VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#794: The causes and effects samsara, reaps what has been sown

On this day absolutely was the Qionghua Sect disaster day, was cast from the double sword to for the first time declares war to Huanming World, Qionghua Sect high level until now that was confident. After all has many years of observation, although the Huanming World monsters have the advantageous environment, however strength actually not powerful. 这一天绝对是琼华派的灾难日,从双剑被铸成到第一次对幻瞑界宣战,琼华派高层一直以来那都是信心满满。毕竟更具多年的观察,幻瞑界的妖怪们虽然有着得天独厚的环境,但是本身的实力却并不强大 Therefore regarding Qionghua Sect high level, even was Sect Master Taiqing (Grand Purity) this plundering Spiritual Qi plan does not say is ninety percent sure, that was basically the war is also certain. Zong Lian and Chongguang, Qingyang these cultivation base behind Qionghua Sect elders also expected that like this, who once wants to make war the half day, Qionghua Sect most powerhouse Taiqing (Grand Purity) then falls from the sky under glare of the public eye. 因此对于琼华派高层,甚至是掌门太清而言这一次的掠夺灵气计划不说是十拿九稳,那也是基本上战局一定。就连宗炼重光、青阳这几位修为身后的琼华派长老也是这样预料的,谁曾想开战不过半日,琼华派的最强者太清便在众目睽睽之下陨落了。 The Taiqing (Grand Purity) death indicates that this battle was almost failed time half, how without Taiqing (Grand Purity) Qionghua Sect should resist as the new force joins Huanming World that side Le Yuan. What is more important, at this moment the entire Qionghua Sect morale drops sharply is unable to prevent the effective attack, even possibly by Huanming World one. 太清的死预示着这一次的开战几乎失败了一半,没有了太清琼华派该怎么抵挡作为生力军加入幻瞑界那一方的乐渊。更重要的是,这一刻整个琼华派士气大跌根本无法阻止有效的进攻,甚至可能被幻瞑界一了。 Qionghua Sect needs the person to stand, even if did not say that exterminates Le Yuan, still needs to have one person who the morale stimulates. 琼华派需要人站出来,就算是不说将乐渊剿灭,也需要能够有一个将士气重新激发出来的人。 Rebel, looks at the sword!” “叛徒,看剑!” In Qionghua Sect stands is not others, the strength is next to Taiqing (Grand Purity) Zong Lian. Originally this Zong Lian is the Qionghua Sect disciples has brought up the rear, just when Le Yuan and Taiqing (Grand Purity) battled then already was close to the battlefield for quietly helped Taiqing (Grand Purity) helping hand at crucial moments. 琼华派中站出来的不是别人,正是实力仅次于太清宗炼。原来这宗炼一直为琼华派的弟子们压阵,刚刚乐渊太清激战之时便已经悄悄地接近战场为的就是在关键时刻助太清一臂之力。 What a pity the development of war was really above the expectation of Zong Lian, Taiqing (Grand Purity) that really defeats is too quick, eyes cannot take it all. The previous second sends out Daoist Master Taiqing that fatal strikes, the next second was actually pierced the heart lineage/vein by Le Yuan one. Even if Zong Lian wanted to rescue actually already without enough time. 可惜战局的发展实在是超乎了宗炼的预料,太清那一战败得实在是太快,令人目不暇接。前一秒发出致命一击的太清真人,下一秒却被乐渊一件刺穿了心脉。就算宗炼想要救援却已经来不及了。 Zong Lian at this time that is incomparable hatred Le Yuan, Le Yuan can be said as Zong Lian friendship between the generations when Qionghua Sect without a doubt, but after because the beforehand relations are very good to cause Le Yuan betrays Qionghua Sect, Zong Lian regarding Le Yuan cannot hate in anyone. 宗炼此时那是无比的痛恨乐渊,毫无疑问乐渊琼华派之时可以说是宗炼忘年之交,但是正是因为之前的关系很好才导致乐渊背叛琼华派后,宗炼对于乐渊的恨不下于任何一人。 In Daoist Master Taiqing that moment of in the air crashing, Zong Lian simply does not have the time to go to falling from the sky of distressed this Senior Brother Sect Master, the eyes stares not to stop on the body of Le Yuan. In detecting Le Yuan turns away from his instance completely, the Zong Lian whole person is changing into together the silver sword light immediately, straight thrust Le Yuan no protection , conducts the back. 太清真人从空中坠落的那一刻,宗炼根本没有时间去痛心自己这位掌门师兄的陨落,双眼一刻不停地盯在乐渊的身上。在察觉到乐渊完全背对着他的瞬间,宗炼整个人顿时化为一道银色的剑光,直刺乐渊毫无防备的后背上。 Zong Lian the strikes is too quick and is too anxious, even if has paid attention to Le Yuan Chan You to see the sneak attack of Zong Lian, still has not made noise to remind Le Yuan with enough time carefully behind, let alone makes a move to block Zong Lian the struck. 宗炼的这一击太快、太急,就算是一直关注着乐渊婵幽见到宗炼的偷袭,依然没来得及出声提醒乐渊小心身后,更别说出手拦下宗炼的这一击了。 Even if Chan You has known itself unable to prevent all these, the body cannot help but rushes over in the Le Yuan direction, anger already in eye wishes one could to charge into Le Yuan Zong Lian to dye the flying ash. 婵幽就算已然知晓自己根本无法阻止这一切,身体还是不由自主地向着乐渊的方向冲了过去,眼中的怒火已经恨不得将冲向乐渊宗炼染成飞灰。 What a pity Chan You not[ Amaterasu] this move, the vision institute and place also impossible has the high-temperature Black Fire. Only can look helplessly Zong Lian will be condensing the Qionghua Sword Qi sword thorn to the Le Yuan back place. 可惜婵幽可不会[天照]这种招数,视力所及之处也不可能产生高温的黑火。只能眼睁睁地看着宗炼将凝聚着琼华剑气的剑刺向乐渊的后背处。 The attack of Zong Lian can indeed become startling heaven and earth, ghosts and gods weeping, the time grasps ingeniously similarly. However such sneak attack copes with the common B level character to be perhaps accepted, but wanted to cope with existence of Le Yuan so nearly god demon appears extremely is rather naive. 宗炼的攻击的确当得上惊天地泣鬼神,时机把握同样是非常的巧妙。不过这样的偷袭对付一般的b级人物或许行得通,但是想要对付乐渊这般近乎神魔的存在未免显得太过于天真了。 Was built on void Le Yuan to step on probably on the transparent floor tile, the vision looked to the two Sword Qi columns of distant place, the meaning of as if completely not having turned around. 立于虚空中的乐渊像是踩在了透明地砖上,目光望向远处的两道剑气柱,似乎完全没有转身的意思。 Has not noticed Zong Lian, regarding just delivered under Taiqing (Grand Purity) Ghost World to be guilty personally? Also or hasn't cared regarding the sneak attack of Zong Lian completely, has the full assurance zero distance to block this to strike? 是没有注意到宗炼,还是对于刚刚亲手送太清鬼界而愧疚?亦或者对于宗炼的偷袭完全没有放在心上,有着十足的把握零距离挡住这一击? After Zong Lian inserts the back of Le Yuan the immortal sword of his casting personally, along with prick of immortal sword, the bright red blood followed the wound class/flow from the body of Le Yuan to the immortal sword on. 宗炼将他亲手铸造的仙剑插入乐渊的后背之后,伴随着仙剑的刺入,鲜红的血液从乐渊的身体中顺着伤口流到了仙剑上。 Looks until was stabbed did not have Le Yuan of slight turning around meaning, although Zong Lian has several points to have doubts, but detected when present Le Yuan is not the illusion, he wants to attack in internal organs of Le Yuan three air/Qi through the immortal sword immediately. 看着直到被刺中还没有丝毫转身意思的乐渊,宗炼虽然有着几分疑惑,但是察觉到眼前的乐渊并非幻象时,他当即就想将三才之气通过仙剑攻击乐渊的內腑。 Actually is to make what by stabbing Le Yuan this? Really had Devil Undying Body to be willing by others with the attack puncture body, he was not masochist, is willing to be used such a sharp incomparable immortal sword to insert the body to play. 被刺中的乐渊这究竟是想要做什么?难道真有了魔人不死身就这么心甘情愿被别人用攻击击穿身体,他可不是一个抖m,愿意被人用那么一柄锋利无比的仙剑插身体玩。 Actually only then his own understand present he fell into what kind of situation, after killed Taiqing (Grand Purity) personally, he only felt oneself besides maintaining the body float in the midair, is unable to make the body vacillation slightest again, the whole person seemed like decided in the midair general. 只有他自己明白现在的他究竟陷入了一种怎样的情况,在亲手杀死了太清之后,他只觉得自己除了保持身体浮在半空中之外,再也无法令身体动摇分毫,整个人就像是被人定在了半空中一般。 This is not the technique law or somebody's ability creates, was looks like Le Yuan to do on the contrary certain should not the matter of doing, penalty. Perhaps Le Yuan guessed mistakenly, 19 years ago killed Taiqing (Grand Purity) King of Monster World is not he, but was Chan You. As a result of meddling of Le Yuan, making this important fact receive the change, similarly also made him taste beforehand Taiqing (Grand Purity) to withstand struck. 这绝非术法或是某个人的能力造成的,反倒是像乐渊做了某些不该做的事情,才产生的惩罚。或许乐渊猜错了,19年前杀死太清妖界之王并不是他,而是婵幽。由于乐渊的插手,令这一重要事实受到了改变,同样也令他尝到了之前太清所承受的一击。 The causes and effects that the revision time produces are serious, perhaps if the general minor matter is also not enough to produce merely backlashes. However without doubt regarding Le Yuan, strikes to kill the causes and effects that Qionghua Sect Master produces to backlash personally already to him to have the influence sufficiently. 修改时间产生的因果是严重的,如果说仅仅是一般的小事恐怕还不足以产生反噬。但是无疑对于乐渊而言,亲自击杀琼华掌门产生的因果反噬已经足以对他产生影响。 Regarding going to the future conducts the person who the time shuttles back and forth, inactivity is a rule that they most should obey. But breaks this regular Le Yuan, then needs to pay enough price. 对于前往过去未来进行时间穿梭的人,“无为”便是他们自己最应该遵守的一条规则。而打破这一条规则的乐渊,便需要付出足够的代价。 But Le Yuan was the repayment just to that sword of Taiqing (Grand Purity) here, he himself fell into the condition of deciding the body. The retributive justice made Zong Lian almost study Le Yuan to be the same, pierced the Le Yuan heart from his one sword in hand behind. 乐渊为偿还刚刚对太清此处的那一剑,他自己陷入了定身的状态中。因果报应令宗炼几乎是学着乐渊一般,将手中的剑从他的身后一件刺穿了乐渊心脏。 The position and strength are as for the way are unexpected similar, but this is also not enough to counter-balance Le Yuan to kill the Taiqing (Grand Purity) causes and effects. To end the Taiqing (Grand Purity) life thoroughly, Le Yuan once projected Sword Qi after stabbing, shook the Taiqing (Grand Purity) last vitality. 位置、力道乃至于方式都是出乎意料的相似,而这还不足以抵消乐渊太清的因果。为了彻底终结太清的性命,乐渊曾经在刺中之后射出剑气,震断了太清的最后一道生机。 But Zong Lian also gave Le Yuan such strikes, three a won such move in within the body eruption of Le Yuan. Attack already of Zong Lian B level strength can cause the damage to Le Yuan, particularly Le Yuan this passive condition, gives his good opportunity now radically. 宗炼同样给与了乐渊这样的一击,三才朝元这么一招在乐渊的体内爆发。宗炼b级实力的攻击已经能够对乐渊造成伤害,尤其是乐渊现在这样根本无抵抗的状态,更是给了他绝好的机会。 By three Sword Qi invasion body , the heart of Le Yuan was entered that moment already of body to be broken in Sword Qi most probably, is good because of his time body heart is not the absolute strategic point. However corrodes in Le Yuan within the body along with three air/Qi unceasingly, a Le Yuan big blood spouts, on the face of whole person the blood-color does not have, probably by heavy wound. 被三才剑气侵入身体内,乐渊的心脏在剑气入体的那一刻已经被震碎了大半,好在他此时的身体心脏已不是绝对的要害。不过伴随着三才之气在乐渊体内不断侵蚀,乐渊一大口鲜血喷出,整个人的脸上血色全无,像是受了不轻的伤。 Sir Monster King! Hateful 妖王大人!可恶 Chan You pursues tightly, is pricking Zong Lian in Le Yuan body to a sword is a claw wields. However Chan You this strikes when may not confront Taiqing (Grand Purity) resolute that like that completely, her most thoughts placed on Le Yuan, wants first to inspect the Le Yuan injury. 婵幽紧追上来,对着一剑刺入乐渊身体内的宗炼便是一爪挥出。不过婵幽这一击可完全没有对阵太清时的那般果决,她的大部分心思放在了乐渊身上,想要第一时间检查乐渊的伤势。 What a pity, Zong Lian actually not such easily makes Chan You rescue Le Yuan, sees only him to see that withstood Le Yuan of oneself sword not dead completely, has not pulled out from the Le Yuan body the sword, on the contrary depended on Strength to fling Le Yuan to toward Chan You that he flew. 可惜,宗炼却不会这么轻易的让婵幽这么将乐渊救走,只见他见到完全承受了自己一剑的乐渊还没有死去,并没有将剑从乐渊身体中抽出,相反靠着力量乐渊甩向了朝他飞来的婵幽 Saw with own eyes that Le Yuan flies to oneself, Chan You cannot attend to immediately to Zong Lian launches the attack, opens wide the both arms to want already to close one's eyes as if to fall into the stupor Le Yuan to hold into the bosom. 眼见乐渊向自己飞来,婵幽顿时也顾不得向宗炼发动攻击,敞开双臂就想将已经闭着眼睛似乎陷入昏迷的乐渊抱入怀中。 But Chan You the action Zong Lian hopes, just grasped the Le Yuan instance in Chan You, seized the good opportunity Zong Lian to aim in this flash a sword that Chan You that grasped Le Yuan was being relentless punctured. 婵幽的这一举动正是宗炼所希望的,在婵幽刚刚抱住乐渊的瞬间,把握好机会的宗炼在这一瞬间对准了抱住乐渊婵幽便是毫不留情的一剑刺出。 Under a sword, the Le Yuan and Chan You of immortal sword in Zong Lian hand punctured to putting on. The plan that however heavily damaged Chan You had not actually let go, still closely holds Le Yuan to be then angry facing the Zong Lian backhand that a sword punctures strikes. 一剑之下,宗炼手中的仙剑将乐渊婵幽刺了个对穿。不过受到重创的婵幽却没有丝毫松手的打算,依然紧紧抱着乐渊面对一剑刺出的宗炼反手便是愤然一击。 Even if full power counter-attack Chan You is at the weak condition, the attack is still highly regarded, was patted solid Zong Lian to be shaken to fly more than ten meters by a palm, Blood Qi that after he tranquil under surges when looks to opposite Chan You, actually discovered that Chan You changed to one group of purple light to bring Le Yuan to fly to the ghost of space. 全力反击的婵幽纵然处于虚弱的状态,攻击依然不可小觑,被一掌拍实的宗炼被震飞出去了十多米,当他平静下激荡的血气之后望向对面的婵幽时,却发现婵幽化作一团紫光带着乐渊飞向了天上的鬼影。 „The Huanming World numerous will obey orders, pledges to fight to the death to guard Huanming World, excels at rushing to Huanming World to kill without the amnesty!” 幻瞑界众将听令,誓死捍卫幻瞑界,擅闯幻瞑界杀无赦!” Spreads to Rolling Cloud Stage along with the Chan You sound, the tapir monster that survives innumerably did not attend to the body of already dying clansman, flew back to Huanming World in abundance, stopped up the Huanming World entrance total, evidently taking strict precautions against cling to tenaciously execution rhythm. 伴随着婵幽的声音传入卷云台中,无数残存下来的貘妖也不顾已经死去族人的尸体,纷纷飞回了幻瞑界,将幻瞑界的入口全数堵住,看样子是将严防死守执行到底的节奏。 But Qionghua Sect this side after Zong Lian lost the Chan You trace, has not pursued. After all Qionghua Sect this time loss is really big, Sect Master died in battle, many disciples die during the beforehand monster was chaotic, if the non- spend some time rallies, the damage will be only bigger. 琼华派这一方在宗炼失去了婵幽踪影之后,并没有进行追击。毕竟琼华派此时的损失着实不小,掌门战死,众多弟子死在了之前的妖乱之中,如果不花点时间重振旗鼓,损伤只会更大。 But in the remaining elders, by strength most powerful the duty of Elder Zong Lian acting Sect Master. But also while this time, for the situation of making up beforehand hanger-on disciple utter ignorance, Zong Lian started to tell to them truth that some Qionghua became an immortal. 而在剩下的长老之中,以实力最强大宗炼长老代行掌门之职。而也是趁着这个时候,为了弥补之前门下弟子全然无知的情况,宗炼开始对他们诉说了部分琼华成仙的真相。 But Yun Tianqing and Su Xin similarly in this, because, will have to passing day in all sorts puzzled clearly became aware. Why Le Yuan has hidden in Cloud Scripture Pavilion does not go out generally, why propagandizes the monster to divide the good and evil to them, why Xuan Xiao and Su Yao that two immortal swords to have present greatest ability. 云天青夙莘同样在此之列,也正是因为如此,才会对过往日子内的种种不解有了明悟。为什么乐渊一直躲在云经阁概不外出,为什么对他们宣传妖分善恶,为什么玄霄夙瑶的那两柄仙剑为有如今的莫大能耐。 Similarly also understood that today's Qionghua Sect numerous casualties have some bearing the consequences of evil acts reasons. 同样也了解到了今日琼华派的众多伤亡亦是有着自食恶果部分缘故。 However can so looks at the clear person to Yun Tianqing and Su Xin all, is really a few in Qionghua Sect, most people cannot put down to the matter of becoming an immortal. 不过能够向云天青夙莘这般将一切都看得非常清楚的人,在琼华派中也实属少数,绝大多数人还是对成仙之事根本放不下。 Although Qionghua Sect Master Taiqing (Grand Purity) already died, however in Le Yuan by a Elder Zong Lian sword severe wound, after Huanming World was also advocated Chan You also the stabbing strategic point runs away, strength of both sides again restores the balance, really must say that Qionghua Sect also not necessarily loses to Huanming World. 虽然琼华掌门太清已经死去,但是在乐渊亦被宗炼长老一剑重伤,幻瞑界之主婵幽也被刺中要害逃窜走之后,双方的实力再一次恢复平衡,真要说琼华派还不一定输给幻瞑界 Therefore the casualties are even serious, Qionghua Sect or the day and night send the disciple to stare at tied Huanming World. After war of that day, Le Yuan or is Chan You also has not come again, comes out to resist the Qionghua Sect attack only has several Huanming World Monster General. 因此就算是伤亡惨重,琼华派还是日夜派遣弟子盯着被缚住的幻瞑界。自那一日大战之后,无论是乐渊亦或者是婵幽都没有再次现身,唯一出来抵挡琼华派进攻的唯有几名幻瞑界妖将 Crossed on the 2nd, the monster tapirs rushed ahead once again, the disciples meet head-on, on Rolling Cloud Stage is a frigid fight. After fights, Qionghua Sect lost more than ten young disciples...... 过了两日,妖貘们又一次冲杀了下来,弟子们纷纷迎战,卷云台上又是一场惨烈的战斗。一战过后,琼华派又损失了十余名年轻的弟子…… After putting in massive sacrifices, the Qionghua Sect Elder Chongguang indignant evildoer/monstrous talent are rampant, leading the disciples to recoil into Monster World. Went well by him unexpectedly, the Huanming World secret Spiritual Qi amethyst was known by Qionghua Sect. 在付出了大量的牺牲之后,琼华派重光长老气愤妖孽嚣张,带众弟子反冲入妖界。竟然被他得手,幻瞑界的秘密灵气紫晶被琼华派知晓。 But shifted the Huanming World surrounding along with the battlefield from Qionghua Sect Rolling Cloud Stage, the disparity of strength and background of both sides is also appearing slowly. The intermediate-level or contrast Qionghua Sect of high level strength has the absolute advantage, but has not occupied compared with low level strength Huanming World similarly superiorly, several days pass by, along with the invasion of Qionghua Sect, entire Huanming World can be said as the casualty being serious. 而伴随着战场从琼华派卷云台转移到了幻瞑界外围,双方的实力、底蕴的差距也在慢慢出现。无论是中层还是高层实力的对比琼华派都占据着绝对的优势,而比低层实力幻瞑界同样并未占优,数日过去,伴随着琼华派的入侵,整个幻瞑界可以说是死伤惨重。 Qionghua Sect killed monster that is the thorough insanity, entered Huanming World regardless of the old and young, saw the monster to kill, entire Huanming World became the human purgatory. 琼华派杀妖那是彻底疯魔了,一进入幻瞑界无论老幼,见妖就杀,整个幻瞑界变为了人间炼狱。 ... ...
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