VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#810: Meets by chance again, in the future

The state Nüwa temple, as were regarded as only Gods Nüwa to have the Central Plain person not unimaginable position in Miao Border and other places, this Nüwa temple is also the temple that state almost every big city can have, the town god's temple compared with Central Plain made the Miao Border person believe. 蛮州女娲庙,作为在苗疆等地被视为唯一神明女娲可是有着中原人无法想像的地位,这女娲庙也是蛮州几乎每一个大城市都会存在的庙宇,比起中原的城隍庙更加令苗疆人信服。 But this state Nüwa temple, no one can then be named the old Grandma care of character dozens years ago by one. Dozens years passed by, some insider already of past years died of old age even died, but that old Grandma actually was still the same as usual, spirit healthy does not know that also how long can continue to live. 而这蛮州女娲庙,在数十年前便由一名谁也叫不上名字的老婆婆照料。几十年过去了,当年的一些知情人已经老去甚至死亡,但是那名老婆婆却依然是老样子,精神矍铄不知还能继续活多久。 A bamboo house in this state Nüwa temple not far away, is Xiao Xuan and Saintess Aunt old Grandma two people of shelter, one old one small is also regarded as the ordinary grandfather and grandson, no one thinks radically this is the Nüwa clan descendant of present age. 在这蛮州女娲庙不远处的一处竹楼,正是小萱圣姑婆婆的两人的隐居之所,一老一小也被视为普通的祖孙俩,根本没有人想到这就是当代的女娲族后裔。 Returns to Xiao Xuan of room not to alarm Saintess Aunt quietly, the tonight's matter is really thrilling extremely. The magic arts that she has taken pride are not worth mentioning in that Demon God eye unexpectedly. But her own performance wants to come is quite bashful angry now, is on site to respond that to fighting the experience was too bad, but how or her strength will be compelled to want Le Yuan to intend by that Demon God to rescue. 悄然回归自己房间的小萱并没有惊动圣姑,今天晚上的事情实在是惊险万分。她一直引以自豪的法术在那鬼神眼中竟然不值一提。而她自己的表现现在想来还颇为羞恼,无论是临场反应还是对战经验都太差了,要不然以她的实力怎么会被那鬼神逼到要乐渊出手相救。 , was not Elder Brother A'Le he...... recorded, Elder Brother A'Le and that Big Brother Gu exchanged the name time said Le Yuan, originally was this Elder Brother A'Le true name? Yuan, Xuan...... also is really two similar names, is really strange, how to have just thought on Moon God Festival what is Big Brother Gu, obviously I and Elder Brother A'Le are most own......” “唔,也不是阿乐哥他怎么样了……记的,阿乐哥和那个顾大哥互通姓名的时候自称乐渊,原来这就是阿乐哥的真正名字吗?渊,萱……还真是两个相似的名字,真奇怪,刚刚在月神祭上怎么一直想的的是顾大哥,明明我和阿乐哥才是最亲的……” Pours also detects tonight's own unusuality in Xiao Xuan that on the bed indulged in flights of fancy little, but she may not have Le Yuan such experience, naturally cannot think that world really had treasure that can operate the person marriage affinity, but also some people coped with her with this treasure. 倒在床上胡思乱想的小萱也一点点察觉到了今晚自己的异常,但是她可没有乐渊这样的见识,自然也想不到世间真有能够操纵人姻缘的宝贝,还有人用这种宝贝对付她了。 Clatter Saw only presented a tiny landing sound in the Xiao Xuan room, has first stood up from failure to fall to the ground in Xiao Xuan that indulging in flights of fancy not to have fallen asleep, looks at the acoustic source place to alert, which singles incomparable evil spirit was very afraid really has to dare to excel at breaking into her room. 只见在小萱的屋子内出现了一声细小的落地声响,一直在胡思乱想没有睡着的小萱第一时间翻身落地,望着声源处戒备着,深怕真有哪个单打无比的妖魔敢擅闯入她的房间中。 When the room when Xiao Xuan illuminates by only some moonlight, saw clearly that entered to the form in her room her the tight body to relax slightly, but later again appeared anxious incomparable. But here her boudoir, Le Yuan, in this greater part of the night goes into her room, actually this must make anything...... 但是当小萱透过仅有些许月色照亮的屋子,看清楚那个进入到她屋内的身影时她紧绷的身体不由稍稍松弛了下来,不过随后再次显得紧张无比。这里可是她的闺房,乐渊在这大半夜的闯入她的房内,这究竟是要做什么…… Uneasy Xiao Xuan does not dare to look at the eye of Le Yuan, is very afraid Le Yuan really to make the unexpected matter. 惴惴不安的小萱不敢看乐渊的眼睛,深怕乐渊真的会做出意想不到的事情来。 „, Xiao Xuan, was sorry that such late also disturbed you......” Le Yuan to cough lightly, simultaneously a scalding hot anger releases from his within the body, making Xiao Xuan of not far away think that the temperature rose suddenly much. “咳咳,小萱,抱歉这么晚了还来打搅你……”乐渊不由轻咳一声,同时一阵灼热的火气从他体内释放,令不远处的小萱都觉得温度突然升高了不少。 In order to solve future Mount Shu Five Elders these stirs the excrement stick, Le Yuan reduced the Strength use even as far as possible, but made own body receive a big wound as before. Before he refining up Monster Purifying Sacred Fire completely, every time moves hand to be equal to a chronic suicide a time, but can also cure regarding the small wound in the body of Le Yuan well like this. 为了解决未来的蜀山五老这几个搅屎棍,乐渊即使尽可能地减少了力量使用,但是依旧令自己的身体受到了不小的创伤。在他完全炼化净妖圣火之前,每动一次手就等同于一次慢性自杀,不过好在乐渊的身体对于这样的小创伤还能够治愈。 Elder Brother A'Le, you are all right! I for your casting, suppress within the body enthusiasm!” 阿乐哥,你没事吧!我替你施法,压制住体内火劲!” Nearby Xiao Xuan saw that Le Yuan condition how could not understand Le Yuan this is the injury that makes a move to create, immediately right hand control Water Spirit, changed to endless Water Spirit to pour into Le Yuan that scalding hot body by her within the body Spiritual Power later. 一旁的小萱看到乐渊的状态岂能不明白乐渊这是再度出手造成的伤势,随即右手御使水灵,随后由她将体内灵力化作无尽水灵注入了乐渊那灼热的身体中。 Do not be strenuous, Water Spirit Power futile attempt that you can make, the small girl you were too weak, this was not the attack of average person......” Le Yuan feels the head of Xiao Xuan, prevented her casting. Fatal attack that is started by God World powerhouse Jiutian Xuannu, the Nüwa clan descendants who also Xiao Xuan this has not grown can it be that can resist, under cannot do well Monster Purifying Sacred Fire to backlash, even she must therefore receive to involve, but severe wound. “别费力了,你能够制造的水灵之力杯水车薪,小丫头你还是太弱了,这可不是一般人的攻击啊……”乐渊摸着小萱的脑袋,阻止了她的施法。由神界强者九天玄女发动的致命攻击,又岂是小萱这个还未成长起来的女娲族后裔能够对抗的,搞不好净妖圣火反噬之下,连她都要因此受到牵连而重伤。 Le Yuan holds the bedside to sit down Xiao Xuan, later squats in her body previous face was saying to her seriously: Xiao Xuan, no, called you for Zi Xuan...... this is your real name not? Is really suitable your name, is very beautiful very beautifully,......” 乐渊小萱扶到床边坐下,随后蹲在她的身前一脸郑重地对着她说道:“小萱,不,还是称呼你为紫萱吧……这才是你的真名不是吗?真是非常适合你的名字,很美、很美……” The Nüwa clan descendant, then has Mother of the Earth makings inborn, even present Zi Xuan is a smell of mother's milk not yet dried girl, but this is still not able to conceal its makings, without passing through informed and experienced, her makings already had perhaps been developed. 女娲族后裔,天生便带着一股大地之母的气质,就算眼前的紫萱还是一个乳臭未干的女孩,但是这依然无法掩饰其气质,若不是没有经过历练,她的气质恐怕早就已经被开发出来。 Elder Brother A'Le...... you, how knows my name, the state never has the person knows, even Grandma only called me for Xuan'er, you......” 阿乐哥……你,是怎么知道我的名字,蛮州从来都没有人知道的啊,连婆婆都只称呼我为萱儿,你……” For concealing identity, Zi Xuan or Saintess Aunt never have truly the full name exposition of Zi Xuan, feared that some people will use this real name to be disadvantageous to Zi Xuan, after all many incantation techniques and talisman record display in view of the name. 为了隐姓埋名,无论是紫萱还是圣姑都从来没有真正将紫萱的全名暴露,就是怕有人会用这真名对紫萱不利,毕竟许多咒术、符录是针对名字来施展的。 No mistake, the old body also wants to know, your grade of great person, how knows the Xuan'er name, why also appears in her side...... can also say to the old body?” “没有错,老身也很想知道,你这等大人物,是如何知道萱儿的名字,又为何出现在她的身边……能不能对老身也说道说道?” Suddenly presented the third person of sound in Le Yuan spiritual awareness, sees only old Grandma that is leaning on the snake stick appears in the room, Le Yuan or Zi Xuan recognized her immediately, has looked after Zi Xuan Saintess Aunt. 乐渊灵觉之中突然出现了第三人的声音,只见一个拄着蛇杖的老婆婆出现在屋内,无论是乐渊还是紫萱都在第一时间认出了她,正是一直照料紫萱圣姑 The diving body gu, is not the incantation technique immortal law, therefore basically does not have the supernatural power to fluctuate, naturally cannot by the bystander the sensation. Even Le Yuan was concealed under this move, indeed is unexpected, most critically this diving body gu that Saintess Aunt training that except for this move lived several 1000 year is indeed uncommon. 潜身蛊,并非咒术仙法,因此基本上无法力波动,自然也不会被外人所感知。连乐渊在这一招之下都被隐瞒了,除了这一招的确出人意料之外,更关键的是这位活了几千年圣姑培养的潜身蛊的确不凡。 „, Since Saintess Aunt also came, happen to I have the matter to deliver. Xiao Xuan already stared by the Mount Shu Sect person, although these was destroyed by me time, so long as Xiao Xuan in a day, they will then not have dropped. Today Xiao Xuan nearly falls deeply in love, that Mount Shu Sect uses Three Lives Red Thread......” “咳咳,既然圣姑也来了,正好我也有事想要交付。小萱已经蜀山派的人盯上了,虽然这一次被我破坏,但是只要小萱还在一天,他们便不会放手。今日小萱险些坠入情网,那蜀山派三生红线……” Le Yuan the news that obtained from the Qing Wei mind informed two people on the scene him, this Saintess Aunt may be different from having little experience of the world Zi Xuan, several 1000 year time already made her become in this world a vastest person. 乐渊将他从清微脑海中得到的消息告知了在场的两个人,这圣姑可不同于涉世未深的紫萱,几千年的时间已经令她成为这个世上最广博的一个人。 Three Lives Red Thread, indeed rarely has the person to know, but this includes Saintess Aunt. In the antiquity years, Three Lives Red Thread as not forcing to bind the thing of cause. But is the men and women who two sentiments like each other, for like to the Fangzheng bright own affections Heaven and Earth spiritual object that but binds voluntarily, can the men and women of Three Lives Red Thread blessing has the person of extremely strong fate without exception. 三生红线,的确鲜有人知晓,但是这并包括圣姑。况且在上古年间,三生红线也并非作为强制绑定因缘之物。而是两情相悦的男女,为了像对方证明自己的爱意而自愿绑定的天地灵物,能够得到三生红线祝福的男女无一例外都是有着极强缘分的人。 But like nowadays Mount Shu Sect so, two, although is predestined friends, but does not have the approach that the two people of slight sentiment tie up directly, was spurned in the antiquity years absolutely. 而像现如今蜀山派这般,将两个虽有缘但是却没有丝毫感情的两个人直接绑起来的做法,在上古年间绝对是遭到唾弃的。 But Saintess Aunt when hears Mount Shu Sect to want the Nüwa clan to tie up the chariot, sneers, can see her regarding the entire Mount Shu Sect not favorable impression. 圣姑在听闻蜀山派想要将女娲族绑上战车的时候,不由冷笑一声,看得出她对于整个蜀山派并无好感。 Snort the God World running dog, Empress Nüwa assisted initially the God World still world disaster, God World because actually the one's own selfish interests dismiss god the empress, nowadays God World foot soldier attendant Mount Shu also has the empress descendant's idea unexpectedly, is really hateful......” “哼神界的走狗,女娲娘娘当初相助神界平定人间灾祸,神界却由于一己之私将娘娘开除神籍,现如今神界的马前卒蜀山竟然也打起了娘娘后裔的主意,真是可恶……” But Zi Xuan at the same time when sees even some Saintess Aunt lingering fear, which not clear, if has not been disturbed today, possibly she also really had possibility one to plant, when the time comes was blurry is a itself/Ben is the plot would rather rush about third, that biggest misfortune. 而一边的紫萱在见到连圣姑都有些后怕的时候,哪不清楚如果今日没有被打搅,可能她还真有可能一头栽进去了,到时候迷迷糊糊为一场本就是阴谋的情愿奔波三世,那岂不是最大的不幸。 However Saintess Aunt complained turns over to the complaint, but has not forgotten a matter as before, that was the Le Yuan status is still unclear, people become shrewd with age she will not turn over to help on the Zi Xuan good person Le Yuan directly with no reason at all. 不过圣姑抱怨归抱怨,但是依旧没有忘记一件事情,那就是乐渊的身份依旧不明,人老成精的她也不会直接将乐渊归到无缘无故帮助紫萱的好人身上。 Then you? Which side influence you are, why is close to Xuan'er with difficulty, for Strength of Nüwa clan?” “那么你呢?你又是哪一方势力,为何千辛万苦接近萱儿,难道也是为的女娲族的力量?” The Nüwa clan, the world strongest strength, this compares to Mount Shu Sect powerful Strength. Theoretically each generation of Nüwa descendants have to grow to the potential of Nüwa strength, what a pity each generation defeated by the destiny, can not die a natural death. 女娲族,人间最强之力,这可是比起蜀山派更加强大的一股力量。理论上每一代的女娲后裔都有着成长到女娲实力的潜质,可惜每一代都被命运打败,不得善终。 I......!” “我……哼!” Le Yuan the demon air/Qi of hidden the entire small bamboo room will have covered thoroughly, even if immediately has 1000 year cultivation base Saintess Aunt puppet Grandma that nearly becomes an immortal still almost to kneel down at this time at the scene, although puppet Grandma, because the generation serves the relations of Nüwa clan, obtained the Nüwa clan to direct, but achievement immortal body, but her strength was also in the B level the position, was really not strongly. 乐渊也将一直隐藏的魔气彻底将整个小竹屋笼罩,顿时就算是有千年修为已近成仙的圣姑傀儡婆婆此时也是差点当场跪下,虽然傀儡婆婆由于世代侍奉女娲族的关系,得到了女娲族指点而成就仙身,但是她自身的实力也不过是b级中位而已,真的算不上多强。 But the Le Yuan aura mainly aims at Saintess Aunt, although Zi Xuan many came under an influence is not however big, only had small green snake in her wrist/skill to be listless, the snake wick did not spit, shrank the body to worship Le Yuan. 乐渊的气息主要针对圣姑,虽然紫萱多少受到了一点影响但是并不大,唯有她手腕上的小青蛇病恹恹的,连蛇信子都不吐了,缩着身体朝拜着乐渊 This Monster King Le Yuan, how can also need to plan a little miss, I and Xiao Xuan meet merely is a coincidence......, damn Xuannu......” “本座妖王乐渊,又岂会需要算计一个小姑娘,我与小萱的相遇仅仅是一个巧合而已……咳咳,该死的玄女……” After the Strength release, was indeed good to speak much, but Le Yuan was also therefore stirred by within the body enthusiasm can not be peaceful. 力量释放后,的确好说话了不少,但是乐渊也因此被体内火劲搅得不得安宁。 Ok, you do not need to worry that I will continue to harbor anything to attempt to Xiao Xuan, after tonight, I will then leave, as for whether to meet again then looks at the destiny......” “算了,你也无需担心我会继续对小萱怀有什么企图,今夜之后我便会离开,至于能否再相见便看命运了……” Elder Brother A'Le, your wound has not cured, remains!” 阿乐哥,你的伤还没有治好,还是留下来吧!” In the eye of Zi Xuan, more than half a year accompanies her to play, does delicious to him, accompanies him to cultivate, protects her is being Le Yuan, although the emotion has not transformed into the admire, but hears Le Yuan to leave suddenly, she quite does not give up. 紫萱的眼中,大半年来陪她玩耍,做好吃的给他,陪他修炼,保护着她的一直都是乐渊,虽然情感还没有转变为爱慕,但是骤然听到乐渊要离开,她还是颇为舍不得。 Has to walk, but before walking, gives you a big present, the small girl you must grow stronger, so long as suffices to be strong, Mount Shu Sect that group of fellows cannot plan on you...... “不得不走,不过走之前送你一份大礼,小丫头你也要变强了,只要够强,蜀山派的那群家伙也就算计不到你身上……着 Was saying the Le Yuan right hand releases the white ray, later Le Yuan grasps a white bead to try within the body that pricks Zi Xuan. 说着乐渊右手释放出白色的光芒,随后乐渊握着一颗白色的珠子试着刺入紫萱的体内。 Holy Spirit Pearl?” Saintess Aunt calls out in alarm, this treasure appears in her mind are innumerable, because accident before a several generations, Holy Spirit Pearl already vanishes without the trace early. 圣灵珠?”圣姑一声惊呼,这宝贝在她脑海中浮现过无数次,但是由于数代之前的一次变故,圣灵珠已经消失无踪。 However Le Yuan is surprised maximum that moment, tries to send in Zi Xuan within the body in Le Yuan Holy Spirit Pearl, when helps she grows, who knows in the body of Zi Xuan to erupt unprecedented Water Spirit Power, repelled Holy Spirit Pearl in Le Yuan hand. 但是乐渊才是惊讶最大的那一刻,就在乐渊试着将圣灵珠送入紫萱体内,助她成长之际,谁知在紫萱的身体中爆发出一股前所未有的水灵之力,将乐渊手中的圣灵珠排斥了出去。 Water Spirit Bead 水灵珠 The aura that Water Spirit Power of that Zi Xuan within the body without a doubt is Le Yuan once controlled Water Spirit Bead that displays, only then Water Spirit Bead has this repellency, after all Le Yuan had attempted, five spirit bead and Holy Spirit Pearl can only hold one to enter the body auxiliary cultivation simultaneously, many bases did not accept. 紫萱体内的水灵之力毫无疑问是乐渊曾经掌控的水灵珠发挥出来的气息,也只有水灵珠才有这排斥性,毕竟乐渊曾经尝试过,五灵珠圣灵珠同时只能容纳一颗入体辅助修炼,多的根本接受不了。 The familiarity, this has then made the feeling that Le Yuan is puzzling have the clue after meeting finally, originally this familiarity came from in this Water Spirit Bead unexpectedly. Le Yuan first then wants to confirm the soul of unparalleled Nüwa Water Spirit Bead security or not, how Le Yuan spiritual awareness investigates, that Water Spirit Bead does not have the reflection. 熟悉感,这个从见面后便一直令乐渊百思不得其解的感觉终于有了线索,原来这熟悉感竟是源自于这水灵珠乐渊第一时间便想要确认水灵珠之魂无双女娲的安全与否,但是无论乐渊灵觉如何探查,那水灵珠却全无反映。 This Water Spirit Bead has cultivated with the Zi Xuan life junction, before her to relieve this relation on own initiative, Water Spirit Bead is unable to take out. 水灵珠已然和紫萱性命交修,在她为主动解除这种联系之前,水灵珠根本无法取出。 Le Yuan takes back Holy Spirit Pearl again, is worth sighing. If changes into Holy Spirit Pearl Water Spirit Bead, the Zi Xuan cultivation base promotion speed enhances 30% at least. This is Holy Spirit Pearl regarding the addition effect of Nüwa clan, is not five spirit bead can compare. 乐渊重新将圣灵珠收回,值得叹息一声。若是将水灵珠换成圣灵珠,紫萱修为提升速度最起码提高30%。这就是圣灵珠对于女娲族的加成效果,可不是五灵珠可以比拟的。 With the early morning first wisp of sunlight, the body of Le Yuan became in Saintess Aunt and Zi Xuan front paler. 伴随着清晨的第一缕阳光,乐渊的身体在圣姑紫萱的面前变得更淡了。 Elder Brother A'Le, you are, how?” 阿乐哥,你这是,怎么了?” Zi Xuan wanted to throw at that time goes forward, grabs the hand of Le Yuan, Le Yuan she but who already starts to transmit can hold can it be that Le Yuan put out two characters in this instantaneously merely, then vanished in her front thoroughly. 紫萱当时就想要扑上前,抓住乐渊的手,但是已经开始传送的乐渊岂是她能够抓住的,乐渊在这瞬间仅仅吐出了两个字,便彻底消失在了她的面前。 Returns to...... the soul......” “回……魂……” Looks that vanishes Le Yuan that from oneself at present does not see, on the face of Zi Xuan the tearful eyes dances, what this Scenario and did the person die had to distinguish? The deceased people can also leave behind a corpse, but disappearance of Le Yuan is actually dead or alive. 看着从自己眼前消失不见的乐渊,紫萱的脸上泪眼婆娑,这幅场景和人死了有什么区别?死人还能留下一具尸体,但乐渊的消失却是活不见人死不见尸。 Saintess Aunt is Grandma, what returning to the soul? Actually Elder Brother A'Le was he how?” 圣姑婆婆,回魂是什么?阿乐哥他究竟是怎么了?” The Zi Xuan skill was still shallow, regarding Soul Returning Immortal Dream this type even is still bans the immortal law of technique to hear something never heard of in the Nüwa clan radically, therefore asked Saintess Aunt. 紫萱功力尚浅,对于回魂仙梦这种即使是在女娲族中也是禁术的仙法根本闻所未闻,于是不由问道身旁的圣姑 But when the Saintess Aunt same eye in Le Yuan vanishes stares fiercely in a big way, simultaneously in mouth twittering say/way: Returning to the soul...... unexpectedly is this, Monster King Le Yuan, he unexpectedly is...... the reversal time causes and effects, really non- ordinary person can......” 圣姑同样眼睛在乐渊消失时猛地瞪大,同时口中不由呢喃着道:“回魂……竟然是这样,妖王乐渊,难道说他竟然是……逆转时间因果,果然非常人所能……” Looks is still closely examining own Zi Xuan, Saintess Aunt hesitates, but knew itself all news about Soul Returning Immortal Dream to inform Zi Xuan finally. 望着还在追问自己的紫萱,圣姑略带迟疑,但是最后还是将自己所知关于回魂仙梦的所有消息告知了紫萱 Soul Returning Immortal Dream? In the world really has such magic arts, then Elder Brother A'Le he will come from the future some time, we can also say goodbye...... are really good!” 回魂仙梦?世上真有这样的法术,那么阿乐哥他难道来自于未来的某个时候,我们还能再见……真是太好了!” Zi Xuan stops crying to smile, regarding having not the old Undying Body Nüwa clan, the time perhaps is not most deficient thing. 紫萱破涕而笑,对于拥有不老不死之身女娲族而言,时间或许是最不缺乏的东西 ... ...
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