕刻而成的卧榻上坐起身来,随后再一次站起目光看向了婵幽坐镇的幻瞑宫。 Big Brother Le, you are......” 乐大哥,你这是……” Looks must as if start chest hole Le Yuan, Liu Mengli makes noise to ask. 望着似乎要开始胸洞的乐渊,柳梦璃不由出声问道。 It‘s nothing, they greeted with Tianhe and Lingsha, informed your mother barrier to receive while convenient, since Tianhe they entered in Huanming World, then monitors Huanming World entrance Qionghua Sect to decide however also thinks that the invasion time arrived, perhaps invaded to near, I let them law-abidingly!” “没什么,和天河菱纱他们打个招呼,顺便通知你母亲可以将结界收起来了,既然天河他们进入了幻瞑界内,那么监视着幻瞑界入口的琼华派定然也会以为入侵时机到了,恐怕入侵在即,我去让他们安分一点!” Afterward Le Yuan and Liu Mengli two people divide forces to act, Liu Mengli goes to the Huanming World surrounding, to guard Yun Tianhe they in the place that in Huanming World goes into should not go, causes under the tapir monster in Huanming World the killer ; Another side Le Yuan arrived directly closed the palace imaginary, something did not remind, a while Chan You could be damaged. 随后乐渊柳梦璃两人分兵行动,柳梦璃前往幻冥界外围,以防云天河他们在幻瞑界内闯入不该去的地方,引得幻瞑界内的貘妖下杀手;另一边乐渊径直来到了幻瞑宫,有些事情不提醒一下,等会儿婵幽可能就要受创了。 Saw is only closing in the palace to maintain barrier Chan You to open the eye that Le Yuan entered imaginary instantaneously, immediately wanted to stand up to Le Yuan is saluting. 只见在幻瞑宫内维持着结界婵幽乐渊进入的瞬间睁开了眼睛,当即就想要站起身来对着乐渊施礼。 The Le Yuan right hand wielded stopped his movement, later is looking protecting that stood in the Chan You body side Xi Zhong, will say: War is about to begin, you inform General Gui Xie his Huanming World elite, along with me goes forth to battle, do not drop the Huanming World morale!” 乐渊右手一挥制止了他的动作,随后望着站于婵幽身侧的护将之一的奚仲,开口说道:“大战在即,你去通知归邪将军点其幻瞑界精英,随我出阵,不要堕了幻瞑界的士气!” Sees only Chan You to a Xi Zhong nod, the next second Xi Zhong from closes in the palace to depart immediately imaginary, big closed the palace only to have Le Yuan also to have the Chan You two people imaginary immediately. 只见婵幽对着身旁的奚仲一点头,下一秒顿时奚仲从幻瞑宫内离去,偌大的一个幻瞑宫顿时只剩下了乐渊还有婵幽二人。 Receives your barrier, the Qionghua Sect double sword may not only have the strength of fetter, once adopts the attack, barrier broken at the same time you will also fall into the severely wounded critically-ill bureau, this is not the wise action......” “将你的结界收起来吧,琼华派的双剑可不仅仅有着束缚之力,一旦采取进攻,结界被破的同时你也会陷入重伤垂危之局,这可不是明智之举……” Chan You by barrier that oneself serve as evidence, although tyrannical incomparable, barrier can cover entire Huanming World completely, and can prevent in its under anybody the strength beside barrier, indeed is unusual powerful the law of defense. 婵幽以自身为凭的结界虽然强横无比,结界能够完全笼罩整个幻瞑界,并且能够将实力在其之下的任何人阻挡于结界之外,的确是一个非常强大的防御之法。 What a pity this defense shortcoming is also big, the arrange/cloth gets down barrier Chan You to be equal to nowadays barrier life and death relies on one another. All will feed back to the attack that barrier launches to Chan You on similarly, once barrier were destroyed, then Chan You will also be damaged heavily. 可惜这种防御缺点同样非常大,布下了结界婵幽等同于和现如今的结界生死相依。所有对结界发动的攻击同样会反馈到婵幽身上,结界一旦被破坏,那么婵幽也将受到不轻的损伤。 In this barrier exceptionally is perhaps fatal regarding the strength not high person, but is not weaker than Xuan Xiao regarding Xuan Xiao and that on many mysterious person, is only slightly troublesome tortoiseshell. 这中结界或许对于实力不高的人异常致命,但是对于玄霄和那个不比玄霄弱上多少的神秘之人来说,也只是个稍稍麻烦的乌龟壳而已。 When the Huanming World elite are needlessly many then already assembles, when Le Yuan goes out closes the palace imaginary, just in time meets had the Yun Tianhe three people from the Huanming World surrounding to get down. 幻瞑界的精英不消多时便已经集结完毕,当乐渊走出幻瞑宫之时,正巧遇上了带着云天河三人从幻瞑界外围下来。 Yun Tianhe or same as usual, all sorts that although sat down in the past regarding Le Yuan quite had puzzled, but waved both hands to shout to Le Yuan excitedly greatly: Hey Sibo, I here!” 云天河还是老样子,虽然对于乐渊在过去坐下的种种颇有不解,但是还是兴奋地挥舞着双手向乐渊大喊道:“嘿思博,我在这里啊!” But Han Lingsha displayed completely differently, had in the Candle Dragon there again life-saving efforts, Le Yuan simply was her one's savior, existence that perhaps it can be said that she can depend upon only, the under foot selected twice, the body then changed to a red butterfly to appear in the Le Yuan side instantaneously, held the arm of Le Yuan saying: Martial Uncle, you may really scare to death me, that hateful Candle Dragon also is really , did not say that actually you, did have injured at that time? 韩菱纱就表现得完全不同了,有了在衔烛之龙那里的再一次救命之恩,乐渊简直就是她的再生父母,或许可以说是她唯一能够依靠的存在,脚下点了两次,身子便化作一道红色的蝴蝶瞬间出现在了乐渊的身旁,抱着乐渊的手臂道:“师伯,你可真是吓死我啦,那个可恶的衔烛之龙也真是的,也不说你究竟怎么了,那时候有没有受伤吧?啊 Han Lingsha looks that nearby all people that is looking at own different look, detected immediately own movement as if has some improper, but makes her put down the arm of Le Yuan actually not to want, was very afraid Le Yuan then to vanish incautiously again. 韩菱纱看着一旁的诸人那望着自己的迥异眼神,立马察觉到自己的这个动作似乎有着些许不妥,不过让她放下乐渊的手臂却又不怎么愿意,深怕乐渊一不小心便再一次消失了。 When Han Lingsha approaches, Le Yuan is also sizing up her body. within the body already is flooding two extreme aura, to cold one to flame, but two Strength already tend to be gentle, had the trend of blending under compromising of Fire Spirit Bead Strength. 韩菱纱靠近的时候,乐渊也在打量着她的身体。体内已经充斥着两股极端的气息,一股至寒一股至炎,不过两股力量已经趋于平和,在火灵珠力量的调和之下有了交融的趋势。 The situation has become, although Han Lingsha beforehand aptitude good, but wants in ten thousand people of immortal cultivation that has struggled the single-plank bridge occupies the head on the way, that almost impossible. However receives the transformation of Candle Dragon aura, Han Lingsha body already makes her become an immortal sufficiently, only but she lacks is the luck and accumulation, with the Han Lingsha condition same also has Yun Tianhe, under opportunity no longer Han Lingsha of this boy. 大势已成,韩菱纱之前的资质虽然不俗但是想要在万人争过独木桥的修仙之途中占得鳌头,那几乎不可能。但是受到衔烛之龙气息的改造,韩菱纱身体已经足以令她成仙,不过她唯一缺少的就是运气和积累,与韩菱纱状况相同的还有云天河,这小子的机遇不再韩菱纱之下。 However made a Le Yuan most gratified point is, Han Lingsha physique already no longer was Extreme Yin Body, therefore the Wangshu Sword how mutation did not have the least bit to affect to her even again. However this made Le Yuan curious, except for Han Lingsha, but also who can activate Wangshu Sword, was Extreme Yin Body so really easy to look? 不过令乐渊最欣慰的一点就是,韩菱纱的体质已经不再是至阴之体,因此就算望舒剑再怎么异变也对她没有半点影响。不过这更令乐渊好奇了,除了韩菱纱,还有谁能够激活望舒剑,难道至阴之体真的这么好找? But in three people of groups, only some Murong Ziying look that the Le Yuan look did not have past that respect, only whether there is ratio complex. From the Yun Tianqing mouth, he knows Le Yuan once struck to kill former generation Qionghua Sect Master Monster King, this radically is the Qionghua Sect absolutely irreconcilable enemy. 而三人组之中,唯有慕容紫英看着乐渊的眼神没有了以往的那种尊敬,唯有无比的复杂。从云天青口中,他知道了乐渊是曾经击杀上代琼华掌门妖王,这根本就是琼华派不共戴天之敌。 Person is inhuman, the monster non- monster, this life manner, next life will be the monster, good and evil Mukai, knew evilly. Murong Ziying, couldn't you have completely understood? Qionghua Sect thinks Justice, to become an immortal to rescue all living things to violate to slaughter boundlessly, but these really can be referred to as are Justice? Only then Ghost World can rule their life and death, the person of Qionghua Sect dies, suffers the pain of samsara surely, this is they for the price that own Justice must pay!” “人非人,妖非妖,今世为人,来世为妖,善恶无界,正邪自知。慕容紫英,你难道还看不透?琼华派自以为正义,为了成仙解救众生犯下无边杀戮,但这一些真的能够被认定为是正义的吗?只有鬼界才能裁定他们的生死,琼华派之人身死,必定遭受轮回之苦,这就是他们为自己的正义必须付出的代价!” Also lowered the head Murong Ziying that hesitates to hear the Le Yuan words, the whole body shakes. In light of he himself in Ghost World listens to see, his deep understand Le Yuan said that is not a nonsense. According to the Ghost World custom, Qionghua Sect most people are indeed guilty . Moreover the sin perhaps is also not general big. 原本还低头沉吟的慕容紫英听到乐渊的话,浑身一震。结合他自己在鬼界的所听所见,他深深明白乐渊所说并非胡言乱语。按照鬼界的规矩,琼华派绝大多数人的确是有罪的,而且罪孽恐怕还不是一般的大。 Looks at face puzzled Murong Ziying, Le Yuan is sighing: Ziying, can you know what is Immortal? The immortal is not Justice, merely is because they know the Heavenly Dao lofty, cannot speculate, therefore in the extra mundane, does not contaminate this mortal world causes and effects. However they have more worldly wisdom compared with the mortal, Qionghua Sect want to become an immortal, has asked the Immortal World influence and God World decree? When really who can become an immortal?” 望着一脸纠结的慕容紫英,乐渊叹口气道:“紫英,你可知道何为仙?仙并非正义,仅仅是因为他们知道天道高远,不可臆测,因此于世外,不沾染尘世因果。但是他们却比凡人有着更多的人情世故,琼华派想要成仙,问过仙界的势力和神界的旨意没有?真当谁都能够成仙吗?” Le Yuan may be clearer than most people, in this world. So-called Immortal God is not the white lotus flower, the so-called true , the good and beautiful, steals others Spiritual Power and moral character extremely low fellow also to become an immortal like Mount Shu Sect Shu Ming, the Immortal World itself/Ben is a big dye vat, the pure white lotus flower will enter only to be eaten the bone not to remain. 乐渊可比绝大多数人都要清楚,在这个世界。所谓的仙神可不是白莲花,只有所谓的真善美,像蜀山派殊明这样盗取别人灵力、品格极为低下的家伙也能成仙,仙界本就是个大染缸,纯粹的白莲花进入只会被吃到骨头都不剩。 But God World is more sinister, the God World elite like Divine General Fēi Péng, performs innumerable distinguished service actually easily to be censured this world, this does not have the matter of natural justice simply. 神界更加阴险,像神将飞蓬这样的神界精英,立下无数汗马功劳却被轻易地贬下凡尘,这简直就是没天理的事情。 Le Yuan from Murong Ziying process, the hand patted on his shoulder patted. Perhaps Murong Ziying is one group of treats as is most suitable to be the immortal, warmhearted also many wisdom. 乐渊慕容紫英的身旁经过,手在他的肩膀上拍了又拍。慕容紫英恐怕是一行人当作最适合做仙人的,古道热肠的同时也不乏智慧。 Has not paid attention to Yun Tianhe and the others, Le Yuan also has more important Quest. Sees only him to bring Gui Xie and several hundred Huanming World elites, rushed to the Huanming World surrounding. 没有理会云天河等人,乐渊可是还有着更加重要的任务。只见他带着归邪和数百名幻瞑界的精英,赶到了幻瞑界的外围。 As Chan You withdraws barrier, Qionghua Sect of Huanming World and outside did not have the impediment, Le Yuan to see Rolling Cloud Stage outside Huanming World again with ease. 随着婵幽结界撤去,幻瞑界与外边的琼华派再也没有了阻隔,乐渊能够轻轻松松地看到幻瞑界之外的卷云台 When Le Yuan brings one crowd of tapir monsters are arriving at the Huanming World surrounding, Qionghua Sect disciple same cat that one crowd puts on the blue white disciple room region that entered Huanming World. 而当乐渊带着一群貘妖来到幻瞑界外围的时候,一群穿着蓝白弟子房的琼华派弟子同样猫着进入了幻瞑界的地域。 They noticed several hundred tapir monsters are scared immediately, before had listened the senior who attended the previous war has said the fight experience. However like so, comes to meet large quantities of tapir monsters nowadays the matter, simply hasn't said? 他们这些人一看到数百的貘妖顿时傻了眼,之前曾经听过参加了上一次大战的前辈说过战斗经验。但是像现如今这般,一进来就遇到大批貘妖的事情,根本没有说过啊? The Le Yuan right hand grasps the fist, solely stretches out the index finger and middle finger, later is wielding to the present Huanming World purple land fiercely crosswise. 乐渊右手握成拳头,单单伸出食指和中指,随后对着眼前的幻瞑界紫色大地猛地横向一挥。 Immediately the sword light from the fingertip release of Le Yuan, among the ground last moment then presented one to spread together dozens li (0.5 km), split 3 : 7 demarcation lines the Huanming World land. This one foot thickness, one zhang (3.33 m) deep drainage ditch made all Qionghua disciples who entered Huanming World halted. This startled day writing skill, on them many are dead characters. 顿时一道剑光从乐渊的指尖释放,地面上须臾之间便出现了一道蔓延数十里,将幻瞑界大地分割成三比七的界线。这条一尺粗,一丈深的沟渠令所有进入幻瞑界琼华弟子止步不前。这种惊天的手笔,他们这些人上多少都是个死字。 „To move the purple crystal stone, takes this as to limit, border-crossing dies!” “想要搬紫晶石,以此界为限,越界者死!” Le Yuan this saying made Qionghua Sect disciple stunned, thinks that will kill them by the Le Yuan strength in a flash, but such after hearing actually discovered that seemed like them not to threaten. 乐渊这话令琼华派弟子一阵错愕,原以为以乐渊的实力会在转瞬间将他们杀死,但是这么一听却发现貌似他们没有威胁。 While the Qionghua Sect disciple hesitates in making a move, broadcast a near solid far sound from the distant place. 正当琼华派弟子举棋不定的时候,从远处传来了一阵似近实远的声音。 Since solemn Monster King already spoke, then you are also staring doing, moves quickly!” “既然堂堂妖王已经发话了,那么你们还愣着干什么,快搬啊!” Master Xuan Xiao of this sound, hears its sound, is catching up evidently to Huanming World. 这声音的主人正是玄霄,听其声音,看样子正在向幻瞑界赶来。 A moment later, under the crowding around of another group of Qionghua disciples, the Xuan Xiao already Su Yao two people came. 片刻之后,在另一群琼华弟子的簇拥之下,玄霄已经夙瑶二人现身了。 ... ...
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