VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#781: Candle Dragon, understands thoroughly Heaven and Earth inconsiderately

When that inexplicable transmission covers Le Yuan again, completely as before is unable to revolt is incapable of covering in the Le Yuan whole body. This transmission and is not only a technique, or is the consciousness of the whole world is operating, the destiny controls is escorting to each time Le Yuan Strength Soul Returning Immortal Dream, only has this extremely unreasonable magic arts to accomplish Le Yuan nowadays situation. 当那莫名的传送再次将乐渊笼罩,依旧是全然无法反抗的无力笼罩于乐渊全身。这种传送并不仅仅是一个术而已,或者说是整个世界的意识在操纵,命运主宰着将乐渊送往各个时代的力量回魂仙梦,唯有这种极度不合理的法术才能造就乐渊现如今的情况。 One Immortal Technique of special crossing over space and time Soul Returning Immortal Dream, the Nüwa ancestors are in sole possession. To display successful only has with the aid of powerful Will and unequalled Spiritual Strength of person actuates only then successfully, even if so general Soul Returning Immortal Dream also can only lead a person to stay in some space and time merely shortly, so unprecedented is nowadays difficult in the situation that each space and time shuttles back and forth like Le Yuan. 回魂仙梦,女娲族裔所独有的一种特殊的穿越时空的仙术。想要施展成功唯有借助人的强大意志和无与伦比的精神力量方可驱动成功,纵然如此一般的回魂仙梦也仅仅只能带着一个人在某个时空短暂地停留,像乐渊现如今这般在各个时空穿梭的情况旷古难有。 Although Soul Returning Immortal Dream is the technique that the Nüwa clan inherits, but also not every Nüwa clansman grasps this technique. For example the skill is deepest, the strength of bloodlines develops to make scarlet hair turns purple Zi Xuan sufficiently, may be called in all previous Nüwa clan descendants strongest existence, for various reasons still does not know the proper way, cannot grasp. 虽说回魂仙梦女娲族传承的术,但是也并非每一个女娲族人都掌握这种术。比如功力最为深厚,血脉之力都开发到足以令赤发变紫紫萱,堪称历代女娲族后裔中最强的存在,由于种种原因依然不得其法,没能够掌握。 On the contrary her daughter Lin Qing'er skill as a result of cutting off of Nüwa clan bloodlines inheritance, making her skill be possible be called the weakest condition, can still learn Soul Returning Immortal Dream, this is related with individual circumstances, the skill on the contrary is next. 相反她的女儿林青儿的功力由于女娲一族血脉传承的断绝,使得她的功力堪称最为薄弱的状态,依然能够习得回魂仙梦,这就和个人的境遇有关,功力反倒是其次的。 After Le Yuan bridges over the transmission of Soul Returning Immortal Dream, until him after new recovering, the all around environment has changed. The surroundings just like the silence of nether world pandemonium, this stretch of area was covered by the innumerable gloomy dead air/Qi, the entire land was being suppressed by unprecedented solemn and respectful, taking a broad view to look to remove the grey to be pessimistic, only then occasional cold wind ghost howl in this time. 乐渊跨过回魂仙梦的传送之后,直到他从新回过神来之后,四周的环境已然大变。周围是犹如幽冥鬼域的寂静,这片地区被无数的阴沉死气笼罩,整个大地都被一种前所未有的肃穆压制着,放眼望去除了灰色还是灰色,只有偶尔的阴风鬼啸声在此回荡。 However carefully looks like is actually the quarry stone stack, this pile of that piles, several piles are bigger, seeming like the knife edge is also crooked, where has the least bit mountain appearance, seem like ill management quarry. To come these quarry stone is Gonggong concussioned burst in the past , a anger gods, is as for this. Only then most distant place, a reaching to the sky shadow stands erect there, looks quite majestic. 不过仔细看来却是乱石堆积,这一堆那一堆,有几堆高大些的,看上去也是支棱歪斜,哪有半点“山”的样子,倒像个管理不善的采石场。想来这些乱石都是共工当年一头撞裂下来的,神之一怒,乃至于此。只有最远处,一个高耸入云的黑影屹立在那里,看上去颇为雄壮。 But at this time the in the air distant place three swords light/only drop from the clouds to crash in the land of distant place, soon detected that by the Le Yuan eyesight who came the person is, Le Yuan it separated also had Han Lingsha with Yun Tianhe and Murong Ziying that a short time ago, but Liu Mengli already was not in the team, wants to come already to restore the memory to re-enter Monster World. 而此时空中的远处三道剑光从天而降坠落于远处的大地,以乐渊的目力很快就察觉到了来人是谁,正是乐渊前不久才与之分离的云天河慕容紫英还有韩菱纱,不过柳梦璃已经不在队中,想来已经恢复记忆重回妖界 Oh ~ in a flash Kungfu already such a long time? However Yun Tianhe their skills grow well quickly, this is nothing? The common people thought adds and destiny to bless, does good deeds to do good deeds cultivation base to progress by leaps and bounds?” “唉~一晃眼的功夫已经过了这么长时间了吗?不过云天河他们的功力成长得好快,这算什么?万民意念加身、天命祝福,行善积德修为突飞猛进?” Although separates far away, but can still feel the nowadays Yun Tianhe three people of skills different in the past, although has not entered into the B level, but wants to come to be away from breaks through is not far. 虽然隔得老远,但是依然能够感受到现如今的云天河三人功力不同往昔,虽然还没有迈入b级,但是想来已然距离突破不远了。 While Le Yuan also wants continues to size up Yun Tianhe three people of times by far, suddenly feels one unprecedented powerful one year from the distant place to sweep, Le Yuan restrains own aura immediately completely guaranteed as far as possible the small stone generally is likely common. 正当乐渊还想要继续远远打量着云天河三人的时候,突然感受到一股前所未有的强大一年从远处扫来,乐渊当即将自己的气息完全收敛尽可能保证像小石头一般不起眼。 Saw only that Divine Sense to sweep in Le Yuan this place together swept, later then covered to the Yun Tianhe three people of bodies again. Even without encounters in this Divine Sense, Le Yuan still knows that actually this is whose Divine Sense, Mount Buzhou Candle Dragon, although in the true meaning non- God Race however has the powerful god beast of strength of ultra god. 只见那一道神念乐渊这片地方扫了又扫,随后这才再次笼罩到云天河三人的身上。就算没有于这道神念交锋,乐渊也知道这究竟是谁的神念,不周山衔烛之龙,真正意思上虽非神族但是却拥有超神之力的强大神兽。 This strength, feared that is even if less than Chonglou is not far, can evade , then evades, best find out the personality of this fellow to handle affairs again, otherwise feared that is unavoidably a fierce battle, most feared that like this lives long old undying, the character strange......” “这种实力,怕是就算不及重楼也相去不远了,能避则避,最好摸清楚这家伙的性格再行事,不然怕是免不了一场恶战,最怕这样活得久的老不死,性格古怪……” As Candle Dragon Divine Sense leaves the Yun Tianhe three people, the Yun Tianhe three people actually do not dare to continue governing sword flight again. This Extreme North Land was forbidden flight by Candle Dragon, only has to depend on the both legs to step onto Heavenly Pillar. 随着衔烛之龙神念离开云天河三人,云天河三人却是不敢再继续御剑飞行了。这极北之地衔烛之龙禁止飞行,唯有靠着双腿才能走上天柱 Le Yuan follows closely after three people, is looking at the Yun Tianhe three people to is pacing back and forth here evil spirit spars, while sizes up this inconsiderately Heavenly Pillar situation. In years past, this Heavenly Pillar connection person god two, the rumor the mortal even can ascend Heavenly Pillar to become Immortal God initially, what a pity after Gonggong hit Heavenly Pillar did not have the past grand occasion, held fantasy the gentleman of immortal cultivation to change into the elegant unsuccessful evil spirit here finally. 乐渊紧随在三人之后,望着云天河三人一边对着徘徊于这里的厉鬼斗法,一边打量这这不周天柱的情况。昔年,这天柱连接人神两界,传言当初凡人甚至能借此登天柱成为仙神,可惜在共工撞断天柱之后再也没有了昔日的盛况,一些抱有幻想的修仙之士在这里最终化为郁郁不得志的厉鬼。 As Yun Tianhe three people of the mountainside position that mounted Heavenly Pillar, greatly reduces to the evil spirit quantity that they raid, but followed closely their behind Le Yuan to feel one in this time to be completely different in the powerful ghost strength of former evil spirit. powerful by far beforehand evil spirit this ghost strength, but the ghost strength contained the complaints of tens of thousands of person to be generally complex probably. 随着云天河三人登上了天柱的山腰位置,向他们袭来的厉鬼数量大大减少,而在此时紧随他们身后的乐渊感受到了一股完全不同于之前厉鬼的强大鬼力。这股鬼力之强大远胜之前的厉鬼,但是鬼力却像是包含了成千上万人的怨念一般非常复杂。 As leads the way unceasingly, Murong Ziying also felt this extraordinary ghost strength, the group went forward to explore to discover one and inserted the purple black big sword of skeleton within the body. The dark purple big sword sword blade brings plain rune, even if Murong Ziying this casts the sword expert still to have many puzzled places, but also was full of the interest as Han Lingsha of tomb raider Grandmaster regarding this rune. 随着不断前行,慕容紫英也感受到了这股非凡的鬼力,一行人上前探索发现了一并插入尸骸体内的紫黑色大剑。黑紫色大剑剑身带着古朴至极的符文,就算是慕容紫英这个铸剑行家对此也有许多的不解之处,而作为盗墓大师的韩菱纱同样对于这符文充满了兴趣。 Only has Le Yuan, is looking at this purple black big sword when in the distant place the mouth twittering was saying: Demon Sword? Little Kui? Why I will detect on this sword Sword Qi that I leave behind? How possibly......” 唯有乐渊,在远处望着这柄紫黑色大剑之时口中呢喃着说道:“魔剑小葵?为什么我会在这柄剑上察觉到我留下的一股剑气?怎么可能……” No mistake, is reserved Sword Qi, congealing in sword blade , if not Le Yuan takes the host of Sword Qi, perhaps similarly cannot feel existence of this Sword Qi. 没有错,是一股内敛的剑气,凝于剑身之内如果不是乐渊作为剑气之主的话,恐怕同样感受不到这一股剑气的存在。 Actually this Demon Sword obtains this Sword Qi from where, having such doubts Le Yuan restraining to have a fluctuation in the Internal Qi breath, but this little fluctuation brought to the attention of bystander. 这柄魔剑究竟从何得到这一股剑气,带着这样的疑惑乐渊收敛于体内的气息不由产生了一点波动,而正是这一点点的波动引起了外人的注意。 Sees only can condense the fuzzy person's shadow Demon Sword sword spirit Little Kui will look at Murong Ziying and the others suddenly behind, calls out in alarm said: Elder Brother, elder brother's aura!” 只见只能凝聚成模糊人影的魔剑剑灵小葵突然将视线投向慕容紫英等人的身后,一声惊呼道:“哥哥,哥哥的气息!” Elder Brother? How possibly, Jiang Country was already to pass 1000 year, even if your Elder Brother had not died the already reincarnation not to know that initially early how many returned, how possibly to appear here? Won't younger sister Little Kui you feel wrong?” “哥哥?怎么可能,姜国距今已经过去了千年,就算你哥哥当初没死也早已经投胎不知多少回了,怎么可能出现在这里?小葵妹妹你不会感受错了吧?” The Han Lingsha left hand holds the chest to have the hand to support under Bath rope way, how this matter wants to feel strange. The person who died 1000 year, how possibly appear here Mount Buzhou with no reason at all, moreover in their behind. 韩菱纱左手抱胸有手撑着下巴思索道,这件事情这么想怎么觉得怪异。一个死去千年的人,怎么可能无缘无故出现在这不周山中,而且还在他们的身后。 Will not be wrong, Little Kui will not admit mistakes, that is elder brother's aura, the Elder Brother he looked for Little Kui, good......” “不会错的,小葵不会认错,那就是哥哥的气息,哥哥他来找小葵了,太好了……” Even the incarnation is the ghost, Little Kui still cannot stop to sob, her touches the type is to really annoy the person feels attached, making Han Lingsha several people of one be thrown into confusion, only has Murong Ziying to look at putting that beforehand Little Kui is looking at to looking, although cannot see anything, but always thought that there as if has existence of person. 就算是化身为鬼,小葵依然是止不住抽泣起来,她的这幅摸样实在是惹人爱怜,令韩菱纱几人一阵手忙脚乱,唯有慕容紫英望着之前小葵看的放向望去,虽然看不见什么但总觉得那里似乎有着人的存在。 First displayed[ Wind Return Cloud Conceal] although Le Yuan avoided Little Kui and Yun Tianhe three people of investigations, but cannot evade Extreme North Land the search of master Candle Dragon eventually. Divulges that moment of aura in Le Yuan, Candle Dragon Divine Consciousness then locks Le Yuan that tried to go into hiding. 第一时间施展了[风归云隐]的乐渊虽然避开了小葵云天河三人的探查,但是终究没能躲过极北之地的主人衔烛之龙的搜索。就在乐渊泄露自身气息的那一刻,衔烛之龙神识便锁定住了试图隐匿的乐渊 Hehe, whom I considered to be able in my domain to hide for a long time, originally was solemn King of Myriad Monsters, really you had not died initially, but your indeed already have no reason to continue to feign death, passed from that war already early for a long time was too too long, even if you came to still no one to investigate your initial responsibility again!” “嘿嘿,我当是谁能够在我的地盘上藏匿了许久,原来是堂堂万妖之王,果然你当初根本就没有死,不过你的确已经没有理由继续诈死下去,距离那一场大战早已经过去了太久太久,就算你再度现身也没人会在追究你当初的责任!” Candle Dragon the gigantic head appeared before the body of Le Yuan at that moment, looked in the Le Yuan look to have some facetious also the lonely feeling of completely understanding the vicissitudes. 衔烛之龙那一刻硕大的脑袋出现在了乐渊的身前,望着乐渊的眼神中带着些许的戏谑还有一种看透沧桑的寂寥感。 Looks as if to fall into the recollection Candle Dragon, Le Yuan may not have Kungfu to make him continue to be in a daze, was saying to Candle Dragon: Candle Dragon, this I have the incident to request today, if you can help my helping hand, I exhaust ability settledly the generous reward!” 看着似乎陷入回忆的衔烛之龙,乐渊可没有功夫让他这么继续发呆下去,对着衔烛之龙道:“烛龙,今日来此我有一事相求,若你能助我一臂之力,我定当竭尽所能予以厚报!” Solemn does King of Myriad Monsters have the matter to request? Interesting and interesting...... behavior what matter, might as well said listens, the main body could promise you also perhaps......” “堂堂万妖之王有事相求?有趣、有趣……所为何事,不妨说出来听听,本尊或许能够答应你也说不定……” Candle Dragon has not said definitely the words, was perhaps three characters responded to the request of Le Yuan merely. 衔烛之龙没有把话说死,仅仅是“说不定”三个字算是回应了乐渊的请求。 When another side, Murong Ziying plans to receive Cold Moon Ice Soul to cast Demon Sword in the sword chest that waits for will purify in the future, together the unprecedented powerful fresh breeze toward their whereabouts flew, as „” a person's shadow hit in the ground layer on layer/heavily, hard such as the ground of fine steel pounded a giant pothole this place. 另一边,正当慕容紫英打算将魔剑收到寒月冰魄所铸的剑匣中等待日后净化之时,一道前所未有的强大劲风朝着他们三人所在之处飞了过来,随着“啪”的一声一个人影重重地撞击到了地面上,将这片地方坚硬如精钢的地面都砸出了一个巨大的坑洞。 M-Martial Uncle?” 师、师伯?” Han Lingsha sees clearly to pound after their person's shadows exudes one to call out in alarm, Le Yuan strength even he appears this appearance immeasurably deep, to say has the fearful incomparable archenemy to exist. 韩菱纱看清楚砸在他们身旁的人影之后不由发出一声惊呼,乐渊的实力深不可测连他都显出这幅模样,岂不是说有着可怕无比的大敌存在。 Elder Brother, you are an Elder Brother! Little Kui asks you to look well laboriously!” “哥哥,你是哥哥吧!小葵找你找得好辛苦!” Even Le Yuan has not faced Long Kui on own initiative, she felt on Le Yuan that to make her be familiar with the incomparable aura as before, made noise the summon to say hastily. 就算乐渊没有主动面对龙葵,她依旧感受到了乐渊身上那股令她熟悉无比的气息,连忙出声呼唤道。 However Le Yuan does not have slight Kungfu to respond to Long Kui at this time, saw only him just to set out then to look at coming the main body of Candle Dragon saying: Has not thought that the solemn god beast, will also sneak attack unexpectedly, but you comply with my matter not to forget, will otherwise be your I will not let off even if!” 不过乐渊此时却没有丝毫的功夫去回应龙葵,只见他刚刚起身便望着呼啸而至的衔烛之龙的本体道:“没想到堂堂神兽,竟然也会偷袭,不过你答应我的事情可别忘记了,不然纵然是你我也绝不会放过!” Has that free time, otherwise is worried about yourself, past Monster King unexpectedly so displayed collapses at the first blow, was really disappointing!” “有那闲工夫,不然多担心一下你自己吧,当年的妖王竟然表现得如此不堪一击,着实令人失望!” Was saying side Candle Dragon actually does not attend to also has Yun Tianhe and the others existences, lifted that sharp incomparable dragon claw to wield toward Le Yuan, above the dragon claw brings the sharp fresh breeze let alone was Yun Tianhe these has not repaired the person of becoming an immortal body, even Xuan Xiao came unable to flatter absolutely. 说着衔烛之龙竟然也不顾旁边还有着云天河等人的存在,抬起那锋利无比的龙爪向着乐渊所在挥了过来,龙爪之上带着的锐利劲风别说是云天河这几个未修成仙体的人,就算是玄霄来了也绝对讨不了好。 Clang “锵 Sees only Le Yuan to change into the Demon shape in the instantaneous both arms, before one step passed through three zhang (3.33 m) distance stepped, both hands to hug on a Candle Dragon dragon change/transform in which claw, the claw of powerful impulse is blocking this belt/bring by the strength of person forcefully. 只见乐渊在瞬间双臂化为恶魔形态,一步穿越三丈的距离跨上前双手抱在了衔烛之龙龙化的其中一根爪子上,以人之力硬生生将这带着强大冲击力的一爪挡住了。 You...... stupidly are also gawking doing, has not walked to me quickly!” “你们……还傻愣着干什么,还不快给我走!” Looks that one crowd also stupidly stands in same place Murong Ziying and the others, Le Yuan Kungfu then does not have continually, stares at present Candle Dragon to shout stubbornly later greatly. 看着一群还傻傻站在原地的慕容紫英等人,乐渊连回头的功夫都没有,死死盯着眼前的衔烛之龙随后大喊道。 But...... Sibo you......” “可是……思博你……” Makes him drop out Le Yuan with the Yun Tianhe temper to escape alone cannot achieve, however nearby Han Lingsha will have Murong Ziying them only becomes in the fight of such rank will even implicate, immediately entrained Yun Tianhe to start the governing sword flying immortal to fly directly toward the distant place. 云天河的性子让他抛下乐渊独自逃跑根本做不到,但是一旁的韩菱纱还有慕容紫英甚至他们在这样级别的战斗中只会成为拖累,随即直接拽着云天河开始了御剑飞仙向着远处飞去。 You have the thoughts to pay attention to that several mortals, it seems like you also are really arrogant, Monster King!” “你还有心思理会那几个凡人,看来你还真是妄自尊大啊,妖王!” Saw only the Candle Dragon claw flash to become the scarlet red, condensed fire Spiritual Power by Candle Dragon cultivation base in dragon form transformation becomes the attack of fire attribute to be simple, immediately also harnessed dragon claw the Le Yuan both arms to be burnt red by the dragon claw of this burning hot. 只见衔烛之龙的爪子一瞬间变为了赤红色,以衔烛之龙修为将火灵力凝聚于龙化形火属性的攻击简单至极,顿时原本还驾着龙爪的乐渊双臂被这炙热的龙爪烫得通红。 Snort, kills “哼,杀 Candle Dragon may dragon claw, Le Yuan support incessantly, another dragon claw became the purple thunder attribute to puncture toward the head of Le Yuan. 衔烛之龙可不止一只龙爪,乐渊架住其中一只后,另外一只龙爪变为了紫色雷属性向着乐渊的脑袋刺了过来。 Le Yuan loosened the dragon claw of Candle Dragon instantaneously, both hands protects to remove the opposite party dragon claw attack in own chest front forcefully, the body was falling into to slide instantaneously over ten meters. 乐渊瞬间松开衔烛之龙的龙爪,双手护在自己胸前硬生生卸去了对方龙爪的攻击,身体在瞬间陷入地下滑出去超过十米。 Elder Brother, do not injure my brother!” “哥哥,不要伤我哥哥!” Sees only keeps same place Demon Sword to angrily roar along with Little Kui one, extracts from the body of dry corpse immediately, later changed to innumerable Demon Sword afterimage to divide to Candle Dragon of not far away. 只见留在原地的魔剑伴随着小葵的一声怒吼,立马从干尸的身体中抽出,随后化作无数的魔剑残影劈向了不远处的衔烛之龙 This type Demon Sword foundation sword technique[ afterimage sword] might is good, even in the common C level the move is still the undying also remnant fate, Demon Sword that what a pity no one controls what faces is in the god demon is also top Candle Dragon, this strikes looks like flexure itchy is generally unfruitful to him. 这一式魔剑的基础剑技[残影剑]威力不俗,就算是寻常c级中招也是不死也残的下场,可惜没有人操控的魔剑面对的是神魔中也算是顶尖的衔烛之龙,这一击就像是给他挠痒痒一般毫无效果。 Trivial Demon Sword also dares participation to the fight of main body, breaks to the main body!” “区区魔剑也敢参合到本尊的战斗中,给本尊断!” Was saying Candle Dragon then wants to be as good as with his the sharp claws of divine weapon entire cuts off Demon Sword, actually before his dragon claw contacts Demon Sword, Demon Sword from his vanishes not to see at present, sees only Le Yuan one to jump from the Candle Dragon hand the rescue Demon Sword. 说着衔烛之龙便想用他那不逊于神兵的利爪将魔剑整个斩断,却在他的龙爪接触到魔剑之前,魔剑从他的眼前消失不见,只见乐渊一个纵身从衔烛之龙手中抢救下了魔剑 The hand holds Demon Sword Le Yuan completely to disregard fatal Ghost Qi that on Demon Sword sent out, suppresses Ghost Qi by powerful incomparable magic power, simultaneously becomes this Demon Sword temporary master. 手执魔剑乐渊完全无视了魔剑上散发的致命鬼气,以强悍无比的魔力鬼气压制,同时成为了这柄魔剑暂时的主人。 ... ...
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