VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#773: Explores the way painstakingly, this treasure is predestined friends with me......

Successfully subdues a scholartree monster clan should is worth the happy matter, but that not well-known countdown makes Le Yuan have a discomfort, who knows this countdown finally actually that moment what happened. 成功收服槐妖一族本应该是值得高兴的事情,但是那不知名的倒计时却让乐渊有种不安感,谁知道这倒计时终了的那一刻究竟会发生些什么事情。 However to provide against contingencies Le Yuan must before the countdown finally, removes some barriers for Yun Tianhe this protagonist one group of as far as possible as far as possible, if later really had the matter to be busy at work unable to attend to them suddenly, making them not hang carefully. 不过为了以防万一乐渊必须在倒计时终了之前,尽可能地替云天河主角一行人尽可能地扫除一些障碍,万一之后真的有事情忙活起来了别一时间顾不上他们,让他们不小心挂了。 With disappearance of scholartree monsters, entire Nuluoyan did not say the evil spirit to have, but lost as the scholartree monsters of local bully, various poisonous insect beast of prey then enliven again, all these regarding the Shouyang city residents who later depend on the Nuluoyan survival do not know that is the luck is the calamity. 随着槐妖们的消失,整个女萝岩不说妖物顿生,但是失去了作为地头蛇的槐妖们,各种毒虫猛兽便再度活跃起来,这一切对于以后靠女萝岩生存的寿阳城居民也不知是福是祸。 But Le Yuan has not thought that he carved several characters in the cavern deep place most conspicuous place directly, so long as were Yun Tianhe their group of people arrived here surely to know, these characters can only preserve for three days, three days later automatic resolution. 乐渊可没有想得那么远,他直接在洞穴深处最为显眼的地方刻下了几个字,只要是云天河他们一伙人来到这里必定可以知晓,这几个字只能保存三天,三天之后自动消解。 But completed all these, Le Yuan starts to turn toward from Nuluoyan not far Mt. Bagong tomb again hurries. Must say that this threatens in a big way regarding Yun Tianhe one group , is also not the Nuluoyan poisonous insect beast of prey, is not the robber robber all the way, but is the Boss King of Huainan ghost in this King of Huainan tomb. 而做好了这一切,乐渊再度启程向着距离女萝岩不远八公山陵墓赶去。要说这对于云天河一行人威胁最大的,既不是女萝岩的毒虫猛兽,也不是一路上的劫匪强盗,而是这淮南王陵墓之中的波ss淮南王鬼魂。 This Boss is first hostile Boss that Yun Tianhe one group of meet in the true sense, them fights the most laborious war to Yun Tianhe. King of Huainan Liu An resentful soul copes with Yun Tianhe they not to show mercy, moreover 1000 year resentful soul and eight decaliter body later strengths are not ordinary person can compare favorably, middle and upper reaches of strength absolute C level level, even currently Murong Ziying of total victory period he still needs to be careful to. 这个波ss才算是云天河一行人真正意义上遇到的第一个敌对波ss,也是对云天河他们而言打得最辛苦的一仗。淮南王刘安怨魂对付起云天河他们可不会手下留情,而且千年怨魂和八公合体之后的实力绝非常人所能媲美的,实力绝对的c级中上游水准,即使是目前全胜时期的慕容紫英对上他也需要小心谨慎。 This strength, copes with several strengths also to be in the D level protagonist that should not be too simple. How Le Yuan is unable to imagine simply does not have the method to doubt the promotion protagonist to get rid of such oss, really can by exploding plants? 这种实力,对付起几个实力还处于d级的主角那不要太简单。乐渊根本无法想象根本没法子打怪升级的主角是怎么干掉这样的oss的,难道真的要靠爆种? This far-fetched strength rise is unable to make Le Yuan feel at ease, therefore Le Yuan must inspect on the spot, has a look at this King of Huainan Liu An resentful soul is the real water attended the meeting to fall face down by the Yun Tianhe three people of making a debut dry/does. 这种根本不靠谱的实力提升根本无法令乐渊心安,因此乐渊必须实地考察一番,看看这个淮南王刘安怨魂是不是真的水到会被初出茅庐的云天河三人给干趴下。 If really non- aqua communis, is very good, Le Yuan can let Yun Tianhe safely they are that comes tomb to rush to ; If strength non- water, far ultra Yun Tianhe three people of strength limits, then Le Yuan cannot such ignores King of Huainan Liu An resentful soul dissolute. 如果真的非常水,那么很好,乐渊可以安安心心地让云天河他们是那个来陵墓闯一闯;如果实力不水,远超云天河三人的实力极限,那么乐渊就不能这么放任淮南王刘安怨魂放肆了下去了。 Because Mt. Bagong was tomb of previous dynasty royal family is , the reason that because a short time ago Han Lingsha robbed a grave but made noisily, therefore these days has been guarded by the army person, seeking ordinary person wanted to enter absolutely was the impossible matter. 八公山由于是前朝王室的陵墓所在,前不久又因为韩菱纱盗墓的原因而闹得沸沸扬扬的,因此这些日子一直被军队的人把守着,寻常人想要进入其中绝对是不可能的事情。 But Le Yuan before the major road arrived at King of Huainan tomb the time, without him of hidden figure was naturally also blocked. 乐渊顺着官道来到了淮南王陵墓前的时候,没有隐藏身形的他自然也被拦了下来。 Officers armor sized up up and down put on at the same time uncommonly, bringing several points of noble air Le Yuan to knit the brows loudly shouts: You, stop to me! Where the thief dares night to rush to King of Huainan tomb!” 官兵甲上下打量了一边穿着不凡,带着几分贵气的乐渊皱眉大喝道:“你,给我停下!何方贼人胆敢夜闯淮南王陵墓!” Officers armor calls out that is the volume is full, but Le Yuan can feel the air/Qi in this to be insufficient, seems like emboldens to oneself taking advantage of this big shout seem like. This but actually is also normal, after all after King of Huainan tomb since geomancy mutation, often passes on the female ghost sad and shrill cry in the big evening, although the sound is vague, but coordinates the dim light of night also to be very scary. 官兵甲这一声暴喝那是音量十足,不过乐渊还是能够感受到这一声之中的中气不足,看起来倒像是借着这大喊声给自己壮胆。这倒也是正常,毕竟淮南王陵墓自从风水异变之后,时常在大晚上地传出来女鬼凄厉的叫声,虽然声音若有若无,但是配合着夜色也是吓人得很。 But stands, in nearby officers B saw clearly under the body of Le Yuan to have together the clearly discernible shadow with the aid of the bonfire, at this time he let out a long breath said: , scares to death the father, originally was individual, I also think that the big evening hit the ghost! Said, you come to here to do, wants to rob a grave?” 而站在一旁的官兵乙则是借助篝火看清楚了乐渊的身下有着一道清晰可见的影子,这时候他才长舒一口气道:“呼,吓死老子了,原来是个人嘛,我还以为大晚上撞鬼了呢!说,你来这里干什么,是不是想要盗墓?” With the words of officers B, nearby officers armor also saw clearly Le Yuan is a person of non- ghost, this courage all of a sudden became big, raised the spear/gun to want Le Yuan to send under escort to interrogate. As for can cause the misunderstanding, this closes their trifling thing, how after all the Le Yuan big evening arrives at the King of Huainan tomb to see does not seem like the appearance of common people, first caught to say again. 随着官兵乙的话语,一旁的官兵甲也是看清楚了乐渊是人非鬼,这胆子一下子变得大了起来,提着枪就想要将乐渊押解起来进行审问。至于会不会引起误会,这关他们两个屁事,毕竟乐渊大晚上来到淮南王陵怎么看都不像是个良民的样子,先逮起来再说。 When two officers go forward to probably to Le Yuan conducts the arrest, Le Yuan slightly knits the brows later fiercely from them at present vanishes to disappear. 正当两名官兵上前欲要对乐渊进行逮捕之时,乐渊微微皱眉随后猛地从他们眼前消失不见了。 Officers armor of beginning is preparing to go forward the eye stares the appearance that the eldest child protrudes quickly immediately, the mouth has kept shivering, the entire portrait is to cry to say same: „...... Does not disappear, ghost...... ghost 正准备上前的动手的官兵甲顿时眼睛瞪得老大就快凸出来的样子,嘴巴一直不停地颤抖,整个人像是要哭出来一样道:“不不不……不见了,鬼……鬼啊 Really, really fantasy?” Officers B saw this also to draw back backward one step, stared in a big way the eye to look at the place that Le Yuan is vanishing, rubbed the eye unable to believe that unceasingly just had. “真、真是活见鬼了?”官兵乙见此也是不由向后退了一步,瞪大了眼睛望着乐渊消失的地方,不断揉搓着眼睛就是不敢相信刚刚发生的那一幕。 “啪 Made the two officers absolutely terrified things of happen, on the shoulders of two people made contact with continuously the icy cold hand in the meantime, was held at the same time two officers of shoulder by this hand cannot unable to move, can only stupidly stand on the spot. 令两名官兵毛骨悚然的事情发生了,两个人的肩膀上就在此时搭上了一直冰凉的手,被这只手抓住肩膀的同时两名官兵那是根本动弹不得,只能傻傻地站在原地。 After piece quarter, two officers regained the freedom, all that but just had also vanish from their memories, the muddy look that their half dream partly awakes was only showing all that just had are not dreams. 片刻钟之后,两名官兵重新恢复了自由,但是刚刚发生的一切也从他们的记忆之中消失,唯独两人那半梦半醒的浑浊眼神说明着刚刚发生的一切并不是梦。 Is spending a hands and feet the gate officers to two, Le Yuan openly escaped to enter in King of Huainan tomb. Enters the tomb chamber lobby, pleasant is a pair of luxurious exorcising evil spirits beast stone carving, although in the past several hundred years of time, but this stone carving exorcising evil spirits beast is still lifelike, coordinates this as the eye of exorcising evil spirits beast the gloomily blue lights of large oil lamp lit day and night before Buddha status make, nimble and resourceful feeling that the really one type will live momentarily. 对着两个把门的官兵费了一番手脚,乐渊堂而皇之地遁地进入到了淮南王陵墓内。一进入墓室前厅,入眼的便是一对奢侈至极的辟邪兽的石雕,虽然过去了数百年时光,但这石雕辟邪兽依然是栩栩如生,配合这作为长明灯的幽蓝灯火做成的辟邪兽之眼,真有一种随时都会活过来的灵动感。 However Le Yuan may not have Kungfu to appreciate this at this time to be possible be called luxurious underground tomb, because although design issue tomb does not have not the well ventilated situation, underground, although some stale tastes however do not affect the activity, but in this tomb chamber is sending out always Ghost Qi reminded Le Yuan here not to make the best. 不过乐渊此时可没有功夫欣赏这堪称豪华的地下陵墓,虽然由于设计问题这陵墓并不存在不通风的情况,地下虽有些许霉味但是并不影响活动,但是这墓室内无时无刻不散发着的鬼气提醒着乐渊这里绝非善处。 Le Yuan that closes one's eyes slightly entire took a fast look around this big King of Huainan tomb by spiritual awareness, besides by King of Huainan resentful soul strength feeling of seal in scarlet red jade pot unclear, resentful soul that in tomb all moves all was in the Le Yuan mind. 微微闭上眼的乐渊透过灵觉将这偌大的一个淮南王陵整个扫视了一遍,除了被封印在赤绯玉壶内的淮南王怨魂实力感受不清之外,陵墓内所有活动起来的怨魂全都处在了乐渊的脑海之中。 Overwhelming majorities merely are ordinary resentful soul, bullies the E level strength of average person? The little evil spirits arrived at the D level, so long as Yun Tianhe their three had not been sneak attacked, should the fearless this group of little rascal, key that King of Huainan?” “绝大多数仅仅是普通的怨魂,欺负欺负普通人的e级实力吗?少许厉鬼到达了d级,但是只要云天河他们三个没有被偷袭,应该无惧这群小鬼,关键还是那淮南王吗?” Was the time of half quarter, Le Yuan then judged the evil spirit strength of entire King of Huainan tomb. Because this King of Huainan tomb being buried along with the dead number is quite big, the resentful soul quantity of being born certainly are also many, in addition swallows the evil spirit that forms mutually, has the Shouyang city absolutely becomes the ability of pandemonium. 仅仅是半刻钟的时间,乐渊便对整个淮南王陵的厉鬼实力做出了评价。这淮南王陵由于陪葬者数量极为庞大,诞生出来的怨魂数量也绝不少,再加上互相吞噬形成的厉鬼,绝对有着把寿阳城变为鬼域的能力。 However is good because of this geomancy broken time is not long, in addition here special terrain enabled the geomancy to become trapped/sleepy dragon Ju, was successfully stranded all evil spirits in tomb can not leave, if King of Huainan difficulty-relief, this tomb geomancy whether to continue to suppress is an issue. 不过好在这风水被破的时间并不算长,加上这里特殊的地形使得风水变为了困龙局,成功将所有的厉鬼困在了陵墓内不得离开,但是一旦淮南王脱困而出,这陵墓的风水能否继续压制住就是个问题了。 This King of Huainan tomb is a pandemonium, Le Yuan has not really walked far, even the lobby has not left, by the evil spirit that his living person aura brings is then screamed threw toward Le Yuan. 淮南王陵还真就是个鬼域,乐渊还没走多远,连前厅都没有离开,一只被他身上的活人气息引来的厉鬼便尖叫一声向着乐渊扑了过来。 “啊 Also without and other wear seems like female ghost of palace maid clothing close to Le Yuan one zhang (3.33 m), then sees on the Le Yuan boundless vitality in one zhang (3.33 m) the surrounding area to cover fiercely completely, immediately on the female ghost ghost strength in this capturing can pile under the vitality of devil to be disintegrated rapidly. 还没等那穿着像是宫女服饰的女鬼靠近乐渊一丈,便见乐渊身上的磅礴生机猛地将方圆一丈内完全笼罩,顿时女鬼身上的鬼力在这种夺得可以堆死鬼的生命力下被迅速瓦解。 The ghost strength dispels at the same time, Le Yuan with the aid of Marrow Cleansing Scripture Spiritual Force the female ghost detention, crosses after the moment her directly later melted a resentful strength, directly opens to Small World a channel, threw into her Le Yuan Small World. 鬼力消解的同时,乐渊借助洗髓经精神力直接将女鬼拘禁,随后将她在须臾之间渡化了一身怨力之后,直接打开一条通往小世界的通道,将她丢入了乐渊小世界里面。 This Sword and Fairy World ghost is not good to work as, without the earliest possible time enters Ghost World, then wanted to arrange to quota of samsara again really must depend on the relations. 仙剑世界的鬼可不是那么好当的,一旦没有第一时间进入鬼界,那么想要再排到轮回的名额那颗就真的要靠关系了。 But these was imprisoned several hundred years of Soul to King of Huainan tomb, that was in the table life and death book cancelled directly, generally Ghost Messenger wants to check to have no way to check. 而向淮南王陵墓里这些被囚禁了数百年之久的灵魂,那更是桌子生死簿上都直接注销了,一般鬼差想查都没法查起。 Compared with makes life in Ghost World for a lifetime, Le Yuan she throws into the Small World reincarnation is also her good fortune. 比起一辈子在鬼界做孤魂野鬼,乐渊她丢入小世界投胎也算是她的造化。 Le Yuan wanders in King of Huainan tomb, bumps into felt the evil spirit that is predestined friends crosses the resentful strength to invest the Small World reincarnation them, arrived at the King of Huainan tomb rear palace. 乐渊就这么一路游荡在淮南王陵墓内,碰到觉得有缘的厉鬼就把他们渡化怨力投入小世界投胎,就这么一路走到了淮南王陵墓的后殿。 Here is a seal palace, did not have other outlets besides the gateway of coming in again. However under the spiritual awareness scanning of Le Yuan, can feel clearly in behind a leaf of wall has a secretly thought. 这里是一处密封的宫殿,除了进来的门户之外再也没有了其他的出路。但是在乐渊灵觉扫描之下,可以清晰地感受到在其中一扇墙后面有着一条暗道。 Walks into above the rear palace central stage, Le Yuan looks that the two toads before throne cannot transfer the eye. Treasure Yin-Yang purple error that in toad legend this red yellow two jades make, but this thing also needs to continue to bury in the underground 1000 year time can produce finally, average person that is simply does not have that good fortune. 走入后殿中央的高台之上,乐渊看着王座前的两只蟾蜍转不开眼睛了。这一红一黄两只玉石做成的蟾蜍正是传说中的宝贝阴阳紫阙,不过这玩意还需要继续埋于地下千年的时光才能最终生成,一般人那是根本没有那个福气。 But Le Yuan did not fear by that time, did not break off from the throne Yin-Yang purple error directly forcefully got down gives the person in Small World to bury later underground, and conducted monitors momentarily, after preparing Yin-Yang purple error is mature, picked. 乐渊可不怕等不到那个时候,直接硬生生将阴阳紫阙从王座上掰了下来随后交给小世界内的人重新埋入了地下,并进行随时监控,准备着阴阳紫阙成熟之后再进行采摘。 After losing Yin-Yang purple error how to open goes to refine the Pill Room road, isn't this funny? This tomb chamber not obsolete mortal constructs, although the mechanism/organization are many, but wants to depend on this to perplex Le Yuan that simply is be the biggest joke in the world. 至于失去了阴阳紫阙之后如何开启前往炼丹室的路,这不是搞笑吗?这座墓室也不过时凡人建造的,虽然机关不少但是想要靠这难住乐渊那简直是滑天下之大稽 However Le Yuan cannot walk casually, his explorer person may probably for later Yun Tianhe they prepare to supply, this is not person who in the game had cannot say for the valuable box that they prepared, according to Yun Tianhe their equipment, wanted to continue unbearably perhaps. 不过乐渊也不能这么随便就走了,他这个探路人可要为之后来的云天河他们准备好补给,这可不是游戏中有“不能说的人”为他们准备的宝箱,按照云天河他们那一身装备,想要继续走下去恐怕够呛。 Le Yuan anything does not lack, in the Small World wise artisan high-quality ore plundered much, puts out 1-2 to take the supplies absolutely not to have the issue, a Han Lingsha pair of thorn[ full moon], Yun Tianhe long sword[ Yunhua sword] was handled with ease. 乐渊什么都不缺,小世界里面的高明工匠高级矿石搜刮了不少,拿出1-2作为补给完全没有问题,韩菱纱的双刺[望月]、云天河的长剑[蕴华剑]都轻轻松松被搞定了。 Suits the Liu Mengli use only the harp weapon, looks for Cai Wenji to handle specially. Entire Small World specializes in the person of temperament weapon is really miserable, but with Liu Mengli uses the same weapon perhaps also only has Cai Wenji. 唯独适合柳梦璃使用的箜篌型武器,还是专门找蔡文姬才搞定的。整个小世界专修音律武器的人实在是少得可怜,而和柳梦璃使用相同武器的恐怕也只有蔡文姬了。 Lays aside the equipment totals of three people of needs in a big box of red lacquer, Le Yuan was placed the box in the entire rear palace most conspicuous place, although in such tomb presented the valuable box to be somewhat irritable, but was very afraid to present accidental/surprised Le Yuan to ignore so many. 将三人需要的装备全数放置于一个红漆的大箱子里面,乐渊又将箱子摆在了整个后殿最为显眼的地方,虽然这么一个陵墓里面出现宝箱有些别扭,但是深怕出现意外的乐渊也顾不了那么多了。 But solved these, Le Yuan is being one lays out to hidden secret passage, immediately the entire stone wall by the Le Yuan thorough smashing, is defeated with the wall that the marble makes easily. 而解决了这些,乐渊对着隐藏的密道便是一张拍出,顿时整个石壁被乐渊彻底粉碎,用大理石制成的墙壁被轻而易举地击破。 Le Yuan turned toward final Alchemist to walk hence finally. 乐渊至此终于向着最后的炼丹师走了过去。 ... ...
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