VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#795: Becoming an immortal? You match!

Huanming World was invaded to the interior, this explained in the moment illusion Dream Tapir Clan the matter of becoming an immortal Yue Lan worry is not unreasonable. Theoretically the Dream Tapir Clan monster, the cultivation speed is not as human is so rapid even, in Huanming World Spiritual Qi far exceeds in the situation in Kunlun Mountains celestial mountain, the disparity of this cultivation speed should be reduced infinitely. 幻瞑界被入侵至内部,这更是说明了须臾幻境中梦貘一族的成仙者月岚担心的事情并非没有道理。理论上梦貘一族就算是妖,修炼速度不及人类这般迅速,但是在幻瞑界灵气远超昆仑仙山的情况下,这种修炼速度的差距应该被无限缩小缩小。 Even Dream Tapir Clan really has the words of talent, on 1000 year the time by over a hundred, depends on the Huanming World lot manufacturing expert of Monster General rank, should not be a problem. What a pity Huanming World already perished thoroughly, has such condition to only have Chan You that spatially merely is not as good as in Taiqing (Grand Purity), as well as compared with six Monster General that Qionghua Sect Five Elders is also not as good as. 甚至梦貘一族真的存在天才的话,凭借成百上千年的时间,靠着幻瞑界批量制造出妖将级别的高手,应该是不成问题的。可惜幻瞑界已经彻底沉沦了,空有这样的条件却仅仅只有一个稍逊于太清婵幽,以及比起琼华派五张老还稍逊一筹的六妖将 In the strength is less than the Qionghua Sect situation completely, before Huanming World respectfully follows Chan You closes up the instruction, clings to tenaciously to wait for that moment of counter-attacking comprehensively. Monster King that their Patriarch and that has not worn a mask is repairing the injury, once two people merit becomes goes out, then the situation will be reversing instantaneously. 在实力完全不及琼华派的情况下,幻瞑界谨遵婵幽闭关前的指示,全面死守等待着反攻的那一刻。他们的族长和那未曾蒙面的妖王正在修复伤势,一旦两人功成出关,那么局势会在瞬间反转。 The four day that later Taiqing (Grand Purity) falls from the sky, Qionghua Sect entered the Huanming World center to slaughter under the leadership of Elder Chongguang several times, even nearly infiltrates the Huanming World imperial palace. However after Huanming World six Monster General life-and-death fight with all might, successfully attacks the Qionghua Sect elder repels. 就在太清陨落的四天之后,琼华派数次在重光长老的领导之下进入幻瞑界腹地厮杀,甚至险些打入幻瞑界的皇宫内部。不过在幻瞑界妖将殊死拼杀之后,成功将琼华派长老突袭击退。 However Huanming World also therefore suffered the heavy losses, even six Monster General buckles three. Moreover the Huanming World influence contracts comprehensively, massive Peripheral Area territories fell into the Qionghua Sect hand, some countless clansmen died on the Qionghua Sect sword. 不过幻瞑界也因此而受到了重创,甚至连六妖将都折损了三位。而且幻瞑界的势力全面收缩,大量的外围区域落入到了琼华派手中,更是有无数族人死在琼华派的剑上。 But Yun Tianqing does not know that is lucky or unfortunate, was assigned by Elder Chongguang to penetrating Huanming World Quest. By his strength, without meeting such as the opponent of six Monster General this ranks, that in Huanming World he can live. 云天青也不知是幸运还是不幸,被重光长老分配到突入幻瞑界任务。以他的实力,只要没有遇上诸如六妖将这一级别的对手,那么在幻瞑界中他就能活下来。 But with gate that in he accompanies disciple, at this time already kills to get angry, really kills the star to be reincarnated, kills with the monster, did not attend to tapir monster even already that met crawling completely in the place surrendered completely, regardless of the sizes and old and young all were regarded as, in killing monsters and eliminating demons wielded a sword generally under. 而与他随行的门中弟子,此时已经杀红了眼,真可谓杀星转世,遇妖即杀,完全不顾遇到的貘妖甚至已经匍匐在地完全投降了,无论大小、老幼全都当作是在斩妖除魔一般挥剑而下。 Qionghua Sect already is fascinated, should I what course to follow? 琼华派已经入魔,我该何去何从? Yun Tianqing looked at Senior Brother Junior Brothers who slaughtered to fall into again confusedly, previous time confused in Le Yuan exposed the Monster King status. The exposition of Le Yuan made Yun Tianqing suspect oneself in three years lived in the dream, slept together to occupy unexpectedly for three years with Monster King. 云天青望着正在厮杀的师兄师弟们再一次陷入了迷茫,上一次迷茫是在乐渊暴露自己妖王身份之时。乐渊的暴露令云天青一直怀疑自己三年中是不是活在梦中,竟然和一个妖王同寝而居三年。 Three years, performance and ordinary person of Le Yuan not different, even can also be in the Qionghua disciple flaunted. According to the observation of Yun Tianqing, Le Yuan every action and every movement not empty by winding, but put in the performance of sincerety, at least these three years time he is really lives as Qionghua disciple. 三年的时间,乐渊的表现和常人无异,甚至在琼华弟子之中还算得上是标榜。按照云天青的观察,乐渊的一举一动绝非虚以委蛇,而是付出了真情实意的表现,最起码这三年的时间他真是以琼华弟子的身份活下来的。 Helping others do well Monster King, slaughtered innocents Qionghua disciple. This should evil two points of both sides, in the Yun Tianqing mind not know how at this moment completely should make the judgment, the good and evil does not divide, what role his these are playing. He until now thinks that Qionghua Sect is Justice, but his killing monsters and eliminating demons is the group hero upholds justice, but this does not divide the slaughter of old and young, has what distinction with the monster? 与人为善的妖王,滥杀无辜的琼华弟子。这本应该正邪两分的双方,这一刻在云天青的脑海中完全不知道该如何做出判断,善恶已然不分,他在这其中又扮演着什么样的角色。他一直以来以为琼华派就是正义,而他斩妖除魔便是行侠仗义,但是这样不分老幼的屠杀,和妖怪又有何分别? Yun Tianqing was timid, or his already is unable to aim at the Huanming World tapir monster the sword in hand again, Yun Tianqing never has the impulsion that has so wanted to escape. What a pity Yun Tianqing is unable to retreat, acts Sect Master Zong Lian once to issue an instruction, Qionghua disciple timid war cut. 云天青胆怯了,或者说他已经再也无法将手中的剑对准幻瞑界的貘妖,云天青从未有过如此想要逃跑的冲动。可惜云天青根本无法就此退去,代理掌门宗炼曾经下达了一道指令,琼华弟子怯战者斩。 While Yun Tianqing also when rear area lifts the foot is uncertain, in the front front, the Qionghua disciple suffered unprecedented resisting stubbornly. One crowd seemingly does not have many battle efficiencies Dream Tapir, unexpectedly in encountering the Qionghua disciple later life-and-death resistance, before the tapir monster is completely two appearances. 正当云天青还在后方举足不定的时候,在前方的战线中,琼华弟子遭受到了前所未有的顽抗。一群看似没有多少战斗力的梦貘,竟然在遭遇到琼华弟子之后殊死反抗,和之前遇到的貘妖完全是两个模样。 Damn evildoer/monstrous talent, three sword secret art, duo!” “该死的妖孽,三才剑诀,咄!” Sees only Qionghua disciple Xuan Ming to pinch the law secret art, the treasured sword is divided into three immediately, has been cutting to the present three meters high appearances from the Heaven and Earth person three positions. 只见一名琼华弟子玄明手捏法诀,身后的宝剑顿时一分为三,从天地人三个方位对着眼前的一直三米多高的模样斩去。 Human, dead “人类,死 Facing the sword secret art of Qionghua Sect disciple, this Dream Tapir does not dodge at present does not hide, the body scratch three bloody big openings not to retreat three cannot the treasured sword slightly is going against such fatal attack actually, a claw wields, must trade the life the present Qionghua disciple to kill by the wound by the Monster Race astonishing vitality inevitably. 面对琼华派弟子的剑诀,眼前这名梦貘不闪不躲,身体被三不能够宝剑划出三道血淋淋的大口子也丝毫没有退去硬是顶着这样致命的攻击,一爪子挥出,势必要凭借妖族惊人的生命力以伤换命将眼前的琼华弟子杀死。 What a pity, trades life fighting method by the wound, in one-on-one or to bully in few situations to be indeed appropriate, however the present aspect is four tapir monsters is actually encircled by more than ten Qionghua disciples. Really must trade the life by the wound, must look that the Qionghua disciple does want. 可惜,以伤换命这种打法在单对单或者以多欺少的情况下的确非常合适,但是现在的局面却是四只貘妖被十多名琼华弟子团团围住。真要以伤换命,也要看琼华弟子愿不愿意。 Sees only that tapir monster sharp claws not to touch the body of Xuan Ming, one side will be Qionghua disciple Ming You that Xuan Ming will cheer for talisman paper will then eject together, immediately from yellow talisman paper, mysterious Strength stopped the movement of tapir monster together forcefully. 只见那名貘妖的利爪还未触及到玄明的身体,一侧为玄明助阵的琼华弟子明游便将一道符纸抛出,登时从黄色的符纸中,一道玄而又玄的力量将貘妖的动作硬生生地停了下来。 This is Qionghua Sect killing monsters and eliminating demons specially-made talisman paper, inside contains exercises self-restraint Strength of incantation. Although wants for a long time by a talisman paper anchorage tapir monster and impossible, however during the fierce combat is only 12 seconds then decides life and death of both sides sufficiently. 这正是琼华派斩妖除魔特制的符纸,里面所蕴含的正是束身咒的力量。虽然想要长时间凭借一张符纸定住貘妖并不可能,但是在激战之中只是一两秒的时间便足以决定双方的生死。 Between Xuan Ming and Ming You are the coordination are also quite tacit, in Ming You with the instance of spell anchorage tapir monster, the Xuan Ming sword secret art transforms the Heaven and Earth person three swords to unite again, a Daoist Priest approximately two meters great sword appears suddenly, a sword passed through at present the heart of huge Dream Tapir. 玄明明游之间也是配合颇为默契,在明游用符咒定住貘妖的瞬间,玄明的剑诀再度变换天地人三剑合一,一道长约两米的巨剑突现,一剑穿过了眼前巨大梦貘的心脏。 Until that moment before dying in battle, in the look of tapir monster still has the infinite hatred. Why he hates himself not to have enough Strength, but hates at present this group of executioners who invade their homeland. 直到战死前的那一刻,貘妖的眼神中依然带着无穷的恨意。他恨自己为什么没有足够的力量,但是更加恨眼前这群入侵他们家园的刽子手。 Bang “嘭 Drops down along with Dream Tapir that giant body, has pinched the sword secret art, to control rune/symbol law Xuan Ming and Ming You two people to relax immediately. 伴随着梦貘那巨大的身体倒下,一直捏着剑诀、操控符法的玄明明游两人登时松了一口气。 Although Qionghua disciple these days in Huanming World invincible, the disciple but who was killed by Dream Tapir is also not infrequent, can no injure to solve Dream Tapir is also a good fortune. 琼华弟子这几日虽然在幻瞑界内攻无不克,但是被梦貘杀死的弟子也不在少数,能够无伤解决掉梦貘也算是一件幸事。 When Xuan Ming and Ming You two people end the fight, other eight people also three Dream Tapir killed, except for two disciples by the minor wound beyond, the Qionghua Sect disciple were certainly won this crowd of Dream Tapir. 而当玄明明游二人解决战斗之际,其他的八人也将三只梦貘斩杀,除了其中两名弟子受到一定的轻伤之外,琼华派弟子完胜这群梦貘 Does well! Only when we this crowd of tapir monster killed, this Monster World Spiritual Qi can help our Qionghua Sect lift the sect to ascend one by one surely, I and other ascend Immortal World, how could it not be are when the time comes quick!” “干得好!只待我们将这群貘妖逐个斩杀,这妖界灵气定能够助我们琼华派举派飞升,到时候我等飞升仙界,岂不快哉!” Xuan Ming is cleaning the bloodstain on sword blade, said to others with a smile. 玄明擦拭着剑身上的血迹,笑着对其他人说道。 Right, so long as captures that to close in the palace imaginary, killed that hateful rebel also to have that Lord of Monster World, how could it not be this Monster World was our, when the time comes we became an immortal ascend, deciding to cut completely the under the Heavens evil spirit, raised the prestige of my Qionghua!” “没错,只要攻入那幻瞑宫内,杀了那个可恶的叛徒还有那个妖界之主,这妖界岂不就是我们的了,到时候我们一个个成仙飞升,定能斩尽天下妖魔,扬我琼华之威!” One group of Qionghua disciples are thinking highly in the corpses of this tapir monster mutually, some even already after the daytime fantasize is becoming an immortal is to have what good reputation, completely has not noticed them to be in the Huanming World deep place now. 一群琼华弟子就在这貘妖的尸首之间相互恭维着,有的甚至已经在白日意淫着成仙之后是不是要起个什么好名头,全然没有注意到他们现在正处于幻瞑界深处。 “哇 Shooting the breeze one group of Qionghua disciples heard some place of not far away to transmit the extremely slight baby to weep and wail the sound suddenly. 正在高谈阔论的一群琼华弟子突然听到不远处的某个地方传来了极为轻微的婴儿哭喊声。 Well? Baby who where this Monster World comes, moreover this extremely weak is Monster Qi, a small monster?” “咦?这妖界哪来的婴儿,而且这极为微弱的妖气,难道是个小妖?” Wept and wailed along with this, the Qionghua disciple stopped to listen attentively, then locked the origin of weeping sound quickly. Sees only behind a covert stone, the swaddling clothes in the young baby is lying down by several stones are surrounding in sobs unceasingly. 伴随着这一阵哭喊,琼华弟子纷纷驻足倾听,很快便锁定了了哭声的来源。只见在一处隐蔽的石头后方,被几块石头围拢着的襁褓中小婴儿正躺在其中不断哭泣。 This, is this also the tapir monster?” “这,这也是貘妖?” Ming You looks that did not have the least bit different young babies to hesitate with the human baby unexpectedly, pure Monster Qi that but sent out from that baby, absolutely mistakenly, moreover in this Huanming World where will have the baby of human. 明游看着和人类婴儿全无半点不同的小婴儿竟然迟疑了,不过从那婴儿散发的纯正妖气来看,绝对错不了,况且这幻瞑界内哪里会有人类的婴儿。 Haha, it seems like we picked a big merit for no reason. Even if ordinary Dream Tapir gives birth can also be the body of Dream Tapir, but this small monster is actually the perfect human form, her parents have the extremely high supernatural power and bloodline(s) surely, is fixed time a big monster, we killed her are great merit!” “哈哈,看来我们平白无故捡到了一个大功劳。普通梦貘纵然产子亦会是梦貘之身,而这小妖却是完美的人形,她的父母定是有着极高的法力与血统,想必定时一只大妖,我们杀了她乃是大功一件!” Xuan Ming is looking at present the young baby in swaddling clothes, not only does not have the meaning of pitying, even also prepares its killed. But several other disciples somewhat hesitate, but quick then cancelled the thought that this monster is the monster, now after is small, different will grow into to bite the appearance of person. 玄明望着眼前襁褓中的小婴儿非但没有怜悯之意,甚至还准备将其斩杀。而其他几名弟子虽然有些迟疑但是很快便打消了念头,这妖就是妖,现在还小以后不一样会长成噬人的模样。 Xuan Ming pulls out to act immediately the treasured sword, aimed also in the young baby who in the swaddling clothes sobs, a sword must wield. 玄明当即就拔出手中的宝剑,对准了还在襁褓中哭泣的小婴儿,一剑就要挥下。 Bang “嘭 In the Xuan Ming sword will soon fall when the small baby body, the strong air wave blew off one group of Qionghua disciples together, hates this to lie on the ground is very distressed. 就在玄明的剑即将落在小婴儿身上之际,一道强劲的气浪将一群琼华弟子吹散了出去,一个个恨到这趴在地上好不狼狈。 Bah, what thing is this? Who dares to block my Qionghua Sect to become an immortal?” “呸,这是什么玩意?何人胆敢阻我琼华派成仙?” Once Xuan Ming before being blown flies saw a person's shadow, but also without he crawls then during broken to scold thoroughly. 玄明在被吹飞之前曾见到一个人影,还没等他彻底爬起来便当口破骂道。 However when he stands to fix the eyes on looked, the mouth actually cannot help but stopped. 不过当他站起来定睛一看,嘴巴却不由自主地停了下来。 This does not keep good, present which is any small monster, radically is Slaughter God. At present this person vanishes many days of Le Yuan, initially the Le Yuan killed Daoist Master Taiqing appearance, one group of people have not forgotten. Although does not know, why will be stabbed by a Elder Zong Lian sword, but that just like demon god Strength no one to despise. 这不停不行,眼前的这哪是什么小妖,根本就是杀神。眼前这人正是消失了多天的乐渊,当初乐渊斩杀太清真人的样子,一群人至今还没有忘记。虽然不知道之后为何会被宗炼长老一剑刺中,但是那犹如魔神般的力量没有人会轻视。 „Becoming an immortal? The fellow who one flock of domestic animals are even inferior to also dares absurdly from becoming an immortal, the joke! You think you, with?” “成仙?一群连畜生都不如的家伙也敢妄自成仙,笑话!你以为你们,配吗?” Saw only Le Yuan already to hug that young baby girl in the bosom, by baby girl, but head that familiar plum blossom makeup also had Monster Qi that and Chan You was all connected, Le Yuan already knew this is future female protagonist Liu Mengli. But on wrapping the Mengli swaddling clothes is also embroidering this name. 只见乐渊已经将那小女婴抱在了怀中,凭借女婴而头上那熟悉的梅花妆还有那和婵幽一脉相承的妖气,乐渊已经知晓这便是未来的女主角柳梦璃了。而在包裹着梦璃的襁褓上也正绣着这个名字。 Only evildoer/monstrous talent, dares to discuss the my Sect rise immortal important matter, everyone does not need to fear, he receives a Elder Zong Lian sword, decides however the body of severe wound, I and others not strength of the war, so long as “区区一介妖孽,也敢谈论我派升仙大事,大家不用怕,他受到宗炼长老的一剑,定然还是重伤之身,我等未尝没有一战之力,只要 Xuan Ming also wants to continue to fill people with enthusiasm, but absent-minded between discovered that own angle of view is changing unexpectedly, in angle of view earth-shaking, he saw unexpectedly drew a sword, but Le Yuan, on the sword also brings the bright red blood, but he saw a familiar headless body, was that he? 玄明还想要继续振奋人心,但是恍惚之间发现自己的视角竟然在改变,视角中天翻地覆,他竟然恍惚间看到了拔剑而起的乐渊,剑上还带着鲜红的血液,而他又见到了一个熟悉的无头之身,那难道就是他? Plop 扑通 Was Xuan Ming of head not cut off the head by a Le Yuan sword accidentally/surprisingly, the speed quick no one responded, the Xuan Ming then already head fell to the ground, the blood flew horizontally. This made other Qionghua disciples panic-stricken extremely, wants to leave the Le Yuan nearby immediately. 为首的玄明毫无意外地被乐渊一剑斩断了头颅,速度之快根本无人反应过来,玄明便已经脑袋落地,鲜血横飞。这一幕令其他的琼华弟子惊恐万分,同时也在第一时间想要离开乐渊的附近。 scoffs at ka “唰”“嗤”“咔 Neck cut open sound, a sword across the slicing meat sound of heart, along treasured sword cut off sound...... 脖子被切开的声音,一剑穿过心脏的切肉声,还有随身宝剑被斩断的声音…… Short one second, beyond the remaining nine Qionghua disciple rows in the total the move, only hears the sound that face nine plop fall to the ground without doubt, in this surrounding area kilometer range no one is standing besides Le Yuan again. 短短一秒钟的时间,剩下的九名琼华弟子无疑列外全数中招,只听得一脸九声“扑通”倒地的声响,这方圆千米范围内除了乐渊外再无一人站着。 Little Mengli, was sorry, I am unable to bring home you temporarily. Today I then kill the future for this Huanming World, this fights should draw to a close period the time!” 小梦璃,抱歉了,我暂时无法带你回家。今日我便为这幻瞑界杀出个未来,这一战是该划下个句号的时候了!” Was saying the Le Yuan left hand embraces Little Mengli, the right hand takes state of activation Wangshu Sword not to dash to go toward the Huanming World surrounding. 说着乐渊左手怀抱着小梦璃,右手拿着未激活状态的望舒剑向着幻瞑界外围飞奔而去。 ... ...
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