VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#768: Is sorry Tianhe, your corner I dug

Liu Mengli is really not small bumpkin person Yun Tianhe, tomb raider expert Han Lingsha can compare. Has her of Shouyang best antenatal not saying that is familiar with hundred, but at least is also a famous litterateur first-rate character, telling the story comes is not the average person can compare favorably. 柳梦璃果然不是小野人云天河,还有盗墓专家韩菱纱可以比拟的。有着寿阳最好教育环境的她不说熟读百经,但是最起码也是一个名士一流的人物,讲起故事来就不是一般人可以媲美的。 The 19 years ago past events, that are say lifelike in the Liu Mengli mouth, even if since Le Yuan this absolutely did not have the person of picture feeling still to be able from her story to recall initially all conditions. 19年前的旧事,在柳梦璃的口中那是讲得栩栩如生,就算是乐渊这个完全没有画面感的人也能从她的故事中回忆起当初一切的状况。 According to the view of Liu Mengli, shortly after she was just born, does not know why in a piece slaughters in the bloodshed, was rescued( the Qionghua Sect war) then to hold still from the situation of incomparable danger by Le Yuan young her dashing left and right to clash, after defeating to try to block their people innumerably( Qionghua Sect expert), made her be out of danger. 根据柳梦璃的说法,在她刚出生后不久,不知为何在一片厮杀血海之中,被乐渊从无比危险的情况下救出(琼华派大战)然后抱着仍旧年幼的她左突右冲,在击败了无数试图拦下他们的人(琼华派的高手)之后,才令她脱离险境。 Even was just born shortly after Liu Mengli, because since childhood Spiritual Power far ultra mediocre, enabling her just childhood all to keep firmly in mind to the present, the Le Yuan appearance is her life is more unforgettable, therefore after saw few days ago crashes Le Yuan, can after Le Yuan reveals less than half merely by the face that the demon mark covers recognizes directly. 就算是刚出生没多久的柳梦璃,由于自幼灵力远超凡俗,使得她能够将将幼年发生的一切全都牢记至现在,乐渊的面貌更是她一生难忘的,是故在前些日子见到坠落下的乐渊后,能够在乐渊仅仅露出小半个被魔纹覆盖的脸之后直接认出来。 But in later Le Yuan was not only Liu Mengli had Mengli the name, was makes Yun Tianqing have Su Yu to bring Liu Mengli to leave, oneself counted to lead away the pursuing troops, can say that rising above self this point will achieve the pinnacle. 而在之后乐渊不但为柳梦璃起了“梦璃”之名,更是让云天青还有夙玉带着柳梦璃离开,自己将追兵细数引开,可以说将舍己为人这一点做到了极致。 As Liu Mengli calls the roll of officers and assign them tasks she to remember that the 19 years ago past events recounted, Le Yuan only feels first two big. If Liu Mengli said that has no careless mistake, then this explained two possibilities without doubt. 随着柳梦璃一点点将她记忆中19年前的往事述说,乐渊只觉得一个头两个大。如果柳梦璃说的话没有任何纰漏的话,那么这无疑说明了两种可能性。 First Le Yuan does not have implantation of status memory, in other words all these are not the past that the status background brings change, but is true some historical event that this person is made by Le Yuan, this point must confirm. 首先乐渊并没有身份记忆的植入,换句话说这一切并不是身份背景带来的过去变化,而是真真正正由“乐渊”这个人做出来的某个历史事件,这一点必须确认。 One of possibilities, is present Le Yuan be at losing recalls the condition, in other words he also really in 19 appeared in Qionghua Sect young also rescues was just born shortly after Liu Mengli. The Le Yuan true storyline breakthrough point is not now, but is the remote 19 years ago. But the desolate spent for some reasons these 19 years, because then certain not well-known reasons were crashing to regain consciousness a short time ago. 可能性之一,是现在的乐渊处于失忆状态,换句话说他还真的就在19年轻出现在琼华派并且救了刚刚出生没多久的柳梦璃乐渊真正的剧情切入点并不是现在,而是遥远的19年之前。只不过由于某种原因荒度了这19年时间,然后由于某些不知名的缘故在前不久坠落苏醒。 How however this possibility wants to think that some are not quite right, if really 19 years, then Le Yuan from can bring Little Mengli to kill Qionghua Sect this point, the Le Yuan strength can steamroll entire Qionghua be right absolutely, after Qionghua Sect Master Taiqing (Grand Purity) dies, the person of surviving should impossible be right Le Yuan seizing. Otherwise Le Yuan will not appear in present this form in the Liu Mengli front, this possibility abeyance. 不过这种可能性这么想怎么觉得有些不太对,如果真有19年的时间,那么乐渊从能够带着小梦璃杀出琼华派这一点来看,乐渊的实力绝对能够碾压整个琼华才对,在琼华掌门太清死后,残存的人应该不可能乐渊抓捕才对。不然的话乐渊也不会以现在这种形式出现在柳梦璃的面前,这一种可能性暂时保留。 But the second possibility was more incredible, that was the Le Yuan present situation indeed just entered this world. In other words, Liu Mengli is not Le Yuan had done by that Le Yuan saved in the past, but is future Le Yuan completes at some time point. This means that Le Yuan fell into the strange circle of time again, even all actions after Le Yuan were careful, otherwise possibly can wasted effort. 而第二种可能性就更加荒诞了,那就是乐渊现在的处境的确是刚刚进入这个世界。换句话来说,柳梦璃过去被乐渊拯救的那一幕并不是乐渊曾经做过的,而是未来的乐渊在某个时间点完成的。这就意味着乐渊再一次陷入到了时间的怪圈之中,甚至乐渊之后的所有行动都要小心谨慎,不然可能会竹篮打水一场空。 Reviving Le Yuan, body already does not have the scarlet skin and black that demon mark beforehand Liu Mengli saw, the whole person regained the ordinary condition again, except for[ Reincarnation Round Dance] this killed greatly by the seal beside, the body of Le Yuan only then a point had the change, that was by powerful fire Spiritual Power is flooded, even the wind attribute of Le Yuan source had the covered possibility. 苏醒过来的乐渊,身上已经没有了之前柳梦璃所见的赤红皮肤和黑色魔纹,整个人又再一次恢复到了平常的状态,除了[转生轮舞]这个大杀器被封印之外,乐渊的身体只有一点出现了变化,那就是身上被一股强大的火灵力充斥着,连乐渊自身本源的风属性都有被覆盖的可能。 If before is not very long, Le Yuan then refining up the Wind Spirit Bead sacrifice in within the body, almost strengthened several times own wind attribute physique, possibly was really transformed by this unusual fire Spiritual Power completely, such consequence may not be joking. 如果不是很久以前,乐渊便将风灵珠祭炼于体内,几乎将自己的风属性体质强化了数倍,可能真被这一股异样的火灵力完全改造,那样的后果可就不是闹着玩的了。 Now this, although fire Spiritual Power corroded the body of Le Yuan, but has not created the action hindrance to the body of Le Yuan, on the contrary Le Yuan can therefore use the ultra-high level Fire Immortal Technique, has a turning misfortune into a blessing feeling on the contrary. 现在这样,虽然火灵力侵蚀了乐渊的身体,但是并未对乐渊的身体造成行动阻碍,相反乐渊因此能够使用出超高水准的火系仙法,反倒是有种因祸得福的感觉。 However Le Yuan does not rejoice nowadays, although Liu Mengli this Sword and Fairy female lead seemingly does not need Le Yuan guide/raid then to have favorability of superelevation, however the Le Yuan tragedy cannot easily cancel. 不过乐渊现如今可不是庆幸的时候,虽然柳梦璃这个仙剑女主貌似不用乐渊攻略便有超高的好感度,但是乐渊的悲剧可不是能够轻易抹去的。 The matter that he must handle now may be many, scattering in all directions several spirit bead must look, but without acquired Fire Spirit Bead has no alternative but to look, otherwise Le Yuan[ Reincarnation Round Dance] thorough was waste. But most essential is he enters Quest after this world, looked that feels greatly incomparable. 他现在要处理的事情可不少,四散的几颗灵珠要找回来,而没有收集到的火灵珠更是不能不找,不然乐渊的[转生轮舞]就彻底废了。而最关键的就是他进入这个世界后的任务,看一眼就觉得头大无比。 Quest Scene: semi-fiction god demon immortal military Scenario 任务场景:半架空神魔仙武场景 Quest World Strength: B+ a + + level 任务世界强度:b+a++级 Quest Difficulty: a + level 任务难度:a+级 Quest Modus: Time Samsara( is unable to summon retinue and Familiar to enter this side world from the outside world in any form, similarly is unable to force to be separated by arbitrary form excluding death, only has to complete all Quest or all Quest Failure leaves only then) 任务形式:时之轮回(无法以任何形式呼唤仆从、使魔从外界进入此方世界,同样无法以除死亡之外的任意形式强制脱离,唯有完成一下所有任务或是所有任务失败方可离开) Samsara Quest one: The rejection is sad 轮回任务一:拒绝悲伤 Quest Description: Reverses destiny the destiny 任务描述:扭转天命者的命运 Quest first ring: Reverses the result of birth and death, making Liu Mengli no longer lonely living in Monster World, making Murong Ziying no longer gradually old, making Yun Tianhe no longer receive blindness, making Han Lingsha be exempt from the pain of die young early dying 任务第一环:逆转生老病死之结局,令柳梦璃不再孤独“生”在妖界,令慕容紫英不再垂垂老矣,令云天河不再受失去光明之病,令韩菱纱免受夭折早死之苦 Quest second ring:?? 任务第二环:?? In brief, Le Yuan Main Quest 1 changes the beforehand appearance, became does not know that many point of samsara Quest, but this so-called samsara Quest first ring made Le Yuan thorough big. 简而言之,乐渊主线任务一改之前的样貌,变为了不知有多少环的轮回任务,而这所谓轮回任务第一环就让乐渊彻底头大了。 Birth and death these four results, can not say one simply, moreover this Quest wants Le Yuan to change everyone's destiny together, but looks in that Quest Description destiny, this is wants Le Yuan directly to change the Sword and Fairy series protagonist destiny the meaning. 生老病死这四个结局,可以说没有一个简单的,而且这任务是要乐渊将所有人的命运一起改变,而看那任务描述中的“天命者”,这是要乐渊直接改变仙剑系列主角命运的意思。 However Quest is sooner rather than later, after Le Yuan sees Quest, after the short ponder, Le Yuan decided that starts from Han Lingsha this unlucky child. 不过任务宜早不宜迟,在乐渊见到任务之后,经过短暂的思考,乐渊决定从韩菱纱这个倒霉孩子入手。 Although is not clear about her concrete age from the Liu Mengli facial features, but adopts 19 years of ago beforehand story narration, the Mengli present age estimate, Han Lingsha should not go to Huangshan Qingluan Peak, was already brings naughty kids Yun Tianhe to catch up toward the Shouyang city. 虽然从柳梦璃的面容中并不清楚她的具体年纪,但是通过之前的故事叙述的19年前,还有梦璃现在的年纪估算,韩菱纱应该不是前往了黄山青鸾峰,就是已经带着熊孩子云天河向着寿阳城赶来了。 However to determine the Le Yuan following action regulation, Le Yuan turns toward local bully Liu Mengli to inquire hastily: That Miss Liu......, Miss Mengli, that I do not mean Mengli......” 不过为了确定乐渊接下来的行动章程,乐渊连忙向着身旁的地头蛇柳梦璃询问道:“那个柳小姐……呃不,梦璃小姐,那个我是说梦璃啊……” After a Le Yuan face transformed several names, after making the Liu Mengli complexion become finally is genial, then continued to inquire. 乐渊一脸变换了几个称呼之后,总算令柳梦璃的面色变得再一次和煦起来后这才继续询问道。 Mengli, Mt. Bagong near this Shouyang city, but recently some people had once witnessed existence that has the grave robber?” 梦璃,这寿阳城附近的八公山,近些日子可曾有人目击过有盗墓贼的存在?” Hears Le Yuan to ask this matter suddenly, Liu Mengli wrinkles the willow eyebrows is seeming like thinking, later loosens fiercely nods every day gently. 听到乐渊突然问起这件事情,柳梦璃皱着柳眉像是在思索,随后猛地松开每天轻轻点了点头。 „Before several months, some indeed people witnessed that a red clothes thief lingers in Mt. Bagong, doubtful is the thief who conducts to rob a grave, after my father reported that there is a soldier to guard had not then seen that again that grave robber wandered, what matter did Young Mas......Big Brother Le have?” “数月前,的确有人目击有一红衣女贼在八公山徘徊,疑似是进行盗墓的女贼,不过在我爹上报之后,有了士兵看守便再也没有见到那名盗墓贼徘徊了,乐公……乐大哥有什么事情吗?” Serves right, why hears Liu Mengli to call oneself Young Master Le, hearing Le Yuan that is not familiar with shake the finger to Liu Mengli, making it change one to sound the comfortable many names. 一报还一报,听到柳梦璃又要称呼自己为什么乐公子,听得不习惯的乐渊对着柳梦璃晃了晃手指,令其改了一个听起来舒服很多的称呼。 „Before several months ? It seems like indeed already to that time, was sorry Mengli, I have an urgent matter to process, if will come back if possible quickly, minded that refers to the direction of Huangshan for me?” “数月前?看来的确已经到了那个时候,抱歉了梦璃,我有一紧急的事情要去处理,如果可能的话很快就会回来,介意为我指一下黄山的方向吗?” Although Liu Mengli has issue in every possible way to inquire Le Yuan carefully, for example her own birth, past years's that bloody battle also what's the matter, how that bewitching appearance before Le Yuan also explained, Le Yuan and she is really human? Her own parents where...... 虽然柳梦璃有百般问题想要仔细询问乐渊,比方说她自己的出生,当年的那场血战又是怎么回事,乐渊之前的那副妖异模样又如何解释,乐渊和她真的是人类吗?她的亲身父母又在何地…… However this all sorts of issues cannot ask the exit|to speak finally, looks at a Le Yuan urgent appearance, Liu Mengli carefully was Le Yuan will go to the route in Huangshan to refer to extremely. 不过这种种问题最终还是没能问出口,看着乐渊一副火急火燎的样子,柳梦璃极为细致地为乐渊将前往黄山的路线指了出来。 Sorry, I come back quickly, am waiting for me! Your issue, your doubts will come to light will happen one day!” “抱歉,我很快就回来,等着我!你的问题,你的疑惑终有一天会水落石出的!” Rushing to time Le Yuan does not have the means and Liu Mengli lecture too thin, sees only Le Yuan Free and Unfettered Immortal Robe to bloom the slightly not obvious azure light, only has to Spiritual Power quite sensitive Liu Mengli gazes at that surcoat that Le Yuan is wearing in this moment. 赶时间的乐渊也没有办法和柳梦璃讲得太细,只见乐渊身上的逍遥仙袍绽放出微不可见的青光,唯有对灵力颇为敏感的柳梦璃才在这一刻注视着乐渊穿着的那件外袍。 The next second is inserted a windward wing by Le Yuan that wind Spiritual Power wrapped probably, the whole person changed to the azure light to vanish in the back garden in Liu Residence together. 下一秒被风灵力包裹的乐渊像是插上了一对风之翼,整个人化作一道青光消失在了柳府的后花园中。 But the governing wind the line has no time to let compared with so-called controlling sword technique that much, let alone this world meets that is stepping on saber flight that low explodes, rather than so-called change sword light, the speed supported the supersonic rank, compared with Le Yuan full power flight even must almost. 御风而行比起所谓的御剑之术那是不遑多让,更何况这个世界的遇见那是low爆的踩着佩剑飞行,而不是所谓的化为剑光,速度撑死了超音速等级,比起乐渊的全力飞行甚至还要差一点。 Arrives at Huangshan not too small half-day Kungfu from Shouyang, before Sun descends the mountain rushed to the destination. But Le Yuan is located in highest -end of Huangshan directly, conducts the search of ultra-large range by spiritual awareness, will have place locking that the life survives directly, later will have the local key investigation of waterfall and cave, then arrived in the Yun Tianhe small log cabin quickly. 从寿阳来到黄山不过小半天的功夫,在太阳下山之前赶到了目的地。而乐渊直接位于黄山的最高端,以灵觉进行超大范围的搜索,直接将有人生存活动的地点锁定,随后再将其中有瀑布、山洞的地方重点排查,很快便来到了云天河的小木屋中。 Very pitifully, when Le Yuan arrived here Yun Tianhe already leaves early, but Cave of Rivulet also already of not far away collapses, this proved sufficiently Le Yuan saved to plan the already die young. The plan already failure that wants before Han Lingsha this unlucky child by Wangshu Sword takes possession stops her from lifting, for did not make the situation worse, Le Yuan turned toward under the mountain to hurry to hastily. 很可惜,当乐渊来到这里的时候云天河已经离开,而不远处的石沉溪洞已经坍塌,这足以证明乐渊的拯救计划已经夭折。想要趁着韩菱纱这个倒霉孩子被望舒剑附体之前阻止她解除的计划已经失败,为了不令情况更加糟糕下去,乐渊连忙向着山下赶去。 Through one inquired, this discovered him slowly now merely Yun Tianhe their two people, as soon as racket. Before most of the day, Yun Tianhe and Yun Tianhe liangs talent just caused havoc Taiping Village, in the person by village drove out. 通过一番打听,这才发现他现在仅仅慢了云天河他们两个人一拍。就在大半天之前,云天河人才刚刚大闹太平村,被村子里的人赶了出去。 If the Le Yuan speed is fast enough, can catch up with Yun Tianhe before the darkness they. But Le Yuan estimates the time also to have the present storyline development, felt at ease decisively temporarily, according to Yun Tianhe their foot journey can such stop over in Lake Chao with original storyline in probably. 如果乐渊速度够快,能够在天黑之前追上云天河他们。而乐渊估量着时间还有现在的剧情发展,果断暂时安心了下来,按照云天河他们两个的脚程大概还是会和原本的剧情里面那样在巢湖落脚。 But Le Yuan before coming then to determine unknown of Lake Chao, so long as does not have the accident/surprise, Le Yuan proper can find them tonight. 乐渊在来之前便确定了巢湖的未知,只要不发生意外,乐渊妥妥的可以在今天晚上找到他们两个。 That, the remaining steamed rice dumplings I all wanted, I have the appetite very big friend, troubled you!” “那个,剩下的粽子我全要了,我有个胃口很大的朋友,麻烦你了!” Le Yuan in Taiping Village the steamed rice dumpling one-off package circle of Dragon Boat Festival, the command sold the commerce of steamed rice dumpling is smiles grins with ear to ear. 乐渊太平村将端午节的粽子一次性包圆了,令卖粽子的商贩都是笑得合不拢嘴。 But Le Yuan held big pile of steamed rice dumplings to go out of Taiping Village swayingly, when person in village could not see, this admitted in the steamed rice dumpling total the space backpack. Next second of again governing wind line, in the curtain of night that in already gets dark gradually is marching on the road, according to the person in former village said, this night hurries along is not in the belt the life, in present this season, open country that is the monster and beast of prey runs amuck. 乐渊抱着一大堆粽子就这么晃晃悠悠走出了太平村,当村子里的人一个都看不到的时候,这才将粽子全数放进了空间背包中。下一秒再次御风而行,在已经渐渐黑下来的夜幕之中赶着路,根据之前村子里的人所说,这夜间赶路可是把命别在裤腰带里面,在现在这种时令,野外那是妖怪、猛兽横行。 ... ...
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