VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#788: Su Yu appears, double sword also?

Le Yuan without a doubt is in this group of trial first person who is separated from the moment illusion, when Le Yuan in reality opens eyes again, controls technique law hauling Daoist Master Taiqing to nod in the dead ahead secretly. 乐渊毫无疑问是这一批试炼者中第一个脱离须臾幻境的人,当现实中的乐渊再一次睁开眼的时候,在正前方操控着术法牵引的太清真人暗自点了点头。 Meanwhile repeatedly confirmed in the heart the aptitude of Le Yuan that not mortal, now this first fragrance( 10 minutes) has not burninged out, the time that burn a joss stick 1/3 have not passed, then already entry, moreover evidently refreshing not distressed appearance. 同时在心中再一次确认了乐渊那不似凡人的资质,现在这第一支香(十分钟)还没有烧尽,一炷香的时间三分之一还没有过去,便已经通关,而且看样子神清气爽没有一点狼狈的样子。 By result that Le Yuan displays, even if not in the Qionghua Sect history quickest one, but is still the person of peak that level without doubt. All Daoist Master Taiqing in moment illusion know nothing radically, although he is uses the magic arts the main formation person who Le Yuan and the others transmitted, but the moment illusion in fact does not turn over to Qionghua Sect to control. 乐渊表现出来的成绩,就算不是琼华派历史上最快的一个,但是无疑也是属于最顶尖的那个层次的人了。须臾幻境中的一切太清真人根本一无所知,虽然他是施展法术将乐渊等人传送进去的主阵人,但是须臾幻境实际上并不归琼华派掌控。 Very good, is really the posture of having god-given wisdom, you go forward several steps to wait for the moment, waits for your Junior Brother Junior Sisters!” “很好,果然是天纵之姿,你上前几步来等待片刻,等待一下你的师弟师妹们吧!” Le Yuan heard after the word nods, gradually before arriving at the body of Taiqing (Grand Purity), later eyes closed maintains mental tranquility. Truly speaking he also is very curious regarding this time trial result, the outcome of after all then presenting can be Yun Tianqing or Su Yao this is worth considering. 乐渊闻言之后点了点头,缓步走到了太清的身前,随后闭目养神起来。说实在的他对于这一次的试炼结果也很好奇,毕竟接下来出现的究竟会是云天青还是夙瑶这就值得考量了。 The first fragrance extinguishes completely, the second fragrance takes advantage of opportunity to ignite, when outburns half fragrant, the second person regained consciousness. awakens is not Le Yuan has the expectation unexpectedly Yun Tianqing, on the contrary in aptitude and perception, although is good, but cannot achieve top Su Yao by far. 第一支香完全熄灭,第二支香顺势燃起,而当香烧完一半的时候,第二个人苏醒了。苏醒的竟然不是乐渊报以期望的云天青,反倒是在资质、悟性上虽然还不错,但是远远达不到顶尖的夙瑶 As a female, although aptitude in Le Yuan as well as shocking of that Xuan Xiao these two, but also is the good talent, Taiqing (Grand Purity) waved to incur Le Yuan side her, continued to wait. 作为一个女子,虽然资质在乐渊以及玄霄这两人的那么惊艳,但是也算是上佳之才,太清一挥手将她招到了乐渊的旁边,继续等待着。 When the second fragrance also has 1/4, Yun Tianqing this fellow awoke finally, sees only he that smiling condition, looks does not have a right occupation. However can through the test of moment illusion, then fully explain that Yun Tianqing this fellow suits in Qionghua Sect continues to practice, Yun Tianqing stood later the Su Yao side, later is also waving to greet to Le Yuan that eyes closed maintained mental tranquility. 当第二支香还剩下四分之一的时候,云天青这家伙总算是醒了,只见他还是那一副嬉皮笑脸的状态,一看就没有个正行。不过能够通过须臾幻境的考验,便足以说明云天青这家伙适合在琼华派继续修行,云天青随后站到了夙瑶的身旁,随后还对着正闭目养神的乐渊挥手打招呼。 Hey, the brothers you also are really, we hit were discussing that must go through customs together, your how person first walked! However you are really happy are extremely happy in wealth that pass/test can/but, I still remember that you punch the appearance that God of Wealth cannot find the way, was too venting!” “嘿,兄弟你也真是的,我们可是打着商量要一起通关来着,你怎么一个人就先走了呢!不过你在财那一关可真是痛快极乐,我至今还记得你把那个财神揍得找不着北的样子,太解气了!” Yun Tianqing that delighted appearance made Taiqing (Grand Purity) look at the eyebrow to jump, actually should he somewhat had doubts receive the hanger-on Yun Tianqing, may become disasters in several disciple by enlivening that Yun Tianqing displays nowadays. However immediately Taiqing (Grand Purity) thinks slightly experienced big disciple Xuan Zhen and puzzle Xuan Xiao, as well as does not seem like Le Yuan that likes speaking, thought on the contrary perhaps puts to be Yun Tianqing a very good well distributed medicinal preparation. 云天青那眉飞色舞的样子令太清看得眉毛直跳,他有些疑惑究竟该不该将云天青收入自己门下,以云天青现如今表现出来的活跃极有可能成为自己几个弟子中的祸害。不过随即太清又想到略显老成的大弟子玄震和闷葫芦玄霄,以及看起来不怎么喜欢说话的乐渊,反倒觉得也许把云天青放进去会是个很好的调和剂。 However Yun Tianqing this phonograph just words caused the curiosity of Taiqing (Grand Purity) actually, the performance of Le Yuan seemingly did not seem like him to display now lightly, as if stirred the controversy in the moment illusion. 不过云天青这个话匣子刚刚的一番话倒是引起了太清的好奇,乐渊的表现看起来倒不像是他现在表现得这么平淡,似乎在须臾幻境中引起了轩然大波。 Therefore before other disciples appear, Taiqing (Grand Purity) and Yun Tianqing this old one was small two people then to pass in the one asked questions and other answered, the idea that Yun Tianqing has not concealed completely all informed Taiqing (Grand Purity) Le Yuan in moment illusion all that he saw. 于是在其他弟子出现之前,太清云天青这一老一小两人便在一问一答中度过,云天青也是完全没有掩饰的想法将乐渊在须臾幻境内他看到的一切全都告知了太清 All trial after burn a joss stick was sprung the moment illusion, entire 30 trial, are in fragrant time completes the trial besides Le Yuan, Su Yao and Yun Tianqing completes Quest in two fragrant time, then only then five trial force before the third fragrance burns through completes all smelting trials. 所有的试炼者在一炷香之后都被弹出了须臾幻境,整整30名试炼者,除了乐渊是一枝香时间内完成试炼,夙瑶云天青是在两支香时间内完成任务之外,便只有五名试炼者勉强在第三支香燃尽之前完成所有的试炼。 That five trial were accepted by several points of elder, but Le Yuan, Su Yao and Yun Tianqing were all received the hanger-on by Sect Master Taiqing (Grand Purity) one time. Le Yuan is the Taiqing (Grand Purity) three disciples, but Su Yao is the Taiqing (Grand Purity) four disciples, Yun Tianqing is a fifth child. 那五名试炼者被几分长老收下,而乐渊夙瑶云天青则被掌门太清一次性全都收入门下。乐渊太清的三弟子,而夙瑶则是太清的四弟子,云天青则是老五。 Also does not know that Taiqing (Grand Purity) under the exchange sentiment for side door, will just receive Xuan Xiao of hanger-on January/one month and just received Le Yuan and Yun Tianqing of hanger-on to arrange in another disciple room. 也不知太清是不是为了方便门下交流感情,将刚刚收入门下不过一月的玄霄和刚刚收入门下的乐渊云天青安排再一个弟子房内。 But Taiqing (Grand Purity) is not a competent master, perhaps to complete the matter of double sword in does not know that all day is busy at anything, except for Qionghua Sect basic cultivation technique teaches after Le Yuan, the whole person then disappears without the trace, does not know that actually to run up to where goes busily. 太清也不是一个称职的师傅,又或许是为了完成双剑的事情整日里不知道在忙些什么,除了将琼华派入门的修炼之法传授给乐渊之后,整个人便消失无踪,也不知道究竟跑到哪里去忙了。 However in Taiqing (Grand Purity) not all day stares is also being a good matter, this Qionghua Sect cultivation technique regarding Le Yuan dispensable, after all Le Yuan energy rank already in within the body is not only Qionghua Sect crossing the threshold Merit Law can step up its quality now, is not the day of merit precious book and so on Le Yuan will not study now. 不过太清不整日里盯着也是一件好事情,这琼华派修炼之法对于乐渊而言可有可无,毕竟乐渊现在体内的能量等级已经不是区区一本琼华派的入门功法可以提升其质量的,不是什么天功宝典之类的乐渊现在都不会去研修。 On the contrary, in various sword technique method secret art Le Yuan on the contrary some interests regarding Qionghua Sect, but is not Le Yuan wants to practice these sword secret arts, to know oneself and other side merely, later the Le Yuan enemy accidental/surprised was present Qionghua Sect. 相反,对于琼华派内的各种剑术法诀乐渊反倒更加有些兴趣,不过并非乐渊想要修行这些剑诀,仅仅是为了知己知彼而已,以后乐渊的敌人不出意外就是眼前的琼华派了。 However the profound sword secret art has not recorded in the record, but Le Yuan after looking at foundation sword secret art, then stopped over in Cloud Scripture Pavilion, Five Spirits Sword Pavilion and other places for a long time, these two places are the institutes of Qionghua Sect Buddhist scriptures. What the former collects is types of various miscellanies and school historical record wait/etc books, but the latter is the record has Six Worlds various immortal cultivation schools the laws of secret even fight, even/including Shenmo the secret has the record. 不过高深的剑诀并未记载于图录上,而乐渊在看完了基础剑诀之后,便在云经阁五灵剑阁等地长期逗留了下来,这两个地方是琼华派藏经之所。前者收藏的是各种杂记、门派历史记录等等书籍,而后者则是记载有六界之内的各种修仙门派的隐秘甚至战斗之法,连神魔的秘闻都有记载。 Nearly one month, Le Yuan most time treat in this, but entire Qionghua Sect knows Sect Master Daoist Master Taiqing disciple that really various, one by one peculiar genius. 近一个月时间里面,乐渊绝大多数时间都待在这里面,而整个琼华派都知道掌门太清真人手下的弟子那真叫一个各不相同,一个比一个怪才。 Big Senior Brother Xuan Zhen, has helped master Taiqing (Grand Purity) be busy preparing, not only experienced but also puts out a hand the love of Qionghua Sect many disciples, raised this Qionghua big fellow apprentice's name not to have one is not convinced. 大师兄玄震,一直帮助自己师傅太清忙前忙后,不但老成而且伸手琼华派诸多弟子的爱戴,一提起这琼华大师兄的名字就没有一个不服气的。 Second Senior Brother Xuan Xiao, puzzle. However although many disciples' the relations in the school is unsatisfactory, but does not have one to deny that his cultivation talent, was handed down Qionghua to detect that crosses the threshold is about two months, then cultivated the tertiary boundary Qionghua Sect Merit Law. 二师兄玄霄,闷葫芦一个。不过虽然于门派内诸多弟子的关系不佳,但是却没有一个能够否认他的修炼天赋,被传下琼华发觉入门不过两个多月,便将琼华派功法修炼到了第三重境。 But similarly very early in the morning was excavated by Qionghua Sect, actually in received Su Yao of Taiqing (Grand Purity) hanger-on few days ago officially as the Qionghua Sect big Senior Sister, although on cultivation base cannot compare front two people, but is the Senior Sister style is full, usually in assists Xuan Zhen to manage the Qionghua disciple, person who it can be said that an numerous ordinary disciple most fears. 而同样一早就被琼华派发掘,却在前些日子才正式收入太清门下的夙瑶身为琼华派的大师姐,虽然修为上比不上前面两人,但是却是师姐风范十足,平日里辅助玄震管理琼华弟子,可以说是一众普通弟子最怕的人了。 But the Yun Tianqing this days crest of wave is also big, although cultivates is not diligent, but the cultivation base advancement is not slow. But in addition his love plays the noisy character, really almost raised a rumpus Qionghua Sect, nearly one month of actually more than ten days treat in the reconsideration valley, treated as the second family/home the reconsideration valley simply. 云天青这段日子的风头同样不小,虽然修炼并不勤快,但是修为进境并不慢。而加上他那爱玩闹的性格,真将琼华派差点闹翻天了,近一个月时间却有十多天是待在反思谷里面的,简直就是把反思谷当作自己第二个家了。 But Le Yuan has treated in Five Spirits Sword Pavilion and Cloud Scripture Pavilion, but actually not lose in the above several people of peculiar geniuses similarly. Qionghua Sect Merit Law, progresses by leaps and bounds the fifth heavy boundary in half a month time, this is the common disciple the situation that is hard to attain, the sword secret art method of instruction cannot teach entire life second, study uses, with even compares to many years of Qionghua Sect elders to be gradually skilled, looks like the given by heaven to be the same simply. 乐渊虽然一直待在五灵剑阁云经阁里面,但是却同样是个不输于上面几人的怪才。琼华派功法,在半月时间里面突飞猛进第五重境,这可是一般的弟子一生都难以企及的地步,传授的剑诀法门更是不需传授第二遍,边学边用,用得甚至比起浸淫多年的琼华派长老还要熟练,简直就像是天授之才一般。 But the performance of Le Yuan also lets be responsible for generation of biography Merit Law big Senior Brother Xuan Zhen also no longer appearing before the body of Le Yuan indirectly, letting Le Yuan wants to be anything to do, makes him be attacked really heavily. 乐渊的表现也间接让负责代传功法的大师兄玄震也不再出现于乐渊的身前,让乐渊想做什么自己去做,着实让他被打击得不轻。 On this day, Le Yuan continues to have a good swim in the books, after all temporarily broke out of the momentarily transmitted that awkward condition, can start to practice to study wholeheartedly, how does not make the best use of some time to Qionghua Sect. 这一日,乐渊继续在书海之中畅游,毕竟暂时摆脱了随时被传送的那种尴尬状态,能够一心一意开始修行研究了,不抓紧些时间怎么对得起来琼华派一趟。 Le Yuan these book reservations have looked at the same time, means that Le Yuan Small World then duplicate/restores carves except for one set of book reservation at the same time. Does not pack to take away various important information of this world completely, is really the shame to Le Yuan. 乐渊将这些典藏看过一遍的同时,意味着乐渊小世界便在同一时刻复刻除了一套典藏。不把这个世界的各种重要资料全部打包带走,真的是愧对乐渊自己。 Looks at Le Yuan that wallows suddenly to act known, does not lift a right hand ball, immediately aiya, a whole body stiff person fell down. That little commander face is not just Le Yuan good Junior Brother Yun Tianqing. 看得正沉迷的乐渊突然动作已知,头也不抬地右手一弹,顿时“哎呀”一声,一个浑身僵硬的人倒在了地上。那一副小帅的脸不正是乐渊的好师弟云天青嘛。 Oh Tianqing, if I have not remembered incorrectly, you seemed like already to be forbidden to come this Cloud Scripture Pavilion by Elder Chongguang, if your were seen by him, did not fear him breaking your leg......” “唉~天青,如果我没有记错的话,你貌似已经重光长老禁止前来这云经阁了,你这要是被他老人家看到,不怕他把你的腿给打断了……” Records the ancient book on hand fast in the mind, Le Yuan stands up it returns the home position, later squatted to pour side one side Yun Tianqing, looked at Yun Tianqing that blinked unceasingly, Le Yuan was still relieving his prohibition reluctantly. 将手上的典籍飞快地记录在脑海中,乐渊站起身来将它放回原位,随后蹲到了倒在一旁云天青身边,望着还在不断眨眼的云天青,乐渊无奈地解除了他身上的禁止。 Just regained the freedom, Yun Tianqing almost shouts one, he but who just opened mouth thinks the place that immediately oneself stretched out but the Elder Chongguang domain, really must annoy to be possible really him to unable to eat to capture. 刚刚恢复自由,云天青就差一点大喊一声,不过刚刚张开嘴的他立马想到自己伸出的地方可是重光长老的地盘,真要将他惹出来可真要吃不了兜着走。 Hehe, Senior Brother Le is quite fierce, this exercises self-restraint decides, not only Quietus, but also instantaneously the breath in me and figure anchorage, making the Junior Brother I simply not have the strength of slight resistance!” “嘿嘿,乐师兄好厉害,这一手束身定不但无声无息,还瞬间将我内息、身形定住,让师弟我根本没有丝毫的反抗之力啊!” Yun Tianqing does not have the least bit by the embarrassment that Le Yuan takes down with ease, in any case some Qionghua Sect slightly brains knows that the Le Yuan strength is not under the Qionghua Sect elder, was defeated by Le Yuan also has nothing embarrassed. 云天青丝毫没有半点被乐渊轻松放倒的不好意思,反正琼华派稍稍有些脑子的都知道乐渊的实力不在琼华派长老之下,被乐渊击败也就没什么不好意思的了。 Looks does not have the least bit sense of shame Yun Tianqing, Le Yuan knows finally the heart of future Yun Tianhe will learn from whom greatly. 看着丝毫没有半点羞耻之心可言的云天青,乐渊总算是知道日后的云天河的心大是跟谁学的。 We went out saying that previous you came this Cloud Scripture Pavilion almost to ruin three rare books time, if were not I have looked that three fortunately, made up them, perhaps you also really might expelling Qionghua Sect by violent anger Elder Chongguang!” “我们还是出去说吧,上一次你来这云经阁差点毁掉三本孤本,如果不是我凑巧将那三本看过,将他们重新补完,你恐怕还真有可能被暴怒的重光长老给逐出琼华派!” Such a was proposed by Le Yuan, even a Yun Tianqing still lingering fear. Recollection then situation, if not the Le Yuan help, perhaps he also really must be expelled Qionghua Sect. 乐渊这么一提,就算是云天青也一阵后怕。回想当时的情况,如果不是乐渊帮忙,他恐怕还真要被赶出琼华派了。 senior brother ~ Qionghua Sect is quite senseless, the big Senior Brother is busy at this being busy at that putting on a serious face every day, Senior Sister Su Yao is also the similar situation, but Senior Brother Xuan Xiao only knows the cultivation and cultivation, only then you, I most appreciate, or I play the host, hunts for some rabbits and river deer what, our two do hit to have a sumptuous meal?” “师兄~琼华派好无趣的,大师兄每日忙这忙那的板着个脸,夙瑶师姐也是差不多的情况,而玄霄师兄更是只知道修炼、修炼的,也就只有你,我是最欣赏的,要不我做东,去猎些个兔子、獐子什么的,我们两个打打牙祭?” A Yun Tianqing such saying, Le Yuan knows actually what he wants was anything. Also is Le Yuan is inexpensive, once when Yun Tianqing roasted the rabbit hit the wild game shows one's skill, after that he then treated to try to make Le Yuan resourcefully do again delicious. But previous Yun Tianqing will nearly destroy the rare book, the cause is also looks for Le Yuan to get together to bake. 云天青这么一说,乐渊就知道他究竟想要的是什么了。也是乐渊手贱,曾经在云天青烤兔子打野食的时候露了一手,自那之后他便想方设法地请客试着让乐渊再做好吃的。而上一次云天青之所以会险些毁了孤本,起因也是来找乐渊搭伙烧烤来着。 Looks that Yun Tianqing that this was oneself treated as special comes out to use, the Le Yuan right hand pats ruthlessly on his right shoulder, immediately Yun Tianqing fierce does not dare to yell, was very afraid to bring to the attention of Elder Chongguang. 看着这是把自己当作专门的出来来用的云天青,乐渊右手狠狠拍在了他的右肩上,顿时云天青一阵呲牙咧嘴的就是不敢大叫出来,深怕引起重光长老的注意。 Hiss ~ hurts, the Senior Brother your makes anything!” “嘶~疼疼疼,师兄您这是做什么啊!” Rubbed is just patted a shoulder of palm by Le Yuan, Yun Tianqing complained. 揉着刚刚被乐渊拍了一掌的肩膀,云天青抱怨道。 This is teaching you anything to be called to respect the Teacher, your I am the Senior Brother your personal master chef, I come this Qionghua Sect not to cook for you. Wants me to make the feast is not good, this, your present cultivation base double boundary, when you break through to the tertiary boundary time, I do one for you specially delicious, is how celebrate?” “这是在教你什么叫做尊重师长,你这把我当师兄的还是你的贴身大厨,我来这琼华派可不是为你掌勺的。要我做大餐也不是不行,这样吧,你现在修为还是二重之境,等你什么时候突破到三重之境的时候,我就专门为你做一顿好吃的,算是庆祝如何?” Le Yuan thinks oneself said that Yun Tianqing will be quieter, who once thinks that he complained: Tertiary boundary, tertiary boundary, oh, this must practice to which day, tired also so tired......” 原本乐渊以为自己这么说云天青会消停一些,谁曾想他却抱怨道:“第三重境、第三重境,唉,这得练到哪一天啊,累也累死了……” However passed merely for a half month, the complaint of Yun Tianqing was actually short. With the appearance of Su Yu, Xuan Xiao or Yun Tianqing are bewitched probably, probably in mutual competition general crazy cultivation. 不过仅仅是过去了半个多月,云天青的抱怨却少了许多。伴随着夙玉的出现,无论是玄霄还是云天青都像是着了魔似的,像是在相互竞争一般疯狂修炼。 But Le Yuan looks at and Han Lingsha generally is being Su Yu of extremely Yin body, is thinking silently this pair of sword must come, but time still early, three years later is the time that Le Yuan blossoms in radiant splendor. 乐渊望着和韩菱纱一般是极阴之体的夙玉,默默想着这双剑还是要现身了,不过时间尚早,三年之后才是乐渊大放异彩的时间。 ... ...
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