VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#775: The night to Qionghua, seizes property does not plunder the color

In the boundless vast desert, that gets Sun of deceased person sufficiently always in the releaser light/only with hotly, seeks ordinary person let alone to hurry along in such environment, perhaps even ensure was not exposed to the sun the dried meat is an issue. 茫茫沙海之中,那足以晒死人的太阳无时无刻不在释放者光与热,在这样的环境之中寻常人别说是赶路,恐怕连保证不被晒成肉干都是个问题。 But in such extreme environment, Le Yuan already appeared exceeds small for quite a while here. That moment of since the King of Huainan tomb waiting to the countdown ending, Strength that is unable to resist its package, after he draws to this place instantaneously, Le Yuan then in this boundless vast desert tries to seek can confirm the direction person or the thing. 而在这样极端的环境中,乐渊已经出现在这里超过小半天了。自从在淮南王陵等待至倒计时结束的那一刻,一股根本无从抵抗的力量将其包裹起来,将他瞬间拉至了这个地方之后,乐渊便在这茫茫沙海中试图寻找着能够确认方向的人或物。 Until Sun descends the mountain, Le Yuan seeks for a going down in the world mountain village after the vast desert, in the villagers toward the village asked, this knows here is Yueya Village, that as a result of felling Kunlun Mountains Saint wood, but the climate big change, causes the deathtrap that here almost becomes no one to survive. 直至太阳下山,乐渊才在沙海之后寻找到一片落魄的山村,向着村中村民一问,这才知道这里便是月牙村,那个由于砍伐了昆仑圣木而气候大变,导致这里几近成为了无人可以生存的死地。 However before the half day, Heavenly God celestial mountain the servant on god complies to seek for the law of recovery for them, moreover sent water and food of solution urgent matter for them, can say that made this village obtain a vitality temporarily. 不过就在半日之前,天神仙山上的神的仆人答应替他们寻找补救之法,而且还为他们送来了一解燃眉之急的水和食物,可以说让这个村子暂时获得了一点生机。 Inquired here, where Le Yuan can not know that the half day came is not others, did obeisance into the Qionghua Sect soon Yun Tianhe three people of groups. However this day always felt that had is also quick, on him one second also in the King of Huainan tomb near Shouyang city, but Yun Tianhe they also just entered Shouyang, how Kungfu in an instant, Yun Tianhe they did obeisance into Qionghua Sect directly, during this, minimum one month which went? 打听到这里,乐渊哪能不知道半日前来得不是别人,正是拜入了琼华派不久的云天河三人组。不过这日子总感觉过得也太快了点,他上一秒还在寿阳城附近的淮南王陵,而云天河他们也刚刚进入寿阳,怎么一转眼的功夫,云天河他们就直接拜入了琼华派,这期间最起码一个月的时间都去哪了? However simply does not have the time in thinking reason, Le Yuan to discover that on own panel that countdown appears again, this is compels Le Yuan to act quickly, whom otherwise presents to know how long next time passed, the saving plan of Le Yuan just started shortly. 不过根本没工夫在思索其中的缘由,乐渊已然发现自己的面板上那倒计时再一次出现,这是逼着乐渊赶快行动,不然的话下一次出现谁知道都过去多久了,乐渊的拯救计划才刚刚开始没多久。 To the Yuehe Village resident inquired that was clear Qionghua Sect in the position of Kunlun Mountain, Le Yuan no longer stays to flight fast overtake toward Qionghua Sect full power. 月河村的居民打听清楚了琼华派所在昆仑山的方位,乐渊不再停留以全力飞行之速向着琼华派赶了过去。 Qionghua in curtain of night was being wrapped by barrier, in this period had the going on night patrol disciple to inspect once for a while, in addition the Qionghua Sect place has all sorts of trial channels , without the method of governing sword flight not to enter. 夜幕中的琼华结界包裹着,期间更是时不时有巡夜弟子进行巡视,加上琼华派所处之地有着种种试炼通道,没有御剑飞行之法根本别想进入其中。 Even if understands the technique of flight by luck, but will not have the powerful strength still only to cause the Qionghua Sect warning, during making oneself get sucked in numerous surrounds. In entire Qionghua Sect, although the practicing disciple is countless, the number of elder are not small, the person but who true can become the powerful two characters is few. 而就算侥幸懂得飞行之术,但是没有强大的实力也只会引得琼华派的警报,令自己深陷于重重包围之中。整个琼华派内,虽然修行弟子不计其数,长老的数量也不算少,但是真正算起来能够当得上强大二字的人屈指可数。 So-called powerful, namely has the B level above strength, however such person in the Le Yuan sensation actually only then 23 people . Moreover the two are also at the edge of level, only had in Sect Master Su Yao the strength situated in Qionghua Sect Xuannu palace to reach in the B level the position, but also was only in the weakest B level the position. 所谓强大,即拥有b级以上的实力,但是这样的人在乐渊的感知之中却只有二三人,而且其中两人还处在掉级的边缘,唯有处于琼华派玄女宫内的掌门夙瑶的实力达到了b级中位,但是也只是最弱的b级中位。 But that Qionghua Sect strongest Xuan Xiao, because was not revealed by the reason aura of seal, which step is unable to nose he strongest strength. 而那位琼华派最强的玄霄,则因为被封印的缘故气息不显,根本无从查探出他最强的实力到了哪一步。 However also because of so, Le Yuan can think why Qionghua in solemn Kunlun Mountains eight schools will go down in the world to nowadays this appearance. Su Yao is jealous of capable people, the itself ability is insufficient, by her strength cannot the obedience, therefore also both elders of surviving therefore shunned the world in the back side of the mountain on own initiative, otherwise Qionghua can also on at least many two B levels the powerhouse. 不过也正是因为如此,乐渊才能够想到为什么堂堂昆仑八派中的琼华会落魄到现如今这个样子。夙瑶嫉贤妒能,本身能力不足,以她的实力本不能服众,因此原本还残存的两位长老都因此主动避世于后山,不然的话琼华最起码还能多上两位b级中位的强者。 But Qionghua feebly hence, regarding Le Yuan is also a good deed, after all he comes Qionghua Sect today is not a guest, Qionghua is feeble regarding his action is advantageous. 琼华衰弱至此,对于乐渊而言也是一件好事,毕竟他今日前来琼华派可不是做客的,琼华越是衰弱对于他的行动便越是有利。 How rare flower disciple of one crowd of C levels can look through the hidden of Le Yuan, maintains quiet shadow subspace condition Le Yuan to just like the uninhabited area in Qionghua Sect, arrives at the Xuannu palace that Sect Master Su Yao before directly. 一群只有c级的琼花弟子如何能够看破乐渊的隐藏,维持着幽影亚空间状态的乐渊琼华派犹如无人之境,径直来到了掌门夙瑶所在的玄女宫前。 As the palace that Sect Master occupies daily, all around naturally cannot have the residence of disciples, the palace that the company commander old is away from here is quite far, it can be said that entire Qionghua Sect is not most peaceful the disturbed place. 作为掌门日常所居的宫殿,四周自然不会存在弟子们的居所,连长老所在的宫殿都距离这里颇远,可以说是整个琼华派最为安静不受打搅的地方。 If the common time, naturally does not need help of one group of disciples as Su Yao of Qionghua Sect most powerhouse, how after all can beat this Qionghua Sect Sect Master person one group of disciples to come to be able, but the general evildoer/monstrous talent and enemy how could Quietus sneaks hence. 如果是寻常时候,作为琼华派最强者的夙瑶自然不需要一帮弟子的帮助,毕竟能够击败她这个琼华派掌门的人一群弟子来了又能怎么样,而一般的妖孽、敌人又岂能无声无息潜入至此。 Therefore Su Yao can say that hardly garrisons by her palace, but she in also forgot in more than ten years that Qionghua Sect this rested and built up strength the most basic vigilance, entered in the Xuannu palace until Le Yuan she cannot detect any deficiency. 因此夙瑶可以说在她的宫殿旁边几乎不设防,而她在琼华派这休养生息的十几年时间里面也忘记了最基本的警惕,直到乐渊进入玄女宫内她都没有能够发觉到任何的不妥之处。 The world domain opens 世界领域开启 When Le Yuan domain after seals off the entire Xuannu palace instantaneously, has sat cross-legged Su Yao that sits in meditation to exercise martial arts there then to respond that was the big deal, but how can she respond to be able? The disparity of strength will not have the slight change because of her idea. 乐渊的领域在瞬间将整个玄女宫封锁之后,一直盘坐于那里打坐练功的夙瑶这才反应过来出了大事,但是她能反应过来又能如何?实力的差距可不会因为她的想法而有丝毫的改变。 Is one move, in the situation that solemn Qionghua Sect Sect Master Su Yao then in has not displayed including oneself special skill was blocked True Yuan flowing in within the body by Le Yuan, the whole person body changed merely compared with putting down the ordinary person slightly strong mortal. 仅仅是一招,堂堂的琼华派掌门夙瑶便在连自己看家本领都没有施展出来的情况下被乐渊封锁了体内的真元流动,整个人身体化作了仅仅比平常人稍微强壮的凡人。 You...... are you!” “你……是你!” Su Yao after a move was trigged, phoenix has the anger to look filled with Le Yuan that she raids. However after seeing clearly the Le Yuan appearance that stops, her whole person dumbfounded, who can not know that however the face of Le Yuan her is turns into the ash to recognize. 夙瑶在一招被制住后,凤目带着满腔地怒火看着向她袭来的乐渊。不过当看清楚停下来的乐渊的面貌之后,她整个人都不由呆住了,谁都能不认识但是乐渊的脸她那是化成灰都认得。 19 years ago that bloody battle, Qionghua Sect fell short even present age Sect Master dead in battle, but caused the reason that Qionghua Sect defeated in the final analysis truly, Le Yuan in the post-war Qionghua Sect people mind must take the minimum 70% responsibility at least. 19年前的那场血战,琼华派功亏一篑甚至连当代掌门都战死了,但是归根究底真正导致琼华派战败的原因,在战后的琼华派众人心目中乐渊最起码要负上起码70%的责任。 Saw Su Yao after was trigged by oneself on that face wishes one could to bite its meat, food his bone, drinks the stance of his blood, which Le Yuan does not know own secret sneaks indeed is wise to cannot the wise choice, own reputation was indeed notorious in Qionghua Sect is chased by all. 看到夙瑶在被自己制住后那脸上一副恨不得噬其肉,食其骨,饮其血的架势,乐渊哪不知道自己秘密潜入的确是明智到不能再明智的选择,自己的名声的确是在琼华派臭得人人喊打了。 You, your anything you! Solemn Qionghua Sect Sect Master was struck to restrain in own school unexpectedly, thanks to you face works as this Qionghua Sect Sect Master person, really overreaches oneself!” “你,你什么你!堂堂一个琼华派掌门竟然在自己门派内被人一击制住,亏你还有脸面当这个琼华派掌门人,真是不自量力!” However meets the later minimum imposing manner unable to fall in leeward, but Le Yuan knows nothing to the 19 years ago things, therefore can only make noise to ridicule Su Yao to attempt to occupy the above in the following spoken language confrontation. 不过见面之后最起码气势不能落于下风,而乐渊本身又对19年前的事情一无所知,因此只能出声奚落夙瑶企图在接下来的言语交锋中得占上方。 But Su Yao is unable to refute regarding this, initially in former generation Qionghua Sect Master Taiqing (Grand Purity) many talent disciples counted her aptitude and root bone, perception and chance to be ordinariest, theoretically the achievement is also worst one, however the position of this Sect Master under many cause coincidences has to fall on her body. 夙瑶对此也根本无从反驳,当初上代琼华掌门太清的诸多天才弟子之中数她资质、根骨、悟性、机缘最为平凡,理论上成就也是最差的一个,但是在诸多因缘巧合之下这掌门之位不得不落在她的身上。 Although Su Yao wants to enhance the strength wholeheartedly, holds on to the position of Sect Master, but was a pity very much her aptitude still can only halt under the resources stack of Qionghua Sect in this even. 虽然夙瑶一心想要提高自身实力,坐稳掌门之位,但是很可惜她的资质就算在琼华派的资源堆积之下也只能止步于此。 My Qionghua Sect matter, but also is not one's turn a demon who betrays sect gesticulates, actually so-called what matter rebel Le Yuan you sneak my Qionghua today, kills my former generation Sect Master to be insufficient, wanting deceive master, extinguish ancestors to persecute current Sect Master again?” “我琼华派的事情,还轮不到一个背叛师门的魔头来指手画脚,叛徒乐渊你今日潜入我琼华究竟所谓何事,难道害死我上代掌门还不够,想要再次欺师灭祖迫害现任掌门吗?” Su Yao this saying also said is on the knife point dances, runs on a bank Le Yuan in that own life as the gambling stake, she is betting Le Yuan to come today is not to kill her, otherwise just that sneak attack took the Le Yuan strength should before her to respond sufficiently got rid of her. 夙瑶这话说得也是刀尖上跳舞,在那自己的生命作为赌注挤兑乐渊,她在赌乐渊今日前来并不是为了杀她,不然的话刚刚的那一次偷袭以乐渊的实力应该足以在她为反应过来之前就干掉她了。 But in fact she guesses not wrong, no matter how this Qionghua Sect Le Yuan initiative destruction it, will not look that the monk surface looks at the Buddha surface, how this Qionghua Sect said was also Le Yuan once sect. 而事实上她猜得也没有错,不管如何这琼华派乐渊不会主动覆灭它的,不看僧面看佛面,这琼华派怎么说也是乐渊“曾经”的师门 Yes, I will indeed not kill you, but you thought that I the big fee/spent comes here today flustered, for what? I want your “是啊,我的确不会杀你,但是你觉得我今日大费周章前来这里,是为的什么呢?我想要你 Saying, the eye of Le Yuan under Su Yao that Qionghua clothing serves as contrast on the body that is learned concave-convex is sizing up up and down, how to see how not to feel like a good person. 说着,乐渊的眼睛在夙瑶那一声琼华服饰衬托下的凹凸有料的身体上上下打量着,怎么看怎么觉得不像是个好人。 But seemed like the X-ray machine to penetrate the vision of clothes by Le Yuan this generally, Su Yao raises up the goosebumps from top to bottom, in the heart mused that Le Yuan will not do that matter of blaspheming retaliates for more than ten years ago to his chasing down. 而被乐渊这像是x光机一般能够穿透衣服的目光,夙瑶浑身上下不由竖起了鸡皮疙瘩,心中暗想乐渊不会做那亵渎之事来报复十几年前对他的追杀吧。 However Su Yao also worked as more than ten years of Sect Master character in the final analysis, at crucial moments is without turning a hair to do not badly, although the innermost feelings just like the difficult situation to be volatile, but on the face is actually a dead puddle tranquility. 不过夙瑶说到底也是当了十几年掌门的人物,在危急时刻面不改色做得不差,虽然内心犹如惊涛骇浪般动荡,但是脸上却是一副死水潭般的平静。 Trivial mortal body, but is a leather bag, what our generation immortal cultivation the pursue is the Heavenly Dao, under your act already ends up becomes......” “区区肉身,不过是一副皮囊而已,我辈修仙追求的乃是天道,你此举已经落得下成……” While Su Yao for oneself this pompous words felt admiration time, answering of Le Yuan keeps her almost from maintaining own Sect Master image so, almost turns into the marketplace vixen from noble Qionghua Sect Master. 正当夙瑶自己都为自己这番冠冕堂皇的话而感到钦佩的时候,乐渊的回话却让她差点无法维持住自己的这般掌门形象,差点从高贵的琼华掌门变成市井泼妇。 „, Who wants your senior citizen, wants on Qionghua Sect to discuss the beauty initially, Su Yu above you . Moreover the talent or the character quite coincide with me, if is really not under you by charm Su Xin, even if I will elect them not to elect you, little thought oneself infallible......” “切,谁想要你这个老年人,想当初琼华派上论姿色,夙玉远在你之上,而且无论是才情还是性格都颇为与我相合,而如果真论魅力夙莘也绝不在你之下,我就算选她们也不会选你啊,少自以为是了……” The Le Yuan words while making Su Yao get mad, made her have doubts. What actually Le Yuan this wants is what, just Le Yuan said doesn't refer to her? But this Xuannu palace also has anything to be worth Le Yuan late at night coming...... 乐渊的话在令夙瑶火冒的同时,也令她疑惑不已。乐渊这究竟想要的是什么,刚刚乐渊所说的难道不是指她吗?而这玄女宫又有什么值得乐渊深夜前来的呢…… Under a thinking, an answer appears in the Su Yao mind gradually. Situated in this Xuannu palace , moreover has goods Qionghua Sect Sect Protecting Supreme Treasure Water Spirit Bead of tremendous value. 一番思索之下,一个答案渐渐出现在夙瑶的脑海之中。位于这玄女宫内,而且又有着重大价值的物品琼华派镇派至宝水灵珠 supreme treasure that this contains infinite water Spiritual Power, can say, since was found after by the Qionghua Sect person, then made the Qionghua Sect strength multiply. Assists the disciple to cultivate also or the resistance powerful enemy, this Water Spirit Bead wondrous use is innumerable. Although Qionghua Sect cannot use Water Spirit Bead like the Nüwa clansman like that flexibly, but even Water Spirit Bead is also the rare treasure. 这件蕴含着无穷水灵力至宝,可以说自从被琼华派的人找到后便令琼华派实力倍增。无论是辅助门人修炼亦或者抵御强敌,这水灵珠的妙用数不胜数。虽然琼华派并不能像女娲族人那般灵活使用水灵珠,但是即使这样水灵珠亦是不可多得的宝物。 But Le Yuan entered in the Xuannu palace, but could not feel Water Spirit Bead that abundant Water Spirit Power similarly, but Water Spirit Bead so cultivated supreme treasure impossible to be abandoned it by Su Yao like the shoes, in other words this Water Spirit Bead laid aside in one can shield the Le Yuan sensation the place, was within the body of person. 乐渊虽然进入到了玄女宫内,但是同样感受不到水灵珠那充沛的水灵之力,但是水灵珠这般修炼至宝不可能夙瑶弃之如履,换句话说这水灵珠放置在了一个能够屏蔽乐渊感知的地方,也就是人的体内。 In Su Yao that alarmed and afraid vision, the right arm of Le Yuan changes to the Demon shape, flashed the blue light right arm to prick the chest of Su Yao forcefully, this in dreadful Su Yao this woman, Le Yuan Demon right arm already did not penetrate under this shape into Su Yao within the body directly selects Water Spirit Bead. 夙瑶那惊惧的目光之中,乐渊的右臂化作恶魔形态,闪着蓝光的右臂就这么硬生生刺入了夙瑶的胸口,这可不是在猥琐夙瑶这个女人,乐渊恶魔右臂已经在这个形态下直接深入到夙瑶体内摘取水灵珠 After Le Yuan entire takes out Water Spirit Bead, Su Yao already Byakugan upturned to faint. Extraction of Water Spirit Bead has the negative role, moreover Le Yuan is the crude incomparable robbing type takes the bead, this made Su Yao of supernatural power not to be withstood by the seal. 乐渊水灵珠整个取出之后,夙瑶已经白眼上翻昏倒了过去。水灵珠的取出不是没有负面作用的,而且乐渊又是粗暴无比的抢夺式取珠,这更令被封印了法力的夙瑶承受不住。 But Le Yuan cannot make the Su Yao such in vain stupor in the past, the matter of tonight cannot expose simply, Le Yuan to provide against contingencies got down the number on the body of Su Yao to the seal, the conversion time must be able to unseal four days later at least, where when the time comes Le Yuan does not have long known. 乐渊可不能令夙瑶这么白白昏迷了过去,今夜之事可不能简简单单地暴露了,乐渊为了以防万一又在夙瑶的身上下了数到封印,换算时间最起码也要在四天之后才能解封,到时候乐渊早就不知道去了何方。 What a pity is, Water Spirit Bead that this just succeeded in obtaining similarly is the product that Spiritual Qi condenses, does not belong to Le Yuan that Water Spirit Bead, similarly the consciousness of unparalleled Nüwa has not existed. 可惜的是,这个刚到手的水灵珠同样是灵气凝聚的产物,并非属于乐渊的那枚水灵珠,同样并没有无双女娲的意识存在。 Received the domain also to have Water Spirit Bead, Le Yuan by starlight touches again to the Qionghua Sect restricted area, how future doesn't Boss meet and play to be able the doing right by good fortune to come Qionghua painstakingly? 收起领域还有水灵珠,乐渊再次趁着夜色摸向了琼华派禁地,未来的波ss不见见面、耍耍怎么能够对得起幸苦来一趟琼华呢? ... ...
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