VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#772: Sweeping, but also brings the countdown

The monster analogies human the dynasty to pay great attention to the high and low to be ordered, but in which high and low tasteful attitude to powerhouse, but without doubt the demon is nearly most ordinary small monsters entire life existence that is hard to have an audience with. 妖类比起人类的王朝更加注重尊卑有序,而其中的尊卑讲究的对强者的态度,而无疑魔就是近乎绝大多数普通小妖一生难以觐见的存在。 When Le Yuan releases the flash of demon air/Qi, the grown scholartree monsters may be different from the small scholartree monster that anything does not understand, the already understand demon are what they first recognized this imprint early in the aura of their Soul deep place, and this type of demon air/Qi that has the scalding hot aura has impulsions that made them submit to from the bloodlines. 乐渊释放出魔气的一瞬间,成年槐妖们可和什么都不懂的小槐妖不同,早已经明白魔为何物的他们第一时间认出了这种烙印在他们灵魂深处的气息,并且这种带有灼热气息的魔气有着一种从血脉上令他们臣服的冲动。 Patriarch of scholartree monster clan, is looking Le Yuan that releases so the demon air/Qi understand this by them is then thought immediately is human radically is a not being able to stir up demon . Moreover the strength can extinguish their scholartree monster entire clan evidently in a flash. 槐妖一族的族长,望着释放出如此魔气的乐渊立即便明白这个被他们认为是人类的根本就是一位惹不起的魔,而且看样子实力能够转瞬间灭了他们槐妖全族。 Does not know that the demon Sir comes this, a scholartree monster clan many offends, but also on please the demon Sir excuse me much.” “不知上魔大人来此,槐妖一族多有得罪,还请上魔大人多多见谅。” Scholartree monster Patriarch was full of admiration on the difference, facing Le Yuan like this true Demon Race, even if increases ten times and hundred times of that the quantity of their scholartree monster does not help matters, after all the scholartree monster is not a clan that is good at fighting, bullies not to have the Spiritual Power average person to be able, but really must cope with cultivator that is looks oppressively. 槐妖族长就差五体投地了,面对乐渊这样的真正魔族,就算将他们槐妖的数量增加十倍、百倍那也是无济于事啊,毕竟槐妖本就不是什么擅长战斗的一族,欺负欺负没有灵力的普通人尚可,但是真要对付修行之人那就是找虐。 In the original works, the scholartree monster does not have resistance is struck to kill by the Murong Ziying total, besides the Murong Ziying strength not weak reason, has a scholartree monster clan strength weak factor to exist. 原著之中,槐妖毫无抵抗性地被慕容紫英全数击杀,除了慕容紫英的实力不弱的缘故之外,更有槐妖一族实力偏弱的因素存在。 You slaughtered human, already causes cultivator to come to eliminate the monster, being faced with imminent disaster to be possible once to know otherwise?” “尔等杀戮人类,已经引得修行之人前来除妖,大难临头可曾知否?” Le Yuan exposes the makings of demon now without doubt, strolls to sit down to the one side immediately, sitting down instantaneous big farmland Spiritual Power surged also to bring the inexplicable dignified throne to appear under the body of Le Yuan simply, Le Yuan is holding small scholartree monster Huai Mi their several brothers, at the same time is taking a fast look around entire Nuluoyan. 乐渊现在是将魔的气质展露无疑,漫步至一旁当即坐下,坐下的瞬间大地土灵力涌动一道简单却又带着莫名威严的王座出现在了乐渊的身下,乐渊一手抱着小槐妖槐米他们几个兄弟,一边扫视着整个女萝岩 The human member who scholartree monster Patriarch after hearing Le Yuan said comes except the monster words, immediately the ghost braves greatly, before must know , reason that offends somebody that is for a survival of oneself clan, is wants human to give way before difficulties merely, who once wants to bring in the fatal disaster unexpectedly. 槐妖族长一听乐渊所说的人类修士前来除妖的话,登时亡魂大冒,要知道之前之所以伤人那可是为了自己一族的生存,仅仅是想要人类知难而退,但谁曾想竟然引来杀身之祸。 Looked to sit in Le Yuan of there contented appearance, scholartree monster Patriarch that anxious heart stabilized immediately, since Le Yuan arrived here nature impossible informs their scholartree monster clan matter merely, how otherwise solemn Demon Race will respond their small and weak scholartree monsters. 望着正坐在那里一副怡然自得模样的乐渊,槐妖族长那不安的心顿时重新安定了下来,既然乐渊来到这里自然不可能仅仅是通知他们槐妖一族这件事情,不然堂堂魔族怎会搭理他们弱小的槐妖。 Also on please the demon Sir intelligent apprehension, my scholartree monster clan generation survival in Nuluoyan, never hurt outside human on own initiative, takes to the vanilla as the food, it can be said that surrounding minority Heaven Monster. Since human starts to pick after the vanilla, this Nuluoyan gradually reduces to the vanilla, although my scholartree monster clan tries to accelerate to cultivate, but Nuluoyan is unable to withstand the load eventually, is unable to breed many to the vanilla, my scholartree monster clan has the danger of extermination of the clan, this is forced to intend to warn......” “还请上魔大人明察,我槐妖一族世代生存于女萝岩,从不主动伤害外面的人类,以离香草为食,可以说是周围少数的天妖。但是自从人类开始采摘离香草之后,这女萝岩的离香草逐年减少,虽然我槐妖一族试着加速培育,但是女萝岩终究不堪重负,无法孕育出更多的离香草,我槐妖一族有灭族之危,这才被迫出手予以警示……” All sorts of reasons that scholartree monster Patriarch explanation Le Yuan nature understand, outside human will not however pay attention to the scholartree monster. The Heaven and Earth two monsters, refer to the generation of two monster class different practicing ways respectively. Heaven Monster absorption livelihood Stars Power, the independent expiration and inspiration shuns the world to practice, this said the good measure. Earth Monster swallows the essence of flesh, takes slaughtering Essence, Qi, and Spirit in human ingestion human body for the source of supernatural power, this said the bad laws. 槐妖族长的解释乐渊自然明白,但是外面的人类可不会理会槐妖的种种原因。天地二妖,分别指代两种妖类不同的修行方式。天妖吸收日月星辰之力,自主吐纳避世修行,此谓之善法。地妖则是吞噬血肉之精,以屠戮人类摄取人类身体中的精气神为法力之源,此谓之恶法。 However the world is ignorant, has it all most monster classes thinks that is Earth Monster. As everyone knows most monster classes are every thing meet the chance incarnation accidentally are the monsters, the itself spirit wisdom underground does not understand the law of murder practicing, so long as therefore guide then introduces the proper way good. 但是世人多愚昧,将绝大多数的妖类一锅端地认为是地妖。殊不知绝大多数妖类乃是凡物偶然遇到机缘化身为妖,本身灵智地下并不懂得杀人修行之法,因此只要善加引导即可引入正途。 A scholartree monster clan is compelled to offend somebody forcefully, but well is to punish one as a warning to others in them merely is not the murder practices, how otherwise can Le Yuan lend a hand to help them escape? 槐妖一族就是这么被硬生生逼得伤人的,不过好在它们仅仅是想要杀鸡儆猴并非是杀人修行,不然乐渊如何能够出手来助他们逃过一劫? Sufficed, you and other evil reputation already were spread, the human member easily will therefore not give up. The world is fastidious about my clan his heart not to different, for the fame and fortune they did not mind that makes to eliminate the monster Grandmaster one time, you and others , to obtain peacefully only has to evacuate Nuluoyan!” “够了,你等恶名已经被传开,人类修士可不会因此而轻易罢手。人类世界讲究非我族类其心必异,为了名利他们也不介意做一次除妖大师,你等若想得到安宁唯有撤离女萝岩!” A Le Yuan these words opens the mouth, scholartree monster Patriarch can only smile bitterly. Withdraw? This saying said taps, but where can toward remove? Although their scholartree monster does not spoil, not does not leave the vanilla not to live, but big of their clan under the Heavens can it be that free round trip, incautiously exterminated the clan fate. 乐渊这句话一开口,槐妖族长就只能苦笑了。撤?这话说得轻敲,但是能够往哪里撤呢?他们槐妖虽然并不娇惯,并非无离香草不活,但是天下之大又岂是他们这一族能够自由来去的,一不小心又是被灭族的下场。 Heard a oneself clan as if to be faced with imminent disaster, the small scholartree monster on Le Yuan sent out one intermittently meow meow the calling out in grief sound, and is arching the arm of Le Yuan with own head unceasingly, as if wish made Le Yuan lend a hand to help them. 听到自己一族似乎要大难临头了,乐渊手上的小槐妖发出一阵阵“喵喵”的悲鸣声,并不断用自己的脑袋拱着乐渊的手臂,似乎想要让乐渊出手帮助他们。 The scholartree monster may be different from the ordinary evil spirit, takes to that type of ill-smelling aura of vanilla as them of food on not on the common monster class, particularly Le Yuan this type was just born few years small scholartree monster to bring to the fragrance of vanilla, is the monster is more like the kitten to be pleasing. 槐妖可不同于普通的妖物,以离香草为食的他们身上并没有寻常妖类身上那种难闻的气息,尤其是乐渊这种刚出生没几年的小槐妖更是带着离香草的香气,与其说是妖怪更像是小猫惹人喜爱。 Le Yuan touches the heads of this people, is smiling to their several, this group naturally must help, but must look that actually present crowd of scholartree monsters did know the limitation. 乐渊抚摸这人民的脑袋,对着它们几个微笑着,这帮自然是要帮的,但是也要看眼前的这群槐妖究竟识不识相了。 Sees only scholartree monster Patriarch to see the Le Yuan that as stable as Mount Tai appearance, a hope of nature understand clan perhaps on Le Yuan, immediately admires to say toward Le Yuan: Also on please the demon Sir help, my scholartree monster clan is willing after the Sir saddle lead horse!” 只见槐妖族长见到乐渊那一副稳如泰山的模样,自然明白自己一族的希望恐怕就在乐渊身上,随即向着乐渊拜服道:“还请上魔大人施以援手,我槐妖一族愿意为大人鞍前马后!” Good, I and others is your words! A your scholartree monster clan may excel at the vegetation together, takes to the vanilla as the food, whether large-scale training can leave the vanilla?” “好,我等的就是你这一句话!你们槐妖一族可擅长于草木一道,以离香草为食,能否大规模培养离香草呢?” Le Yuan stands up, looks at scholartree monster Patriarch of not far away to say. That flash of standing up, scholartree monster Patriarch only thought that present Le Yuan just likes the demon god in legend is ordinary, its body wishes one could to crawl in the under foot of Le Yuan. 乐渊站起身来,望着不远处的槐妖族长道。站起身的那一瞬间,槐妖族长只觉得眼前的乐渊恍若传说中的魔神一般,它自己的身体恨不得匍匐于乐渊的脚下。 Is and is...... my scholartree monster clan, although Strength is weak, but especially excels at the vegetation together, not only to the vanilla, other herbal medicines I and others can also train, after me and other care of clan, the effect of ordinary herbal medicine far ultra in the past......” “是、是的……我槐妖一族虽然力量薄弱,但是尤为擅长草木一道,不仅仅是离香草,其他草药我等亦能培养,经过我等一族的照料,普通草药的效果将远超往昔……” This scholartree monster Patriarch words somewhat are slightly exaggerating, what was ultra in the past, can only say that indeed had the large scale promotion, but this was also related with the herbal medicine type, for their scholartree monster clan future treatment, scholartree monster Patriarch also can only brace oneself to talk big. 这槐妖族长的话略微有些夸大,什么叫远超往昔,只能说的确有大幅度的提升,但是这也和草药的种类有关,不过为了他们槐妖一族将来的待遇,槐妖族长也只能硬着头皮说大话了。 An ability of scholartree monster clan improves on perfection regarding Le Yuan, even after all the scholartree monster only understood that training was still enough to vanilla that after all does not have multi- Young Lord to move the offensive monster like a scholartree monster clan is the key point of Le Yuan attention. 槐妖一族的能力对于乐渊而言是锦上添花,毕竟就算槐妖只懂得培养离香草那也足够了,毕竟像槐妖一族这样没有多少主动攻击性的妖怪才是乐渊关注的重点。 Le Yuan Small World extremely in spacious, was occupied the development besides more than 1/10 points of places by human, other places were still unmanned the wild region of development, if there is a scholartree monster clan this relatively harmless monster class to enter, can develop Le Yuan Small World well. 乐渊小世界还是太过于空旷,除了十分之一多点的地方被人类占据开发之外,其他地方仍旧是无人开发的野生地带,如果有槐妖一族这样相对无害的妖类进驻,就能够更好地开发乐渊小世界 After all advantage Le Yuan of lifeform diversification knows, merely is human civilized existence, then regarding Le Yuan Small World without doubt was monotonous, was then better for Small World evolution many life that. 毕竟生物多样化的好处乐渊还是知道的,仅仅是人类一种文明的存在,那么对于乐渊小世界来说无疑是过于单调了一些,为了小世界的进化越多的生活那便越好。 Good, I have a side world to guarantee your clan generation to be peaceful, you may be willing to lift the clan to move to there......” “好,我有一方世界可保你之一族世代安宁,你可愿意举族搬迁至那里……” The Le Yuan words just said that the scholartree monster Patriarch intent moves somewhat was also scruple. Although Le Yuan aura made the scholartree monster incomparable belief, but this involved a life and death of their entire scholartree monster clan after all, has to give careful consideration. 乐渊的话刚刚说完,槐妖族长意动的同时也有些迟疑了。虽然乐渊身上的气息令槐妖无比的信服,但是毕竟这涉及到他们整个槐妖一族的生死,不得不慎重考虑。 Saw only scholartree monster Patriarch to hesitate for a long time, this looked up Le Yuan saying: Could make the small monster examine in advance, took a look whether suited me and other survival, I and other small monsters did not need what famed scenery, only sought one to be able the temporary lodging......” 只见槐妖族长踌躇了许久,这才抬起头望着乐渊道:“能否令小妖先行查看一番,瞧瞧是否适合我等的生存,我等小妖也无需什么名山大川,只求一个能够落脚之地……” Truly speaking, the request of scholartree monster Patriarch is not high, can say that lowers pitifully. However had a look at the cave that the all around scholartree monster they occupied to know, besides no thing to the vanilla, living outdoors was not exaggerating. 说实在的,槐妖族长的这个要求并不高,可以说低得可怜。不过看看四周槐妖他们居住的山洞就可以知晓了,除了离香草之外根本没什么东西,风餐露宿都绝不夸张。 Facing the request of scholartree monster Patriarch, Le Yuan that is will not reject flatly, he has fully self-confident, so long as has experienced the Le Yuan Small World superior environment, perhaps Le Yuan catches up with the scholartree monster they to leave, they also killed absolutely do not want to walk. 面对槐妖族长的要求,乐渊那也是根本不会拒绝,他有充分的自信只要见识过乐渊小世界的优越环境,恐怕乐渊赶槐妖他们离开,他们也绝对打死都不想走了。 The domain opens, Le Yuan brought space and time gate of scholartree monster Patriarch across domain to enter Small World. Merely one gate only misses, scholartree monster Patriarch then experienced anything to be called difference between heaven and earth. 领域开启,乐渊带着槐妖族长穿过领域内的时空门进入到了小世界内部。仅仅一道门只差,槐妖族长便见识到了什么叫做天差地别 Nuluoyan already that a scholartree monster clan survives now can be nearby the Shouyang city also to calculate that good place, Spiritual Qi is powerful compared with Shouyang city most places, otherwise their scholartree monster clan is unable to develop, but brings Small World that he arrives at to think that with Le Yuan that radically is heaven and earth. 槐妖一族现在生存的女萝岩已经算得上是寿阳城附近还算不错的地方,灵气比起寿阳城绝大多数地方都要强盛,不然他们槐妖一族也根本无法发展起来,不过和乐渊带他来到的小世界想必那根本是一个天一个地 This, is here on the demon Sir grants me the peaceful place of clan? Is this real?” “这,这里就是上魔大人赐予我族的安生之地?这是真的吗?” Carried scholartree monster Patriarch to glance over the big piece unmanned region along with Le Yuan one side, scholartree monster Patriarch this was shaken unable to speak thoroughly, appearance when particularly Lü Lingqi wait/etc Heroic Spirit nearly waited on, Le Yuan that nearly in Immortal God Strength, as well as that tens of thousands of huge believers time, scholartree monster Patriarch then realized that which his meets what gold/metal thigh, was meets the gold/metal likely leg and gold/metal dinosaur leg radically. 伴随着乐渊携带着槐妖族长将大片无人的区域浏览了一边,槐妖族长这是被彻底震得说不出话来了,尤其是当吕绮玲等等英灵近侍的出现,还有乐渊那近乎于仙神力量,以及那数以万计的庞大信众的时候,槐妖族长这才意识到他这哪是遇到什么金大腿,根本就是遇到金象腿、金恐龙腿。 If not enclasp the thigh of Le Yuan not to put now, that was this village had not really had this shop. 如果现在不抱紧乐渊的大腿不放,那真的是过了这村就没了这店。 As scholartree monster Patriarch was shaken dumbfounded, brings back to Nuluoyan he unable to recover him until Le Yuan. When his nearby clansman inquired unceasingly time, scholartree monster Patriarch then gradually raised the head, at this time he looked to Le Yuan look already no longer is the respect also dreads, but was the thorough frantic color, this simply was a Savior of their clan. 随着槐妖族长被震得一愣一愣的,直到乐渊将他重新带回女萝岩他都没有能够回过神来。等到他一旁的族人不断询问的时候,槐妖族长这才逐渐抬起头,此时他望向乐渊的眼神已经不再是尊敬还有畏惧,而是彻彻底底的狂热之色,这简直就是他们一族的救世主啊。 If Le Yuan really gives them a scholartree monster clan to handle the land of that big piece, scholartree monster Patriarch has the reason to believe that hundred years later, an entire scholartree monster clan at least be more powerful than ten times the present is as for dozens times. 如果乐渊真的将那大片的土地交给他们槐妖一族打理,槐妖族长有理由相信,经过百年之后,整个槐妖一族最起码要比现在强盛十倍乃至于数十倍。 Had scholartree monster Patriarch to coordinate, an entire scholartree monster clan simply did not have the objection, lifted the clan to move to Le Yuan Small World. But before, Huai Mi gave Le Yuan their several brothers' supreme treasure Earth Spirit Bead just before leaving. 有了槐妖族长牵头,整个槐妖一族根本没有异议,举族搬迁至了乐渊小世界内。而在临行之前,槐米将他们几兄弟的至宝土灵珠交给了乐渊 After all this grade of treasure leaves their also merely potential energy auxiliary cultivation, in which powerful Strength at all is not the scholartree monsters can use . Moreover the Spiritual Qi content in entire Small World is not low, on the contrary under the exchange of gifts between friends is filial piety to Le Yuan, can take to them on the contrary a scholartree monster bigger harvest. 毕竟这等宝贝留给他们也仅仅势能辅助修炼,其中的强大力量根本不是槐妖们能够利用的,况且整个小世界内的灵气含量并不低,相反投桃报李之下孝敬给乐渊,反倒是能够带给他们槐妖更大的收获。 But Le Yuan is tracing Earth Spirit Bead in hand, only felt in own hand this is not that Earth Spirit Bead that lose. 乐渊摸着手中的土灵珠,只觉得自己手上这枚并非是自己遗失的那一颗土灵珠 Five spirit bead altogether have two types, color stones that are Nüwa overcomes nature to leave behind absorbs Five Spirits Power, is the world strongest strength, this is also on Le Yuan that set of five spirit bead origin. 灵珠共有两种,一种乃是女娲补天遗留下来的五彩石吸附五灵之力而成,是人间最强之力,这也是乐渊手上那一套五灵珠的由来。 But another type, is among Heaven and Earth place of Five Spirits Power productivity in Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi that condenses becomes crystallizes, once Strength exhausts , will then produce in the Five Spirits Power habitat again, it can be said that the disposable consumables, use up on that type of disappearance. 而另一种,则是天地五灵之力于丰饶之处凝聚而成的天地灵气结晶,一旦力量耗尽则会重新于五灵之力聚集处生成,可以说是一次性消耗品,用完就消失的那一种。 After Le Yuan processed a situation of scholartree monster clan, accidentally opened Quest Panel Le Yuan to discover that near own Quest one side had/left a countdown, by that count-down, Le Yuan also has less than 24 hours then to encounter some not well-known situation. 就在乐渊处理完了槐妖一族的事态之后,偶然间打开任务面板乐渊发现自己的任务一旁边多出了一个倒计时,根据那个时间计算,乐渊还有不到24小时便会遭遇到某种不知名的情况。 ... ...
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