VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#780: towards hears Daoxi dies to be possible, really joyful?

Regarding the change in status of Le Yuan, Han Lingsha, although some doubts however after Le Yuan helps her full power, completely actually her already did not care about Le Yuan is the person or the monster ; Yun Tianhe that have not cared the person and monster, naturally treats as his Sibo Le Yuan ; Liu Mengli after seeing this condition Le Yuan on a favorability again stair...... 对于乐渊的身份变化,韩菱纱虽然有些疑惑但是在乐渊全力助她之后,她已经完全不在意乐渊究竟是人还是妖了;云天河那是从来没有将人、妖之别放在心上,自然还是将乐渊当作他的思博;柳梦璃更是在见到这个状态的乐渊好感度再上一个台阶…… In everyone, only could not accept accepted Qionghua Sect legitimate killing monsters and eliminating demons education Murong Ziying, he like Liu Mengli was not the monster, did not receive the Le Yuan kindness like Han Lingsha, did not have little experience of the world like Yun Tianhe. Between the deep understand person and monster he of opposition status, cannot believe this fact simply. 所有人之中,唯一一个接受不了的就是接受了琼华派正统斩妖除魔教育的慕容紫英,他既不像柳梦璃本身是妖,也不像韩菱纱受到乐渊的恩惠,更不像云天河涉世未深。深深明白人与妖之间对立身份的他,简直不敢相信这个事实。 Looked to prepare to tread one step to arrive at Le Yuan before their body, the right hand that Murong Ziying that shivered holds up the sword in hand to point to the throat of Le Yuan directly unknown, has leaned the sword blade flashed through together the sword light, the tight and dignified atmosphere filled the air along with the Murong Ziying lifting sword in one group of people. 望着正准备踏出一步来到他们身前的乐渊,慕容紫英那颤抖的右手直接举起了手中的剑直指乐渊的咽喉未知,侧过的剑身闪过一道剑光,紧张而凝重的气氛伴随着慕容紫英的举剑弥漫在一群人之中。 Master's Junior Brother, you make anything, he is Sibo!” 师叔,你这是做什么,他是思博啊!” Yun Tianhe simply has not felt Murong Ziying now intertwining of innermost feelings, looks Murong Ziying that must as if begin to urge him to put down the sword in hand immediately. Nearby Han Lingsha and Liu Mengli also have not been standing dry/does, in any event they do not hope Murong Ziying therefore and Le Yuan opposition. 云天河根本没有感受到慕容紫英现在内心的纠结,望着似乎要动手的慕容紫英当即就想要劝他放下手中的剑。一旁的韩菱纱柳梦璃同样没有干站着,无论如何她们都不希望慕容紫英因此和乐渊对立。 You make way!” Murong Ziying is calling out to Yun Tianhe three people of one, later got hold to aim at the Le Yuan throat position the sword in hand again, the sound shivered is asking to Le Yuan, just monster beast said that you were Young Lord, then you, was the monster?” “你们都让开!”慕容紫英对着身旁的云天河三人一声暴喝,随后再次将手中的剑握紧对准了乐渊的咽喉位置,声音颤抖着向乐渊质问道,“刚刚的妖兽说你是少主,那么你,也是妖吗?” This issue is important regarding Murong Ziying, the monster is the monster, the person is a person, even clever monster that is unable to change them the essence as monster. The idea of Qionghua Sect is killing monsters and eliminating demons, actually has not intertwined to do evil in this monster excessively, before Murong Ziying and Yun Tianhe they get together, he has not then thought that in the monster has the exception, but with Yun Tianhe their acquaintances, although there is a vacillation however as before firm this point. 这一个问题对于慕容紫英而言非常重要,妖就是妖,人就是人,就算是通灵的妖那也无法改变他们身为妖的本质。琼华派的理念就是斩妖除魔,并未过分纠结于这个妖究竟有没有作恶,在慕容紫英云天河他们搭伙之前,他便从来没有认为妖中有例外,而伴随着和云天河他们的相识,虽有动摇但是依旧坚定这一点。 Facing the Murong Ziying such straightforward inquiry, Le Yuan thought that continues to conceal seemingly also to have no use again. Although he himself does not know that actually this so-called Young Lord has what status, but without doubt in Chonglou also has in the Lava Beast King eye he is honored. 面对慕容紫英这么直白的提问,乐渊觉得再继续隐瞒下去貌似也没什么用处。虽然连他自己都不知道这所谓的少主究竟有什么样的身份,但是无疑在重楼还有熔岩兽王眼中他尊贵无比。 Monster? Is, I did not deny regarding inhuman this point, you also did want to cut me? Ziying!” “妖?姑且算是吧,对于非人这一点我并不否认,难道你还想要斩了我吗?紫英!” Looks after hearing oneself acknowledged that Murong Ziying that the entire body is shivering unceasingly, Le Yuan looked at him to inquire. Truly speaking, now he wants to know that actually Murong Ziying will make what choice. 看着在听到自己承认后,整个身体在不断颤抖的慕容紫英,乐渊望着他询问道。说实在的,现在他非常想要知道慕容紫英究竟会做出什么样的选择。 „, You will be removed by Qionghua Sect are also because the status of your monster exposed right?!” The Qionghua Sect disciple after entering sends then to register, only if descends the mountain to withdraw from sect also or makes the huge mistake to be removed by sect, otherwise has kept in the sect register of names. “那么,你会被琼华派除名也是因为你妖的身份暴露了对吗?!”琼华派弟子在入派之后便会登记在册,除非自行下山退出师门亦或者犯下大错被师门除名,不然会一直留在师门名册上。 Le Yuan does not know actually oneself are is actually which type, but wants to come the inhuman status should already to be known by Qionghua Sect high level, therefore nods to treat as the acknowledgment. 乐渊不知道自己究竟是究竟是哪一种,但是想来非人的身份应该已经琼华派高层知晓,是故点了点头当作了承认了。 Sees Le Yuan to acknowledge, Murong Ziying is clenching teeth to continue to ask: Then Zong Lian teacher's teacher he,...... knows?” 见到乐渊承认,慕容紫英咬着牙继续问道:“那么宗炼师公他,也……知道吗?” Murong Ziying is not really able to imagine, how in Zong Lian teacher's teacher already knows Le Yuan is in the monster situation will continue to make him obey the order of Le Yuan, this simply is the impossible matter, only if the Zong Lian teacher's teacher has been hoodwinked or there is a reason for this. 慕容紫英实在无法想象,在宗炼师公已经知晓乐渊为妖的情况下怎么会继续令他听从乐渊的命令,这简直是不可能的事情,除非宗炼师公一直被蒙蔽或者另有内情。 Knows, he is clear! Because is clear, he more definite Qionghua Sect made a mistake, 200 years ago Qionghua Sect 20 generations of Sect Master Dao Yin that generations started then to make a mistake, all he to your such order, will be hopes that you can recall his once mistake......” “知道,他非常清楚!正是因为清楚,他才更加确定琼华派错了,从200年前琼华派二十代掌门道胤那一代开始便错了,所有他才会给你那样的命令,就是希望你能够挽回他曾经的错误……” Without Le Yuan spoke completely the words, then sees Murong Ziying to shout angrily to break Le Yuan, simultaneously the famous sword in hand circled refers to releases softly Sword Qi is scratching Le Yuan flies together continually to him behind. 没等乐渊将话全部说完,便见慕容紫英怒喝一声将乐渊打断,同时手中的名剑绕指柔释放出一道剑气擦着乐渊的连飞向了他的身后。 Sufficed...... the evildoer/monstrous talent to give up any idea of that discredited my Qionghua reputation, my Qionghua may be how wrong! impossible, impossible!” “够了……妖孽休想败坏我琼华声誉,我琼华怎么可能会错!不可能的,不可能!” It is not able to accept this fact in Murong Ziying the time point, in the Murong Ziying eye had not detected that Le Yuan already arrived at his body before the distant place about three zhang (3.33 m) instantaneously, but Murong Ziying wants to counter-attack already to be caught off guard in such near distance, the sword that just held up did not have time a right hand that goes out then by Le Yuan entire pressed firmly between the fingers. 就在慕容紫英无法接受这个事实的时间点,在慕容紫英眼睛还没有察觉之间乐渊已经从远处三丈开外瞬间来到了他的身前,而慕容紫英想要在这么近的距离反击已经措手不及,刚刚举起的剑还没有次出去便被乐渊的右手整个捏住了。 Don't anxiously beginning! I do not think that you can believe me immediately, but I only want to say one, does Qionghua Sect open sends 1000 year only the person to cultivate to become an immortal this is also not enough until now to be telling? Although Mount Shu Sect also by killing monsters and eliminating demons well-known world, who understood that Monster Prison Tower and subdue demons spectrum...... Mount Shu does not cut the monster in function, but locks the monster, that is all!” “别急着动手!我并不想你能够立刻相信我,但是我只想说一句,琼华派开派千年至今唯有一人修炼成仙这难道还不足以说明问题吗?蜀山派虽然也以斩妖除魔而闻名世间,但是又有谁了解锁妖塔和降妖谱在其中的作用……蜀山并非斩妖,而是锁妖,仅此而已!” Cuts the monster and lock monster absence of one word, but between both is actually difference between heaven and earth. The Mount Shu Sect lock monster travels the function that merely seizing sent back, has not conducted any disciplinary punishment to the monster good and evil ; But the Qionghua Sect cutting monster, actually crossed radically as person the life and death of responsibility to monster made the ruling, this was an exceeding authority behavior. 斩妖和锁妖一字之差,但是两者之间却是天差地别蜀山派的锁妖仅仅是旅行了一个抓捕遣送的功能,并未对妖的善恶进行任何惩戒;而琼华派的斩妖,却是根本越过了身为人的职责对妖的生死做出了判决,这是一种越权行为。 Even if Immortal God has not made instantly judgement, however the Ghost World judge yama will still make the merit to analyze in the life and death book that day completely will have the so-called retributive justice by the life. 就算仙神未对此做出即刻的裁决,但是鬼界的判官阎王也会在生死簿上做出功过判断,到了寿元将尽的那一天自会有所谓的因果报应。 How possibly? Since my Qionghua Sect 1000 year actions, all have been wrong?” “怎么可能?我琼华派千年以来的所作所为,难道全都是错?” How even if Murong Ziying does not believe again, in Le Yuan that systematic recounted that during still has to have the vacillation, after all the Le Yuan issue was really sharp, Qionghua Sect indeed did not have the person who on became an immortal outwardly, simply ashamed to the Kunlun Mountains eight schools of names. 就算慕容紫英再怎么不相信,但是在乐渊那有条有理的述说之中也不得不产生了动摇,毕竟乐渊的问题实在是太尖锐了,琼华派的确没有一个明面上成仙的人,简直愧对昆仑八派之名。 But, if really making the mistake, why my Sect Worship hadn't Jiutian Xuannu lowered any decree? I isn't and others as her disciple, the going astray immortal way able to obtain her least bit direction?” “可是,如果真的的做错了,为何我派供奉九天玄女并未降下任何旨意?难道我等身为她的门徒,走错仙途都无法得到她的半点指点吗?” Murong Ziying also has some luck, thinks, since Jiutian Xuannu has not stood saying that Qionghua made a mistake, then the Qionghua Sect actions not necessarily are really the mistake. 慕容紫英还有着些许的侥幸,认为既然九天玄女都没有站出来说琼华错了,那么琼华派的所作所为也不一定真的乃是错误。 In the final analysis Murong Ziying or too young, too simple, Qionghua Sect Worship Jiutian Xuannu, all are Jiutian Xuannu Qionghua Sect protection Great God? Actually this is which recognized that Jiutian Xuannu did arrive at the view? 说到底慕容紫英还是图样图森破,琼华派供奉九天玄女,所有九天玄女就是琼华派的守护大神?这究竟是哪位认定的,九天玄女降临说法了吗? Some that day, the gate begins to speak by some chance is Worship Heavenly Emperor, is the entire school receives aid of Heavenly Emperor, this simply is the self-sensation good model. 那万一某一天,有一个门开说是供奉天帝,是不是整个门派就受到天帝的护佑,这简直就是自我感觉良好的典范。 On the god as God World, Jiutian Xuannu did not pay attention to the general world of mortals earthliness, therefore this Qionghua Sect, although Worship Jiutian Xuannu, but with Jiutian Xuannu can say that does not have the interest relations of half a point. Official immortal cultivation school that receives God World to confer is different from Mount Shu Sect that type, Qionghua is completely an appearance of black heart small workshop. 作为神界上神,九天玄女本就不理会一般的凡间俗世,因此这琼华派虽说供奉九天玄女,但是和九天玄女之间可以说没有半分的利益关系。和蜀山派那种受到过神界册封的官方修仙门派不同,琼华完全是一个黑心小作坊的样子。 Also does not pay attention to receive enormous impact Murong Ziying and the others, the Le Yuan right hand aimed at the distant place also to mount Roasting Flame Stone grip into claw shape in stone wall, immediately had a powerful suction from the hand of Le Yuan, immediately blazing incomparable Roasting Flame Stone was separated from the stone wall to fly in the hand of Le Yuan. 也不理会受到极大冲击的慕容紫英等人,乐渊右手对准了远处还镶嵌在石壁上的炙炎石握成爪状,顿时从乐渊的手上产生一股强大的吸力,顿时炽热无比的炙炎石脱离石壁飞到了乐渊的手上。 Sometimes ignorantly is a disaster, thinks in doing good helping other, in fact is actually no different than the injuring someone life! Why can you know Shennong not this Roasting Flame Stone immediate delivery to the evergreen immortal? But lays aside in Burning Flame Cave that they are unable to touch!” “有时候无知就是种灾难,自以为在做好事助人,实际上却是无异于害人性命!你们可知为何神农并未将这炙炎石直接交付给梭罗树仙?而是放置在他们无法触及的炙焰洞!” Murong Ziying is also the half-dead condition, other three people such a were asked is also in abundance startled, this issue they have not really thought. Since the evergreen immortal is the Shennong retinue, then this should not give them to be right for Roasting Flame Stone of evergreen immortal preparation, where so will create obstacles. 慕容紫英还处在半死不活的状态,其他三人被这么一问也是纷纷愕然,这个问题他们还真没有想过。既然梭罗树仙是神农的仆从,那么这为梭罗树仙准备的炙炎石不应该不给她们才对,哪会这般刁难。 Evergreen bred two demigod realities went beyond the expectation of Shennong, a body double soul means among two people , to become an immortal must sacrifice the other side surely. The choice and Roasting Flame Stone unify, succeed remove the extraordinary person to become the real immortal, another person died along with the birth of Thoreau fruit, if with the selfish motives, can only let the evergreen result, both sisters must die the price that...... this is they becomes an immortal!” “梭罗树孕育出两位半仙实乃超出了神农的预料,一体双魂意味着两人之间若想成仙必定要牺牲另一方。选择与炙炎石结合,成功则褪去半仙之体成为真仙,另一人伴随着梭罗果的诞生而死亡,若是怀着私念,只能让梭罗树结果,两姐妹都得死……这就是她们成仙的代价!” how like this, I will think that younger sister Chu Bihen as if wanted to become an immortal impatiently, didn't she know this consequence?” “啊怎么会这样,我看那妹妹楚碧痕似乎迫不及待想要成仙了,难道她根本不知道这后果吗?” Han Lingsha is covering mouth cannot think becomes an immortal will really have such condition, looks at the Roasting Flame Stone look in Le Yuan hand is becoming quite complex. To help Xuan Xiao Yun Tianhe wholeheartedly, at this time already is unable to start to Thoreau fruit again. 韩菱纱捂着嘴怎么也想不到成仙竟然会有这样的条件,望着乐渊手中的炙炎石眼神变得颇为复杂。就连一心想要帮助玄霄云天河,此时都已经对梭罗果无法再去下手了。 Walks, witnesses with me this to the sisters last option! This is also their final magnificence, you accompany me to go to experience together!” “走吧,和我一起去见证一下这对姐妹最后的选择!这也是她们最后的辉煌,你们陪我一起去见识一下吧!” Said that Le Yuan took Roasting Flame Stone to move toward the moon/month quiet boundary, but the Yun Tianhe four people followed close on Le Yuan behind, as if also want to look choice that pair of sisters made. 说完乐渊拿着炙炎石走向了月幽之境,而云天河四人紧跟在乐渊身后,似乎也想要看一看那一对姐妹做出的选择。 When Chu Hanjing and Chu Bihen this pair of sisters in seeing Le Yuan walk into moon/month quiet within the boundaries in the look to bring flurriedly from the Burning Flame Cave direction, but does not have therefore to stop, is saluting to say to Le Yuan hastily together: See Young Lord! Congratulates Young Lord to recover to go out!” 楚寒镜楚碧痕这一对姐妹在看到乐渊炙焰洞方向走入月幽之境内时眼神中带着慌乱,但是也没有因此而停下,连忙一起对着乐渊行礼道:“参见少主!恭喜少主痊愈出关!” Snort! You two do the good deed!” “哼!你们两个干得好事!” With Le Yuan coldly snorted, making two sisters' hearts shiver immediately, does not dare to lift to look at Le Yuan, where can only lower the head is waiting for the Le Yuan disciplinary punishment. 随着乐渊一声冷哼,令两姐妹的心头顿时一阵颤抖,头都不敢抬起来看着乐渊,只能低下头在哪里等待着乐渊的惩戒。 „To become an immortal, Ok! Roasting Flame Stone here, but only has one, you said that whom I should give?” “想要成仙,可以!炙炎石就在这里,不过只有一颗,你们说我该给谁呢?” Le Yuan lifts to Roasting Flame Stone on right hand, immediately the huge thermal energy releases from Roasting Flame Stone, making Chu Bihen that has lowered the head unable to bear raise the head to wait and see, later the look was then attracted by this Roasting Flame Stone. 乐渊将自己右手上的炙炎石向上一抬,顿时巨大的热力从炙炎石上释放出来,令一直低头的楚碧痕都忍不住抬起头来观望,随后眼神便被这炙炎石吸引住了。 Young Lord, this Roasting Flame Stone what Dang gives me! My elder sister temper is chilly, unhappy this mortal world all sorts, I am naturally willing to remove the evergreen fetter, follows serves Young Lord in the Young Lord body side! Also asked Young Lord to grant the servants Roasting Flame Stone!” 少主,这炙炎石何当给我!我姐姐性子清冷,自然不喜尘世种种,我愿意褪去梭罗树束缚,跟随在少主身侧侍候少主!还请少主赐予奴婢炙炎石!” Chu Bihen flushes is looking at Roasting Flame Stone that on Le Yuan right hand cuts, if not know oneself are not the Le Yuan opponent, perhaps at this time her already wanted to begin from Le Yuan to seize. 楚碧痕一脸热切的望着乐渊右手上的炙炎石,如果不是知道自己并非乐渊的对手,恐怕此时她已经想要动手从乐渊手上强抢了。 Le Yuan turns around the vision at this time to nearby elder sister Chu Hanjing said: Hanjing, if I do give Bihen you to have the objection Roasting Flame Stone?” 乐渊此时将目光掉转向一旁的姐姐楚寒镜道:“寒镜,若我将炙炎石交给碧痕你可有异议?” When Le Yuan inquired Chu Hanjing, nearby Chu Bihen is looking at her elder sister wickedly, at this time had the idea that her elder sister displaced greatly. 乐渊询问楚寒镜之时,一旁的楚碧痕恶狠狠地望着她的姐姐,此时大有将她姐姐取而代之的想法。 Looks one side will be treating as the personal enemy common younger sister, Chu Hanjing said spookily: Since Bihen wants, Young Lord then gives her Roasting Flame Stone, Hanjing all listens to Young Lord to arrange!” 望着一旁将自己当作仇人一般的妹妹,楚寒镜幽幽说道:“既然碧痕想要,少主便将炙炎石给她吧,寒镜全听少主安排!” Saw only received Roasting Flame Stone Chu Bihen, fiery Roasting Flame Stone will melt her chest fiercely. Chu Bihen stretches out the arms, on the face revealed her since birth the brightest smile, her body gradually fluttered, covers in the First Layer level seven color halo. This time she, seems like this world's joyfully and happiest girl. However, in this incomparable happy feeling, her body also starts to vanish slowly, starts from two feet, disappearance bit by bit. 只见接过炙炎石楚碧痕,将火热的炙炎石猛地融进她的胸膛。楚碧痕张开双臂,脸上露出了她有生以来最灿烂的笑容,她的身子缓缓地飘了起来,笼罩在一层层七彩的光环中。此时的她,似乎是这个世界上最快乐、最幸福的女孩子。然而,就在这无比的幸福感中,她的身体也开始缓缓消失,从两只脚开始,一点一点的消失了。 Chu Hanjing looks at all these, in the eye weeps copiously. She knows that own younger sister already moves toward withering away, but she will also soon accompany her to pass away together, perhaps this best result regarding their sisters. 楚寒镜看着这一切,眼中泪如雨下。她知道自己妹妹已经走向消亡,而她也即将陪着她一起逝去,或许这才是对于他们姐妹而言最好的结局。 Who once thinks, when the body of Chu Bihen has vanished, the Le Yuan actually right hand wielded one group put in the hand from the light group that in the Chu Bihen body was born. But this time was elder sister's Chu Hanjing also discovered exceptionally, theoretically Roasting Flame Stone, regardless of fused result, this Thoreau fruit should be born synchronously, but knows that Chu Bihen fell from the sky this evergreen to be unresponsive, this was really strange. 谁曾想,当楚碧痕的身体都已消失殆尽之时,乐渊却右手一挥将一团自楚碧痕身体中诞生的光团抓进了手中。而此时身为姐姐的楚寒镜也发现了异常,理论上炙炎石无论融合成功与否,这梭罗果都应该同步诞生,但是知道楚碧痕陨落这梭罗树却毫无反应,这实在是古怪之极。 „!” “给!” With Le Yuan this, a scarlet red stone was thrown in the bosom of Chu Hanjing. Chu Hanjing also has Yun Tianhe and the others to look, wasn't this just Roasting Flame Stone? This is how possible, Roasting Flame Stone that already vanishes appeared in the hand of Le Yuan again. 随着乐渊这一声,一个赤红色的石头被抛进了楚寒镜的怀中。楚寒镜还有云天河等人一瞧,这不就是刚刚的炙炎石吗?这怎么可能,已经消失的炙炎石再一次出现在了乐渊的手中。 Just to Bihen Roasting Flame Stone was the counterfeit goods that the hot essence condensed becomes, but Bihen did not vanish into thin air, her Soul here. After you become an immortal, then leads her to go to my world, hopes that you can seize the second opportunity, taught well your younger sister grows again, don't let me down!” “刚刚给碧痕炙炎石乃是火精凝聚而成的假货,而碧痕也并非烟消云散,她的灵魂就在这里。你成仙之后便带着她前往我的世界吧,希望你能把握好第二次机会,好好教导你的妹妹再一次成长,别让我失望!” Hears the younger sister as if also hopefully, already lost the survival significance Chu Hanjing the eyes to shine immediately, integrated own body Roasting Flame Stone. With the Roasting Flame Stone successful integration, Chu Hanjing was reborn probably obtained the genuine immortal body generally. 听到自己妹妹似乎还有希望,原本已经失去生存意义的楚寒镜顿时双眼放光,将炙炎石融入了自己的身体。随着炙炎石成功融合,楚寒镜像是脱胎换骨一般获得了真正的仙身。 But nearby evergreen also some response, Thoreau top of the tree, four giant white flower petals launched slowly, a emerald-green fruit rose, sends out the incomparably gorgeous ray, shines brilliant however entire cave, in simultaneously, the evergreen also started to wither. 而一旁的梭罗树也有了反应,梭罗树顶,四片巨大的白色花瓣缓缓展开,一颗翠绿色的果子升了起来,发出无比绚丽的光芒,将整个石洞照耀得光彩夺目然而,就在同时,梭罗树也开始枯萎了。 But Le Yuan does not yearn for regarding the immortal fruit, threw to Yun Tianhe conveniently. Although harvested the goal of trip, but Yun Tianhe one group of actually cannot feel slight happy intent. 乐渊对于仙果也不留恋,随手抛给了云天河。而虽然收获了此行的目标,但是云天河一行人却感受不到丝毫的喜意。 Becoming an immortal this in people opinion is meddlesome thing, unexpectedly along with so serious sacrifice, even if has taken immortal cultivation as Ziying of own duty unable to accept, walks four people to look at each other speechless from Shennong Cave. 成仙这个在众人看来是好事的东西,竟然伴随着如此沉重的牺牲,就算是一直以修仙为己任的紫英也接受不了,一路从神农洞走出来四人相顾无言。 But obtained Fire Spirit Bead Le Yuan unable to solve regarding within the body cold air strange growth Han Lingsha temporarily, only had to seal into her within the body to help her Fire Spirit Bead suppress the cold air temporarily, as for accompanying Yun Tianhe one line continued to act actually already impossible, his time already, the next space and time jump was without enough time imminent. 而获得了火灵珠乐渊对于体内寒气诡异增长的韩菱纱也暂时无从解决,唯有将火灵珠暂时封入她的体内助她压制寒气,至于陪同云天河一行继续行动却已经不可能了,他的时间已经来不及,下一次的时空跳跃迫在眉睫。 ... ...
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