VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#784: Candle Dragon, you are really tsundere

During three days Le Yuan was also had a general understanding regarding nowadays environment, the present is 22 years ago Qionghua Sect, when the double sword lasted hundred years will soon cast, the host of double sword found Xuan Xiao merely, but the Taiqing (Grand Purity) being in direct line disciple also only had Xuan Zhen and Xuan Xiao merely two people, if as expected Le Yuan then can be the third disciple under Taiqing (Grand Purity) name. 三天之中乐渊也算是对于现如今的环境有了一个大概的了解,现在是22年前的琼华派,双剑历时百年即将铸成之际,双剑的宿主仅仅找到了一个玄霄,而太清的嫡传弟子也仅仅只有玄震玄霄两人,如果不出意外乐渊便会是太清名下的第三名弟子。 After three days, when Le Yuan thinks when oneself must accept the so-called crossing the threshold test, actually discovery this test may not only aim at his. In these three days, had the Qionghua Sect elder of going out to bring to have the cultivation one after another disciple to conduct the trial, but then most is Yun Tianhe that was worth Le Yuan paying attention has 67 similar youth, the appearance that on his under the skewer jumped actually and Yun Tianhe character has the full similarity. 三日之后,当乐渊以为自己要接受所谓的入门考验之时,却发现这考验可不仅仅是针对他一个人的。在这三天中,陆续有外出的琼华派长老带回来了有修炼之才的弟子进行试炼,而其中最值得乐渊注意的便是和云天河有着六七分相似的一个青年,他那上串下跳的样子倒是和云天河的性格有着十足的相似性。 Yun Tianqing, the disciple under another Taiqing (Grand Purity) name, Yun Tianqing was climbed mountains by the Elder Zong Lian belt/bring, it can be said that cultivates the rare talent rare, so long as polishes the temper, in the future must become the great talent. However with the Yun Tianqing character, wants to stabilize to practice, perhaps is harder than scaling the blue sky. 云天青,又一个太清名下的弟子,云天青是被宗炼长老带上山的,可以说是难得一见的修炼奇才,只要将性子打磨好,未来必成大器。不过以云天青的性格,想要安定下来修行,恐怕是难于上青天 All disciples who attend the Qionghua Sect basic trial add enough 30 people, each is selective rare talent, in Qionghua Sect high level looks like in this group of people able to do obeisance into Qionghua Sect truly actually perhaps only then more than ten people, but what can shoulder the summer beam is about three people. 所有参加琼华派入门试炼的弟子加起来足足有三十人,每一个都是精挑细选出来的奇才,但是在琼华派高层看来这群人之中真正能够拜入琼华派却恐怕只有十多人,而其中能够挑起大梁的不过三人。 When 22 young Le Yuan are busy at work is entering sends the test, but also in the Yun Tianhe three people of original space and time actually suddenly arrive at Candle Dragon before their body completely to catch, neatly the Heavenly Pillar peak that throws to mediate. 就在22年轻的乐渊忙活着入派考验的时候,还在原来时空的云天河三人却被突然来到他们身前的衔烛之龙全部擒住,不费吹灰之力地一个个扔到了断掉的天柱顶端。 Oh, hurt...... this Candle Dragon to come back, actually did not see Martial Uncle, isn't the Martial Uncle accident sentiment of?” “哎哟,疼疼疼……这衔烛之龙回来了,却不见师伯,不会是师伯出了什么事情吧?” Almost falls eight petals the small buttocks Han Lingsha is rubbing, while crawls to look all around the all around empty platform from the ground. But her Yun Tianhe and Murong Ziying situation is also less optimistic, Candle Dragon powerful was above their imagination, hid from nearby three people are approaches not to detect the opposite party, facing a claw of Candle Dragon, even if they spend the tremendous strength still to be completely useless. 差点把小屁股摔成八瓣的韩菱纱一边揉着,一边从地上爬起来环顾着四周空荡荡的平台。而她的身旁云天河慕容紫英的情况同样不容乐观,衔烛之龙强大超乎了他们的想象,原本躲在一旁的三人连对方接近都没有察觉,面对衔烛之龙的一爪,就算他们费尽九牛二虎之力依旧毫无用处。 Hiss should be all right, although just that big monster named Candle Dragon was very ominous, but I have not felt murderous aura, I think that Sibo he won certainly, haha, I knew Sibo very strongly......” “嘶应该没事吧,刚刚虽然那个叫衔烛之龙的大怪物很凶,但是我没有感觉到杀气,我想思博他一定是赢了,哈哈,我就知道思博很强的……” Yun Tianhe is actually an inborn optimist . Moreover the murderous aura survey of his nearly bug type, simply with reading the heart has nearly same function. Even what faces is far exceeds the strength Candle Dragon, perhaps can still from its sensation to the hostility in murderous aura, this be the talent of third clear person different reported. 云天河却是一个天生的乐观派,而且他那近乎bug式的杀气探测,简直和读心有着近乎相同的作用。就算面对的是远超自己实力的衔烛之龙,依然能够从其身上感知到敌意于杀气,或许这就是三世清澄之人的天赋异禀。 But similarly Murong Ziying that crawls from the ground, although regarding the present situation does not despair, but also does not take the optimistic attitude of two. 而同样从地上爬起来的慕容紫英虽然对于现在的情况并不绝望,但是同样并不抱有其他两人的乐观态度。 Candle Dragon is Heaven and Earth Divine Beast, I and others can guess can it be that. However perhaps really such as Tianhe said that since Candle Dragon and others had not killed me immediately, then inevitable has what reason, I and others awaited calmly handling of opposite party safely......” 衔烛之龙乃是天地神兽,岂是我等所能猜测的。不过或许真如天河所言,衔烛之龙既然没有将我等在第一时间杀死,那么必然是存在着什么理由,我等还是安心静候对方的处置吧……” Leeway that in the strength has not revolted against completely, even if Murong Ziying and the others wanted to escape is not obsolete deceives oneself and others, might as well wait for with its waste strength patiently. 实力上完全没有反抗的余地,就算是慕容紫英等人想要逃跑也不过时自欺欺人罢了,与其浪费力气不如耐心等待。 But when tea Kungfu, in Yun Tianhe is idle, he arrives at one side of platform fiercely, holds their palms together to grasp a circle to shout to the distant place: Hey, our already came up, leads us to go to Ghost World a bit faster, the dragon of salty pig!” 而就在一盏茶的功夫之后,就在云天河无所事事之际,他猛地来到平台的一侧,双手合十握成一个圈对着远处大喊:“喂,我们已经上来了,快点带我们去鬼界吧,咸猪之龙!” !” “滋滋!” Dropped from the clouds together is quick and ruthless thunder and lightning chops on the body of Yun Tianhe, immediately made his tetraphigia feel the rending pain. 一道从天而降又快又狠的雷电劈在了云天河的身上,顿时令他四肢麻痹感受到撕心裂肺之痛。 Snort, mortal! This is your impolite fate! You may know that this Heavenly Pillar is the grave place, how to allow you to be here dissolute!” “哼,凡人!这就是你无礼的下场!你可知道这天柱乃是何等庄重之地,岂容你在这里放肆!” Suddenly, in the sky dozens lightnings cut the expansive sky one after another, illuminates bright as snow Heaven and Earth, from in the air transmits compared with the thunderclap sound louder dragon roar sound, the proverb said that the cloud production dragon, a big dragon from the dark cloud of this everywhere in circles in an instant, but , the dragon's head stops an approximately nine zhang (3.33 m) place above three people, is taking a look at the people dark, the body partly visible plate in the clouds. 突然间,天空中数十道闪电一道接一道划破长空,将天地间照得雪亮,一阵比霹雳声更响的龙吟声从空中传来,俗语曰云生成龙,转眼间一条巨龙自这漫天的乌云中盘旋而至,龙头停在三人上方约九丈处,阴阴地瞅着众人,身体则若隐若现的盘在云中。 Sudden of Candle Dragon appeared makes Murong Ziying have Han Lingsha to draw back backward one step, was they of person has the sense of awe regarding dragon existence genuinely. Only has not understand Yun Tianhe one not to draw back, raised the head is looking at each other with Candle Dragon. 衔烛之龙的突然出现令慕容紫英还有韩菱纱不由向后退了一步,身为人的他们打心眼里对于龙这种存在有着敬畏之心。唯有根本不明白云天河一步不退,抬起头来和衔烛之龙对视着。 Snort, that side that at the back of the boy of sword chest, this thing gives you!” Saw only Candle Dragon to deflect the head to look slightly to Yun Tianhe behind Murong Ziying, later the purple big sword inserted before the Murong Ziying body ground together fiercely, before that not by Demon Sword that Murong Ziying took away, this was that troublesome fellow makes the main body transmit to your, he made you take care of it temporarily!” “哼,那边那个背着剑匣的小子,这个东西给你!”只见衔烛之龙稍稍偏转过脑袋看向了云天河身后的慕容紫英,随后一道紫色的大剑猛地插在了慕容紫英身前的地上,那正是之前没有被慕容紫英收走的魔剑,“这是那个麻烦的家伙让本尊转交给你的,他让你暂时保管好它!” You said Martial Uncle, which Martial Uncle is he, him now good?” “你说说师伯,师伯他现在在哪,他还好吗?” Hears the Candle Dragon words, Han Lingsha cannot attend to fear to Candle Dragon makes noise the inquiry to say hastily. 听到衔烛之龙的话,韩菱纱也顾不得对衔烛之龙的畏惧连忙出声询问道。 Unknowable, is not possible to seek, is unspeakable, where that fellow will present no one to know, only what can determine is no one can easily kill him, even if his present strength is not as before!” “不可知、不可寻、不可说,那个家伙会出现在哪里无人可知,但是唯一能够确定的是没有人能够轻易杀死他,就算他现在的实力大不如前!” Heard Candle Dragon saying that three people on the scene feel relieved for the time being, after all according to this view Le Yuan should to living in peace with each other. 听到衔烛之龙这么说,在场的三人就暂且放下心来,毕竟按照这种说法乐渊应到相安无事。 However quick, Candle Dragon becomes exceptionally indifferent, coldly looks at Yun Tianhe saying: „Doesn't mortal, you want to enter Ghost World? The main body gives you this opportunity, you are brave, does not fear death, but if the main body told you, wants to go to Ghost World, in your two friends, must die a person, how will you reply the main body?” 不过很快,衔烛之龙变得异常冷漠,冷冷地看着云天河道:“凡人,你不是想要进入鬼界吗?本尊给你这个机会,你胆子很大,也不怕死,但若是本尊告诉你,想去鬼界,你的两个朋友之中,必须死一个人,你会如何回答本尊?” murderous aura that Candle Dragon releases at this moment made three people of bases unable to move, even Yun Tianhe cannot determine that actually at this time Candle Dragon this saying was the joke, if this were not a joke, then means that they were very perhaps difficult to go to Ghost World safely. 衔烛之龙此刻释放出来的杀气令三人根本动弹不得,就算是云天河此时也不能确定衔烛之龙这话究竟是不是玩笑,如果这并非玩笑,那么意味着他们恐怕很难安然前往鬼界 Even if Yun Tianhe is fearless, but heard to suddenly by Murong Ziying and Han Lingsha one of them 's death as price receiving in exchange, still presented the color of fear. 就算云天河天不怕地不怕,但是骤然听到要以慕容紫英韩菱纱其中之一的死亡作为代价换取,也不由出现了恐惧之色。 Death? Why! Why they must die! Can't pass?” “死?为什么!为什么他们必须要死!难道不能都通过吗?” Facing the difficult problem that Candle Dragon gives, Yun Tianhe hesitated, anyone he is not willing to make them sacrifice, choice that this cannot make simply. 面对衔烛之龙给出的难题,云天河迟疑了,无论是哪一个人他都不愿意让他们牺牲,这简直是不能做出的选择。 Joke, do you think here? The place of nether world, you want the place that can it be that comes to come to want to go to go, now makes you go to Ghost World at will, how if the yama knows should regard the main body! Either the choice sacrificed their one, either you all die here!” “笑话,你以为这里是哪?幽冥之地,岂是你想来就来想去就去的地方,现在让你们随意前往鬼界,若是阎王知晓又该如何看待本尊!要么选择牺牲他们其中一个,要么你们全都死在这里!” Saying, Candle Dragon murderous aura unprecedented intensity, faces the impact of murderous aura, responsible Yun Tianhe was only feeling oneself is pierced the body by the thorn that myriad murderous aura congealed. Yun Tianhe that the back already soaks at this time, is clenching teeth saying: My does not elect, if to go to Ghost World must sacrifice the friend of mine, then I rather give up, at the worst we look for other means again!” 说着,衔烛之龙身上的杀气前所未有的强烈,面对着杀气的冲击,首当其冲的云天河只觉得自己被万千根杀气凝结的刺刺穿了身体。后背此时已经湿透的云天河,咬着牙说道:“那我一个都不选,若是为了前往鬼界就要牺牲我的朋友,那么我宁可放弃,大不了我们再找其他的办法!” Absurd, when really the main body does not dare to kill you, mortal! Actually you are stupid or ignorant, really thinks in this world you, so long as can complete all things diligently, not only in the world has, even if you think of every means that is also hard to achieve thing, how when the time comes do you work as?” “荒谬,真当本尊不敢杀你吗,凡人!你究竟是愚蠢还是无知,真以为这世上你只要努力就能完成所有的事情,岂止世上有着纵然你费尽心机,也难以做到之事,到时候你又当如何?” Candle Dragon looked that has the appreciation also to have one to despise to the eye of Yun Tianhe, but he will not make Yun Tianhe pass with ease, sees only him to say to Yun Tianhe: Mortal, if you are willing to replace your friend dead, you can want?” 衔烛之龙看向云天河的眼中既有着欣赏也有着一丝蔑视,不过他可不会就这么让云天河轻松过关,只见他对着云天河道:“凡人,如果你愿意代替你的朋友死,你可愿意?” Does not want, must kill kills me, I am willing dead for them!” Han Lingsha steps forward one step to say stubbornly. “不要,要杀就杀我吧,我愿意代他们一死!”韩菱纱跨出一步倔强地说道。 No, I as their Master's Junior Brother, set an example to safeguard their safety by rights ought, this matter this/should I undertake, I am willing dead!” Murong Ziying at this time is also the unprecedented firmness, even facing Candle Dragon is still fearless. “不,我身为他们的师叔,理当以身作则维护好他们的安全,此事该我来承担,我愿一死!”慕容紫英此时也是前所未有的坚定,就算面对衔烛之龙也是毫无畏惧。 „It is not good, if you must kill, killed me to be good. Wanted me to sacrifice the friend, impossible, I will not change the mind certainly.” “不行,如果你一定要杀,就杀我好了。要我牺牲朋友,绝不可能,我不会改变主意的。” Yun Tianhe shakes the head, finally said. The Yun Tianhe character looked like Yun Tianqing, although did not ask that the human affairs however has a loyalty of share of Jianghu knight-errant, this matter he decided that took on for the two. 云天河摇了摇头,最终如此说道。云天河的性格像极了云天青,虽然不问世事但是却带着一股江湖游侠的义气,此事他决定替其他两人担下了。 Good! The main body then gives you an opportunity, if endured the test, deciding makes you obtain the infinite advantage, but if could not endure, you must die!” “好!本尊便给你个机会,若是熬过了考验,定让你得到无穷好处,但若是熬不过,你就得死!” Test, anything......” “考验,什么……” Without Yun Tianhe ascertained this so-called test is anything, Candle Dragon then took the lead to begin. Sees only in Divine Dragon both eyes to emit two rays, one red one white, does not wait for the Yun Tianhe luck to resist, two light has changed into two big nets to wrap him all round, online 2 lightens the light to keep walking randomly along the Yun Tianhe whole body. 没等云天河问清楚这所谓的考验是什么,衔烛之龙便率先动手了。只见神龙双目中又放出两道光芒,一红一白,不等云天河运气抵挡,两道光已化为两张大网将他团团包裹,网上二点亮光沿着云天河周身不停游走。 Receives Yun Tianhe of two ray attacks, only felt oneself are extremely suddenly cold and is extremely suddenly hot. Even if revolves the congealing ice secret art that Xuan Xiao creates also not to affect, these two big nets one such as the scarlet fire, one such as the cold ice, the cover on Tianhe, had not only been hard to take. But the online mobile highlight to the heat to the cold place, is more unceasing in his body week circulation, does not stay slightly, if circulate cultivation has improper slightly, is not burnt as the ashes, is the bloodlines congeals the ice, freezes to death at the scene. 受到两道光芒侵袭的云天河,只觉得自己忽而极冷、忽而极热。就算运转起玄霄所创出的凝冰诀亦没有丝毫作用,这两张大网不仅一如赤火、一如寒冰,罩在天河身上,本已十分难耐。而网上流动的亮点更是至热至寒之处,在他身周流转不绝,不稍停留,倘若运功稍有不当,不是自身被焚为灰烬,便是血脉凝结成冰,冻毙当场。 However this critical moment Yun Tianhe own physique played the crucial role, initially Su Yu with Yun Tianhe time, swallowed Yin-Yang purple error the potency in Yang Que mostly entered Yun Tianhe within the body. Then can make Yun Tianhe not fear the winter and summer, simultaneously practices congealing ice secret art such extreme Merit Law not slight different situation. 不过这种关键时刻云天河自身的体质起了关键性的作用,当初夙玉怀着云天河的时候,吞下的阴阳紫阙中的阳阙的效力大多进入到了云天河的体内。这才能够令云天河不惧寒暑,同时修行起凝冰诀这样的极端功法没有丝毫的异况。 The cold air and Candle Dragon Breath that scalding hot air current the congealing ice secret art produces starts to have the fusion with the suppression of Yun Tianhe physique, although the situation in Yun Tianhe within the body turns for the better gradually, however his semblance seems like actually seems exceptionally critical. 凝冰诀产生的寒气与烛龙之息的灼热气流随着云天河体质的压制开始产生融合,而虽然云天河体内的情况逐步转好,但是他的外表看起来却显得异常危急。 Yun Tianhe body half become icy cold, other half scalding hot incomparable, made Murong Ziying and Han Lingsha is not even able to touch him. Although Murong Ziying the luck tries to alleviate this symptom for Yun Tianhe, what a pity cannot suppress Candle Dragon Breath by his Strength. 云天河的身体一半变得冰凉,另一半则灼热无比,令慕容紫英韩菱纱甚至无法触及他。慕容紫英虽然运气试图替云天河缓解这种症状,可惜以他的力量根本压制不住烛龙之息 Candle Dragon, but also please let off Tianhe, has anything to come to me!” Looks at the complexion to become anxiety Murong Ziying, is unable to help on busy Han Lingsha say to the Candle Dragon entreaty hastily. 衔烛之龙,还请你放过天河,有什么事情冲我来!”看着面色变得愁苦的慕容紫英,一直无法帮的上忙的韩菱纱连忙向衔烛之龙哀求道。 Clash/To you? The main body soon forgot, that troublesome fellow made me give you to have the share big ritual, this tested you also to withstand, made me have a look at you also not to have this lucky reason to obtain it!” “冲你来?本尊都快要忘记了,那个麻烦的家伙让我给你带了份大礼,这个考验你也要承受,就让我看看你又没有这个福缘得到它吧!” Murong Ziying just raised the head then sees made his brokenhearted one, here Yun Tianhe has not been out of danger, another side Han Lingsha was then also hit by Candle Dragon Breath. The next second by Han Lingsha of scalding hot Candle Dragon Breath invasion within the body, the Wangshu ice vigor of this moment within the body was started the unprecedented strong protest. 慕容紫英刚刚抬起头便见到了令他心碎的一幕,这边的云天河还没有转危为安,另一边的韩菱纱便同样被烛龙之息击中。下一秒被灼热的烛龙之息入侵体内的韩菱纱,此刻体内的望舒冰劲开始了前所未有的强烈反抗。 Invades Candle Dragon Breath in within the body facing this, some Wangshu sources tries expel Han Lingsha within the body it. However the Candle Dragon Breath Strength broken Wangshu source can drive away can it be that immediately retreats in defeat again and again under the corrosion of Candle Dragon Breath. 面对这入侵自己体内的烛龙之息,望舒部分本源试图将其驱逐出韩菱纱的体内。但是烛龙之息力量又岂是残破的望舒本源能够驱赶的,顿时在烛龙之息的侵蚀之下节节败退。 But already and Han Lingsha life simultaneous cultivation Wangshu source was devastated, means that the Han Lingsha life also received devastation, under the destruction of Candle Dragon Breath, body of Han Lingsha little rout. 已经韩菱纱性命兼修望舒本源受到摧残,意味着韩菱纱的生命同样受到了摧残,在烛龙之息的破坏之下,韩菱纱的身体正在一点点地溃败。 A man and a woman two people were wanted the human life Candle Dragon Breath to hit simultaneously, but is the luck is the calamity actually must look at their skills, Yun Tianhe can depend on the physique to support, but Han Lingsha actually in imminent danger...... 一男一女两人同时被要人命的烛龙之息击中,但是是福是祸却要看他们自己的本事,云天河能够靠着体质撑过来,但是韩菱纱却岌岌可危…… ... ...
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