VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#769: Who said that the person of high skill can't work as the robber?

Has not arrived at Lake Chao while Le Yuan that the darkness hurries along, then witnessed not very awkward one, midnight is hungry Yun Tianhe that cannot fall asleep to study the wild boar to call, to want through the similar neighing sound to attract the prey to come, but his such action has actually gone looking for trouble, catches up with the average person of night road to look forward to anyone not to know that own existence, who will look like Yun Tianhe to court death to look such smooth. 趁着天黑赶路的乐渊还没有来到巢湖边上,便见证了啼笑皆非的一幕,半夜饿得睡不着的云天河正在学着野猪叫,想要通过同类的嘶鸣声吸引猎物过来,但是他这样的举动却已是自找麻烦,赶夜路的普通人巴不得谁也不知道自己的存在,谁会像云天河找死找得这么溜。 Really Le Yuan from Yun Tianhe also has a distance the time, then already feels in Yun Tianhe due south 3 km away, several evil influence beasts act as soon as one gets the news, rushes toward Yun Tianhe two people locations rapidly. 果然乐渊距离云天河还有段距离的时候,便已经感受到在云天河正南方3公里之外,数只邪风兽闻风而动,向着云天河两人的所在地急速奔去。 The evil influence beast, merely is the monster beast of D level, coping with average person that naturally does not have toward is disadvantageous, but also has regarding Yun Tianhe that just descended the mountain roughly understands Five Spirits Immortal Technique Han Lingsha that to be as good as the archenemy merely. 邪风兽,仅仅是d级的妖兽,对付普通人那自然是无往而不利,而对于刚刚下山的云天河还有仅仅粗通五灵仙术韩菱纱那可就是不亚于大敌。 Who makes Yun Tianhe have Han Lingsha also to make a debut, a strength of D level in can also be the first-rate expert on Jianghu, but coped with the monster to be beset with problems, after all two people class promotion has not become the member now, was not familiar with the tactical rules of monster. 谁让云天河还有韩菱纱也是初出茅庐,一点d级的实力在在江湖上也算得上是一流的好手,但是对付起妖怪来就捉襟见肘了,毕竟两人现在并未转职成为修士,对于妖怪的战法并不熟悉。 When Le Yuan just rushed to the scene, Yun Tianhe and Han Lingsha are playing inextricably involved with the evil influence beast, unique skill evil influence bent/tune can/but of evil influence beast is not the common Martial World person can the hell, if not two people also thoroughly understands the Five Spirits magic arts, perhaps evil influence tune, two people must plant at the scene. 乐渊刚刚赶到现场之时,云天河韩菱纱正和邪风兽打得难分难解,邪风兽的绝技邪风曲可不是寻常武林人士可以地狱的,如果不是两个人亦通晓五灵法术,恐怕邪风曲一出,两人当场就要栽了。 Damn, good fierce monster, Lingsha we what to do?” “该死,好厉害的妖怪,菱纱我们怎么办?” Even Yun Tianhe is mindless goods, at this time one and evil influence beast encountered several times, then had detected before this and him, many wild animals are completely two matters, if merely is he alone, can by familiar fleeing that the mountain forest runs, however nearby Han Lingsha was very difficult to achieve. 就算云天河是个没心没肺的货,此时一和邪风兽交锋了数次,便已然察觉到这和他以前遇到的诸多野兽完全是两回事,如果仅仅是他一个人的话,能够凭借山林奔走的熟悉逃离,但是一旁的韩菱纱就很难做到了。 Also is not your fool evil, this thief meets your such fool is really eight lifetime's bloody bad luck, a while I use the misty rain to seize the soul, we sneak off while this opportunity together, this monster cannot resist with all one's strength!” “还不是你这个笨蛋害的,本大盗遇上你这样的傻瓜真是倒了八辈子血霉,等会儿我用烟雨夺魂,我们趁着这个机会一起溜走,这妖怪不能力敌!” Emei Thorn on Han Lingsha after oneself hand supports the sharp claws of evil influence beast to Yun Tianhe was saying. However although Han Lingsha in the words has the complaint, however her character is not that being calculating style, presently what is most important escapes from surrounding and capturing of monster. 韩菱纱用自己手上的峨眉刺架住邪风兽的利爪后对着云天河道。不过韩菱纱虽然话语中带着抱怨,但是她的性格也不是那种斤斤计较的风格,当前最重要的是逃脱妖怪的围捕。 Rain hates the smoke to worry!” “雨恨烟愁!” In the Han Lingsha preparation begins, the sound spread to her also to have in the ear of Yun Tianhe together, later then saw fresh breeze that brings the piercing cold air from their body bank one volume. In time of such gust, gathered round their three evil influence beasts then to be frozen in an instant thoroughly by the thick 1000 year cold ice. 就在韩菱纱准备动手之际,一道声音传入到了她还有云天河的耳中,随后便见到一阵带着刺骨凉气的劲风从他们身畔一卷而过。就在这么一阵风的时间,围着他们的三只邪风兽便在转眼之间被厚实的千年寒冰彻底冻住了。 Han Lingsha even can from the present three evil influence beast ice sculptures, feel these three evil influence beasts until frozen not to detect that arrival of attack, when they by frozen is also maintaining the posture of fight. 韩菱纱甚至能够从眼前的三座邪风兽冰雕之中,感受到这三只邪风兽直至冰封都没有察觉到攻击的降临,他们被冰封时还维持着战斗之姿。 This, very powerful Water Immortal Technique, this certainly is...... the person of high skill!” “这,好强的水系仙法,这一定是……高人!” Han Lingsha feels the evil influence beast that is frozen at present completely only to feel that immeasurably deep strength, but the one side just descended the mountain shortly after Yun Tianhe absolutely not to have this concept, only thought that the target that the ice sculpture of evil influence beast will very be fun, just also the monster who made threatening gestures becomes will not move now, making him excited scurries about in the one side. 韩菱纱摸着眼前被完全冰冻起来的邪风兽只感觉到深不可测的实力,而一旁刚下山没多久的云天河就完全没有这个概念了,只觉得邪风兽的冰雕好玩得很,刚刚还张牙舞爪的妖怪现在就成为了不会动的靶子,让他兴奋得在一旁上窜下跳的。 But Han Lingsha looks around to seek everywhere on a person of high skill of their life, when raised the head then saw that a blue flowing light from in the air crashed, appears beyond their ten meters, when the blue light withdrew, then saw posture of the Immortal Qi indistinct full person of high skill, but also was much younger youth to appear in her front. 韩菱纱四处张望寻找着就他们两人一命的高人,抬头之际便见到一身蓝色流光从空中坠落,出现在了他们两个的十米之外,当蓝光撤去,便见到一身仙气飘渺十足高人之姿,但是又年轻得过分的青年出现在了她的面前。 Seeing only that youth facial features is delicate, in Han Lingsha looks like the age to seem like actually only on the big 3 or 4-year-old appearance, but among every action and every movement brings Immortal Qi is actually not can compare favorably, the heart of Han Lingsha soon jumped out of the throat, she rushed about in the land for wasn't seeks the early immortal to ask the immortal? 只见那青年面容清秀,在韩菱纱看来年纪看起来倒是只比自己大上三四岁的样子,但是一举一动之间带着的仙气却不是自己能够媲美的,韩菱纱的心都快要跳出嗓子眼了,她奔波于就着大地为的不就是寻早仙人求长生吗? Now the immortal at present, how can be aloof. While Han Lingsha prepares to make noise, opposite immortal a few words actually destroy cleanly his Immortal Qi, drop the feeling of this world from Immortal World directly. 现在仙人就在眼前,怎么能够无动于衷。正当韩菱纱准备出声的时候,对面的仙人一句话却把他身上的仙气破坏得一干二净,直接从仙界跌落凡尘的感觉。 Now takes by force, male in left, female in right, confessed neither male nor female do not move. Body anything treasured sword and magic weapon hands over entirely, I am a robber who has the principle, only seizes property does not plunder the color!” “现在打劫,男的在左,女的在右,自认不男不女的别动。身上什么宝剑、法宝的统统交出来,我是一个有原则的强盗,只劫财不劫色!” Sees only Le Yuan that drops from the clouds to say seriously why as for with Yun Tianhe did not say understand or snatched directly walked, fuck does not beam with joy white to come one time. Moreover if possible, Le Yuan also to taking the opportunity to try to hide in nearby Murong Ziying skill. After Le Yuan lent a hand to solve the evil influence beast, ambushed in nearby Murong Ziying fortunately, be at waiting and seeing condition. 只见从天而降的乐渊一本正经地说道,至于为什么不和云天河明白或是直接抢了就走,尼玛不露个脸岂不是白来一次。而且可能的话,乐渊也向借机试一试隐藏在一旁的慕容紫英的身手。在乐渊出手解决了邪风兽之后,凑巧在附近的慕容紫英就重新潜伏了下来,处于观望状态。 Hehe, is the person of high skill, you speaking the joke with us? You is a person of high skill, will our mortal possibly have the treasure that you want? Haha, I know that your certain Sir has massive, but also asked the person of high skill to advise the law of my immortal!” “呵呵,高人,您是在和我们说笑话吗?您可是高人,我们一介凡人怎么可能会有您要的宝物呢?哈哈,我知道您一定大人有大量,还请高人指教我长生之法!” Han Lingsha is making fun, as if thought that the person of high skill handles affairs without restraint of style, really does not want to rob surely, therefore takes advantage of opportunity to Le Yuan is bowing the stance that as to take advantage of opportunity to study with a teacher. 韩菱纱打着哈哈,似乎觉得高人行事不拘一格,必定不是真的想要抢劫,于是顺势对着乐渊一鞠躬似乎想要顺势拜师学艺的架势。 Hey, that side mischievous boy, the sword on your hand was good, after giving me, this Sir lets off you, has not given me in a big hurry!” “喂,那边猴头猴脑的小子,你手上的剑不错,给我之后本大爷就放过你们了,还不快快给我!” Le Yuan sees another side Yun Tianhe still to look at the evil influence beast ice sculpture in that took advantage of opportunity refers to the wind ball together on the forehead of Yun Tianhe, hit to awake him thoroughly. 乐渊一见另一边的云天河还在那瞧着邪风兽冰雕,顺势一道指风弹在了云天河的脑门上,将他彻底打醒。 Oh, how you can hit the person! Do you want my sword? This is the sword is my father leaves my, how can give you...... to rob casually? My father had said robbing is an evil person, looks at the sword!” “哎哟,你怎么能打人呢!你想要我的剑?这是剑是我爹留给我的,怎么能随便给你……抢劫?我爹说过抢劫的全是恶人,看剑!” Yun Tianhe stupidly wants the theory, after nearby Lingsha proposes understand the Le Yuan purpose in coming, no longer spoke immediately, raises the blue Wangshu Sword rising with a spring overhead to divide toward Le Yuan. 云天河傻傻地想要理论,但是在一旁的菱纱提点之后明白乐渊的来意,顿时也不再说话,提起蓝色的望舒剑一跃而起当头向着乐渊劈了过来。 Ding “叮 The instance that Wangshu Sword chops, exuded the collision sound of divine weapon confrontation. In Yun Tianhe stares in the big look, sees only Le Yuan to raise up the right hand index finger to keep off, blocked in the finger his hand that the immortal sword that being possible be called destroys the hardest defenses. 望舒剑劈下的瞬间,发出了神兵交锋的碰撞声。在云天河瞪大的眼神之中,只见乐渊竖起右手食指一挡,用手指挡住了他手上那把堪称无坚不摧的仙剑。 However Le Yuan may not have to using the hand arrogantly goes to the hard anti- immortal sword, even if this immortal sword is also at half state of activation, and with the person level of sword not, but is still not the mortal body can resist. 不过乐渊可没有自大到用手去硬抗仙剑,就算这仙剑还处于半激活状态,且用剑的人水平不咋的,但是依然不是肉身可以抵挡的。 However on the after finger of Le Yuan covers the ice shield of First Layer water Spiritual Power constitution, possibility that this impossible then changes. Grasps the time of release, that Ice Release then counter-balances dividing of Wangshu Sword to cut sufficiently, but prevented the attack of sword to be the same with Le Yuan with the hand in average person opinion. 不过乐渊的手指上覆盖上一层灵力构成的冰盾之后,这不可能便化作的可能。把握好释放的时间,那冰遁便足以抵消望舒剑的劈砍,而在一般人看来就和乐渊用手阻挡了剑的攻击一般。 „Are you......?” “你……难道是?” The Yun Tianhe short distance looks at the face of Le Yuan not to know that thought of anything, is wanting saying that was flung to waste by the Le Yuan right hand. 云天河近距离望着乐渊的面孔也不知道想到了些什么,正想要说的时候,便被乐渊右手一甩打飞了出去。 Boy, your last time opportunity, making me have a look at your most powerful quantity!” “小子,你只有最后一次机会,让我看看你的最强力量吧!” Looks to show the D level strength merely Yun Tianhe, Le Yuan speaks the truth somewhat disappointedly, actually to want what kind of chance to make Yun Tianhe use one year of growth to fall the Qionghua level to later arrow, looked that now the Yun Tianhe strength seems like the difficulty to be large. 望着仅仅表现出d级实力的云天河,乐渊说实话有些失望,究竟要怎么样的机缘才能令云天河用一年的时间成长到之后箭落琼华的水平,看现在云天河的实力貌似难度颇大。 Tianhe, you cannot be victorious,......” Han Lingsha looks at easily returned Yun Tianhe, makes noise the persuasion to say. 天河,你打不过的,还是……”韩菱纱看着被轻易打回来的云天河,不由出声劝说道。 Sibo, looks at the sword!” 思博,看剑!” But Yun Tianhe has not stopped, oneself bow will take down, draws a bow to build the sword, aimed at Le Yuan Wangshu Sword in hand. As the Yun Tianhe aura fills to pour into Wangshu Sword, the Wangshu Sword sword blade even sent out intermittent dim light, appearing quiet and strange, but in the Wangshu Sword Strength activated instance, nearby Han Lingsha only felt the whole body to be incapable, fell down chilly. 云天河没有停下,将自己身上的弓取下,张弓搭剑,将手中的望舒剑瞄准了乐渊。随着云天河的气息灌注入望舒剑内,望舒剑的剑身甚至散发出了一阵阵幽光,显得静谧而诡异,而在望舒剑力量被激活的瞬间,一旁的韩菱纱只觉得浑身无力,一个料峭倒在了地上。 [ Feathers arrow], this is Yun Tianhe in the arrow law in year after year going hunting comprehending, the vigorous arrow castrates like the rainbow, has the potential of broken clouds. In the coordination Wangshu Sword this sharp incomparable immortal sword, destroys the hardest defenses seriously. [飞羽箭],这就是云天河在长年累月的打猎中领悟出来的箭法,疾箭去势如虹,有破云之势。配合上望舒剑这把锋利无比的仙剑,当真是无坚不摧。 As a Yun Tianhe arrow projects Wangshu Sword, two people to more than ten meters distances, a blue rainbow light connect two people, have the incomparable might, even approaches the attack of c + level to erupt instantaneously from the sword blade. 随着云天河一箭将望舒剑射出,两人相距不过十多米的距离,一道蓝色的虹光将两个人连接,带着无比威力,甚至逼近c+级的攻击瞬间从剑身上爆发出来。 The sword just projected, Yun Tianhe somewhat had doubts , although before sent out with Wangshu Sword this struck is also very strong, but does not have today so the might, this was sword as if becomes fiercer. 剑刚刚射出,云天河就有些疑惑了,以前用望舒剑发出这一击的时候虽然也很强,但是却没有今日这般威力,“这是剑”似乎变得更加厉害了。 Clang “锵 Brings an incomparable power and influence arrow close to Le Yuan also stops suddenly, looked like one to be pulled apart the string forcefully uncomfortably generally. 带着无比威势的一箭在接近乐渊的同时戛然而止,就像是一曲到了被硬生生地扯断了琴弦一般令人难受。 Such a powerful arrow, coped with the fists and feet of child to pinch by Le Yuan probably generally gently in the hand. But looks at present Wangshu Sword, deeply frowning of Le Yuan is not knowing that should be what to do good, this Wangshu Sword indeed is very weird, although is an immortal sword, the relation that but is actually not able to process with Le Yuan forcefully, lodged also to have Han Lingsha within the body of life of Extreme Yin Extreme Yin cold air, so long as this cold air did not relieve lodges the relations is not then able to solve forever. 这么强大的一箭,就这么被乐渊像是对付小孩的拳脚一般轻轻捏在了手中。而望着眼前的望舒剑,乐渊的眉头紧锁根本不知道该怎么办才好,这望舒剑的确邪门得很,虽然是一把仙剑,但是却硬生生用乐渊根本无法处理的联系,将一股至阴寒气寄宿到了同样有着至阴之命的韩菱纱体内,这股寒气只要不解除寄宿关系便永远无法解决。 But Han Lingsha in these circumstances only if can cultivation to be a worthy opponent Xihe Sword to advocate the Xuan Xiao strength in a short time sufficiently, otherwise was killed with Wangshu Sword of Xihe Sword resonance sooner or later. 韩菱纱在这样的情况下除非能够在短时间内修炼到足以匹敌羲和剑玄霄的实力,不然迟早被与羲和剑共鸣的望舒剑弄死。 Le Yuan collects now even Wangshu Sword, still preserves a Han Lingsha life temporarily, was started the countdown by her life already of Wangshu Sword parasitic, coordinates the Han Family short-lived spell, Han Lingsha anything does not work is about 5 years. 乐渊现在就算将望舒剑收藏起来,也只是暂时保住韩菱纱的一条命,被望舒剑寄生的她生命已经进入到了倒计时,配合韩家短命的魔咒,韩菱纱什么都不做活不过五年。 When Le Yuan acts bashful Wangshu Sword is looking at carefully, in Murong Ziying that the one side watches seems like again has also been unable to continue watching, before the direct governing sword arrived at the Le Yuan body, is reprimanding to Le Yuan asks: „Below Kunlun Mountains Qionghua Sect Murong Ziying, your excellency did not think that did extremely? You are also cultivator, how could to do the matter of this up to cunning or petty ruses, but also please give back to the front this little brother the sword in hand, later returns to mountain peaceful cultivating to go!” 就在乐渊拿捏着望舒剑端详的时候,一直在一旁观看的慕容紫英像是再也看不下去了,直接御剑来到了乐渊身前,对着乐渊斥问道:“在下昆仑琼华派慕容紫英,难道阁下不觉得做得太过了吗?你也是修行之人,岂能做这鸡鸣狗盗之事,还请将手中的剑还给前面这位小兄弟,随后回山静修去把!” Sir works, the child plays the mud at the same time, how even Su Yao before me can, you go back to practice!” “大人做事,小孩子一边玩泥巴去,就算是夙瑶在我面前又能如何,你还是回去多练练吧!” The right hand of Le Yuan flashes through the blue electric light, later Thunder and Lightning Spear cuts the expansive sky hundred meters together, points to the chest of Murong Ziying. 乐渊的右手闪过蓝色的电光,随后一道雷电之枪划破长空百米,直指慕容紫英的胸口。 Facing Le Yuan this is quick and anxious strikes, Murong Ziying aptitude extremely high, still feels caught off guard even. Even Five Spirits Return to Origin displays without enough time, uses one move merely with enough time[ four directions austere collect], three True Yuan changes into the air/Qi of four directions with the aid in within the body Heaven and Earth person, the congealment round number protects oneself the air/Qi sword in own all around, tries to resist Le Yuan through such way strikes. 面对乐渊这又快又急的一击,慕容紫英就算资质奇高,也觉得措手不及。连五灵归宗都来不及施展,仅仅来得及用出一招[四方肃敛],借助体内天地人三才真元化为四方之气,凝结成数把气剑护身于自己四周,试图通过这样的方式抵挡住乐渊的一击。 However the disparity of strength is not the style can make up, even if Le Yuan strikes merely is attack conveniently, Strength merely is normal 1%, the attack of Thunder and Lightning Spear still has however penetrated Murong Ziying the air/Qi of guard. 不过实力的差距可不是招式能够弥补的,就算乐渊的一击仅仅是随手的攻击,力量仅仅是正常的百分之一不到,但是雷电之枪的攻击依然穿透过了慕容紫英的护身之气。 “滋滋 Was hit by Thunder and Lightning Spear, Murong Ziying only feels own body completely paralysis, the revolution that not only True Yuan already stops, a gearing body is hard to achieve, immediately is unable to continue Murong Ziying of governing sword to drop from the clouds, crashes in the land. 雷电之枪击中,慕容紫英只觉得自己的身体被完全麻痹,不但真元已经停止的运转,连动一下身体都难以做到,顿时无法继续御剑的慕容紫英从天而降,坠落于大地上。 Sibo, is this sword can give back to me? This is my father gives me, I only then this sword......” 思博,这是剑能够还给我吗?这是我爹给我的,我只有这把剑了……” Yun Tianhe flexure the head was saying to Le Yuan. 云天河挠着脑袋对着乐渊说道。 Sibo? Martial Uncle(Shī bó)? Wait, what did you shout me? Martial Uncle, you meant that I am your father's Senior Brother, you determined that hasn't shouted the wrong person?” 思博?师伯?等等,你喊我什么?师伯,你的意思是说我是你爹的师兄,你确定没喊错人?” Has heard Yun Tianhe Sibo and Sibo to shout itself, responded that meaning and pronunciation of this fellow at all not understand name, thinks immediately so-called Sibo refers to Martial Uncle. 一直听到云天河思博思博”地喊自己,反应过来这家伙根本不明白称呼的含义与发音,立马想到所谓的思博指的是师伯 However these words disclosed the information content of can be said as is much bigger, actually 19 years ago Le Yuan are playing what role in the Qionghua Sect war. 不过这句话透露出来的信息量可以说是大得惊人,19年前的乐渊究竟在琼华派大战中扮演着什么样的角色。 ... ...
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