VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#786: wine, sex, avarice, and temper? Qionghua trial

Crossing the threshold selection of Qionghua Sect, except for as general test too an immortal diameter keeps off most seeking immortality and inquiring dao people in out of the door , the trial of named moment illusion as final test. 琼华派的入门选拔,除了作为一般考验的太一仙径将绝大多数求仙问道的人挡在门外,还有随之名为须臾幻境的试炼作为最后的考验。 So-called moment illusion, key point in moment and illusion in these two points. So-called moment, referred to what is even if passes all day Kungfu in the trial, but actually possibly less than time of tea in realistic time, the selection large scale acceleration of school disciple ; But so-called illusion, then refers to selecting the place of disciple no longer is Qionghua Sect any place, but in the world, nearly in the place of reality in illusory, however can reappear completely all in reality like the dreamland. 所谓须臾幻境,重点在其中的“须臾”和“幻境”这两点上。所谓须臾,指的的是纵然在试炼之中过去一整日的功夫,但在现实时间内却可能不到一盏茶的时间,将门派弟子的选拔大幅度加速;而所谓的幻境,则是指选拔弟子的地方不再是琼华派的任何一处地方,而是于人间,一处近乎于现实于虚幻之间的场所,如同梦境但是能够将现实中的一切完全再现出来。 But the selection of Qionghua Sect is requests the disciple within the limiting time through the moment illusion in each checkpoint, only has to conform to the entry and completes two conditions to do obeisance into the Qionghua Sect hanger-on within a limited time officially. Moreover according to clearance, can screen trial the natural talent and personality is as for whether conforms to the Qionghua Sect style. 琼华派的选拔便是要求弟子在限定时间之内通过须臾幻境的内的各个关卡,唯有符合通关和限时完成两个条件才能正式拜入琼华派门下。而且根据通关时间,也可以筛选出试炼者的天资、性情乃至于是否符合琼华派的行事风格。 Wants after entering Qionghua Sect obtains the famous teacher to direct, then must in the moment illusion at the shortest time through Trial, but this seemingly easy, but satisfies the condition actually few. 想要在进入琼华派之后得到名师指点,那么必须在须臾幻境之内以最短的时间通过试练,而这看起来容易但是满足条件的却没有几个。 When Le Yuan is gazing at Yun Tianqing, had not forgotten young men and women who size up more than 30 same places to attend the trial, biggest also 17-18 years old, the smallest 13-14 years old merely appearance, besides Yun Tianqing this celebrity, Le Yuan also saw another familiar face Su Yao. 乐渊注视着云天青的时候,也没有忘记打量这30多位一起来参加试炼的年轻男女,其中最大的也不过17、8岁,最小的仅仅13、4岁的样子,除了云天青这个名人之外,乐渊还见到了另一个熟悉的面孔夙瑶 When Le Yuan is taking a look at one group of people silently, the abbot / abbess Qionghua Sect Master cold snort/hum of trial, the sound is spreading to each person ear of men and women on the scene immediately, the somewhat noisy crowd was peaceful immediately. 就在乐渊默默打量着一群人的时候,住持着试炼的琼华掌门冷哼一声,顿时声音传入在场男女的每一个人耳中,原本有些嘈杂的人群顿时安静了下来。 Limiting time three tea( approximately a half hour), then do obeisance into Qionghua Sect through moment illusion test, even if failed may also stay in the ravine, my Sect meets occasionally the recruitment disciple, then eyes closed, with rapt attention!” “限定时间三盏茶(约半个小时),通过须臾幻境考验者即可拜入琼华派中,纵然失败亦可在山间停留,我派会不定时招收弟子,那么闭目、凝神!” With the Daoist Master Taiqing final four characters, one group of young people on the scene comply, liveliest Yun Tianqing also has not been opening the eye. But Le Yuan will not be naturally individualistic at this kind of time, even does not have the eye, he also has spiritual awareness to regard the thing. 伴随着太清真人的最后四个字,在场的一群年轻人纷纷照做,就连最活泼的云天青同样没有睁着眼睛。而乐渊自然也不会在这种时候特立独行,就算没有眼睛,他还有灵觉视物。 Sees only when people eyes closed ceases activity, serious pinches the law secret art as Sect Master Daoist Master Taiqing again and again, later in the mouth mumbled: Xuannu has the life, notifies everybody ten thousand spirits, the comfortable contact, jumps purple slightly......” 只见在众人闭目静息之时,作为掌门太清真人一脸严肃地连连掐出法诀,随后口中念念有词道:“玄女有命,普告万灵,自在往来,腾身紫微……” With this mnemonics, the unusual powerful supernatural power covers Le Yuan one group of people together, under the supernatural power covers state of mind departs from the body of one group of people to shuttle back and forth in abundance went to the place of trial void. But the Le Yuan state of mind general technique method can pull out can it be that leaves, facing outside that tried Strength that the state of mind extracted, Le Yuan to relax a point own spirit alert slightly, departed following supernatural power a wisp of consciousness. 伴随着这一阵口诀,一道异常强大的神力将乐渊一群人笼罩,神力笼罩之下一群人的神魂纷纷离体穿梭过虚空前往试炼之地。而乐渊的神魂岂是一般术法可以抽离的,面对外面那股试图将自己神魂抽出的力量,乐渊稍稍放松了一点自己的精神戒备,将一缕意识顺着其中的神力飞出。 With a dizzy transmission, Le Yuan recovers again already in a strange space, all around was covered dark, the smooth plate floats in in the air, among the plates is connected by the wire rope, but he also has the person who comes to attend the trial numerously is at the midpoint is also biggest floats on the board. 伴随着一阵天旋地转的传送,乐渊再度回过神来的时候已经在一片奇异的空间之中,四周被黑暗笼罩,许多平坦的板块浮在空中,板块之间以铁索相连,而他还有众多前来参加试炼的人正处在正中央也是最大的一块浮板上。 „Is this immortal law? Too was really mysterious, arrived here all of a sudden......” “这就是仙法吗?真是太神奇了,一下子就来到这里……” Trial? Our smelting trials are anything, I must do obeisance into Qionghua Sect!” “试炼?我们的试炼是什么,我一定要拜入琼华派!” Here, is where, is quite actually strange!” “这里,究竟是什么地方,好诡异!” ...... …… One group of people were delivered to this place suddenly, only thought that fearful and apprehensive quite some are unable to start. But Le Yuan has not actually paid attention to one crowd by the fellow of having a scare, he is familiar very much to this place, isn't the moment illusion Yun Tianhe they by the place that Su Yao sends? In other words the so-called trial refers to wine, sex, avarice, and temper four passes/tests. 一群人骤然被送到这个地方,只觉得胆战心惊颇有些无从下手。而乐渊却没有理会一群被吓了一跳的家伙,他可是对这个地方熟悉得很,须臾幻境不就是云天河他们被夙瑶送来的地方吗?换句话说所谓的试炼就是指“酒色财气”四关。 One group of newly-arrived trial, completely without seeing that are having the old man of white beard white eyebrows behind a giant bottle gourd, but his is one is also after death bigger much the bronze cauldron, inside is putting not the well-known liquor fluid, the rich wine can make the person who will not drink wine hear was drunk. 一群初来乍到的试炼者,完全没有看到那个正在一个巨大的葫芦后面正有白须白眉的老者,而他的身后则是一个同样大得不可思议的青铜鼎,里面盛放着不知名的酒液,浓郁的酒香能够令不会饮酒的人闻着便醉了。 Also has the person not to notice the Le Yuan movement, however also no one goes forward to talk under being unfamiliar with the people and place, while the Le Yuan preparation and Wine Immortal Elder make contact with the words time, a strange right hand takes advantage of opportunity wants to flutter his shoulder. 也不是没有人未注意到乐渊的动作,但是在人生地不熟之下也没人上前搭话,正当乐渊准备和酒仙翁搭上话的时候,一个陌生的右手顺势就想要勾住他的肩膀。 The body staggers, the right hand takes advantage of opportunity toward that right arm turn around a pressure, will immediately try to be close to his person pressing on the ground, making him unable to move. 身子一错开,右手顺势向着那只右臂反身一压,顿时将试图接近他的那个人压在地上,令他动弹不得了。 Loves...... the brothers fine athlete, below Yun Tianqing, same is participates in the Qionghua Sect disciple to select with you, whether to build a partner?” “疼疼疼……兄弟好身手,在下云天青,和你一样是来参加琼华派弟子选拔的,可否搭个伙?” Even if made contact with the words by such distressed appearance and Le Yuan, the appearance that but Yun Tianqing that was smiling was very difficult to make one really loathe on, moreover compared the following that crowd not to dare to follow the Le Yuan person, this Yun Tianqing conformed to the Le Yuan appetite only. 就算是以这么狼狈的样子和乐渊搭上话了,但是云天青那嬉皮笑脸的样子很难令人真的厌恶上,而且相比较后面那一群根本不敢跟上乐渊的人,唯独这云天青符合乐渊的胃口。 Loosens the arm of Yun Tianqing, Le Yuan has not made him stay behind on own initiative , to continue to walk to drop out a few words to say forward: Is casual you, so long as you can follow on the line!” 云天青的胳膊松开,乐渊也没有主动让他留下,继续向前走抛下一句话道:“随便你,只要你跟得上就行!” Hears Le Yuan these words not to reject, where face thick-skinned Yun Tianqing will flinch on own initiative, smiles to follow to come hastily, as Le Yuan bypassed that giant bottle gourd. 听到乐渊这一句话没有拒绝,脸皮厚的云天青哪会主动退缩,嘿嘿一笑连忙跟上前来,随着乐渊绕过了那个巨型葫芦。 After seeing only Le Yuan to lift to the giant bottle gourd white beard immortal is a foot, the Le Yuan movement is good because of without tramples to the body of white beard immortal directly, tramples merely, in rescued to guard a road on, has a loud sound, later during Yun Tianqing that is dumbfounded, said compared with the words that Yun Tianqing this Taiping Village Little Conqueror must rule by force. 只见乐渊对着巨型葫芦后的白须仙人抬起就是一脚,不过乐渊的动作好在没有直接踹到白须仙人的身上,仅仅是踹在了救护路上,发出一阵巨响,随后在云天青那目瞪口呆之中,说出了比云天青这个太平村小霸王还要霸道的话来。 Old man, words that but also puts on airs to sleep, but just your liquor all gave to extinguish!” “老头儿,还装模作样睡觉的话,可就将将你的酒全都给灭了!” Unexpectedly, Le Yuan these words also are really not the general effectiveness. In the Yun Tianqing vision, very rested fragrant white hair white beard old man one to turn over/to stand up, floats is sitting in the midair stretched oneself. 没成想,乐渊这一句话还真不是一般的奏效。在云天青的目光中,原本还睡得挺香的白发白须老者一个翻身,漂浮着坐在了半空之中伸了个懒腰。 Perhaps saw only Wine Immortal Elder to narrow the eye to sweep one when Le Yuan, Yun Tianqing also had others unable to see anything, but Le Yuan actually very understand Wine Immortal Elder, when saw him that is the mind shakes, did not look Qionghua Sect prepared the disciple the mood that can have fluctuated. 只见酒仙翁眯着眼睛在乐渊身上扫了一眼,云天青还有其他人或许没能够看出些什么,但是乐渊却很明白酒仙翁在看到他的时候那是心神震荡,绝不是看一名琼华派预备弟子时会产生的心情波动。 However Wine Immortal Elder has not displayed the unusual condition, before seeing only he fluttered all bodies, with a quite easely sound said: Hehe, has not thought that was the Qionghua Sect babies comes the trial......” 不过酒仙翁没有表现出异状,只见他飘到了所有的身前,用一种颇为悠然地声音说道:“呵呵,没想到又是琼华派的小娃娃们前来试炼了……” Yun Tianqing is good on dozen of snakes worthily the fellow of pole, how others did not have, he then first said: Hehe, does the immortal grandfather hello, my also somewhat good rice wine, how our grandfather and grandchild drink a cup?” 云天青不愧是善于打蛇上杆的家伙,其他人还没有怎么着,他便抢先说道:“嘿嘿,仙人爷爷您好,我这还有些上好的米酒,怎么样咱爷俩喝一盅?” Good smart baby, about my Wine Immortal Elder appetite, but first made me say the rule of this trial, otherwise these other babies may probably worry......” “好一个机灵的小娃娃,合我酒仙翁的胃口,不过先让我说说这试炼的规则,不然这些个其他娃娃可就要着急了……” Wine Immortal Elder is nodding to Yun Tianqing satisfied, later has turned the head to say to others: „To go to the next pass/test through here, your babies must make the old man satisfied on the line, saw here many liquor bottle gourds? So long as you attain 20 liquor bottle gourds, the old man sends you to the next pass/test!” 酒仙翁满意地对着云天青点了点头,随后转过头对着其他人说道:“想要通过这里前往下一关,你们这些小娃娃就要令老夫满意就行,看到这里的诸多酒葫芦了吗?只要你们拿到20个酒葫芦,老夫就送你们去下一关!” Just said these, everyone looks in enough 34 zhang (3.33 m) high, although those present did not have one not to know some laws of expiration and inspiration breath, but did not have one to have such good qing gong. 刚刚说完这些,所有人看着在足足三四丈高,在场的人虽然没有一个不懂些吐纳呼吸之法的,但是却没有一个能够拥有这么好的轻功。 Actually sees Wine Immortal Elder right hand one finger/refers to say to Yun Tianqing: Your boy accompanies the old man first to drink a happiness, if about the old man appetite, exempts you half of liquor, how?” 却见酒仙翁右手一指对着云天青说道:“你小子就陪老夫先喝个痛快,若是合老夫胃口,就免你一半的酒,如何?” Hehe, can accompany Grandpa Wine Immortal to drink, is the good fortune of boy, how can not want?” Yun Tianqing is impolite, immediately did before the Wine Immortal Elder body, took out own liquor bottle gourd to drink. “嘿嘿,能够陪酒仙爷爷喝酒,是小子的福气,怎么能够不愿意呢?”云天青也不客气,当即在酒仙翁身前做了下来,取出自己的酒葫芦就喝了起来。 When Wine Immortal Elder just said the rule that remaining trial disperse in abundance, various uses/gives Qizhao try to take a liquor bottle gourd, some just vertical leapt obviously, then discovered that here as if compared with changed/easy Zongyue, the gravity is less than the outside world 30%, although 34 zhang (3.33 m) high, but is not the impossible matter. 而当酒仙翁将规则刚刚说完,那剩下的试炼者们纷纷散开,各施奇招试着拿下一个酒葫芦,某显然刚刚纵跃而起,便发现这里似乎比外界更易纵跃,重力不及外界30%,三四丈虽高但并非不可能的事情。 However here liquor bottle gourd quantity are not many, among each is very different, even if only needs to collect 20, is not a small project, when particularly periphery also has many trial to collect together. 不过这里的酒葫芦数量可不多,每一个之间相去甚远,纵然只需要收集20个,也绝不是一个小工程,尤其是当周围还有着大量的试炼者一起收集的时候。 Actually sees after Yun Tianqing did bottle gourd rice wine and Wine Immortal Elder together, Wine Immortal Elder sent satisfied him, when here was only left over he also had Le Yuan, actually sees that Wine Immortal Elder suddenly to fall on the ground to Le Yuan deeply is bowing good a ritual. 却见当云天青将一葫芦米酒和酒仙翁一起干了之后,酒仙翁满意地将他打发走了,而当这里只剩下他还有乐渊的时候,却见那酒仙翁突然落在地上对着乐渊深深地鞠了一躬行了一礼。 Small immortal Wine Immortal Elder sees Sir Monster King, hope Sir Monster King your health!” “小仙酒仙翁参见妖王大人,愿妖王大人金安!” How first does not raise this Wine Immortal Elder is to recognize Le Yuan, only looked that he this acts some Le Yuan then doubts to say now: You are the immortal, I am the monster, why salutes to me?” 先不提这酒仙翁是如何将乐渊认出来的,只看他现在这动作乐渊便有些疑惑道:“你是仙,我是妖,为何向我行礼?” Actually sees Wine Immortal Elder lightly smiled, referred to giant bottle gourd saying: „After small immortal is the liquor bottle gourd becomes a ghost, immortal that the practicing thousand years become, although the achievement immortal body but actually does not dare to forget one's origin, was on the 1st the monster life-long is the monster, you were all monsters kings!” 却见酒仙翁微微一笑,指了指身旁的巨大葫芦道:“小仙乃是酒葫芦成精后,修行千载才成的仙,虽然成就仙身但却不敢忘本,一日为妖终生为妖,您就是所有妖的王!” Sir Monster King comes this Qionghua Sect to have the monster service in the body, obsolete this opens the channel to outside world, allows to pass for Sir Monster King!” 妖王大人来这琼华派可有妖务在身,老朽这就打开通往外界的通道,为妖王大人放行!” Wine Immortal Elder dies the cruelest death, is the appearance after Le Yuan saddle lead horse. Actually saw Le Yuan to wave to reject, although Le Yuan did not repel the method of cheating to pass through, but the speed too does not get on well with others quickly, now goes out to drop the argument unavoidably. 酒仙翁一副肝脑涂地,为乐渊鞍前马后的样子。却见乐渊一挥手拒绝了,虽然乐渊并不排斥作弊的手段过关,但是速度太快也太不合群了,现在出去难免落下口舌。 Actually sees Le Yuan one move, immediately the innumerable say/way wind blade scatters in all directions to shoot in all directions, is hanging the 11 of liquor bottle gourd in midair innumerably by this wind blade is shot down, later 11 under coercing of wind blade turns toward Le Yuan is flying. 却见乐渊手一招,顿时无数道风刃四散着向四面八方射去,无数悬挂于半空中的酒葫芦被这风刃一一击落,随后在风刃的裹挟之下一一向着乐渊的所在飞来。 Sees this trial, only had toward not to run not to jump then to collect Le Yuan of simultaneous/uniform 20 liquor bottle gourds to project the vision of envying, which this method was their these is trial of Jianghu person can compare at most, wanted the immortal compared with the immortal simply. 看到这一幕的试炼者,唯有向着不跑不跳便搜集齐20个酒葫芦的乐渊投出出了羡慕的目光,这种手段哪是他们这些顶多算是江湖人士的试炼者可以比拟的,简直比起仙人还要仙人。 „, Making me go to the next pass/test, but also is able to discriminate leaks my identity, I must hold an important matter in Qionghua Sect!” “给,让我前往下一关吧,还有别泄露我的身份,我要在琼华派办一件要事!” Le Yuan in 20 the hand is loaded with conveniently[ is drunk 1000 year] the liquor bottle gourd threw in bronze cauldron that was loaded with the liquor fluid. 乐渊随手将手中20份装有[一醉千年]的酒葫芦扔到了装有酒液的青铜鼎中。 Sir Monster King, the liquor this closed/pass you are, later also had the sex, avarice, and temper three passes/tests, sex and temper pass watchers was our Monster Race member, I will say a hello to them, only had of a view wealth to ask you to take on slightly, God of Wealth he did not intend to offend in you!” 妖王大人,酒这一关您算是过了,之后还有色、财、气三关,其中色和气的守关人均为我们妖族的成员,我会向他们打一声招呼,唯有财之一观请您稍稍担待一点,财神他并不是有意冒犯于您!” Wine Immortal Elder turns toward Le Yuan to bow again, this right hand wields opens leads to the second pass/test together the light gate. 酒仙翁再一次向着乐渊鞠了一躬,这才右手一挥打开一道通往第二关的光门。 At this moment, acts strange quick , and Quest quantity was short of half of Yun Tianqing already to carry the liquor bottle gourd to walk compared with the average person toward Le Yuan. These 30 trial are not every is passing furiously, some people could not endure[ was drunk 1000 year] the wine, could not bear drink one, later then really rested thoroughly deadly in the past, their these will unable to endure the person of seduction to rest by Quest Failure. 就在这时,动作奇快并且任务量比起一般人少了一半的云天青已经拎着酒葫芦向着乐渊走来了。这30名试炼者可不是每一个都在奋力过关,有些人忍受不了[一醉千年]的酒香,忍不住喝了一口,随后便真的彻底睡死过去,他们这些忍受不了诱惑的人会一直睡到任务失败为止。 Le Yuan toward is submitting Quest Yun Tianqing to wave, later took the lead one step to bridge over the light gate. 乐渊向着正在提交任务云天青挥了挥手,随后率先一步跨过了光门。 ... ...
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