VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#765: The interlude before reentry

In settles down after the China north area again, Le Yuan returned to the daily life again. Le Yuan to grow stronger unceasingly, but puts most experiences in the cultivation, but Huang Rong and Reika two people started the amassing money important matter again, starts to display the cabinet Le Yuan Small World all sorts of special products, again wantonly harvesting useful goods. 在重新于华夏北区定居之后,乐渊一家又再一次回到了日常的生活中。乐渊为了不断变强而将绝大多数的经历放于修炼上,而黄蓉玲花二人则再一次开始了敛财大计,开始将乐渊小世界的种种特产纷纷摆上货柜,再度大肆收割用得上的物品。 Be at closing up condition Le Yuan at this time in independent trainer, is at an absolute safety the condition, here does not need to be worried that can receive any injury same, similarly also no one can disturb practicing of Le Yuan. 处于闭关状态的乐渊此时在单独的训练师里面,正处于一种绝对安全的状态,在这里既不用担心会受到任何伤害同样,同样也没有人会来打扰乐渊的修行。 This closing up besides stable cultivation base, a more important point is processes the treasure disposable summon ball time. The subduing process of this thing will not be absolutely peaceful, if restores on the island of Le Yuan family/home, perhaps not subduing that waits for Le Yuan to summon to come, his family/home must overhaul one. 这一次的闭关除了稳固修为之外,更重要的一点是处理好到手的宝贝一次性召唤球。这玩意的收服过程绝对不会太平,要是在乐渊自己家的岛上进行修复,恐怕不等乐渊将召唤而来的收服,他的家就要重新翻修一遍了。 Will take the form of the Master Ball summon ball to take out, when the red button on Le Yuan summon ball later in the summon ball emits the dazzling white light threw the summon ball on hand fiercely. As Le Yuan of space and time ability owner, feels to start the summon ball in him very much clearly the instance, is unable to catch the space energy and locating to open a channel. 将形似大师球的召唤球取出,乐渊一点召唤球上的红色按钮随后在召唤球放出耀眼的白光时猛地将手上的召唤球投掷了出去。作为时空能力拥有者的乐渊,很清晰地感受到在他启动召唤球的瞬间,一股无法捕捉并且定位到的空间能量将一条通道打开了。 Le Yuan does not want with hit that appears a while, when he will summon the ball throws over 50 meters, the entire summon ball explodes. Completed summon ball already that summoned Quest retired after meritorious service, totally becomes a scrap. 乐渊可不想和等会儿出现的撞个正着,当他将召唤球投掷出去超过50米的时候,整个召唤球爆裂开来。完成了召唤任务的召唤球已经功成身退,完全成为了一个废品。 After the glare removes completely, true colors that he summoned to come Le Yuan experiences. 而在强光完全褪去之后,乐渊见识到了他召唤而来的的真面目。 However as that was summoned showing talent for the first time that comes by him, Le Yuan actually somewhat did not know whether to laugh or cry. His luck indeed excelled by far entire Inner World promotion, even matter of this probability happened , does not know that this is a luck also or is a misfortune. 不过随着那个被他召唤而来的崭露头角,乐渊却不有些哭笑不得了。他的运气的确是冠绝了整个里世界的晋升者,连这种几率的事情都发生了,也不知道这是一种幸运亦或者是一种不幸。 White, outside the taking the form of horse, comes up at first sight and Qilin has several points of similar. However the dark surface by the grey vertical stripes was outlined, but torso and golden hoof for state-of-art four fully were not the characteristics of Qilin, particularly the annular thing of that cross shape, is connecting the body with its abdomen, this symbolic semblance except for being known as God of Creation Arceus, but who can also? 一只白色,外形似马的,乍一看上去和麒麟有着几分相似。不过暗面由灰色的垂直条纹勾勒而出的躯干和金色的蹄为尖端的四足可不是麒麟的特色,尤其是那十字架状的轮状物,与其腹部连接着身体,这种标志性的外表除了号称创世神阿尔宙斯,还能有谁? Race value over 580 absolute many, any world quantity was over over hundred. According to is rare then the basic nature that is hard to select, must extract the Arceus probability to come absolutely difficultly compared with the lottery ticket first prize from over a hundred. 种族值580以上的绝对不少,任何一个世界数量都超过了百位以上。根据越是稀有便越难以选中的基本性质,要从上百位中抽出阿尔宙斯的机率绝对比彩票头奖来得更加困难。 If Arceus of 16 flagstones is really summoning full version this belt/bring, that Le Yuan can announce directly gave up, after all brings flagstone Arceus simply not to result in plays. All attacks of 16 flagstone resistance besides physics department attack, can say most injuries in Le Yuan attack by the immunity, wants to hit with such Arceus, Le Yuan grows stronger at least again a level. 如果真的将完整版本带着16块石板的阿尔宙斯召唤过来,那乐渊可以直接宣告放弃了,毕竟带着石板的阿尔宙斯根本没得玩。16块石板抵御除了物理系攻击之外的所有攻击,可以说乐渊攻击中的绝大多数伤害都会被免疫,想要和这样的阿尔宙斯打,乐渊最起码再变强一个层次。 But not only lucky what and is unfortunate, present Arceus is incomplete incomplete, flagstone does not have, the strength was discarded more than 50%. Even if Le Yuan subdued Arceus, how later to strengthen Arceus is still an issue, flagstone thing Le Yuan may not do, can search for a world to play to search the valuable game specially? That forgave Le Yuan, perhaps that matter did not have more than ten years of collection simultaneous/uniform all flagstones. 而既幸运又不幸的是,眼前的阿尔宙斯是残缺中的残缺,身边一块石板也没有,实力被废掉了一半以上。而且就算乐渊阿尔宙斯收服了,以后怎么加强阿尔宙斯也是个问题,石板这种东西乐渊可搞不到,难道还要专门搜寻一个世界去玩探宝游戏?那还是饶了乐渊吧,那种事情恐怕没有十几年搜集不齐所有的石板。 But what ability lost 16 flagstones Arceus also to be left over? Strongest move Judgment was abandoned thoroughly, but other moves compared to a general powerful point slightly at most, has almost not distinguished with the general god beast level, even must be weak in the attribute, after all normal state Arceus of ordinary department could be the weakest condition. 而失去了16块石板的阿尔宙斯还剩下什么能力?最强的招数制裁石砾算是彻底废了,而其他的招数顶多比起一般的稍稍强力一点,和一般的神兽级几乎没有区别,甚至在属性上还要偏弱,毕竟普通系的常态阿尔宙斯算得上是最弱的状态。 When Le Yuan in sizing up Arceus, the opposite just arrived at Arceus of training room also to feel through the space and time channel with the world completely different environment, although some are not familiar with, but he still first locked in the room to take to threaten the feeling only existence Le Yuan. 乐渊在打量着阿尔宙斯的时候,对面刚刚通过时空通道来到训练室的阿尔宙斯也感受到了与世界完全不同的环境,虽然有些不怎么习惯,但是他依然第一时间锁定住了房间内唯一带给它威胁感的存在乐渊 Arceus also worthily is God of Creation, even be at weak condition intuition still keen incomparable. The Le Yuan present condition and average person have not distinguished, the aura is reserved, regardless of which fluctuation of energy has not released, cannot see any flaw absolutely. Is such a human and animals harmless appearance, still made Arceus look does not dare to expose own flaw before the body of Le Yuan. 阿尔宙斯也不愧是界的创世神,就算是处于虚弱状态直觉依然敏锐无比。乐渊现在的状态和普通人没有分别,气息内敛,无论哪种能量波动都未曾释放,绝对看不出任何的破绽。就是这么一个人畜无害的样子,却依然令阿尔宙斯看得不敢将自己的破绽暴露在乐渊的身前。 Human, who you are, why leads me to this world?” “人类,你是什么人,为什么将我带到这个世界?” When Le Yuan also has Arceus confronts, the sudden neutral sound directly spreads to the Le Yuan mind. This sound does not pass on through the ear of Le Yuan, but is similar to telepathy Strength. 就在乐渊还有阿尔宙斯对峙的时候,突然一个中性的声音直接传入到了乐渊的脑海中。这声音并不是通过乐渊的耳朵传进来的,而是类似于心灵感应力量 „Are you, Arceus? Also is really a mysterious conveying a message way, I called Le Yuan, as for brought the goal that you this was the world, purely was an accident/surprise, summoned a little elf randomly, who once wants to choose your God of Creation! This probably is the so-called destiny!” “你,是阿尔宙斯?还真是一种神奇的传话方式,我叫乐渊,至于将你带来这个是世界的目的,纯粹是个意外,原本是随机召唤一只小精灵的,谁曾想选到了你这个创世神!这大概就是所谓的命运!” Regarding Arceus, the Le Yuan words some are unreadable. However at least made it feel from Le Yuan this in the words of person the heart feared, it has not felt maliciously. However although cannot feel the evil intention, but will not be close to Le Yuan on behalf of Arceus, after all the threat of Le Yuan regarding it now this condition was really big. 对于阿尔宙斯而言,乐渊的话有些难以理解。不过最起码从乐渊这个令它感到心惧的人的话语之中,它并没有感受到恶意。不过虽然感受不到恶意,但不代表阿尔宙斯就会接近乐渊,毕竟乐渊的威胁对于它现在这个状态实在是太大了。 Human, do you want to summon me and others to enslave us? To be honest, otherwise I will certainly you cancel from this world thoroughly!” “人类,你想召唤我等难道是为了奴役我们?说实话,不然我必将你从这个世界上彻底抹去!” Arceus regarding wanting to enslave Strength human can be said as the heart-felt dislike, in its original world once had, therefore Heure nearly encounters the mishap. Therefore it nowadays when facing human, always meets does not exhibit the color of alert voluntarily. 阿尔宙斯对于想要奴役自己力量人类可以说是打心眼里的厌恶,在它原本的世界中就曾有因此厄尔险些遭遇不测。是故它现如今在面对人类的时候,总是会不自觉地摆出戒备之色。 Le Yuan comes naturally unable the Arceus summon easily to give up catching, even incomplete Arceus is still a rare battle efficiency, anything does not do, when the mascot ratio bleeds off to be better. 乐渊阿尔宙斯召唤而来自然不会这么轻易地放弃捕捉,就算是残缺的阿尔宙斯也是一个难得的战斗力,什么都不做当个吉祥物都比放掉要好。 Le Yuan now two roads, through reasoning things out to convince Arceus, when his Familiar. However this fell by him at the scene, does not exist to be willing by the Arceus disposition, when Familiar possibility, only if there is a Spiritual System control ability side that ultra jumps the ranks to have the possibility. 乐渊现在两条路,一条是通过说理说服阿尔宙斯当他的使魔。不过这一条被他当场掉了,以阿尔宙斯的心性不存在甘愿当使魔的可能性,除非有超越级的精神系操控能力方有可能。 But next day road, a character doing. Projects on Arceus to be incapable of revolting by the strong strength, this is also Le Yuan can only to the plan that Arceus implements. 而第二天路,一个字“干”。以强硬的实力打到阿尔宙斯无力反抗,这也是乐渊唯一可以对阿尔宙斯实行的方案。 Fight of both sides does not have the well distributed possibility from the beginning, either Le Yuan gives up making Arceus be returned to the original world on own initiative, either Le Yuan subdues Arceus at the scene, does not have the third option. 双方的战斗一开始就没有调和的可能,要么乐渊主动放弃令阿尔宙斯被重新送回原世界,要么乐渊当场将阿尔宙斯收服,不存在第三个选项。 With the eruption of fight, loses flagstone Arceus also to expose its present weakness, the move that so far it can use is completely the ordinary department. Also without special energy nature, similarly back and forth also such several moves. 随着战斗的爆发,失去了石板的阿尔宙斯也暴露出了它现在的弱点,目前为止它能够使用的招数全部都是普通系。既没有特殊的能量性质,同样来来回回也就那么几招。 The infinite energy promotes own Attack Power, adopts God Speed to conduct a shift and attack of attack and defense body, the limit level of level the speed quick it can be said that surpasses, nearly has with the instantaneous movement spells. 无限能量提升自身的攻击力,采取神速进行攻防一体的转移与进攻,速度之快可以说是超越的级的极限水准,近乎和瞬间移动有得一拼。 However the attack most major characteristics of ordinary department are not to any system causes the attack to strengthen, similarly not because of the attribute of opposite party, but has weakened, can 100 display the proper strength. 不过普通系的攻击最大的特点便是并不对任何体系的造成攻击加强,同样也不会因为对方的属性而有所衰减,能够100发挥出应有的实力。 Arceus under God Speed condition absolutely is existence of supersonic rank, is then killed by shock the average person from its air wave sufficiently, if resisted the impact of this condition hardly, how even the body of Le Yuan cannot flatter again firmly absolutely. 神速状态下的阿尔宙斯绝对是超音速等级的存在,从它身上的气浪便足以将普通人震死,而要是硬抗了这个状态的冲击,就算乐渊的身体再怎么坚固也绝对讨不了好。 Has been in Le Yuan that dodges to stand firm suddenly the body, stood in the ground waits for is transferring Arceus to hit to him. Probably insane general Le Yuan opened own both hands, probably is greeting the attack of Arceus. 原本一直处于躲闪的乐渊突然站定了身体,就这么站在地上等待着转了一圈的阿尔宙斯重新撞向他。像是疯了一般的乐渊张开自己的双手,像是在迎接阿尔宙斯的攻击。 Is maintaining supervelocity motion Arceus, when will soon hit Le Yuan suddenly changed the direction, as if foresaw what situation to paste Le Yuan to return to generally arrived in the sky. 保持着超高速移动的阿尔宙斯在即将撞到乐渊的时候突然改变了方向,似乎预见了什么情况一般贴着乐渊重新返回到了天空中。 „, But also is really the keen intuition, or is the skill?” “啧,还真是敏锐的直觉,亦或者是技能?” Le Yuan discovered on the body of Arceus the First Layer fluctuation of energy that in an instant passes, unlike the energy that God Speed has completely, favors beforehand telephone conversation Mind Strength. 乐渊阿尔宙斯的身上发现了转眼即逝的一层能量波动,与神速产生的能量完全不同,更加倾向于之前的通话的心灵力量 The prophets, even in the Pokémon world are still a very rare skill, only has the ability that a few elves can master. During can feel dark through Mind Strength that in the future, thus dodges the following injury. 先知,就算是在宠物小精灵的世界之中依然是一个非常稀有的技能,唯有少数几个精灵才能够掌握的能力。可以通过心灵力量感受到冥冥之中那未来,从而规避接下来的伤害。 But the prophet who Arceus sends out can say that the rate of accuracy reaches as high as 99, basically does not have the possibility that lets slip. Therefore once by its use move, is then meant the attack of Le Yuan has not launched then already to be decoded. 阿尔宙斯发出的先知可以说准确率高达99,基本上不存在失手的可能性。因此一旦被它用处这一招,便意味着乐渊的攻击还未展开便已经被破解。 Swift and Hyper Beam, a series of attacks are go smoothly everywhere along with prophet move of coordination that above Arceus suppressed actually the Le Yuan of strength. 高速星星破坏死光,一连串的攻击伴随着先知这一招的配合那是无往不利,硬是将实力在阿尔宙斯之上的乐渊压制住了。 But Arceus of unceasing storm also gradually exposed its nowadays fatal weakness during the attack, that lacks the powerful attack move, cannot conduct the ability that fatal strikes to Le Yuan. Although seems like that suppresses Le Yuan very well, but this suppression was possibly broken momentarily. 而不断强攻的阿尔宙斯也在攻击之中逐渐暴露了它现如今的一个致命弱点,那就是缺少强力的攻击招数,没有能够对乐渊进行致命一击的能力。虽然看似将乐渊很好地压制,但是这种压制随时可能被破开。 Hateful, if, my flagstone still in can use that move?” “可恶,如果,我的石板还在难道要用那一招?” That move of referring to that Arceus said is was known as, therefore in skill most non-solution Perish Song, after Perish Song recited completely, will pull out all stamina and spirit in departs from the body by both sides that Perish Song covered completely is completely as for the vitality, projected on to come to the verge of death a situation of foot both sides directly. 阿尔宙斯所说的那一招指的便是号称所以技能中最无解的灭绝之歌,在灭绝之歌完全吟唱完之后,被灭绝之歌完全笼罩的双方会被完全抽离体内的所有体力精神乃至于生命力,直接将双方打到濒临死亡一脚的地步。 However without and other Arceus used Perish Song, it then discovered that suddenly oneself prophet lost the function unexpectedly, it definitely is unable to expect the Le Yuan following move. 不过没等阿尔宙斯使用出灭绝之歌,它便骤然发现自己的先知竟然失去了作用,它完全无法预料到乐渊接下来的招数。 Domain, in domain already dragged into Arceus the Le Yuan world, the limit of prophet is unable to exceed Le Yuan domain Strength, the victory and defeat the minute/share, how Arceus has not been willing still to defeat under the domain even again. To be continued. 领域,在不知不觉间领域已经阿尔宙斯拉入了乐渊的世界之中,先知的极限根本无法超越乐渊领域的力量,胜负已分,阿尔宙斯就算再怎么不愿意依然是败在了领域之下。未完待续。 ... ...
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