VE :: Volume #9 回魂仙梦

#770: Good master nephew, this is for your own good

I thought that my father had said Sibo made the meal specially to be delicious, compared with barbecue delicious hundred times!” “呃我想起来了,我爹说过思博做得菜特别好吃,比起烤肉好吃百倍!” Saw only Yun Tianhe to say was saying suddenly stared in a big way the eye to look at Le Yuan, the appearance that the eyes shone is being simply ordinary with that any hungry wolf, has not stared to spend Le Yuan on the difference, Yun Tianhe his may be hungry now alone cluck, just hit a that with the evil influence beast is hungrier. 只见云天河说着说着突然瞪大了眼睛望着乐渊,双眼放光的样子简直和那个啥饿狼一般,就差没把乐渊瞪出花来,云天河现在他的独自可还是饿得咕咕叫,刚刚和邪风兽打了一架那是更加饿了。 Not was only the belly of Yun Tianhe called, at the same time stared at Le Yuan also to have the Yun Tianhe speech to sit in Han Lingsha that the ground was incapable of setting out is also hungry blushed the face, embarrassed looked at each other with Le Yuan. 不仅仅是云天河的肚子叫了,一边盯着乐渊还有云天河说话坐在地上无力起身的韩菱纱同样饿得羞红了脸,都不好意思和乐渊对视下去了。 „A two this, I have prepared fortunately, this you take away to eat, I first solved that side fellow, then deals with you two issues.” “一个两个都这样,还好我有所准备,这个你们拿去吃吧,我先把那边的家伙解决了,再来处理你们两个的问题。” Sees only Le Yuan to wave the arms about, but also braved the steam big pile of steamed rice dumplings to appear in Yun Tianhe also had the Han Lingsha front, Yun Tianhe that will be will not speak anything to be polite, grasped the steamed rice dumpling to eat. 只见乐渊一甩手,还冒着热气的一大堆粽子出现在了云天河还有韩菱纱的面前,云天河那是根本不会讲什么客气不客气的,抓起粽子就吃了起来。 But Han Lingsha understands the discretion relatively speaking many, was saying to the Le Yuan apology: Sorry, my body matter, is unable to set out to express gratitude to the senior somehow, but also please forgive.” 韩菱纱就相对而言懂分寸得多,对着乐渊歉意地说道:“对不起,我这身体也不知怎的回事,无法起身向前辈道谢,还请恕罪。” The body of Han Lingsha is also not because just Yun Tianhe moved heedlessly with Wangshu Sword Strength, causing Wangshu Sword that has not regained consciousness completely many cultivation base almost to drain Han Lingsha that directly. 韩菱纱的身体还不是由于刚刚云天河乱动用望舒剑力量,导致还未完全苏醒的望舒剑直接将韩菱纱那本就不多的修为差点抽干。 Regarding this issue, the Le Yuan right hand points at a Han Lingsha forehead, together Wind and Water Mixed Immortal Technique[ wind drinks reveal] displayed the body of Han Lingsha, the body of Han Lingsha debt Essence, Qi, and Spirit was complete immediately, she only felt the condition of whole body far exceeded formerly at any time. 对于这种问题,乐渊右手手指一点韩菱纱的额头,一道风水混合仙术[风饮露]施展到了韩菱纱的身上,顿斯原本韩菱纱亏空的身体顿时精气神全满,她只觉得全身的状态远超从前的任何时候。 When Han Lingsha pleasant surprise in own condition, Le Yuan actually unknowingly knitting the brows head. The wind drinks the reveal the treatment result is very indeed strong, but does not represent it to solve all symptoms. 就在韩菱纱惊喜于自己的这种状态的时候,乐渊却在不经意间皱了皱眉头。风饮露的治疗效果的确很强,但是不代表它能够解决所有的症状。 The Han Lingsha issue leaves on she, the wind drinks the reveal to take stopgap measures as external Strength actually cannot effect a permanent cure . Moreover the spirit drinks the reveal is the transmission of Le Yuan Essence, Qi, and Spirit, although cured the Essence, Qi, and Spirit debt of Han Lingsha, but is external Strength impossible frequent is Han Lingsha makes the supplement eventually, otherwise can injure and Han Lingsha own Essence, Qi, and Spirit on the contrary is basic. 韩菱纱的问题出在她自身上,风饮露作为外来的力量能够治标却不能治本,而且灵饮露是乐渊自身精气神的传输,虽然治好了韩菱纱精气神亏空,但是终究是外来的力量不可能频繁为韩菱纱做出补充,不然反倒会伤及韩菱纱自身的精气神根本。 Deals with for the time being the Han Lingsha issue, the Le Yuan next second then goes to the place that Murong Ziying crashed. Because Thunder and Lightning Spear of Le Yuan release has the attribute paralysis, even Murong Ziying temporary can move the hands and feet, but Strength of his within the body or temporary lost the activeness. 韩菱纱的问题暂且处理好,乐渊下一秒便来到了慕容紫英坠落的地方。由于乐渊释放的雷电之枪带有麻痹的属性,就算是慕容紫英暂时性的能够活动手脚,但是他体内的力量还是暂时性地失去了活性。 But what not fortunately is, after Murong Ziying falls , the huge sound that causes attracted other evil influence beast attacks. If the normal state, by the C level in is also first-rate Murong Ziying radically fearless this flock of evil influence beasts, what a pity is Murong Ziying is imprisoned in within the body True Yuan, only when can depend on the mortal body and sword technique defend, facing the evil influence beast also can only by walking randomly to cope. 而不凑巧的是,慕容紫英掉下来之后引起的巨大声响吸引了其他的邪风兽来袭。如果是正常状态,以c级中也算是一流慕容紫英根本无惧这群邪风兽,可惜的是慕容紫英在体内真元被禁锢,只能靠着肉身和剑术御敌之时,面对邪风兽也只能靠游走来对付。 Later catches up with two people want to lend a hand to assist in Huai Shuo and Xuan Ji that but they forgot in oneself body casts a spell is unable to actuate the supernatural power, although has a mind to assist, but was a drag on Murong Ziying on the contrary. 在之后赶来的怀朔璇玑两人想要出手相助,但是他们忘记了自己身中禁咒根本无法驱动法力,虽然有心相助但是反倒拖了慕容紫英的后腿。 Martial Uncle Ziying, sorry......” 紫英师叔,对不起……” Is taking Xuan Ji that the sword defend to look at the Murong Ziying back saying that if not Xuan Ji entrains Huai Shuo to jump to help Murong Ziying, perhaps already of Murong Ziying under unceasing random walk solved four evil influence beasts, where like to protect Huai Shuo and Xuan Ji nowadays they were scratched the left arm. 正拿着剑御敌的璇玑望着慕容紫英的背影道,如果不是璇玑拽着怀朔跳出来想要帮助慕容紫英,恐怕慕容紫英在不断游走下已经将四只邪风兽解决了,哪会像现如今这样为了保护怀朔璇玑两人而被抓伤了左臂。 Duo duo duo duo “咄咄咄咄 After first even/including four sounds, four evil influence beasts that was still pressing hard on unceasingly fell down, Murong Ziying looked at the corpse of evil influence beast to forget oneself injury, said with a dignified sound: Very powerful Sword Qi, concentrates not to send, has the potential of broken body, even evil spirit that tyrannical can pierce in the moment......” 一连四声之后,原本还在不断紧逼的四只邪风兽纷纷倒在了地上,慕容紫英望着邪风兽的尸体都忘记了自己的伤势,用一种凝重的声音道:“好强的剑气,凝而不发,带有破体之势,连妖物那强横的都能在须臾之间洞穿……” The crisis relieves, when Murong Ziying looks up when this rescues them in the person in danger, Murong Ziying that was intertwines thoroughly. What his Strength temporary seal is Le Yuan, now makes a move to rescue his person or Le Yuan, this is plays him, plays him, must play him...... 危机解除,当慕容紫英抬起头看着这个解救他们于危难之中的人时,慕容紫英那是彻底纠结了。将他的力量暂时封印的是乐渊,现在出手救他的人还是乐渊,这就是是玩他呢,还是玩他呢,还是要玩死他呢…… However Murong Ziying understood anything is called the person to lower the head under the eaves, is holding the fist in the other hand the salute to say to Le Yuan: Kunlun Mountains Qionghua Sect disciple Murong Ziying sees the senior, does not know senior honored name, which celestial mountain cave mansion in practices?” 不过慕容紫英还是非常懂得什么叫做人在屋檐下不得不低头,对着乐渊抱拳敬礼道:“昆仑琼华派弟子慕容紫英参见前辈,不知前辈尊姓大名,在哪座仙山洞府修行?” Le Yuan waves, reported the approach of school reputation absolutely to have no interest regarding Murong Ziying this type. Must say that understanding Murong Ziying, Le Yuan still above he himself, completely no interest understood that some do not have, is to experiment own reputation also to have on the contrary to know in Qionghua Sect. 乐渊挥挥手,对于慕容紫英这种上来就报门派名头的做法是完全没兴趣。要说对慕容紫英的了解,乐渊还在他自己之上,完全没有兴趣了解这些有的没有的,反倒是想要实验一下自己的名头在琼华派还有没有知晓。 This Murong Ziying acknowledges as teacher in the name of Xuan generation disciple, but that Qionghua disciple is early young, afterward was raised by Qionghua Execution Sword Elder Zong Lian one, must say that the rank in entire Qionghua is also very high, the known matter are also many, must therefore say that besides Su Yao and elder, who understood difficultly Le Yuan details, must be his Zong Lian grand disciple. 慕容紫英拜师在玄字辈弟子名下,但是那名琼华弟子早夭,后来由琼华执剑长老宗炼一手带大,要说辈分在整个琼华也算是挺高的,知道的事情同样不少,因此要说除了夙瑶和长老之外,谁最困难了解乐渊的详情,就要属他这个宗炼徒孙 Murong Ziying? Zong Lian grand disciple? Does not know that you do have from your teacher's teacher there have heard a name, Le Yuan!” 慕容紫英宗炼徒孙?不知道你有没有从你师公那里听说过一个名字,乐渊!” When Le Yuan mentioned the name of Zong Lian, Murong Ziying was also the brow curls upwards. Although Zong Lian is the entire under the Heavens rare casting sword Grandmaster, but elapses the long time, should not have many people to understand that is right. 乐渊提及宗炼之名的时候,慕容紫英也是眉头一翘。虽然宗炼是整个天下难得的铸剑大师,但是逝去久矣,应该没有多少人了解才对。 When Le Yuan mentioned Le Yuan again this name, in the Murong Ziying mind has reappeared a warning of his teacher's teacher Zong Lian or calls it the commission. 而当乐渊再次提及“乐渊”这名字的时候,慕容紫英的脑海中浮现过他师公宗炼的一句警告或是称之为嘱托。 Does not contact, did not inquire, did not reject. 不接触,不过问,不拒绝。 This " three not " is Zong Lian regarding the warning of Murong Ziying. It is not initiative and named Le Yuan the person contact, did not inquire about the reason of anything Le Yuan made, request that did not decline Le Yuan to set. The words when these three points were Zong Lian mentioned Le Yuan speak, but a more essential point was, Zong Lian had said Le Yuan was Murong Ziying Master's Junior Brother. 这“三不”就是宗炼对于慕容紫英的警告。不主动与名为“乐渊”的人接触,不过问乐渊所做的任何事情的原因,不拒绝乐渊主动提出的要求。这三点就是宗炼提及乐渊时所说的话,而更为关键的一点就是,宗炼曾经说过乐渊乃是慕容紫英师叔 Murong Ziying is looking, but Le Yuan that quite young face, did not think that Le Yuan possibly pretends to be Martial Uncle. After all the people of cultivation base Goldman Sachs in the face have technique that are very normal things, but Le Yuan is not the average person can know. 慕容紫英望着而乐渊那张颇为年轻的脸,根本不觉得乐渊可能冒充师伯。毕竟修为高盛之人驻颜有术那是很正常的事情,而乐渊更不是一般人可以知道的。 „Are you Martial Uncle Le Yuan?” “难道您就是乐渊师叔?” In Murong Ziying inquired, a Le Yuan figure revolution arrived at Huai Shuo and Xuan Ji immediately in a flash two people behind, held up own both hands in the latter nape of the neck positions of two people, is eliminating just to remember to two people through own Strength, deleted from their memories Le Yuan all. 就在慕容紫英提问之时,乐渊身形一转顿时在转瞬之间来到了怀朔璇玑两人的身后,举起自己的双手点在了两个人的后脖颈位置,通过自己的力量对着两个人消除刚刚的这一段记忆,将乐渊的一切从他们的记忆之中删除。 Ok, my already erased their just to remember, then this was words that only then our two people can know, I want to know that what Zong Lian and you did say?” “好了,我已经抹除了他们刚刚的这一段记忆,接下来这是只有我们两人才能知道的话,我想知道宗炼和你都说了些什么?” Le Yuan makes noise the inquiry saying that after all wants to know own past made anything is inquired the person who without doubt knew was most convenient. 乐渊出声询问道,毕竟想要知道自己从前都做了些什么无疑是询问知道的人最为方便。 Teacher's teacher has not talked about Martial Uncle other things, is to make the disciple not ask the reason merely, request that does not decline any Martial Uncle to set, does utmost to assist Martial Uncle! Doesn't Martial Uncle prepare Qionghua Sect? Qionghua Sect will soon face another Monster World to arrive, the Qionghua talent is depressed, but also needs Martial Uncle to assist!” “师公并未谈及师伯的其他事情,仅仅是让弟子不问缘由,不拒绝任何师伯提出的要求,竭尽全力协助师伯!难道师伯不准备回琼华派吗?琼华派即将面临又一次的妖界降临,琼华人才凋敝,还需师伯鼎力相助!” Murong Ziying has not waited for Le Yuan to continue to speak, then sought help from Le Yuan directly. 慕容紫英还没等乐渊继续说话,便直接向乐渊求助了。 Wait, I have the matter that has to handle, this Qionghua Sect I must go after all, but is not now, I want you to promise me, to the Qionghua Sect person did not disclose absolutely my any news, is anybody, you were clear including Su Yao?” “等等,我还有不得不做的事情,这琼华派我终归是要去的,但绝不是现在,我要你向我保证,绝对不向琼华派的人透露我的任何消息,是任何人,包括夙瑶你清楚了吗?” Le Yuan said seriously, so long as after all intended to kill Qionghua Sect that point from Le Yuan initially, even if Zong Lian has not been regarded as the personal enemy Le Yuan, perhaps the Le Yuan reputation will not compare to treat as Yun Tianqing of rebel also to have Su Yu two people to come well. 乐渊郑重地说道,毕竟只要从乐渊当初出手杀出琼华派的那一点来看,就算宗炼并未将乐渊当作是仇人,恐怕乐渊的名声也决不会比当作叛徒的云天青还有夙玉两人来得好。 If really appears in Qionghua Sect flagrantly, the best situation was ganged up to surround and beaten up by one group of people, when the time comes must reappear time one 19 years ago. 真要是明目张胆地出现在琼华派,最好的情况就是被一群人围殴,到时候恐怕又要再现一次19年前的一幕了。 ... ...
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