VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#796: Two swords, two people, two roads( Mid-Autumn Festival joyful)

Le Yuan arrives at the Huanming World surrounding from the Huanming World deep place, so long as long as sees on the Qionghua Sect disciple Blood Qi to cover, ghost not loose wields a sword to cut without exception. 乐渊幻瞑界深处一路来到幻瞑界外围,但凡只要见到琼华派弟子身上血气笼罩、冤魂不散的就无一例外挥剑即斩。 So-called Blood Qi covers, ghost is not loose, this is not treatment that only then the monster can enjoy. Why the Mount Shu Sect and other immortal cultivation school of the people can look, actually the present monster is good is wicked, creates major harm. Looked is its Blood Qi, so long as the monster kills people, then natural can twine on one Blood Qi that has the Human Race characteristics, Human Race residual resentful soul will also not be simultaneously loose for a very long time. 所谓血气笼罩、冤魂不散,这可不是只有妖怪才会享受的待遇。蜀山派等修仙门派的人为何能够一眼就瞧出,眼前的妖怪究竟是善是恶,有没有造成重大的危害。看的就是它身上的血气,只要妖怪杀人,那么自然会缠绕上一圈带有人族特性的血气,同时人族残留的怨魂同样会久久不散。 This point similarly for Immortal Cultivator on, as long as kills the monster except the person of demon, what regardless of you kill is good is wicked, so long as slaughters in a short time many, similarly under will mess with on massive Monster Race Blood Qi, the ghost does not disperse to be recognized by the monster is not difficult. 这一点同样适用于修仙者身上,但凡杀妖除魔的人,无论你杀的是善是恶,只要在短时间内杀戮过多,同样会沾惹上大量的妖族血气,冤魂不散之下被妖怪认出来并不困难。 But Le Yuan as Monster King, avenged a grievance for the Huanming World group monster is also fulfilled duty, if before were not , because the retributive justice caused to lose the battle efficiency temporarily, perhaps the Qionghua Sect person do not want to enter Huanming World. 乐渊身为妖王,替幻瞑界的群妖报仇雪恨也算是尽职了,如果不是之前由于因果报应导致暂时失去了战斗力,恐怕琼华派的人根本别想要打进幻瞑界来。 However also because of so, Le Yuan understand wants the so-called history irreversible to be not invariable in this Sword and Fairy World dust. To change the history to be feasible, but does the issue lie in Le Yuan can pay enough price to change the history? If by some chance really modifies is too big, perhaps Le Yuan must first play itself. 不过也正是因为如此,乐渊明白想要所谓的历史不可逆在这个仙剑世界并非一尘不变。想要改变历史是可行的,但是问题在于乐渊能够付出足够的代价去改变历史吗?万一真的改动太大,恐怕乐渊就要先自己玩死自己了。 For example now hugs in his arms Little Mengli, the Liu Mengli wandering about destitute world is the historical trend, if Le Yuan this situation change, then Le Yuan undying perhaps must delaminate the skin even, 比方说现在抱在他怀里的小梦璃,柳梦璃流落人间就是历史大势,如果乐渊将这一大势改变,那么就算乐渊不死恐怕也要脱层皮, However quick Le Yuan then on the road met some not in condition Yun Tianqing, looks at the Yun Tianqing whole person to be ignorant from afar, really meets the Dream Tapir attack evidently, perhaps also really has possibility suffered an unexpected failure by his skill. 不过很快乐渊便在出去的路上遇到了有些不在状态的云天青,远远望去云天青整个人都是浑浑噩噩的,看样子真遇上梦貘来袭,恐怕以他的身手还真有可能阴沟里翻船 Hey, Tianqing!” “喂,天青!” The Le Yuan sudden palm patted in the shoulder of Yun Tianqing, immediately also somewhat blurry Yun Tianqing in a cleverness by a racket, the sword in hand took advantage of opportunity to puncture in the direction toward Le Yuan immediately. 乐渊突然一掌拍在了云天青的肩头,顿时原本还有些迷糊的云天青在被一拍之中顿时一个机灵,手中的剑顺势朝着乐渊所在方向刺了过来。 “哇哇 While Le Yuan moves sideways to avoid, is also cried aloud by Liu Mengli that this frightens, along with weeping and wailing of Little Mengli, the sword potential of Yun Tianqing stagnates immediately, simultaneously he also saw clearly Le Yuan that the person who pats his shoulder has not presented unexpectedly for a long time. 乐渊闪身躲避的同时,被这惊吓到的柳梦璃同样哇哇大哭了起来,伴随着小梦璃的哭喊,云天青的剑势顿时停滞,同时他也看清楚了拍他肩膀的人竟是许久没有出现的乐渊 Happy...... Senior Brother......” “乐……师兄……” Yun Tianqing this Senior Brother shouted somewhat scruple, although he treated as the past Senior Brother to regard Le Yuan as before, but days before Le Yuan action really already and Qionghua Sect broke off, in this situation their two were the absolutely irreconcilable foe are by rights ought to right. 云天青这句师兄喊得有些迟疑,虽然他依旧将乐渊当作昔日的师兄看待,可是前几日乐渊的举动着实已经琼华派决裂,这种情况下他们两个理当是不共戴天的仇敌才对。 senior brother? You also worked as the brothers me are really good, but you just that appearance may really unseemly, but incautiously must lose the poor life......” “师兄吗?你还把我当兄弟真是太好了,不过你刚刚那副样子可真不像样,一不小心可就要丢了小命哦……” However Yun Tianqing really must meet the dangerous possibility is not big, after all he still wanders in the Huanming World surrounding now, Dream Tapir already that nowadays Huanming World will initiated an attack little must look like, really must meet that really not to know that is the luck good or is not good. 不过云天青真要遇上危险的可能性也不大,毕竟他现在还在幻瞑界的外围游荡,现如今的幻瞑界会主动出击的梦貘已经少得看来,真要遇上那还真不知是运气好还是不好。 Tianqing, I remember Master's Junior Brother had given you together Empress Emerald, can give this child it?” 天青,我记得师叔曾经给过你一块帝女翡翠的吧,能把它给这个孩子吗?” Empress Emerald this thing regarding Little Mengli, but in development process essential important item, perhaps without its Little Mengli did not have the long feces is not known taoist priest who where comes cutting. 帝女翡翠东西对于小梦璃而言可是成长过程中不可缺少的一件重要道具,如果没有它小梦璃恐怕还没有长大便被不知从哪里来的道士给斩了。 But Empress Emerald this thing is Qionghua Sect Elder Su Wu was also seeing that Yun Tianqing this boy cultivation base kindly gives well his, initially Yun Tianqing had shown off in their several same side mutually, Su Xin has even coerced Yun Tianqing, but was guaranteed by Yun Tianqing. 帝女翡翠这玩意也是琼华派肃武长老在看到云天青这小子修为不错赏给他的,当初云天青可是在他们几位同门之间互相显摆过,夙莘甚至要挟过云天青,不过被云天青死活保了下来。 But Yun Tianqing also swept on the vision Little Mengli on Le Yuan at this time, even if Little Mengli is only 1 year old merely is less than is still lovable, making Yun Tianqing 1 st meet then forgot her Dream Tapir status. 云天青这时候也将目光扫到了乐渊手上的小梦璃身上,小梦璃就算仅仅只有一岁不到依然可爱得很,令云天青初一见面便忘记了她梦貘的身份。 senior brother, this child she......” “师兄,这个孩子她……” The Yun Tianqing look is somewhat absent-minded, once for a while in Le Yuan also had Little Mengli to look back and forth. Looks at the look of this fellow, seeming like suspected that Little Mengli can be the Le Yuan child unexpectedly. 云天青的眼神有些恍惚,时不时地在乐渊还有小梦璃之间来回瞄了。看这家伙的眼神,似乎是怀疑小梦璃竟然会是乐渊的孩子。 A Le Yuan palm of the hand clapped on the forehead of Yun Tianqing, from indulging in flights of fancy to hit to awake him. Sees only Le Yuan actually to tease Little Mengli at this time at the same time, teases her chortles, later on the face has the happy expression: You, such later could not become good father no wonder...... she are Huanming World Young Lord Mengli, was the Chan You daughter, but she must carry over Huanming World for some reasons, I remember that you had one in swearing brotherhood Big Brother of Shouyang, can take to him to foster Mengli?” 乐渊一巴掌拍在了云天青的脑门上,将他从胡思乱想之中打醒。只见乐渊此时却在一边逗弄着小梦璃,将她逗得咯咯笑,随后脸上带着笑意道:“你啊,这样子以后难怪成不了一个好父亲……她是幻瞑界少主梦璃,也就是婵幽的女儿,不过由于某种原因她必须被带出幻瞑界,我记得你有一个在寿阳的结拜大哥,能够将梦璃带给他抚养吗?” Gives the willow tree the Big Brother foster? You determined that this really doesn't have the issue?” “交给柳大哥抚养?你确定这样真的没有问题?” Although does not know that Le Yuan this is what intent, but the Yun Tianqing instinct looked to also Little Mengli in Le Yuan bosom. 虽然不知道乐渊这是何意,但是云天青本能地望向了还在乐渊怀中的小梦璃 Does not have the issue, this war should end, I want should be unable to support with the Su Yu temper. If she is willing to leave Qionghua Sect with you, whether you have this to take on as the man, considers her life?” “没问题的,这一场大战该结束了,我想以夙玉的性子应该也撑不下去了。如果她愿意和你一起离开琼华派,你是否又有这个作为男人担当,照顾她的一生?” Le Yuan inquired, appeared after Le Yuan he can treat in the time of this world then started the countdown again, the careful number came for probably two days not to arrive then must conduct the space and time to pass through again. 乐渊询问道,从乐渊出现之后他能够待在这个世界的时间便再度进入了倒计时,细细数来大概两天不到便要再度进行时空穿越。 Do not crack a joke, Sister Su Yu she and Senior Brother Xuan Xiao are one pair, I? I am Wanderer, how will she elect me?” “别开玩笑了,夙玉师妹她和玄霄师兄才是一对,我?我不过是一个浪子,她怎么会选上我呢?” Yun Tianqing laughs, although is a smile however discerning person can see him to smile very palely, must discuss to Su Yu likes him not being under Xuan Xiao absolutely. If did not present Huanming World the war, perhaps he does not have this opportunity forever. 云天青哈哈大笑,虽然是一副笑脸但是明眼人都能看得出他笑得非常苍白,要论对夙玉的爱他绝对不在玄霄之下。如果不是出现了幻瞑界的这一战,恐怕他永远没有这个机会。 Ok, anything do not say, you first take away Qionghua Sect this child for me, I will try to end this war, your my two people act separately, I think that you were also weary slaughtered like this!” “好了,啥也不要说,你先替我将这孩子带离琼华派,我会试着终结这一场大战,你我二人分头行动,我想你也厌倦了这样的杀戮了吧!” Yun Tianqing nods, hugs from the Le Yuan bosom is displayed the dormancy incantation, but lethargic sleep past Little Mengli, has avoided many Qionghua disciples all the way, took up Empress Emerald in room then to wear the body of Little Mengli. 云天青点点头,从乐渊怀中抱过被施展眠咒而昏睡过去的小梦璃,一路上躲避过诸多琼华弟子,拿起房间内的帝女翡翠便戴到了小梦璃的身上。 Oh hope willow tree Big Brother is willing to adopt this child, immortal cultivation? Immortal? Is senseless slaughtering, how the immortal?” “唉希望柳大哥愿意收养这个孩子,修仙?仙?只是无谓的杀戮,何以为仙?” Yun Tianqing forgot one also to be in Qionghua Sect in war, immediately at the same night the governing sword flew toward Shouyang. 云天青忘了一眼还处于大战之中的琼华派,随即连夜御剑向着寿阳飞去。 But another side, because the Qionghua disciple in Huanming World was defeated by Le Yuan one by one, during entire Qionghua Sect fell into the influence on reduce, was very afraid continues to lose the disciple again. 而另一边,由于幻瞑界内的琼华弟子被乐渊逐一击破,整个琼华派陷入了势力紧缩之中,深怕再继续损失弟子。 But at the same time saw with own eyes that Qionghua Sect or Huanming World lose serious Su Yu, because compared with bemoaned the state of the universe by the influence of Le Yuan thought deeply, has fellow elders to request that to Zong Lian repeatedly lets loose the double sword fetter, both sides armistice. 而同一时间眼见无论是琼华派还是幻瞑界都损失惨重的夙玉,由于深受乐渊思想的影响比起原来更加悲天悯人,一再地向宗炼还有各位长老请求放开双剑束缚,双方休战。 How what a pity already kills red eyes Qionghua Sect to give up, the war party or the peace advocation groups are waiting and seeing, after all became an immortal this matter to just like the heart demon to pester Qionghua Sect to count the 1000 year time generally, has not looked like now is so so near from Qionghua Sect. 可惜已经杀红眼的琼华派如何能够就此放弃,无论是主战派还是主和派都在观望,毕竟成仙这件事情犹如心魔一般纠缠了琼华派千年的时间,从来没有像现在这般距离琼华派这么近过。 It is not able to persuade Su Yu of school elder again and Xuan Xiao communication, what a pity has received the Qionghua Sect ideological education Xuan Xiao definitely unable to understand that the idea of Su Yu, present Xuan Xiao was hated hoodwinked the eyes thoroughly, cannot see completely one pain in person of eyes loving. 根本无法劝服门派长老的夙玉又再次和玄霄沟通,可惜一直受到琼华派思想教育的玄霄完全无法理解夙玉的想法,现在的玄霄被仇恨彻底蒙蔽了双眼,完全看不出自己所爱之人眼中的痛苦。 Teacher Taiqing (Grand Purity) that few days ago, Xuan Xiao most worshipped in his is killed by a Le Yuan this rebel sword at present, in several times of wars then, respect big Senior Brother Xuan Zhen similarly to protect many Qionghua Sect disciples perished together with Monster General. 前些日子里,玄霄最崇拜的师尊太清就这么在他的眼前被乐渊这个叛徒一剑杀死,而后的数次大战中,尊敬的大师兄玄震同样为了保护众多琼华派弟子与一名妖将同归于尽。 The tragic death of same side, the pursue to becoming an immortal made Xuan Xiao unable to approve of the request of Su Yu in any event, was angry-looking said on the contrary: Snort, excessive tendency to clemency! Were you also confused by that rebel Le Yuan? Our generation immortal cultivation, to defend traditional moral principles and be immortal except the demon, a dynasty becomes the immortal, then saves the common people in the water and fire, what now these small sacrifices can be considered as, do you want to make the master and fellow apprentice's death become do not have the significance?” 同门的惨死,还有对成仙的追求令玄霄无论如何都无法赞同夙玉的请求,反倒是一脸怒容地说道:“哼,妇人之仁!你难道也被那个叛徒乐渊迷惑了吗?我辈修仙,为的是除魔卫道、得道成仙,一朝成为仙人,即可救万民于水火,现在这些小小的牺牲又能算得了什么,你难道想要令师傅、师兄的死变得毫无意义吗?” Was given scolding by the person of own selfishness admire, Su Yu this gentle outside and firm inside 1 st in the women's match time is thorough to Qionghua Sect and to Xuan Xiao. 被自己私心爱慕的人痛骂,夙玉这个外柔内刚的女子第一次对琼华派、对玄霄彻底失望。 When incomparable heart tired Su Yu returns to own room, actually sees in the room already to sit unexpected character Le Yuan early. 正当无比心累的夙玉回到自己的房间时,却见房间内早已经坐着一个意料之外的人物乐渊 Su Yu summoned Wangshu Sword instantaneously horizontally in the chest front, a face alert is looking at Le Yuan. How even if Su Yu is disappointed about Qionghua Sect, at this time she is still a Qionghua Sect disciple, facing Le Yuan this Monster King how, regardless of cannot treat it lightly. 夙玉瞬间召唤出望舒剑横在胸前,一脸戒备地望着乐渊。就算夙玉再怎么对琼华派失望,此时她依然是一名琼华派弟子,面对乐渊这个妖王无论如何也不能掉以轻心。 Su Yu, I come this not with you for the enemy, but urged you to leave Qionghua Sect! Loss already of both sides was too big, I think that your also already planned to call a halt......” 夙玉,我来此并非与你为敌,而是劝你离开琼华派!双方的损失已经太大了,我想你也已经打算停手了吧……” Le Yuan facing Su Yu Wangshu Sword, the plan that has not stood, still sits before the table, pours tea to oneself, while was saying to Su Yu. 乐渊面对夙玉望舒剑,没有丝毫站起来的打算,依然坐在桌子前,一边给自己倒茶,一边对着夙玉说道。 Urged me to leave, did this have what advantage to you? I do not feel solemn King of Monster World, will compromise to Qionghua Sect, you killed the person of master!” “劝我离开,这对你有何好处?我不觉得堂堂妖界之王,会对琼华派妥协,你可是杀了师傅的人!” Although the Su Yu words are severe, but sat the Le Yuan opposite as before, stared to look at the eye of Le Yuan, appearance that so long as if the Le Yuan intention then prepared to begin illegally. 夙玉的话虽然严厉,但是依旧坐到了乐渊的对面,就这么直瞪瞪地看着乐渊的眼睛,似乎只要乐渊心怀不轨便准备动手的样子。 Hi, advantage? I want to maintain certain established facts, what do you take a look at this are?” “嗨,好处?我只是想要维护某些既定的事实而已,你瞧瞧这是什么?” Le Yuan placed on own that without owner Wangshu Sword the table, immediately without owner Wangshu Sword and Wangshu Sword in Su Yu hand produced the strange cry, Le Yuan even feels the trend that these two swords really have collapse simultaneously. 乐渊将自己的那柄无主望舒剑放在了桌子上,顿时无主望舒剑夙玉手中的望舒剑产生了奇异的鸣动,乐渊甚至感受到这两柄剑竟然有同时崩溃的趋势。 In a twinkling, Le Yuan took back Small World without owner Wangshu Sword immediately. 说时迟那时快,乐渊立马将无主望舒剑收回到了小世界 When Le Yuan just last night all these, and Wangshu Sword became an immortal to lodge Su Yu of relations to feel the resonance that beforehand two Wangshu Sword saw only similarly, that nearly same aura. 而当乐渊刚刚昨晚这一切,和望舒剑成仙寄宿关系的夙玉同样感受到了之前两柄望舒剑只见的共鸣,还有那近乎一样的气息。 As the Wangshu Sword sword host, Su Yu impossible admits mistakes to be constantly together more than three years of Wangshu Sword style and aura, therefore her 100% determined Wangshu Sword that Le Yuan just put out is on her hand, but how this unique can Wangshu Sword have second? 身为望舒剑剑主,夙玉不可能认错朝夕相处三年多的望舒剑的样式和气息,因此她百分百确定乐渊刚刚拿出的望舒剑就是她手上的这一把,但是这独一无二的望舒剑如何能够存在第二把? You cannot ask, I cannot say. Some things cannot say very clear, is not good to your my two people, I can only say a time only to be able by Wangshu Sword, my is not counterfeit goods! Your similarly is not!” “你不能问,我不能说。有些事情不能说得太清楚,对你我二人都不好,我只能说一个时代只能由一把望舒剑,我的绝不是假货!你的同样不是!” The Le Yuan words are not too vague, by Su Yu intelligent naturally can the understand Le Yuan words be what meaning, but this is not good to accept, even after all the shuttle time is Immortal God is also hard to achieve. 乐渊的话也不算太隐晦,以夙玉的聪慧自然能够明白乐渊的话是什么意思,但是这却不是那么好接受的,毕竟穿梭时间纵然是仙神亦难以做到。 How can my result?” “我的结局会怎么样?” Who knows, but Tianqing has defended in your side, the life and death followed...... your child too bracelets, with a Tianqing type!” “谁知道,不过天青会一直守在你的身旁,生死相随吧……不过你们的孩子真的太跳脱了,和天青一个样!” Right? What did my child call?” “是吗?我的孩子叫什么?” Tianhe!” 天河!” Tianhe? Day dangerous galaxy!?” 天河?天悬星河!?” is this Tianhe, the person who actually you most love finally who is, perhaps only then yourself were clear, will be my Senior Brother does the last matter for you, Tianqing will return tomorrow, if you are willing then to go along with him together!” “啊就是这个天河,你最后究竟最爱的人是谁,恐怕只有你自己清楚,算是我这个师兄为你做最后一件事情,天青明日归来,你若愿意便随他一起去吧!” Was saying Le Yuan stands up, before arriving at the body of Su Yu in a flash, later under a fist struck ruthlessly in her abdomen, simultaneously as a result of integrating Fire Spirit Bead Spiritual Power, but the variation fire attribute demon air/Qi entire entered Su Yu within the body along with powerful incomparable fire Spiritual Power. 说着乐渊站起身,一瞬间来到了夙玉的身前,以后一拳之下狠狠地击在了她的腹部,同时由于融入火灵珠灵力而变异的火属性魔气伴随着强大无比的火灵力整个打进了夙玉的体内。 Balanced, Le Yuan helps Su Yu maintain the balance in within the body vigorously, but does not know how long Le Yuan Strength can maintain, if Su Yu can not display Spiritual Power, perhaps she can live that age of Tianhe record. 平衡,乐渊极力帮助夙玉维持住体内的平衡,不过也不知乐渊力量能够维持多久,如果夙玉能够一直不施展灵力的话,恐怕她能够活到天河记事的那个年代。 ... ...
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