VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#790: Wangshu Xihe, ices the flame double sword

With the comparing notes conclusion between Le Yuan and Yun Tianqing, one group of people encircled, Su Xin this lively young Junior Sister that is spinning to amazing the world with a single brilliant feat Yun Tianqing. 随着乐渊云天青之间的切磋结束,一群人重新围了上来,夙莘这位活泼小师妹那是对着一鸣惊人的云天青直打转。 Since has joined Qionghua Sect she has then been listening to this Senior Brother Tianqing honorable deed, does not have once to want unexpectedly also to be a deeply concealing person, cultivation base is actually not under talent Senior Brother Xuan Xiao faintly. 自从加入琼华派以来她便一直听着自己这位天青师兄的光荣事迹,没曾想竟然也是个深藏不露的人,一身修为竟然隐隐不在天才师兄玄霄之下。 But Le Yuan looks that encircles also shows the smile in same place Senior Brother Junior Sisters rarely, although does not want the world more than 20 years ago to leave behind too many fetters, however in Qionghua more than one year of time how, even if to shun the world again, under is constantly together can contact to several getting to know each other well people. 乐渊看着围在一起的师兄师妹们也是难得地露出笑容,虽然并不想在这20多年前的世界留下太多的羁绊,但是在琼华一年多的时间里面就算再怎么避世,朝夕相处之下还是能够接触到几个相熟的人。 But with is not others who Le Yuan most compatibles, is Yun Tianqing, Su Yu and Su Xin, their three not necessarily keep aloof regarding the Le Yuan theory person, the monster also not necessarily does all kinds of evil much, has much sigh with emotion. 而和乐渊最合得来的不是别人,正是云天青夙玉夙莘,他们三个对于乐渊所述的理论人未必高高在上,妖也未必作恶多端多,很是别有感慨。 Has naturally not stayed in Kunlun Mountain to sit in meditation the practicing front door as the Qionghua Sect disciple, the cultivation way of that nearly dead dwelling does not conform to the Qionghua Sect style. 作为琼华派弟子自然不是一直留在昆仑山上打坐修行大门不出,那种近乎死宅的修炼方式并不符合琼华派的风格。 What Qionghua Sect is tasteful is killing monsters and eliminating demons and enter the world practices. Once for a while will then send the hanger-on disciple to go out to eliminate the monster, not only fires Qionghua Sect the name of Justice, can play exercises the function of hanger-on disciple. 琼华派讲究的是斩妖除魔、入世修行。时不时便会派遣门下弟子外出除妖,不仅将琼华派正义之名打响,更加能够起到锻炼门下弟子的作用。 But Le Yuan their generation of disciples also more or less descend the mountain to exercise in one year 2-3 times, but compares sees the attitude that the monster cuts in Xuan Xiao and Su Yao like that Le Yuan acts their two relatively speaking are much more obedient with Su Xin and Yun Tianqing that after often wait for Le Yuan to investigate to be clear, begins. 乐渊他们这一辈的弟子也在一年中或多或少下山锻炼过2-3次,而相比较于玄霄夙瑶那般见妖即斩的作风,和乐渊一起行动的夙莘云天青他们两个就相对而言听话得多,每每都是等着乐渊调查清楚之后再动手。 Regarding the monster class that these simply have not done evil, Yun Tianqing they also use temporarily as had not seen, but Le Yuan received these Heaven Monster Small World ; But facing Earth Monster that biting the person does evil, Yun Tianqing and Su Xin will not show mercy, they can progress by leaps and bounds in just one year, cannot cut off the relations with the fights with these evil spirits. 对于那些根本没有作恶的妖类,云天青他们也就权当没看到,而乐渊则是将这些天妖收入小世界内;而面对噬人作恶的地妖,云天青夙莘也绝不会手下留情,他们能够在短短一年多的时间里面突飞猛进,和与这些妖物的战斗脱不了关系。 Although enters the Qionghua Sect time is not long, however is divided into two schools in nowadays Qionghua Sect younger generation already faintly, a school is headed by big Senior Brother Xuan Zhen, Xuan Xiao and Su Yao are backbone Strength, they to inherit the master Daoist Master Taiqing tough style, is not forgiving regarding the monster different kind, killing is quite relatively speaking heavy. 虽然进入琼华派的时间并不长,但是在现如今的琼华派年轻一代已经隐隐分为两派,一派以大师兄玄震为首,玄霄夙瑶则是其中的中坚力量,他们以继承了师傅太清真人的强硬作风,对于妖怪异类决不留情,杀性相对而言比较重。 Another school , then takes Le Yuan as the mainstream, Yun Tianqing and Su Xin support Le Yuan, only has Su Yu to be partial to the idea of Le Yuan however not to indicate for various reasons directly. These two ideas in Qionghua Sect are also the non- common markets, but murders to send or take up the mainstream, who lets current Sect Master Daoist Master Taiqing murders a school of representative. 另一派则以乐渊为主流,云天青夙莘则是支持乐渊,唯有夙玉偏向乐渊的理念但是由于种种原因并未直接表明。这两种理念在琼华派也是非常有市场,不过杀伐派还是占据主流,谁让现任掌门太清真人就是杀伐一派的代表人物。 But more than one year time Le Yuan not all in informed and experienced, read passed, located well in the relations of elder that generation of neutralization Execution Sword Elder Zong Lian, has the meaning of intergenerational activity greatly. But Le Yuan such and Zong Lian exchanges, for inquiry related Wangshu also has the situations of Xihe these two swords. 而这一年多的时间乐渊也不全是在历练、看书中度过,在长老那一辈中和执剑长老宗炼的关系处得不错,大有忘年交的意思。而乐渊之所以这么和宗炼进行交流,为的还是打探有关望舒还有羲和这两柄剑的情况。 Must know that besides by double sword of Qionghua Sect collection, in Le Yuan Small World is still preserving Wangshu Sword that came from the future period. This sword Le Yuan has more than enough, does not prepare to make the average person contact it, if were played the sword by this, to go looking for trouble. 要知道除了被琼华派收藏的双剑之外,乐渊小世界里面可是依然保存着来自于未来时期的望舒剑。这柄剑乐渊是用不了,也不准备让一般人接触它,万一又被这把剑玩死了,岂不是自找麻烦。 As and casts sword Grandmaster Zong Lian more and more to chat deeply, Le Yuan are also more regarding the sensibility of these two immortal swords Qionghua Sect casts. Although Zong Lian had not explained the law of casting directly, but understood from Le Yuan the casting sword relevant detail that and reverse counter pushes the Wangshu Sword casting process, material of already forging is the Heaven and Earth treasure that impossible seeks for again, but the law of forging is unthinkable...... 随着和铸剑大师宗炼聊得越来越深,乐渊对于琼华派所铸的这两柄仙剑的感悟也就越多。虽然宗炼并没有直接将铸造之法说明,但是从乐渊了解到的铸剑相关细节和反向逆推望舒剑的铸造过程来看,锻造之材已经属于不可能再寻找到的天地奇珍,而锻造之法更是匪夷所思…… Wangshu Sword uses ‚the laws of hundred building up, must forge surely repeatedly over hundred times, cannot make mistake a time, only then success! But most critically sword heart breeding consumed the Qionghua Sect greatest background to breed successfully, can make the double sword lodge, in was extremely extremely positive, on the Yin two hosts, achieved conforms to the Man and Sword Unite condition in the true sense, thus raised the person with the sword, raised the immortal sword by person accumulated, complemented one another transforms together. 望舒剑用的‘百炼之法’,定要反复锻冶百次以上,其中不能出一次差错,方可成功!而更关键的是其中的剑心孕育更是耗费了琼华派莫大的底蕴才可孕育成功,能够令双剑寄宿在极阳、极阴两位宿主身上,达到真正意义上最符合人剑合一的状态,从而以剑养人,以人蕴养仙剑,相辅相成共同蜕变。 What a pity although this lodging relations the wondrous use is infinite, but the bad risk is also incomparable, the Su Yu cultivation deviation of death and Xuan Xiao is the best evidence, Strength has not suppressed powerful Wangshu and Xihe two swords, even aptitude top Su Yu and Xuan Xiao are unable to be safe and sound. 可惜这种寄宿关系虽然妙用无穷但是也凶险无比,夙玉的死和玄霄的走火入魔就是最好的佐证,没有彼此之间的力量压制过于强大望舒羲和二剑,就算是资质顶尖的夙玉玄霄也无法安然无恙。 While the Qionghua Sect casting succeeds the double sword, they neglected an issue, how if the double sword loses control of should separate from the body of host the double sword. Perhaps they did not forget this point, but chose simply is also the direct way, killed the host, the double sword naturally fell into the deep sleep again. 而在琼华派铸造成功双剑的同时,他们就忽略了一个问题,万一双剑失控又该如何将双剑从宿主的身体上分离。或许他们不是忘记了这一点,而是选择了最简单也是直接的方式,杀死宿主,双剑自然再度陷入沉睡。 But Le Yuan on Sword Dancing Plain is explaining many doubts on people cultivation base, while looks with no trace sizes up this is not awarded Xuan Xiao and Su Yu of double sword. 乐渊剑舞坪上一边解答着众人修为上的诸多疑惑,一边不留痕迹地看着打量这还未被授予双剑的玄霄夙玉 Two people worthily by the double sword host that Taiqing (Grand Purity) is selective, although nowadays cultivation base is unable to compare in the school to practice dozens years of elder, however in unreliably and early this generation of disciple is the lead goat who deserves. 两人不愧是被太清精挑细选出来的双剑宿主,现如今的修为虽然无法比拟门派中修行了数十年的长老,但是在玄、夙这一辈的弟子中是当之无愧的领头羊。 When Le Yuan one group of people discussed this each other swordsmanship opinion as well as saw informed and experienced, as big fellow apprentice's Xuan Zhen appears in the people behind, later he to Le Yuan and the others was saying: „The Sect Master teacher has the command, assigns/life Xuan Xiao, Su Yu as well as Le Yuan goes to the main hall instantly, some important matters consulted, acts without fail!” 正当乐渊一群人谈论这彼此的剑道见解以及历练所见之时,身为大师兄的玄震却是出现在了众人身后,随后他对着乐渊等人说道:“掌门师尊有令,命玄霄夙玉以及乐渊即刻前往大殿,有要事相商,不得有误!” „, Two fellow apprentices have Sister Su Yu the meeting master also to summon unexpectedly, actually so-called what matter does the big Senior Brother you know?” “诶,两位师兄还有夙玉师妹竟然会师傅同时传召,大师兄你知不知道究竟所谓何事?” Yun Tianqing at the same time looks at big Senior Brother Xuan Zhen that was just arriving at to ask hastily, is not only Yun Tianqing is curious, including Su Yao and Su Xin, was also very curious as for just summoned Xuan Xiao and Su Yu. 一边的云天青望着刚刚到来的大师兄玄震连忙问道,不仅仅是云天青好奇,连夙瑶夙莘,乃至于刚刚被传召的玄霄夙玉同样好奇无比。 Sect Master Daoist Master Taiqing that is not general busy, besides the practicing achievement of necessary testing school disciple, almost cannot see his person's shadow. Now will summon Le Yuan and the others to go, the matter of notice is not inevitably simple. 掌门太清真人那可不是一般的忙碌,除了必要的考校弟子的修行成果之外,几乎见不到他的人影。现在会召唤乐渊等人前去,通知的事情必然不简单。 In the middle Junior Brothers and Junior Sister are looking at themselves, Xuan Zhen also can only shake the head to sigh reluctantly: This matter I do not know, but Elder Zong Lian also, is very important matter, two Junior Brothers also had Sister Su Yu to be delayed, went to the main hall as soon as possible!” 间一众师弟、师妹这么望着自己,玄震也只能无奈地摇头叹气道:“此事我也不知,不过宗炼长老也在,想必是非常重要的事情,两位师弟还有夙玉师妹还是被耽搁了,尽快去大殿吧!” Big Senior Brother Xuan Zhen urged again, Le Yuan and Xuan Xiao and Su Yu two people no longer are also dilatory, the body exudes together the azure light, three people of figure change to the cool breeze to vanish in the people together at present. 大师兄玄震再次催促,乐渊玄霄夙玉二人也不再拖沓,身上泛起一道青光,三人的身形化作一道清风消失在了众人眼前。 In Qionghua Sect, the ordinary disciple besides the elder forbids the governing sword flying immortal, only if there is an archenemy to invade one's territory also or the startled day important matter happened, this no one can offend. Therefore, is unable governing sword Le Yuan and the others to display the law secret art immediately own speed improving, but after several breaths, before three people of blushing air/Qi did not breathe heavily arrived at the Qionghua main hall . 琼华派内,除了长老之外普通弟子禁止御剑飞仙,除非有大敌来犯亦或者惊天大事发生,这一条无人可以触犯。因此,无法御剑的乐渊等人立马施展法诀将自身的速度提高,不过几息之后,三人脸不红气不喘地来到了琼华大殿前。 Enters the main hall, then sees Daoist Master Taiqing in the main hall center, but Execution Sword Elder Zong Lian stands in one side, in the main hall the atmosphere is dignified, seeming like says today the incident is out of the ordinary. 一进入大殿,便见到太清真人在大殿中央,而执剑长老宗炼则站在一侧,大殿内气氛凝重无比,看起来今日所说一事非比寻常。 Under the stair, Le Yuan and Xuan Xiao and Su Yu stand shoulder to shoulder, goes forward one step as fellow apprentice's Xuan Xiao, bows toward own teacher Daoist Master Taiqing slightly, salutes to inquire: Master, does not know that today recruits disciple and the others to come the Qionghua palace, has what important matter?” 台阶下,乐渊玄霄夙玉并肩而立,作为师兄的玄霄上前一步,微微躬身向着自己的师尊太清真人,施礼询问道:“师父,不知今日招弟子等人前来琼华宫,有何要事?” Daoist Master Taiqing expression is solemn and respectful, after sweeping Le Yuan and the others, said: I assign/life your three people to come today, has important matters that concerns this school of honor or disgrace rise and fall must entrust!” 太清真人神色肃穆,扫过乐渊等人后说道:“我今日命你三人前来,乃是有一件关乎本派荣辱兴衰的大事要托付!” Such remarks, immediately Su Yu and Xuan Xiao two people one startled, only has on the Le Yuan face as before indifferent incomparable, wanted to say the matter that his already to be prepared facing Daoist Master Taiqing early. 此话一出,顿时夙玉玄霄二人一惊,唯有乐渊脸上依旧淡然无比,面对太清真人想要说的事情他却是早已经有了准备。 Daoist Master Taiqing saw three people of performance, in the heart already to have haggling over, later has turned around to say to Elder Zong Lian: Zong Lian, then by you!” 太清真人看见三人的表现,心中已经有了计较,随后转过身对着身旁的宗炼长老道:“宗炼,便由你来说吧!” Before seeing only Zong Lian arrived at the Le Yuan three people, sincere say/way: You and others of already know, the summits of Kunlun Mountains various peak, have the place that the skylight throws down, is the legend way of passing immortal, if can pass, but then ascension in broad daylight becomes an immortal, is only there Spiritual Qi is abundant, each other surges, is not a person of strength can approach. I send immortal cultivation, although accumulates over a long period of time, diligent unremitting, what a pity result small......” 只见宗炼走到了乐渊三人身前,正色道:“想必你等三人已经知晓,昆仑诸峰之巅,有天光投下的地方,便是传说中的通仙之途,若能通过,则可白日飞升成仙,只是那里灵气充沛,彼此激荡,绝非一人之力能够靠近。吾派修仙,虽日积月累,勤奋不懈,可惜成效甚微……” Said here time, Zong Lian or Taiqing (Grand Purity) sighed, this matter is being the Qionghua Sect all previous dynasties' demon sickness, but on the Zong Lian face presented the extremely exciting facial expression suddenly, the clear and resonant voice said. 说道这里的时候,无论是宗炼还是太清都不由地叹了口气,这件事情着是琼华派历代的魔症,不过宗炼脸上忽然又出现了极为兴奋的神情,朗声说道。 Until this faction, but time Sect Master Daoist Master Dao Yin, this peerless older generation, understands raises the sword, the myriad things divide the Yin-Yang, but fortune myriad things, if can cultivation a pair of female and male double sword, forms the sword column by huge Spiritual Power, the direct impact clouds, throw the temporary lodging to Kunlun Mountain skylight, then in the school all people all may throw actually every embryo, becomes the immortal body! Since then, I send to exhaust three generations of strength, finally in my hands, casts Xihe and Wangshu two swords!” “直到本派第而时代掌门道胤真人,这位绝世之才的先辈,悟出以人养剑,万物分阴阳,而阴阳生万物,若能修炼一对雌雄双剑,以巨大灵力形成剑柱,直冲云霄,至昆仑山天光投下处,则门派中诸人皆可抛却凡胎,成为仙身!自那时起,吾派穷尽三代之力,终于于我手中,铸成羲和望舒两剑!” Saying, Zong Lian pulls out long short two treasured swords from the sword chest slowly, is Wangshu Sword and Xihe Sword. 说着,宗炼从剑匣中缓缓抽出一长一短两柄宝剑,正是望舒剑羲和剑 But Le Yuan actually heard Zong Lian to say frowns, if before Zong Lian, half a word words also somewhat truth, then behind a few words absolutely did not have the causal relation. 乐渊却听得宗炼所说直皱眉头,宗炼如果前半句话还有几分道理,那么后面一段话就完全没有因果关系了。 What is called Spiritual Qi to surge a non- person of strength to approach? If is really is only Spiritual Qi surges, depends on the strength of double sword to form the sword column through indeed no issue, but why can bring to send ascend? Also really wants one's family and relatives can ride on one's coattails to success, this at the matter that entire Six Worlds may hear something never heard of before, at various since the ancient times book reservations, but has never had the so bold idea. 什么叫做灵气激荡非一人之力能够靠近?若真是只是灵气激荡,靠着双剑之力形成剑柱通过的确没有什么问题,但是为何要带着全派飞升?难道还真要一人得道鸡犬升天,这在整个六界可还是闻所未闻的事情,自古以来的各种典藏上,可是从未有过如此大胆的想法。 From the ancient times period, practicing to become an immortal is the mortal breaks through, shed every melts the immortal the process. The position of each achievement immortal, have the superman advantage in aptitude, chance and other aspects all, but vertical is so also can only help oneself become an immortal merely. 自远古时期,修行成仙就是凡人突破自我,蜕凡化仙的过程。每一个成就仙人之位的,无不是在资质、机缘等方面有着超人的优势,但纵是如此也仅仅只能助己登仙而已。 Depends on the Strength of double sword as well as host, leads into Immortal World one group of cultivation base Qionghua disciples, transforms becomes an immortal, this is contrary to the say/way of since the ancient times cultivation becoming an immortal radically. 靠着双剑以及宿主的力量,将一群修为不等的琼华门人带入仙界,借此蜕变成仙,这根本有违自古以来的修炼成仙之道。 The double sword combines and complements one another indeed to have enormous possibility ascend to become an immortal, even brings Taiqing (Grand Purity) and other elder ascend is still possible, but wants to lead the ordinary disciple and so on becoming an immortal is actually no different daydreams, since this has practiced the Immortal World people provocation of side achievement immortal position regarding ten million years with hardship? This is also attacking the custom that God World is setting, Qionghua Sect this act is no different goes against heaven's will the line. 双剑合璧的确有着极大的可能性飞升成仙,就算带着太清等一众长老飞升也是可能的,但是想要带着普通弟子之类的登仙却无异于白日做梦,这对于千万年以来苦苦修炼方成就仙位的仙界众人岂不是一种挑衅?这同样在冲击着神界定下的规矩,琼华派此举无异于逆天而行。 When solved Xuan Xiao and Su Yu two people of doubts, Taiqing (Grand Purity) was also saying to silent Le Yuan at this time: Le Yuan, you deep frown, has discontentedly to my arrangement?” 当解决了玄霄夙玉二人的疑惑,太清此时又对着沉默不语的乐渊说道:“乐渊,你眉头紧锁,难道对我的安排有不满吗?” Just when Le Yuan pondered, Taiqing (Grand Purity) besides arranging Su Yu and Xuan Xiao became the double sword host, made Le Yuan their instructions, had better be able inform through all sorts of secret totals of Kunlun Mountains skylight is good. 刚刚乐渊思考之时,太清除了安排夙玉玄霄成为双剑宿主之外,更加令乐渊成为他们二人的指导,最好能将通过昆仑天光的种种要诀全数告知才好。 Sees only Le Yuan to hold the fist in the other hand is sideways slightly, to Taiqing (Grand Purity) and Zong Lian two humanity: Master, this matter disciple feels strange. Since the ancient times never has the action of lift the sect to ascend, even if has God World support Mount Shu Immortal Sword Sect, for several hundred years each generation of years also only then 12 people of ascend Immortal World, dozens people cultivate/repair the body of demigod. But my Qionghua Sect foundation and is not enough to compare with Mount Shu Sect, perhaps so the conduct is contrary to the God World law, might as well relate God World Jiutian Xuannu in advance, obtains her agreeing, again this matter......” 只见乐渊抱拳微微侧身,对着太清宗炼二人道:“师父,此事徒儿觉得不妥。自古以来万万没有举派飞升之举,纵然是有着神界扶持的蜀山仙剑派,数百年来每一代年也只有一二人飞升仙界,数十人修得半仙之身。而我琼华派根基并不足以与蜀山派相较,如此行事恐怕有违神界法令,不如先行联系上神界九天玄女,取得她的首肯,再行此事……” But Daoist Master Taiqing is actually the sleeves wields at this time, immediately under the True Yuan shake entire Qionghua Sect shivers slightly. How if he can relate the Jiutian Xuannu need so is also troublesome today, although Qionghua Sect obtained the inheritance of Jiutian Xuannu, but counts in the 1000 year time simply not to appear one time. 太清真人此时却是衣袖一挥,顿时真元震荡之下整个琼华派都微微颤动。如果他能够联系上九天玄女又如何需要今日这么麻烦,虽然琼华派得到了九天玄女的传承,可是数千年时间里面根本没有一次显现。 Jiutian Xuannu looked like Qionghua Sect forgot thoroughly generally, let alone related Jiutian Xuannu on own initiative, even Jiutian Xuannu related their possibilities is also minimal. 九天玄女就像是把琼华派彻底遗忘了一般,别说是主动联系九天玄女,连九天玄女联系他们的可能性也是微乎其微。 Although Le Yuan words to put it baldly, how could but Qionghua Sect three generations of strength waste. Daoist Master Taiqing wielded directly drew back Le Yuan, this matter no longer raised. 虽然乐渊的话说得不好听,但是琼华派三代之力岂能白费。太清真人直接挥退了乐渊,此事不再提起。 ... ...
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