VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#791: The sword ties up closes imaginary, the war breaks out( asked to subscribe)

After Xuan Xiao and Su Yu two people obtain Wangshu and Wangshu liangs sword, although has not concealed existences of these two immortal swords, but regarding their functions Xuan Xiao or Su Yu keep mouth shut, Le Yuan also ties up the Huanming World matter to keep silent to the double sword. 玄霄夙玉两人得到望舒柄剑之后,虽然并没有掩饰这两柄仙剑的存在,但是对于它们的作用无论是玄霄还是夙玉都是三缄其口,就连乐渊也对双剑缚幻瞑界的事情只字不提。 But after this day, just Yun Tianqing of some facial expression became more dispirited. Because must control good Wangshu and reasons of Xihe two immortal swords, Xuan Xiao and Su Yu two people often must use the miraculous jade algae to go to the restricted area to close up, this made two people relations progress by leaps and bounds. If not for wholeheartedly two -and-a-half years of later Huanming World arrives to be busy at work, perhaps two person already crossed guarding of that men and women. 而在这一日之后,刚刚有些气色的云天青变得更加颓废了。由于要操控好望舒羲和两柄仙剑的缘故,玄霄夙玉二人时常要利用灵光玉藻前往禁地闭关,这更加令两人的关系突飞猛进。如果不是一心为了两年半以后的幻瞑界降临忙活,恐怕两个人已经越过了那道男女之防。 As the double sword already casting finished, regarding casting the sword incident as well as looking for the sword Lord Qionghua Sect elders stood still finally again, but they do not have to be lax as before. 而随着双剑已经铸造完毕,一直对于铸剑一事以及寻找剑主的琼华派长老们终于再一次停歇了下来,不过他们依旧没有松懈下来。 In order to arrange to resist the Huanming World war in the future, their incarnations are urging the cultivation of Qionghua Sect each disciple for the devil Teacher, suddenly the Qionghua Sect disciples complained constantly. 为了筹备未来对抗幻瞑界的大战,他们一个个化身为魔鬼师长督促着琼华派各个弟子的修炼,一时间琼华派的弟子们叫苦不迭。 However Le Yuan has not completely given up Yun Tianqing and Su Xin, no matter how said that other Qionghua Sect people can die, how these two said that is also the character of peace advocation group, if cultivation base insufficiently died in Qionghua Sect in the Huanming World war, a loss. 不过乐渊也没有完全放弃云天青夙莘,不管怎么说琼华派其他人可以死,这两个怎么说也算是主和派的人物,如果修为不够死在了琼华派幻瞑界的大战之中,岂不是一种损失。 But Le Yuan in the following 2 years, besides studying the Qionghua Sect swordsmanship, more is urges the cultivation of Yun Tianqing and Su Xin, as for strength of the most troublesome double sword fetter, although depended on the Wangshu Sword research in Small World to have the little progress, what a pity was also only a progress. 乐渊在接下来的2年中,除了研究琼华派的剑法之外,更多的便是督促云天青夙莘的修炼,至于最麻烦的双剑束缚之力,虽然靠着小世界内的望舒剑研究有了一点点的进展,可惜也只是一点进展而已。 As Qionghua Sect all sends in the condition of being has prepared, basically news already in faction blocks completely, together in other seven schools of Kunlun Mountain, although nearly does not have the slight news. 随着琼华派全派一直处在备战的状态中,基本上派内的消息已经完全封锁,就连同在昆仑山的其他七派离得虽近却也没有丝毫的消息。 Over time, three years terminal in approaching. Even if the ordinary disciple could not feel, but Le Yuan actually discovered in the close observation hidden turns toward Huanming World that Qionghua Sect approaches in the midair unceasingly, the Huanming World place visited has like the tide turbulent unusual condition, so long as enough can still infer its direction of advance carefully. 随着时间的流逝,三年之期终于来临了。就算普通弟子根本感觉不到,但是乐渊却在密切的观察中发现了隐藏在半空中不断向着琼华派逼近的幻瞑界,幻瞑界所过之处都有着如同潮汐动荡的异状,只要足够仔细也能推断出它的前进方向。 , Huanming World already arrived at the Qionghua Sect top of the head on the 1st, but as Sect Master Daoist Master Taiqing hands down the order to the disciple who is all sending suddenly in the Rolling Cloud Stage set. Le Yuan heard this order to guess correctly immediately the idea of Daoist Master Taiqing, wanted without doubt after the double sword fettered Huanming World, sent the hanger-on disciple to the Huanming World search immediately, best found the Huanming World Spiritual Qi abundant reason. 一日,幻瞑界已经来到了琼华派的头顶,而身为掌门太清真人突然对着全派的弟子传下命令在卷云台集合。乐渊听到这一声命令立马猜到了太清真人的想法,无疑是想要在双剑束缚幻瞑界之后,立马派遣门下弟子前往幻冥界搜查,最好是找到幻瞑界灵气充沛的原因。 Solely fetters Huanming World to extract Spiritual Qi by the double sword forcefully, not only regarding becoming Xuan Xiao and Su Yu of pressure double sword host is large, is the gain does not equal the loss, is very likely to create Xuan Xiao and Su Yu regarding the control drop of double sword binding force, making Huanming World sneak off. 单单靠双剑束缚幻冥界强行抽取灵气,不但对于成为双剑宿主的玄霄夙玉压力颇大,更是得不偿失,极有可能造成玄霄夙玉对于双剑束缚力的操控下降,令幻瞑界溜走。 After all regarding Xuan Xiao and Su Yu they were too young, if there are ten years wore to them slowly, Strength of Wangshu and Wangshu liangs sword can drain Huanming World Spiritual Qi absolutely easily. 毕竟对于玄霄夙玉而言他们两个还是太年轻了,如果有着十年的时间给他们慢慢磨合的话,望舒剑的力量绝对能够轻而易举地将幻瞑界灵气抽干。 However regarding Daoist Master Taiqing, what Le Yuan wanted to say was too young, too simple. Although one big white beard, but thinks that the matter thinks too simply. Also or is he extremely in small and weak that Huanming World Dream Tapir thinks, thinks Dream Tapir Clan that is not good at fighting is incapable of revolting radically. 不过对于太清真人,乐渊想要说的是还是图样图森破。虽然一大把白胡子了,但是想事情还是想得太简单。亦或者是他把幻冥界梦貘想的太过于弱小,以为不擅长战斗的梦貘一族根本无力反抗。 Therefore until still has not revealed to arrive at the Rolling Cloud Stage truth to the hanger-on disciple, even forthcoming Huanming World also has not conducted any explanation. This caused the floor disciple completely not to prepare regarding the forthcoming Huanming World numerous monsters, under this accomplished was caught off guard the heavy casualties. 因此直到现在依然没有对门下弟子袒露来到卷云台的真相,甚至连即将出现的幻瞑界同样没有进行任何的说明。这就造成了底层弟子对于即将出现的幻冥界众妖全然没有准备,这才造就了措手不及之下的重大伤亡。 „, The master asked us to come to here, how not to see Senior Brother Xuan Xiao and form of Sister Su Yu, did they still cultivation in the restricted area?” “诶,师傅叫我们来这里,怎么不见玄霄师兄夙玉师妹的身影,难道他们还在禁地里面修炼吗?” Yun Tianqing is seeking for two people of forms in a group of Qionghua Sect disciple looking all around, but had not discovered after the goal, voiced the slightly disappointed opinions. 云天青东张西望地在一大群琼华派弟子中寻找着二人的身影,不过没有发现目标后发出了略显失望的感叹。 Looks completely had not been detecting that on Rolling Cloud Stage Yun Tianqing of unusual aura, Le Yuan pats his shoulder to draw him to at the same time, is using the sound that only then two people can hear is entrusting in his ear bank. 望着全然没有发觉卷云台上异样气息的云天青,乐渊一拍他的肩膀将他拉到一边上,用着只有两个人才能听到的声音在他的耳畔嘱托着。 Tianqing, if then what happened is surely calm, your cultivation base is high and other little while you then to seek for Junior Sister Su Xin, forms two person Sword Formation with her, is mainly for defense, does not may advance recklessly, knew?” 天青,接下来如果发生了什么事千万要冷静,你的修为较高等会儿你便去寻找到夙莘师妹,和她结成双人剑阵,以防为主,万万不可冒进,知道了吗?” Hears Le Yuan these words suddenly, Yun Tianqing appears is at a loss, does not know actually completely Le Yuan this words are what intent. But here Qionghua Sect Rolling Cloud Stage, moreover is building up Qionghua Sect all disciples, even a Sect Master elder combined evidently, such a group of people caused a stir in under the Heavens Strength sufficiently. Will have does not keep eyes open comes to pick a quarrel? 骤然听到乐渊的这番话,云天青显得茫然若失,完全不知道乐渊此话究竟是何意。这里可是琼华派卷云台,而且还集结着琼华派所有的弟子,看样子连掌门个长老都一并来了,这么一群人可是足以轰动天下力量。难道还会有不长眼的前来寻衅? Yun Tianqing just wanted to ask anything, actually saw Le Yuan to lift the right hand to stop his question, on the face incomparable serious, familiar Le Yuan Yun Tianqing nature understand Le Yuan this appearance, means the words that he spoke absolutely were very earnest, did not crack a joke. 云天青刚想要开口问些什么,却见乐渊抬起右手制止了他的问话,脸上无比的严肃,熟悉乐渊云天青自然明白乐渊这个样子,意味着他所说的话绝对是非常认真的,绝不是开玩笑。 Tianqing, your my same side three years, but when am I your brothers?” 天青,你我同门三年,可当我是你的兄弟?” „The person who this...... entire Qionghua Sect, I most am convinced was the Senior Brother you, how can not work as the brothers you!” “这……整个琼华派,我最服气的人就是师兄你了,怎会不把你当兄弟!” Yun Tianqing after hearing this saying was anxious, is striking one's chest to say hastily. Although he in ordinary day glib is not proper, but actually very heavy sentiment, until now Le Yuan supports him to pursue Su Yu, even if others thought that Yun Tianqing is hopeless, Le Yuan still has not given up him. 云天青一听这话就急了,连忙拍着胸脯道。他虽然平日里油腔滑调的不正经,但是却非常重感情,一直以来乐渊支持他追夙玉,就算其他人都觉得云天青毫无希望,乐渊依然没有放弃过他。 How many such Senior Brother can under the Heavens find? Therefore Yun Tianqing treats as the blood brother to regard Le Yuan simply, has Le Yuan such Senior Brother to have him to be able in the bored Qionghua Sect entire three years, otherwise is Su Yu may be unable to make his three years of continuously self-torture even if. 这样的师兄天下能够找到几个?是故云天青简直把乐渊当作亲兄弟看待,有乐渊这样的师兄存在他才能在无聊的琼华派整整三年,不然纵然是夙玉可能也无法令他三年一直苦修。 Good, since me, when the brothers look. Then just my words you remembered to me, the Qionghua Sect road made a mistake, but I will correct this mistake, hopes that our two brothers in the future do not have that day of resorting to arms!” “好,既然把我当兄弟看。那么刚刚我的话你就给我记牢了,琼华派的路错了,而我将纠正这个错误,希望我们两兄弟将来不要有兵戎相见的那一天!” Hey, Senior Brother Tianqing......” “嘿,天青师兄……” Not far away transmitted Su Xin that to just like the oriole clear voice suddenly, but heard the opposite party to shout itself, Yun Tianqing turned around to greet to her immediately, when Yun Tianqing has turned the head again, actually discovered that Le Yuan already vanished to disappear. 不远处突然传来了夙莘那犹如黄鹂般清脆的声音,而听到对方在呼喊自己,云天青随即转身向她打招呼,但是当云天青再度转过头的时候,却发现乐渊已经消失不见了。 Strange, Senior Brother Le today was, strange, weird and incomprehensible,...... the pointed weapons didn't meet like former him? Will our sentiment with the brothers, how possibly resort to arms?” “奇怪,乐师兄今天是怎么了,古古怪怪、神神叨叨的,一点也不像从前的他……兵刃相见?我们情同兄弟,怎么可能会兵戎相见呢?” Looks at already to vanish Le Yuan of no trace, the Yun Tianqing whisper said. 望着已经消失无踪的乐渊,云天青嘀咕道。 Senior Brother Tianqing, is really, others just want to ask that your master he calls many disciples to come Rolling Cloud Stage to make anything, how you pay no attention to others!” 天青师兄,真是的,人家正想问你师傅他召集众多门人来卷云台做什么呢,你怎么不理人家!” Su Xin mumbled the mouth to send out the discontented complaint. 夙莘嘟囔着嘴发出了不满的抱怨。 A Rolling Cloud Stage corner/horn, drifts like the lotus flower small-scale platform slowly in in the air, on the stage in a female hand is grasping a tall and slender treasured sword, looks serious and respectful to stand, her white clothing, usually wins the snow clear, Yun Tianqing discovered as far as eyes can reach that is not just Su Yu that he misses with hardship has not actually seen? 卷云台的一角,一座如莲花般的小型平台缓缓飘浮在空中,台上一名女子手中握着一柄细长的宝剑,敛容而立,她一身白衣,清素胜雪,云天青一眼望去发现那不正是他苦苦思念却未曾见得的夙玉吗? But in the Su Yu opposite, a male disciple who wears a clothing/taking stands on the stage with deep veneration, in the hand also grasps a orange red treasured sword, whole body is passing spirited aura, Xuan Xiao that this person also had not just seen. 而在夙玉的对面,一个身着道服的男弟子肃然站在台上,手中也握着一柄橙红色的宝剑,全身上下透着一股激昂的气息,此人正是刚刚同样未曾见到的玄霄 When Yun Tianqing looks is lost in thought that seeing only stands in lotus flower platform two people have the right hand to shake, immediately their personal immortal sword Wangshu and Xihe let go to depart, is revolving when the stage, rapidly high, almost cannot see, that two swords attack suddenly from top to bottom, when the sword point also have several the inch to the floor, stopped suddenly. 正当云天青看得出神之际,只见站在莲花平台上的二人有右手一抖,顿时他们的贴身仙剑望舒羲和脱手飞出,在台上旋转着,越飞越高,几乎看不到时,那两柄剑突然又自上而下地直插下来,剑尖离台面还有数寸时,忽地停住了。 Sees only from two immortal swords, suddenly transforms yellow blue two light groups, the light group that two are sending out the strange ray moves around the sword blade unceasingly. Afterward that two light groups had the consciousness to be common probably, was separated from the sword blade, mutually twining, is flying straightly to the sky. 只见从两柄仙剑上,突然幻化出一黄一蓝两个光团,两个散发着奇异光芒的光团围绕着剑身不断旋转。随后那两个光团像是有了意识一般,一齐脱离了剑身,相互缠绕着,笔直地向天空飞去。 Yun Tianqing and the others in the eyes, two light group that are flies toward the sky. However in the concealment in nearby Le Yuan eye, that truly straightly toward going into hiding Huanming World of figure hit. 云天青等人的眼中,两个光团那是向着天空飞去。但是在隐匿于一旁的乐渊眼中,那确实笔直地向着隐匿了身形的幻瞑界撞了过去。 As the light ball has delimited fast, the light ball has delimited the place, presented a bright light beam unexpectedly, attacks into the clouds, hears a loud sound, the light beam revolves unexpectedly slowly. 随着光球飞快地划过,光球划过的地方,竟然出现了一道明亮的光柱,直插入云霄,又听见一声巨响,光柱竟然缓缓旋转起来。 Sees only in the sky to follow bang the loud sound, emerged out of thin air unexpectedly a terrifying strange black face, that seems like a face of terrifying giant beast, this sudden made all Qionghua disciples become confused. 只见天空中伴随着轰隆巨响,竟然凭空出现了一个恐怖诡异的黑脸,那像是一只恐怖巨兽的脸,这突然出现的一幕令所有的琼华弟子慌了手脚。 However the mutation had not ended, along with loud sound that has not stood still, bunch huge burns the giant stone of dull purple flame to drop from the clouds, pounded in the disciple of building up unexpectedly directly. 不过异变没有结束,伴随着从来没有停歇的巨响,一团团巨大的燃着暗紫色火焰的巨石从天而降,竟然直接砸到了集结的弟子之中。 Has not waited for this crowd of ordinary Qionghua disciple understand these giant stones is anything, the sound gets up, on the giant stone presented a crack, along with bang an explosion, giant stone entire blasting open, unexpectedly is the tapir shape huge giant beast that inside appears. 没有等待这群普通的琼华弟子明白这些巨石是什么,阵咯嚓声响起,巨石上出现了道道裂纹,伴随着嘭的一声爆炸,巨石整个炸裂,里面出现的居然是貘状的庞然巨兽。 In the disciples completely has not experienced this monster, immediately has the disciple to be startled to scream: Is the tapir, the tapir monster! Many tapir monsters!” 弟子之中也不是全然没有见识过这种妖怪的,当即就有弟子惊叫出声来:“是貘,貘妖!好多的貘妖啊!” Sees only in dozens giant stones that fall from the sky, drilled huge Dream Tapir without exception in abundance, they are maintaining the monster body condition, appeared then plunged the Qionghua disciple, without slight, because, acted is kills to incur. 只见从天空中坠下的数十颗巨石里面,无一例外纷纷钻出了巨大的梦貘,他们一个个维持着妖身状态,一出现便扑向了就近的琼华弟子,没有丝毫的由于,一出手便是杀招。 But completely has not been learned the Qionghua disciple who attended the meeting to run into the monster, how suddenly completely forgot to hit back, broke in Dream Tapir in their crowd to chase down by this crowd, actually with completely did not have one to have the thoughts counter-attack. 而全然没有料到会遇到妖怪的琼华弟子,一时间全然忘了该怎么还手,被这群冲入他们人群中的梦貘追杀着,竟然拿全然没有一个有心思反击。 But Yun Tianqing when sees Heavenly General Dream Tapir, then remembers Le Yuan had just spoken the words suddenly, cannot attend to pondering that actually Le Yuan sends from where, draws out sharp sword along hastily, protects and sustains in oneself young Junior Sister Su Xin side, Dream Tapir that pays attention to kill, while sends out the battlefield her. 云天青在看到天将梦貘的时候,便骤然想起了乐渊刚刚说过的话,也顾不得细想乐渊究竟是从何而致的,连忙是拔出随身的利剑,护持在自己小师妹夙莘的身旁,一边注意着杀出来的梦貘,一边将她送出战场。 But big Senior Brother Xuan Zhen when the Qionghua disciples are utterly routed, shouts sternly greatly: Everyone should not be startled, draws a sword to oppose the enemy quickly!” 而大师兄玄震琼华弟子们溃不成军的时候,厉声大喊道:“大家不要惊慌,快拔剑对敌!” What a pity was frightened flusters the rare flower disciples of hands and feet unable to hear his shouting, in running away of being in haste, is many disciples bites to death and steps on by Dream Tapir lethal, while Dream Tapir assumes an awe-inspiring pose, when follows up a victory with hot pursuit, the golden light sword crashes from the midair in together, several Dream Tapir that will be capturing the Qionghua disciple deducted at the scene two sections. 可惜被吓得慌了手脚的琼花弟子们已然听不见他的呼喊,在慌手慌脚的逃窜之中,又是不少弟子被梦貘咬死、踩踏致死,正当梦貘发威,乘胜追击之时,一道金色光剑自半空中坠落,将追捕着琼华弟子的几只梦貘当场劈成了两截。 Sees only Daoist Master Taiqing to stand above void, looks at an numerous to run away, the distressed Qionghua disciple said sternly: Qionghua disciple, can it be that the generation of sneaking away at a critical juncture!” 只见太清真人立在虚空之上,望着一众逃窜,狼狈至极的琼华弟子厉声说道:“琼华弟子,岂是临阵脱逃之辈!” Had existence of Sect Master, all Qionghua disciples looked like reassured immediately, immediately organized the effective defense line, to is inferior Dream Tapir of Qionghua disciple number started encircling. 有了掌门的存在,所有的琼华弟子当即就像是吃了一颗定心丸,顿时一个个组织起了有效的防线,对着远逊于琼华弟子数量的梦貘发动了围剿。 As Qionghua Sect most powerhouse appears, Huanming World advocates Chan You also to arrive at the battlefield imperceptibly. When a Taiqing (Grand Purity) sword wanted to finally fleeing Dream Tapir, Chan You struck to go well the attack of Taiqing (Grand Purity) breaks. 而随着琼华派的最强者出现,幻瞑界之主婵幽也在不知不觉中降临战场。当太清一剑欲要结果了一只奔逃的梦貘时,婵幽一击得手将太清的攻击打断。 A man and a woman, a person of monster, two big expert get together in Rolling Cloud Stage, a war is ready. 一男一女,一人一妖,两大高手齐聚卷云台,一场大战蓄势待发。 ... ...
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