VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#767: The beautiful woman are you say something to smooth things over?

Gaozong Shangyuan 2 Yihainian at the end of April, the sky of Shouyang old city under sunny day, happened strange shape that just like Ten Thousand Thunder Explosion, ten thousand crazy thunder in short several breaths in in the air is then interweaving mutually, the reality has World Extinguishing Phenomenon. 高宗上元二年乙亥年四月末,寿阳古城的上空在青天白日之下,发生了犹如万雷轰顶的奇异之象,在短短数息之间便有万道狂雷在空中相互交织着,实乃有灭世之象 But since Shouyang old city has not had the peaceful county of banditry evil spirit crisis all the year round, on this day, but rare appearance confusion, but reigns in county magistrate Liu Shifeng of Shouyang city well for many years, manages in good order the Shouyang management, shortly after the trivial confusion in the phenomenon vanishes was completely subsided. 而寿阳古城这个长年以来没有发生匪患妖魔危机的安宁县城,在这一天可是难得的出现了混乱,不过好在寿阳城的县令柳世封在位多年,将寿阳城管理得井井有条,区区混乱在异象消失后不久便被彻底平息了下来。 But in Shouyang county magistrate Liu Shifeng the inner courtyard in hotel, actually happened made an all domestic servant fearful and apprehensive matter. If not thousand gold (daughter) Liu Mengli of county magistrate has the greatest prestige, perhaps the quick entire Shouyang city will spread in county magistrate mansion noisy monster rumor. 而就在寿阳县令柳世封的宅邸的内院,却发生了令所有家仆都胆战心惊的一件事情。如果不是县令的千金柳梦璃有着莫大的威信,恐怕很快整个寿阳城都会流传出“县令府里闹妖怪”的传言来。 Just in Shouyang city Liu Residence, had the domestic servant to see after that Ten Thousand Thunder Explosion phenomenon flashes red flame Heavenly Fire to drop from the clouds to crash in the pond in Liu Residence back garden together, the water splash that flash splashed all moistened all in entire garden. 刚刚在寿阳城柳府,在那万雷轰顶的异象之后恍惚间有家仆望见一道闪着红色火焰的天火从天而降坠落于柳府后花园中的池塘内,那一瞬间溅起的水花将整个庭院内的一切全都打湿了。 Somewhat brave domestic servant and maidservant after Heavenly Fire crashes turns toward the crash pond to step, after they saw clearly the crash thing in pond, several simply have not experienced the market domestic servant and female attendant crack shouts greatly: Monster, the monster, has monster 有些胆大的家仆和侍女在天火坠落之后向着坠落的池塘迈去,而当他们看清了池塘中的坠落物之后,几个根本没有见识过市面的家仆和女侍纷纷破口大喊道:“妖,妖怪啊,有妖怪 Monsters? No mistake, what their one group of people just really looked drop from the clouds is one group by existence that the flame packages, but just in the pond appeared is actually a whole body skin scarlet human form, and on the skin also really has looked is not human can have bewitching demon mark that what isn't this monster can be? 妖怪?没有错,他们一群人刚刚可是看得实实在在从天而降的是一团被火光包裹的存在,而刚刚池塘内出现的却是一个全身皮肤赤红的人形,并且皮肤上还真有着一看就不是人类能有的妖异魔纹,这不是妖怪又能是什么? But as the Liu Residence true steward, person who is also one group of domestic servant and in the maidservant heart most has the dignity, county magistrate's daughter Liu Mengli immediately from own boudoir, is comforting the flustered servant, while turns toward the monster place that the domestic servant discovers to walk. 而作为柳府真正的管事者,也是一群家仆和侍女心中最有威严的人,县令之女柳梦璃在第一时间从自己的闺房中走了出来,一边安抚着慌慌张张的仆人,一边向着家仆发现的妖怪处走去。 M-Miss, that is a monster, asked Pei Butou to seize the monster, otherwise went to invite some taoist priest anything, you may go unable to go to adventure!” 小,小姐,那可是、是妖怪,还是去请裴捕头来捉妖吧,要不然去请些道士什么的,您可前往不能去冒险啊!” Has served the Liu Mengli maidservant, both hands entrains Liu Mengli clothes to implore urgently. Liu Mengli treats the servant, although is somewhat strict, but the entire Shouyang city without exception, made the Shouyang city people make Fragrance Technique Eldest Miss Liu to be respectable to this, even is thinking facing the threat of monster frequently security that maintained Liu Mengli. 一直伺候柳梦璃的侍女,双手拽着柳梦璃衣角苦苦哀求着。柳梦璃对待下人虽然有些严格,但是整个寿阳城无一例外,都对她这个令寿阳城人民制香之法柳大小姐尊敬无比,就算是面对妖怪的威胁还是时时刻刻想着维护柳梦璃的安全。 Chunxiang! I am county magistrate's daughter, this matter happened in the county magistrate mansion, how do you make the people in entire Shouyang city see? You first lead the person to stand firm the person in mansion, then sends people to inform my father, actually makes me meet the so-called monster grow the appearance of what fiendish features well?” “春香!我可是县令之女,这种事情发生在县令府邸,你让整个寿阳城的人怎么看?你先带人稳住府内的人,然后派人通知我爹,就让我好好会一会所谓的妖怪究竟长出什么青面獠牙的样子?” Although Liu Mengli seemingly frailly likely lady, but appears uncommon her since childhood, but not like her semblance lacks the strength to truss up a chicken. Besides one in Immortal Technique before person, her fists and feet movement does not compare outside so-called great hero to come obviously badly. 柳梦璃虽然看起来文文弱弱像个大家闺秀,但是从小就显现出不凡的她,可并不像她外表的那样手无缚鸡之力。除了一手不显于人前的仙术之外,她的拳脚身法也绝不比外面的所谓“大侠”来得差。 Simply has not seen Liu Mengli to run, sees only the butterfly that her form just like dances to see only in the trees of back garden is shuttling back and forth, among merely one breaths then crossed the most back garden to arrive at the pond. 根本没见柳梦璃奔跑起来,只见她的身影犹如起舞的蝴蝶在后花园的树木只见穿梭着,仅仅一息之间便越过了大半个后花园来到了池塘边上。 Sees only that crashes in the pond monster is maintaining that half-dead appearance, the water in pond does not know because whether just that dropped from the clouds the impact that the anger by him being brought evaporated, only leaves behind cannot surpass the tip of the toe the First Layer water. 只见那个坠落于池塘的“妖怪”还是保持着那副半死不活的样子,池塘里的水也不知是否由于刚刚那从天而降的冲击,还是被他带来的火气蒸发了,只留下超不过脚尖的浅浅一层水。 Stands Liu Mengli near pond looks at that to fall on the monster who the ground cannot see clearly the facial features distantly earnestly, only feels the posture of indeed extraordinary person, as Liu Mengli looks at that monster to disclose slightly facial features outside, on her face flash through had never had the exciting color unexpectedly. 站在池塘边上的柳梦璃遥遥望着那埋头倒在地上看不清面容的妖怪,只觉得的确非凡人之姿,不过随着柳梦璃瞧着那妖怪稍稍透露在外的一点面容,她的脸上竟然闪过了从未有过的激动之色。 Sees only a Liu Mengli under foot point, body already vanishes from the pond, but then arrived under the pond in a flash. Sees only her slowly squatting down body, using own right hand to fluctuate gently that scarlet body the head of person, no matter also on his body scalding hot aura, as if observes his appearance eagerly. 只见柳梦璃脚下一点,身体已经从池塘边上消失,而在转瞬之间便来到了池塘底下。只见她缓缓蹲下身子,用自己的右手轻轻波动那个赤红之身的人的脑袋,也不管他身体上灼热的气息,似乎急于一观他的面貌。 Young lady, you are careful! Perhaps that monster has not died, you may not probably have the matter!” “小姐,您小心呢!那个妖怪说不定还没死,您可千万不能有事!” Sees only the Liu Mengli maidservant that is the onset and retreat can not at this time, looks the monster who is still sending out the steam is afraid, but is in suspense Liu Mengli not to flee, stands near the lotus pond is looking on. 只见柳梦璃的侍女此时那是进退不得,看着还在散发热气的妖怪心怀畏惧,但是又放心不下柳梦璃不愿意自己逃离,就这么站在荷塘边上旁观着。 When Liu Mengli turns over the profile of monster of lethargic sleep, covers the sadness that own cherry small mouth is suppressing is soon sobbing with the right hand unexpectedly excitedly unrestrainedly. 柳梦璃将昏睡之妖的侧脸翻转过来,竟然激动地情不自禁地用右手捂着自己的樱桃小嘴强忍着快要哭泣的悲伤。 No matter actually also nearby maidservant how thinks, view of Liu Mengli from that doubtful monster the profile of person, before very obviously , after the fee/spent completely broke through Fire Barrier, with difficulty counter-attacked Le Yuan. 也不管一旁的侍女究竟是怎么想的,柳梦璃从那疑似妖怪的人的侧脸上一观,很明显正是之前费尽千辛万苦突破了火之屏障后遭到反击的乐渊 Also after does not know his stupor, actually to have anything, caused him to drop from the clouds to fall this Shouyang city unexpectedly, what coincidence was he unexpectedly by fourth generation female lead Liu Mengli rescuing . Moreover the Liu Mengli that unnatural facial expression definitely had the trick, what a pity fell into the stupor Le Yuan unable to see this. 也不知他昏迷之后究竟发生了些什么,竟然导致他从天而降落到了这寿阳城,更加巧合的是他竟然被四代女主柳梦璃给救了,而且柳梦璃那不自然的神情绝对有猫腻,可惜陷入昏迷的乐渊根本见不到这一幕。 But the Liu Mengli right hand presses firmly between the fingers to detect, Spiritual Power in within the body spews out in this moment, immediately First Layer seems like that only three cuns (2.5 cm) thick ice entire wrapped Le Yuan, Liu Mengli was the plan helps Le Yuan decrease temperature with this way evidently. 柳梦璃右手捏住发觉,体内的灵力在这一刻喷涌而出,顿时一层看似仅有三寸厚的冰将乐渊整个包裹了起来,看样子柳梦璃是打算用这种方式帮乐渊降温了。 As the hand of Liu Mengli has pasted on the body of Le Yuan, her Spiritual Power input on Le Yuan continuously, making that First Layer not be very thick ice armor is destroyed. 随着柳梦璃的手一直贴在乐渊的身上,她的灵力持续不断地输入到了乐渊身上,令那一层并不是很厚的冰甲并未被破坏。 But is quick, by Liu Mengli frozen Le Yuan the domestic servant by Liu Residence was then moved to the Liu Mengli room. Although that group of domestic servants do not want to move a monster, who enables their Eldest Miss order no one to violate? Looks at Le Yuan this half-dead appearance, looked like by the Liu Mengli uniform/subdue on the contrary. 而很快,被柳梦璃冰封起来的乐渊便被柳府的家仆搬到了柳梦璃的房间。虽然那群家仆并不想要搬动一个妖怪,但是谁让他们的大小姐的命令无人可以违背呢?况且看乐渊这幅半死不活的模样,反倒是像被柳梦璃制服了。 Since Le Yuan brought in her boudoir by Liu Mengli, then so spent 10 days, in this period Liu Mengli depended on water Spiritual Power uninterruptedly for the Le Yuan temperature decrease. 自从乐渊柳梦璃搬进了她的闺房之后,便这般度过了十天的时间,期间柳梦璃不间断地靠着水灵力乐渊降温。 But in this period Liu Shifeng as well as Liu Mengli mother Ruan Ci, regarding considered such doubtful male monster a laying aside of existence in own boudoir with Liu Mengli has the veiled criticism, however was without least bit method after the Liu Mengli strong statement, who made Liu Mengli have a filial father. 而期间虽然柳世封以及柳梦璃的娘阮慈,对于与柳梦璃将这么一个疑似男妖的存在的放置于自己闺房照顾颇有微词,但是在柳梦璃强硬的表态之后也是在没有了半点法子,谁让柳梦璃有个孝顺老爹呢。 Le Yuan receives the ten day of Liu Mengli attendance later, skin already restores the normal state, Le Yuan that ignition injury also recovers in just 10 days seemed like already not to have the issue, but the condition of only lethargic sleep had not changed for the better. 而在乐渊受到柳梦璃照顾的十天之后,皮肤已经恢复常态,身上的灼烧伤势也在短短10天内痊愈的乐渊看起来已经没有了问题,但是唯独昏睡的状态一直没有好转。 Sees only Liu Mengli such thousand gold (daughter) Eldest Miss, takes the towel that already is soaking seems like for the husband cleans general, cautiously is Le Yuan wipes the dust that on face does not have. Le Yuan body basic impossible produces the commodity, but the dust in room almost without, is such Liu Mengli or ensure every day is Le Yuan is clean, if not Le Yuan Free and Unfettered Immortal Robe is unable to remove beside, perhaps Liu Mengli wanted for the Le Yuan cleaning up body. 只见柳梦璃这么一个千金大小姐,拿着已经浸湿的毛巾像是为丈夫擦拭一般,小心翼翼地为乐渊擦去脸上的那根本不存在的灰尘。乐渊的身体根本不可能产生物资,而房间内的灰尘也几近于无,就是这样柳梦璃还是保证每日为乐渊清洁,如果不是乐渊逍遥仙袍无法褪去之外,恐怕柳梦璃都想要替乐渊清理身体了。 Sees only completes all these Liu Mengli take specially-made fumigates with incense to try through own accent Fragrance Technique to make Le Yuan with rapt attention regain consciousness, what a pity[ inundation sleek/moist heart][ smokes sandalwood net clothes] is unable to make Le Yuan regain consciousness, Le Yuan entered own world to be the same probably, did not have to harass for outside. 只见做完了这一切的柳梦璃拿着特制的凝神熏香试着通过自己的调香之法乐渊苏醒,可惜无论是[沉水润心]还是[熏檀净衣]都无法令乐渊苏醒,乐渊像是进入了自己的世界一般,根本不为外无所扰。 Young Master Le, Li'er also comes to play one for you today, hopes that you can soon restore, see Li'er!” 乐公子,今日璃儿也来为你弹奏一曲,希望你能早日恢复,见一见璃儿!” Said that this, the right hand of Liu Mengli reorganized a wisp of hair before the Le Yuan volume then, deeply looks at Le Yuan to walk toward the one side harp later. Kneels to sit along with Liu Mengli before the harp, both hands provoke in the harp unceasingly, a young girl hidden bitterness chants in a low voice to seem like the young girl to meet the song of beloved boyfriend to resound in the entire room. 说完这一句,柳梦璃的右手在乐渊的额前将一缕头发整理到而后,随后深深地望了一眼乐渊向着一旁箜篌走去。伴随着柳梦璃跪坐于箜篌之前,双手在箜篌不断拨弄,一首似少女幽怨低吟又像是少女遇到心爱情郎的曲子在整个房间内响起。 As the song gets on soundings, Liu Mengli as if also immersed during the performance, as if wanted to integrate in this more than ten years of emotion completely, after knowing the song to finish long time, regained consciousness from the aftertaste after playing. 随着曲子渐入佳境,柳梦璃似乎也沉浸在了演奏之中,似乎想要将自己十几年的情感完全融入到这一曲之中,知道曲子结束后良久,才从弹奏后的余韵之中苏醒。 Young Master Le, do Li'er the you like? Li'er really......” 乐公子,璃儿的这一曲你喜欢吗?璃儿真的……” When puts down Liu Mengli of both hands to charge into transfers the head routinely has looked to Le Yuan, suddenly the discovery does not know when lethargic sleep Le Yuan already has sat from the bed unexpectedly, although an eye is also shutting, but very obvious this is the rhythm that must regain consciousness. 当放下双手的柳梦璃冲向转过脑袋习惯性地望向乐渊的时候,陡然发现不知何时一直昏睡的乐渊竟然已经从床上坐了起来,虽然一双眼睛还闭着,但是很明显这是要苏醒的节奏。 Young Master Le, you were all right......” 乐公子,你没事了……” When Liu Mengli is excited simply had not discovered that the Le Yuan present condition does not regain consciousness completely, but partly awakes at half dream, her right hand just wants to extend goes forward to grasp the face of Le Yuan, but has not waited for her to be close to Le Yuan, then saw that Le Yuan that left hand already buckled unexpectedly somehow in her wrist/skill, as the Le Yuan left hand made an effort, the body of Liu Mengli then lost balanced, entire fell on the leg of Le Yuan. 柳梦璃激动之余根本没有发现乐渊现在的状态根本不是完全苏醒,而是处在半梦半醒之间,她的右手刚想伸上前抱住乐渊的脸,但是还没等她接近乐渊,便见到乐渊那只左手竟然不知怎的已经扣在了她的手腕上,随着乐渊左手用力一拉,柳梦璃的身体便失去了平衡,整个倒在了乐渊的腿上。 You! Here is...... , Liu Mengli? My this is having a dream......” “你!这里是……唔,柳梦璃?我这是在做梦……” Be at Le Yuan of half dream half awaking condition is actually most dangerous, his body under this condition be at automatic defense condition, consciousness, although is not clear, however the response of body is top. If were not Liu Mengli just movement does not have killing intent or the threatening nature, perhaps Le Yuan that drew does not knock it off Liu Mengli simply, but pulled down her arm. 处于半梦半醒状态的乐渊其实是最危险的,这种状态下的他身体处于自动防卫状态,意识虽然并不清晰,但是身体的反应却是顶尖的。如果不是柳梦璃刚刚的动作没有杀意或者威胁性,恐怕乐渊那一拉就不简单地将柳梦璃拉倒,而是将她的一只手臂拉下来。 Opens the eye along with Le Yuan, the fuzzy consciousness restores the pure brightness. When he sees clearly to fall on oneself leg by Liu Mengli of enticing posture exposition spring scenery, the brain was actually again blurry. 伴随着乐渊睁开眼睛,模糊的意识重新恢复清明。但是当他看清楚倒在自己腿上以一种旖旎姿势暴露春光的柳梦璃时,脑子却是再一次迷糊了起来。 This calculates that what situation, his consciousness also retains, when resisted the Five Spirits barrier initially, only remembers that finally by Fire Barrier Yin, then thought that seems like roasted from top to bottom roasts general. How to sober again, saw fourth generation female protagonist directly, during this, actually what happened? 这算个什么情况,他的意识还保留在当初对抗五灵屏障的时候,只记得最后被火之屏障阴了一下,便觉得浑身上下像是被炙烤一般。怎么再次清醒过来,就直接见到了四代女主角,这期间究竟发生了些什么事情? Y-Young Master Le...... can you first make me get up?” 乐,乐公子……你可以先让我起来吗?” Liu Mengli only thought that the cheeks become burn down probably general, although before to look after Le Yuan indeed had the courage very much, but facing sobering Le Yuan she actually became seems like lady to be common again. 柳梦璃只觉得脸颊变得像是火烧一般,虽然之前为了照顾乐渊的确很有勇气,但是面对清醒过来的乐渊她却再一次变得像是大家闺秀一般羞涩。 Le Yuan also realized that present seemingly somewhat do excessive, loosened immediately hand that covers the Liu Mengli wrist/skill, later held her gently. But is sizing up the all around arrangement, after striking the bed that oneself lie down, Le Yuan detected immediately this is a fragrant boudoir of young girl, the fragrance that on all around that fragrance and Liu Mengli exude is exactly the same. 乐渊也意识到现在的自己貌似做得有些过分,立马松开了扣住柳梦璃手腕的手,随后将她轻轻扶了起来。而打量着四周布置,一击自己所躺的床后,乐渊立马察觉到这是一个少女的香闺,四周那香气和柳梦璃身上泛起的香味如出一辙。 already restores normal Le Yuan naturally unable to lie down again on the Liu Mengli bed, inside turns over/stands up to get out of bed to hold the fist in the other hand was saying to Liu Mengli: This young lady, had to offend before also please excuse me, does not know that below why here, but does the young lady know from where surnamed Le below?” 已经恢复正常的乐渊自然不会再在柳梦璃的床上躺下去,里面翻身下床抱拳对着柳梦璃道:“这位小姐,之前多有得罪还请见谅,不知在下为何会在此处,而小姐又是从何得知在下姓乐呢?” The Le Yuan brain that sobers transfers not slowly, during 2-3 words then detected the deficiency. But along with Liu Mengli that plaintive sound, an aging past event gradually shows in Le Yuan at present. 清醒过来的乐渊脑子转得不慢,2-3话间便察觉到了不妥之处。而伴随着柳梦璃那哀怨的声音,一桩陈年旧事逐渐展现在乐渊的眼前。 ... ...
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