VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#777: Martial Uncle, others want

Qionghua Sect Sword Dancing Plain, in disciple room/house Nvjian some room, just Liu Mengli that returned after the restricted area also had Han Lingsha just prepared to wash goes to sleep, then saw that originally only had in their rooms to present the form of third person, the candlelight dragged the third person of shadow drags long to appear gloomy and grim old especially. 琼华派剑舞坪,弟子房女间的某个屋子内,刚刚从禁地归来的柳梦璃还有韩菱纱刚刚准备洗漱之后睡下,便见到本来仅有她们两人的屋子里面出现了第三个人的身影,烛光摇曳将第三人的影子拖得老长显得格外阴森可怖。 But Han Lingsha or Liu Mengli are not the common females, saw in suddenly own room presented existences of others, takes the lead to think has the enemy. Han Lingsha that is the movement transfers quickly compared with the brain, a full moon pair of thorn that the waist has not unloaded appears in the hands immediately, later to a shadow locale thorn. 而无论是韩菱纱还是柳梦璃都不是一般女子,骤然见到自己屋子里面出现了其他人的存在,率先想到的却是有敌人。韩菱纱那是动作远比脑子转得快,腰间还未卸下的望月双刺登时出现在手间,随后对着黑影所在处一刺。 Has experienced two rounds of tests of Qionghua, all the way disciplines Han Lingsha or Liu Mengli, or talent best Yun Tianhe is the strength rises sharply, broke through the Jianghu person in abundance for a lifetime the Refine Qi into Spirit stage that is hard to be, thus becomes the powerhouse of C level, Qionghua basic Mantra and controlling sword technique that fur/superficial knowledge the coordination just learned, immediately became half member from a Jianghu person. 经历过琼华的两轮考验,还有一路上的磨练无论是韩菱纱还是柳梦璃,亦或者天赋最佳的云天河都是实力大涨,纷纷突破了江湖人士一辈子都难以达到的炼气化神阶段,从而一跃成为了c级的强者,配合刚刚学到的琼华基本心法御剑之术的皮毛,顿时从一介江湖人士变为了半个修士。 The leap of this strength takes to Han Lingsha them is the unequalled self-confidence and decisiveness, since this has punctured contained Strength in the speed is this days the integration of fight essence. The full moon that Dash Thorn comes has not had the slight wind sound/rumor, but on the full moon that fine steel casts what brings is the unequalled cold air, short in January/one month is less than Kungfu Lingsha then already changed to own Strength within the body cold air. 这实力的飞跃带给韩菱纱她们的是无与伦比的自信和果断,这一刺所蕴含的力量于速度是她这段日子以来战斗精华的集成。突刺而来的望月未带起丝毫的风声,而那精钢铸成的望月上带着的是无与伦比的寒气,短短一月不到的功夫菱纱便已经将体内寒气化作了自己的力量 “啪 Such powerful incomparable strikes, even if is also no one may keep off in the Qionghua disciple younger generation, but was such a strikes to be been relaxed to meet by the shadow. 这么强大无比的一击纵然是在琼华弟子年轻一代中也是无人可挡的,但是就是这么一击被黑影轻轻松松得接了下来。 Lingsha! Does your want me dead? Asked I also to give you a big ritual to come, came me to give Mengli again!” 菱纱!你就这想要我死吗?拜托我原本还想要给你一份大礼来着,再来我可就送给梦璃了哦!” Can sneak in so the time to naturally is Le Yuan that two female rooms also receive this to strike, saw only his right hand relaxed buckle to keep off in Lingsha wrist/skill general thorn in own chest front unknown. 能够在如此时间潜入到两女房间并且接下这一击的自然是乐渊,只见他右手轻轻松松扣在菱纱的手腕上将这一刺挡在了自己的胸前未知。 Martial Uncle ~ 师伯~” After Han Lingsha that strikes has not become, exudes the acting like a spoiled brat sound to make the Le Yuan whole body tremble, tsundere incomparable Han Lingsha acts like a spoiled brat that to really be ordinary person is hard to resist, but the vision of one side Liu Mengli that hidden bitterness made Le Yuan hit to tremble, loosened the wrist/skill of Han Lingsha immediately. 韩菱纱那一击未成之后,发出了撒娇声令乐渊浑身一颤,傲娇无比的韩菱纱撒起娇来那可真是常人难以抵挡,而一旁柳梦璃那幽怨的目光令乐渊更是打了个寒颤,立马松开了韩菱纱的手腕。 Was sorry, I have one specially am the big ritual of Lingsha preparation, could alleviate the Lingsha your physical state temporarily, this is also I can help you now only, hopes that can make you ask that curse!” “抱歉了,我有一桩专门为菱纱准备的大礼,或许能够暂时缓解一下菱纱你的身体情况,这也是我现在唯一能够帮到你的,希望能够令你拜托那个诅咒吧!” Curse?” “诅咒?” Without Han Lingsha reacted, has looked Le Yuan Liu Mengli incomparably is looking at Han Lingsha stunned, although she has been eager for quick success and immediate gain regarding Han Lingsha the pursue immortal feels the doubts, until now but actually knows this for anything. 没等韩菱纱作出反应,一直看着乐渊柳梦璃就错愕无比地望着韩菱纱,她虽然一直对于韩菱纱急功近利似的追求长生感到疑惑,但是直到现在才知道这究竟是为了什么。 But Han Lingsha is astonished incomparable, her own situation has not said with others, has not thought that pointed out frankly by a Le Yuan word unexpectedly, and added that can help her relieve the short-lived curse, almost made Han Lingsha kneel at the scene. 韩菱纱更是惊愕无比,她自己的情况从来没有和旁人说过,没想到竟然被乐渊一言道破,并且还说能够帮助她解除短命的诅咒,差点令韩菱纱当场跪下来。 Sees only Han Lingsha no matter also what men and women against issue, direct both hands grip the right arm of Le Yuan to look up the face of Le Yuan, pasted on the difference before the Le Yuan head interrogates. 只见韩菱纱也不管什么男女之防的问题,直接双手攥着乐渊的右臂抬起头望着乐渊的脸,就差贴在乐渊脑袋前质问了。 Martial Uncle, did your saying really say is? I, I really can relieve the curse, your my clansman they......” 师伯,你这话说得可是真的?我,我真的可以解除诅咒,你我的族人他们……” Han Lingsha may not only want to relieve itself on the short-lived curse, but also wants to help own Han clansman, this really must say that is not the general corruption. 韩菱纱可不仅仅想要解除自己身上的短命诅咒,还想要帮助自己的韩氏族人,这真要说起来可不是一般的贪。 Le Yuan took from own arm both hands of Han Lingsha calmly, later oneself both hands according to try to make her tranquil on the Han Lingsha shoulders. 乐渊不动声色地将韩菱纱的双手从自己的手臂上拿了下来,随后自己的双手按在韩菱纱的双肩上试着让她平静下来。 Ok, Lingsha! A situation of your clan is special, I can rescue your unable now completely, wants to rescue your clansman that basic harder than scaling the blue sky again. A curse of your clan in the final analysis is because robs a grave to create, wants to permanently cure, only if your clan gives up robbing a grave forever!” “好了,菱纱!你们一族的情况非常特殊,我现在能够救你一人也未能完全,想要再救你的族人那根本难于上青天。你之一族的诅咒归根结底乃是由于盗墓造成,想要根治除非你们一族永远放弃盗墓!” Gives up robbing a grave? We cursed because of this, how possibly? A our clan generation robs the rich and helps the poor in the law of tomb raider, has not sought to obtain profit by this, deceased person already was buried, bottles of cans of bases that these are buried along with the dead cannot use, brings the person who them helps need, what wrong also there is?!” “放弃盗墓?我们诅咒是因为这个,怎么可能?我们一族世代以盗墓之法劫富济贫,并未以此谋取私利,死人都已经入土了,那些陪葬的瓶瓶罐罐根本用不上,把它们拿来帮助更需要的人,又有什么错?!” Han Lingsha was then instilled into this consciousness since childhood, never has to feel a reason of own clan short life is unexpectedly related with this, is unable to accept at once. 韩菱纱从小便被灌输这种意识,从来没有觉得自己一族短寿的原因竟然与此有关,一时之间根本无法接受。 Oh where is so simple! The Han generation robs a grave, always thinks that the person has been buried, in grave household utensils, when may bring to rescue the living person, who would have thought Heaven and Earth is divided into Six Worlds, God, Demon, Immortal, Monster, Human, and Ghost, the Six Worlds life does not enter the samsara besides the demon, even if will be the god of keeping aloof also by the ghost the form will enter the Ghost World waiting reincarnation, the ghost such as the living person will also be common, has own sentiments and own all sorts of missing......” “唉哪有这么简单!韩氏世代盗墓,总以为人已入土,墓中器皿当可拿来救助活人,岂知天地分为六界,神魔仙妖人鬼,六界生灵除魔不进入轮回之外,纵然是高高在上的神也会以鬼的的形式进入鬼界等待投胎,鬼也如活人一般,有自己的感情、自己的种种思念……” „A your Han clan robs a grave at the same time, alarmed resting of these dead, the nature encountered the postil in the Ghost World life and death book, not only the life span extreme, after dying, must by service repayment before death sin, only if accomplishes to help the Heaven and Earth big merit, otherwise this curse can only depend on little good repays because of the good results......” “你们韩氏一族盗墓的同时,也惊扰了这些死者的安息,自然在鬼界的生死簿遭到了批注,不但寿命极端,死后还需以劳役偿还生前的罪孽,除非造就有益于天地的大功绩,不然这种诅咒只能靠着一点点善因善果来偿还……” Le Yuan talked about clearly the reason of curse, even if Han Lingsha thousand do not believe that also has to accept this explanation, but before own faith was completely broken in this moment, the whole person knelt down weak on the ground, the tears fell little on the ground. 乐渊都把诅咒的原因说得如此清晰了,韩菱纱纵使千般不相信也不得不接受这个解释,而以前自己的信念在这一刻被彻底打破,整个人无力地跪倒在了地上,眼泪一点点掉落在了地上。 Le Yuan in room also has Liu Mengli to hear several names from her mouth faintly, parents, uncle......” 屋内的乐渊还有柳梦璃隐隐从她的口中听到数个名字,“爹、娘,伯父……” Le Yuan also has Liu Mengli to help up from the ground Han Lingsha jointly, but Han Lingsha also knows that now own appearance is unattractive, is cleaning the already inflamed eye hastily, choked was saying to Le Yuan: Martial Uncle, actually you rescue my method are what, really can't help my clansman?” 乐渊还有柳梦璃联手将韩菱纱从地上扶起,而韩菱纱也知道现在自己的样子并不好看,连忙擦拭着已经红肿的眼睛,哽咽着对乐渊说道:“师伯,你救我的方法究竟是什么,难道真的不能连带着帮我族人吗?” Regarding this Le Yuan can only shake the head, first did not say that the Le Yuan time remains the not many , helping a Han clan radically without enough time, even if really has that time, Le Yuan does not have the means to help, the sword moves with side stroke this is equal to want Le Yuan to subvert the Heaven and Earth rule directly, but the orthodox method time needed extremely in long, radically is patient and persistent work. 对此乐渊只能摇摇头,先不说乐渊的时间所剩无多,根本来不及去帮助韩氏一族,就算真有那个时间,乐渊也没有办法去帮,剑走偏锋这等同于要乐渊直接颠覆天地规则,而正统方法所需的时间又太过于漫长,根本就是水磨工夫。 Han Lingsha is not a completely unreasonable girl, knows that own request indeed was extremely at harsh a point, can only lower the head silently calmly is thinking. 韩菱纱也不是个完全不讲道理的女孩,知道自己的要求的确是太过于苛刻了一点,只能默默低下头静静地思索着。 But Le Yuan also rushes to time, does not attend to Han Lingsha and Liu Mengli is anything responded, two hands held the arms of two people one on the left and other on the right, next. three seconds the people appeared in the wilderness outside Qionghua Sect thousand li (500 km). 乐渊也赶时间,不顾韩菱纱柳梦璃是什么反应,一左一右两只手抓住了两个人的手臂,下一秒三人出现在了琼华派千里之外的荒漠之中。 The desert in curtain of night is exceptionally cold, made Han Lingsha hence cannot help but hit to tremble suddenly suddenly. 夜幕之中的沙漠异常寒冷,骤然之间让突然至此的韩菱纱都不由得打了个寒颤。 Martial Uncle, what you lead me to come to here to make, does here seem like the desert outside Boxian Town to come? Wait, there is......” 师伯,您带我来这里做什么,这里似乎是播仙镇之外的沙漠来得吧?等等,那里是……” Suddenly felt Han Lingsha that here exceptionally looks familiar, was attracted by some Scenario of distant place suddenly, immediately put forth the law of governing sword to fly to in the air, later occupied a commanding position to look at the distant place, there without doubt was he days before had gone to Yuehe Village. 突然觉得这里异常眼熟的韩菱纱,忽然被远处的某个场景所吸引,顿时使出御剑之法飞往了空中,随后居高临下望着远处,那里无疑是他前几日曾经去过的月河村 When Han Lingsha falls the Le Yuan side, actually this little while some not understand Le Yuan wanted to make what, big evening's arriving this wilderness, here conceals what can relieve the curse Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures to be inadequate? 韩菱纱重新落回乐渊的身旁,她这会儿有些不明白乐渊究竟想要做些什么了,大晚上的来到这荒郊野外,难道这里藏着什么能够解除诅咒的天材地宝不成? Le Yuan took out just Water Spirit Bead that snatches from Su Yao there from the space backpack, immediately sent out endless Water Spirit Power Water Spirit Bead to attract Han Lingsha and Han Lingsha liangs girl's vision, but took the lead is not Han Lingsha that Water Spirit Bead recognized, but was Liu Mengli. 乐渊从空间背包里面取出了刚刚从夙瑶那里抢来的水灵珠,登时散发着无尽水灵之力水灵珠韩菱纱个女孩的目光吸引住了,而率先将水灵珠认出来的不是韩菱纱而是柳梦璃 This is Water Spirit Bead!” Own within the body has Holy Spirit Pearl, but the name of Water Spirit Bead blurted out from the Liu Mengli mouth. “这是水灵珠!”自己体内就有着一颗圣灵珠,而水灵珠之名从柳梦璃的口中脱口而出。 Han Lingsha after the prompt of Liu Mengli, makes the contrast Thunder Spirit Bead that in the Water Spirit Bead appearance and clan recorded immediately, quick recognized it. 韩菱纱经过柳梦璃的提示,立马也将水灵珠的外貌和族中记载的雷灵珠做了对比,很快就将其认了出来。 Daytime time Sect Master Su Yao just refused to loan Water Spirit Bead, this evening's Le Yuan then took Water Spirit Bead, these two under a contrast, Han Lingsha and generous had a direct-viewing reflection regarding the Le Yuan ability immediately. Even Qionghua Sect Master seems like miser covering-up does not put the treasure, actually took by Le Yuan conveniently. 白天的时候掌门夙瑶才刚刚拒绝借出水灵珠,这晚上乐渊便将水灵珠拿了出来,这两相一对比之下,韩菱纱对于乐渊的能耐和慷慨顿时有了一个直观的映像。连琼华掌门都像是吝啬鬼似的藏着掖着不放的宝贝,竟然被乐渊随手拿了出来。 But with the appearance of this Water Spirit Bead, among Le Yuan breaths in another hand presented one to send out the brown ray, had and another bead of Water Spirit Bead almost same contour. Although already was shaken early heavily by Le Yuan, but Han Lingsha while seeing the Le Yuan hand bead called out in alarm. 而随着这枚水灵珠的出现,乐渊一息之间另一只手上出现了一枚散发着土黄色光芒,拥有和水灵珠几乎一样外形的另一颗珠子。虽然早已经乐渊震得不轻,但是韩菱纱还是在见到乐渊手中珠子的同时惊叫了起来。 „Is Earth Spirit Bead, really Earth Spirit Bead? Martial Uncle, your was really and is really...... is too fierce!” 土灵珠,真的是土灵珠吗?师伯,你这真是、真是……太厉害了!” Does not know how should describe Le Yuan Han Lingsha, finally can only put out such a word. Indeed is fierce incomparable, seeking ordinary person, let alone obtains two five spirit bead, can it see finally entire life luck was a, but can collect two spirit bead like Le Yuan has the big destiny person without doubt. 不知道该怎么形容乐渊韩菱纱,最终只能吐出这么一个词来。的确是厉害无比,寻常人被别说是得到两颗五灵珠,能够终其一生见到一个就算是运气不错了,而像乐渊这样能够收集到两颗灵珠无疑是有着大气运的人。 Big Brother Le, are you with these two spirit bead, want to rescue this Yuehe Village resident? Didn't only need Water Spirit Bead enough?” 乐大哥,你拿这两颗灵珠,难道是想要救助这月河村的居民?难道不是只需要水灵珠就够了吗?” Liu Mengli looked at Le Yuan to take out two seriously, in the heart has certain guesses, immediately asked. 柳梦璃望着乐渊郑重其事地取出两颗,心中已然有了某些猜测,随即开口询问道。 This Yuehe Village peripheral issue, if depends on Water Spirit Bead naturally also to solve only temporarily, but not goings to the roots of the problem eventually, wants to obtain the water source, can the place that but this already changes how return the source? The geomancy changes needs to govern eventually its fundamentally, has Earth Spirit Bead Strength to assist to be able completely to solve surely, but this is a big merit, could at one stroke the Lingsha problem also perhaps, therefore this protagonist was you time, Lingsha!” “这月河村周边的问题如果单靠水灵珠自然也可暂时解决,但是终究是治标不治本,想要求得水源,但这已经变化的地方如何能够返还本源?风水变化终究需要治其根本,有土灵珠力量协助定能彻底解决,而这可是一桩大功德,或许能够一举解决菱纱的问题也说不定,所以这一次的主角就是你了,菱纱!” Was saying Le Yuan threw in two spirit bead the hand of Han Lingsha, this received two spirit bead Lingsha suddenly appears is thrown into confusion, held two spirit bead not to know that hurriedly should should do. 说着乐渊将两枚灵珠抛掷到了韩菱纱的手中,这骤然接到两枚灵珠菱纱显得手忙脚乱,匆匆忙忙捧着两枚灵珠不知道该如何是好。 Looks at the Han Lingsha appearance, Le Yuan also knows that cannot totally depend on her own to come, immediately a direction in the Han Lingsha forehead position, next second of also somewhat flurried Han Lingsha immediately becomes calm incomparable. 看着韩菱纱的模样,乐渊也知道不能完全靠她自己来了,随即一指点在韩菱纱的眉心位置,下一秒原本还有些慌乱的韩菱纱登时变得沉着无比。 Saw only two hands to hold spirit bead Han Lingsha to fly one on the left and other on the right slowly to the midair, at this moment two spirit bead released the unprecedented powerful ray in the hand of Han Lingsha, Earth Spirit Power and Water Spirit Power at this moment became active incomparable, but also has the Yuehe Village resident who this phenomenon attracted. 只见一左一右两只手托着灵珠韩菱纱慢慢飞向了半空之中,这一刻两颗灵珠韩菱纱的手中释放出前所未有的强大光芒,土灵之力水灵之力这一刻变得活跃无比,而被这异象所吸引的还有月河村的居民。 Outside they go out, looks up in the sky just like Heavenly God born general Han Lingsha to lower the head bows politely, probably in muttered to pray anything to the Han Lingsha mouth. 他们一个个走出室外,抬起头看着天空中犹如天神降世一般的韩菱纱不由纳头叩拜,像是在向韩菱纱口中喃喃自语祈祷着什么。 Becoming along with spirit bead just like small Sun to be generally dazzling, Strength in two spirit bead were urged to send to the limit in the Han Lingsha hand, endless water Spiritual Power and earth Spiritual Power spew out to interweave from spirit bead are filling to pour into the vast desert of under foot. 伴随着灵珠变得犹如小太阳一般耀眼,两颗灵珠中的力量韩菱纱手中被催发到极限,无尽的水灵力和土灵力灵珠中喷涌而出交织着灌注入脚下的这一片沙海之中。 Pours into with magnanimous Spiritual Power, the limitless vast desert is having the remarkable change by the speed that the naked eye may distinguish, the endless vast desert vanishes to disappear, what replaces it is a black wilderness, that are innumerable the young light green seedling that grows unceasingly, this vast desert is then returning to the fertile land again. 呃随着海量的灵力注入,无边无际的沙海正以肉眼可辨的速度发生着惊人的变化,无尽的沙海消失不见了,取而代之的是一片黑色的旷野,还有那无数正在不断生长出来的稚嫩绿苗,这一片沙海正在重新便回肥沃的土地。 The Yuehe Village resident also some all witnessed all these Boxian Town residents to be all crazy, they incomparably are thanking this lead(er) a stretch of land to restore the vitality devotionally Han Lingsha, but this long process has continued about the most night. But two spirit bead Strength exhaust, the total changed into Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi to vanish without the trace 月河村的居民还有所有见证了这一切的播仙镇居民全都疯狂了,他们无比在虔诚地感谢这领着一片大地重新恢复生机的韩菱纱,而这一漫长的过程一直持续了将近大半个夜晚。而两颗灵珠力量耗尽,全数化为了天地灵气消失无踪 Falls returns to the ground Han Lingsha to seem exceptionally weary, but her death air/Qi actually downplays the degree of almost vanishing in this moment. Although all these are Le Yuan complete with the aid of the body of Han Lingsha, but very obvious world turned over to the merit on the body of Han Lingsha, the Heaven and Earth merit also had humanity to believe the function on Han Lingsha, not only pursued most curses for her, will also make her future practicing twice the result with half the effort. 重新落回到地上的韩菱纱显得异常疲劳,但是她身上的死气却在这一刻淡化到了几近消失的程度。虽然这一切是乐渊借助韩菱纱的躯体完成的,但是很明显世界将功劳归在了韩菱纱的身上,天地功绩还有人道信仰作用在韩菱纱身上,不但为她驱逐了大部分的诅咒,还令她将来的修行事半功倍。 Returned to Qionghua Sect own room two already tired girls, Le Yuan leaves Qionghua Sect to stop over in Boxian Town in the rest of time temporarily. 将两个已经累的女孩重新送回琼华派自己的房间,乐渊离开了琼华派在剩余的时间中于播仙镇暂时逗留了下来。 ... ...
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