VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#782: Demon Sword, who with fighting( 4000 big section request support)

When Le Yuan grips Demon Sword, then can feel this not to imagine the sword powerful that after all the Demon Sword itself/Ben has not become the sword, not that in the true sense unrivalled Demon Sword that deferring to the regular flow casts. 乐渊握住魔剑的时候,便能够感受到这把剑并非想象中的那么强大,毕竟魔剑本就是未成之剑,并非真正意义上的那把按照正规流程铸成的旷世魔剑 When with the aid of day becomes sword of the as if made by Heaven, what a pity after casting no one conducts the further strengthening to it, after experiencing near 1000 year time, as time Strength of scrubbing this Demon Sword had been reduced to the inconceivable trough. 虽然借助天时成为了一柄天成之剑,可惜直到铸成之后都没有人对它进行进一步的强化,在经历了近千年的时光之后,随着时间的洗刷这柄魔剑力量已然被降低至不可思议的低谷。 On having this Demon Sword material quality also has the potential, absolutely is existence that under the Heavens have several. Perhaps what a pity nowadays its even B level this level possibly falls momentarily , to continue the lackadaisical director to make this Demon Sword change into every thing. 论起这柄魔剑的材质还有潜力,绝对是天下有数的存在。可惜现如今的它恐怕连b级这一水准都随时可能掉落,继续放任自流指挥令这柄魔剑化为凡物。 Although Demon Sword was weakened, in the sword blade initially the sword became resentful soul of several tens of thousands of Yang Country soldiers slaughtered may not have slight weakening, on the contrary over time formed the quite grave complaint, non- cultivation base was profound, the manpower who the disposition polish must be watertight holds this sword only to degenerate into the Demon Sword sword slave. 虽然魔剑被削弱,但是剑身中当初剑成之时屠杀的数万杨国士兵的怨魂可没有丝毫的减弱,相反随着时间的流逝形成了颇为深重的怨念,非修为高深、心性打磨得滴水不漏的人手执此剑只会沦为魔剑剑奴。 Saw that the Le Yuan hand held Demon Sword finally, the distant place just struck Candle Dragon that Le Yuan flew not while this time attack, the Scenario that on the contrary looked to send out the intense demon air/Qi unceasingly, in the hand the ghost strength is rising sharply Demon Sword and Le Yuan that fuses, in the eye unexpectedly reveals color of the recalling. 看到乐渊终于手执魔剑了,远处刚刚将乐渊击飞的衔烛之龙并没有趁此时机进攻,相反望着身上不断散发着强烈魔气,手上鬼力大涨的魔剑乐渊相融合的这幅场景,眼中竟然流露出一丝追忆之色。 King of Myriad Monsters, Demon of Myriad Swords, dominated the combination of Six Worlds to appear in the past unexpectedly again, the destiny is really hard to ponder over.” 万妖之王,万剑之魔,当年叱咤六界的组合竟然再一次出现,命运真是难以琢磨。” Candle Dragon is the feeling of recalling in the past the years, when he looked again to already suppressed Demon Sword Le Yuan initially, does not have the feeling of being critical situation, on the contrary has several points to regret. 衔烛之龙又是一副忆往昔岁月的感慨,不过当他再次望向已经初步镇压住魔剑乐渊时,却没有如临大敌之感,相反有着几分惋惜。 Person is Monster King, the sword is Demon Sword, what a pity Monster King or Demon Sword are not ten thousand years ago that appearance, I now not ten thousand years ago when has not become obtains enlightenment I, my already becomes unprecedented powerful, on the contrary you two actually become so broken, really pitifully......” “人是妖王,剑是魔剑,可惜无论是妖王还是魔剑都已非万年前的那个模样,我现在也非万年前未成得道时的我,我已经变得前所未有的强大,相反你们两个却变得如此残破,真是可惜……” Changes into oneself to use Demon Sword, short several breaths Le Yuan then to understand clearly in chest/heart Demon Sword the law of use. Even if Demon Sword already no longer in the past, even if the Le Yuan strength cannot achieve that powerful in Candle Dragon memory by far, but Le Yuan must make Candle Dragon understand Le Yuan powerful not be today he can imagine. 魔剑化为己用,短短数息之间乐渊便已然将魔剑的使用之法了然于胸。就算是魔剑已经不复当年,就算乐渊的实力远远达不到烛龙记忆中的那种强大,但是乐渊今日也要令衔烛之龙明白乐渊强大绝非他能想象的。 The right hand wields Demon Sword Le Yuan under foot magic power emblem to appear suddenly, erupts instantaneously with the aid of the reacting force nearly in the teleport speed, spanned more than ten meters distance swords to divide to cut in the short millisecond on the dragon scale of Candle Dragon. 右手执掌魔剑乐渊脚下魔力纹章突现,借助反作用力瞬间爆发出近乎于瞬移的速度,在短短千分之一秒内跨越十多米的距离一剑劈砍在了衔烛之龙的龙鳞上。 The Demon Sword itself/Ben is the big sword, at all is not Central Plain custom sword, not only huge but also the person of non- selection cannot take up the sword. Demon Sword under this shape most suitable does not puncture and selects, but chops to cut. 魔剑本属于大剑,根本不是中原习惯的剑式,不仅庞大而且非选中之人根本拿不起剑来。这种形态下的魔剑最适合的不是刺与挑,而是劈砍。 Destroying the hardest defenses Demon Sword adds on the Strength addition that the arm of already Devil Trigger brings, Le Yuan has the reason to believe existence that in this world does not have him not to cut off. 无坚不摧的魔剑加上已经魔人化的手臂带来的力量加成,乐渊有理由相信这世上就没有他斩不断的存在。 Facing Demon Sword strikes, even if Candle Dragon thinks that its already in the past, is not no longer willing to use own body to confirm. Before the Demon Sword sword blade arrives, saw only the Candle Dragon claw color to become the brown color in this moment, this indicates that Candle Dragon started earth attribute Immortal Technique in this moment. 面对魔剑的一击,就算是衔烛之龙认为其已经不复当年,也绝不愿意用自己的身体去确认。在魔剑剑身降临之前,只见衔烛之龙的爪子颜色在这一刻变为了土黄色,这预示着衔烛之龙在这一刻发动了土属性的仙术 „-” “噌--” With all sorts of sounds, in this static fearful Extreme North Land, this sound puts on, flees to Yun Tianhe kilometer away their several to be able to hear including already early. 伴随着一阵种种的声响,在这静的可怕的极北之地,这一声响穿得非常远,连早已经逃往千米之外的云天河他们几个都能够听得见。 Good Demon Sword, what a pity, is too tender!” “好一柄魔剑,可惜,太嫩了!” Does not need Candle Dragon to state clearly, Le Yuan then knows own this struck to cut furiously lightly, saw only during dividing of Demon Sword cut, on that piece of giant dragon scale of Candle Dragon left behind a spoken parts seal merely, the Candle Dragon powerful body in addition earth attribute Immortal Technique that was good at defending, perfectly a Le Yuan startled day sword keeping off. 不用衔烛之龙明说,乐渊便知道自己这奋力一击砍轻了了,只见在魔剑的劈砍之中,衔烛之龙的那片巨大龙鳞上仅仅留下一道白印子,衔烛之龙强大身躯加上擅长防御的土属性仙术,完美地将乐渊惊天一剑给挡了下来。 But just erupted from now on Le Yuan to respond that compared with just slightly was inevitably slow a point, but hesitates a little then takes to him the most ruinous attack. 而刚刚爆发过后的乐渊反应不可避免地比起刚刚稍微迟缓了一点,但是就是这么一点迟疑便带给他最为毁灭性的打击。 Flame dragon claw * the crack spatial five rounds cut!” “炎龙爪*裂空五轮斩!” The giant dragon claw brings the aura that roasts the flame divided to cut toward Le Yuan, even this offensive was not exceptionally rapid wind attribute attack, however was still not Le Yuan can dodge under such short distance. 巨大的龙爪带着炙炎的气息向着乐渊劈砍了过来,就算这道攻势并不是异常迅疾的风属性攻击,但是在这么近距离之下依然绝非乐渊能够闪躲过去的。 Demon Sword Skill * cold snow!” 魔剑技*凝寒雪!” Sees only the Le Yuan right hand that is unable to dodge water Spiritual Power to pour into the Demon Sword sword blade together, next flash Demon Sword blooms the unprecedented powerful water Spiritual Qi breath. The ice wall that emerges out of thin air together appears with Demon Sword release the support of water Spiritual Power suddenly, prevents before the dragon claw of Candle Dragon attacked. 只见根本无从闪躲的乐渊右手将一道水灵力注入魔剑剑身内,下一瞬间魔剑绽放出前所未有的强大灵气息。一道凭空出现的冰墙在魔剑释放的水灵力的支持下骤然出现,阻挡在了衔烛之龙的龙爪攻击前。 “啪 The dragon claw of Candle Dragon hit this firm incomparable ice wall, although the water this/Ben fire, however the attack of fire attribute in the Strength steamroll penetrated the defense that the Le Yuan water made on the contrary. 衔烛之龙的龙爪撞击上了这座坚固无比的冰墙,虽说水本克火,但是在力量的碾压之中火属性的攻击反倒击穿了乐渊水做的防御。 However already regarding Le Yuan was enough, one second that the Candle Dragon puncture ice wall takes made Le Yuan conduct the safe transfer sufficiently. 不过对于乐渊而言却已经足够了,衔烛之龙击穿冰墙所需要的一秒时间足以令乐渊进行安全转移。 But Demon Sword Skill, as Strength that Demon Sword breeds, is mix control of Demon Sword Five Spirits Power to the special sword technique that is born. This Demon Sword, really the words that wants Le Yuan to call should be called Five Spirits imaginary Demon Sword. Demon Sword can Heaven and Earth control among Five Spirits Power of Spiritual Power of sword Lord release, thus puts forth might powerful Demon Sword Skill. 魔剑技,作为魔剑所孕育的力量,是魔剑五灵之力的混合掌控所诞生的特殊剑技。这魔剑,真要乐渊来称呼的话应该叫做五灵魔剑魔剑可以借由剑主释放的灵力天地间的五灵之力进行操控,从而使出威力强大魔剑技 Just cold snow was Le Yuan regarding the style that the sword technique control of water Spiritual Power became, took the water also to become the attack as the defense, the opportunity that but Candle Dragon will not continue to try to incur to Le Yuan, along with the aura that he exhaled, the thunder clouds in everywhere arrived, the limitless crazy thunder was dividing toward Le Yuan. 刚刚的凝寒雪便是乐渊对于水灵力的剑技操控而成的招式,以水为防御亦能成为攻击,不过衔烛之龙可不会给乐渊继续试招的机会,伴随着他呼出的气息,漫天中的雷云降临了,无边无际的狂雷向着乐渊所在劈了下来。 Beyond several kilometers, bold Yun Tianhe deeply by Murong Ziying of Qionghua guidance, at this moment the extinguishing world war by distant place being startled unable to speak. thunder light place visited, the land or the mountain peak, or pace back and forth there life all vanish to disappear, that thunder and lightning has the greatest prestige to be able all hit all destroys. 数千米之外,无论是胆大包天的云天河还是深受琼华教导的慕容紫英,这一刻都被远处的灭世之战给惊得说不出话来。雷光所过之处,无论是大地还是山峰,亦或者徘徊于那里的孤魂野鬼全都消失不见了,那雷电有着莫大的威能将所有被击中的一切全都摧毁。 Candle Dragon powerful obtained best manifestation in the technique of this governing thunder, but can return alive in such attack even hits back Le Yuan without doubt is existence that another is enough they to look up. 衔烛之龙强大在这一手御雷之术得到了最好的体现,而能够在这样的攻击中生还甚至进行反击的乐渊无疑是另一个足以他们仰视的存在。 Demon Sword is equivalent to a Five Spirits Power amplifier, only has itself regarding the Five Spirits Power control powerhouse, can display powerful this Demon Sword Strength. 魔剑就相当于一个五灵之力的放大器,唯有本身对于五灵之力的掌控越强者,才能将这柄魔剑力量发挥得更加强大 In Five Spirits, Fire subdues Thunder. Facing the crazy thunder attack of Candle Dragon, Le Yuan counter-attacks by another move of Demon Sword Skill immediately. 五灵之中,火克雷。面对衔烛之龙的狂雷攻击,乐渊当即以另一招魔剑技予以回击。 [ Sword Qi burns thunder], by the attack that fire Spiritual Power and thunder Spiritual Power mix has. [剑气燃雷],以火灵力和雷灵力混合产生的攻击。 From Demon Sword releases, but boundless Sword Qi packages Candle Dragon that several hundred meters body completely, simultaneously Demon Sword Sword Qi causes in the all around region Fire Spirit in the liveliness of Thunder Spirit, immediately Sword Qi, perimeter/thunder pool and sea of fire three also appear, launched the powerful offensive to surrounded Candle Dragon. 魔剑上释放而出的无边剑气衔烛之龙那数百米长的身体完全包裹,同时魔剑剑气引起四周区域内火灵雷灵的活跃,顿时剑气、雷池、火海三者同时出现,对着被包围的衔烛之龙发动了强大的攻势。 In such attack, the Candle Dragon crazy thunder stopped, huge dragon body is tumbling in this boundless sea of fire perimeter/thunder pool unceasingly. However looks that this Le Yuan only thought where is not quite right, suddenly he detected that seemed like own attack not to break through the defense of Candle Dragon. 在这样的攻击中,衔烛之龙的狂雷都不由停顿了下来,巨大的龙身在这无边的火海雷池之中不断翻滚着。但是看着这一幕的乐渊却只觉得哪里颇为不对劲,突然他察觉到了似乎自己的攻击并没有突破衔烛之龙的防御。 [ Decides air/Qi], the Candle Dragon special capability, can control Five Spirits Power to wrap in a short time completely. These days , the attack of any attribute Five Spirits Immortal Technique, is unable to cause any damage to it, is Five Spirits Power is absorbed on the contrary, then restores to the body that Candle Dragon is damaged. [定气],衔烛之龙的特殊能力,能够在短时间内操控五灵之力将自己完全包裹。在这一段时间里面,无论是哪一个属性的五灵仙术的攻击,都无法对其造成任何的伤害,反倒是五灵之力会被吸收,进而对衔烛之龙受损的身体进行恢复。 The following fight is one pursues one to hide, the Five Spirits attack is unable to break through the Candle Dragon defense in the situation, Demon Sword on Le Yuan does not have the opportunity, only if delays the time, when opposite party[ decides air/Qi] ability relieves. 接下来的战斗就是一个追一个躲,五灵攻击无法突破衔烛之龙防御的情况下,乐渊手上的魔剑无用武之地,除非拖时间等到对方的[定气]能力解除。 In the bleak northern land flight in Le Yuan that walks randomly unceasingly is shooting a look at the eye in oneself are pursuing behind Candle Dragon, can see facing the Le Yuan such negative fighting method, his unusual atmosphere also has angry. 正在荒凉的北方大地上不断飞行游走的乐渊瞥了眼在自己身后追着的衔烛之龙,看得出面对乐渊这样消极的打法,他非常的气氛还有恼怒。 Hateful, escaping is useless, suffers to death!” “可恶,逃跑是没有用的,受死吧!” Le Yuan only hears Candle Dragon to exude such a, later vanishes in Le Yuan behind Candle Dragon fiercely does not see, later comes in the Le Yuan body first about hundred meters again, sudden Candle Dragon body, was just familiar with such Spatial Displacement probably. 乐渊只听到衔烛之龙发出这样的一声,随后在乐渊身后的衔烛之龙猛地消失不见,随后又再次现身于乐渊身前百米开外,突然出现的衔烛之龙身子一顿,像是刚刚习惯这样的空间移动 Demon Sword Skill * Chaotic Shadow Descending Demon Sword!” 魔剑技*乱影降魔剑!” Contains the Candle Dragon package that the water, fires and wind three Spiritual Power Demon Sword Sword Qi have not been able to leave instantaneously, did not have[ decides air/Qi] Five Spirits absorbancy, the attack of Le Yuan is unable severely wounded Candle Dragon , to make its ache hard to endure even. 包含着水、火、风三种灵力魔剑剑气瞬间将还没能够动身的衔烛之龙包裹,没有了[定气]五灵吸收能力,乐渊的攻击就算无法重伤衔烛之龙,亦能够令其疼痛难忍。 Damn, roaring flame startling thunderclap, imaginary water nine dragons and strong gale blade!” “该死,烈焰惊雷、幻水九龙、烈风刃!” Facing speed wonderful quick incomparable, dodges the skill soon to select full Le Yuan, wants to draw support fights hand-to-hand to seize Le Yuan, in misery. Especially when Candle Dragon nowadays control the so huge body is being so, but regarding Five Spirits Power under Candle Dragon of Nüwa clan, has not released Five Spirits Immortal Technique, even way one month is unable to make the aid from others use up. 面对速度奇快无比,闪躲技巧快要点满的乐渊,想要借助肉搏逮住乐渊,是在苦难。尤其是在衔烛之龙现如今控制着如此庞大的身躯时更是如此,而对于五灵之力不下于女娲一族的衔烛之龙,一直释放五灵仙术,就算方式一个月也无法令他力竭。 He to is to have a look, how long dodging of Le Yuan can insist, is he first dies of exhaustion Le Yuan to take the lead by the Five Spirits Immortal Technique bang to be killed to the dregs. When the Candle Dragon choice attacks after Five Spirits Immortal Technique, Le Yuan did not have the sound, besides uses various attribute Demon Sword Skill to counter-attack once for a while occasionally, simply has not wanted to defeat the meaning of Candle Dragon. 他到是想要看看,乐渊的闪躲能够坚持多久,是他先累死还是乐渊率先被五灵仙术轰杀至渣。而当衔烛之龙选择用五灵仙术攻击后,乐渊却没有了动静,除了时不时用上各属性的魔剑技偶尔反击之外,根本没有想要击败衔烛之龙的意思。 Such fight refused to compromise a double-hour, Candle Dragon as if must making not to have by Le Yuan such dodging patiently. 这样的战斗僵持了一个时辰,衔烛之龙似乎要被乐渊这样的闪躲给弄得耐心全无了。 Sees only him to bellow a sound said: Monster King, actually do you want how, really to provoke the prolonged fight? If so, this place no longer accompanies, I may also probably continue to guard Heavenly Pillar!” 只见他大吼一声道:“妖王,你究竟想要如何,难道真的想要挑起旷日持久的战斗吗?如果真是这样,本座不再奉陪,我可还要继续镇守天柱呢!” Le Yuan shot a look at left bottom one at this time, Candle Dragon cannot see, but he actually sees clearly, in Le Yuan shoulders after the fight of Candle Dragon, his time already is not much left. 乐渊这时候瞥了一眼左下角,衔烛之龙看不见,但是他却看得清清楚楚,在乐渊挑起于衔烛之龙的战斗后,他的时间已经所剩无几。 „A move, after your my move, decides the victory and defeat, I dug up your dragon scale absolutely!” “一招,你我一招之后定胜负,我绝对扒了你的龙鳞!” Extremely arrogant! Meets my move, five Mant is evil!” “狂妄!接我这一招吧,五芒镇邪破!” Candle Dragon Five Spirits Power releases completely, appears on behalf of the Five Spirits Power five rays before his body, under the Five Spirits mix had the might rise of how much level unexpectedly. This is the Candle Dragon exclusive magic arts, only has to be able free bathroom Five Spirits Power, and has magic arts that he of body of such Spiritual Power can use. 衔烛之龙身上五灵之力完全释放,代表五灵之力的五种光芒出现在他的身前,五灵混合之下竟然产生了几何级的威力上升。这就是衔烛之龙的专属法术,唯有能够自由浴室五灵之力,并且拥有如此灵力之身的他才能施展的法术。 But Le Yuan lifted up high Demon Sword, on the body of Le Yuan is also releasing the Spiritual Power fluctuation of five attributes. The wind of main body talent attribute, the thunder of symbiosis Demon attribute, the water of unparalleled Nüwa contract attribute, the earth of Earth Spirit Bead Strength, as well as before , transforms the fire of breeding by Fire Barrier and Fire Spirit Bead. 乐渊高举着魔剑,乐渊的身体上同样释放出了五种属性灵力波动。本体天赋属性之风,共生恶魔属性之雷,无双女娲契约属性之水,土灵珠力量之土,以及之前被火之屏障火灵珠改造而孕育的火。 Five Spiritual Power pour into this moment total in the sword blade, at the same time should the barren incomparable northern land, because former Le Yuan also had various Candle Dragon Five Spirits attacks to remain massive Five Spirits Power to be controlled one in this moment total by Demon Sword. 五种灵力在这一刻全数注入于剑身之内,与此同时原本应该贫瘠无比的北方大地,由于之前乐渊还有衔烛之龙各种五灵攻击而残留了大量的五灵之力在这一刻全数被魔剑操控到了一起。 Finally this is Le Yuan has taken the running away way as the preparation that strikes to leave behind, Demon Sword also most is hard move of Heaven and Earth Origin Spirit Slash that in secret most controls. 这就是乐渊一直以逃窜方式暗中为最后一击留下的准备,魔剑最强也是最难以驾驭的一招天地元灵斩 By Five Spirits in strength of control surrounding area thousand li (500 km) Demon Sword, can say that more is the abundant place puts forth this move of might to be then bigger in Five Spirits Spiritual Qi, the energy that but controls this move of institute to need holds sword to the might is also then bigger. 魔剑之力操控方圆千里之内的五灵,可以说在五灵灵气越是充沛的地方使出这一招的威力便会越大,但是相对于威力执剑者想要操控这一招所需要的的精力便也越大。 To gather in the barren northern land defeats Candle Dragon Spiritual Qi to be difficult sufficiently, Le Yuan also can only in the periphery not be in secret loose the Five Spirits Spiritual Qi gathering that the attack of Candle Dragon release and condense. 在贫瘠的北方大地想要汇聚足以击败衔烛之龙灵气困难无比,乐渊也只能暗中将衔烛之龙释放的攻击和自己凝聚的五灵灵气汇聚于周边而不散。 Le Yuan or Candle Dragon during this strikes already to spell no longer to keep the hand full power. Heaven and Earth Origin Spirit Slash is five Mant evil broken is the attack that censor Five Spirits launches, what Candle Dragon draws support is own Five Spirits Power, but Le Yuan actually transfers Heaven and Earth Five Spirits, is Le Yuan this move is without doubt bigger by the potential. 无论是乐渊还是衔烛之龙在这一击之中已经拼上全力不再留手。无论是天地元灵斩还是五芒镇邪破都是御史五灵展开的攻击,不过衔烛之龙借助的是自己的五灵之力,而乐渊却是调用天地五灵,论潜力无疑是乐渊这一招更大。 both sides finally struck to collide in the midair, the Five Spirits shock-wave that the attacks of two Five Spirits mixes created was above imagination of both sides without doubt, under Candle Dragon that huge body in this struck from in the air crashes in the land directly, the five main internal organs (entrails) is attacked heavily by the complementary waves that this struck. 双方的最后一击在半空中碰撞到了一起,两份五灵混合的攻击造成的五灵冲击波无疑是超乎了双方的想象,衔烛之龙那庞大的身躯在这一击之下直接从空中坠落在大地上,五脏六腑都被这一击的余波冲击得不轻。 However who dyes the body of Candle Dragon is world most powerful the body of god beast, although is under the extremely strong impact, but can also be able to support, comparatively speaking Le Yuan of person suffered a loss. 不过谁染衔烛之龙的身体乃是世间最为强大的神兽之躯,虽然受到极强的冲击,但是还能撑得住,相比较而言还是人身的乐渊就吃亏了许多。 Chī “嗤 The golden light flashes past together, crawled beforehand one to penetrate thoroughly his body in Candle Dragon. The next second of golden light deeply pricked in the body of Candle Dragon. 一道金光一闪而过,在衔烛之龙爬起来之前一击穿透了他的身体。下一秒金光深深地刺入了衔烛之龙的身体中。 Hehe, I had said your dragon scale I dug up!” “嘿嘿,我说过你的龙鳞我扒定了!” After a space fluctuates, Le Yuan appears, in also inserted in front of Candle Dragon Gungnir, does not attend to Candle Dragon that wanting to eat the vision of person, Le Yuan pulls down a piece of dragon scale from his body directly, threw into the space backpack conveniently. 一阵空间波动后,乐渊出现在了还插在衔烛之龙身上的永恒之枪前面,根本不顾衔烛之龙那想要吃人的目光,乐渊直接从他的身上扒下一片龙鳞,随手扔进了空间背包内。 Ka scoffs at “咔嗤 Le Yuan inserts Demon Sword in hand underground, later was saying to nearby Candle Dragon: Do not forget agreements between our two, I won, therefore you must observe the agreement, for me this to the boy of that back sword chest, making him collect for me well......” 乐渊将手中的魔剑插入地下,随后对着一旁的衔烛之龙道:“别忘了我们两个之间的约定,我赢了所以你得遵守约定,还有替我将这件给那个背剑匣的小子,让他替我好好收藏着……” “啪 The words have not said, Le Yuan body one in the future face upwards inverted/fall on the ground. Although just hedge reduced the injury with the aid of the characteristics of domain, but is still not he can disregard, can insist that sent out strikes to throw Candle Dragon defeats already is really not easy. 话还没说完,乐渊身体一往后仰倒在了地上。刚刚的对冲虽然借助领域的特性减轻了伤害,但是依然不是他能够无视的,能够坚持到发出一击投掷将衔烛之龙击败已经实属不易。 Since the end of fight, the body of Le Yuan became more and more pale, later was then wrapped to vanish to disappear by a white light. Even if Candle Dragon wants to ask him to trouble again, was very still difficult to achieve. 随着战斗的结束,乐渊的身体变得越来越淡,随后便被一阵白光包裹住消失不见了。就算衔烛之龙想要再找他麻烦,恐怕也很难做到了。 ... ...
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