VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#778: The red hair, you are quite ruthless

Regarding Le Yuan, saving action already of protagonist four people of groups start, in birth and death four Yun Tianhe situation most can be solved, his cause of disease is backlash that because absurdly from stimulating to movement the strength of Divine Tool withstands, this situation, so long as ceased him to attain Sun Shooting Divine Bow possibly were then enough. 对于乐渊而言,主角四人组的拯救行动已经开始,其中生老病死四项之中云天河的情况最好解决,他的病因乃是由于妄自催动神器之力承受的反噬,这种情况只要杜绝了他拿到射日神弓的可能便足以。 But the Murong Ziying appearance dies of old age years situation no longer really must solve is also very easy to do, the first half of life road that he immortal cultivation stepped onto the crossing, not, but the Murong Ziying aptitude until silver-haired will not have repaired to the immortal body, but wanting makes its becoming an immortal opportunity have, and only then, grasps definitely to be able it to push the Exalted Immortal way. 慕容紫英容颜老去岁月不再的情况的真要解决也很好办,他修仙的前半生路走上了岔道,不然以慕容紫英的资质绝不会直至满头银丝都还未修至仙身,而欲让其成仙机会有且只有一个,把握住完全能够将其推上仙途。 But Han Lingsha morning dead present already was solved a big difficult problem by Le Yuan, at least Han Lingsha limit already in the Ghost World life and death book no longer was these years matter, now threatens her only to have lodging of Wangshu Sword only, but wanted to relieve this condition only to change the Han Lingsha Extreme Yin life standard. 韩菱纱的早死现在已经乐渊解决了其中的一大难题,最起码在鬼界的生死簿上韩菱纱的大限已经不再是这几年的事情,现在唯一威胁着她的唯有望舒剑的寄宿,而想要解除这种状态唯有改变韩菱纱至阴的命格。 But only has the Liu Mengli situation most to be hard to grasp, after all her living establishes lies in the situation of best friend friend separation, wants to make it vanish unfortunately only has to convince his mother, but this point actually cannot be solved by the military force. 而唯有柳梦璃的情况最为难以把握,毕竟她的生是建立在于至交好友分离的情况下,想要令其不幸消失唯有说服其母,但是这一点却不是靠武力能够解决的。 However these at present are not the key points, the current key point was the countdown on Le Yuan Quest is only left over again is less than the half-day time must enull. The previous nulling operation causes Le Yuan directly in protagonist missed entire one month, whom these enulls to know how long time again must pass. 不过这些目前都不是重点,目前的重点是乐渊任务上的倒计时再一次只剩下不到半天的时间就要归零了。上一次的归零导致乐渊直接于主角们的差了整整一个月的时间,这一次再度归零谁知道又要过去多久。 Now issue, Le Yuan that does not understand completely. Was studied by him all from top to bottom, simply had not discovered that oneself has what unusual place. This issue cannots be found anywhere, the law of solution is not naturally able to start, Le Yuan can only place hopes, when that situation discovered again when can discover anything. 现在自己身上的问题,乐渊那是完全搞不明白。浑身上下全都被他研究了遍,根本没有发现到自己有什么异常的地方。这问题无处可寻,解决之法自然也就无从下手,乐渊只能寄希望于当那种情况再一次发现时能够发现些什么。 With last night Han Lingsha big show/unfolds invincible might, displayed to just like the magic arts of miracle to make this surrounding area several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) yellow sand certainly the wonderland, even if has met Boxian Town of person of immortal cultivation is to still be during the vigorous discussion at this time. 随着昨夜韩菱纱大展神威,施展犹如神迹的法术令这方圆数万里的黄沙绝地成为了人间乐土,就算是一直遇见修仙之人的播仙镇此时也是处于激烈的议论之中。 After all although the Kunlun Mountain gentleman on immortal cultivation is all-resourceful, but made Boxian Town obtain Ganlin clear spring already to be their ability limits, can make several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) terrain conduct the tremendous changes, this ability only had Immortal God to achieve. 毕竟昆仑山上的修仙之士虽然神通广大,但是令播仙镇获得甘霖清泉已经属于他们的能力极限,能够令数万里的地形进行翻天覆地的变化,这种能力唯有仙神可以做到。 Yesterday evening if were not Le Yuan shifts the Han Lingsha casting sound, perhaps in Kunlun Mountain a numerous school has acted as soon as one gets the news, but also was does obeisance this to bestow Han Lingsha that fuzzy facial features also to be seen by the Boxian Town resident. Merely one night passes by, in most Boxian Town resident families/home were many a facial features fuzzy idol, they worship this to grant them day and night the big piece productivity land the goddess. 昨晚上如果不是乐渊韩菱纱施法的动静进行转移,恐怕昆仑山上一众门派早就闻风而动了,不过也是拜此所赐韩菱纱那模糊的面容被播仙镇的居民也看到了。仅仅一夜过去,绝大多数播仙镇的居民家中便多了一个面容模糊的神像,他们日夜祭拜这赐予他们大片丰饶土地的女神。 Han Lingsha is not Immortal God, is not naturally able to obtain the direct-viewing advantage from this incense and candle Thought Power. However this does not represent these incense and candles not to have the function regarding Han Lingsha, must be blessed by God is the Han Lingsha nowadays condition of saying, later wants the incense and candle to be unceasing, Han Lingsha in practicing to become an immortal on a way basically to open access. 韩菱纱本身并非仙神,自然也无法从这香火念力之中得到直观的好处。但是这并不代表这些香火对于韩菱纱全无作用,如有神助说的就是韩菱纱现如今的状态,以后只要香火不断,韩菱纱在修行成仙一途上基本上就是畅通无阻的。 Ehm doing good whole person Spiritual Strength many , are really the person meets celebration spirit to be crisp, but your excellency does not know that my most repugnant others do hide in mystically my behind? Also does such matter by your grade of status, how could it not be too not being self-possessed status!” “嗯啊做了好事整个人都精神力量许多,真是人逢喜事精神爽,不过阁下难道不知道我这个最讨厌别人神神秘秘地躲在我的身后吗?以你这等身份还做此等之事,岂非太不自重身份了!” Le Yuan was saying the direction looks behind toward oneself, although there is empty, but has the vision that not minces together radically. Le Yuan sensation strength non- slow, this vision since Le Yuan stimulated to movement two spirit bead after the body of Han Lingsha yesterday then has stared on oneself, but now day after very early in the morning , the vision won, making Le Yuan somewhat unable to support. 乐渊说着向着自己身后方向望去,虽然那里空无一物,但是却有着一道根本毫不掩饰的目光。乐渊的感知力又非迟钝至极,这种目光自从乐渊昨日借韩菱纱之体催动两颗灵珠之后便一直盯在自己身上,而当今日一早之后目光更胜,令乐渊自己都有些撑不住了。 However if possible Le Yuan to grasp this peeping at person, the strength of opposite party actually cannot be underestimated, at least Le Yuan in the skill of this concealment figure is unable to clutch him. 不过如果可能乐渊更愿意自己将这个窥视的人抓出来,不过对方的实力却不容小觑,最起码在这隐匿身形的本事上乐渊根本无法将他揪出来。 Snort! Status? You also know that what is called the dead weight status, how could to block you at big of your skill under the Heavens, why also to do intentionally mystically spins nearby one group of mortals, did you forget yourself are what status?” “哼!身份?你也知道什么叫做自重身份,以你之本事天下之大岂能阻你,又何必故作神秘在一群凡人跟前打转,你难道忘了你自己是什么身份吗?” As has the voice of magnetic young man together, before body of Le Yuan, not far away transmits one hardly to be possible the feeling space to fluctuate, but opens in the gateway that from this space fluctuation a scarlet hair red pupil, the scarlet brand of red demon mark as well as forehead on nape of the neck records, what is most essential is that is different from Monster Qi, but with Le Yuan demon air/Qi extremely similar aura. 随着一道带着磁性的年轻男子的声音,乐渊的身前不远处传来一阵几乎不可感的空间波动,而从这空间波动打开的门户之中一个赤发红瞳,脖颈上的红色魔纹以及额头的赤火印记,最为关键的是那不同于妖气,而和乐渊身上的魔气极度相似的气息。 This all sorts of performance link, that immeasurably deep strength, all aims at an demon the clue, Demon World most powerful demon Demon Venerable Chonglou. 这种种表现结合在一起,还有那深不可测的实力,全都将线索指向一个魔,魔界最为强大的魔魔尊重楼 Demon Venerable Chonglou, after three sovereigns hidden go is the powerhouse who in Six Worlds ranks among the best, but today sees the strength really to live up to reputation. True level, without existence of least bit moisture content, some Le Yuan even feelings, oneself perhaps , if not put forth the full power to have by the second killing possibility. 魔尊重楼,在三皇隐去之后便是六界中数一数二的强者,而今日一见实力果然名不虚传。真真正正的级,没有半点水分的存在,乐渊甚至有种感觉,自己如果不使出全力的话恐怕有被秒杀的可能性。 Has not thought of until now demon service busy Demon Venerable Chonglou, will notice existence of my such unimportant person, but also is really unusual!” “没想到一直以来魔务繁忙的魔尊重楼,也会注意到我这么一个小人物的存在,还真是稀奇啊!” Saw that the Le Yuan pupil of Demon Venerable Chonglou shrinks, although the body restrained, but conscientiously did not adjust the best resistance condition, was very afraid a Demon Venerable Chonglou word not to hit at earliest convenience. 见到魔尊重楼乐渊瞳孔一缩,身体虽然克制住了,但是不自觉地调整到了最好的反抗状态,深怕魔尊重楼一言不合就打起来。 Unimportant person? Divine Consciousness hoodwinks did not know especially, in the past, at the present, in the future, you had not been clear are actually playing what role, if you so-called unimportant person, the main body is anything!” “小人物?神识蒙蔽尤不自知,不在过去,不在现在,不在未来,你根本还不清楚自己究竟扮演着何种角色,你若是所谓的小人物,本尊又算什么!” The Demon Venerable Chonglou last few words tone single layer, the atmosphere in room becomes unprecedented tight immediately, in the Chonglou words has to Le Yuan frivolous castigation, has regarding the disappointment that Le Yuan this type has not known completely. 魔尊重楼的最后一句话语气一重,顿时屋子里的气氛变得前所未有的紧张,重楼话语中既有着对乐渊轻佻的苛责,也有着对于乐渊这种完全没有自知的失望。 Regarding expecting too much that in Demon Venerable Chonglou this tone disclosed that what although Le Yuan had doubts are however more was in own curiosity regarding his eye, according to the response of Demon Venerable Chonglou came to see Le Yuan as if long ago then already and he is acquainted, the friendship was evidently great. 对于魔尊重楼这语气中透露出的恨铁不成钢,乐渊虽然疑惑但是更多的是对于他眼中的自己的好奇,按照魔尊重楼的反应来看乐渊似乎早在很久以前便已经和他相识,看样子交情还不浅。 However by Demon Venerable Chonglou this at all not the attitude that ordinary person cares, how many can have by character Six Worlds that in he attaches great importance to? But Le Yuan associated to oneself on again the strange condition and that not in the past, not at the present, not in the future the evaluation, his already had a guess to own present condition, but also need many confirmations. 不过以魔尊重楼这样根本不把常人放在心上的态度,能够被他重视的人物六界之内又能有几个?而乐渊再联想到自己身上的诡异状态和那一句“不在过去,不在现在,不在未来”的评语,他已经对自己现在的状态有了一个猜测,但是还需要更多的确认。 Demon Venerable you, since knows why not to say actually I am who? I am also very curious, actually I am playing what kind of role in Six Worlds, will make solemn Demon Venerable so regard as important!” 魔尊你既然知道,何不说说我究竟是谁?我也很好奇,我究竟在六界之中扮演着怎样的角色,会令堂堂魔尊都如此看重!” Can make clear itself as soon as possible in the true status in this world, benefits the Le Yuan following action, what is more important was Le Yuan really does not want really to arrive at the critical moment to fall short as a result of the asymmetric information. 能够尽早搞清楚自己在这个世界的真正身份,有利于乐渊接下来的行动,更为重要的是乐渊实在是不想真到了关键时刻由于信息不对称而功亏一篑。 „To know? Then to the main body demonstrated that your strength, said much useless only has the strength to make you have the qualifications to inquire to me!” “想要知道?那么向本尊展示你的实力吧,多说无益唯有实力才能令你有资格向我提问!” , Demon Venerable Chonglou wrist blade Flame Wave Blood Blade in wrist/skill springs, brings cold light Flame Wave Blood Blade absolutely is being a unrivalled demon soldier, is 1 st shows merely then makes not to have the murderous aura Chonglou as if incarnation to have been through repeatedly the unrivalled demon god of bloody battle. 噌的一声,魔尊重楼的手腕上的腕刀炎波血刃弹出,带着寒光的炎波血刃绝对是一柄旷世的魔兵,仅仅是初一展现便令原本毫无杀气重楼仿佛化身为历经血战的旷世魔神。 Does not hit, no?” “不打,不行吗?” Good, Le Yuan indeed asked that a silly issue, from Demon Venerable Chonglou revealed that since that moment of pointed weapons fights already is not then able to stop. Le Yuan just blurted out, then patted own forehead to think of anything probably. 好吧,乐渊的确问出了一个傻问题,从魔尊重楼亮出兵刃的那一刻起战斗便已经无法停止。乐渊刚刚脱口而出,便一拍自己的脑门像是想到了什么。 Good, you want to hit me to accompany, but here is not the place that hits, your I seek an unmanned institute, hits a happiness!” “好,你想打我奉陪,不过这里不是打的地方,你我寻一处无人之所,打个痛快!” Stared by Demon Venerable Chonglou, Le Yuan also knows oneself is unable to flee, can only pat the head to say. 魔尊重楼盯上,乐渊也知道自己是无法逃离了,只能一拍脑瓜如是说道。 But Chonglou is not completely the unreasonable demon, although he regards human is the ants, but this will not represent him to slaughter innocents. Chonglou to a Le Yuan nod, under the foot of next second of Le Yuan is presenting the space to transmit imprint, Le Yuan does not revolt, no matter what has this imprint to have the function. 重楼也不是完全不讲道理的魔,虽然他视人类为蝼蚁,但是这并不代表他会滥杀无辜。重楼对着乐渊一点头,下一秒乐渊的脚底下出现空间传送烙印,乐渊也不反抗任有这枚烙印产生作用。 When Le Yuan at present flashes, still appeared in the midair, he governing wind lie in in the air sized up toward all around immediately, discovered that surrounding Spiritual Qi far ultra this world, but that floated the hanging island in midair to explain to Le Yuan innumerably here was new Immortal World. 乐渊的眼前一闪,依然出现在了半空之中,他当即御风停驻在空中向着四周打量了起来,发现周围灵气远超凡尘,而那无数浮在半空中的悬空岛正向乐渊说明着此处乃是新仙界 While Le Yuan is sizing up here time, his back feels the absolutely terrified feeling immediately, then does not wait and see under foot magic power emblem to appear, the under foot stepped on jumps to leap immediately turns over/stands up to stop on a hanging pavilion. Saw only just his whereabouts to be cut by blood-color Demon Qi Blade together, the Demon Qi Blade place visited did not have the thing not to cut, if Le Yuan evaded not to dodge early already incarnation two. 正当乐渊打量着这里的时候,他的后背顿时感到毛骨悚然之感,也不回头观望脚下魔力纹章出现,脚下一踩顿时纵身一跃翻身停在了一座悬空亭台上。只见刚刚他所在之处被一道血色魔气刃斩过,魔气刃所过之处无物不斩,乐渊如果避闪不及早已经化身两段。 But the distant place just put down Demon Venerable Chonglou of wrist blade coldly to Le Yuan smiles, later raised wrist blade in the hand to turn toward Le Yuan to clash again. 而远处刚刚放下腕刃的魔尊重楼对着乐渊冷冷一笑,随后扬起自己手中的腕刃再一次向着乐渊所在冲了过来。 The weapon on Chonglou is the sharp weapon that deserves, is not suitable resists hardly. Le Yuan of deep understand this point only has golden Gungnir takes out, the trail arms are facing Chonglou to rush over. 重楼手上的武器乃是当之无愧的利器,不宜硬抗。深深明白这一点的乐渊唯有将金色的永恒之枪取出,提枪正面对着重楼冲了过去。 Strength of both sides no longer online, the Chonglou level and Le Yuan half level seems like that only misses the frontline, however in the battle efficiency that is the overwhelming disparity. Therefore if Le Yuan does not rely on the special body to snatch the advantage at the beginning of the fight, then the following fight do not want to continue 双方的实力本就不再一条线上,重楼的级和乐渊的半步级看似只差一线,但是在战斗力上那是压倒性的差距。因此乐渊如果不凭借着特殊的身体在战斗之初抢得优势,那么接下来的战斗也别想继续了 Golden Gungnir brings the endless fresh breeze, the innumerable golden spear/gun shadow composed a Gold Dragon entire to swallow Demon Venerable Chonglou unexpectedly, the innumerable spear/gun shades encircled Chonglou in this moment, from turned toward Chonglou situated in center to attack in all directions. 金色的永恒之枪带起无尽的劲风,无数的金色枪影竟然组成了一条金龙将魔尊重楼整个吞下,无数枪影在这一刻将重楼团团围住,从四面八方向着位于正中的重楼攻了过来。 But Chonglou is the red pupil becomes the unprecedented redness in this moment that probably entire pupil by blood-color package, but stood completely understood in central him probably attack in all directions was ordinary, the spear/gun shadow where attacked in the wrist blade by his hand was blocked. 重楼在这一刻那是红瞳变得前所未有的赤红,像是整个眸子被血色包裹,而站在中央的他像是看透了四面八方的攻击一般,无论是从哪里攻过来的枪影均被他手中的腕刃拦下。 The both sides offense and defense interlocks unceasingly, the war for focus gradually turns toward the balanced change from the attack of Le Yuan, Le Yuan assaults the little advantage that comes to be moved by absolute Strength by Chonglou. 双方不断地攻守交错,战局从乐渊的攻击为主逐渐向着平衡变化,乐渊抢攻得来的一点点优势正在被重楼以绝对的力量搬回去。 Two people until now Strength in the confrontation of skill, how otherwise the entire new immortal sword can withstand eruption of both sides, but even if in so new immortal sword floats the spatial island also fought complementary waves strikes to explode, moreover along with the promotion of fight, all of new immortal sword has the completely destroyed trend greatly. 两人直到现在还是力量于技巧的交锋,不然整个新仙剑如何能够承受双方的爆发,不过纵然如此新仙剑内的浮空岛也一个个被战斗的余波击爆,而且伴随着战斗的升级,新仙剑的一切大有被完全摧毁的趋势。 Looks that presses on step by step Demon Venerable Chonglou that and accomplishes a task with ease, Le Yuan holds Gungnir body already to be hit several times, by body that Flame Wave Blood Blade cuts while hand by aura of intrusive mass burning hot, has with Spiritual Qi that inside and outside Fire Spirit Bead forms greatly jointly attacks. 看着步步紧逼而且游刃有余的魔尊重楼,乐渊手执永恒之枪的身体已经被数次击中,被炎波血刃划破的身体在手上的同时被一股炙热之气息侵入体内,大有和火灵珠形成的灵气内外合击。 Chonglou has not shown the complete strength, but Le Yuan wants to win a time only has opportunity. 重楼还没有施展出全部的实力,而乐渊想要胜利唯有一次机会。 When Chonglou prepares once again the wrist blade delimits to the chest of Le Yuan, on Le Yuan immediately by the blue magic power package, because insufficiently on fire Spiritual Power influence complete body Devil Form has the unnatural red, the speed and Strength comprehensive promotion Thunder Eyes at the same time Le Yuan erupts in this moment full power. 重楼又一次准备将腕刃划向乐渊的胸口之时,乐渊身上登时被蓝色的魔力包裹,不够由于火灵力的影响完全体魔人形态身上带着不自然的红色,速度、力量全面提升的同时乐渊雷瞳在这一刻全力爆发。 Speed, pinnacle speed coordination a thorn under Gungnir, so long as such punctures before the attack of Chonglou arrives falls on his body, the victory that then these fights time then set. 速度,极致的速度配合下的永恒之枪的一刺,只要这样的一刺在重楼的攻击降临之前落在他的身上,那么这一次战斗的胜局便定下了。 According to the Le Yuan present condition, the Devil Form speed addition Bullet Time speed addition, can hit him before the Chonglou attack hit absolutely. However in a Le Yuan spear/gun prompt piercing to the body of Chonglou, Chonglou the red pupil in the eye of Le Yuan ignited probably flaminged the flame, later all reversed. 按照乐渊现在的状态,魔人形态的速度加成外界子弹时间的速度加成,绝对能够在重楼攻击命中之前击中他。但是就在乐渊的枪一点点刺向重楼的身体时,在乐渊的眼中重楼的红瞳像是燃起了炽焰,随后一切全都逆转了过来。 Wonderful slow incomparable Chonglou in the Le Yuan eye, the speed is becoming quick at the inconceivable speed, and quick exceeded at present Le Yuan under this condition, and a blade before Le Yuan stabbed the heart of Le Yuan. 原本在乐渊眼中奇慢无比的重楼,速度正在以不可思议的速度变快,并且很快就超越了目前这个状态下的乐渊,并且在乐渊之前一刀刺中了乐渊的心脏。 Flame prison kills!” “炎狱杀!” With Chonglou these three character spouts, erupts the unprecedented strong flaminging flame attack from the Chonglou wrist blade. 随着重楼的这三个字吐出口,从重楼腕刃上爆发出前所未有强劲的炽焰攻击。 Pricks the wrist blade of Le Yuan body to add on the flaminging flame that explodes from Le Yuan within the body, the attack that both add together entire struck to fly Le Yuan immediately, but sends out Chonglou anything that this struck not to do, was looks at the body of Le Yuan merely from in the air falling under. 刺入乐渊身体的腕刃加上从乐渊体内爆炸的炽焰,两者相加的攻击登时将乐渊整个击飞了出去,而发出这一击的重楼什么都没有做,仅仅是看着乐渊的身体自空中坠下。 Withstands Le Yuan that this struck, although had not died, but under the severe wound is incapable radically flight, crashed from new Immortal World directly to this world. To be continued. 承受了这一击的乐渊虽然并未死亡,但是重伤之下根本无力飞行,直接从新仙界坠落向了凡尘。未完待续。 ... ...
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