VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#779: Transformation, Flame Emperor Shennong Cave

Flame Emperor Shennong Cave, handing down was of institutes of the Shennong practicing past three sovereigns, should be grotto-heaven and blessed land have to be above Spiritual Qi of this world, but why did not know Spiritual Qi in hole to have the extremely rich burning, sought ordinary person let alone to cultivate, here treated for a long time in the metropolis/can body the burning, but shortly after assigning/life. 炎帝神农洞,相传乃是昔日三皇之一的神农修行之所,本应是一处洞天福地有着超乎凡尘的灵气,但是不知为何洞中的灵气带着极为浓郁的火毒,寻常人别说是借此修炼,在这里待久了都会身中火毒而命不久矣。 In Extreme Yang bred the thing of Extreme Yin, the Yin-Yang mutual promotion of the five elements truth obtains enormous manifestation in Shennong Cave. Has the place of named moon/month quiet boundary in the Shennong Cave deep place, inside has an immortal tree evergreen that since under the Shennong time was then transplanted, this immortal contains Extreme Yin Spiritual Power to balance in entire Shennong Cave strange Fire Spirit Power. 至阳之中孕育着至阴之物,阴阳相生的道理在神农洞中得到了极大的体现。在神农洞的深处有着名为月幽之境的地方,里面有着一棵自神农时代便被栽植下的仙树梭罗树,这棵仙株蕴含至阴灵力平衡着整个神农洞中怪异之极的火灵之力 But the evergreen bred two evergreen immortals in ten million years time, they only had the air/Qi of balance within the body Extreme Yin to become the immortal only then truly, was separated from the main body evergreen to obtain the body of freedom. But this can balance the evergreen gloom the Roasting Flame Stone treasure to be able only to achieve, what a pity Roasting Flame Stone whereabouts are Shennong Cave most deep place that two evergreen immortals are unable to touch, later today until ten million year, four intruding people helps their helping hand bring back to Roasting Flame Stone. 而梭罗树在千万年的时光中孕育出了两位梭罗树仙,她们唯有平衡体内至阴之气方可真正成为仙人,脱离本体梭罗树获得自由之身。而这唯一能够平衡梭罗树阴气的炙炎石的宝贝才能做到,可惜炙炎石所在之处乃是两位梭罗树仙无法触及的神农洞最深处,直到千万年之后的今日,才有四位闯入的人助她们一臂之力带回炙炎石 „...... Such being the case, must request to go moon/month quiet boundary northwest Burning Flame Cave to take that Roasting Flame Stone, it will send out the enormous thermal energy, is absolutely impossible to admit mistakes.” “……既然如此,就要烦请诸位去月幽之境西北的炙焰洞取那块炙炎石了,它会发出极大的热力,绝无可能认错。” Elder sister Chu Hanjing in evergreen immortal is cold the face to say lightly, if not her younger sister Chu Bihen requested desperately, even if she will cross for over ten thousand years not to bring Roasting Flame Stone again. 梭罗树仙中的姐姐楚寒镜冷着脸淡淡地说道,如果不是她的妹妹楚碧痕苦苦相求,她纵使再过上万年也决不会愿意取来炙炎石 The twin evergreen immortal can only two take its one to combine and complement one another with Roasting Flame Stone, luck success combining and complementing one another is immortal another person of body dying say/way to disappear, the misfortune fusion failure both suffers a defeat and flees. 双生梭罗树仙仅能二取其一与炙炎石合璧,幸运者成功合璧得道成仙另一人则身死道消,厄运者融合失败双双败亡。 Regarding paying attention to kinship, and pure in heart elder sister Chu Hanjing, trivial becomes an immortal does not come importantly, how even the life of this Shennong Cave compared with her younger sister again impoverished, can with her younger sister live together is not lonely. But her younger sister is actually just the opposite with it, the desire of becoming an immortal is graver than the kinship...... 对于重视亲情并且清心寡欲的姐姐楚寒镜而言,区区成仙并不比她的妹妹来得重要,就算这神农洞的生活再怎么清苦,能够与她的妹妹生活在一起都绝不孤独。而她的妹妹却与之恰恰相反,成仙之欲念远比亲情更加深重…… Does not know bad risk Yun Tianhe three people of the Burning Flame Cave advances of toward deep place, but after 34 people left the moon/month quiet boundary, has displayed the miserable younger sister Chu Bihen complexion changes has turned the head to own elder sister, the exciting meaning on face unable to hide. 根本不知道其中凶险的云天河三人向着更加深处的炙焰洞前进,而三四人离开了月幽之境后,一直表现得楚楚可怜的妹妹楚碧痕脸色一变转过头对着自己的姐姐,脸上的兴奋之意根本隐藏不住。 Elder sister ~ we must become an immortal truly, how aren't you happy?” “姐姐~我们就要真正成仙了,你怎么一点都不高兴呢?” Looked at still a naive appearance to think Chu Bihen that can plan to work, how could as elder sister's Chu Hanjing does not know this cup of younger sisters are thinking did not become an immortal together, but robbed Roasting Flame Stone becomes an immortal alone. 望着仍旧一副天真模样自以为能够计划得逞的楚碧痕,作为姐姐的楚寒镜岂能不知这杯妹妹心里想着的可不是共同成仙,而是将炙炎石抢夺独自成仙。 Silly younger sister ~ we have lived have anything is not good here, made noise far away from this mortal world, did not pay attention to the bustling place earthliness, you may know that the immortal road was rough, you elected road and difficult to walk that!” “傻妹妹~我们一直生活在这里有什么不好,远离尘世喧嚣,不理会红尘俗世,你可知道仙路坎坷,你选的的路并不好走!” Looks Chu Bihen that disaster is imminent is not knowing, elder sister Chu Hanjing only has shaking the head to say with a sigh. When she looks at the direction that Yun Tianhe and the others were departing, suddenly she resounded tranquil color on what face to be broken probably instantaneously. 望着大祸临头而不自知的楚碧痕,姐姐楚寒镜唯有摇摇头叹息道。正当她望着云天河等人离去的方向之时,突然她像是响起了什么脸上的平静之色被瞬间打破。 „Not good Young Lord and Young Lord he also training in Burning Flame Cave, if this group of people really go, how could it not be to disturb the Young Lord training, this and should this should do?” “不好少主少主他还在炙焰洞内修养,万一这群人真的前往,岂非打搅了少主的修养,这、这该如何是好?” After elder sister Chu Hanjing makes noise calls out in alarm, as younger sister's Chu Bihen as if also realized anything, their Young Lord may be in the critical moment, if were really disturbed, then their two may really hundred die to be able hardly absolve. 当姐姐楚寒镜出声惊呼之后,作为妹妹的楚碧痕似乎也意识到了什么,她们的那位少主可正处于关键时刻,万一真的被打搅到了,那么她们两个可就真的百死难辞其咎。 Should be all right, before Young Lord came time, but the severe wound was critically-ill! Perhaps I wanted really to restore also to need some date and time, should not have to be broken skillfully......” “应该没事的吧,之前少主来的时候可是重伤垂危啊!我想要真的修复好了恐怕还需些许时日,应该没那么巧被打断吧……” Chu Bihen was saying was saying even she did not have the confidence, this matter did not fear that 10,000 feared the eventuality, moreover this saying can also deceive oneself and others, the disturbed possibility reached as high as 70%. 楚碧痕说着说着连她自己都没有信心了,这事情不怕一万就怕万一,而且她这话也就能自欺欺人,被干扰的可能性高达70%。 Oh younger sister , you Lava Beast King that forgot the master once to raise? Has him to protect Roasting Flame Stone, perhaps even if that group of member Qionghua wants to obtain Roasting Flame Stone still to spend a hard labor, when fierce combat perhaps Young Lord will be awakened!” “唉妹妹啊,你忘了主人曾经豢养的熔岩兽王了吗?有他守护炙炎石,就算那群琼华修士想要取得炙炎石恐怕也要费一番苦工,激战之余少主恐怕会被惊醒!” Worry of Chu Hanjing is not groundless, Lava Beast King is the wild animal that Shennong raises cultivates the monster. From beginning to end only obeys Shennong and Shennong descendant's order, but a flowered grass in this Shennong Cave even is a stone is the Shennong possession, but Roasting Flame Stone this spiritual object is not the bystander can carry off, when Yun Tianhe and the others wanted to take Roasting Flame Stone, it comes out to prevent accidentally/surprisingly. 楚寒镜的担忧并不是全无道理,熔岩兽王神农豢养的野兽修炼成妖的。自始自终都只服从神农以及神农后裔的命令,而这神农洞内的一花一草甚至是一块石头都是神农的所有物,而炙炎石这种灵物更不是外人能够带走的,当云天河等人想要取走炙炎石的时候,它不出意外出来阻止。 Ignorant mortal, this is I advocates the thing of Shennong , dares, excel at and move!!” “无知凡人,此乃我主神农之物,谁、敢、擅、动!!” Huge incomparable Lava Beast King braves from nearby lava purgatory, is looking at the Yun Tianhe four people exhaltedly. The cultivation has of ten thousand years Lava Beast King to take to the Yun Tianhe four people of oppression strength to be inconceivable fully. 庞大无比的熔岩兽王自一旁的熔岩炼狱内冒出来,居高临下地望着云天河四人。修炼足有万载之久的熔岩兽王带给云天河四人的压迫力难以想象。 Although Lava Beast King is not aptitude beasts extremely, practices for ten thousand years still not to become god demon first-level existence, however ten thousand years of accumulation adds on Shennong Cave the addition of special condition, making him have in Central Capital of B level may be called the vigorous monster strength, displayed rare Strength with the aid of the lava topography sufficiently. 虽然熔岩兽王并非资质绝顶的兽类,修行万年依然没有成为神魔一级的存在,但是万年的积累加上神农洞的特殊环境的加成,令他拥有在b级之中都堪称雄浑的妖力,借助熔岩地势足以发挥出超乎寻常的力量 But, we come to take this Roasting Flame Stone for that evergreen immortal, they are also the demigod that Shennong sits down, our trip not for us!” “可是,我们是替那梭罗树仙前来取走这炙炎石,她们也是神农坐下的半仙,我们此行可不是为了我们自己!” Felt the Lava Beast King tyrannical strength, after Liu Mengli was estimating a strength of both sides, argued. 感受着熔岩兽王的强横实力,柳梦璃估量了一下敌我双方的实力后不由辩解道。 Snort! Evergreen immortal? Two ignorant small girl dare unexpectedly so, I and other Young Lord practice in this, how to allow you and others to be dissolute, if not leave, looked that I am not reduced to ashes you!” “哼!梭罗树仙?两个无知小丫头竟然胆敢如此,我等少主在此修行,岂容你等放肆,如不离开,看我不将你们化为灰烬!” Lava Beast King seems to be enduring patiently anything, does not have first to act. 熔岩兽王似乎在忍耐着什么,并没有第一时间出手。 Does not need to talk too much with the evil spirit! Does not need to show mercy!” “和妖物根本毋须多言!更不必手下留情!” With Murong Ziying a few words, both sides do not have the leeway that discussed again, immediately flame of war are flying. Just likes the fountain by the burning hot appearance of Lava Beast King operation in Burning Flame Cave, but Yun Tianhe and the others who the governing sword dodges unceasingly must be able to control Immortal Technique to attack, at the same time is avoiding the lava meteor shower. 随着慕容紫英的一句话,双方再也没有了谈下去的余地,顿时战火纷飞。由熔岩兽王操纵的炙热容颜在炙焰洞内犹如喷泉,而不断御剑闪避的云天河等人必能一手操控着仙术远攻,一边躲避着熔岩流星雨。 The body of Lava Beast King at all is not existence that they can touch, even if the immortal sword of Murong Ziying careful casting is not also able to resist the high temperature in its body, only has Water Immortal Technique to cause the quite considerable damage to Lava Beast King. However the Burning Flame Cave environment decided the Water Immortal Technique might that they can show reduces greatly, immediately situated in walking randomly stage Yun Tianhe and the others of the pressure increases suddenly. 熔岩兽王的身体根本不是他们能够触碰的存在,就算是慕容紫英精心铸造的仙剑亦无法抵挡它身体内的高温,唯有水系仙法熔岩兽王能够造成颇为可观的伤害。但是炙焰洞的环境决定了他们能够施展的水系仙法威力大减,顿时处于游走阶段的云天河等人压力陡增。 Crazy ghost, chasing moon type!” “狂煞,逐月式!” Saw only Yun Tianhe to see an opportunity, pulls out Origin Opening Moon Chasing Bow that must come from Earth Immortal Xia Yuanchen there, later built the sharp sword on seat of honor. Strength that as the whole body erupts fills to pour into the sword blade, immediately wild incomparable attack total hit on the body of Lava Beast King. 只见云天河见准了一个机会,掏出从地仙夏元辰那里得来的开元追月弓,随后搭上手上的利剑。随着全身爆发的力量灌注入剑身内,顿时狂暴无比的攻击全数命中在了熔岩兽王的身上。 Thump thump thump......” “咚咚咚……” The attack of Origin Opening Moon Chasing Bow is not absolutely weak, what when particularly puts forth this move is congealing ice secret art small accomplishment Yun Tianhe, had the ice vigor that to drill into Lava Beast King within the body from the congealing ice secret art with arrow, took to injury of opposite party is the ultra imagination. 开元逐月弓的攻击绝对不弱,尤其是当使出这一招的是凝冰诀小成云天河的时候,由凝冰诀产生的冰劲随着箭矢钻入到了熔岩兽王的体内,带给对方的伤害那是远超想象。 This move of Lava Beast King sent out the unprecedented anger to shout immediately. 中了这一招的熔岩兽王当即发出了前所未有的愤怒嘶吼。 It, three sovereign Shennong subordinate solemn Lava Beast King, how many human that is injured by Nüwa makes today unexpectedly, how could since this shame ten thousand years has received? 它,三皇神农麾下堂堂熔岩兽王,今日竟然被女娲所造的几个人类所伤,这种耻辱万年以来何曾受到过? burning heaven and extinguishing earth 焚天灭地 Even if the decision will alarm Young Lord, must solve these human Lava Beast King no longer to keep the hand as early as possible. 决定就算会惊扰少主,也要趁早解决这几个人类的熔岩兽王不再留手。 The innumerable lava roaring flame raised from the place bedrock thick liquid under the operation of Lava Beast King monster strength, form just like the high sea general roasting flame offensive. The Yun Tianhe four people are to ascend the sky at this time enter roadless impossible, even if wanted to flee from here is also without enough time. 无数的熔岩烈焰在熔岩兽王妖力的操纵之下从地底岩浆上升起,形成了犹如怒涛一般的炙炎攻势。云天河四人此时可谓是上天无路入地无门,纵然想要逃离这里也是来不及了。 When the endless lava rushes has no place to go the Yun Tianhe four people, the courage compared with day also big Yun Tianhe for the first time has felt anything is frightened, the death was close to him. But other three people deeply felt anything to be called to be unable to save the situation similarly, even if were the immortal in average person eyes, facing the strength of fearful incomparable Lava Beast King also passivity. 当无尽的熔岩涌向无处可逃的云天河四人时,一直胆子比天还大的云天河第一次感受到了什么是恐惧,死亡是这么地接近他。而其他三人同样深深地感受到了什么叫做无力回天,纵然是普通人眼中的仙人,面对可怕无比的熔岩兽王也毫无抵抗之力。 When temperature already of lava that burning hot soon fires to Liu Mengli also has the body of Han Lingsha, suddenly the temperature of that burning hot rapidly retreats, peripheral lava that also has the least bit trail, all vanishes without a trace in Kungfu of a blink. 当熔岩那炙热的温度已经快要灼烧到柳梦璃还有韩菱纱的躯体时,突然那炙热的温度迅速退去,周边的熔岩那还剩下半点踪迹,在一眨眼的功夫中全都消失得无影无踪。 Big Brother Le!” Martial Uncle!” Good!” 乐大哥!”“师伯!”“太好了!” Yun Tianhe several people look are keeping off that back before oneself weep excitedly, the bitter experience that this barely escapes made them feel the incomparable kindness to Le Yuan that just like Heavenly God arrived. However Lava Beast King below a few words, made Yun Tianhe four people of Murong Ziying such as be struck by lightning particularly. 云天河几人望着挡在自己身前的那道背影纷纷激动地喜极而泣,这险死还生的遭遇令他们一个个对犹如天神降临的乐渊感到无比的亲切。但是熔岩兽王的下一句话,却令云天河四人尤其是慕容紫英如遭雷劈。 Young Lord! You go out ahead of time, body whether already......” 少主!您提前出关,身体可否已经……” Sees is only regarded as Lava Beast King of life and death archenemy actually to seem like the servant by Yun Tianhe and the others to crawl at this time generally before the body of Le Yuan, but Le Yuan that the object who he worships on bended knees has not seen for a long time, but does Young Lord in its mouth refer to Le Yuan? 只见被云天河等人视作生死大敌的熔岩兽王此时却像是仆人一般匍匐在乐渊的身前,而他跪拜的对象正是许久没见的乐渊,而它口中的少主难道指的是乐渊 Saw only Le Yuan seems like responding to Lava Beast King to wield own right hand generally, later in the sound brought the countless indifference saying: Although the time has some being ahead of time, but already was immaterial, you do very well, goes to my world to rest for the time being!” 只见乐渊像是在回应熔岩兽王一般挥了挥自己的右手,随后声音中带着数不尽的淡然道:“虽然时间有些许提前,但是已经无关紧要了,你做得很好,前往我的世界暂且歇息吧!” Is respectfully follows the life of Young Lord!” “是谨遵少主之命!” With the reply of Lava Beast King, its gigantic incomparable body vanished in Burning Flame Cave, it entire was shifted in Small World by Le Yuan. When Le Yuan processes all these turn around, Murong Ziying or Yun Tianhe, Liu Mengli or Han Lingsha only have one to respond bewitching. 随着熔岩兽王的回答,它那硕大无比的身体消失在了炙焰洞内,它被乐渊整个转移到了小世界之中。而当乐渊处理完这一切转过身来时,无论是慕容紫英还是云天河,柳梦璃还是韩菱纱都只有一个反应妖异 Wrong has not described the Le Yuan feeling to them with bewitching, seeing only Le Yuan, although eye nose each facial features are the original appearances, but looks from the collar crevice faintly to his neck place, has the scarlet red flame demon mark, but in the pupil that pair is beating the blue lightning fears the extraordinary person at this time. 没有错用妖异来形容乐渊对于他们而言的感觉,只见乐渊虽然眼睛鼻子各个五官还是原来的样子,但是隐隐从衣领空隙看向他的脖子处,有着赤红色的火焰魔纹,而那一双跳动着蓝色闪电的瞳孔中此时恐非凡人。 The most important thing is, after Lava Beast King vanishes, Murong Ziying or Yun Tianhe they felt on Le Yuan that inhuman non- monster aura, although did not determine this type of aura the real status, but made them and the others the instinct frightened, only after having Liu Mengli felt this aura, has a kindness from the heart, she seems to be longing for had a more intimate contact in Le Yuan. 最重要的是,在熔岩兽王消失之后,无论是慕容紫英还是云天河他们都感受到了乐渊身上那非人非妖的气息,虽然并不确定这种气息的真实身份,但是却令他们等人本能地恐惧,唯有柳梦璃感受到这股气息后有种发自内心的亲切,她似乎在渴望着于乐渊有更加亲密的接触。 This completes Le Yuan after transformation, since by Chonglou after new Immortal World knocking down this world, he who had not fully restored experiences the special amenities that timed to enull from the bottom quickly again. 这就是完成蜕变后的乐渊,自从被重楼从新仙界打落凡尘之后,一直没有完全恢复的他很快再一次经历了倒数计时归零的特殊待遇。 However is good because of this him time jumps the too much time, passed merely for seven days, but the place that this he presents time is Shennong Cave, but the Chu Hanjing sisters or Lava Beast King were seeing that his moment stated categorically Le Yuan is so-called Young Lord, is Ancestor of Myriad Beasts in their mouth, the kings of numerous monster. 不过好在这一次他并跳跃太多的时间,仅仅是过去了七天,而这一次他出现的地方就是神农洞,而无论是楚寒镜姐妹还是熔岩兽王在见到他的那一刻都一口咬定乐渊是所谓的少主,也就是他们口中的万兽之祖,众妖之王。 When Lava Beast King offered after already Fire Spirit Bead of Shennong Cave burning hot Spiritual Power source, in light of Fire Spirit Bead Strength Le Yuan within the body roasting flame Strength that because Fire Barrier produces was solved finally, however the body of Le Yuan also therefore had some change. 而当熔岩兽王献上了由早就神农洞炙热灵力源头的火灵珠之后,结合火灵珠力量乐渊体内由于火之屏障产生的炙炎力量终于得到了解决,但是乐渊的身体也因此而产生了某种变化。 The nature of demon air/Qi had the change to bring some Roasting Flame Power, when this aura was felt by Lava Beast King, it was stated categorically that Le Yuan was Young Lord that it has waited. To make this Roasting Flame Power achieves mastery through a comprehensive study, to relieve the Reincarnation Round Dance seal, Le Yuan then closed up in this Burning Flame Cave. 魔气的性质产生了变化带着某种炙炎之力,而当这股气息被熔岩兽王感受到的时候,它更是一口咬定乐渊便是它一直等待的少主。而为了令这股炙炎之力融会贯通,也为了解除转生轮舞的封印,乐渊便在这炙焰洞内闭关了起来。 If not Lava Beast King and Yun Tianhe several people of fierce combat, perhaps Le Yuan must continue deep sleep several days, but also because of this sound, Le Yuan can rescue Yun Tianhe several people of securities. 如果不是熔岩兽王云天河几人的激战,乐渊恐怕还要继续沉睡几天,不过也正是因为这个动静,乐渊才能将云天河几人安全救下来。 ... ...
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