VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#798: Closes Qionghua imaginary, the war begins

With Le Yuan because again ability passive transmission of Soul Returning Immortal Dream, when recovers the consciousness again, discovered suddenly own already places in that wilderness outside Boxian Town, before front not far away is Kunlun Mountain, liveliest cities. 随着乐渊再一次由于回魂仙梦的能力被动传送,等到身体再一次恢复知觉时,陡然发现自己已经身处在播仙镇之外的那片旷野之中,前面不远处便是昆仑山前最热闹的城镇。 Does not need to inquire, Le Yuan then determined how long the present date and time is away from him to go the 22 years ago world not to pass, even if possible he also compared with going to the Ghost World Yun Tianhe three people goes to Huanming World quickly. 根本无需多加打探,乐渊便确定了现在的时日距离他前往22年前的世界并未过去多久,甚至可能的话他还要比前往鬼界云天河三人更快前往幻冥界 In the Le Yuan sensation, circulates Huanming World already that flutters to be fettered by the Qionghua Sect double sword in various heaven to be hard unceasingly to be separated again . Moreover the strength of nowadays double sword compared with 19 years ago condition powerful. 乐渊的感知之中,在诸天不断循环飘荡的幻瞑界已经琼华派的双剑束缚住再难以脱离,而且现如今的双剑之力较之19年前的状态更加强大 The Xihe Sword sword advocates Xuan Xiao strength by far 19 years ago Taiqing (Grand Purity), Zong Lian and the others, this point Le Yuan can understand ; Can the person who however another operates Wangshu Sword who be? Only if Wangshu Sword in lodges again on the female of body of Extreme Yin, otherwise the deep sleep has gotten down, moreover can have the female of such supernatural power, how to see does not seem like the generation of Wuming (Nameless). 羲和剑的剑主玄霄实力远胜19年前的太清宗炼等人,这一点乐渊可以理解;但是另一个操纵望舒剑的人又会是谁?望舒剑在除非再一次寄宿在至阴之身的女子身上,不然会一直沉睡下去,而且能够拥有如此法力的女子,怎么看都不像是无名之辈。 Le Yuan 19 years ago the pit that digs, what fruit he himself has unclear until now. However what is conceivable, this can be he has not imagined the result absolutely. However before witnessing this, he must previously toward Huanming World, if nowadays Qionghua must rush enters in Huanming World, even if Chan You 19 years ago has not received mortally injured, in the most flourishing posture still does not have Xuan Xiao that may prevent nowadays. 乐渊19年前挖的坑,至今结出了什么样的果连他自己都不清楚。但是可以想象的是,这绝对会是他从来没有想象过的结果。不过在见证这一幕之前,他还必须先前往幻瞑界一趟,万一现如今的琼华要直闯进入幻瞑界内,纵然婵幽19年前并未受到致命伤害,以全盛之姿依然无可阻挡现如今的玄霄 Was just likes ten thousand people of places directly enters Qionghua Sect as before, because although arrival of Huanming World caused the entire Qionghua Sect unprecedented security, the defense that the disciple but who depended upon the Yuan, Ming, Huai, Xuán four ranks composed is unable to prevent the too strong person to intrude, but facing elusive Le Yuan, even discovered impossible. 依旧是恍若万人地直接进入到了琼华派内部,虽然由于幻瞑界的降临使得整个琼华派前所未有的警戒,但是依靠元、明、怀、璇四个辈分的弟子组成的防御根本无法阻止太强的人闯入,而面对来无影去无踪的乐渊,更是连发现都不可能 Abducts a Ming generation Qionghua disciple slightly, then reads his memory through Legilimency directly forcefully, discovered that Yun Tianhe they have not really come back, but Qionghua Sect nowadays situation is also very strange. 稍稍将一个明字辈琼华弟子掳走,然后通过摄魂念取直接强行读取他的记忆,发现云天河他们果然还没有回来,而琼华派现如今的情况也很诡异。 Sect Master Su Yao after the half a month enters the restricted area, in the disciple who in the restricted area guards then discovers now hot and now cold, has cold pole flame two extreme attribute Strength extremely to release. According to protecting the view of disciple, this is Sect Master Su Yao in the close-door self-torture, is performance that the skill rises sharply. 从半月前掌门夙瑶进入禁地之后,禁地内看守的弟子便发现里面忽冷忽热,有着极寒极炎两种极端的属性力量释放出。根据守护弟子的说法,这是掌门夙瑶在闭门苦修,乃是功力大涨的表现。 But Le Yuan actually does not believe that if at least merely is Wangshu Sword own side cold attribute, basic impossible made it have to compare favorably with Xihe Sword to superimpose side flame Strength that Xuan Xiao Strength produced. Even if Xuan Xiao is magnanimous enough, the congealing ice secret art of oneself pains creation will pass to Su Yao, do not want to practice to compare favorably with the Xuan Xiao situation with the Su Yao aptitude. 乐渊却不这么认为,最起码如果仅仅是望舒剑自身的极寒属性,根本不可能令其拥有媲美羲和剑叠加玄霄力量产生的极炎力量。纵使玄霄足够大度,将自己苦心创造的凝冰诀传给了夙瑶,以夙瑶的资质也别想练到媲美玄霄的地步。 Decides however has can explain reason that Wangshu Sword regains consciousness, but this already regarding Le Yuan is not important. Wangshu Sword regains consciousness already is the established fact, but Qionghua Sect ascend also serves the Le Yuan benefit, uses this matter, Le Yuan this First Stage Quest almost can announce that completed. 这其中定然有着能够解释望舒剑重新苏醒的原因,但是这对于乐渊而言已经没有那么重要了。望舒剑苏醒已经是既定的事实,而琼华派飞升也符合乐渊的利益,利用好这件事,乐渊第一阶段任务差不多就能宣告完成了。 Arrived on Rolling Cloud Stage from Sword Dancing Plain, 19 years ago compares, this Rolling Cloud Stage was actually much lonely. 19 years ago that war made entire Qionghua Sect Primordial Qi damage severely, has not restored initially 1/5 of strength. 剑舞坪来到了卷云台上,和19年前相比,这卷云台倒是冷清了不少。19年前的那场大战令整个琼华派元气大伤,至今还未恢复当初实力的五分之一。 Looks is just liking evil spirit general monster strength barrier at present, before Le Yuan one step steps without delay . powerful barrier that this will try to dash to enter the Qionghua disciple who is killed by shock sufficiently, actually seems like not fortification to be the same facing Le Yuan, was penetrated by Le Yuan easily. 望着眼前犹如厉鬼一般的妖力结界,乐渊二话不说一步踏上前。这足以将试图冲撞进入的琼华弟子震死的强大结界,面对乐渊却像是不设防一般,被乐渊轻而易举地突入其中。 When Le Yuan steps into this familiar incomparable Huanming World, the two monster shades of not far away also discovered his form. When two tapir monster named Tong You and Tong Ji, the first time are the elite who in entire Huanming World a few can transform the human form, the words of strength compared with met Murong Ziying also to want on the wall 1 points. 乐渊踏入这熟悉无比的幻瞑界的时候,不远处的两个妖影同样发现了他的身影。两名貘妖名为瞳幽瞳寂,乃是整个幻瞑界中少数能够幻化成人形的精英,实力的话比起第一次见面时的慕容紫英还要墙上一点。 However such strength do not want to defend Huanming World by them now, at most is also the guarding the door warning goods. 不过以他们如今这样的实力根本别想守住幻瞑界,顶多也就是个看门警报的货色而已。 Un? You, how you pass through barrier, very draws on truthfully!” “嗯?你,你是怎么穿过结界的,好不如实招来!” Sees only tapir monster Tong You to lift the bronze long spear/gun alert to look at Le Yuan to shout. 只见貘妖瞳幽举着青铜长枪戒备地望着乐渊喊道。 Snort! No matter how you come, since comes in completes the plan that comes but not return!” “哼!不管你怎么进来的,既然进来的就做好有来无回的打算吧!” Was saying another tapir monster Tong Ji draws out the rifle fiercely, the arm shakes behind, the lance point delimited the dispute spear/gun to be colored, aimed at Le Yuan strategic point. This just acted, Tong Ji then showed his astonishing spear/gun technique, so does not have the integer ten years to train hard unable to practice skillfully, so long as perhaps also the monster has such long life span day and night practice. 说着另外一貘妖瞳寂猛地拔出身后钢枪,手臂一抖,枪尖划出纠葛枪花,对准了了乐渊身上的要害。这刚一出手,瞳寂便展现了他那惊人的枪技,这般技巧没有个数十年苦练是练不出来的,恐怕也只要妖怪才有这么长的寿命夜以继日的练习。 But has a move of instance in Tong Ji, another tapir monster Tong You has not been idling. The lance point such as the violent storm punctures generally to Le Yuan, regarded the homicide father personal enemy to regard Le Yuan evidently generally, incurs under the move the cruel methods, did not allow the half a point room to manoeuvre. 而在瞳寂出招的瞬间,另一个貘妖瞳幽也没有闲着。枪尖如暴风骤雨一般向乐渊身上刺去,看样子是把乐渊当成了他杀父仇人一般看待,招招下狠手,一点也不留半分回旋的余地。 to calculate you to be in luck, I had no free time to respond you!” “呼算你们走运,我没空搭理你们!” Facing toward two long-barrelled guns that oneself approach, Le Yuan one does not begin two motionless feet one on the left and other on the right, completely has not used any attack method. Solely depends upon that so close, yet worlds apart step to scratch their attack is passing through two monsters behind, while passing through their side, that tyrant said that the demon air/Qi of burning hot covers two monsters instantaneously. 面对一左一右向着自己逼近的两把长枪,乐渊一不动手二不动脚,全然没有用任何的攻击手段。仅仅依靠那咫尺天涯的步伐擦着他们的攻击穿越到了两妖的身后,在穿过他们两人身边的同时,那霸道炙热的魔气瞬间将两妖笼罩。 Brings the demon air/Qi of Monster King aura to conduct devastation on Will to two rank not high monster soldier young fellows instantaneously, if not the Le Yuan imposing manner such as has not treated the enemy to be full of the aggressivity generally, abutting this imposing manner then made two sufficiently is the tapir monster of C level turns into the idiot merely thoroughly. 带着妖王气息的魔气瞬间对两个等级并不高的妖兵小将进行着意志上的摧残,如果不是乐渊的气势并未如对待敌人一般充满攻击性,紧靠这气势便足以令两个仅仅是c级的貘妖彻底变成白痴。 The Monster World rank disparity is really somewhat unreasonable, when particularly the Le Yuan strength and bloodlines rank far exceed the ordinary tapir monster Tong You and Tong Ji two brothers, the oppression of this imposing manner is bigger to shock that they created. 妖界的等级差距实在是有些不近人情,尤其是当乐渊的实力、血脉等级远超过普通貘妖的瞳幽瞳寂两兄弟的时候,这种气势的压迫对于他们造成的震撼就更加大了。 Le Yuan just arrived at Tong You they behind 56 meters place, two brothers were covered by the sweat immediately from top to bottom, intermittent white perspiration falls from their foreheads on the ground. They who already laughed in the face of death early were covered by the unprecedented fear. 乐渊刚刚走到瞳幽他们身后五六米的地方,两兄弟登时浑身上下被汗水所笼罩,一阵阵白汗从他们的额头落在地上。原本早已经舍生忘死的他们被前所未有的恐惧所笼罩。 Plop plop “扑通”“扑通 With Tong You kneels down, nearby Tong Ji also seems like dominoes follows close on is kneeling down on the ground. If Tong You had not recalled the Le Yuan appearance before, then just imposing manner impact and came from the suppression of bloodlines, then made a Tong You understand matter, this was Huanming World advocates the king who Chan You has made them wait. 伴随着瞳幽的跪倒在地,一旁的瞳寂也像是多米诺骨牌似的紧跟着跪倒在地上。如果说之前瞳幽没有将乐渊的模样记起的话,那么刚刚的气势冲击和来自于血脉的压制,便令瞳幽明白的一件事情,这就是幻瞑界之主婵幽一直让他们守候的王。 Le Yuan continues to go forward, without walking far, wore black red skin armor, the right hand holds the rifle sling the battlefield murderous aura white hair man to appear in the Le Yuan front, without and other Le Yuan opened the mouth this white hair man then to kneel down to Le Yuan single knee, low his that quite firm and resolute face sinking sound said: Huanming World protects Gui Xie, see Sir Monster King! We welcomed the Sir 19 years later finally again, hoping the Sir can lead me and others to resist the attack of Qionghua Sect again!” 乐渊继续前进,没走多远,一个身披黑红皮甲,右手执枪带着战场杀气的白发男子出现在了乐渊的面前,没等乐渊开口这白发男子便对着乐渊单膝跪倒在地,低下了他那颇为坚毅的一张脸沉声说道:“幻瞑界护将归邪,参见妖王大人!吾等在19年后终于再次迎来了大人,希望大人能够再一次带领我等抵御琼华派的侵袭!” You first get up, I must go to close palace just in time imaginary, under the Chan You arrange/cloth this barrier used many energy, but this barrier also can only delay the time, I come in beforehand to observe, if Qionghua Sect really must begin, perhaps the twinkling may break......” “你先起来吧,我正巧要去幻瞑宫一趟,婵幽布下这道结界想必动用了不少精力,不过这道结界也只能拖延时间而已,我进来之前观察过,若琼华派真要动手,恐怕瞬息可破……” Gui Xie that just stood up heard both eyes of Le Yuan among this barrier appraisal , Shun becomes sharp. Is sending out the powerful war intent, the goal of that war intent naturally is not Le Yuan, but is Qionghua Sect unknown expert. 刚刚站起身的归邪听到乐渊对于这结界的评价,瞬双目变得锐利起来。身上散发着强大的战意,那战意的目标自然不是乐渊,而是琼华派的未知高手 My Gui Xie, the oath must use in the hand the rifle guard my Huanming World small patch of land inch place. Cannot make them step into my Huanming World one step!” “吾归邪,誓必用手中钢枪护卫我幻冥界寸土寸地。绝不能让他们踏进我幻瞑界一步!” When Le Yuan wants to open the mouth, the pretty shadow appeared outside the Huanming World interior entrance together, Liu Mengli that for a long time has not met, he although at this time retreated blue white interaction Qionghua Sect female disciple clothes, but received in exchange her of purple palace clothing elegantly obviously. 正当乐渊想要开口之时,一道久违的靓影出现在了幻瞑界内部入口之外,正是许久没有见面的柳梦璃,他此时虽然退去了蓝白相间的琼华派女弟子服,但是换回了紫色宫装的她更显雍容华贵。 Big Brother Le, you saw Li'er finally, Li'er thinks that you thought well painstakingly......” 乐大哥,你终于来见璃儿了,璃儿想你想得好苦……” The eye that a Liu Mengli pair can speak seems to be telling her pain of yearning to Le Yuan, if not the side also has existence of Gui Xie, perhaps his already holds the arm of Le Yuan to tell this days directly tip. 柳梦璃一双会说话的眼睛似乎在对乐渊诉说着她的相思之苦,如果不是身边还有着归邪的存在,恐怕他已经直接抱着乐渊的手臂诉说着这段日子的点点滴滴了。 Remembering oneself also saw some time ago merely is baby girl condition Liu Mengli, Kungfu in an instant, the baby girl turned into the pretty big miss, this change made Le Yuan quite not be familiar with. 想起了自己不久前还见过仅仅是女婴状态的柳梦璃,一转眼的功夫,女婴变成了娇滴滴的大姑娘,这种变化令乐渊颇为不习惯。 Was sorry, Mengli, has type of thing I to take back for the time being, you are enduring a point......” “抱歉了,梦璃,有样东西我暂且要收回,你忍着一点……” Saw only the Le Yuan left hand to hold the shoulder of Liu Mengli, the right hand was changing to the Demon shape fiercely, a claw pricked the chest of Liu Mengli, the right arm of Le Yuan became welcome to be common probably, did not see a drop of blood to integrate in the body of Liu Mengli the right arm. 只见乐渊左手扶着柳梦璃的肩膀,右手猛地化作了恶魔形态,一爪刺入了柳梦璃的胸口,乐渊的右臂像是变为了欢迎一般,不见一滴血地将右臂融入到了柳梦璃的身体内。 Was pricked Liu Mengli of chest not to feel any ache by a Le Yuan claw, felt merely, as the Le Yuan movement, buries Holy Spirit Pearl in within the body to pull out little leaves. With Holy Spirit Pearl leaves her only to feel body weak, but has not had any negative role in this point regarding she foundation well. 乐渊一爪刺入胸膛的柳梦璃并未感受到任何的疼痛,仅仅是觉得随着乐渊的动作,埋入自己体内的圣灵珠正在被一点点抽离。伴随着圣灵珠的离开她只觉得身体一阵虚弱,不过好在这一点对于她自身根基并未产生任何的负面作用。 The auxiliary effect of Holy Spirit Pearl this thing also with strength rise, but has weakened, Liu Mengli strength progress God Speed, enters the B level compared with Yun Tianhe and the others without a doubt quickly, function already that but to this step, Holy Spirit Pearl played is minimal, can make the Liu Mengli foundation more solid at most. 圣灵珠这玩意的辅助效果也会随着实力提升而有所衰减,柳梦璃的实力毫无疑问进步神速,远比云天河等人更快进入b级,不过到了这一步,圣灵珠起到的作用已经微乎其微,顶多能够令柳梦璃的基础更加扎实而已。 General Gui Xie, your defense the Huanming World surrounding all removed, already could not use!” 归邪将军,你将幻瞑界外围的防御全撤了吧,已经用不到了!” But, if the Qionghua Sect person attacks, that is not......” “可是,万一琼华派的人攻进来,那不是……” after hearing Le Yuan this is must the appearance that gives up defending, Gui Xie be able to ignore the Le Yuan Monster King status, immediately wants to persuade the Le Yuan change idea. 一听乐渊这是要放弃防守的样子,归邪也顾不得乐渊妖王的身份,当即就想要劝说乐渊改变主意。 Actually sees Le Yuan to hold also somewhat weak Liu Mengli, a hand prevented the Gui Xie movement, said slowly: Qionghua Sect, since wants the purple crystal stone, I give them, wants the ascend Kunlun Mountains skylight, I also help their helping hand, but can become an immortal is not they decides, I pushed their one merely......” 却见乐渊扶着还有几分虚弱的柳梦璃,一只手阻止了归邪的动作,缓缓说道:“琼华派既然想要紫晶石,我给他们,想要飞升昆仑天光,我也助他们一臂之力,但是能不能成仙可不是他们说了算,我仅仅是推了他们一手而已……” „...... Huanming World Dream Tapir Clan is prosperous as a result of the purple crystal stone, similarly is also feeble because of this purple crystal stone, the 19 years ago wars come from Qionghua Sect regarding greedy of this purple crystal stone, but you will not need this purple crystal stone in the future, got rid of them, Dream Tapir Clan can still be again prosperous!” “……幻瞑界梦貘一族由于紫晶石而繁盛,同样也因为这紫晶石而衰弱,19年前的大战正是源自于琼华派对于这紫晶石的贪婪,而你们日后也无需这紫晶石了,摆脱了它们,梦貘一族依然能够再次繁盛!” ... ...
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