VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#783: Qionghua? Qionghua!

Heaven and Earth is divided into Six Worlds, Human World is the Six Worlds lowest level, the strength or the life span are inferior Immortal, Monster, God, Demon, and Ghost, besides compared with overwhelming majority beasts longevities, it can be said that in the whole world a life span quite short clan. 天地分为六界,人界六界最底层,无论是实力还是寿命都远逊于仙妖神魔鬼,除了比绝大部分兽类长寿之外,可以说是整个世界中寿命相当短暂的一族。 Human is the pursue immortal, the gentlemen of many seeking immortality and inquiring dao, these people assemble to build a simple hut the cultivation in the places of many Spiritual Qi gatherings, formed some quite famous schools gradually, the most famous two places convenient are two places. 人类为追求长生,不乏求仙问道之士,这些人集结起来在诸多灵气汇聚之地结庐修炼,渐渐形成了比较著名的一些门派,其中最出名的两个地方便是两块地方。 First is Mount Shu, its two are Kunlun Mountain. 其一为蜀山,其二便是昆仑山。 And Mount Shu was occupied by many loose cultivator people, takes the pill refining technique as the mainstream. But in the Emperor Liangdi years, merge of Mount Shu under the leadership of Immortal Sword Sect was Mount Shu Immortal Sword Sect, initially after generation of Sect Master were received and instructed by Heavenly Emperor became an immortal, entire Mount Shu then only had Mount Shu Sect this when existence that immortal cultivation Great Sect, after that various Mount Shu generations had to become an immortal the person of obtaining enlightenment to appear, it may be said that was Human World immortal cultivation first Great Sect. 其中蜀山本来被众多散修人士占据,以炼丹术为主流。但在梁武帝年间,蜀山仙剑派的主导下合并为蜀山仙剑派,初代掌门天帝接引成仙后,整个蜀山便只剩下了蜀山派这一个修仙大派的存在,其后蜀山各代时有成仙得道之人出现,可谓是人界修仙中的第一大派 What is opposite with it is Kunlun Mountain, after here since has the member gathers, then formed the so-called Kunlun Mountains eight schools, namely Kunlun, Qionghua, Biyu, Zicui, Xuanpu, Yuying, Langfeng, Tianyong. 与之相反的是昆仑山,这里自从有修士聚集之后,便形成了所谓的昆仑八派,即昆仑、琼华、碧玉、紫翠、悬圃、玉英、阆风、天墉 But crest of wave most abundant is hands down is in the Jiutian Xuannu dream passes on the law Qionghua Sect, Qionghua Sect is in the entire Kunlun Mountain most is also the biggest immortal cultivation school. 而其中风头最盛的便是相传乃是九天玄女梦中传法的琼华派,琼华派乃是整个昆仑山中最强也是最大的修仙门派。 What a pity although the Qionghua Sect crest of wave is prosperous, but only has Qionghua Sect Sect Master to meet the understand such big crest of wave not necessarily is the good deed, the taller trees in the woods are the ones that get destroyed by the wind the truth fears no one compared with their understand. 可惜虽然琼华派风头鼎盛,但是唯有琼华派掌门才会明白这么大的风头未必是好事,“木秀于林,风必摧之”的道理恐怕没有人比他们更加明白 The Qionghua Sect resources have excelled by far the Kunlun Mountains eight schools as for the disciple quality, but a quite awkward matter that has been Qionghua Sect never presents one to be immortal the person to exist since the birth. Although was known as that has the method of Man and Sword Unite God World Jiutian Xuannu hands down, but actually never some people become an immortal by this set of Merit Law cultivation. 琼华派的资源乃至于弟子质量一直冠绝昆仑八派,但是颇为尴尬的一件事情那就是琼华派自诞生以来从未出现过一位得道成仙的人存在。虽然号称是有着神界九天玄女传下的人剑合一之法,但是却从未有人凭借这套功法修炼成仙。 Has the best resources, the peak immortal cultivation talent, but also has to be possible be called top Merit Law, occupies Qionghua Sect of so many advantage not to have becoming an immortal, this pressure made all previous Qionghua Sect Sect Master feeling quite deep. 有着最好的资源、最顶尖的修仙人才,还有着堪称顶级的功法,占着这么多的好处的琼华派却没有一个成仙者,这种压力令历代琼华派掌门感受颇深。 But other Kunlun Mountains eight schools of person of that are also pushing aside Qionghua Sect unceasingly, although is not obvious, since hundred years ago starts, the other seven schools in Kunlun Mountains eight schools then no longer have the relation with Qionghua Sect again, but had considered oneself as high Qionghua Sect does not communicate on own initiative, from now on Qionghua Sect will fall into the condition of being isolated and cutting off from help. 而昆仑八派的其他人那也是在不断排挤着琼华派,虽然并不明显,但是自从百年之前开始,昆仑八派中的其他七派便不再与琼华派再有联系,而自视过高的琼华派也不主动沟通,自此琼华派陷入孤立无援的状态。 Qionghua Sect does not have the immortal, but never some any other schools try to usurp the Qionghua Sect resources, to a great extent came from in battle efficiency fear to Qionghua Sect. The person who although cannot become an immortal appears, but each generation of Qionghua Sect Central Capital have is as good member powerful of immortal, this is also Qionghua Sect can inherit an until now big reason. 琼华派没有仙人,但是从未有任何其他门派试图强占琼华派的资源,很大程度上源自于对琼华派的战斗力的畏惧。虽然没有能够成仙的人出现,但是每一代的琼华派中都有着不逊于仙人的强大修士,这也是琼华派能够传承至今的一大原因。 Since more than 20 years ago after Qionghua Sect Master Daoist Master Taiqing wields Qionghua, entire Qionghua Sect progresses day by day, strength far ultra in the past. But, since 200 years ago then starts the casting the double sword soon to complete, Daoist Master Taiqing and school elders are also seeking for the suitable double sword host in the anxiety. 而自从二十多年前琼华掌门太清真人执掌琼华之后,整个琼华派蒸蒸日上,实力远超往昔。而伴随着自从两百年前便开始铸造的双剑即将完成,太清真人和门派众位长老也在焦急中寻找着适合的双剑宿主。 Is good seven years ago, suited Yang Sword Xihe host already to be found, the named Xuan Xiao child by the Sect Master Daoist Master Taiqing income hanger-on, became his two disciples. Xuan Xiao aptitude rare, in addition during status of his double sword host, was given the great expectations to teach by Daoist Master Taiqing devotedly. 好在七年前,适合阳剑羲和的宿主已经被找到,名为玄霄的孩子被掌门太清真人收入门下,成为他的二弟子。玄霄的资质百年难遇,加上他双剑宿主的身份,被太清真人予以厚望悉心教导之中。 In serene one day, is teaching Xuan Xiao and big disciple Xuan Zhen Daoist Master Taiqing in Sword Dancing Plain secretly the nod commendation. Own two disciples hand/subordinate are indeed uncommon, two disciple Xuan Xiao aptitude even in the Qionghua Sect history are still extremely rare, in addition its special aptitude, later a pair of sword casts can cultivation base increase sharply surely. 就在风轻云淡的一天,正在剑舞坪传授玄霄和大弟子玄震太清真人正在暗自点头称赞。自己手下的两个弟子的确不凡,二弟子玄霄资质就算是在琼华派历史上也是极为罕见的,加上其特殊的资质,以后双剑铸成必定能够修为激增。 But the big disciple Xuan Zhen aptitude was inferior that Xuan Xiao is so astonishing, but is steady and favors the person modestly is actually an optiman of school of host, can have two such disciples, Daoist Master Taiqing only thought that the Qionghua Sect resurgence was hopeful. 而大弟子玄震资质虽然不如玄霄那么惊人,但是性格稳重、谦厚待人却是一派之主的最佳人选,能够有两位这样的弟子,太清真人只觉得琼华派中兴有望了。 While Daoist Master Taiqing also when inspects two disciples to practice, suddenly he looked up fiercely to the sky the Kunlun Mountains skylight locale. The Daoist Master Taiqing strange action made his two disciples also stop the swordsmanship in hand, has turned around to look to the Kunlun Mountains skylight. 正当太清真人还在检查着自己两位弟子修行的时候,突然他猛地抬起头望向了天空中昆仑天光的所在处。太清真人的奇异之举令他的两位弟子也不由停下了手中的剑法,转过身望向了昆仑天光。 So-called Kunlun Mountains skylight, what referred to is situated in the marvelous sight of Kunlun Mountain highest place sky. Hands down the Kunlun Mountains skylight to connect Immortal World, so long as can then remove every body to cultivate/repair the becoming an immortal body across the Kunlun Mountains skylight, even is immortal directly ascend Immortal World. 所谓昆仑天光,指的乃是处于昆仑山最高处天空的一处奇景。相传昆仑天光连接着仙界,只要能够穿过昆仑天光即可褪去凡身修成仙体,甚至直接得道成仙飞升仙界 The innumerable member attempt to fly over the Kunlun Mountains skylight through the ages, the experience that but they are defeated made the later generation understand that a matter, that was the law of ordinary flight governing sword is unable to touch the altitude of Kunlun Mountains skylight, that was not the member who the world of mortals has not become an immortal can achieve. 古往今来无数修士尝试飞越过昆仑天光,但是他们失败的经验令后人了解到一件事情,那就是普通的飞行御剑之法根本无法触及到昆仑天光的高度,那不是凡间未成仙的修士可以达到的。 But the Kunlun Mountains skylight has the time to surpass 1000 year, since 1000 year has never presented the different situation, the daily god light/only shines Kunlun Mountain, 1000 year is coming every day so. But from just started, the Kunlun Mountains skylight then intermittent, the sent out ray did not have in the past appearance. 而昆仑天光存在时间超过千年,千年以来从未出现过异况,每日的神光照耀着昆仑山,千年来每日如此。而从刚刚开始,昆仑天光便时断时续,发出的光芒也没有往昔的神采。 Master, this Kunlun Mountains skylight changes, will represent will have the unprecedented disaster, why such scene will hear something never heard of before!” “师傅,这昆仑天光有变,是否代表着会有前所未有的灾祸,为何此等景象闻所未闻!” Xuan Zhen as big disciple looks one side is stroking white beard to look at Kunlun Mountains skylight thinking Daoist Master Taiqing, makes noise to ask. Such phenomenon is to really make one with amazement, how even Xuan Zhen previously displayed again steadily, filled shock facing such situation. 身为大弟子的玄震望着一旁正在捋白须望着昆仑天光思索的太清真人,不由出声问道。此等异象实在是令人骇然,就算是玄震此前表现得再怎么稳重,面对这样的情况还是充满了震撼。 But if nearby Xuan Xiao is not the side also has existence of big Senior Brother, is very also difficult to continue to be silent with his character, but the big Senior Brother Xuan Zhen issue was also asking that doubts in his heart, the appearance of his similar solution looks at own master Daoist Master Taiqing. 而一旁的玄霄如果不是身旁还有着大师兄的存在,恐怕以他的性格也很难继续闭口不言,而大师兄玄震的问题也正问出了他心中的疑惑,他同样一副求解的模样看着自己的师傅太清真人 Un also does not know in this by the master the reason, the Qionghua Sect ancient book quite a lot, but has not actually recorded so the mutation.” “嗯为师亦不知晓此中缘由,琼华派典籍颇多,但是却也没有记载过如此异变。” Daoist Master Taiqing is stroking white beard, while chants in a low voice the ponder, faces what Zhongyi the situation he to have no alternative but to think as Qionghua Sect Sect Master. 太清真人一边捋着白须,一边低吟沉思,面对着何种异况他身为琼华派掌门不能不深思熟虑。 Xuan Zhen! And you in the notice gate the disciple entire god alert, no my order can not act presumptuously, before the inquisition was clear this grade of mutation reason, everyone must be in a state of readiness!” 玄震!你且通知门中弟子全神戒备,没有的我的命令不得擅自行动,在探究清楚这等异变的原因之前,所有人都要处于备战状态!” Yes, respectfully follows the life of Sect Master teacher, my informs the hanger-on disciple to alert!” “是,谨遵掌门师尊之命,我这就去通知门下弟子进行戒备!” Big disciple Xuan Zhen holds the fist in the other hand, later turns toward the disciples in various school places to feel relieved that directly conducts one by one circular. But when Daoist Master Taiqing of Sword Dancing Plain place has not acted at will, looks at the day that is becoming is hard to see clearly more and more, his pupil contracts fiercely. 大弟子玄震一抱拳,随后直接向着门派各处的弟子放心进行逐一通传。而剑舞坪处的太清真人没有随意行动,望着那变得越来越难以看清的天时,他的瞳孔猛地收缩。 Others see clearly him not to know, but he in just instantaneous discovered the Kunlun Mountains skylight place had a vague vortex, as if has what thing to be just about through the Kunlun Mountains skylight to descend in this. 别人有没有看清楚他不知道,但是他在刚刚的瞬间发现了昆仑天光处产生了一道若有若无的漩涡,似乎有什么东西正要通过昆仑天光降落在此界。 Passed the time of half tea merely, Daoist Master Taiqing knows oneself have not misread, was not the obvious vortex actually becomes in this time clearly discernible, but the Kunlun Mountains skylight became in this moment gloomy incomparable, at the same time a shadow is passing through the Kunlun Mountains skylight to turn toward Kunlun Mountain to fall from the upper air instantaneously instantaneously. 仅仅过了半盏茶的时间,太清真人就知道自己并没有看错,原本还有是并不明显的漩涡在此时却变得清晰可见,而昆仑天光在这一刻变得暗淡无比,与此同时一道黑影在瞬间穿过了昆仑天光瞬间从高空中向着昆仑山坠下。 Under Daoist Master Taiqing astonished expression, crashed the shadow to shoot toward Qionghua Sect that they were at from the Kunlun Mountains skylight straightly, but actually also without and other Daoist Master Taiqing saw clearly that shadow is anything even to react, then just like the meteor to crash compared with a launching sword faster shadow generally on Sword Dancing Plain following Rolling Cloud Stage, the elephant of sound must penetrate entire Rolling Cloud Stage to be common. 太清真人惊愕的神色中,从昆仑天光中坠落下的黑影笔直地朝着他们所在的琼华派射了过来,还没等太清真人看清楚那道黑影究竟是什么甚至做出反应,那比起飞剑更加迅捷的黑影犹如流星一般坠落在了剑舞坪后面的卷云台上,声音之大像是要击穿整个卷云台一般。 Daoist Master Taiqing complexion one dark, later the whole person changed to the flowing light to disappear in the moment in front of Xuan Xiao together, the speed quick was not basic shortly after Xuan Xiao can understand by far initially. 太清真人脸色一暗,随后整个人在须臾之间化作一道流光消失在了玄霄面前,速度之快远远不是初入门没多久的玄霄可以了解到的。 Xuan Xiao looks at Daoist Master Taiqing that the governing sword is leaving at this time, even mental extremely mature he still envies the feeling in the heart, is thinking some day practices to Daoist Master Taiqing strength so. 玄霄此时望着御剑离开的太清真人,就算心智极为成熟的他也不由在心中心生羡慕之感,想着自己有朝一日修行至太清真人这般的实力。 But leaves Sword Dancing Plain time of Daoist Master Taiqing short one breath, then arrived on Rolling Cloud Stage several kilometers away. As the institute of Qionghua Sect set, Rolling Cloud Stage usually in does not have the disciple to guard, after therefore Daoist Master Taiqing arrived here can only see the empty platform. 而离开剑舞坪太清真人短短一息的时间,便来到了数千米之外的卷云台上。作为琼华派集合之所,卷云台平日里并没有弟子把守,因此当太清真人来到这里后只能见到空荡荡的平台。 But in the Rolling Cloud Stage central location, already presented the huge fissure, as if just received what meteorite hit to be the same. When Daoist Master Taiqing looks to the core of meteorite crater, the discovery has not actually had other in the center of meteorite crater, has less than 20 years old of young people to lie down there merely. 卷云台的中央位置上,已经出现了巨大的裂痕,似乎刚刚受到什么陨石撞击一般惨烈。而当太清真人望向陨石坑的核心时,却发现在陨石坑的中心并未存在其他,仅仅有着一个20岁不到的年轻人躺在那里。 A young people azure immortal robe, the complexion blood-color did not have saying that overflowed the red blood that to explain from the corners of the mouth his present condition is no better absolutely. 年轻人一身青色仙袍,脸色血色全无说,从嘴角溢出的红色鲜血说明着他现在的状态绝对好不到哪里去。 Looked at this type to appear by the strange condition in Rolling Cloud Stage youth, Daoist Master Taiqing first with just passed through the Kunlun Mountains skylight the shadow to relate it together. When Daoist Master Taiqing arrives at around his body, conducts an investigation, discovered that this person not only cultivation base surpasses his trend unclearly and even, the body mortal, vitality is not much stronger, the monster beast is powerful compared with Daoist Master Taiqing has seen, but cannot detect slight Monster Qi. 望着这种以奇异状态出现在卷云台青年,太清真人第一时间将其与刚刚穿过昆仑天光的黑影联系到一起。当太清真人来到他的身前后,进行一番探查,发现此人不但修为不明、甚至有超过他的趋势,连身体都不似凡人,身上的气血强得可怕,比起太清真人见过的妖兽还要强盛,但是偏偏察觉不到丝毫的妖气 But Immortal Qi that puts from youth cannot untie on the azure immortal robe that discloses, youth is the possibility of immortal is enormous. Even if not the Immortal World immortal, still has the greatest relation with Immortal World inevitably, possibly is the immortal descendant in crash this world also perhaps. 而从青年身上穿着的不可解开的青色仙袍上透露的仙气来看,青年为仙的可能性极大。就算不是仙界的仙人,也必然与仙界有着莫大的联系,可能是坠落凡尘的仙人后裔也说不定。 Daoist Master Taiqing does not doubt him nowadays, continuing ignores youth lies down here is not the wise action. Just the different situation of Kunlun Mountains skylight will then attract other Kunlun Mountains eight schools of people to investigate quickly, when the time comes made them see this strange young people, could regenerate the incident. 太清真人现如今也不疑有他,继续放任青年躺在这里可不是明智之举。刚刚昆仑天光的异况很快便会吸引其他昆仑八派的人前来探查,到时候让他们见到这个奇异的年轻人,可能就要再生事端了。 In order to guarantee this treasure does not fall outside person hand, Daoist Master Taiqing promptly holds this youth to leave on the preparation governing sword, just before leaving first has not forgotten with the trace that the Five Spirits magic arts covered just crashed. 为了保证这份“珍宝”不落于外人手中,太清真人当机立断抱起这个青年就准备御剑离开,临走前还不忘用五灵法术掩盖刚刚坠落的痕迹。 After seven days, the different situation of Kunlun Mountains skylight vanishes, when the Kunlun Mountains eight schools gradually restored to the past tranquility, was hidden youth in Qionghua Sect disciple room by Daoist Master Taiqing also wakes finally. 当七日之后,昆仑天光的异况消失,昆仑八派逐渐恢复到往日的平静之时,被太清真人藏在琼华派弟子房内的青年也终于醒了过来。 Damn Candle Dragon, was my to where?” “该死的衔烛之龙,我这是到了哪里?” youth that this falls in Qionghua Sect is not others, before and Candle Dragon gambling fought, and won narrowly had not used body of Candle Dragon real dragon Le Yuan of Candle Dragon. In order to solves Candle Dragon, he did not resist for a long time in the final moment as Yin as Candle Dragon. 这名坠于琼华派青年不是别人,正是之前和衔烛之龙赌斗,并且险胜了没有动用烛龙真龙之体的衔烛之龙乐渊。为了能够解决烛龙,他可是不拒已久才在最后关头阴到了衔烛之龙一把。 Does not have, when witnesses Candle Dragon to keep his promise with own eyes, space and time transmission then already of countdown starts, to win displayed Le Yuan that banned to incur as a result of causing heavy losses to fall into the stupor forcefully, the training seven days then sobered. 只是没有等到亲眼见证衔烛之龙兑现他的诺言,倒计时的时空传送便已经开始,而为了胜利强行施展禁招的乐渊由于重创而陷入了昏迷之中,足足修养了七天这才清醒过来。 When his sober that moment, saw only Daoist Master Taiqing then to appear before the body of Le Yuan in a while. 当他清醒的那一刻,只见没过多久太清真人便出现在了乐渊的身前。 This Qionghua Sect Sect Master Taiqing (Grand Purity), how the little friend body, crashes in my Qionghua Rolling Cloud Stage somehow, whether to inform 12?” “本座琼华派掌门太清,小友身体如何,不知何故坠落于我琼华卷云台,可否告知一二?” That moment when Daoist Master Taiqing presents, Le Yuan then realized from his clothing his status, Su Yao once also put on the same design after all the clothes. When he said himself personally is Taiqing (Grand Purity), Le Yuan realized finally where oneself arrived. 太清真人出现的那一刻,乐渊便从他身上的服饰意识到了他的身份,毕竟夙瑶曾经也穿着相同款式的衣服。而当他亲口说出自己是太清的时候,乐渊总算意识到了自己来到了什么地方。 Here is Qionghua Sect, but is not that Le Yuan knows very well by Kunlun Mountains Qionghua Sect that Su Yao wields. Here is 22 years ago, may be called Qionghua Sect of most prosperous period, but present Qionghua Sect Sect Master Taiqing (Grand Purity) is Qionghua Sect most powerhouse who lay in a Huanming World war died. 这里是琼华派,但又不是乐渊所熟知的那个被夙瑶执掌的昆仑琼华派。这里是22年前,堪称最为鼎盛时期的琼华派,而眼前的琼华派掌门太清便是琼华派在于幻冥界一战中死掉的最强者。 I want to join Qionghua Sect, what has to request to limit?” “我想加入琼华派,有什么要求限制吗?” Le Yuan opened the mouth to make Daoist Master Taiqing be shocked, but quick Daoist Master Taiqing on a face happy expression. The Le Yuan strength cannot see clearly him, moreover Le Yuan is unidentified, but made him become the enemy with it, might as well receive the hanger-on to converge oneself to use. 乐渊一开口就让太清真人愣住了,不过很快太清真人就一脸喜色。乐渊的实力连他都看不清,而且乐渊的身份不明,但是与其令他成为敌人,不如收入门下归为己用。 Good! However wants to cross the threshold officially, actually needs after your injury recuperates has been through repeatedly a test, now you are many to recuperate!” “好!不过想要正式入门,却需要在你伤势养好之后历经一番考验,现在你还是多加休养吧!” With meeting of this day, Le Yuan lay down for 3 days in Qionghua Sect. 伴随着这一日的见面,乐渊琼华派又多躺了三天。
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