VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#785: The skilled artists keep bead, breaks into Ghost World

Gave Yun Tianhe and Han Lingsha two people of already to pass half double-hour Candle Dragon Breath from Candle Dragon, Yun Tianhe shouldered Candle Dragon Breath to enter the eruption in within the body by special physique already initially, gradually changed into oneself to use within the body hot cold two powerful Qi Energy, cultivation base progressed by leaps and bounds. With the aid of Candle Dragon Breath Strength, his already completely no longer is restricted in the life span of person, being immortal regarding Yun Tianhe merely is the time issue. 衔烛之龙烛龙之息赋予云天河韩菱纱二人已经过去了半个时辰,云天河凭借特殊的体质已经扛过了烛龙之息初入体内的爆发,逐渐将体内一热一寒两股强大气劲化为己用,修为更是突飞猛进。借助烛龙之息力量,他已经完全不再受限于人的寿命,得道成仙对于云天河而言仅仅是时间问题。 Compares already to return to normal to open Yun Tianhe of eye, the one side the Han Lingsha situation of lying in within the body cold and heat two Strength competes may be much more complex as before. 相比较已经平复睁开眼睛的云天河,一旁依旧在于体内寒热两股力量较劲的韩菱纱的情况可就复杂得多。 Looking Han Lingsha that seems like simultaneously the incarnation is the 1000 year cold ice and giant smelting furnace, is completely unable to approach her in nearby Murong Ziying already, only had just grasped Candle Dragon Breath Yun Tianhe not to fear such extreme temperature. 望着像是同时化身为千年寒冰和巨大熔炼炉的韩菱纱,在一旁的慕容紫英已经全然无法在靠近她,唯有刚刚掌握烛龙之息云天河不惧此等极端温度。 However when Yun Tianhe wants to go forward to help her helping hand, Candle Dragon that is looking on at the same time actually intended to block Yun Tianhe. 不过当云天河想要上前助她一臂之力的时候,正在一边旁观的衔烛之龙却出手将云天河拦了下来。 Lucky boy also non- assistant! This is I to your tests, was the luck is the calamity depends entirely on you to pass, you lent a hand to assist know are not harming her!” “幸运的小子还不助手!这乃是我对你们两人的考验,是福是祸全靠你们自己度过,你出手相助焉知不是在害她!” Yun Tianhe that was blocked is unable to rush to the Han Lingsha side, the brain truster looks at distant place serious Han Lingsha to sit cross-legged anxiously on the ground controls one's breathing alone. But looks is not knowing life and death Han Lingsha, Murong Ziying at the same time toward sobering the Yun Tianhe inquiry said. 被拦下的云天河根本无法闯到韩菱纱的身旁,智囊焦急地望着远处面色凝重的韩菱纱盘坐在地上独自调息。而望着不知生死的韩菱纱,一边的慕容紫英向着清醒过来的云天河询问道。 Tianhe, actually you how passed the test, said could help Lingsha go through the difficulty also perhaps!” 天河,你究竟是如何度过考验的,说出来兴许能够助菱纱度过难关也说不定!” Although the idea of Murong Ziying is very good, but he was doomed to be disappointed. Yun Tianhe are also the Yunshan fog circles, was not clear that actually how went through the difficulty, made excuses cannot say understand for a long time. 虽然慕容紫英的想法很好,但是他注定要失望了。云天河自己也是云山雾绕的,根本不清楚自己究竟是如何度过难关,支支吾吾许久还是没能够说明白 Snort, main body the law of Candle Dragon Breath mortal can suppress can it be that. Depends entirely on individual chance. This does not know that the immensity of heaven and earth boy luck origin is extremely good, actually has the so special physique, this can compromise within the body to cold strength and main body that scalding hot Candle Dragon Breath. Had it, you, even to die difficultly......” “哼,本尊的烛龙之息岂是凡人之法可以压制的。全靠个人机缘。这个不知天高地厚的小子福源极佳,竟然有着如此特殊的体质,这才能够调和体内的至寒之力和本尊那灼热的烛龙之息。有了它,你就算想死都难了……” Candle Dragon explanation command Yun Tianhe can only awkwardly flexure the head, but his Murong Ziying is actually an understanding clearly appearance, shortly after Yun Tianhe wakes up he has inspected the Yun Tianhe situation, within the body cultivation base rose suddenly went many, was Strength that has share of him fully not to understand, nowadays it seems like that test simply is opportunity bestowed by Heaven, passed later Yun Tianhe immortal way broad and level. 衔烛之龙的解释令云天河只能尴尬地挠了挠脑袋,而他身旁的慕容紫英却是一副了然的模样,就在云天河醒来后不久他就检查过云天河的情况,体内修为暴涨了去多,更是有着一股他完全不了解的力量,现如今看来那考验简直就是天赐的机缘,度过了之后云天河仙途一片坦荡。 But regarding the Candle Dragon mouth in mentioned that Le Yuan voluntarily requests Candle Dragon to grant the Han Lingsha matter Candle Dragon Breath, made Murong Ziying quite puzzled, according to the Candle Dragon view average person accepted the test to court death, but Le Yuan should not the idea of harmful Han Lingsha be right. 而对于衔烛之龙口中提到的,乐渊主动要求衔烛之龙烛龙之息赐予韩菱纱的事情,却令慕容紫英颇为不解,按照衔烛之龙的说法普通人接受考验就是找死,而乐渊不应该有害韩菱纱的想法才对。 „Not good Lingsha to endure!” “不好菱纱挺住!” When saw only on not far away the scalding hot aura of Han Lingsha to crush the Wangshu cold air of her within the body fiercely, the homeostasis was broken the Han Lingsha blue color somewhat twisted, is getting down evidently is the result of body dying. 只见不远处的韩菱纱身上的灼热气息猛地压倒了她体内的望舒寒气,体内平衡被打破之时韩菱纱的蓝色都有些扭曲了,看样子在这么下去就是身死的结局。 In everyone thinks Han Lingsha is unable to save the situation, sees only Han Lingsha within the body to erupt unprecedented Fire Spirit Power, Candle Dragon Breath that must erupt actually took to be suppressed faintly. 就在所有人都以为韩菱纱回天无力之际,只见韩菱纱体内爆发出了前所未有的火灵之力,原本就要爆发的烛龙之息竟然拿隐隐被压制住了。 Hiss this, is Fire Spirit Bead . Moreover the above aura, is that scoundrel! No wonder wants me to grant Candle Dragon Breath to this female baby, originally left this treasure!” “嘶这个,难道说是火灵珠,而且上面的气息,是那个混账!难怪要我赐予烛龙之息给这个女娃娃,原来把这宝贝留给了她!” With the whisper of Candle Dragon, nearby Yun Tianhe also had Murong Ziying the understand event to have the favorable turn immediately. Really Le Yuan does not want to kill Han Lingsha, on the contrary already leaves behind Le Yuan already of subsequent hand to give the card in a hand that Han Lingsha maintained life early. 随着衔烛之龙的嘀咕,一旁的云天河还有慕容紫英登时明白事件有了转机。果然乐渊并不是想要害死韩菱纱,相反早已经留下后手的乐渊已经给了韩菱纱保命的底牌。 Assumes an awe-inspiring pose along with Fire Spirit Bead, maintains balanced Han Lingsha to start to compromise own hot cold two types of aura under the coordination of Fire Spirit Bead again, passed again half double-hour, being of great success Han Lingsha not only asked the limit of Extreme Yin Body to get rid of lodging of Wangshu Sword, even became Ice and Fire Half Immortal Body body Body Cultivation, the cultivation became an immortal to be just round the corner. 伴随着火灵珠发威,再一次维持住平衡的韩菱纱火灵珠的协调之下开始调和起自身的一热一寒两种气息,再次过去了半个时辰,大功告成的韩菱纱不但拜托了至阴之体的限制摆脱了望舒剑的寄宿,甚至将身体修成了冰火半仙之体,修炼成仙指日可待。 But Han Lingsha at this time actually after experiencing the life and death has tested, almost cries the sob. Le Yuan may be many for the matter that she handles, even for this reason and Candle Dragon fought one, that Mountains Bursting and Ground Splitting terrifying reverberates until now in the Han Lingsha mind. 韩菱纱此时却是在经历过生死考验之后,更是差点落泪哭泣。乐渊为她做的事情可不少,甚至为此和衔烛之龙打了一架,那山崩地裂的恐怖一幕至今回荡在韩菱纱的脑海之中。 The merit, chance and treasure...... any thing is Han Lingsha entire life the benevolence that is hard to repay, facing Han Lingsha that until now not excessively exchanges, Le Yuan can not seek the return to make hence many efforts, how this can not make Han Lingsha be moved. 功德、机缘、宝物……任何一件东西都是韩菱纱一生难以报答的恩情,面对一直以来并无过多交流的韩菱纱,乐渊能够不求回报地付出至此多的心血,这怎能不令韩菱纱感动。 But Candle Dragon has not abandoned with the agreement of Le Yuan, successfully fed in Ghost World to encircle the Han Lingsha three people. Han Lingsha and Yun Tianhe that already simultaneously the strength rises suddenly strided in the B level, even compared with Murong Ziying powerful of half B level, but this type really limited, particularly in situation of Murong Ziying momentarily possibly breakthrough. 衔烛之龙也没有背弃和乐渊的约定,成功将韩菱纱三人送进了鬼界内围。同时实力暴涨的韩菱纱云天河已经跨入到了b级,甚至比起半步b级的慕容紫英更加强大,不过这种强实在有限,尤其是慕容紫英随时可能突破的情况下。 The group have the magic arts protection that Candle Dragon displays in Ghost World, had not been discovered by Ghost Messenger, obtained nebula shadow quietly. As Han Lingsha inquired that can not see the reincarnation family member's treasure Samsara Mirror Stage at the same time news, three people again the family member who goes to Samsara Mirror Stage to try to see them to elapse. 一行人在鬼界之中有着衔烛之龙施展的法术保护,并没有被鬼差发现,悄悄地得到了翳影枝。而随着韩菱纱打听到能够见到未投胎亲人一面的宝物转轮镜台的消息,三人再次前往了转轮镜台试着见到他们逝去的亲人。 Han Lingsha or Murong Ziying, without seeing own family member, before on the contrary Yun Tianhe stand Samsara Mirror Stage shortly, summoned Yun Tianqing that had not been reincarnated. 无论是韩菱纱还是慕容紫英,都没有见到自己的亲人,相反云天河站到转轮镜台前没多久,就呼唤出了还未转世的云天青 Boor? Is you?” “野小子?是你?” With a Yun Tianhe familiar name, Samsara Mirror Stage inside presented a cotton garment, the aspect big eye, the long hair is floating, a pair of hand intersects unruly in the chest front man, has 67 to be similar to Yun Tianhe, is Yun Tianhe biological father Yun Tianqing. 伴随着云天河熟悉至极的一声称呼,转轮镜台里面出现了一身布衣,方面大眼,长发飘飘,一双手桀骜地交叉在胸前的男子,和云天河有着六七分相似,正是云天河的亲爹云天青 Yun Tianhe saw suddenly died for a long time father that also to be wild with joy, he stretches out the arms to directly soar, however runs up to father front several steps, suddenly stopped, does not dare to go forward hesitant, on the face awkwardly and is smiling joyfully, later flexure own back of the head was saying: „Is father, really you?! Child is good to think you!” 云天河乍然见到死去已久的父亲那也是欣喜若狂,他张开双臂直奔过来,然而跑到父亲面前数步,忽然又停了下来,犹豫地不敢上前,脸上尴尬而欣喜地笑着,随后挠着自己的后脑勺道:“爹,真的是你?!孩儿好想你啊!” Does not do to display this timid appearance, does no male spirit, where look like my Yun Tianqing type?!” Yun Tianqing looks Yun Tianhe that already grows up is also quite ridicules to say happily, but remembers the place that they meet now later is Ghost World, the complexion sinks to point at Yun Tianhe to shout immediately, „can your boy, how here?! Your also already “休要表现出这唯唯诺诺的样子,没有一点男子气概,哪像我云天青的种?!”云天青看着已经长大的云天河也是颇为高兴地笑骂道,不过随后又想起他们现在相遇的地方乃是鬼界,立马脸色一沉指着云天河喝道,“你这小子,怎么会在这里?!难道你也已经 Very afraid Yun Tianhe already died Yun Tianqing to inquire hastily, but looks is looking at own Yun Tianqing kindly, suddenly does not know Yun Tianhe where should mention can only the sleep talking: That father, I have not died, my comes the Ghost World a little minor matter, ended must return to the world of the living again......” 深怕云天河已经死了的云天青连忙询问道,而望着正关切地看着自己的云天青,一时间不知该从哪里说起的云天河只能梦呓道:“那个爹,我还没死呢,我这是来鬼界有一点小事,完了还要再回阳间……” Nonsense, your brat likes playing, this grew up to play Ghost World to come, this too did not make sense......” Yun Tianqing also to want continued to scold Yun Tianhe is not, but the crime and a glance saw Murong Ziying that is wearing the Qionghua Sect clothing, made noise to ask: Looks at your boy clothing, will not be the Qionghua Sect junior......” “胡闹,你这臭小子就喜欢玩,这长大了都玩到鬼界来了,这太不像话了……”云天青还想要继续数落云天河的不是,但是罪和头一瞥望见了身穿着琼华派服饰的慕容紫英,不由出声问道:“看你小子这服饰,不会是琼华派的小辈吧……” See the cloud......” Murong Ziying cannot two characters say Master's Junior Brother finally, must continue say: See Senior Yun, below Murong Ziying, once hoodwinked Martial Uncle Zong Lian to study several to cast the technique of sword......” “参见云……”慕容紫英最终还是没能将“师叔”二字说出口,只得将继续说道:“参见云前辈,在下慕容紫英,曾蒙宗炼师伯学过几手铸剑之术……” Urges to go faster, I and Qionghua Sect person...... see only Yun Tianqing there is nothing to discuss to wave to catch up with the stance of person greatly, later actually sees Yun Tianqing to put on a serious face to Yun Tianhe reprimands asks: „Can your boy, how stir with the Qionghua Sect person about the same place? Said quickly! Did not say that I may leave!” “去去去,我和琼华派的人没什么好谈的……”只见云天青挥挥手大有赶人的架势,随后却见云天青板着脸向云天河斥问道:“你小子,怎么会和琼华派的人搅合到一起?快说!再不说我可就走人了!” Perhaps Yun Tianqing most does not want Yun Tianhe to annoy, is the Qionghua Sect person. 19 years ago that war, is actually Yun Tianqing and Su Yu is unfair to Qionghua Sect, Qionghua Sect is unfair to Huanming World, these already are of no account along with dissipations of massive life. What is most essential left Qionghua Sect Yun Tianqing, most feared was Yun Tianhe takes his old route. 云天青恐怕最不愿意云天河惹上的,便是琼华派的人。19年前的那一战,究竟是云天青夙玉对不起琼华派,还是琼华派对不起幻冥界,这些已经伴随着大量生命的消逝无关重要。最关键的是离开了琼华派云天青,最怕的就是云天河走上他的老路。 But saw that own father reprimanded himself, glib lips not agile Yun Tianhe the tongue tied a knot immediately again, quite a while could not say any useful words. Oneself are anxious also that is sweating profusely, making front Yun Tianqing look at that to shake the head. 而看到自己的爹这么斥责自己,嘴皮子不利索的云天河顿时再次舌头打结,半天说不出什么有用的话来。自己急得那是满头大汗,让面前的云天青看得那也是直摇头。 Before Han Lingsha that has kept silent one step stepped up to at this time, continued Yun Tianhe, told directly for Yun Tianhe all, led Yun Tianhe to descend the mountain to seek the immortal her to start, to the contact of Le Yuan, brings Liu Mengli to acknowledge as teacher later together Qionghua Sect. 一直默不作声的韩菱纱这时候一步跨上前接过了云天河的话头,直接替云天河诉说起了一切,将她带着云天河下山寻仙开始,到于乐渊的接触,随后带着柳梦璃一起拜师琼华派 When hears Han Lingsha to bring Yun Tianhe to descend the mountain to seek the immortal, Yun Tianqing that is the helplessness of whole face, he considers everything has not thought that some people unexpectedly will find on Qingluan Peak ; When hears Yun Tianhe caused havoc Taiping Village, he claps and cheers, shouted that Yun Tianhe worthily is her type, this character looked like him ; In hearing Lake Chao with monster, but Le Yuan comes rescues, Yun Tianqing is actually rare silent...... 在听闻韩菱纱带着云天河下山寻仙的时候,云天青那是满脸的无奈,他千算万算没想到有人竟然会找到了青鸾峰上;当听闻云天河大闹了太平村之时,他更是拍手称快,大喊云天河不愧是她的种,这性格像极了他;在听到巢湖遇妖,而乐渊现身相救的时候,云天青却是难得的沉默了下来…… Does obeisance into the Qionghua Sect entire process to recount that them along with Han Lingsha to the Yun Tianqing hear, after Yun Tianqing hear, is worth sighing. 伴随着韩菱纱将他们拜入琼华派的全过程述说给了云天青听,云天青听完后值得叹息一声。 Oh Senior Brother worthily is a Senior Brother, always has the unexpected action, was the divine strategy was fully correct each matter probably, but this miss, you can obtain my Senior Brother to assist are also your good fortune, you should not on the step the Su Yu footsteps......” “唉师兄不愧是师兄,总有有出人意料之举,更是神机妙算像是猜透了每一件事情,不过这位姑娘,你能得到我师兄相助也是你的福气,想必你应该不会步上夙玉的后尘了……” In hearing Han Lingsha said that when Cave of Rivulet Wangshu Sword unusual condition, Yun Tianqing suspected that on Han Lingsha is the Wangshu Sword new host. When heard Le Yuan came to rob Wangshu Sword was more definite, after seeing Han Lingsha at this time that cultivation base profound appearance, then no longer was worried about the Han Lingsha situation. 在听闻韩菱纱石沉溪洞望舒剑异状之时,云天青就怀疑上韩菱纱望舒剑新的宿主。而当听到乐渊现身抢夺望舒剑之时就更加确定了,不过在见到韩菱纱此时那一副修为高深模样后,便不再担心韩菱纱的情况。 In the Yun Tianqing mind, Le Yuan this Senior Brother already just like Immortal God to be the same early, nothing is he cannot achieve. 云天青的心目中,乐渊这个师兄早已经犹如仙神一般深不可测,没有什么是他做不到的。 Senior, can you I said for 19 years ago Martial Uncle......Le his matter? Actually 19 were young made what, why as monster Martial Uncle Le will do obeisance into Qionghua Sect? But how will you and Martial Uncle Le be removed by Qionghua Sect?” “前辈,您能和我说说19年前乐……师伯他的事情吗?19年轻究竟做了什么,为什么身为妖的乐师伯会拜入琼华派?而您和乐师伯又怎么会被琼华派除名了呢?” Han Lingsha wants now the 19 years ago truth, inquires to Yun Tianqing. 韩菱纱现在非常想要19年前的真相,不由向云天青打探到。 But Yun Tianhe also wants to understand more and Sibo Le Yuan the matter related to his Big Brother Xuan Xiao at this time, therefore also a face longs for that looks at own father Yun Tianqing. 云天河此时也想要了解更多有关他大哥玄霄思博乐渊的事情,因此也一脸渴望地看着自己的爹云天青 Senior, but also please tell us the 19 years ago truth!” “前辈,还请将19年前的真相告诉我们吧!” Then even Murong Ziying exported to request, three people are looking at Yun Tianqing simultaneously sincerely. 这下连慕容紫英都出口相求了,三人同时恳切地望着云天青 Good, the child your also already grew up, my also impossible treats as a child to regard you forever, you want to know 19 young truth, really doesn't regret?” “好,孩子你也已经长大了,我也不可能永远把你当作一个小孩来看待,你想要知道19年轻的真相,真的不后悔吗?” Yun Tianhe nods ruthlessly, he wants to know that the truth rather than muddled egg for a lifetime. 云天河狠狠地点了点头,他想要知道真相而不是做一辈子的糊涂蛋。 All these, but must from me initially in entering sent in the trial to see that Senior Brother Le that day mentioned “这一切,还要从我当初在入派试炼中见到乐师兄的那一天说起 ... ...
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