VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#774: The predecessor planting trees later generation enjoys the cool air

King of Huainan tomb Pill Room, with existence of beforehand rear palace generally completely no evil spirit, here and entrance seems like the restricted areas of all evil spirits generally, has no evil spirit to dare to cross this forbidden area to come here. 淮南王陵墓丹室,和之前的后殿一般全然没有什么厉鬼的存在,这里和入口一般像是所有厉鬼的禁地,根本没有哪一个厉鬼胆敢越过这禁区来到这里。 Entire Pill Room does not know that is because had been found, enters in Pill Room that to call in a complete mess, not only everywhere is various not well-known bottles of cans, even bamboo slip and so on thing was lost everywhere is. 整个丹室也不知道是不是由于被人找到过,一进入丹室内那叫一个一塌糊涂,不但满地都是各种不知名的瓶瓶罐罐,连竹简之类的东西都被丢得满地都是。 Le Yuan picks up a bamboo sword from the ground casually, glanced several then understand from above merely the bamboo slip above content, the general idea/careless offered the pill prescription such and such alchemists, so long as gathered all sorts of secret medicine to refine uninterruptedly for 7749 days, then refined to make the person ascension in broad daylight pill of immortality sufficiently. 乐渊随便从地上捡起一份竹剑,仅仅是从上面瞟了几眼便明白了竹简上面的内容,大意是将某某方士献上丹方,只要集合种种秘药不间断炼制七七四十九天,便足以炼制出能令人白日飞升的仙丹。 However bamboo slip Le Yuan of this ghost talk looked at 34 then to know basic impossible merely, must say this Sword and Fairy World the law of becoming an immortal, although and many, but did not have certainly to the so careless way. By taking the compounded drug becomes an immortal? Since the ancient times almost never has heard very few, what moreover offers the pill prescription is a Wuming (Nameless) alchemist, where only mortal can have this skill. 不过这种鬼话连篇的竹简乐渊仅仅是看了不过三四眼便知道根本不可能,要说这仙剑世界的成仙之法,虽然并不少,但也绝无向这般草率的方式。靠吃丹药成仙?自古以来就少之又少几乎从未听说过,况且献上丹方的还是一个无名方士,区区一个凡人而已哪能有这种本事。 Person who if gives the becoming an immortal pill prescription, is of Shennong three sovereigns, Le Yuan will have 70% trusts, but this stemmed from the human pill prescription that to link one point of trust on the basis not to have. Le Yuan took referring to as the pen in this letters high and low final postil incomprehensible nonsense. 如果说给出成仙丹方的人,是三皇之一的神农,乐渊还会有70%的信任,而这出自人类的丹方那就根本连一分信任都没有了。乐渊以指为笔在这份书简上下了最终批注“狗屁不通”。 But looks like on Le Yuan the record of this letters in entire Pill Room innumerable, in countless bottles of cans is in these letters the pill refining medicine end product, but has the medicine of extremely strong side effect without exception, some even simply are not the medicines, but is the poison. 而像乐渊手上这份书简的记录在整个丹室里面数不胜数,还有不计其数的瓶瓶罐罐里面就是这些书简上所炼丹药的成品,但是无一例外都是有着极强副作用的药物,有的甚至干脆不是药而是毒。 This becoming an immortal said that since the ancient times that is very harmful, particularly regarding the nobilities is so. After all has no other desire the already body to their already of humane peak, most fears died on the contrary, becomes an immortal then becomes their only pursues, human that what a pity since the ancient times can become an immortal is very few. 这成仙之说自古以来那是害人不浅,尤其是对于王侯将相而言更是如此。毕竟已经身至人道顶峰的他们已经别无他求,最怕的反倒是死亡,成仙便成为了他们唯一的追求,可惜自古以来能够成仙的人类少之又少。 Finished all letters postils, the point point that the Le Yuan body dissipates is angry gradually by a ground crimson jade pot absorption, that above seal Strength is also dissipating little, intermittent Ghost Qi releases from the jade pot. 将所有的书简批注完毕,乐渊身上逸散出来的点点生气逐渐被地上一个绯红的玉壶吸收,那上面的封印力量也在一点点消散,时有时无的鬼气从玉壶中释放出来。 But read here all letters Le Yuan naturally to recognize this jade pot is what thing, in letters had the recorded scarlet red jade pot. In the letters calls it the collection too rosy cloud pill of immortality the jade pot, but in fact this truly killed the King of Huainan Liu An alchemist to be used to suppress Liu An as well as eight Duke resentful seal jade pots in the past. 而拜读了这里所有书简的乐渊自然认得这个玉壶是什么玩意,正是其中一篇书简上有所记载的赤绯玉壶。书简上称之为收藏太霞仙丹的玉壶,但是实际上这确实当年害死淮南王刘安的方士用来镇压刘安以及八公之怨的封印玉壶。 But Le Yuan is entering Pill Room that moment actually already to notice that jade pot, does not know jade pot that actually the past alchemist where obtained, but also was really a treasure. Can the King of Huainan seal several hundred years, this is not the ordinary Buddhist musical instrument can compare, the appraisal little said that is also above the level. 乐渊在进入丹室的那一刻其实已经注意到了那个玉壶,也不知当年的方士究竟从哪里得到的玉壶,还真就是一个宝贝。能够将淮南王封印数百年的时间,这可不是普普通通的法器可以比拟的,评价少说也是级以上。 What a pity the good thing also important person uses, this jade pot in a hand of good-for-nothing also can only the seal King of Huainan several hundred years, rather than kill King of Huainan resentful soul with the aid of the strength of jade pot. 可惜再好的东西也要人来使用,这枚玉壶在一个废柴的手里也就只能封印淮南王数百年,而不是借助玉壶之力将淮南王怨魂杀死。 When Strength of jade pot dissipates day after day, but the vitality/angry of Le Yuan living person is further disintegrates the seal of jade pot. At this moment, intermittent black Ghost Qi dissipated , Shun to compose an evil spirit appearance of two meters fiendish features from the small scarlet red jade pot, if were not his appearance also somewhat royalty manner, perhaps no one will contact in King of Huainan him together. 当玉壶的力量日渐消散,而乐渊活人的生气更是进一步将玉壶的封印瓦解。这一刻,一阵阵黑色的鬼气从小小的赤绯玉壶里面逸散出来,瞬间组成了一个两米大小的青面獠牙的厉鬼模样,如果不是他的一身打扮还有几分皇族派头,恐怕没人会把他于淮南王联系到一起。 Ha haha this King, this King got out of trouble to be delivered from oppression finally!” “哈哈哈本王,本王终于脱困重见天日了!” Sees only instance that King of Huainan presents, his suppressed several hundred years of resentment to release with this carefree dripping size, immediately the air in entire Pill Room became stagnated much. But but difficulty-relief that moment that King of Huainan is also presenting saw is holding to write books Le Yuan that the simple form writes to stop from time to time. 只见淮南王出现的瞬间,他那憋了数百年的怨气随着这畅快淋漓的大小释放了出来,顿时整个丹室内的空气都变得凝滞了不少。而脱困而出的淮南王也在出现的那一刻见到了正捧着书简写写停停的乐渊 Un? You who? But the knowledge goes into the this King tomb chamber, is executes the nine generations to know the crime! Read and thou liberates me, hasn't my your capital crime, kowtowed quickly thanking kindness?” “嗯?尔等何人?可知闯入本王墓室,乃是诛九族知罪!念及汝将我解放,我恕你死罪,还不快叩头谢恩?” King of Huainan just came out from the seal, then keeps up appearances again, but also thinks oneself are King of Huainan of that guy. Who does not know that Han Dynasty already perished for several hundred years, but he himself was already changes into a ghost, that was once guy prince. 淮南王刚刚从封印里面出来,便再度摆谱,还以为自己是那大汉的淮南王。孰不知那汉朝都已经灭亡数百年了,而他自己更是已经化为一介鬼魂,那还是曾经的大汉王爷。 Ignorant!” Le Yuan in already useless the letters the hand threw on the ground conveniently, later looked up in the King of Huainan look not to have a respect, was the resembles looked ants that on the contrary can pinch conveniently, under the Heavens early already was not the guy who you knew very well, but you similarly no longer were once King of Huainan, but also wanted to reveal your past power and prestige? Saves the province, does not take a look at you now this human not human and ghost not ghost appearance!” “无知!”乐渊随手将手中已经无用的书简扔在了地上,随后抬头望着淮南王的眼神中无一点尊敬之意,反倒是像看一个随手可以捏死的蝼蚁,“天下已经不是你所熟知的大汉,而你同样不再是曾经的淮南王,还想要一显你那往日的威风?还是省省吧,也不瞧瞧你现在这幅人不人鬼不鬼的模样!” Le Yuan ridicule that did not talk nonsense, this King of Huainan strength really must say the water. Several hundred years of Kungfu treats in the scarlet red jade pot is thinking the difficulty-relief all day long, own cultivation base and is inferior to the common ghost king like that congealing reality, because King of Huainan has not practiced legitimate, has 1000 year cultivation base Hong Kui to be no comparison between them after that radically, merely is in a level below level. 乐渊的讥讽那可不是胡说八道,这淮南王的实力真要说水得很。数百年的功夫待在赤绯玉壶里面成天想着脱困,自身的修为并不如一般鬼王那般凝实,并且由于淮南王并没有正统修练过,和以后那有千年修为红葵根本不可同日而语,仅仅是一个级中下的水准。 Bold defiant person, plays tricks on this King unexpectedly, this King must put to death by dismemberment the execution you!” “大胆刁民,竟然戏弄本王,本王要将你凌迟处死!” By the Le Yuan words was made bashful angry King of Huainan the body changes to one group of black fog immediately, beyond the speed of unusual person arrived at Le Yuan in a flash behind, the figure such as the ghost charm indeed has the potential of ghost king. 乐渊的话语弄得羞怒不已的淮南王顿时身子化作一团黑雾,以远超凡人的速度转瞬间来到了乐渊的身后,身形如鬼似魅的确有着鬼王的潜质。 Looks Le Yuan that has not been acting, on the face of King of Huainan Liu An showed the cruel smile, that just like above the sharp claws of Demon to condense rich Ghost Qi, the right hand of Liu An quick such as a lightning move of nether world devil claw straight thrust Le Yuan back of the body position. 望着还没有动作的乐渊,淮南王刘安的脸上露出了残忍的笑容,那犹如恶魔的利爪之上凝聚起了浓郁的鬼气,刘安的右手快如闪电一招幽冥鬼爪直刺乐渊的后心位置。 By the ghost king of Liu An this rank, will inject the attack of his Ghost Qi to strike into the opposite party within the body, indeed has the effect that strikes to kill, to seek the ordinary person physique unable to resist the corrosion of Ghost Qi. But this is the nether world devil claw has the basic reason of dead effect, even Yun Tianhe their cultivation base is not weak, similarly exists by the second killing possibility. 刘安这种级别的鬼王,将注入他鬼气的攻击击入对方体内,的确有着一击必杀的效果,以寻常人的体质根本无法抵御鬼气的侵蚀。而这就是幽冥鬼爪带有即死效果的根本原因,就算云天河他们修为不弱,同样存在着被秒杀的可能性。 Scoffs ka!” “嗤咔!” The attack of King of Huainan Liu An conducts the general situation then to stop suddenly merely, sees only his thorn to the Le Yuan back of the body right claw, at this time is touching the back of Le Yuan to stop by a condition of unusual distortion there. King of Huainan Liu An that pierces the sharp claws of giant stone sufficiently, unexpectedly when active offense Le Yuan by the body of Le Yuan shaking? 淮南王刘安的攻击仅仅进行到一般的地步便戛然而止,只见他那刺向乐渊后心的右爪,此时在触及乐渊的后背以一种异常扭曲的状态停在那里。淮南王刘安那足以刺穿巨石的利爪,竟然在主动攻击乐渊时被乐渊的身体给震断了? This is what kind of powerful, only then disintegrates the attack of Liu An depending on the defensive power. But when these Ghost Qi meet Le Yuan is more like the mouse to meet the cat to yield and withdraw generally, basic completely has not affected to Le Yuan. 这是何等强大的,仅凭防御力便将刘安的攻击瓦解。而那些鬼气遇到乐渊时更像是老鼠遇到猫一般退避三舍,根本对乐渊全然没有作用。 Liu An should feel to rejoice, oneself is the ghost king's body, although right claw break, but after Ghost Qi turns wells up, the right claw that looked awful returned to the original condition again. However, one frustrates later Liu An not to dare to continue after this to approach Le Yuan rashly, flashed another side alert of Pill Room to look that hastily Le Yuan does not dare to move heedlessly. 刘安应该感到庆幸,自己乃是鬼王之身,虽然右爪断裂,但是一阵鬼气翻涌之后,那原本不成样子的右爪再一次恢复了原状。不过,经此一挫之后刘安不敢继续贸然靠近乐渊,连忙闪到了丹室的另一侧戒备地看着乐渊不敢乱动。 „Are you, actually who? Was in the past the later generation of that Daoist wizard, coped with this King specially?” “你,究竟是何人?难道是当年那个妖道的后人,专门来对付本王的?” By Liu An of Le Yuan strength scared out of one's wits some being killed paranoeas, are actually thought person who at this time in the past that fake taoist priest can actually urge the Le Yuan so strength, does not think, if past that fake taoist priest really so horizontal, why to throw completely the mausoleum chamber in the scarlet red jade pot his seal. 乐渊实力吓破胆的刘安此时有些被害妄想症,竟然以为当年那个假道士竟然能够驱使乐渊这般实力的人,也不想想如果当年那假道士真有如此水平,何必将他封印在赤绯玉壶丢尽地宫。 No one can urge me! I will not receive organizing of others! Today, you must leave behind a price!” “没有人能够驱使我!我也不会受到其他人的摆布!今日,你必须留下点代价!” Feels to trade your my time strength, Le Yuan thought it is necessary to conduct a point to weaken. After all present King of Huainan regarding the Yun Tianhe three people of groups, although is nasty, but cannot be victorious, but if in addition eight Duke complaint overlay, is close to the level strength without a doubt King of Huainan no longer is the enemy who the Yun Tianhe three people can deal with. 感受到换你我此时的实力,乐渊觉得有必要进行一点削弱。毕竟现在的淮南王对于云天河三人组而言虽然难以对付,但是并不是打不过,但是如果加上八公怨念叠加,那么毫无疑问接近级实力的淮南王就不再是云天河三人可以对付的敌人。 The right hand of Le Yuan directs, immediately thunder light has penetrated the body of King of Huainan together directly. Immediately King of Huainan sent out just like kills the pig shouting sound, regarding was Liu An of ghost king should not call out pitifully for the ache, helpless the attack of Le Yuan was really causes the damage that was inconceivable to his ghost body. 乐渊的右手一指点出,顿时一道雷光直接穿透过了淮南王的身体。顿时淮南王发出了犹如杀猪般的叫嚷声,对于身为鬼王的刘安本不应该为疼痛而惨叫,但是无奈乐渊的攻击实在是对他的鬼体造成了难以想象的伤害。 Hateful, the demon flame flashes spatially!” “可恶,魔焰闪空!” The attack capability that after this is King of Huainan becomes ghost king, few several comprehends, own Ghost Qi as fuel ignition demon flame, after hit enemy , the Ghost Qi needless demon flame does not extinguish, by hard to deal with degree and disgusting degree real number rare move. 这是淮南王成为鬼王之后为数不多的几个领悟出来的攻击能力,将自身的鬼气作为燃料点燃魔焰,命中敌人之后鬼气不消魔焰不灭,论难缠程度及恶心程度实数难得的招数。 However King of Huainan Liu An does not think can get rid of Le Yuan by oneself this point demon flame, his move is in order to wins time for he himself. 不过淮南王刘安可不会就此认为凭借自己这一点魔焰能够将乐渊干掉,他这一招不过是为了能够为他自己争取一点时间罢了。 Eight Duke! this King then makes thou this scoundrel experience me and eight Duke resentful strength!” “八公!本王便让汝这混账见识见识吾和八公的怨力!” Sees only King of Huainan to the scarlet red jade pot that falls down presents the inspiration shape, immediately still gathers in eight Duke resentment strength that in the scarlet red jade pot agglomerates in the body of King of Huainan immediately altogether. Made originally slightly dispirited King of Huainan Liu An immediately again the strong wind writings, had with Le Yuan the preparation that greatly continued to go all out. 只见淮南王对着倒在地上的赤绯玉壶呈现吸气状,顿时还在赤绯玉壶内积聚的八公怨力顿时一股脑地汇聚于淮南王的身上。令原本略显颓唐的淮南王刘安顿时再次雄风大作,大有和乐渊继续拼命的准备。 Various Liu An not only ability large scale rises under this condition, learned one move named to seize the soul the move. Can make outside the body by King of Huainan own ghost strength the soul of opposite party within the body, thus the command coped gradually died, but after the average person lost, which can also revolt, therefore this move is dying character. 这种状态下的刘安不仅各种能力大幅度上升,更是学会了一招名为夺魂的招数。能够凭借淮南王自身的鬼力将对方体内的魂魄打出体外,从而令对付逐渐死亡,而一般人失去后哪还能反抗,因此中了这一招就是个“死”字。 But incurs is the good move, must have a look at power gap of both sides. To affect Le Yuan Soul by King of Huainan that ghost strength, at least promotes own strength over hundred times, otherwise let alone makes outside the body Le Yuan Soul, including affects Le Yuan unable to achieve slightly. 可是招是好招,也要看看双方的实力差距。凭借淮南王的那点鬼力想要将乐渊灵魂影响到,最起码提升自己的实力百倍以上,不然别说是将乐渊灵魂打出体外,连稍稍影响乐渊都做不到。 Does not have first Le Yuan of King of Huainan solution, complained about the strength fit condition to fight with it in the opposite party looked comfortably, all experienced the strengths in various opposite party aspects one side then in the heart a conclusion. 没有第一时间将淮南王解决的乐渊,在对方怨力合体的状态与之交手了舒适找,将对方各方面的实力全都体验了一边这才在心中下了一个结论。 King of Huainan and eight Duke strengths must weaken a level, otherwise Yun Tianhe they meet are die. But Le Yuan also no longer moves aside hence, the Ghost Qi attack of direct hard anti- King of Huainan, before arriving at his body . 淮南王和八公的实力都要削弱一个层级,不然云天河他们遇上就是个死。而乐渊至此也不再躲闪,直接硬抗淮南王鬼气攻击,来到了他的身前。 Not “不” In a King of Huainan Liu An pitiful yell sound, the right arm of Le Yuan changed to the Devil condition. 淮南王刘安的一声惨叫声中,乐渊的右臂化作了魔人的状态。 Scoffs “嗤” Pricks in the body of King of Huainan along with the Le Yuan right arm, the Ghost Qi resentful strength of his within the body was extracted, immediately King of Huainan strength that is the straight line shrinks, imposing manner that is drops lower and lower, quick then was only left over in the level the level of position. 伴随着乐渊右臂刺入淮南王的身体之中,他体内的鬼气怨力纷纷被抽出,顿时淮南王的实力那是直线缩水,气势那是一降再降,很快便只剩下了级中位的水准。 But Le Yuan also took advantage that this opportunity reduced King of Huainan to the fist returned to the scarlet red jade pot its seal greatly later again, then with his own Strength the Strength temporariness activation of this scarlet red jade pot. 乐渊也趁此机会一把将淮南王缩小到拳头大随后再次将其封印回了赤绯玉壶中,然后用他自己的力量将这赤绯玉壶的力量暂时性激活。 After several hours, when Le Yuan in King of Huainan tomb at countdown finally that moment sends out a white light suddenly, later the body of whole person is getting more and more pale, finally vanished in King of Huainan tomb. 数小时之后,待在淮南王陵墓中的乐渊在倒计时终了的那一刻突然身上散发出一道白光,随后整个人的身体越来越淡,最终消失在了淮南王陵墓内。 But one day later, starts to go to Chenzhou Yun Tianhe one group to cross Nuluoyan from the Shouyang city in the wanderer, across after the officers of inexplicable absent-minded condition guarded arrived at the mausoleum chamber safely. 而在一天之后,从寿阳城出发前往陈州的云天河一行人在闯荡过女萝岩,安然穿过处于莫名失神状态的官兵守卫之后来到了地宫。 Is inspecting being haunted King of Huainan tomb, while turns toward tomb to set out. In receiving the Le Yuan attendance was also complaining how Le Yuan this senior is higher than so many troubles, this hits is not general tired. 一边巡视着闹鬼的淮南王陵,一边向着陵墓内部进发。在受到乐渊照顾的同时也在埋怨着乐渊这个前辈怎么高出这么多的麻烦,这一路打过来可不是一般的累。 But after rushing to excessive heavy hindrance, the Yun Tianhe three people arrived at Pill Room finally, with was weakened King of Huainan that the number has planned to fight. Experiences one to struggle hard, King of Huainan was eliminated finally, but the Yun Tianhe three people naturally also experience message that Le Yuan left behind. To be continued. 而就在闯过重重阻碍之后,云天河三人终于来到了丹室,与被削弱过数筹的淮南王大战了起来。经历一番苦战,淮南王最终被消灭了,而云天河三人自然也见识到了乐渊留下的讯息。未完待续。 ... ...
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