VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#787: wine, sex, avarice, and temper? Looks at my big healthcare

Moment illusion four big checkpoint wine, sex, avarice, and temper, are the cultivator mind hindrance on four practicing road. Regardless of which is the demon barrier that to make the member will of the people fluctuates, therefore Qionghua Sect when selecting the disciple wants to depend on these four to reject the disciple who these dispositions do not tally, if the aptitude is high enough, the disposition was slightly bad also has the means in the past, but that means that must break through with the military force forcefully. 须臾幻境四大关卡酒色财气,正是修道之人心目中的四个修行之路上的阻碍。无论哪一个都是令修士人心浮动的魔障,是故琼华派在选拔弟子时正是想要靠着这四大关剔除那些心性不符合的弟子,不过如果资质够高,心性稍差也不是没办法过去,不过那就意味着要用武力强行破关。 Actually so long as recalled when Yun Tianhe they passed the scene to know initially, Wine Immortal Elder strength how temporarily unknown, God of Wealth that but begins from only and them, his strength at most also in the C level high and low, does not know that is because the characteristics of moment illusion are he are not good at fighting, besides as the Immortal God immortal looking for a long time, God of Wealth his strength their cannot block Yun Tianhe jointly. 其实只要回想一下云天河他们当初过关时的情景就可以知晓,酒仙翁的实力如何暂时未知,但是从唯一和他们动手的财神来看,他的实力顶多也就在c级上下,也不知是因为须臾幻境的特性还是他本身就不擅长战斗,除了身为仙神的长生久视之外,财神他的实力连云天河他们的联手都挡不住。 According to the God of Wealth strength as the basis, estimated boldly wine, sex, avarice, and temper four close, so long as has the possibility that the strength of C level then had broke through forcefully. However compares as home game the Wine Immortal Elder and other presiding at an examination immortals, one group of D level high and low trial want to join up that is almost the impossible things, moreover no one bold to wanting to defeat the deity the situation. 按照财神的实力作为依据,大胆地估测一下酒色财气四关只要具备c级的实力便有了强行破关的可能性。不过相比较作为主场的酒仙翁等主考仙人,一群d级上下的试炼者想要联合起来那是几乎不可能的事情,而且也没有人胆大包天到想要击败神仙的地步。 But first pass/test wine, clings to the cup the person of thing to be without doubt fatal regarding Yun Tianqing like this, regarding most male trial also has seduction that is unable to reject.[ Is drunk 1000 year] worthily is one immortal liquor that Wine Immortal Elder most likes, by his main body liquor bottle gourd breeding, not only has the glycol wine of far ultra mediocre liquor, can make one have the graceful feeling, making one perish. 而第一关酒,对于云天青这样贪恋杯中之物的人而言无疑是致命的,对于绝大多数的男性试炼者也有着无法拒绝的诱惑。[一醉千年]不愧是酒仙翁最为喜欢的一种仙酒,由他的本体酒葫芦孕育而出,不但有着远超凡俗之酒的甘醇酒香,更能令人产生飘飘欲仙之感,令人就此沉沦。 The Yun Tianqing luck is good, after Wine Immortal Elder establishes the relations naturally also the impossible such easily move, when therefore Le Yuan marches into the second pass/test, he also followed with. 云天青的运气算是好的,和酒仙翁搭上关系之后自然也不可能这么轻易地中招,因此当乐渊步入第二关的时候,他也紧随其后跟了上来。 Enters second pass "sex", side Le Yuan then surges the pitch-dark rich white fog, this similar command is following close on Yun Tianqing one and lost the direction. But Le Yuan anything has not actually done in this white fog, according to spiritual awareness feedback Le Yuan understand this white fog merely is the illusion, even when enters this second pass/test tested then starts. 一进入第二关“色”,乐渊身旁便涌起伸手不见五指的浓郁白雾,这同样令紧跟着上来的云天青一并迷失了方向。而乐渊却是在这白雾中什么也没有做,依照灵觉的反馈乐渊明白这白雾仅仅是幻象,甚至在一进入这第二关的时候考验便开始了。 Elder Brother Yuan, you came...... to accompany Rong'er......” 渊哥哥,你来了……来陪陪蓉儿嘛……” With this vague familiar sound, the Huang Rong form appeared in the white fog, was not only she, he is also standing behind Reika as well as Hinata various woman. On this time them is giving off the different kind fragrance, as if has in this fragrance brings back the seduction of Le Yuan hormone sufficiently, making the Le Yuan heart have a thought: Walks, with them in the same place! 伴随着这若有若无的熟悉声音,黄蓉的身影出现在了白雾之中,不仅仅是她一个人,他身后还站着玲花以及雏田诸女。此时的她们身上散发着别样的香气,似乎在这香气中有着足以勾起乐渊荷尔蒙的诱惑,令乐渊的心底产生一股念头:走过去,和她们在一起! However Marrow Cleansing Scripture Strength of this thought in Le Yuan Sea of Consciousness revolves vanishes without the trace immediately, but that fragrance is also very difficult to begin under the Le Yuan independent resistance to the slight function. But Le Yuan under not affected, starts to illusion in Huang Rong various female little appraisals. 不过这种念头伴随着乐渊识海中的洗髓经力量运转登时消失无踪,而那香气在乐渊自主抵御之下也很难再起到丝毫的作用。而乐渊在不受影响之下,也开始对着幻境之中的黄蓉诸女一点点评价。 „, It is not good, Rong'er should , the stature to curl upwards slightly high a point......” “诶,不行不行,蓉儿应该还要稍稍高一点,身材翘一点……” Reika that you were also too careless, the Reika nape of the neck place has a black mole, was your stature too exaggerating, Reika was not the cow is coming......” 玲花的那个你也太马虎了,玲花的脖颈处可是有着一个黑痣的,还有你那身材是不是太夸张了,玲花可不是乳牛来着……” Un, Hinata that was too beautiful, makings radically non- gauge block, elegantly simple, just like has initially general elegantly simple gentle......” “嗯,雏田的那个太妖艳了,气质根本不对板,淡雅,犹如初具一般的淡雅文静……” Also was really naive, how this did seduce can test the sincerity of this group of trial? What at least comes section belly dance and steel pipe to seduce, that side that does also prepare to continue conceals to get down?” “还真是太天真了,这点诱惑怎么能考验得了这群试炼者的真心呢?最起码来段肚皮舞、钢管诱惑什么的,难道那边那个还准备继续藏下去吗?” In Le Yuan of review is looking right refers , that original empty place suddenly to the empty place at the same time exudes the water splash common ripples immediately, the silver-haired young woman who later wears the purple palace clothing goes out gradually, later salutes to pay a visit to say in front of Le Yuan: See Sir Monster King, small monster Yue Lan......” 正在点评的乐渊突然看向一边空荡荡的地方右指一点,顿时那原本的空荡处泛起水花一般的涟漪,随后一个身穿紫色宫装的银发年轻女子缓步走出,随后在乐渊面前施了一礼拜见道:“参见妖王大人,小妖月岚……” Looks at present collection bewitching and elegant in a female, how Le Yuan to see how to think her body exudes and Liu Mengli extremely similar feeling, moreover Monster Qi that aura also and Liu Mengli within the body hidden is quite similar, therefore opens the mouth saying: You are, Dream Tapir?” 看着眼前集妖异与秀美于一身的女子,乐渊怎么看怎么觉得她的身上泛起和柳梦璃极为相似的感觉,而且身上的气息也和柳梦璃体内隐藏的妖气极为类似,于是开口道:“你是,梦貘?” Truly speaking Le Yuan does not believe that present Yue Lan can be Dream Tapir, after all Qionghua Sect casting double sword for may invades Huanming World, is the Dream Tapir Clan native place, if this Nuzhen is Dream Tapir becomes an immortal at present, that is helping a tyrant do evil? 说实在的乐渊也不太相信眼前的月岚会是一只梦貘,毕竟琼华派铸造双剑为的可就是入侵幻冥界,也就是梦貘一族的老家,如果眼前此女真是一只梦貘成仙的话,那岂不是在助纣为虐? Returns to the words of Sir, the girl Dream Tapir Clan small monster! Is immortal by luck 700 years ago, can see Sir Monster King today, the reality is the small monster good fortune!” “回大人的话,小女子正是梦貘一族的小妖!于700年前侥幸得道成仙,今日能一见妖王大人,实乃是小妖的福气!” Yue Lan slight concealment, definitely the guess of Le Yuan, her main body indeed has not been Dream Tapir. However according to time that she becomes an immortal, as if also in current Huanming World advocates above the Chan You rank, should be the Huanming World old seniors is right. 月岚没有丝毫的隐瞒,肯定了乐渊的猜测,她的本体的的确确就是一只梦貘。不过按照她成仙的时间来看,似乎还在现任幻冥界之主婵幽的辈分之上,应该是幻冥界的老前辈才对。 Since you are the Dream Tapir Clan person, then should know that actually this Qionghua Sect for several hundred years are preparing what, have not thought do prevent them?” “既然你乃是梦貘一族的人,那么应该知道这琼华派几百年来究竟在筹划着什么,难道就没有想过阻止他们吗?” This indeed is a major problem, looked that Yue Lan this indifferent appearance simply has not as if worried, completely has not as if cared regarding the Huanming World invaded matter. 这的确是个大问题,看月岚这淡然的模样似乎根本没有着急过,对于幻冥界被入侵的事情似乎也全然没有放在心上。 Ten thousand spirit rise and fall, are the common senses, inconstant strong and inconstant weak. Dream Tapir Clan discovered the Huanming World strange amethyst, but prosperous 1000 year, another day encounters the attack of Qionghua Sect as a result of the amethyst is also one that Dream Tapir Clan should withstand difficult, moreover Dream Tapir Clan tranquil several hundred years of already had idled early, if can awaken taking advantage of Qionghua Sect, this rare good deed?” “万灵盛衰,乃是常理,无恒强、无恒弱。梦貘一族发现了幻冥界的奇异紫晶而兴盛千年,他日由于紫晶而遭到琼华派的侵袭也是梦貘一族合该承受的一难,况且梦貘一族平静了数百年的时间早已经有所懈怠,如果能够借着琼华派而重新醒悟,这岂不是一件难得的好事?” Yue Lan the ear wisp of white beautiful hair, replied lightly, something cannot only look, before Huanming World, seemingly did not have the disaster worry-free, but was born in the misery but death resulting from pleasure these words were not talk nonsense, experiencing some disaster tribulations might as well be a good matter. 月岚将自己耳边的一缕白色的秀发,淡淡地回答道,有些事情并不能只看一面,幻冥界之前看似无忧无灾,但是生于忧患而死于安乐这句话可不是瞎说的,经历些灾劫未尝不是一件好事情。 The Yue Lan words are seemingly unreasonable, however stands the matter that highly different ponders is also different. Dream Tapir Clan was not good at the battle, if linked the most basic sense of crisis to vanish again, if that really came across the irretrievable disaster regretting the opportunity did not have, might as well stimulate Huanming World with its such with Qionghua Sect. 月岚的话看似不近人情,但是站的高度不一样所思考的事情也不一样。梦貘一族本就不善于争斗,如果再连最基本的忧患意识都消失了,那么万一真遇到不可挽回的灾难岂不是连后悔的机会都没有了,与其那样不如用琼华派来刺激幻冥界 „...... . Moreover, this Qionghua Sect ascend incident , is so can it be that easy, I thought the possibility that this die young is bigger. Even if Huanming World really had the danger of destruction, I think Sir Monster King you will not leave alone!” “……况且,这琼华派飞升一事,又岂是那么容易的,我看这夭折的可能性更大。就算幻冥界真有了毁灭之危,我想妖王大人您不会就这么放任不管的吧!” Yue Lan was saying was saying thread of conversation one revolution, pinned all hopes on the body of Le Yuan. However she said but actually not wrong, the Huanming World matter he has no alternative but to manage, his status also 22 years later the information obtained came to see him also really certainly. 月岚说着说着把话锋一转,将所有的希望寄托在了乐渊的身上。不过她说的倒也没有错,幻冥界的事情他不能不管,他的身份还有22年后得到的情报来看他还真就管定了。 This second pass "sex" made many really to the matter of men and women, trial who some tiny bit understood merely suffered many hardships, first broke through was not chatting Le Yuan, was not Yun Tianqing that before blossomed in radiant splendor, on the contrary was showing one's self Su Yao. 第二关“色”可是着实令不少对男女之事,仅仅有些一星半点了解的试炼者们着实吃了不少的苦头,最先破关的不是正在闲谈的乐渊,也不是之前大放异彩的云天青,反倒是不显山不露水的夙瑶 But Yun Tianqing is not slow, after eradicating sex pass Su Yao entered avarice pass. Only some Le Yuan in chatted the related Huanming World matter after Yue Lan, chats the matter of related sex pass seduction with her well, seduced the seduction method that big pile of later generations become famous to say 12 what belly dance and steel pipe to her. What is conceivable after is, these wanted to pass the sex pass person to be possible really to have bad luck, the difficulty rose far more than planned. 云天青也不慢,在破除色关之后紧接着夙瑶进入到了财关。唯有乐渊在和月岚聊完了有关幻冥界的事情之后,和她好好聊了聊有关色关诱惑的事情,把什么肚皮舞、钢管诱惑一大堆后世出了名的诱惑手段给她说道一二。可以想象的是以后那些想要度过色关的人可就真的倒了大霉了,难度上升了何止一筹。 But just arrived at third to close avarice pass, Le Yuan then saw that Yun Tianqing, Su Yao and other people are searching among pile of wealth unceasingly, rare treasures gold emerald everywhere was abandoned it by them like the shoes, saw only Yun Tianqing sudden from rare treasure everywhere to hold quick of eye and hand suddenly a golden stone. 而刚刚来到第三关财关,乐渊便见到云天青夙瑶等九个人正在一堆金银财宝之间不断搜索着,满地的奇珍异宝黄金翡翠被他们弃之如履,只见云天青眼疾手快突然从满地的异宝中突然一把抓住了其中一个金色的石头。 Haha, finally found the 3rd cat's eye stone, but also is left over one! If just did not have so many to ask that was good, is really......” “哈哈,终于找到第三颗猫眼石了,还剩下一个!如果刚刚没那么多问就好了,真是……” Other person of faces envy look at Yun Tianqing to put in small cloth sack along the golden cat's eye stone, but they have not therefore stopped similarly, is looks like one group of junkmen to be the same on the contrary, tries to seek for existence of cat's eye stone in many trash. 其他人一脸羡慕地望着云天青将金色的猫眼石放到随身的小布袋中,但是他们同样没有因此停下,反倒是像一群拾荒者一般,在诸多“垃圾”中试图寻找着猫眼石的存在。 Is trial, goes, found three cat's eye stones I then to put you to enter the next pass/test to me?” Sees only God of Wealth to ride on a black tiger, wears the scarlet red iron crown, an attire seems like in the stage, somewhat is quite funny, but in the spoken language brings indifferently, a face arrogance completely does not pay attention to Le Yuan. “又是一名试炼者,去,给我找到三颗猫眼石我便放你进入下一关?”只见财神骑在一只黑色老虎身上,头戴赤红色的铁冠,一身装束像是戏台上的,颇有些滑稽,不过言语中带着冷漠,一脸傲气全然不把乐渊放在眼里。 God of Wealth is not Monster Race obtains enlightenment, is not naturally able the sensation from the bloodlines to the uncommonness of Le Yuan. Defends closing to be completely different from other, but Le Yuan does not have the mood and this God of Wealth chats. 财神并非妖族得道,自然也无法从血脉中感知到乐渊的不凡。和其他守关者完全不同,而乐渊也没心情和这个财神聊下去。 Saw only Le Yuan to hold up right fist to shake in front of God of Wealth shook, later said: Saw this? Knows that what this is?” 只见乐渊举起右拳财神面前晃了又晃,随后说道:“看到这个了吗?知道这是什么吗?” Ignorant young child, dares to play tricks on your family Grandpa God of Wealth, comes with five cat's eye stones!” “无知小儿,也敢戏弄你家财神爷爷,拿五颗猫眼石过来!” Saw only God of Wealth to look down Le Yuan one merely, later increased the requirements of passing through directly, this made still to search for one group of people of cat's eye stone to be secretly funny with hardship. They are clear very much, wants to seek for the difficulty of cat's eye stone in this big wealth, that does not compare to look for a needle in a haystack relaxed many. 只见财神仅仅低头看了乐渊一眼,随后直接增加了过关的要求,这一幕令还在苦苦搜寻着猫眼石的一群人暗自好笑。他们可是清楚得很,想要在这一大片金银财宝中寻找猫眼石的难度,那可不比大海捞针轻松多少。 Bang “嘭 With a loud sound, Yun Tianqing they discovered which suddenly powerful God of Wealth also had just appearance, saw only a Le Yuan fist hammer entire to pound in the shining floor hand on his belly him, huge Strength entire shattered the situation. 伴随着一声巨响,云天青他们陡然发现原本威风凛凛的财神哪还有刚刚的神采,只见乐渊一拳锤在他的肚子上把他整个砸进了金灿灿的地板手中,巨大的力量将地步都整个震裂了。 I can a fist be as good as two cat's eye stones? You take five, I enjoy your two fists again, were many does not want you to look, gives your money to buy coffin!” “我着一拳抵得上两颗猫眼石吧?你要五颗,我再赏你两拳,多得就不要你找了,算是给你的棺材本!” Was saying Le Yuan strikes an attitude right fist to hold up again, but God of Wealth was hit the face to twist, he has not thought will take a moment illusion head proctor such easy assignment also to meet Le Yuan is so abnormal, can defeat his strength is also practices in Qionghua Sect at least many years of elder that first-level, how this level also the place that came this disciple to test. 说着乐渊作势右拳就要再度举起,而财神被打得脸都扭曲了,他怎么也没有想到作为须臾幻境主考官这么轻松的一件差事也会遇上乐渊这般变态,能够击败他的实力在琼华派里面最起码也是修行多年的长老那一级了,都这个水平了怎么还来这弟子考验的地方。 Wait, some words saying well, everyone is a civilized person, where can raise a rumpus? I had not just seen clearly then spoke the nonsense, now looks at your excellency is really the having god-given wisdom rare talent, Qionghua Sect can have your such rare talent to join, the reality is the big of luck Qionghua Sect, under my opens the gateway that goes to turn off, but also please overcome an obstacle in a big hurry!” “等等,有话好好说,大家都是文明人,哪能这么动手动脚呢?我刚刚没看清这才说了浑话,现在一看阁下果然是天纵奇才,琼华派能够有你这样的奇才加入,实乃琼华派之大福,我这就打开前往下一关的门户,还请快快闯关吧!” Other God of Wealth skills do not have, however minimum watching a person's every mood is actually not the least bit off. At least detected from Le Yuan just attack, how even if oneself came not to be victorious again Le Yuan. 财神其他本事没有,但是最起码的察言观色却是丝毫不差。最起码从乐渊刚刚的攻击之中就察觉到,自己就算再怎么来都是打不过乐渊的。 „, This is also good, is this deity?” “靠,这样也行,这还是神仙吗?” An exclamation of Yun Tianqing expressed the aspirations of others, how this deity compares to the mortal to turn hostile also quickly, before was outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted to them, how actually to become such villain appearance facing stronger incomparable Le Yuan. 云天青的一声惊叹道出了其他人的心声,这神仙怎么比起凡人变脸还快,之前对他们色厉内荏的,怎么面对更加强势无比的乐渊却变得这么小人模样。 Le Yuan does not pay attention also in exclamation Yun Tianqing and the others, one step stepped into transmission to enter last pass "temper". Steps into this pass/test, the Le Yuan heart then produces resentful air/Qi under an influence of external Strength faintly, but returns similarly tranquilly under the Strength influence of Marrow Cleansing Scripture. 乐渊可不理会还在惊叹的云天青等人,一步踏入传送阵内进入了最后一关“气”。一踏入此关,乐渊心头便在一股外来力量的影响下隐隐产生一股愤懑之气,不过同样在洗髓经力量影响之下重归平静。 Small monster Xing Yao pays a visit Sir Monster King, Sir Monster King can not by the mood of influence anger, has satisfied to pass through requirement, my opens the gateway to outside world!” “小妖星曜拜见妖王大人,妖王大人能不受怒之情绪影响,已然满足过关要求,我这就打开通往外界的门户!” Sees only the last pass/test defending closing Xing Yao is less than a 30 years old of middle-aged man, casts aside the small beard to be seemingly refined, after Le Yuan salutes immediately opened transmission to outside world. 只见最后一关的守关者星曜是一名30岁不到的中年男子,一撇小胡子看起来斯斯文文的,向着乐渊行礼后随即打开了通往外界的传送阵。 Le Yuan is signaling by nodding to him gently, later passes through from Xing Yao gradually, later said in his ear several words, did not have the stay to step into transmission. 乐渊对着他轻轻点头示意,随后缓步从星曜身边走过,随后在其耳边说了几句话,紧接着毫无停留踏入了传送阵。 ... ...
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