VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#797: The war ends, closes without the trace imaginary

In the Qionghua Sect Qionghua palace, acts Sect Master Zong Lian unites Chongguang, Qingyang two elders as well as double sword hosts of Xuan Xiao to discuss attacks the Huanming World matters concerned related. Since these days invaded Huanming World, one crowd of person already understand the Huanming World that powerful Spiritual Qi root, because of this they understand, wanting true ascend then to need to appropriate to oneself Huanming World over 50% amethysts at least. 琼华派琼华宫内,代理掌门宗炼正在联合重归、青阳两位长老以及双剑宿主之一的玄霄商量着有关进攻幻瞑界的事宜。自从这些日子入侵幻瞑界以来,一群人已经明白幻瞑界强大灵气的根源,正因为如此他们才更将明白,想要真正飞升便需要将幻瞑界最起码五成以上的紫晶据为己有。 Judges others by oneself, Qionghua Sect did not think that the Huanming World tapir monster will give up over 50% purple crystal stones, really must move out 50% purple crystal stones, the Huanming World Spiritual Qi density must drop three levels at least, regarding being used to the highly concentrated Spiritual Qi tapir monster without doubt is the deathblow. 以己度人,琼华派不觉得幻瞑界的貘妖会放弃超过50%的紫晶石,真要搬走了50%紫晶石,幻瞑界灵气浓度最起码要下降三个层次,对于习惯了高浓度灵气的貘妖而言无疑是致命的打击。 Zong Lian, tomorrow enters by me and Chongguang together, rushes to that Huanming World, was look that rebel really appeared, I must hold a memorial service for the Senior Brother Taiqing ghost by his blood surely!” 宗炼,明日就由我和重光一起进入,闯一闯那幻瞑界,看看是不是那个叛徒真的出现了,我定要以他之血祭奠太清师兄的亡魂!” Elder Qingyang said indignantly, since sending into Huanming World many disciples folded, he has then suspected that Le Yuan resurfaces again, otherwise has Dream Tapir that attacks are insufficient by one crowd of defense, how can make Qionghua Sect the death of elite disciple so mass, even a notifying person does not have. 青阳长老义愤填膺地说道,自从派入幻瞑界的不少弟子折了之后,他便一直怀疑乐渊再度复出,不然凭借一群防守有余进攻不足的梦貘,如何能够令琼华派的精英弟子如此大批量的死亡,甚至连个报信的人都没有。 Zong Lian is stroking the beard, shifted to the head another side Xuan Xiao, sees only him to say seriously: Xuan Xiao, the oath must comfort Su Yu, her character your I should be very clear, gentle outside and firm inside, these days has wanted to give up the sword net fetter, I guess in her heart already understand I and others in the protracted time, your as Senior Brother may probably urge her well!” 宗炼捋着胡须,将头转向了另一边的玄霄身上,只见他郑重说道:“玄霄,誓必安抚住夙玉,她的性格你我都应该很清楚,外柔内刚,这些日子一直想要放弃剑网束缚,我猜她心中已经明白我等在拖延时间,你这个作为师兄的可要好好劝劝她!” Snort, Su Yu her beforehand and that rebel treated in the same place time was too long, nowadays unexpectedly to these evildoer/monstrous talent excessive tendency to clemency, trivial tapir monster, even if total killed were not overrated certainly!” “哼,夙玉她之前和那个叛徒待在一起的时间太长了,现如今竟然会对那些妖孽妇人之仁,区区貘妖纵然全数斩杀也绝不为过!” Xuan Xiao these words filled the air/Qi of evil spirit, completely no follower should have the shape of clear cultivating, even if until now treats Chongguang that the monster class does not remain behind to think that at this time this saying murderous aura slightly was heavy a point. 玄霄的这番话充满了凶煞之气,全然没有一点修炼者该有的清修之象,就算是一直以来对待妖类并不留守的重光此时都觉得这话杀气略重了一点。 Not is only Chongguang thought that Xuan Xiao murderous aura is excessive, what changes regarding Xuan Xiao is more sensitive is Zong Lian. As the founder of double sword, he obviously felt very much in just that flash, the Xihe Sword sword advocated Xuan Xiao to be as if lost by sword counterattacking should have the rationality that. 不仅仅是重光觉得玄霄杀气过重,对于玄霄变化更加敏感的是宗炼。作为双剑的铸造者,他很明显感觉到在刚刚那一刹那,羲和剑剑主玄霄似乎被剑反制失去了该有的理性。 How can like this?” “噗怎么会这样?” While Zong Lian wanted to say to Xuan Xiao anything time, actually saw Xuan Xiao one to spout a big blood, immediately the pupil of witness became dim, the aura of whole person weak planned incessantly. 正当宗炼想要对玄霄说些什么的时候,却见玄霄一口喷出一大口鲜血,随即证人的眸子都变得黯淡了下来,整个人的气息弱了不止一筹。 What's the matter, you are all right Xuan Xiao!” “怎么回事,你没事吧玄霄!” Looks is spurting Xuan Xiao of blood suddenly, elder Qingyang at the same time inquired hastily. 望着突然喷血的玄霄,一边的长老青阳连忙询问道。 „Not good...... Su Yu, she withdrew Wangshu Sword Strength unexpectedly, actually made me receive backlash, how can like this......” “不好……夙玉,她竟然撤去了望舒剑力量,竟然令我受到了反噬,怎么会这样……” Xuan Xiao does not believe before them , is still discussing the Su Yu matter, how long time this passed, Su Yu already first step withdrew Wangshu Sword Strength unexpectedly ahead of time. 玄霄怎么也不会相信他们之前还在谈论夙玉的事情,这才过了多久时间,夙玉竟然已经抢先一步提前撤去了望舒剑力量 Backlashed Xuan Xiao was only thought within the body no longer receives control as a result of Yang flame Strength that Xihe Sword produces, immediately under Yang flame lost control even his black hair to have the scarlet color, the whole person temperature was high seems like the stove to be the same. 遭受反噬的玄霄只觉得体内由于羲和剑而产生的阳炎力量不再受到控制,顿时阳炎失控之下连他的黑发都出现了赤红的颜色,整个人身上的温度高得像是火炉一般。 Static god Congealing Qi, takes back within the body Strength!” “静神凝气,将力量重新收回体内!” The Zong Lian flash arrived at Xuan Xiao behind, pasted own right hand simultaneously in conducting the back of Xuan Xiao, depended on his vigorous incomparable True Yuan Yang flame Strength that helps Xuan Xiao lose control to grasp. 宗炼一瞬间来到了玄霄的身后,同时将自己的右手贴在了玄霄的背上,靠着他那雄浑无比的真元帮助玄霄将失控的阳炎力量重新掌握。 However when Zong Lian helps Xuan Xiao comb in within the body chaotic aura, suddenly Su Yao rushed in the Qionghua palace, to is still lowering the head the report to say in Zong Lian at the same time: See Elder Zong Lian, was just Wangshu Sword Lord Su Yu already left this faction with Yun Tianqing arbitrarily, because that Monster World also lost fetter already of double sword to vanish without the trace, should we should do?” 不过当宗炼帮助玄霄梳理体内混乱气息的时候,突然夙瑶闯进了琼华宫,对着还在一边的宗炼低头汇报道:“参见宗炼长老,刚刚身为望舒剑主的夙玉已经随着云天青擅自离开了本派,而那妖界也由于失去双剑的束缚已经消失无踪,吾等该如何是好?” Is recuperating within the body aura Xuan Xiao to hear Su Yu and Yun Tianqing name fiercely, immediately opened own eye, in the eyes the Fiendish Qi full live image can the beast of prey that the person swallowed, making Su Yao of his not far away see retroceded several steps, visits him panic-stricken. 正在调理体内气息的玄霄猛地听到夙玉云天青的名字,登时睁开了自己的眼睛,双眼中煞气十足活像是能够将人吞噬的猛兽,令他不远处的夙瑶见了不由后退几步,惊恐地看着他。 Yun Tianqing, is good your Yun Tianqing...... Su Yu you also to betray me......” 云天青,好你个云天青……夙玉你也背叛我……” As a result of Yun Tianqing and Su Yu the news of betrayal, already was close to within the body Yang flame Strength rampage that restrains, cultivation deviation of Xuan Xiao has the trend that continues to deepen again. 由于云天青夙玉两人呢背叛的消息,原本已经接近收敛的体内阳炎力量再一次暴走,玄霄的走火入魔有继续加深的趋势。 Sees this situation Chongguang, Qingyang two elders appear in Xuan Xiao immediately behind, two people input True Yuan in within the body to Xuan Xiao within the body together, tries to suppress rampage strength of Yang flame for him. 见此情况重光、青阳两位长老当即出现在玄霄的身后,两人一道将体内的真元输入到玄霄的体内,试图替他压制住暴走的阳炎之力。 But Zong Lian actually leaves at this time, to Qingyang and Chongguang that replaced oneself position two people cups the fist and says: My this seeks that Yun Tianqing and Su Yu, the oath will certainly these two unfilial disciple belts come back, if no strength of Wangshu Sword, Strength of Xuan Xiao within the body is unlikely hard to suppress!” 宗炼此时却抽身而出,对着接替了自己位置的青阳、重光两人抱拳道:“我这就去寻那云天青夙玉,誓必将这两个不肖弟子带回来,若无望舒剑之力,玄霄体内的力量恐怕难以压制!” A Qionghua palace, Zong Lian then the governing sword flies immediately in southeast. According to the observation of hanger-on disciple, Su Yu and Yun Tianqing two people sword light leave toward the southeast, perhaps according to Zong Lian cultivation base wants to catch up with two people to need small half-day Kungfu. 一出琼华宫,宗炼便当即御剑向着东南方向飞去。根据门下弟子的观察,夙玉云天青两人的剑光是向着东南方离开的,按照宗炼修为想要追上两人恐怕需要小半天的功夫 When the Zong Lian governing sword flies over ten thousand li (0.5 km) away, suddenly blue a sword light from the boundless boundless forest under body hit his flying sword. 宗炼御剑飞出去超过万里之遥的时候,突然从身下的茫茫林海之中一道蓝色的剑光击中了他脚下的飞剑。 Clang “锵 „Is this sword light, Wangshu?” “这剑光,是望舒?” Immediately Zong Lian pursues that blue sword light landing to return to the ground, when the sword light falls returns to the hand of his master, Zong Lian discovered that this is not Su Yu, but is Le Yuan that several days do not see. 当即宗炼追着那蓝色的剑光降落回地面上,但是当剑光落回到其主人的手中时,宗炼才发现这并非是夙玉而是数日不见的乐渊 Came finally, Zong Lian, your sword made me life-long, didn't prepare to chat? I do not come to here to find fault!” “总算是来了,宗炼,你那一剑可是令我终生难忘,难道不准备聊一聊吗?我可不是来这里找茬的!” Is looking at Zong Lian of all alone, Le Yuan, if makes a move to make him ruin surely here, but the price made Le Yuan grasp erratically. That is struck like former Le Yuan, although as a result of the issue of Zong Lian strength Zong Lian punctured, the Le Yuan merely 45 days then restored, but that was establishes, in Taiqing (Grand Purity) should die in that moment situation. 望着孤身一人的宗炼,乐渊若是出手定可令他葬送在这里,但是代价却令乐渊把握不定。就像之前乐渊宗炼刺的那一击,虽然由于宗炼实力的问题,乐渊仅仅不过四五日便恢复了,但是那是建立在太清本就应该死在那一刻的情况下。 The Zong Lian also ten years of lives, get rid of his causes and effects at least ahead of time are really big, in the situation of reason particularly in Le Yuan and Zong Lian cannot fight. 宗炼最起码还有十年的寿命,提前干掉他的因果实在是太大,尤其是在乐渊自己和宗炼还没有必须一战的理由的情况下。 Zong Lian after landing then has been frowning tightly, the eye has not left from Wangshu Sword on Le Yuan. 宗炼自降落之后便一直紧皱着眉头,眼睛就没有从乐渊手上的望舒剑上离开过。 What's wrong, Elder Zong Lian were you in the sword to my hand interested very much? Then, watches with the near-point!” “怎么了,宗炼长老你对我手中的剑很感兴趣吗?那么,拿近点观赏一下吧!” Was saying Wangshu Sword in Le Yuan hand changes to blue dim light immediately, before the body that arrived at Zong Lian quickly, opportunity that the speed quick Zong Lian has not even dodged. 说着乐渊手中的望舒剑顿时化作一道蓝色的幽光,倏地一声来到了宗炼的身前,速度之快宗炼甚至没有闪躲的机会。 Looks at this hovering Wangshu Sword before own, the brow of Zong Lian is wrinkling greatly. By research of Zong Lian regarding casting technique of sword, present Wangshu Sword was analyzed in his eyes exactly right, but he has doubts because of this, this Wangshu Sword craftsmanship stems from his hand. 望着这一柄悬停在自己身前的望舒剑,宗炼的眉头皱得更加大。以宗炼对于铸剑之术的研究,眼前的这柄望舒剑在他眼中被分析得分毫不差,但正因为如此他才更加疑惑,这望舒剑的锻造工艺正是出自于他之手。 Actually kills Taiqing (Grand Purity) that moment in Le Yuan, Zong Lian then already has the thick doubts, because although the Le Yuan initial that sword the reason of distance did not have the means to see very clearly. However itself to Wangshu Sword very familiar him, recognized Le Yuan Wangshu Sword. 其实早在乐渊杀死太清的那一刻,宗炼便已经带着浓浓的疑惑,乐渊当初的那一剑虽然由于距离的缘故没办法看得很清楚。但是本身就对望舒剑很熟悉的他,还是将乐渊望舒剑认了出来。 However as a result of the reason of distance, he also treats as the Le Yuan copy Wangshu casting it merely a sword. However this takes over until today, he 100% determined that this is solid Wangshu Sword. 但是由于距离的缘故,他还仅仅将其当作乐渊仿造望舒铸造的一柄剑。但是直到今日这一接手,他才百分百确定这是实实在在的望舒剑 First Wangshu Sword of his casting definitely still grabs in Su Yu, otherwise Xihe Sword impossible rampage on Xuan Xiao. Once double sword out-of-control, if one of them 's host undying, two swords that then lose control of cannot fall into slumber. 首先他铸造的望舒剑肯定还在夙玉手里抓着,不然玄霄手上的羲和剑不可能暴走。一旦双剑失控,如果其中之一的宿主不死的话,那么失控的两把剑绝不会陷入沉眠 But now the Wangshu Sword in Zong Lian hand is in slumber, with gave Su Yu and Xuan Xiao beforehand condition to be exactly the same the double sword initially. 而现在宗炼手中的这柄望舒剑正是处于沉眠之中,和当初将双剑给予夙玉玄霄之前的状态一模一样。 Le Yuan, your actually thus what to come, this indeed is I the casting Wangshu Sword, but in this world impossible has the second my casting exactly Wangshu, your origin is not only mystical, has the huge secret, actually do you attract behavior what matter me?” 乐渊,你究竟从而何来,这柄的的确确是我所铸造的‘望舒剑’,但这世上恰恰不可能存在第二把我铸造的望舒,你不仅来历神秘,更是带着天大的秘密,你将我引来究竟所为何事?” Looks appearance that Zong Lian already is tranquil, Le Yuan is relaxes. 看着宗炼已经平静下来的样子,乐渊算是松了一口气。 Elder Zong Lian, asks you to let off Su Yu and Yun Tianqing today two people, their already gained their freedom, do not force someone to do something against his will again!” 宗炼长老,今日还请你放过夙玉云天青两人,他们两人已经获得了他们的自由,别再强人所难了!” Actually sees the Zong Lian right hand to grip the Wangshu Sword sword hilt, points to the Le Yuan tip of the nose the sword sharp, regarding Le Yuan said that he actually seems quite indignant, if not for recuperated fears already to scold the exit|to speak extremely high. 却见宗炼右手握住望舒剑的剑柄,将剑尖直指乐渊的鼻尖,对于乐渊之说他却显得颇为气愤,若不是休养极高恐怕已经骂出口了。 Absurd! Forces someone to do something against his will, didn't your behavior force someone to do something against his will? Qionghua Sect several hundred years of waiting, for is nowadays service, but does obeisance you to bestow, several hundred years of hard labor commits to flames! Lamentable! Hateful!” “荒谬!强人所难,难道你所为就不是强人所难了吗?琼华派数百年的等待,为的便是现如今的这一役,但是拜你所赐,数百年苦工付之一炬!可叹!可恨!” Because Zong Lian how could Le Yuan a few words therefore gives up capturing, did not say that a Qionghua Sect several hundred years of desire cannot give up, said for Xuan Xiao, he must pursue today Su Yu, otherwise Xuan Xiao surely Yang Yanru body and cultivation deviation. 宗炼岂能因为乐渊的一句话就因此放弃追捕,不说琼华派数百年的愿望不能放弃,就说为了玄霄,他今日也必须把夙玉追回去,不然玄霄必定阳炎入体、走火入魔。 Actually sees Le Yuan to shake the head to say again and again: Sees that Wangshu Sword your also not understand? In any event, brings back to Su Yu you then to go against heaven's will, this Wangshu slumber, only possibly is its master has then died, but the sword that you want advocates Su Yu still to live, it does not belong at this moment, you know that this means anything......” 却见乐渊连连摇头道:“看到那柄望舒剑你还不明白吗?无论如何,带回夙玉你便是逆天,这柄望舒之所以沉眠,唯一的可能便是它的主人已死,而你想要的剑主夙玉可是依然活着,它不属于此时此刻,你知道这意味着什么……” Zong Lian stares at the eye of Le Yuan stubbornly, the right hand closely is gripping the Wangshu Sword sword hilt, as to discover Le Yuan in the evidence of lying. However Le Yuan does not have the slight deficiency, non- nature that has not lied completely. 宗炼死死地盯着乐渊的眼睛,右手紧紧握住望舒剑的剑柄,似乎想要找出乐渊在说谎的证据。但是乐渊却没有丝毫的不妥之处,完全没有说谎的不自然。 Oh do you kill Taiqing (Grand Purity) are also the so-called divine intervention? My is Qionghua Sect this time doomed to be defeated? You replied me, Le Yuan!” “唉难道说你杀太清也是所谓的天意?我琼华派难道此次注定失败?你回答我,乐渊!” The Zong Lian final question almost roared is saying, if in his heart the guess were the fact. Then the person of Le Yuan this shuttle space and time, also has not lied, the history is the situation is inalterable. 宗炼最后的问话几乎是咆哮着说出口的,如果说他心中猜测乃是事实。那么乐渊这个穿梭时空的人,同样没有说谎,历史乃是大势不容更改。 Zong Lian undying in my hand, must die in the hand of Chan You even. With its such, might as well be three years of disciple to deliver the last regulation by my to him, dying isn't good on my Monster King? At least had not dropped the Taiqing (Grand Purity) prestige, is no one can die in my hands.” 宗炼就算不死在我的手上,也要死在婵幽之手。与其那样,不如由我这个给他做了三年的弟子送上最后一程,死在我这个妖王手上难道不好吗?最起码没有堕了太清的威名,可不是什么人都能死在我手中的。” Looks is grasped Wangshu Sword in hand by Zong Lian, Le Yuan suddenly flash of intuition. Right hand grip into claw shape absorbs to start Wangshu Sword again, later in the hand the casting a spell law secret art makes again and again, the Wangshu Sword complete seal in hand. 望着正被宗炼握在手中的望舒剑,乐渊突然灵光一闪。右手握成爪状再一次将望舒剑摄入手中,随后手上禁咒法诀连连打出,将手中的这柄望舒剑完全封印。 Completes all these only several seconds, but regarding Zong Lian without doubt is shock. Casting a spell merely is an extremely simple seal incantation law, backlashes actually sends out even Zong Lian to look at the quite troublesome aura in Le Yuan, wants to relieve at first sight getting down basic impossible it. 做完这一切不过区区数秒时间,但是对于宗炼而言无疑是一种震撼。禁咒原本仅仅是一种极为简单的封印咒法,反噬在乐渊手里却散发着连宗炼看着都颇为麻烦的气息,想要将它解除乍看下来根本不可能 „, Gives you! This thing within 19 years can not reappear the world, when Su Yu that Wangshu Sword vanishes from the world, is this Wangshu Sword gives back to your times, same sword how possibly simultaneously to exist two, this truth wants you to be able understand!” “诺,给你!这东西19年之内都不得再现世,当夙玉的那柄望舒剑从世上消失之际,也就是这柄望舒剑重新还给你们的时候,相同一柄剑怎么可能同时存在两把,这个道理希望你能明白!” Looks is driving back Wangshu Sword in hand, Zong Lian is still being in a daze until now. 望着被重新推回自己手里的望舒剑,宗炼直到现在还在发愣。 But Le Yuan actually thinks profoundly, why after 19 years later, when Le Yuan robs Wangshu Sword, Su Yao or Xuan Xiao are an appearance as usual. Completely no least bit thought that the plan is unable to be implemented general, but according to Le Yuan nowadays guess only one, that was their already has early fettered two swords that Huanming World needed, only the one who made Le Yuan puzzled was, how they found another person to activate Wangshu Sword. 乐渊却想得更加深远,为什么在19年之后当乐渊望舒剑抢走之后,无论是夙瑶还是玄霄都是一副照旧的样子。完全没有半点觉得计划无法实施一般,而根据乐渊现如今的猜测唯有一个,那就是他们早已经有了束缚幻瞑界所需的两柄剑,唯一令乐渊不解的是,他们怎么找到另一个人能够激活望舒剑 Looks back that Zong Lian is going far away, the body of Le Yuan slowly becomes pale, later completely vanished in these 19 years ago world. 望着宗炼远去的背影,乐渊的身子慢慢变淡,随后完全消失在了这19年前的世界之中。 ... ...
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