VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#764: Re-enters the divine land( asked to subscribe support)

After arena again Annihilation, on Le Yuan this matter is holding appreciatively just by the disposable Pokémon summon ball that the system delivers, this thing looks at the luck completely, what mixed fish will not summon to come out under Limited conditions of base number 580 race values, only what must be worried, if really had/left a top god beast, for example Arceus this class Pokémon Supreme God, actually Le Yuan is escapes, escapes, escapes? 当竞技场再一次破灭之后,乐渊手上此事正在把玩着刚刚被系统送过来的一次性pm召唤球,这东西完全看运气,不过在基数580种族值的限定条件下也不会召唤出什么杂鱼出来,唯一要担心的是,万一真叫出了一个顶级神兽,比方说创世羊驼这类的pm至高神,乐渊究竟是逃跑呢,还是逃跑呢,还是逃跑呢? Although the race value does not represent all strengths, but without a doubt and Pokémon potential value has the close relation, Mitsufuji Shinya can train in the B level Tyranitar the position, does not represent him also to be able Caterpie to train so horizontal. Even wild not full version God of Creation Arceus, its strength was not inferior in fully suffering training Tyranitar. 虽然种族值并不代表所有的实力,但是毫无疑问和pm的潜力值有着紧密的联系,光藤真也能够将班吉拉训练到b级中位,不代表他也能够将一只绿毛虫训练到如此水平。就算是野生的不完整版创世神阿尔宙斯,其实力也绝不逊色于饱受训练的班吉拉 From the Mitsufuji Shinya above pit to two good thing, Le Yuan then to look at that is at the absent-minded condition thoroughly Mitsufuji Shinya the time now again, produces the remorse that such a threw: Just in the arena, did too excessively, gave potentially promising Japan promotion waste? 光藤真也手上坑到了两件好东西,现在乐渊再回头望着那彻底处于失神状态的光藤真也的时候,也不由产生了那么一丢丢的愧疚之心:刚刚在竞技场里面,是不是做得太过分,把一个潜力无穷的和国晋升者给废了? However when Le Yuan thinks again one treasure of great difficulty the pit from Mitsufuji Shinya succeeding in obtaining, that already in heart was then lost by him to most deep place of Mariana Trench guilty. Calculates that this Mitsufuji Shinya brings about own destruction, if not he attempts to attain the token on Le Yuan, where Le Yuan can make into this appearance him. 不过当乐渊再一次想到自己从光藤真也手上好不容易坑到手的宝贝,心中的那一点愧疚便已经被他丢到马里亚纳海沟的最深处了。算这个光藤真也自寻死路,如果不是他企图拿到乐渊手上的令牌,乐渊哪能够把他打成这个样子。 Just fight in arena, although the appearance of Megidramon indeed made Le Yuan broaden the outlook, and Megidramon on the rank should belong to A Level that same place without doubt, however its strength was really the water. 刚刚在竞技场内的战斗,虽然破灭魔龙兽的出现的确令乐渊大开眼界,并且就等级而言无疑破灭魔龙兽应该归属到a级那一块,但是它的实力实在是太水了。 A Level is not the simple energy and destructive power exceeds B level N times of existences, compares the ordinary destructive power or Attack Power, to tasteful spreadability that A Level coped with the principle, concrete performance regarding level of principle control. The common player also through the priority of skill or nature attack as the judging criterion, the skill of high priority can eradicate the low priority to a certain extent the skill. a级并不是简单的能量、破坏力超越b级n倍的存在,相比较起普通的破坏力或是攻击力,到了a级更讲究对付法则的覆盖性,具体的表现就是对于法则掌控的层次。一般的玩家也就是通过技能或是自然攻击的优先度作为判断准则,一定程度上高优先度的技能能够破除低优先度的技能。 This eradicates the gold/metal with Dugu Nine Swords is most style principles is similar, with regarding the swords and other style comprehensions, constantly improves the Dugu Nine Swords priority thus achieves to restrain all style goals. 这就和独孤九剑破除金系绝大多数招式的原理差不多,随着对于剑和其他招式的领悟,不断将独孤九剑的优先度提高从而达到克制所有招式的目的。 But the A Level every gesture and motions whether steamroll opponent can look is respectively regarding the thorough degree of law, the respective attack and ability on the contrary are next. The attack of Megidramon extinguished the world flame to exceed ten thousand degrees on the temperature absolutely, but the attack of such superhigh temperature actually could not do to Le Yuan in Water Immortal Technique that under the unparalleled Nüwa support put forth, the basic reason lay in Water Spirit Bead of unparalleled Nüwa within the body raised the levels of several levels Le Yuan that not outstanding Water Immortal Technique forcefully, depended on Water Principle in immortal law to destroy Fire Principle of opposite party actually, will attack destroys fundamentally. a级的一招一式能否碾压对手看的就是各自对于法的深入程度,各自的攻击和能力反倒是其次的。破灭魔龙兽的攻击灭世火焰就温度而言绝对超过了万度,但是这么超高温的攻击却根本奈何不了乐渊在无双女娲支持下使出的水系仙法,根本原因在于无双女娲体内的水灵珠乐渊那并不出众的水系仙法硬生生地提高了好几个层次的水准,靠着仙法中的水系法则硬是破坏了对方的火系法则,将攻击从根本上破坏。 In brief, although Mitsufuji Shinya had the body and the battle efficiency A Level with the aid of Megidramon, however his vision and forms of combat limited his strength display, basic impossible displays the battle efficiency that true A Level can have, possibility that in addition Digimon hardly has the domain, therefore he meets person who that truly has the domain was grasps thoroughly blindly. 总而言之,虽然光藤真也借助破灭魔龙兽拥有了a级的身体和战斗力,但是他本身的眼界和战斗方式限制了他的实力发挥,根本不可能发挥出真正的a级所能拥有的战斗力,再加上数码兽几乎不存在领域的可能性,是故他真正遇到拥有领域的人那就彻底是抓瞎了。 Although all sorts of attacks of Megidramon are indeed fearful, Le Yuan that but is less inferior than him facing the mobility and destructive power, that dreadful Gungnir projection, Megidramon that might be called the proud dragon scales on the thorough tragedy. 虽然破灭魔龙兽的种种攻击的确可怕,但是面对机动性和破坏力均不比他逊色的乐渊,还有那猥琐至极的永恒之枪投射,破灭魔龙兽那堪称骄傲的龙鳞甲就彻底的悲剧了。 Flies in in the air unceasingly emitting virus dragon breath as well as flame Megidramon in the eye of Le Yuan is a living target, is unable to flee from locking of Le Yuan. A spear/gun shoots undying, then continues to shoot the second spear/gun, in brief Le Yuan to fighting the method is the unexpected simplicity and use. 飞在空中不断喷吐病毒龙息以及火焰的破灭魔龙兽乐渊的眼中就是活靶子,根本无法从乐渊的锁定中逃离。一枪射不死,那么便继续射第二枪,总而言之乐渊的对战方法是出乎意料的简单以及使用。 Mitsufuji Shinya was pours in the unceasing projection of Gungnir forcefully, a Le Yuan fur/superficial knowledge has not even bumped into actually, sent out attack not by the ice stop of Le Yuan, was dodged in the Le Yuan high-speed movement. 光藤真也就是这么硬生生地倒在了永恒之枪的不断投射中,硬是连乐渊的一点皮毛都没有碰上,发出的攻击不是被乐渊的冰阻拦下,就是在乐渊高速移动中被闪躲。 The entire fight continued for a half hour, but is these a half hour, the Mitsufuji Shinya self-confidence is worn down by Le Yuan little completely. Was shaved clean simply not to have the strength of resistance by others, this climbs up the attack that the Japan apex Mitsufuji Shinya is unable to accept regarding already. 整个战斗持续了半个小时,而就是这半小时,光藤真也的自信心被乐渊一点点消磨殆尽。被别人剃光头却根本没有反抗之力,这对于已经爬上和国顶点的光藤真也而言是根本无法接受的打击。 Le Yuan is not that good intention comforts others' fellow, looks that was soon attacked loses the life faith Mitsufuji Shinya, before he really only thinks such as him, now said such went home to accompany the family member to finish eating the food. 乐渊可不是那种好心安慰别人的家伙,看着被打击得快要失去人生信念的光藤真也,他现在真的只想如他之前所说的那样回家陪家人吃完饭。 Wait!” “等等!” Le Yuan that is about to leave heard a summon that suddenly came from Mitsufuji Shinya, this fellow also really and can protagonist in hot blooded animation the heart big to be separated from the shadow that defeats generally instantaneously? 正准备离开的乐渊骤然听到了一声来自于光藤真也的呼唤,难道说这个家伙还真的和热血动漫里的主角一般能够心大到瞬间脱离战败的阴影? In the mind flashes through this thought Le Yuan to turn around slowly, sees only in this time Mitsufuji Shinya eye spiritless, before obviously Le Yuan, thinks that he can be separated from the disastrous shadow that purely is overthought. 脑海中闪过这个念头的乐渊慢慢转过身,只见此时的光藤真也眼睛内还是死气沉沉,很显然乐渊之前认为他能够脱离惨败的阴影那纯粹是想多了 You, are actually beginning generation of Battle King? Replied me!” “你,究竟是不是初代斗王?回答我!” The Mitsufuji Shinya sound seems somewhat hoarse, is ordinary like the wild animal that was compelled the hopeless situation, the eyes are listening to Le Yuan red, seems waiting for the reply of Le Yuan impatiently. 光藤真也的声音显得有些嘶哑,像极了被逼到绝境的野兽一般,双眼通红地听着乐渊,似乎迫不及待等待着乐渊的回答。 How is, how isn't? Can this change the fact that you defeat? Most made you find a excuse of failure, that was escape of coward, this fight showed merely you simply have not called it the strongest qualifications, that is all!” “是又如何,不是又如何?这能改变你战败的事实吗?最多令你找到一个失败的借口而已,那不过是懦夫的逃避,这场战斗仅仅说明你根本没有称之为最强的资格,仅此而已!” The Le Yuan words seem like a heavy hammer to be struck by the heart of Diffindo Mitsufuji Shinya that already ruthlessly again crush, if unable to blow up fight of hearts to fear this Japan second to want again to be waste thoroughly. 乐渊的话像是一柄重锤狠狠地将光藤真也那本已经四分五裂的心再一次击得粉碎,如果无法再一次鼓起斗心恐怕这个和国第二就要彻底废了。 Then said that you are really he! I only want to ask that your issue, is actually your token my Japan......” “那么说你果然是他!我只想问你一个问题,你的令牌究竟是不是我和国……” The token incident is important, even Mitsufuji Shinya were attacked in the heavy situation, still had not forgotten that tries to prove its origin to Le Yuan. 令牌一事事关重大,就算光藤真也自己被打击得不轻的情况下,依然没有忘记向乐渊求证它的来源。 Has not related with you, is best not to have a swelled head! Has me, actually regardless of this token is representing anything, already and you had not related, it only has a master from beginning to end, that is I! Also is able to discriminate tries to look for me to come again, I am come Japan to travel merely, now already treated enough, to departure time!” “和你们没关系,还有最好别妄自尊大!有我在,无论这个令牌究竟代表着什么,已经和你们没有关系了,它自始自终只有一个主人,那就是我!还有别试着再来寻找我来,我仅仅是来和国旅行的,现在已经待够了,也到了离开的时候!” All matter already finished, Le Yuan did not prepare to continue in Japan to treat. After all now comes out noisily a matter of token, obviously this activity takes the country as the operational unit very much, how even if Le Yuan is not willing to have the relations with the country of reality again, but something need to go to face. 所有的事情已经结束,乐渊也不准备继续在和国待下去了。毕竟现在闹出来一个令牌的事情,很明显这个活动是以国家为行动单位的,就算乐渊再怎么不愿意和现实的国家扯上关系,但是有些事情还是需要去面对。 In these days that the preparation returns to homeland, two goods that Le Yuan succeeds in obtaining may not have spatially under. Regarding that disposable Pokémon summon ball, after Le Yuan is the preparation returns to homeland, is calm and steady to use it, after all the uncertainty of this thing is too big, although can summon the helper, but can obtain Pokémon that suits the intention is an issue. 在准备回国的这段时间里面,乐渊到手的两个物品可没有空下。对于那个一次性pm召唤球,乐渊是准备回国后安稳下来在将它利用起来,毕竟这玩意的不确定性太大,虽然能够召唤出帮手,但是能否得到一个合心意的pm是一个问题。 As for that doubtful Gatomon Digi-Egg, had not responded in the Le Yuan hand completely, but that bright badge after was discovered by Le Yuan side of regular aggregate cannot study what thing, only what can know is this thing, although is mysterious, but only has the function to specific Digimon. 至于那个疑似迪路兽数码蛋,在乐渊手中是完全没有反应,而那光明徽章则在被乐渊发现了一丝规则集合体的一面后再也研究不出什么东西,唯一可以知道的是这东西虽然神奇,但是只对特定的数码兽产生作用。 But that egg Le Yuan is unable to stimulate, after some Le Yuan whole family also numerous Small World Heroic Spirit nearly wait on the hand relayed, unexpectedly discovers and Yui conjunction nature is best. When Digi-Egg arrives in the hand of Yui, can feel the egg to rock in the hand of Yui clearly. 而那枚蛋乐渊虽然无法激发,但是在乐渊一家子还有众多小世界英灵近侍手中转了一圈之后,竟然发现和结衣的契合性最好。当数码蛋来到结衣的手上时,能够清晰地感受到蛋在结衣的手中晃动。 Since discovered egg and Yui the nature is extremely good, Le Yuan then Digi-Egg and badge anything all handed over in the hand of Yui, but heard after Gatomon kitten appearance of Le Yuan description, received this living that to its interested Yui enthusiastically looks after Digi-Egg. 自从发现蛋与结衣的相性极佳,乐渊便把数码蛋和徽章什么的全都交到了结衣的手中,而听说了乐渊描述的迪路兽小猫模样之后,对其充满兴趣的结衣兴匆匆地接下了这个照顾数码蛋的活。 Since then, every day in Yui can chat with Digi-Egg unceasingly, but content three that chatted did not leave Le Yuan, looked like must before not have been born Gatomon that conducts the embryo the brainwashing to be the same simply. 自那以后,每日里结衣都会和数码蛋不断聊着天,而聊天的内容三句不离乐渊,简直就像是要对还未出世的迪路兽进行胎前洗脑一般。 In the Japan Second Order region, many special products are the home simply do not have, although after all Adventure World has the enormous range, but many people bump into has regional Quest, therefore Japan item equips, or ingredient was full of the exotic customs. 和国二阶区域,许多的特产是国内根本没有的,毕竟虽然冒险世界有着极大的范围,但是许多人碰到的却是带有地域性的任务,因此和国道具还是装备,亦或者食材都充满了异国风情。 Carried on Le Yuan one of the big purchase after reorganizing all goods one time, was submitted the transferring area to apply by Le Yuan again. The expense that even if Le Yuan such rich, needs regarding the transferring area still feels the anxiety to be incomparable, going abroad is very indeed crisp, but is no one can have a good swim with ease, this is also Inner World regarding the strict limit of transferring area. 一次性进行了大采购的乐渊一家在整理好所有物品之后,由乐渊再一次提交了转区申请。就算是乐渊这么富有的一家,对于转区所需要的费用也是感到肉疼无比,出国的确很爽,但是也不是什么人都能轻松畅游的,这也算是里世界对于转区的严格限制。 Returns to homeland, Le Yuan arrives is not the original east district, but before is, has never entered north area. Here player hit promotion in entire China Northeast region, can mediate southeastern promotion in east district is the completely different character. 重新回国,乐渊来到的不是原来的东区,而是之前从未进入过的北区。这里的玩家击中了整个华夏东北地域的晋升者,可以说和东区的东南晋升者是完全迥异的性格。 Is basically similar to the Japan atmosphere, raised in China tide that seeks for the token. The price of token even once fried 3 B levels to equip willfully, here does not limit to the grade willfully, but actually in view of equipping is the weapon and armor special equipment wait/etc, so long as has the token to discuss. 和国的氛围基本类似,在华夏也掀起了寻找令牌的浪潮。令牌的价格甚至一度炒到了三件b级任意装备,这里的任意并不局限于品级,而是针对装备究竟是武器、防具还是特殊装备等等,只要拥有令牌都能够商量。 This token becomes the entire Inner World hottest goods simply, perhaps to seeking ordinary person the token cannot compare that 3 B level equipment, but stands in the altitude of country, this token at all is not only several and more than ten equipment can compare. 这令牌简直一跃成为了整个里世界最炙手可热的物品,或许对寻常人而言令牌根本比不上那三件b级装备,但是站在国家的高度上,这令牌根本不是区区几件、十几件装备可以比拟的。 When although token has to spread the news, but overwhelming majorities were proven are the rumors, truly confirmed existence is very few, does not know that actually to be obtained by which people. However has the speculation of folk expert, the total number of token in the world absolutely hundred, final battle absolutely intense to incomparable. 而虽然令牌时有传出消息,但是绝大多数被证明是流言,真正被证实的存在是少之又少,也不知道究竟被哪些人得到了。不过更具民间高手的推测,令牌的总数量在全球绝对不过百,最后的争斗绝对激烈到无可比拟。 But already sitting at ease in a fishing boat despite storms Le Yuan that is absolutely has no interest in continuing with one group of people to argue that the matter of token, compares to that so-called fights to have various great nations of full understanding randomly, he only has unceasingly enhances oneself strength to have enough energy to take the first prize. 已经稳坐钓鱼台乐渊那是完全没有兴趣继续和一群人争论令牌的事情,相比较于对那所谓的乱斗有着充分了解的各大国,他唯有不断提升自己的实力才能够有足够的底气拿得头筹。 ... ...
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