VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#789: On Sword Dancing Plain, thousand side afterglows

Since Le Yuan also had Yun Tianqing to do obeisance into since Qionghua Sect that day, already passed for a year. The Immortal Cultivator years always cross extremely quickly, Yun Tianqing that careless appearance also just like yesterday, but changed this initial dissolute knight-errant after more than one year of precipitation, already had several points of Sword Immortal character. 乐渊还有云天青拜入琼华派的那一日起,不知不觉间已经过去了一年有余。修仙者的岁月总是过得极快,云天青那一副吊儿郎当的样子还恍如昨日,但是经过了一年多的沉淀变化这位当初的浪荡游侠,已经颇具几分剑仙的风骨。 The love really can be a person insanity, even if this love is unrequited loves merely also cannot be underestimated. Since that moment that since Su Yu presents, Xuan Xiao or the character of having done one -man show were quite free and easy uninhibited Yun Tianqing to regard them to be willing Su Yu to pay the woman who the life pursued. 恋爱真的会是一个人疯魔,就算这种爱仅仅是暗恋而已同样不容小觑。自从夙玉出现的那一刻起,无论是一直闷骚的玄霄还是性格颇为洒脱不羁的云天青都将夙玉当成了他们愿意付出一生来追求的女人。 However is higher, wind to comment better Xuan Xiao compared with cultivation base, until now had Yun Tianqing of name of unlucky star in Qionghua Sect appears somewhat could not amount to something, at least Su Yu and Xuan Xiao since this year has walked intimate . Moreover the discerning people can look at Master even/including Daoist Master Taiqing to intend to reconcile Xuan Xiao and Su Yu, two people simply are existences of young boys and girls. 不过比起修为更高、风评更好的玄霄,一直以来在琼华派有灾星之称的云天青就显得有些上不了台面了,最起码在这一年以来夙玉玄霄走得更亲近,而且明眼人都看得出来连师傅太清真人都在有意撮合玄霄夙玉,两人简直就是金童玉女的存在。 However because, Yun Tianqing has a Wanderer change then on the contrary. Not only daily practicing becomes exceptionally assiduous, the Lianping day laughter played noisily was short, for then caught up with the Xuan Xiao step unceasingly, making Su Yu can see his. 不过正是因为如此,云天青反倒是有一种浪子回头的变化。不但每日的修行变得异常刻苦,连平日的嬉笑玩闹都少了许多,为的便是不断追上玄霄的步伐,令夙玉能够正眼看他一下。 As before on Qionghua Sect Sword Dancing Plain, what a side is standing is the hand holds Yun Tianqing of three chi (0.33 m) Qingfeng, this time he is high-spirited, Qi Energy divulges to bring the azure point, this is the Qionghua Mantra cultivation to the performance that the sixth heavy boundary can have, can in short more than one year of time cultivation this level show without doubt the Yun Tianqing aptitude is not absolutely weak. 依旧是在琼华派剑舞坪上,一方站着的是手执一柄三尺青峰的云天青,此时的他意气风发,身上的气劲宣泄带着青色的锋芒,这是将琼华心法修炼至第六重之境才会产生的表现,能够在短短一年多的时光修炼之此水平无疑证明云天青的资质绝对不弱。 What a pity although he now is seemingly high-spirited, but in the heart does not have the slight odds of success. This is not he improperly belittles oneself, but is very clear he among the disparity in opposite that people. 可惜虽然他现在看起来意气风发,但是心底里却没有丝毫的胜算。这并非是他妄自菲薄,而是很清楚他于对面的那个人之间的差距。 His opponent is not others Le Yuan, but Le Yuan then already one year ago is five heavy boundaries, one year with the Le Yuan aptitude does not know that can cultivation what level Mantra. 他的对手不是别人正是乐渊,而乐渊早在一年前便已经是五重之境,一年的时间以乐渊的资质不知道能够将心法修炼到何种水平。 Senior Brother Le, you may probably remain, your Junior Brother I may not want untimely death!” 乐师兄,你可要留着手,你师弟我可还不想英年早逝呢!” Facing Le Yuan, Yun Tianqing always that free and easy, completely not facing Su Yu shy as well as facing Xuan Xiao the irritability, even if the pressure can smile at this time large exits. 面对乐渊,云天青总是那么的洒脱,完全没有面对夙玉的扭捏以及面对玄霄的别扭,就算此时压力颇大还是能够笑得出口。 Yun Tianqing the expression, causes clapping of young Junior Sister Su Xin the one side observes to commend, she wanted the experience also to have the contest between Yun Tianqing to Le Yuan impatiently. 云天青的这幅表情,引得一旁观战的小师妹夙莘的拍手称赞,她可是迫不及待想要见识到乐渊还有云天青之间的较量了。 Senior Brother Tianqing! Have not fought are first timid, I have Senior Sister Su Yu to visit you!” 天青师兄!你可别未战先怯,我还有夙玉师姐都会看着你哦!” When Su Xin is shouting to Yun Tianqing, Yun Tianqing only thought that the incomparable awkwardness, he does not want to lose face in front of Su Yu, wants to unfold own elegant demeanor. What a pity facing the strength of other person of his also wars, the person of how strength is Le Yuan he has clearly, this most can make him lose fights intent. 夙莘对着云天青呼喊的时候,云天青只觉得无比的尴尬,他也不想在夙玉面前出丑,非常想要一展自己的风采。可惜面对其他人他还有一战之力,偏偏是乐渊他最清楚有如何实力的人,这才最能令他失去战意。 Even facing Xuan Xiao, Yun Tianqing still has the confidence to be able with a it war, although may defeat finally, but absolutely is a fierce struggle between two evenly matched opponents, what a pity fights that in Le Yuan simply is the child by one-sided that the Sir bullies. 就算是面对玄霄,云天青依然有信心能够与之一战,虽然最后或许会败,但是绝对是一番龙争虎斗,可惜于乐渊一战那简直就是小孩被大人欺负的一边倒。 Tianqing, does not need to care, shows your strength heartily, doesn't your like ordinary you, you want to be defeated by me by the appearance of this coward?” 天青,不用在意,尽情施展你的实力吧,你这样可一点也不像平常的你啊,难道你想以这幅懦夫的模样被我击败吗?” Cowards? No, even defeats must defeat a hero likely, rather than only the black bear is likely common. Yun Tianqing the distracting thoughts in mind sweeps away under the drive of Le Yuan immediately, then with the best condition facing having Le Yuan. 懦夫?不,就算是败也要败得像个英雄,而不是像只狗熊一般。云天青乐渊的激励之下顿时将脑海中的杂念一扫而空,转而用最佳的状态面对起乐渊 Saw only Azure Peak Sharp Sword of Yun Tianqing right hand to shake a sword to be colored, later own True Yuan then gushed out among square air/Qi restraining in outside the body to use for oneself Heaven and Earth, the congealment becomes four, if like not having Void Sword, in this move of Qionghua sword technique a quite profound move[ four directions austere collected]. 只见云天青右手的青峰利剑抖了个剑花,随后自身的真元便涌出体外将天地间的四方之气收敛为己用,凝结成为了四把若有如无的虚剑,这一招正是琼华剑术中颇为高深的一招[四方肃敛]。 Observing young Junior Sister Su Xin saw , has doubts saying: Strange, Senior Brother Tianqing personality does not like the sword secret arts of these defenses, should pull out the sword unremitting attack by his individuality directly is right?” 正在观战的小师妹夙莘看到后颇为疑惑道:“奇怪,天青师兄的性格可不喜欢这些防御的剑诀,以他的个性应该直接抽剑不断攻击才对啊?” This word is bad, Tianqing his was learns to fight with the brain. By his strength, if anything does not do then rushes directly, decides however by Junior Brother Le easy defeating, on the contrary this move of four directions austere collect to go forward or retreat depending upon circumstances......” “此言差矣,天青他这是学会用脑子战斗了。以他的实力如果什么都不做便直接冲上去,定然只是被乐师弟轻而易举的击败,相反这一招四方肃敛进可攻退可守……” Although Su Yao aptitude cultivation base cannot compare Le Yuan and other group of peak people, however her opinion may be more profound than Su Xin, looked at this then to guess correctly the idea of Yun Tianqing merely. 夙瑶虽然资质修为比不上乐渊等一群最顶尖的人,但是她的见解可比夙莘更加深刻,仅仅看了这一眼便猜到了云天青的想法。 Good, I and others is very different from cultivation base of Junior Brother Le, the only general method simply does not have the slight chance, wants to win only defeats the enemy by a surprise attack, the optional attack wastes the strength, might as well concentrate Strength to strike with its this, perhaps has the opportunity to obtain the winning side......” “不错,我等与乐师弟的修为相去甚远,单凭一般的方法根本没有丝毫的胜机,想要胜利唯有出奇制胜,随意进攻不过是浪费力气而已,与其这样不如集中力量于一击,或许才有机会取得上风……” Xuan Xiao has not been idling, when saw that Yun Tianqing action how he himself is also thinking should with a Le Yuan war, after he will lead into the Yun Tianqing role discovers except for strengthening own strength, later full power eruption in several breaths, even among a move uses the full power, this can make up for the vast gap in strength. 玄霄也没有闲着,在看到云天青行动的时候他自己也在思索着该如何与乐渊一战,不过当他将自己带入云天青的角色之后发现除了加强自己的实力,随后全力爆发于数息之间,甚至于一招之间倾尽全力,这才能够弥补战力上的巨大差距。 Le Yuan looks that Yun Tianqing puts forth this move not to seize the chance to attack, opposite the appearance that awaits calmly the opposite party to act, seemed like the senior to direct the later generation at will, one group of people on the scene actually to the Le Yuan appearance becomes accustomed to generally. 乐渊看着云天青使出这一招也没有趁机进攻,相反一副静待着对方出手的样子,看起来像是前辈指点后辈一般随意,不过在场的一群人却对乐渊的样子习以为常了。 However Yun Tianqing has therefore not stopped, the square air/Qi of accumulation was still continue change, on Void Sword that the air/Qi of four directions condensed twined on Heaven and Earth Five Spirits Power again, this was[ four directions austere collected] entering step style[ Five Spirits Return to Origin]. 不过云天青并没有因此而停下,原本聚集的四方之气还在继续变化,原本四方之气凝聚的虚剑上再一次缠绕上了天地五灵之力,这正是[四方肃敛]的进阶招式[五灵归宗]。 [ Five Spirits Return to Origin], is in Qionghua sword technique the most profound Self-defense skill. Even if in entire Qionghua Sect, can put forth this move of person is still merely only then a few, particularly in the younger generation is so. [五灵归宗],乃是琼华剑术中最高深的防身术。就算是整个琼华派内,能够使出这一招的人也是仅仅只有少数而已,尤其是在年轻一代更是如此。 Before if Yun Tianqing displayed[ four directions austere collect] tightens the defense, then nowadays move[ Five Spirits Return to Origin], although is the style of defense, but actually displays powerful attacks beforehand the gesture. 若是之前云天青施展的[四方肃敛]还是加强防守的话,那么现如今的这一招[五灵归宗]虽是防御的招式,但却是施展强大攻击之前的起手式。 What Qionghua Sect is tasteful is Man and Sword Unite, this strongest several moves of swordsmanship need extremely strong cultivation base. But in situation that cultivation base is insufficient, actually also creates the method that can make up. That with the aid of[ Five Spirits Return to Origin] Strength assists the move, thus reduces that several moves of operation requirements. 琼华派讲究的是人剑合一,这最强的几招剑法都需要极强的修为。而在修为不足的情况下,却也创造出了能够弥补的手段。那就是借助[五灵归宗]的力量辅助出招,从而降低那几招的使用要求。 And needs the Five Spirits Return to Origin coordination sword technique to have two moves, thousand side afterglow swords and Supreme Purity Breaking Cloud Sword. But Yun Tianqing wants to display former, latter move, even if his wish causes still basic impossible, perhaps the younger generation no one can put forth in the actual combat besides Le Yuan, what is more important besides the cultivation base factor is the swords in their hand simply has not achieved the boundary of Man and Sword Unite with them. 其中需要五灵归宗配合的剑术有两招,千方残光剑和上清破云剑。而云天青想要施展的正是前者,后一招就算他想要使出来也根本不可能,年轻一代恐怕除了乐渊之外无人可以在实战中使出,除修为因素之外更重要的是他们手中的剑根本没有和他们达到人剑合一之境。 Will cover along with Yun Tianqing in Void Sword that around oneself the square air/Qi congeals pours into True Yuan, four Void Sword become the congealing reality immediately, but in the next instance, four directions Spiritual Qi is the innumerable sword shades, innumerable Void Sword raid toward the Le Yuan body strategic point, the speed quick just like the lightning. 伴随着云天青将笼罩在自己周围的四方之气凝结的虚剑注入自身真元,四柄虚剑顿时变得更加凝实,而在下一个瞬间,四方灵气为无数剑影,无数柄虚剑朝着乐渊身上要害袭来,速度之快犹如闪电。 What a pity so powerful style , since Yun Tianqing puts forth, close to the Le Yuan three zhang (3.33 m), had not then been prevented by another move of magnificent style completely. 可惜如此强大的招式自云天青使出后还没有靠近乐渊三丈,便被另一招一场华丽的招式完全阻挡了下来。 Sees only the Le Yuan surrounding area three zhang (3.33 m) to bloom a white lotus flower, the Third Layer flower petal overlapped packages Le Yuan in completely. These seemingly attractive incomparable refining up the flower petal is actually the Sword Qi constitution that is congealed by Le Yuan, beautiful has the invisible murderous intention. 只见乐渊方圆三丈绽放出一朵白色的莲花,三层花瓣重重叠叠将乐渊完全包裹于其中。这些看似漂亮无比的炼化花瓣却是由乐渊凝结的剑气构成,美丽中带着无形的杀机。 This move of Le Yuan fuses the Qionghua Sect four directions austere collected after Five Spirits Return to Origin to improve[ Splitting Void]. 这一招正是乐渊融合了琼华派四方肃敛和五灵归宗之后改良而成的[断空]。 The Third Layer flower petal of this lotus flower may not only for attractive, the Sword Qi flower petal of most outer layer has Five Spirits Power, Five Spirits to grow continually the attack absorption of opposite party, melts the murderous intention in invisible ; The Second Layer Sword Qi flower petal brings the air/Qi of four directions, can resist broke through the attack of First Layer defense ; But the third Sword Qi flower petal is most awfully, the Splitting Void concise place defends the counter-attack, will be defended Strength to double by way of the this layer defense by former First Layer presents to give back to the enemy. 这莲花的三层花瓣可不仅仅是为了好看而已,最外层的剑气花瓣带着五灵之力,五灵生生不息将对方的攻击吸收,化杀机于无形;第二层剑气花瓣带着四方之气,能够抵御突破了第一层防御的攻击;而第三道剑气花瓣才是最要命的,断空的精要之处就是防御反击,由之前第一层防御一手的力量会经由这一层防御加倍奉还给敌人。 But the attacks of Yun Tianqing thousand side afterglow swords are not naturally able to break the Le Yuan defense circle, were absorbed thousand side afterglow swords have not broken in Second Layer defense then already to vanish without the trace with enough time. Xuan Xiao and the others who the one side observes when being a pity, in sighing Le Yuan is striving for perfection, already when others still already when the learn/study can create this are as good exquisite sword technique of Qionghua Sect unique skill. 云天青千方残光剑的攻击自然无法打破乐渊的防御圈,被吸收了的千方残光剑还未来得及冲入第二层防御便已经消失无踪。一旁观战的玄霄等人在可惜之余,也在感叹着乐渊精益求精,已经在他人还在学习之时已经能够创造出这等不逊于琼华派绝招的精妙剑术 Looks the idea in this Xuan Xiao heart also being for the first time has created to incur, as a result of of today, making Xuan Xiao create to congeal Strength at 1 : 00, tried to break through Le Yuan Splitting Void this move[ Xihe Slash]. 望着这一幕的玄霄心中也是第一次产生了创招的想法,也正是由于今天的这一幕,令玄霄创造出了凝结自身力量于一点,试图攻破乐渊断空这一招的[羲和斩]。 But on Sword Dancing Plain, Yun Tianqing that the attack just kept off has not moved with enough time, the counter-attack of Le Yuan then follows on somebody's heels. The attack of Splitting Void erupted the powerful incomparable Sword Qi storm, toward just displayed one move, but was mad Yun Tianqing that faded to well up. 而在剑舞坪上,攻击刚刚被挡下的云天青还没来得及移动,乐渊的反击便接踵而至。断空的攻击爆发出了强大无比的剑气风暴,向着刚刚施展出一招而气衰的云天青涌了过去。 If nothing unexpected happens Yun Tianqing after move absolutely is the severe wound even the destiny of disability, observing Su Xin even already covers own eye not to see this pitiful one. But Xuan Xiao they want to stop, actually already, Yun Tianqing must elapse in this move without enough time shortly. 如无意外中招之后的云天青绝对是重伤不起甚至残疾的命运,正在观战的夙莘甚至已经捂住自己的眼睛不想看到这悲惨的一幕。而玄霄他们想要阻拦,却已经来不及了,云天青眼看就要在这一招中逝去。 However locked Yun Tianqing actually smiled, the counter-attack of Splitting Void penetrated the body of Yun Tianqing, hit in the air general. Xuan Xiao that the distant place looks on stopped, looks at this twittering saying: „Is this lunar shadow symbol? Tianqing, he in......” 但是被锁定的云天青却是笑了,断空的反击穿透了云天青的身体,打在了空气中一般。远处旁观的玄霄不由停了下来,望着这一幕呢喃道:“这是月影符?天青,他在……” Xuan Xiao is seeking for the Yun Tianqing true body in Sword Dancing Plain hastily, but Le Yuan was actually he one step looks quickly to the sky. 玄霄连忙在剑舞坪中寻找着云天青的真身,而乐渊却是快他一步看向了天空。 sees only is also congealing air/Qi of four directions Yun Tianqing, unites Qi of Heaven and Earth and person, the person is the sword and sword is a person, by sword guard, with person governing sword. 只见身上还凝结着四方之气的云天青,将天地之气与人合一,人即是剑、剑即是人,以剑护身,以人御剑。 Present he is just about to display, conforms to Qionghua Sect true meaning sword move three won. Square air/Qi Yun Tianqing that had not just diverged reserved, for can before Le Yuan had not responded move. 现在的他正要施展的,正是最符合琼华派真义剑招三才朝元。刚刚还没有散去的四方之气正是云天青预留下来的,为的就是能够在乐渊未反应之前出招。 Symbolizes Heaven and Earth person three Sword Qi to come toward Le Yuan, before just like what a pity, talisman record of Yun Tianqing use is ordinary, Le Yuan penetrated is also the similar illusory image. Although the Yun Tianqing acrobatics play quite secret, but is actually not able to hide the truth from Le Yuan. 象征着天地人三才的剑气向着乐渊呼啸而至,可惜正如之前云天青使用的符录一般,乐渊被击穿的也是同样的幻影。云天青的把戏虽然玩得颇为隐秘,但是却无法瞒过乐渊 Yun Tianqing neck one in midair cool, saw only Le Yuan sword already from his body rear frame on his neck. 正在半空之中的云天青脖子一凉,只见乐渊的剑已经从他身后架在了他的脖子上。 Tianqing, this time was you defeats!” 天青,这一次是你败了!” Right? I really cannot compare the Senior Brother you!” “是吗?我果然还是比不上师兄你啊!” The Yun Tianqing tone appears loses, although already expected this point early, but is still not able to change him to feel that about own failure lost incomparably. 云天青的语气显得非常失落,虽然早已经预料到了这一点,但依然无法改变他对于自己的失败感到失落无比。 You made them hold in high esteem, not?” “不过你却令他们刮目相看了,不是吗?” Yun Tianqing looks to under following the Le Yuan vision, sees only Xuan Xiao or Su Yu are holding the color of appreciation to Yun Tianqing, just his performance really came as a surprise to their, impressive. 云天青顺着乐渊的目光向下方望去,只见无论是玄霄还是夙玉都对云天青抱着赞赏之色,刚刚他的表现实在是出乎了他们的意料,令人刮目相看。 ... ...
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